Have you also had the misfortune of looking at the Naruto meme subreddit, too? My word, like once a week, there's a "Sakura's useless" joke posted somewhere in there.
Oh! Another excuse I hate people tossing around is, "It's a shonen written specifically for boys, not a shojo for girls, what do you expect? 🙄". Or another "great" deflection from criticizing the sexism in shonen: "Well, shojo has poorly written MALE characters, and THEY'RE not called out for it! ✅♟️". (That's not the checkmate you think it is! Everyone finds poorly written characters in general very annoying, that person just isn't looking for them.)
No one even get me started on the people who bring up Fullmetal Alchemist either! They bring up FMA as their ONE example of an anime with well-written female characters; like that anime's existence alone completely negates the dozens upon dozens of terrible ones! Bad writing is bad writing, no matter the genre; and it's baffling to me how weird some folks are about gender...
I do not have reddit but i do have Facebook and dear GOD is it a shit show. Arguments over who’s more ‘useless’ between Sakura and Hinata. Comments about how Tsunade is trash because she didn’t return Jiraiya’s feelings (URGE I HATE IT), and then every single thing is about propping up character’s like Itachi and Minato and shitting on EVERY SINGLE OTHER CHARACTER.
I loath it but i check facebook for family and the f***ing algorithm got me because of one drawing i shared
And wholey crap, ya no. One anime with good female character’s does not at all negate the other bad ones. Like ya, talk about it so people watch it but people should still be calling out sexist (or racist homophobic transphobic or other terrible writing). Like, i love dragon ball. Grew up on it. Will NEVER shit up about how they did all the girls dirty except Bulma (who was always used as the ‘sexy girl’ joke in dragon ball for all the pervy guys. Especially master rochi). Like one girl choosing family over continuing her martial arts carrer is ok (and something i hate about naruto fandom is that they refuse to recognize that s sexist as the writing is not all the girls are housewives. Hinata is which makes sense for her character/arc, but the only other two we can assume are housewives are Karui and Temari which i think is BS. Nothing in their stories say’s ‘would be happy being a housewife’ to me. Sakura and Ino are both working mother’s, with Sakura (as much as people may hate her) seeving a sort of single mother role since sasuke is never home.) but when they made Videl do the same thing with her only fighting being as a team with gohan i got annoyed. She’s my fav dragon ball character alongside gohan and i think she deserved to be a top martial artist among regular ass people. Like krillian level.
Aa for ‘useless male characters in Shojo’ i only remmember a few anime’s but like… not really? Tuxedo mask could be maybe the best example but he’s also constantly showing up to help and support sailor moon. In card capture sakura i recall the main male character being quite useful and having a great character arc. So i’m calling bs on all Shojo having terrible male character’s
It’s Shonin that is by far worse with treating the ‘non dominent sex’ as a secondary thought instead of actual characters
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lotus-duckies · 3 years
Personal opinion but I don't think Soma would be completely happy with the legacy he left at Totsuki (Long post)
The "legacy" is described generally as "look! a little diner boy did well in a cooking competition! He changed so much because he's from a diner and now Totsuki is more welcoming of students from common eateries!"
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Throughout the course of the series, it was established that there are two major things Soma cares about:
Skill, specifically skill that was earned through experience and hardwork. This extends to showcasing one's skills to the fullest, being recognized by these skills, working for any kind of benefit such as one's livelihood or getting through competitions on one's own strength
Exploring the wasteland that was cooking. See everything that the culinary world has to offer and try it for himself.
It was also established that he doesn't care much for lots of attention and reporters. He gets camera shy, doesn't like getting stuck in big crowds of people or being fussed over, doesn't seem to like it when people touch him without his consent which is most of the time, and openly rejected the idea of giving interviews.
What he does enjoy is when people validate him when he cooks. He likes being told that what he made was good (or horrible, depending on what he did) and actively sought the approval of people such as Erina, his parents, etc.
Soma wanted to be the best chef, that was always his goal, but he didn't even accomplish it.
Prior to the BLUE competition, he said that if he didn't win first place at BLUE, he wouldn't take over Yukihira because he wasn't good enough to do so, and that's exactly what happened.
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Everyone was just like "Oh but you got second place! That's still good!"
But loses aren't something Soma takes lightly nor does he shake them off easily. He counts every loss he had with his dad and was visibly upset for days after his loss with Tsukasa, even injuring his hand after his loss with Shino because of how emotionally distraught he was.
It's clear that Soma suffers from rejection sensitivity and an almost compulsive mindset that tells him "If you get rejected you have to do this or else [this] will happen and that's bad"
And no one took him seriously because when he left without saying anything, everyone was shocked, even moreso when he didn't come back for a long time.
