i-dont-bite · 2 years
i don't trust sapphics when they tell me somethings good anymore
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spooky-z · 5 years
The promissed epilogue.
• 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 4.1 • 5 • 5.1 •
@ozmav @maribat-archive
The show was over and the big winner declared. It was time to go home.
The mood was not the best around the class. Expressions ranging from anger, disbelief and sadness.
Marinette had to stop herself from feeling pity or remorse. They needed this reality shock to understand that it was no longer the Ecole and now it was adulthood. Responsibilities and maturity.
Her parents had already gone home on a ride with Alfred, Dick, Kori, Tim and Jason.
Allegra, Allan, Claude and Felix were gone too, not before saying goodbye, of course. The promise of meeting soon upon them.
Only Kagami, Chloe, Luka, Marinette and Damian were left, who had been ambushed by Adrien, Nino and Alya as they step out of the theater.
The three of them looking like they had been riding a roller coaster of emotions. None good.
"Mari, we need to talk." Adrien says, eyes red and puffy. He had cried.
Alya wasn't much better and Nino still had the incredulous expression on his face. Probably refusing to believe everything that had happened and everything he had heard.
Damian shook Mari's hand and was ready to tell them some truths, but before he could, Chloe along with Kagami and Luka, took the lead of the couple. An obvious attempt to hide Marinette from the three.
Kagami's expression was murderous.
"No. You have no right to want to talk to her! Not after all these years of acting like she's nothing but shit stuck in your shoes.”
“Kagami, this has nothing to do with you. Our business is with Marinette. Just her.” Alya had the audacity to counter.
Damian could see the thin smoke rising from Kagami's mouth and was apprehensive of the asian losing control in front of the other three.
Everyone on the miraculous team suffered with at least one side effect from carrying the jewelry for so long.
He could clearly remember every time Kagami spit fire from being angry or the first winter of all together, when everyone panicked because Marinette didn't wake up at all.
Chloe ate honey like water, and Luka found that he no longer needed to chew his food. This discovery had been a little disturbing at first.
Luka stepped forward, as if to beat Adrien, but Chloe stopped her friend by gripping his arm.
"It's our problem-"
"Chloe, that's fine," Marinette says, stepping in front of her friends. Damian following her closely. "You know I need to put an end to this."
"Minette..." Luka looks about to explode. This was a side of the boy that few people knew about.
She strokes his shoulder quickly and smiles, trying to calm her friends.
“Alright, guys. Just stay close.”
Only when the three of them pulled away, dragging Damian along, did Alya speak again.
"Girl, you look beautiful today." An attempt to lighten the mood. Which doesn't work, because Marinette only returns a bland smile.
“Thanks.” She replies. “But let's get to the point. I still have to say goodbye to my parents before the flight.”
It makes Nino wince.
"Are you really leaving?"
"Yes. I thought I was clear about that on stage.”
"Oh." He makes a sad expression.
Adrien draws Marinette's attention to him.
"Mari, I came to apologize." He says "For closing my eyes to what was happening and doing nothing to help you."
"Dude." Nino puts his hand on the blonde's shoulder in comfort and he grins gratefully.
“You're right.” Marinette cuts their moment. “You didn't do anything.” He cringes. “But thanks for that.”
Adrien was surprised by the girl. Alya even more so.
“What, Mari-“
"Because if you hadn't been a coward, I wouldn't have seen the true face of the people I thought were my friends."
“Mari…” Alya whispers “I'm still your friend. I never stopped being.”
Marinette lets an incredulous expression wash over her face. She was not believing what she was hearing. What the hell!
“You're kidding me, aren't you?!” She snaps. “You stopped being my friend the moment you preferred to believe a liar you barely knew! I tried to warn you, tried to open your eyes, gave you the damn evidences and you ignored it! You accused me of being jealous! Not once have you shown any faith in what I said! How can you say you're my friend?!” Marinette waited for an answer, an answer that didn't come. “I’d rather my worst enemy sleeping under my roof than have such a friendship, Alya!”
Alya was crying openly now, Nino was more discreet for comforting his girlfriend.
“I did everything for you and all I got was accusations, anger, disbelief and invalidations!” She was screaming but didn't shed a tear. They did not deserve it. “It was you who threw our friendship in the trash. So, don't give me that one of continuing to be my friend.” She gasped for breath.
