elizakai · 27 days
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uhm idk what happened but apparently harem (reverse harem!????) time-???
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pixiedust-poppers · 29 days
Okay so after you reblogged my post about jatnp I’ve been stalking your blog and I didn’t realize there was a fandom for this show?!?
Anyways while I was looking down your blog I kept getting more questions so I figured I’d do it all in one ask.
Do you think all the Disney neverland stuff exists in the same universe (the Disney verse or just specifically the neverland stuff) and if you do what’s your explanation for the discrepancies. Ex the missing lost boys in jatnp and then the lost boys showing up in Peter pan 2 or Captain Hook not knowing how to use pixie dust in jatnp but he flies well in the pirate fairy etc? I have some of my own theories that I’ve been adding to my notes app of Disney timeline from Covid but I’d love to hear someone who is clearly a strong fan, since you definitely would be more knowledgeable than me.
And if you don’t think that it’s the same universe, like athena p (ooh name twins), that YouTuber who made a video on jatnp (thank you for posting that on your blog, it was a very enjoyable watch - she has a stf video?!?! That show was my Covid) or do you have a different theory on why / how it’s not the same timeline.
Also going off of athena p’s video what’s your thoughts on the time loop / fairy’s controlling everything theory that athena p mentions?
And then what are your ships? By what I’m seeing for your posts and reblogs that Izzy is basically shipable with anyone. Anyways I’d love to hear your favourites.
And then I’ve seen you mention fanfiction, have you written any on ao3 or Wattpad? I’d love to read it.
Along with that if you have any ff recommendations with either grown up / aged up crew or darker themes, that’s something I’d read.
And then this is my half baked theory but how do you think the doubloons come from? Because it’s like green pixie dust do you think it’s another form of fairy alchemy zarina created that’s like transportation? Idk if that’s a popular fanon theory or if it’s a stupid idea that is easily disproved.
Along with that what do you think the origins of the crew are? (Because I’ve seen some mentions of izzy being adopted by fairies which is very interesting)
Ok that’s all you don’t have to answer everything, I’m not sure if one big ask is preferable to a whole bunch or smaller asks, but what’s done is done.
Well well. this took a few days to craft. Its a bit of a long one so buckle up, I decided to do this all in one go, because it makes more sense than breaking it up even though it would be faster. So enjoy this long-ass ask…
cracks knuckles Ok Let’s break this down 
Yes! Yes hello! We are very small, but we are here!
To start off, I don’t think it's in the same universe as the regular Disney neverland, or well they could be but you would have to cut out certain episodes to make it work. Also JATNP’s neverland would mess with the Original Peter Pan movie/Neverland universe, timeline + world the movies have set. So Jatnp is just in another version of Neverland that’s a mix of the Disney property and some elements from the original book. Because in Peter pan remember they don’t like Pirates so why would Peter have a pirate team in this movie? The boys would be lost boys and Izzy wouldn’t be here. But Peter Pan obviously happened (in Jake’s universe), but he never told either group about one another for some reason, like Jake and his crew didn’t know about Wendy till literally that night when Peter asked them to go get her. But Wendy + the brothers did meet the lost boys as she lead them to The Hangman’s tree, where hammocks and Peter’s bear throne was set up as well as some of the brother’s things were there (no Jake and his crew didn’t know where this was, implying that he ALSO never told them about this or the Lost Boys) Speaking of lost boy’s where are they? It’s obvious why the Native Americans are not mentioned but The Lost Boys, I can only assume that they weren’t in Jatnp because of money reasons or that the animators didn’t want to animate six more kids? For show reasons, you could theorize that the lost boys left once they realize they all missed having mothers and are now out in London with their adopted families, and Peter never told Jake and his crew about Wendy, or the lost boys was because he didn’t want them getting the idea of leaving. After all he DID bring them to neverland to protect it and they can’t do that if you present them with the idea of how the others left lol
But judging by the pitch bible, these guys (minus izzy) were supposed to be the lost boys Jake was originally named Slightly and Nibs... well Nibs, and Cubby while not exactly like Curly there is some semblance, or maybe they were place holder names until they could finalize things. I mean if you’re a showrunner trying to pitch to your boss that “hey we should re-visit that Peter Pan property again, but this time make it preschool show and more pirate!” you are going to have to sell them that certain characters could totes work and once it gets approve either rework them or drop them once you realize they don’t work. 
