thenightunfurls · 7 months
holding scrutinatori at gun point MOVE UP
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waywardvoidpoetry · 6 days
NewSpell Inspo
So I get a lot of questions in my DM's over what inspired NewSpell and so on so forth, and it kind of upsets me because I'd prefer it being in an ask post because those questions tend to be ones I REALLY wants to make a reply for when it comes to my twitter ask posts, SOO instead I'll just make one big post here and talk about my scrapped Ideas/song inspirations here instead!!
(+ talking about how people seem to mischaracterize the AU)
(All Topic will be colored if you'd prefer to scroll to a part you're better interested in)
What WAS Newspell supposed to be?
NewSpell was originally going to be an apocalypse AU hence why Snap/Break sort of look like that, Inspired by things like Resident Evil/Silent Hill and Cry Of Fear + the liminal horror of Gmod??
The concept of this when drawing was a lot easier than executing it into a comic which is why NewSpell ended up being totally different from the original concepts, tho I did really like the designs and decided to keep them, although this hasn't really panned out well since some characters are a lot harder to design in that sort of fashion.
Each Critter was originally intended to be drawn with inspiration from a song, the general song that DID inspire the vibe of NewSpell being, "Coming back to me good." by kasabian.
For example;
Prototype - Ups and Downs (Slayers theme from Guilty Gear)
(Prototype is also "The 2nd Law: Isolated System)
Catsnap - One For The Money - Escape The Fate
Daybreak - Blackout - Breathe Carolina
Royalty Blue - Bleached - Video days (also Rolling Girl)
Script - Gaslight - Travis (Also "Wind" - Akeboshi)
Shock - Dance Dance - Fall Out Boy
Bard(Kickin) - Walkin' On The Sun - Smash Mouth (Sigh...)
The Guide(Picky) - Fear & Delight - The Correspondents
The Archiver(BB) - I Can Talk - Two Door Cinema Club
I feel like this particularly needs to be addressed?
When people view NewSpell they often see one of the characters as the "Bad Guy" Whether that's crafty, Prototype or even at the VERY beginning Catsnap.
The Whole truth is, There just isn't a villain, They have no control over what their doing, the Prototype specifically, They know their hurting people and they hate it, but they can't stop themselves, their scared and whatever damaged the story is causing them to act like this.
Crafty never used the spell with the intention of "Making everything idealized", Prototype is hurting people or manipulating them with the intention of "Worshipping him." Snap isn't using his smoke with the intention of "hurting them."
Why would Prototype ever want to hurt his daughter? When you realize the answer to that, you'll understand NewSpell has no Villains, there is no "Good" or "Bad"
I see these comments all the time and tend to just ignore them because it will eventually be talked about in the comic, so there's my little insight on who the Villain is.
Placeholder Names
Placeholder names featuring the Title of the characters will be removed, example: Royal Bluehug/The Prince/The Princess, Catsnap/The Bandit.
The reason for the original titles wasn't anything to necessarily do with their part in the story, it was just to give them unique traits to separate their roles in the AU, but this has easily been replaced with a new gimmick (Created by Zim) on how I'd separate them as individuals.
Again I need to state here, Everything in the next half of NewSpell would just not exist without Zim's impute, (Including the names and Prototype's design.) SO HUGE thanks to them.
Stuff, I've never been the BEST mentally or physically and like I've stated previously my ADHD has me working through multiple projects and just, never returning to what I need to do.
NewSpell will come out eventually but just never listen to me at all if I make a post saying "New comic page in like (So and so)" cause It wont happen, Just a bad habit I have, It's like I feel a need to express that yes, I'm still here, Yes I'm doing stuff, No I'm not totally on a completely unrelated side quest (I am)
I'm just balancing stuff in my personal life with making NewSpell, whether that's my friends, my family or other hobbies/projects I have that I choose not to share online.
However regarding the Progress of NewSpell part 11 since people are aware it wont be out for a long time after part 10, THERE WILL BE INBETWEEN STUFF!!!! This includes a possible collab comic related to the NewSpell characters (Mostly Snap, Break and Script)
Maybe another Ask?? Since a lot of people seem to be CHOKING to ask stuff about the comic.
I'm honestly just planning to post more art for the characters in between as well as fully finalize some Designs, (Yes that script/crafty design I posted is FINAL, that IS her design) where as other characters like Bearhug/Bluehug will likely change in the future.
How can I get better at art?
I'm not the person you should be asking this, As I am still a developing artist, But here's my genuine advice;
Love your art, Despite the criticism, despite the need to be better, despite the need for perfection and spite for anything you draw, Love it.
It's easy to be nihilistic about your progress as an artist, to hate every piece you make and strive to be better, But what will happen if you're never happy with your art? You progress, and get better, and each line drawn is an achievement, but no matter your skill, if you draw for the soul purpose of getting "Better" You will never get better in your own eyes.
There are thousands of resources, places and people who have uploaded guides to help you, and if you take the time to learn in your own unique way which may not even be the same way the source showed you how, you will get better, regardless of Age, Skill or Motivation everyone has an equal chance, you just need to allow yourself the time you need to "Get better"
Remember, the first rule of art is love your art, and everything after doesn't exist, because "art" has no rules and the people who say it does do not understand "art"
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