sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
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Japanese child actress Mana Ashida (little Mako) was embarrassed that she couldn’t pronounce Guillermo Del Toro’s name so he gave her special permission to call him “Totoro-san” instead.
My Neighbor Guillermo Del Toro.
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
i don’t like degradation but something about condescending praise…..being cooed down at….yeah <3
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
Videos like this make me happy that I’ve never really liked the taste of bacon/pork in general
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
Headcanon that people can generally tell how much Viktor is improvising during his exhibition skates by simply observing how red Yakov’s face gets 
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
Doing this again bc why not lol
No limit
1.Kissed a girl?
2.Kissed a boy?
3.Had sex in public?
4.What’s your religion?
5.What does your URL mean?
6.Reason you joined tumblr?
7.Do you have any nicknames?
8.Do you like bubble bath?
9.Kissed in the rain?
10.Dyed your hair?
11.Soup or salad?
12.Vegetable or meat?
13.Go out drinking?
14.Smoke cigarettes?
15.Smoke weed?
16.Do any hard drugs?
17.Have you had sex today?
18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
19.The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
20.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game?
22.Tried to commit suicide?
23.The last time you felt broken?
24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?
25.Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
26.Do you have Long hair OR short hair?
27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl?
28.Do you sing in the shower?
29.Do you dance in the car?
30.Where were you yesterday?
31.Ever used a bow and arrow?
32.Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
33.Do you think musicals are cheesy?
34.Is Christmas stressful?
35.Favorite type of fruit pie?
36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
37.Do you believe in ghosts?
38.Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
39.Take a vitamin daily?
40.Wear slippers?
41.Wear a bath robe?
42.What do you wear to bed?
43.Do you want to get married?
44.Can you curl your tongue?
Relationship preference:
45.How many relationships have you had?
46.How can I win your heart?
47.what makes a great relationship?
48.Shy OR open?
50.Religious OR non-religious?
51.Caring OR non-restricting of you?
52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge?
53.Piercings OR no piercings?
54.Tattoos OR no tattoos?
55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type?
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
Riding Tsukki until he can't do anything except whimper and cry because he feels so good is my kink
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
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Careful, don't get smothered. 💙❤
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
can you imagine how freaky shark mermaids would be like unlike sharks, shark mermaids would have actual arms/hands and could rely on touching things with their hands to see if they’re prey rather than having to bite like sharks do. like youre just swimming in the ocean and suddenly you feel a strong grip on your leg, you freak the FUCK out because uh what????? the fuck??? youre swimming alone in the ocean??
a head pops out of the water, dorsal fin pointed from its back and it just points at you and says in a low whisper: “i thought you were a seal. please dont swim alone like this, im sorry i scared you i just wanted to see what you are” and then disappears back into the depth. what the fuck.
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
ok, so I never make posts like this, but I feel like I should let y'all know.
on august 6th, there will be a Tumblr blackout.
so as most of you know, Tumblr has tried making post plus a thing, and unfortunately, after all the surveys and posts we made against it, their making it a thing anyway.
so, another Tumblr user whom I forgot the name of, decided to make a point to Tumblr that we do not want, never wanted, nor needed, post+. and to make this point, we are gonna hit Tumblr where it hurts.
ad revenue
so, on august 6th, No one use Tumblr, this blackout, if I'm remembering right from the original post, will last 24 hours. please spread the word about this, make posts about this, do what you need to do to to make sure Tumblr plus doesn't become a thing.
mutuals, care to help out by making a post or reblogging the original post or this one?
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
miya is not a catboy. he is a catbastard.
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
I've turned the audition in completely, I already regret it
Currently lookin at my audition pieces for the first time, my audition is due tonight by midnight. It's 7:41 rn
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
Update: it's 9:22 and I have them all learned and my scales turned in, I just need to turn in the etudes
Currently lookin at my audition pieces for the first time, my audition is due tonight by midnight. It's 7:41 rn
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
Currently lookin at my audition pieces for the first time, my audition is due tonight by midnight. It's 7:41 rn
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
Now my morning thought consists of Hanamaki Takahiro waking you up by squeezing your boob and going “Honk honk. Time to get up.”
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
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sugarsymphonyy · 3 years
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never gonna not repost/reblog/cry over this. Where is that squeaky noise coming from? Oh, that’s me I guess…
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