*Quick Peter interlude- He also couldn’t be the same movie Peter because he’s just. Too nice, less childish and older brother-y in the series, to be considered his movie counterpart. But he seems lowkey negligent of them considering whenever he comes these kids are willing to do just about anything for his undivided attention.
As For Captain Hook, you’re just going to have to take Zarina out of your mind for this show’s canon. I’m sure the other Disney fairies do exist but for Jatnp, his history with that woman just does not exist and I don’t think they ever intended to make it so. He’s ‘supposed’ to be Hook from the original movie not from the Disney fairies’ movies. The Pirate fairy didn’t debut till 2014 and by that point the show was already on for 4 years why they never did a ‘crossover’ or have a pr marketing thing to promote the movie is beyond me, especially since she’s a pirate and all. I guess they thought girl related pirate things and fairies wouldn’t sell??? … then again Pixie hollow online did shut down in 2013..I guess Disney didn’t think fairy anything was worth heavily promoting? Dunno.
But back to the show’s canon, you could put Zarina in there (like the rest of the fairies) and Hook either distantly remembers her or doesn’t remember her period since that was a long time ago, and who knows how long it’s been since he’s aged? (Continued below)
Speaking of aging let’s go into that Time loop. But before that my thoughts on the video, I’ll admit... It wasn’t my favorite. I feel like she skimmed over alot about the series and the certain things within it for example, time does pass in neverland as they do have holidays and seasons (well ... just winter apparently). And the idea of Sharky and Bones being the ultimate gods behind the scenes of things, I just no, if I wanted to really care about pirate men in a more meaningful way, I would watch Pirates of Caribbean or Our Flags Mean Death. And I wished she focused on the kids more because they are their own little individuals and there some points you can bring about their dynamic that are like ‘wtf?’ for example, Jake never leaves his friends with a sword or his previous ones to protect themselves when he gets a new one. Or when he does give over his sword, he always gives it to cubby for some reason despite Izzy being his first mate. Then Izzy, she clowned on my girl so badly that she didn’t bring up the point that Izzy from beginning to end the only useful thing she got from peter or neverland is the pixie dust, while the boys got more (i.e. Jake… everything and Cubby a map, a compass, learning magic with Beardini) meanwhile she’s also pushed to side in favor of letting the boys shine, she does get her episodes don’t get me wrong . (Also, it’s interesting because the series tries to show that girls and women can be the lead, be captains and princess without being tied to men… but it fails because Red Jessica, Molly, and Winger were clearly made to be love interest. Misty, the PP, Queen Caroline, and Marina fades from recurring to basically non-existent. The only woman to make to the S3 final was Beatrice and then poof she is gone. Leaving Izzy, who slowly loses her usefulness + main identity as the less they go on adventures together and the more Jake just solves the issues with his sword and they give her NOTHING ELSE to focus on or anything, despite her being close with the mermaids, knowing a lot about neverland + its items, and she’s willing to adventure by herself if the boys don’t give a shit about what interest her. Not counting Wendy + Tinkerbell they’re special characters.) Which I find both sad but also a bit ??? considering if you look in her gallery on the Fandom wiki under merchandise has her own ship and they also give her a sword with one of her minifigures, so they could have given her more things but they just never did. But I will say her line at 1:12:14 (“And Izzy turns invisible, just like every other girl in this series”) did get a laugh out me and unfortunately, she is telling the truth. BUT I also know that Athena was Busy with important IRL things and JATNP is ALOT especially when you factor in the other Neverland universe so it can get overwhelming and she was already stressed about the video so while I’m still happy we got the video, I think that some things could be improved. 
But ANWAY BACK TO TIMELOOP. I think its an interesting theory that could explain why Hook or the others don’t emotionally mature and there’s something that is just devastating about that, because he can be shown to change but because of this time loop he is unable to and in the end no matter what lesson he learns will be fruitless because the loop just resets and he's back to square one. It’s honestly sad if you think about it because if you think about it with the Kids, he could learn to be a better person (sort of) and eventually realize that it's time to move on. He can’t chase Peter forever. But Neverland will always need a villain and even with all the threats they continue to introduce no has come as close to matching the Icon that is Captain hook, plus Peter doesn’t give a shit about them lmao, who’s going to be his biggest hater other than hook. 
