#WVDC trivia
lylahammar · 1 year
sprnvatrash submitted: Hngggg lylaaaaa i crave your lore tidbits can I have some fun non-spoilery tidbit or universe-building around the clinic and how Robin set up the clinic? How did they start learning this as an up and coming field? How did they pick a place to get their PhD in oneirology? What made them decide to even do this? What’s their dissertation on? (You don’t have to answer all of these at once obviously LMAO I’m just so excited to know moreee)
oh jeez I can't actually answer a whole lot of this because I'm gonna get into Robin's backstory at some point 😅 I can say that they were originally just going to college to get a degree/license for therapy, but they got roped into the field of oneirology by someone else. They didn't even know that Nightmares or that field of study existed before that. Their focus, throughout (as well as their dissertation), has always been on integrating therapy with oneirology and helping people mentally recover after the trauma of Nightmare infection.
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lylahammar · 1 year
You've said that Douglas and Ray are polyam before right? Can you tell me more about their prior relationships and relationship orientations? I'm polyam and I rarely see rep, so this is exciting for me!!
Well, Douglas is polyam! Ray gave it a shot during his relationship with Douglas, but I would say that it wasn't really their cup of tea 😅
In the past, they had a third person in their relationship who was another guy they went to college with! It didn't last for long though, and the dude broke up with both of them after like 4 months when he moved back to his home state. Douglas was devastated, Ray didn't really care all that much.
I don't wanna get too into depth on like orientation stuff because that will be touched on in the comic itself 😅 They've both stayed mainly single since they broke up, but Douglas has dated around a little bit! Nothing serious, and nothing that lasted.
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lylahammar · 2 years
What kind of documentaries do you think Douglas would want to make? Asking as a film student XD
Oh man it's been a while since I've gotten an OC question, this caught me off guard! 😂
Hmmmmm well, Douglas used to make documentaries about extremely strange things happening to regular people. He often asked people he met to tell him about the weirdest thing that ever happened to them, to find inspiration. He thinks a lot about the cruel irony of his own weirdest experience coming after he quit making films.
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lylahammar · 3 years
Can I tell yall a little bit of character design trivia about Robin? 😁
American robins have sexual dimorphism, in that males have a black hood where females' heads are grey.
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As an amab agender person who chose the name Robin based on an emotional connection with that type of bird, I thought it would be fitting for Robin to dye their naturally black hair grey.
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In fact, when I first chose the color, I color picked from a picture of a female robin! 🐦✨ So basically, their grey hair is just very very subtle trans symbolism lol 💁
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lylahammar · 3 years
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Ship in 5 minutes meme for Robin and Teddy!! A few people asked me to do this and these are very fun to fill out, so of course I gotta 😁
Blank templates: part 1, part 2
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lylahammar · 3 years
df;ldhfl omfg I just remembered something funny
So in the very first planning doc for WVDC, I have this one note:
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Now the funny thing about this is that, this token cishet didn't even get to die bc he got cut from the script LMAOOOO
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lylahammar · 3 years
How about a little fact about Robin and Teddy!! Since it's my day off and I'm bored lmao 🤠
Robin and Teddy are both very good therapists and can handle any kind of client (the majority of their client base is young neurodivergent LGBT+ people), but they have slightly different methods:
Robin is a comforting presence, and a very good listener. They can always maintain composure and calm people down, even if the client is getting distressed or hostile. People feel relaxed and safe when they're around them. They work best with clients who have internalized problems, like anxiety and depression.
Teddy is very approachable and friendly, and does really well at making people feel more confident. He tends to be more of a friend to his clients, and he's the type of counsellor that people look forward to catching up with every week. He works best with victims of abuse who need an outside perspective and support network!
Both of their offices are FILLED with every manner of stimming toys you can think of (as well as the therapy guinea pigs), and they spend a lot of time making sure all the toys are always clean and sanitized 😁
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lylahammar · 3 years
Hey how about some completely random small facts about the characters in WVDC that are probably never gonna show up in the actual comic!
