queermycelium · 8 months
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Cringetober day 17 - Anime Screenshot
I know I haven't posted most of these on here, might correct that by the end. But this one I am way too proud of NOT to show here.
I have always been Normal about Digimon, Wizardmon, and Season 1 Episode 34 The Eight Child Revealed. There is no evidence to the contrary. You cannot prove otherwise.
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Adventure U.S. Eng Dub Thoughts-spilling
For me, personally, some of the Adventure(-specific) U.S. Eng dub highlights were:
Parts of Episode 01~Episode 02 in general (Just . Classic regardless of Feelings)
Parts of Ep 04 (Sora);
Parts of Ep 05 (Izzy) - I saw this ep (+all previous) late as a kid, but those were in order (it was one of those I had to go back and catch from the beginning while watching eps from middle of the series at the exact same timeframe) but man once I finally had the Context on This Kid,,,,, {Yeah Let's Just Say Izzy Was really Growing on Me}
Ep 21 - some of the feel is different in the J.P.N (Taichi monologues a lot more Deeply, dub has more puns/jokes) but still I seriously (Very Clearly) remember it (a lot of the ep+ it) still leaving quite an Impression on Young Me - especially the end
Ep 23 in general (YamaJou aka Matt+Jou) Joe was awesome this ep (Michael Lindsay ;;;), Matt did well too
Parts of Episode 24 (Izzy) in general, especially middle + end (Honestly look OK it's also a Mona Marshall {Izzy's V.A.} Classic)
A lot of Episode 25 (Mimi)
At least half of Episode 26 (Sora) More for the emotion despite some other changes frustrations, performances however rEALLY Left Impressions on Young Me and it's literally the reason why I found the series to begin with
Episode 28 - more for the Gate sequence (Izzy) and the ending
Near all of Episode 29 (Except "Highton View Terrace" name I agree they could have just kept "Hikarigaoka" but yeah...)
Honestly a lot of Vamdemon / "Myotismon" arc, all puns aside
Almost all of Episode 31 (Izzy + Izumi Family) (Even if some slight contexts were changed here too, the performances were still very nice, especially for Mrs. Izumi)
Episode 34 in general (Kari + Gatomon reveal)
The entire Adoption reveal scene (Izzy + Izumi Family)
"Wizardmon's Gift" Ep in general
The entire reveal of {Taichi}'s 'secret' (Tai + Izzy) And Along with Adoption scene + THIS Scene Izzy Was then ALSO Cemented As A SIDE Fav--- {Little Did I Know} (Shock & Surprise TM Possibly but I was only just starting to understand the contexts of "Shipping", but honestly by some point 02 dub was basically also wrapping up really fast because the same channels I watched also marathoned ?? ? 02 dub at times immidiately post showing Adventure dub, so I then knew of the epilogue's existence super early on too - also not helped by discovering the existence of Character / Web-Shrines, etc)
Basically all of the last few eps in general
Probably a lot more I forgot to list
And just. I'll be really excited to rewatch all this in Higher quality. I mean it.
No, it's not perfect. Yes, characterizations could be better
But I'm really happy that set exists and other fans can enjoy it again if we want to.
Because I very much want to and I'm not really ashamed anymore.
(And I'd genuinely really have fun making some comparisons posts but I'm saving that for a lot later since this set isn't even releasing until Dec. apparently, anyway)
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digimonloving · 3 years
If you're able, perhaps a Tamer who cares for her mons by doing things for them 👉🏾👈🏾, specifically say washing Beelzemon bike (even if it won't let them ride it), making sure Wizardmon's cloaks tended to, and maybe taking some iron pills so their Myotismon doesn't have to worry about feeding as much from them 🥺✨? (All romantic?) Please :3
A Tamer showing care for their Digimon by doing things for them;
Beelzemon actually appreciates the help with maintaining Behemoth. Even if it's something so simple as just giving Behemoth a wash, the bike does get considerably dirty with how often he rides it and the terrain he usually rides it in. If he spots his Tamer giving it a clean and they're in the middle of it, he stalks over to help them. Quietly picking up a sponge and working beside them on spots that they haven't gotten to. Behemoth sure appreciates it, too.