But I do not think that the fairies are doing all this, I think it’s neverland itself. I was told by @/perciouslittletoonette that the neverland in the book can apparently physically stop and hold you in place you from entering it if it doesn’t want you there. Also, that it’s always moving?? (towards Peter) AND can also look into your mind and see if you want to go somewhere and if it does not want you there it can fuck with its own geography and make something that takes usually 30 min to get to a 2-day trip. Which is so terrifying that I have to make neverland responsible for all the mindfuck things that can possibly happen and considering that this island geography changes almost daily for these kids I can’t fathom other horrifying shit this sentient island can do. Also, since it can also make you forget about your past life and according to Battle for the book, Neverland itself entirely if wendy’s book is away from them for a long period of time…Yeeeeeeeeah this island is fucked, why did Peter leave these kids in the vicinity of this place.
The doubloons? I have no idea where those things come from, hell the island probably just teleports them from other various hidden treasures around Neverland when the kids survive or do sometimes it deem as morally good as both a reward and motivation but also as compensation. Because I’m not sure how the fairies would know of all the kids happen without them noticing the fairies at least ONCE. so, this is probably the island’s magic again. But I do think it would be funny if the doubloons just came from the bottom of their team treasure because their chest is so full that they don’t even notice them missing. 
Now onto origins! Jake + Cubby are obviously from the Mainland, because they recognize a lot of sport and modern objects that show up on pirate island. Hook doesn’t, which is why he often takes their things and then doesn’t know what to do with them which then brings up the question “Hey if it's 1906 in London…where did Peter get these kids from?” In which my only thought is that when he was traveling in the lands beyond the neversea after the lost boys left, he went through a different star and landed in a new era of the mainland and on a different continent each time. For example, I think he got Jake from Britain (so he’s British), Cubby from Scandinavia (Sweden; I headcanon him as German/Swedish, yes, he can still speak both.). Izzy is Latina/French (she would be from the US, specifically Miami) if she’s from the mainland.
 I say “If” because I’m not sure Izzy is from the mainland. Listen, this girl knows too much shit about this island, and the artifacts + legends within it at 7 years old. Which brings up this theory that I saw in a fic and really liked it, and it’s that Izzy is from the mainland, but she has already been in Neverland for DECADES before she ever met Jake and Cubby (in case you're wondering how long she has been missing in the fic she has apparently been missing since 1907, she was born in 1900. Jake was born in 1935, cubby in 1941. And she doesn’t meet them until 1944 and 1948 with the forever quest taking place in 1950.) I could not imagine being stuck in this place for 43 goddamn YEARS, I do not know how she did not go insane by 1917 (well she did later... But like for different reasons) Remember this is someone else’s interpretation but I really do like this as an explanation on why she knows too much shit about neverland. My theory that does not involve the mainland is simply the island quite literally created her. Peter was Gone, maybe the lost boys followed him and the island was lonely and with some help of the natives and fairies, boom made herself a child so it wouldn’t be lonely. Yes, I do think a sentient island can do this, this thing is like an eldritch cosmic being to me. And to make a long story short; Izzy was created (no infant-toddler period; she was just born a child) by the island to replace Peter + Lost boys, then it lured her to the dense part of the jungle once they returned and basically trapped her there via endless jungle loop. This side of the jungle also just so happens to hold the fairies and Pixie Hollow and they eventually take izzy in as their own. ….I’m still trying to think about the rest of this but this is the general idea and I KNOW this would be easily debunked by watching Pirates sitting pirates but whateverrrrr, headcanons rule. Now for the fun stuff. Ships* and Fics
*I should note that like my other fandom, if a ship doesn’t involve my favorite character, then I’m either neutral or I don’t care. Unless I vehemently hate it for reasons.
Jake/Izzy - From a shipper to anti-jizzy to once again liking it, the essay I could write about these two and how despite my early love for it, the fandom basically made me fall out of love with them, because no one ever went anything beyond surface level and no one ever did anything new - it was crush -> love -> marriage -> shitton kids -> that’s it, nothing interesting with it. OR when someone did, it was once again the most surface level shit (Abuse and SA, no they did not explore the complex trauma that comes with Izzy being Abused by Jake, someone she has trusted for years, Also no Jake faced no consequences.) and became “oh it was just a ‘’’mistake’’’, we’re still besties”, and in the end they got married and kids anyway. So it was the same method but with unnecessary steps that doesn’t affect their dynamic in a scenario where it def should. Also, I’m not saying that traditional fluff and love between them can’t be done but when you see it over 1000 times and can predict the end result each time, it got boring.  