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No one understood how much the loss effected him. Yukihira was all Soma wanted to do but because he lost, he couldn't take over and it also meant he was always going to be worse than someone else.
This is very close to the treatment of Joichiro and Isshiki.
"Joichiro's such a talented chef, he's a monster! He can keep making recipes until forever because he's a demon and we're lowly worms!"
Joichiro was a human being, probably with ADHD, suffering from a depression because of the expectations placed on him that left him crippled for probably years, unable to cook.
"Isshiki is so naturally gifted at everything, he's not taking this seriously. It's just a game to him, he could easily shoot for 1`st seet if he wanted to."
Isshiki is a human being with an unbelievably strict family who would have stopped cooking entirely if it weren't for Nene.
Soma was given this kind of crap too, if not worse. The entire student body actively hated him and thought he was a monster just because he was imaginative and innovative with his cooking, forgetting that he had struggles like everyone else. Even his own friends scold him for his peculiar, neurodivergant behavior.
Even worse, Soma never confides in others.
In the series, he's never seen wholey and truly confiding in another person, honestly telling them his problems. The closest he comes to this is with Megumi on the balcony, but he brushes off what he says to ask about her curry.
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Soma definitely left Totsuki with some kind of Sad Feeling in him.
And I can't help but think,
"How would Soma feel if people glamorized the event that he saw as a crippling loss, talking about how amazing it was that a Diner Boy did so well, making changes that directly influenced students from humble establishments, giving him all this attention that he definitely never asked for because of something that probably hurt him."
I've said this before but Soma is an amazing example of inspiration porn. Someone being seen as amazing and a hero and all that crap specifically because they did something and they're also considered less than rest of society. Ex. literally any disabled person doing things for themselves as if that's groundbreaking news.
Yes, Soma took pride in coming from a little restaurant but that wasn't exactly what made him an amazing chef. Coming from a restaraunt doesn't make you any more creative or skilled.
I mean, a solid chunk of their generation also came from humble beginnings but they weren't given the same kind of attention. Megumi said most of the changes came from Erina in the director's chair, but Soma is still credited with bringing all these changes.
Not because he was a good or the best chef but primarily because he was from a dinky little diner. Soma wasn't recognized for the things he wanted and worked for the most, he was recognized for something he didn't even have control over.
So in combination of emphasizing on an event that was very upsetting, his legacy focused on his "humble beginning" and not his skill or even his desire to explore cooking. Yeah, maybe Soma would take some pride in knowing future generations would get less poor treatment because they came from a restaraunt but I really don't think he would be completely happy with this.
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If I may, Shikamaru worked for Kakashi when he was 17 - 19; a healthy age where people thinks of sex. And let’s face it, he was already attached to Temari in a way.
Shikamaru for all his genuis IQ is clueless. He lost his sensei, he lost Shikaku naturally he only had Kakashi as reference.
Kakashi only have Icha Icha.
Shikamaru asking for “help” and Kakashi lettimg him borrow the novel. I just love the idea that Kakashi became Shikamaru’s big bro/bro. Kakashi is Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke and Sai’s paternal figure.
But Shikamaru doesn’t need the babysitting. He needs an adult. Hence Kakashi and Shikamaru becoming closer.
I feel like at this point (age 31) Kakashi would actually know the answers to Shikamaru’s questions, but although others belive he’s suave and cool and a great talker, he’s not
he can play Tenzo like a fiddle because he knows him well enough to know what to say. Same with Gai.
Shikamaru though? that shit won’t work with him so he falls back on option 2.
the book.
the book that helped him learn it all. That helped him understand great sex
problem? gai just never told him how to do things because he knew Kakashi would get embaressed, so he learned non verbal cues to guide Kakashi. Moving his hand, repositioning made to look like a fun wrestle, dirty whispered ideas
Gai taught Kakashi great sex he just never told Kakashi he did, so imagin the horror on his face when Kakashi tells him Shikamaru asked for sex advice and he gave him the book.
Gai has to explain everything now and Kakashi’s not even mad. He’s rushing to find Shikamaru and take the book back so he can try to give him some qctual pointers because ‘wholey shit this book doesn’t teach you anything good crap crap crap.”
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sleepy-hailey · 6 years
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Season 2 Wish List
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Now that we got a confirmation on season 2, I’m gonna scream into the void about stuff I want/don’t want from this continuation.
-Do show us Kobayashi introducing Tohru and Kanna to her parents. I’d take this as a standalone movie/special, just I needs to actually see this.
