tvntheatre · 9 months
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Heeeello FL tumblr I realize I actually have to post so people know I exist, have a draft I'll probably finish tomorrow!
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noenesque · 4 years
Cuddle Sharing (?) [February 19, 2020]
Zippy's tongue peeeeks out from between her lips as she really Concentrates on painting Noen's nail, trying to be super careful to not get it outside, his hand slightly moving and threatening the entire thing, "Ahhhhhh, don't move don't move don't mooOoooOove." She anxiously calls out to him, taking a small breath as she tries to....violaaaaa, a smile twitching at the edges, finishing his right hand, one down, one to...the series of knocks interrupting her thoughts, letting Noen have his hand back as she feels it drift from her thigh.
Aya gives a small punch in the shoulder as thanks to the stoner cat boi for letting her in, making her way towards the door she said that was Noen's as she gives a quick knock on the door, a bit of an amused grin peeking through onto her lips. "Guess what, I've got some fun shit for us to do Tonighttttt," she teases out as she leans next to the door, waiting for it to open.
A soft breath of air passes through Zippy's nostrils as she hears Aya from outside of the door, sharing a look with Noen. "Aya..." She acknowledges to him, with a bit of a smile, sliding off the bed as she lets him know she would Grab It, opening the door to give a soft-spoken Hiii to Aya, letting her come inside taking a seat back onto the bed, "What?" She responds back as she draws one of her legs up onto the bed.
"I'm tryinggg, but I feel like I'm going to have to sneeze," Noen acknowledges with a light laugh, resisting the urge to run his nose, before giving Zippy a quick nod and small smile as she goes to get the door, promising not to move and Trying Really Hard not to do so even as he feels the sneeze come on again.
"Sooo, I brought Donuts," Aya offers, placing the full bag spread from one of her fave places, "anddddd...I got an invite through Clout Gang for the Early Release Party of Ariadne Avri's new Pallette...which is...guess what color Themed..." She offers, moving to show the Big Reveal on her phone of the whole green color story of it and the innovative packaging, and just...Zippiness to it all, making a small smile curl onto her lips momentarily.
Zippy moves to take Noen's hand lightly blowing across his nails to help them dry fassssssster, listening to Aya's reveal catching sight of the donuts suddenly beside her hmmm, her attention flitting to the screen as her lips curl up as she sees how pretty and a vibe the whole set-up was, "I really likeee..." She starts off with until she hears the staggered breaths from beside her, instinctively drawing her forearm up under Noen's nose as close as she was able as her hand keeps a light hold of his wrist, hearing the sneeze probably...split the earth...a little bit, moving her arm a little more to the side to dab the clean bit of her sleeve gently along his nose.
"What about you, Mr. Baguette?" Aya asks, turning his attention towards him. "You down to hang with the cool kids tonight, full Dress Up Montage and All?" She inquires, a flit of mischief moving through her as the wheels already begin turning for his Outfit for the night...
Noen lets out a sneeze finally, moving to give Zippy a quick thanks, before hearing the whole thing that Aya had planned... "Benj was bringing home pizza from the good place, but..." He looks at Zippy, seeing how she was taking in the whole set up. "I'd be down, and hey, there's always leftover pizza when we get back, right?" He offers, giving Zippy a warm, playful smile.
"Just to say we Went Outside?" Zippy adds, with a bit of playfulness as she nods her head about the pizza, moving her arm back down taking Aya's hand and turning it over as she places Noen's hand ontop of it, "Can you take over with the blowing?" She asks, moving off the bed to bend down into her suitcase to take out another random tee...actually...it may be Cor's at second glance hmm...well, she figures moving to strip the sneezy one off as she remembered drawing maybe.....Cor's on soon after climbing back onto the bed after tossing the first shirt in the yaaamper, moving to grab a chocolate donut from the box, giving it an appreciative bite anddddd chew tossing Aya a thumbs up, "Want.....waaaaant One?" She asks Noen, having to stop mid-sentence because of how full her mouth was covering it with her hand as she laughs some trying to fast chew and swallow it.
"Got itttttt," Aya singsong trails off, moving to blow a few times beforeeee...blowing a stream of air right into Mr. Baguette's face, letting out a chuckle as a bit of mischief gleams in her eyes before turning to take a donut out of the bag, chewing on it, taking in the flavors, before dropping the bomb..."Do you both Dare to venture into the Seventh Circle of Hell that is...the Clout Gang House...to get our outfits for this evening?" She offers, waving her fingers in a spooky fashion as a mischievous smile begins to tug onto her lips.
"Right naoo?" Zippy questions back, as her attention moves from Noen over to Aya.
"I mean...I think we do have time to get our cuddle on...?" Aya ventures as she looks between the two.
A faint curl of a smile appears on Zippy's face as she continues to chew another bite of her donut, giving another generous chew of it, lightly, teasingly, squeezing some of Noen's arm as she laughs a little trying to keep the donut in her mouth as she waves her hand by his arm to showcase it, humming a little tune to go with it.
Noen moves to...playfully steal a bite of Zippy's donut before he feels his arm offered out, looking up at Aya as he gives a her a small, welcoming smile, feeling okay with it.
Aya moves into the little spot, settling in before looking up at Zippy and Noen. "You guys feeling a Power Nap?"