But to me now (going to overanalyze the hell out them for a moment excuse me), Jake x Izzy could be the interesting case of “We’ve known each other for DECADES, I’ve seen you at your highest and I’ve seen your absolute worst, yet I will still be by your side till the end. I know I won’t find someone like you again.” They’re so familiar with one another that trying to do the same with someone else from a different planet (earth) would take alot of time so why bother? I also think they ground each other in a way that they both do need, Jake for example sometimes need to be told No and that he’s being reckless, and Izzy is going to do that in a really blunt manner. Or sometimes Jake will have to be the one to calm her down and not be so hotheaded and not let the first things that slip out her mouth be something that is hurtful or rude, but to more empathetic and be nicer. I know it’s not their original personalities. But please bear with me I’m trying to make them less as a unit and more individual-
John Darling/izzy - Nerd x nerd come on. His gentleman Bri ish swag won her over, and they’re very cute when they interact. I think that if Izzy were to leave neverland and stay with him I think they would be okay, though that depends if he survives WW1 if he doesn’t then I think that she would go back to Neverland or maybe emigrate to America or something... That got dark fast uh anyways-. 
Marina/Izzy - You said something about tragic sapphic relationship? I’m here for it. Now you could do this cute thing, where after they realize it’s pointless to have beef over liking the same boy, he’s probably not interested anyway so what’s the point of being enemies? And their relationship begins to heal, and they become close friends again and then realize “holy shit... I like her.” and boom love. They are now in a relationship yay!
Now let's think about this tragedy, come walk with me a bit- Who do you think is willing to sacrifice their livelihood for the other? After all, Marina is a mermaid and Izzy is a human Pirate with legs. The question is “Do you love me enough to become a mermaid forever or have legs forever?” Because while I’m sure both options have their pros they most certainly have their cons. Cons for Marina being - her family is down there, her livelihood and things she holds dear, the ocean and its creatures are important to her and who says the potion that makes her human is reversible and what will you have to sacrifice for said potion? Such a spell doesn’t come for free you know. Then there’s Izzy, she’s a pirate, I know she’s pushed to the background, but she enjoys her life going on adventures and the fairies still trust her with pixie dust. Not saying there isn’t adventure in the ocean as well but one might go insane with how much blue and ocean there is, not to mention that most of her friends would still be on the surface so who will she communicate with? Who is willing to constantly go out on adventures with her that farther and farther out of the mermaid's comfort zone?
I could see Marina being worried whenever Izzy goes off with Jake on more dangerous and dangerous adventures, and don’t let them be adventures where they go beyond the neversea. She wants to sail alongside them to make sure Izzy will be safe but at the same time, she doesn’t want to venture far because she knows if she’s captured out there then she’ll be mermaid meat. Each time Izzy comes back there is a new scar from battle and she wonders one day if Jake will bring back her corpse. Izzy knows there are no reassuring words she can give Marina that will relieve her worry. You can consider their relationship a constant worry “What if you never return?” and the other trying to downplay the very real possibility that she CAN die.
Sofia (yes the first) x Izzy - Pirate x princess girl edition boom. A very sweet relationship and Izzy would probably tell sofia to sit the hell down every once in a while. 
Amber x Izzy - Pirate x Princess enemies to lovers’ girl edition. I’m pretty sure Izzy and Amber would buttheads more often than not. But I do think they can encourage and bring out different sides of one another for the better... Or for worse!
Oh gooood do I! 
