voxmilia · 1 year
1 and 12! 👀💕
WIP Game!!
So "Have you ever kissed a boy, Peggy?" is my very first contribution to Remy's STAE verse! It's Beej/Peg flashbacks to worldbuild and set up a lot of stuff that Beej and Peg, the codependent traumatized high school sweethearts, keep under lock and key or just don't elaborate on.
There needs to be some serious edits because since starting it, Remy and I have done a lot of planning re: Beej and Peg growing up in the Depression and Peg's family migrating from Oklahoma to California during the dust bowl. But for everyone's sapphic Peg needs, please enjoy a snippet of her about to engage in the classic trope "Best friends practice kissing and uh oh, one of us realizes we're queer"
“I guess I’ve just been…in shock? I didn’t really expect to get asked out.”
“Now that’s just silly,” Peggy retorts, looking away only to tap her fingertips against the nails of her other hand. No smudging. “You’re the prettiest girl I know!” An exaggeration, but only slightly. There were girls who puberty had hit harder and faster than Peggy or Mary Ellen - girls with the figures of movie stars and the smiles straight from toothpaste commercials. But Peg maintained her best friend was beautiful. Hazel eyes that sparkled green and gold in the summer, with the slightest smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks.
She knew Eddie Carlisle. Peggy sat two rows in front and one seat over from him in her history class. He wasn’t bad looking, by any stretch of the imagination. He had a crooked, boyish smile and messy brown curls that he constantly had to sweep from his eyes. But there were days when the only way she could differentiate some of the boys at her school were by height or hair color alone. Eddie was a perfectly fine boy in a school full of perfectly fine boys.
“He’s just lucky you said yes,” Peggy retorts after a pause, giggling when Mary Ellen launches a tube of lipstick at her.
As for the black eagles ot4, I'm unsure how familiar with Fire Emblem Three Houses you are but Protag/Girl Who Wants To Kill Jesus/Her Right Hand Man/Token Bisexual Actress is my default quad. And I was just feeling my wheatiess with them one day and scribbled out a little modern au for them! Something something intimacy through existing around each other in fluid harmony
Please have local rat man prosecutor annoyed that his opera singer girlfriend and his bodyguard girlfriend wake up in the middle of the afternoon. (tw bruises mention)
The sizzle of battered bread frying acts as an alarm for Byleth, as the sounds of cooking often do. The way to that woman’s heart was most assuredly through her stomach. Unlike Dorothea, Byleth cared little for the luxuries of more feminine sleep clothing. She emerges from her room, rubbing at cobalt eyes with the heel of her palm. Her sports bra and a pair of boxers - whether her own or an old pair of Hubert’s, no one remembers - show off fresh bruises that cause the attorney to narrow his eyes. An eventful night at the Golden Deer, it would seem. 
He opens his mouth to inquire about the blemishes but Byleth cuts him off with a sharp, prolonged yawn. “Morning, Hue. Morning Thea,” she greets, the sleep still clinging to her voice.
“Do neither of you wear a watch?” Hubert remarks instead. Byleth muffles another yawn with her hand but her eyes sparkle with mirth.
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