-Do continue to depart from the manga, the best parts of the series (Tohru is taken by her dad leaving Kobayashi alone to take care of Kanna and deal with the loss, moving to a larger apartment, the Christmas play episode, the Mild Boys) were all either widely expanded from the manga or made up wholey for the anime.
-Do still use the better plots from the manga (that I don’t read, but I sometimes see stuff around) like “the gang gets together to design Kobayashi a maid outfit”, “Kobayashi is confronted on her alcoholism”, “Kanna and the kids go camping”, “Takiya’s parents come to visit him and he needs to figure out how to stop Fafnir from embarrassing him or killing them” and so on.
-Do give Elma more stuff to do besides eat. For example you could expand on how she and Tohru used to be friends or her working with Kobayashi and so on.
-Do more with Shouta as a little witch boy who is living with an Aztec dragon goddess (WITH AN IN IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER TO FOLLOW). They can be funny and charming (them playing Ogre and him scared that he actually banished her, for instance) and “human magic” stuff opens up a lot of fun stories.
-Do make it gayer. It’s already very gay, but we can keep going.
-Do more with Kobayashi being autistic coded.
-Do more wild animations (Tohru chasing a purse snatcher or eating her own tail come to mind), but-
-DON’T work your animation team to death, I’m fine with waiting longer, just treat your team with dignity and respect.
-DON’T bring in Ilulu. Her design is awful, her plots are awful, and her character is just a more ignorant and aggressive Tohru. We don’t need a Character Reset Tohru, let the show actually progress as it has.
And content warning for the following talking about the sexualization of child characters.
-DON’T DO ANY MORE PEDO CRAP! Just fucking STOP IT. There wasn’t a LOT in the first season, but any amount is too much. It’s fucking damaging on a societal level, endangers real life children, and, more personal and petty, IT MAKES ME FEEL REALLY WEIRD ABOUT RECOMMENDING THIS SERIES THAT I OTHERWISE LOVE. “Hey Dragon Maid is a really good queer love story about found family... Just, uh, skip most of episode 6 and several scenes throughout.”
If I could will ONE thing on this list into being, it’s that (and not overworking your animators). You can give me the blandest second season where POS Ilulu is a new main character and have her do that really shitty story where she changes Kobayashi into a guy with all of its homophobic and transphobic vibes, just DROP THE FUCKING PEDO STUFF!
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#he worked with his students and recognized their strengths and weakness’ and brought out the best in them when he was allowed to shine as a
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What are you talking about? Your recent reblogged just said Kakashi is a powerful hokage. Lmao I agree he is a powerful ninja but he is the weakest hokage. How can they list new jutsu in his data book when all he ever did as the hokage is read icha icha? The ‘technological state’ you are talking about was because of Shikamaru. Kakashi is a messy Hokage like Tobirama. He is lazy and he escapes his duties like how he always does. Instead of visiting his dead friend’s grave he should have done something worthwhile as a hokage, not by letting Shikamaru fix all the papers for him or giving Shizune a hard time as his secretary.
Shizune having a hard time as Kakashi's secretary is 100% fanon, and Shikamaru doing all the work is complete bullshit. It's stated that the technological advencements of Konoha are Kakashi's doing.
That Kakashi made Konoha the most economically successful village out of the five shinobi villages and connected them through trade so that they relied on each other. Needed each other.
Those were Kakashi's successes, not Shikamaru's. the idea that Kakashi didn't do shit as Hokage is just blatantly wrong. Kakashi was the one who modernized the leaf village and created strong diplomatic relations with the other villages.
It was Kakashi who went to Gaara when he needed help with Naruto's wedding, showing that the villages could help each other in times of need great or small.
'All he ever does is read Icha Icha'
Fucking where? Does he read Icha Icha a lot? yes. It's a coping mechanism for him that he has had for years. An escape from reality. But Kakashi is shown in Cannon to be a dutify Hokage who gets his paper work done himself and take's care of everything as he should.
He IS a strong Hokage.
Kakashi is a Hokage who knows all of the releases, even after losing the sharingan. A feat accomplished by very few. This includes Yin and Yang release.
Kakashi isn't the strongest Hokage, and i never said he was. But to say he's a weak Hokage is blatently wrong. He's stronger than Tsunade and is up there alongside Hiruzen and Tobirama. Hashirama and Naruto also have god status because of the prophecy bullshit so we're simply not going to count them cuz they got an edge over every single other Hokage.