Zippy lets out a soft chuckle as Noen bites on her donut, watching him and Aya get comfy, moving to lie on the opposite side of his chest, placing her ASMR playlist on as she sets her phone a bit to the side, drawing her arm around Aya, snuggling in close as she drapes her leg over Noen's, kissing Aya's cheek softly as she closes her eyes giving her a gentle nod as she feels Noen's arm wrap around her, causing a smile to drift across her lips.
Noen softly kisses the top of Zippy's head before holding her closer, slowly drifting off into the power nap.....
- One Powa Nap Later - 
Aya slowly rubs her eyes a bit, glad she waited to get her full make up on so she wasn’t smearing makeup everywhere, before lightly jostling Noen and Zippy to get up. “C’mon, I know Clout Gang suckssss and naps are fireeee but we gotta get readyyyt...” She sleepily reminds, letting out a yawn, still feeling like she was...half in Nap Land, really, and half wishing she could have just stayed there....
Zippy winces some as she feels shaaaaaken awake, Aya's voice swirling around her, "...tooschleeepy..." She softly murmurs out, as her eyes droop closed and she feels herself begin to fall back into the...
“Come onnnn, we gotta do it for the free Palettes, meeting Ari Avri.....” Aya softly murmurs against Zippy’s ear, trying to remind her of the Goal....
A scratchy prolongeddddd groan vibrates through Zippy's throat as she Knows she should Do That for Zayne, for Past and Future Her, buuuut it just feeeling like an impossible battle to fight against herself, squinting her eyes open a little as she sees Aya, rubbing the side of her head some against Noen. "Can you carry me thereeeeeeee...?"
“Yeah, I can do that,” Noen offers with a small, warm smile, before moving to affirm it with a soft kiss on the top of Zippy’s head.
"Thankssss..." Zippy sleepily murmurs back as she feels the kiss causing her lips to perk upwards, as she snuggles in closer to Noen, her nose gently pressing against his neck, why did he Always smell so mmmmmmmm...
Noen moves to softly stroke Zippy’s hair, adjusting himself so he could pick her up, pressing another kiss on the top of her head as he waits for Aya to call the Uber.
- One Uber Ride Later - 
Noen moves to softly nudge Zippy awake, feeling the weight of her against his shoulder, placing another kiss on the top of her head as he moves to take out his phone to split the fare with Aya, moving outwards into his huge...building complex? Very modern, moving to pick Zippy up once again as he catches sight of a sign disclaiming a bunch of things including a notice that by entering the Clout Gang House, you consented to be Filmed...he notes as he furrows his brow, following Aya inside, the place being very Fancy and Modern and Nice but having an...Odd vibe under it all?
Aya leads Zippy and Noen inside the Clout Gang house, spinning her keys on her finger as she realized that the coast seemed to be clear from Satan and Satan’s Bestie, about to make her way up the steps until...she catches sight of the Shining Twins in the kitchen. “Don’t Pay Them any minddd....” Aya airily informs as she tries to lead Zippy and Noen up the spiral staircase and awayyyy from KK’s Spawn...
Noen gives a glance over towards Aya’s roommates, before leaning in to whisper to Zippy, “Should we say Hi?”
Zippy lowly grumbles as she tries to clear her throat a little, keeping her legs and right arm around Noen as the bottom of her left hand rubs at her eye, looking over to the guys who seemed to be Busy...shaking her head at Noen’s question, not wanting to Bother Them...
Noen takes in the shake of Zippy's head, giving a nod back, as he follows Aya up to her room, plopping onto the bed with Zippy as she closes the door behind them...
Zippy laughs a little even as another yawn slips out of her at the Bounce! cuddling against Noen, stretching her armmmm out some. "What're we suppose to be doing again...?"
"We're finding some Looks for the event," Aya announces, a mischevious glint moving through her eyes as she claps her hands together. "I have something I Have To Wear to match...ugh, Kendall and Giselle for the Photo Ops," she lets out with a groan, putting air quotes over Photo Ops, before opening up her closet and spreading out her arms. "Buuuuuut, take your Pick! Unless you want me to Style You?" She muses as a playful little smirk teases onto her lipss.
Zippy scratches the side of her head, oh yeaaaaaahhh, a smile sleepily drifting onto her lips as she watches Aya open her closet, giving a deliberate Nod, "I will be your canvasssss."
Aya's lips curl mischievously upwards as she hears Zippy give her the affirmation. "Someone's gonna come to do our makeup, I think..." She offers out as she tries to recall, feeling like that was something KK Would Do before a makeup event...."But I can at least pick your Clothes," she offers, looking through the outfits by brands that KK would Approve of to wear to this event, before her eyes widen mischievously as she finds a pink shimmery bodysuit with crystals interwoven in that looked so Fashion and Extra she was curious how it would look on Zip, hmmmm...she thinks as she slowly turns around, revealing it and wiggling her eyebrows, the mischievous smirk growing as she lets Zippy take it in.... 
Zippy's eyes widen in surprise, her brows pushing up as she takes in the sparkly bubblegum was that a dress? "Uhhhh, reaalllly...?" She asks, letting out a bit of a nervous laugh, not sure if Aya was joking or be for serious. "You want me to try?"
“Really,” Aya responds, her lips curling upwards. “You never know until you try...” She singalongs our to Zippy, handing her the jumpsuit to try...
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