a-crocusblooms · 7 years
💝 from the brother figure yes~
MEME - accepting!!
It had been a few days since she’d heard the news, and she’d finally been able to excuse herself of her duties and visit the friend she held so dear to her heart.
And, of course, his delightful new arrival.
As she held baby June in her arms, she recalled how she had felt when her own little bundles of joy had entered the world, and wondered if the man stood beside her felt the same. He wasn’t nearly as sentimental as her, of course, but she doubted that even Mordred Orland could look upon his own beautiful daughter without warmth in his heart.
He was a father now.
And the thought of her being an aunt was enough to tug the Queen’s lips into a smile even deeper than the one she already wore.
    “ She is absolutely gorgeous, Mordred. ” She paused a moment, watching the infant stir in her ever-so-tender hold. “ It must be Yukino-san’s influence. I can’t see where else she’d get it~. ”
After a few more seconds of being admired by the country’s ruler, Sabertooth’s latest heir was placed carefully into her crib, and the young woman made sure that she was comfy and settled for a good night’s sleep. Her playful dig at his expense aside, Hisui turned to face the man himself, before hauling him into the best bear-hug someone of her stature could muster.
    “ I’m so happy for you, my dear … I can’t wait to see the woman she becomes. ” After a few seconds, she allowed the Saber mage the personal space that he had probably wanted back since their beginning of their embrace, but not before leaving a gentle kiss upon his cheek.  “ The two of you are going to be such wonderful parents. I just know it. ”
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a-crocusblooms · 7 years
⚠ grumpy big brother figure is not amused by you rn
emily writes an excessive amount for her fave brotp - my muse reacting to your muse picking them up.
On most occasions, her escapades beyond castle walls were harmless and uneventful. Though the city buzzed with life, the countryside that flanked the other side of the grand palace was fairly remote and provided her with ample space to roam without too much concern - much to the dismay of her father, guards, allies and friends.
Still, she refused to let their negativity dampen her desire for freedom and adventure. She lived for the deep forests and gentle springs trickling down into the rivers and streams rushing across the rockier terrain beneath her feet. Solitude in such a magical environment was the most satisfying thing she had ever done with her time; there was nothing she ever looked forward to more.
It was a shame that so many people - Mordred Orland being one of the most prominent - held such great disdain for her favourite hobby. She understood the danger that her behaviour put her in, but would gladly point her accusers to the mirror. After all, how many of them disregarded danger to feel alive, or simply to keep themselves amused? How could they expect her to behave when they set such a poor example; how could they expect her not to tire of the crumbling stone walls of her palace gardens?
They couldn't, and they all knew it. So did she. So it was much to her distaste that he had followed her out into the deep Crocus Forest, and had seen it fit to make himself known to her in the most alarming of ways. The swell of his magic halted her movements as it surrounded her, momentarily whisking her off of her feet, before depositing her not far from where she had begun: near the palace gates.
It took a moment or two to regain stability and a sense of calm. Magic was quite a shock to the human body, considering that it was not designed to process or withstand it, but it seemed the Sabertooth mage now stood before her had calculated the use of his magic to an extent that it would not harm her.
(Not drastically, anyway. Just enough to keep her subdued.)
       “ That's not fair, Mordred, ” She chided the heir to the Sabertooth throne, pouting at him as he drew closer still.  “ Using your magic gives you such an unfair advantage. ”
He wouldn't care, of course. He was just doing as instructed by the King, he would say. But Hisui got the impression that he might just care a little bit about her, too, beyond the job he was being paid to do. And that was enough to soften the blow of having her freedom temporarily stunted.
       “ Can't you at least warn me next time? You nearly frightened me to death! ”
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