Robin: They own too many tote bags. Teddy teases them a lot for buying so many, but they just like them.
Teddy: He really enjoys fishing, and has a mahogany canoe bookmarked that he really wants to buy someday.
Quinn: She's good at roller skating! She doesn't go to skate parks often, but she'll happily spend hours on a half pipe by herself just listening to music.
Adelaide: Her mom has a key to her apartment, and sometimes comes over while she's at work to stock her fridge with home cooked meals. Adelaide really appreciates this since she never has the time or energy to cook for herself.
Douglas: He was raised by a lesbian couple. One of his moms is Ashkenazi Jewish, and although the family isn't very traditional, he associates his religion with her and has a lot of love for it.
Ray: He watches/reads a lot of anime and manga. He works at Powell's (the bookstore in Portland) and spends a lot of time reading in the manga section. His favorite series is Golden Kamuy!
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lylahammar · 3 years
Do any of them (besides for Robin obviously) speak any other languages? Thanks!
Yes! 😁 I can list em! (this list is excluding English of course)
Robin: Fluent in Japanese and ASL, can speak conversational Spanish
Teddy: Fluent in ASL, can speak some Japanese
Douglas: Almost fluent in ASL (still learning)
Ray: Can speak a little Chinuk Wawa
Adelaide: Fluent in spanish and ASL
Quinn: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (she took Spanish in high school but forgot all of it lmao)
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lylahammar · 3 years
A random thought I had last night:
Robin would be really good at Among Us. Like, scary good. Everyone can't help but trust them, and they have a knack for remembering where everyone was at any given time. They're also very good at controlling the situation, and would be able to turn everyone against each other easily. Eventually they all just stopped playing Among Us together because it was too intimidating LOL
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lylahammar · 3 years
Would you be willing to share something about each character that they're embarrassed about but other people find charming/endearing?
Oh boy, this is a tough question actually 😅 Let me see...
Robin: They actually get embarrassed if anyone mentions their dream conductor outfit while they're awake 😂 They get very... confident while in their own dream space, which is embarrassing for them to reflect on.
Teddy: He's very ticklish 😁
Douglas: He had an Elektra Heart phase in high school, and the pictures from that time are really cringey to him now even tho Ray loves them (I've mentioned that before, but tbh Douglas doesn't get embarrassed easily so it was hard to think of anything new 😅)
Ray: Oh a lot 😬 Ray gets embarrassed very easily, over things that no one else even thinks about. Douglas likes to rope them into his antics a lot but they get flustered if anyone catches them participating!
Quinn: Quinn is ashamed of her habit of prying too much! She asks a lot of questions and tends to cross people's boundaries without realizing it, which has driven a lot of people away in the past. But the people who understand her know that it's just her way of showing genuine interest and concern for the people she likes.
Adelaide: Hmmm, well, Adelaide is a bit difficult to crack. She's very tough, since she had to grow a thick skin in the medical field, but she's self conscious about her more fragile interior. She spends a lot of her free time watching videos of things she'd like to do but doesn't have time/energy for (mostly aquarium building), and she's ashamed of that! That'll be a whole plot point tho 😁
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lylahammar · 3 years
I got some really bad news today (my mom has dementia), so I was wondering if you could share a couple of fluffy facts about each of the WVDC characters that you haven't gotten to yet?
Oh wow I'm so sorry!! I know exactly how that feels, dementia runs in my family. I had a little trouble coming up with things that wouldn't infringe on headcanons or spoil the story, but here's some cute trivia! 💛 I hope this makes you feel better!
Robin, Teddy, and Douglas are very close friends, but Douglas and Teddy are especially close. Robin usually interviews new hires, but Douglas was the first person Teddy got to interview (since Robin's schedule was too busy at the time). Douglas was used to masking his ✨gayness✨ for job interviews, and was a bit tense, but Teddy was also a kinda uncomfortable since it was a new situation for him. Eventually, Teddy just dropped the professionalism and started having a conversation with him. They both found that they got along really well and felt comfortable being themselves around each other! Robin immediately hired Douglas after that, since Teddy liked him and Robin trusts Teddy's opinions.