Beelzemon does sometimes take the washing to have a bit of fun with his Tamer. Flicking soap and water at them, then quickly pretending he didn't do anything. It's just a small bit of teasing fun, and he always gives a smirk as he glances at them. It doesn't matter if it's just something for his Tamer to show they care, he's going to help them with it.
The thing is, if his Tamer does something for him to show their care, Wizardmon has to equal it in some way! No matter how small, any time his Tamer shows him some form of care, he's trying to match it. So when his cloak gets dirty somehow, his Tamer has to do something about it. And the moment they do, he tries to figure out how to repay them for their actions.
Sometimes he'll try to be romantic with his gestures. Making his Tamer something to eat, bringing them flowers, or getting them a gift -- or making it himself if he feels confident enough to do so. He simply can't let his Tamer do something for him without doing something in turn for them, and even if they try to tell him that it's fine, it's how they want to show they care, he only rebuttals with the same thing.
Myotismon hates asking to feed from his Tamer. He truly does. He always asks for permission first when he needs to feed though, and tries to not drain them too much when he drinks from them. He tries to make it almost romantic; how close he holds them to his body with his arms wrapped around them. One hooked around their back, the other gently holding the back of their neck to support their head some. He dips his fangs to their neck to drink from them, trying to be gentle to cause as little pain as he can. Even laying them upon a bed afterwards so they can rest comfortably if they passed out, or just until they got their bearings again. But for a human, the amount he takes when he tries to take only a little bit is still a bit too much.
He always gives them time to recover and even more before he asks to drink from them again. When they start to take iron pills, he's slightly curious about them. Something supposed to help the anemia he gives them, hm? Interesting. He still tries to not drink from them as much, but thanks them for trying to do something so he didn't feel as terrible drinking from them.
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kharons-end · 4 years
Animal Crossing (ACNH) Designs! (Pt.1 of 4??, Sorry Moblie users, I tried)
I was recently surprised by my wonderful husband gifting me a few months of Nintendo online, which means I can now share my designs! I have eight for y’all total with pics of close ups and the code. Buckle up kids, it’s gonna be a loooong couple posts.
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I’m gonna go fandom related first, because that’s really all everybody’s here for (it’s okay, that’s what I’m here for too). First up: Undertale, specifically G!Swap and G!lamortale .
G!Swap Sans!
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I used @kory-san​ ‘s (You created a beautiful baby lol) reference so I could be as accurate as possible. I’ve gotten somewhat used to the ProDesign system at this point, but it still baffles me about how these pixels warp. Also fur is a bitch. I tried and it still came out...okay? More experienced ac designers could probs make those tufts no problem, but you guys got me instead, so yeah. There’s a heart instead of the delta rune symbol on his patch, which is the best I could think of given the space.
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(Yes, I named myself HamforYams...it wouldn’t let me put what I really wanted because of the character limit.)
But what if G!Swap Sans is just too high fashion for you? I got you, dudes.
Honey Pants Hug Life Hoodie
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Based on this comic for G!lamortale(swap?) by my amazing friend @sons-of-sirens​, you can now lounge at your laziest with a named brand HoneyPants hoodie. 
I had the cargo shorts, but I’m missing slippers because the Able Sisters can only sell me so much in 5 days. Plus I’ve already run out of room for my storage. It IS a one room house, even if it’s expanded. Pink converses for this guy for now!
(This makes me wanna write a one shot with Reader and Stretch playing ACNH. Reader can flood his inbox with bees lol)
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Next post: A Wizardmon inspired jumper and a simple Digicode tee.
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jabbers-wild-world · 5 years
The Mun Behind The Muse(s)
The rules are simple. Repost, don’t reblog, and just tag the first five muns you think of to do this meme!