One of my favorite fics of all time is this one from ficbook
Часть 1, Тонущий корабль — фанфик по фэндому «Джейк и пираты Нетландии» (ficbook.net) (Sinking ship) - Oh my god. The concept that Izzy was supposed to be the new Peter Pan and Jake was supposed to be the new Captain Hook. But Jake being selfish and wanting to be Peter pan himself because he thinks he’s worthy of it. He basically spits on the crew’s friendship and changes his destiny. Leaving Izzy to go to Captain Hook and tells him to train her to be like him. (Cubby stayed with her, she couldn’t bear to leave him to someone like Jake, who already abandoned him). And in the end, she fills his role both figuratively and literally. Girl. She fucking WILLINGLY feeds her hand to tick tock croc to LITERALLY fill his role, took his hook and everything. That is so fucking metal of her, and I love her for it. It’s a good read, I really recommend it. Sad ending tho :(
Часть 1, Потерянные детки — фанфик по фэндому «Джейк и пираты Нетландии» (ficbook.net) (Lost Kids) - BITTERSWEET. The trio just trying to do their best to stay sane on an island they so desperately want to leave but can’t. It's mostly from the third Povs of Jake and izzy but still I can’t help but feel for these guys. It does make you wonder, what if these kids want to leave someday, once they get tired of being pirates will the island or Peter let them leave? If not, then why? How many times have they tried to get out? It makes you think.
I am the Psycho Pirate Chapter 1: What Happened?, a jake and the never land pirates fanfic | FanFiction Jake gets back from traveling with Peter from the lands beyond the neversea and the weird thing? He has grown up to the age of 15 AND neverland is quiet AND half of pirate island is burned down, Cubby is acting strange yet bitter toward him. Skully is nowhere to be seen and Izzy is as well. Yet there are rumors going around about this Psycho Pirate… who is this psycho pirate and why is everyone being so weird about it. The abuse Izzy and cubby suffer through in flashbacks will get dark, particularly for Izzy so uh content warning for physical abuse and sexual assault. The sequel is currently still in progress! So, after you read this and maybe the prequel if you can stomach it, check it out!
Eye of the Storm - Chapter 1 - Seerless - Jake and the Never Land Pirates [Archive of Our Own] It's unfinished but it's basically about the crew breaking apart and going their separate ways and what they go through during this period away. But they’re going to reunite in the end dw. So far only Izzy and Cubby’s chapters are out but they’re still a good read. The Hand is Gone - TheBackyardigirl - Jake and the Never Land Pirates [Archive of Our Own] Evil Peter hours! And he gives Jake the hook treatment! and it's very well written and a bit gory too. But Jake stumbles around as he loses blood all the while trying to comprehend why Peter did this to him, leaving an ambiguous ending. I really hope the author comes back and does a part 2 :[
[Content warning for physical abuse and some sexual abuse for these next to fics, I’m so serious if you are uncomfortable with stuff like that don’t read these]
Peter's Wrath Chapter 1: The abuse begins, a jake and the never land pirates fanfic | FanFiction We got evil Peter hours again hellll yeah! Not on purpose this time, however, though it might seem that way. This is purely Peter verbally and physically abusing them the fic and them trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with him. It can get brutal but does get ridiculous towards the end especially when they figure out what's wrong with him. If you think he’s going to jail after this you will be disappointed. 
The Wrath's Revenge Chapter 1: Prologue, a jake and the never land pirates fanfic | FanFiction
Sequel to Peter’s Wrath, my Roman fucking empire. This is from Izzy’s pov and if you thought Izzy had suffered enough under Peter, Jake is about to show you he needs to be locked up immediately. This is Izzy just being domestically abused and she’s only 11. You're going to question why she didn’t just run or try to blind him with pixie dust at points. Also shit will get very brutal and bordering on Sexual assault towards the end. However, it's the ending that makes me lose my fucking mind, the WAY that Izzy gets Jake back to normal is the Stupidest fucking idea I’ve seen simply because if you were to try to apply it to a real-life situation, it absolutely wouldn’t fucking work and the assaulter would just laugh in your face and probably think you want it more. And then he faces NO consequences for his actions, and Izzy somehow isn’t weary, or nervous or doesn’t feel any negative emotions or feeling from this simply because he was “possessed” MY ASS. That being said, this fic for me is important because when I read it when I was young, it was something that was new and violent and it involved Jizzy no less, so while it might not be the greatest thing in the world, it’s a nostalgia read. 
Now to end this, I do have an ao3! It's MaggotsMeat. If you’ve looked on there and Saw a work named “Clarity” that’s my writing!^^ I have a lot more WIPs in my google docs lol that I can barely focus on but I do hope to crank them out soon and write more… eventually!
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