Adelaide and Robin have known each other since they were kids! When Robin was in high school, they became close friends with Adelaide's older brother (they were in band together). They often went to Adelaide's family's house to work on homework with him. In fact, Adelaide's older brother was Robin's first real crush, and Adelaide still likes to tease them for that 😂 He works as an engineer now and lives in another state, but he and Robin are still friends!
Ray often meets up with Douglas after work. They like to hang out at Douglas' apartment and watch movies or play video games. Ray gets Douglas to watch a lot of cartoons and anime with him.
This is a SLIGHT spoiler but it's very small so I don't rly mind lmao: Douglas lives directly above Quinn. Like, he's in the apartment right above hers. They both realized that as soon as they saw each other in the first 10 pages (since they've seen each other around), but they both chose not to say anything bc they didn't wanna make the other uncomfortable LOL
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lylahammar · 3 years
Hello ! I'm having a bad day, one of my close friend turned out to be pretty homophobic... could you share a wholesome fact about your lovely Teddy and Robin to cheer me up ? Thank you in advance :)
Oh noooo I’m so sorry anon that’s horrible! D: You have so many friends here in our little online community and in me (🎶 you gooot a friend in me 🎶), so feel free to reach out at any time if you need support or company 💛
As for a wholesome fact, here’s a cute one! Robin was very very supportive and helpful when Teddy got his top surgery. It was pretty soon after they started dating, and they weren’t living together yet, but Robin invited him to stay with them in their apartment until he recovered. Robin LOVED having him there! Since he took time off work for the recovery, Robin would get very excited every day to go home and see him. He ended up moving in soon after that 😁
Then, after Robin lost their arm, Teddy took the chance to pay them back and more by being the most amazing caretaker possible 😊 It became a weekly routine for him to file and paint Robin’s nails every Sunday from then on! 💅💕💖
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lylahammar · 3 years
Okay but if we're all going to be fighting over Teddy and Robin, what are their ~types~ in terms of romantic partners? And what about the rest of the main cast as well?
Oh jeez ahahah
Wellllll Robin doesn't really have a physical type, they're more interested in an emotional connection! They do have aesthetic attraction, but looks are more of a bonus 😁 It's similar with Teddy! But Teddy's a lot more reserved with dating and actually doesn't fall for people easily. Teddy's only dated a few people in his life, whereas Robin has a good amount of exes.
Uhhhhhh Douglas likes attentive men! He enjoys being flirted with. Likes to feel ✨cared for✨ u kno? And he's really into comfortably masculine people (doesn't have to be cis, just anyone who's masculine without being insecure/toxic about it). Ray doesn't have a type at all! They were into Douglas bc the two of them are very close friends and had good chemistry.
Quinn is very attracted to direct, assertive women who aren't afraid to be brutally honest. She likes a woman who can kick her ass basically
Adelaide tends to push potential romantic partners away, but she likes it when they aren't deterred by that. When someone makes her feel desirable, she gets more confident about pursuing a relationship with them! I mean, as long as they aren't creepy about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lylahammar · 3 years
btw Quinn is the only one in WVDC who's over 6' (she's 6'1") so her working there is like
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lylahammar · 3 years
I know you've said that Quinn is tall and everyone else is short, but what is everyone's actual heights? Thanks!!
Robin: 5'6" (167.64 cm)
Teddy: 5'4" (162.56 cm)
Quinn: 6'1" (185.42 cm)
Adelaide: 5'5" (165.1 cm)
Douglas: 5'11" (180.34 cm)*
Ray: 5'2" (157.48 cm)
*Douglas can't stand fully upright, so he looks a lot shorter than he is! Everyone's always shocked when they see him standing (with crutches) for the first time 😁
The rest of them are relative shorties tho! We are legion ✊😤
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