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Nickname(s): Jabber, Waffle, or Trouble
Gender Identity/Sexuality: Bisexual/Homoromantic, FtM Transgender
Married?: No
Have Kids?: No, unless pets count, because if that’s the case, then I have eight children (four cats, four fish)
Mun Faceclaim: Rin Okumura
Three Favorite Disney Movies: The Lion King, Aladdin, Hercules
Three Favorite Disney Villains: Scar, Dr. Facilier, Hades
If You Had a Catchphrase: “Fight me, neanderthals!”
If You Could Be a Mythical Creature: Dragon, I would absolutely be a dragon
Favorite Texture to Feel: I tend to like furry or soft things, mostly
Favorite Smells: Campfire smoke, and spice closets
Favorite Genre(s): Fantasy, Adventure, Steampunk
Best Childhood Memory: Spending the summer with my maternal grandmother, in the kitchen, helping her to make apple pies
Worst Childhood Memory: When we had to put our dog down the first time, when I was actually old enough to remember. I refused to go with to the vet for it, and my sister was so mad at me for the longest time about it, but the truth is, I didn’t want to think about him being dead, I wanted to deny it for as long as I could.
If You Could Tell Your Past Self One Thing: “Never be afraid to be yourself.”
If You Could Go Anywhere in the World: Ireland, Scotland, or Australia
One Lie You Told in the Last Year: I have told my sister that some of the things I currently own were bought as gifts by my S/O. They weren’t. I bought them for myself with money that should have gone to rent. (She won’t see this because she doesn’t have tumblr, but it’s good to say something about it.)
One Interesting Thing You Learned Recently: Sirens were not originally depicted as fish-people, but were instead actually bird people, and male sirens were a part of the early texts about them.
Random Useless Fact You Know: I know how to sex hermit crabs. I don’t know how that applies to adult life except in that particular situation.
Plans for the Future: I hope to someday be a published author and start earning money for doing what I love.
Least Favorite Interview Question: “What are your weaknesses?” Like, as if I want to tell you that I’m an ADHD, depressive asshole with severe anxiety who has stolen small things from previous jobs and might be a mild kleptomaniac and also may have multiple personalities. You won’t hire me if I tell you that shit. Also I hate when they ask “Why do you want to work with us?” Um.. Because money. I don’t necessarily care about your business but I have to tell you I do just so I can get a job, because I need money to live.
Note: The muses don’t have to be yours. They can be a partner’s muse, or one you’ve seen on your dash.
Favorite Muse: It’s a tie between Wizardmon, and Xelloss. Those two have been a part of my life for a long time now, and even if I don’t play them much, they’re still my favorites, and even if I get rid of 90% of my muses, those two will always stick around.
Least Favorite Muse: Daniel, and Creek. You ever have that muse that you hate so much but you kind of just keep them around specifically to start shit and watch them get the shit beat out of them. That’s those two for me.
Favorite Thread Plot: I love action, and I also love angst and fluff threads.
Least Favorite Thread Plot: Honestly? Anything sexual. I just don’t do that stuff, so yeah.
Favorite OC: Again, tie between Avel, Lyric, and Yudar. Those boys, I swear. Two are absolute assholes, even if they do have hearts of gold, and Lyric is just a sassy little shit and I need to do more with him.
Least Favorite OC: Fuckin’... Leraje. I can’t say I completely hate him, because he is entertaining sometimes.. But I really don’t love him as much as some of my other OCs. He’s just a pompous dickbag who thinks he’s the best thing to happen to the universe, and he needs to be taken down a peg.
If You Could Meet One Muse: Bakugou. Let me hang out with my asshole son, please.
Which Muse Would You Punch: Daniel. I really want to punch him in the jugular, so yeah. Didn’t really have to think about that one.
Which Muse Would You Hug: Nagi. Please, that man has been through enough shit in his life and needs one. Also Mogar, purely for the fact that I want a bear hug from the bear man.
For the Other People
Tagged By: No one! I made this!
Tagging: @maskedmuses, @adventurouswind, @wildbcrn, @the-purple-hero, @liittlemac
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