Kakashi litterally created new Jutsu with the loss of his Sharingan. the manga and Anime show him training all the time and that didn't stop with the war ending and him becoming Hokage. Onoki was stunned by Kakashi's sheer power in the Kakashi Hidan Novel, and by the time of Boruto Kakashi has his purple lighting. A jutsu that's stronger than his Chidori (which he can't use anymore because the sheer speed of it requires the sharingan)
Don't come onto my page and belittle Kakashi's achievements and try to pass them onto others. at no point in cannon are we led to belive that Shizune has to chase Kakashi around to make him do his work. We see him doing his work without problem (is he bored? yes. Does he still do the work? YES). Shizune struggled more with Tsunade, who outright didn't want to do the job but still did her paperwork easier than Naruto.
At no point is it even fucking suggested that shikamaru made the technological advancements of Konoha. Shikamaru is the tactical lead. His job is not to do Kakashi's paperwork or his meetings or approve all of the shit that Kakashi approved and set into motion. That was Kakashi. Kakashi put in the effort to grow Konoha. Kakashi made Konoha a larger village with trains and lap tops and cell phones.
did he have help? Absolutly. but don't fucking hand over his achievements to others. you can fuck right off with that shit.
193 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 21:18:52 GMT
Team 7 going out for lunch with ‘Old Man Kakashi’ bc they want to take advantage of the free meals for Father’s Day lives in my mind rent free😂😂😂
Why did he let them convince him into these types of things? It was embarrassing.
“Come on, Sensei!” Naruto dragged him through the village, Sasuke and Sakura following close behind. “The sushi shop is having a Father’s Day special, and we have to get there before all the seats fill up.”
Father’s Day?
“You-I’m not a father,” he argued. Grunting when Naruto tugged him through the front door of the sushi shop. “Naruto, what are you… this won’t work.”
“Don’t be silly, Dad,” Sakura elbowed gum in the side, chuckling when he glared at her. “We already booked a table anyways. Naruto’s just excited.”
This was so embarrassing.
“I’m 26,” he grumbled under his breath. What had he done in his life to deserve this? “I can’t be your father.”
“Not with that attitude you can’t,” she smirked “it’s like you don’t want a free bowl of miso soup.”
Miso soup?
“Now I didn’t say that,” he protected. “Don’t make me ground you smart ass.”
With a free Miso soup on the line, the choice was obvious. He could act like a dad for a while, and it would be a great way to get back at the kids for being so embarrassing.
After all, what was more embarrassing than a dad?
“Mah, I guess I could go for some food,” stretching his arms over his head, he groaned. “I don’t know about this though. You’re not even wearing matching shirts. How am I supposed to tell you apart?”
“We look nothing alike.” Sasuke protested
“Mmm, I guess you’re right. It shouldn’t be that hard to remember who you are. Thank’s Naruto.”
The sound of Sasuke being held back by Sakura and Naruto from trying to attack him was damn satisfying.
And he had only begun his revenge.
194 notes • Posted 2021-07-04 08:02:41 GMT
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I had some thoughts XD
228 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 06:40:31 GMT
Minato: Kakashi, Is there anyone you like?
Kakashi: No *trips and drops his locket*
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265 notes • Posted 2021-02-21 18:08:11 GMT
Kakashi Hatake Is So lazy. It's like he never trains.
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He certainly doesn't do 200 push ups while there are two people sitting on his back
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He isn't well known around the shinobi world, so much so that people take one look at him and know who tf he is and respect him.
See the full post
727 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 21:47:16 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Reworked Will of fire idea:
Kakashi is controlled by another shinobi but frames him for being the one kidnapping others, causing Kakashi to be declared missing nin as Danzo and the elders pressure Tsunade to do so.
Because of the political backlash Konoha is facing with another missing-nin from their village kidnapping other shinbi from other villages, Tsunade can't help Team 7 or Kakashi's friends. So Team Kakashi, Team Gai and Tenzo leave Konoha on an unofficial mission while Shikamaru and other shinbi are tasked to get them back.
*Cue basically the good portion of Will of Fire where Team Kakashi have to dodge and weave Konoha shinobi but at the same time find out a way to break free the controlled ninja*
Maybe they visit the ruins of Uzushio, where they find the island is being used as the main base of operation for the villain.
They all go in guns blazing, but inadvertently lose the fight when the villain has Kakashi trigger a trap and cause them all to fall down a sinkhole. *Cut to Kakashi in his mindspace in mental anguish*
Luckily, Team Kakashi and Team Gai are all fine from Tenzo's abilities and apparently end up in a deeper, hidden archive of seals in Uzushio.