Damian was having trouble holding the three friends and himself not to meddle in the discussion. He wanted to defend his angel, but he knew she needed that.
“I know we made a mistake, Mari.” Nino looks at her. “But we want to fix things. Pick up where we left off.”
Marinette returns her gaze, but the heavy tiredness in her being.
"You are three years late."
She glances at her friends behind her and her fiancé.
“I followed my life. You should do the same.”
Damian seems to feel this was the end of the conversation and picks up the phone. Probably calling Alfred.
"I have to go now." Marinette looks back at her former friends. "Goodbye." She says quickly. Wanting to get out of there ASAP.
Adrien takes her arm to stop her. He still had a lot to say. There was much more to apologize for. He wanted to show that now he would be there for her. That he loves-No, that he could not say. He no longer had that right. Not when she looked so happy with Wayne.
“Wait, Mari. I need-” He shuts up when she puts her hand over his cheek in a gentle caress.
She smiles sadly.
A black car pulls up beside them and Alfred gets out, opening the door for the five of them. Kagami, Chloe and Luka come in, but Damian waited for Marinette at the door. Alfred returns to the driver's seat.
"You know, Adrien, you were a good partner." She says quietly, but all three are able to hear clearly.
“Kinda messy, silly, and too gallant, but you got my back when I needed it on the battlefield. You fought by my side even when your world was falling apart.”
Adrien widens his eyes as soon as he understands what she meant.
“You were a very good kitten, Chaton.” She balances on her toes and kisses his cheek gently. “It was an honor to fight by your side. After all, I'm glad I met you.”
Alya chokes in the background.
"Oh my God. Oh my god!” She was almost jumping. “Ladyb-” Nino covers the girl's mouth.
Adrien still had the shock on his face, mesmerized by the woman in front of him.
"My lady..." He whispers, the raw emotion in his voice.
Marinette walks away.
"I have to go."
The blonde seems to come to himself.
“My lady, Marinette, please wait, I”
Marinette shakes her head no.
“Bye, Adrien. Alya, Nino.”
She turns and quickly gets in the car followed by Damian.
Alfred starts the car, but they are still able to hear Adrien calling for her.
Marinette wished not.
The little girl, no more than six years old, looked at the wooden box.
Her pale pink hijab slung over her shoulder, leaving the dark hair free, the school uniform missing a sock and her backpack tossed in the middle of the room.
Aria Wayne was curious.
Even though her mother letting her play with her new cloths, she never let Aria get close to the box and that made the little girl increasingly uncomfortable.
There was an itch that wouldn't let her forget about the box, even when she tried not to think.
So here she was, in her parents' room, taking advantage of the fact that they were both working out adult things, to finally find out what was so important in the box that her mother wouldn't let her have a look.
Aria pushes the dressing table chair closer to the shelf, needing extra height to reach the box.
She peeks once more toward the door to make sure she is alone. When she decides that, yes, she was safe to continue, she climbs into the chair with a little difficulty.
Her uncles loved to joke that she had pulled her grandmother's side of the family.
When she is fully up on the chair, arms outstretched to reach the box, fingers almost touching the polished wood, a cough comes from the door, startling the little girl.
She screams and jumps. Almost falling from her chair with the startle, but manages to steady herself before falling.
"Aria Wayne, what did I say about trying to sneak around māmā's stuff?"
She looks at her father, who was standing in the doorway, his arms busy with baby Jules who seemed to be wide awake.
Aria smiles awkwardly.
“… Not to do?”
Damian raises an eyebrow at his daughter.
"And what were you doing now?"
Aria sighs hopelessly.
“But bābā! I want to know what's in that box. Why don't you and māmā let me see?” She pouts.
The man looks at the little girl, his heart melting with the cuteness.
"How about I tell you about the story of Miss Ladybug and how she and her friends saved the world from the powerful villain Hawkmoth?"
Aria seems unconvinced. Damian smiles.
"Can I have ice cream?" She asks.
"You can. But only if you come now.” He replies and leaves the room.
Jules was quietly sucking his finger as he looked around.
“YEAH!” Aria jumps off the chair and runs excitedly.
Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Tikki comes out from behind the miraculous box along with Plagg.
"That was close." She says.
"She'll be a great kitten." The black kwami responds, the mischievous smile on his face.
He had plans for his grandchildren.
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