Meanwhile, Shikamaru tracks Team Kakashi and Gai to Uzushio, and informs the hokage. She tasks several Jonin squads to get them back, maybe some ANBU (Danzo sneaks in some of his agents)
Team Kakashi and Gai find a work counter seal for the jutsu and get to work. Also sprinkle in a lot of Uzushio backstory because MAN we deserve that.
They all get back. The nin sent from Konoha are being overwhelmed by the mind-controlled nin, some of team 7's friends have been controlled, Shikamaru nearly gets controlled but they get there in the nick of time. They tell Shikamaru and the reamaining, desperate, konoha-nin what to do and cue the epice battle!
Gai and Kakadhi have their spar, mind control angst, Tenz gets to show off, everyone gets to show off. The big bad is defeated and wow! A better Will of Fire movie
All of the Uzushio additions so Naruto can learn some damn history of his clan. He deserves it.
Also, the big bad using Kakashi for plans because they recognize they managed to get their hands on a genius and they’re going to use that.
Team seven, Team Gai and basiclly everyone in Konoha sent realizing they’re facing Hatake Kakashi and this is HARD. Shikamaru went in ready to just be done and get out but Kakashi’s a quick thinker who can adjust on the spot, while Shikamaru is a better tactic le planner in the long run. It would really test shikamaru in a fun and interesting way
And wholey crap the teasing Kakashi would get at the end
‘Oh so you’re fine kidnapping other shinobi and making everyone’s life hell, but you draw the line at *looks at notes* murdering Gai and Tenzo???*
Also like… imagine there’s two separate fights between Kakashi and Gai. One where it’s Kakashi vs Team Gai so Team Gai thinks they have this in the bag cuz their Sensei is his rival but Kakashi knows Gai’s weakness and keeps messing with the kids and fucking Gai up
But then Gai finally snaps and strikes Kakashi, only for it to end up being an electric clone (cuz that’s what Kakashi does. He uses clones first)
And then the second fight is right after they realize who the ‘real amstermind’ is. The person controlling everyone. It’s actually Kakashi’s tip that gets half of them not mind controlled, telling them to keep their eyes on feet. He says it to Gai in electric clone form while battling, and Gai knows it’s out of place for Kakashi. That Kakashi’s struggling and trying to get something to them.
But it ends up saving Shikamaru cuz he realizes just before getting caught and gets his eyes off of the dude and onto the ground by his feet. He ends up having to fight Ino and Choji which is unpleasant for him cuz they’re his friends.
Also imagine that dramatic spot at the end. The fighting is done, everyone is saved and exhausted, and Kakashi just collapses against Gai’s back. He can’t even move or do anything.
There’s going to be a lot of tests and Kakashi out of commission for a while cuz the person mind controlling him had him using his sharingan without restraint even when Kakashi would talk about how it affected him. So poor boy needs to recover
Kakashi and Gai also get that final big blow out fight in front of everyone, and really get to show off their strength. There are Konoha shinobi and Anbu operatives who got their butts absolutly handed to them by kakashi. One even tried to sneak up on him for the murder (cuz that’s how they do it usually) and Kakashi (being ex Anbu) caught them and kicked them away like a rag doll
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Rural Au
Kana and Lee feel very lonely when Gai goes to work, so they start getting the habit of spending all day at Kakashi’s, helping him with the animals, having their meals there and playing with Naruto and Sasuke when there’s no more work. To thank Kakashi for it, Gai often makes dinner for all of them and takes it to the ranch. It really becomes a routine for them. Sooner than they notice, their families start merging together without them meaning to.
Wholey crap this is so cute!!!
Kakashi is confussed at first when Lee and Kana start showing up at his ranch asking how they can help, but he’s not going to turn down a few extra hands. He has so much work that usually takes him all day to finish, but with Kana and Lee’s help they’re done by lunch and it gives him free time to actually do other things.
During that free time he likes to teach Kana and Lee about the animals. Show them what kind of food the animals like best, teach them how to best care for the animals.
At one point he goes to Gai’s in the afternoon with Jana, Lee and Naruto and spends the entire afternoon building a little play area for no game in the back. A place where he can access the plants to eat, but it also has fencing to keep out other wild animals that might hurt it, and even has a few cool decorations that Kana and Lee set up for the tortoise.
And then when Gai starts making dinner and bringing it over, Kakashi’s not going to complain. Gai’s a great cook and just having him at his place for dinner feels great.
Neither of them are sure when things start to relax into a more family feeling, or when Kakashi really starts changing two of the empty rooms into rooms for Kana and Lee to sleep in.
Kakashi always thought that the house felt a little empty, even with Naruto there with him. But now with Kana and Lee visiting so often and even sleeping over once in a while
And Gai coming over for dinner
Now it’s starting to really feel like home
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