bigaldevlin · 4 months
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Fair play Macron, fair play!
Let's hope the rest of the west starts standing their ground some more!
#pootin 💩 #slavaukraini 🇺🇦 #macron 🇫🇷 #France #war #warnews #news #putinmemes #putin #vladamirputin #Ukraine #Russia #ukrainewar #presidentmacron #nato #natovsrussia #french #ukraine🇺🇦 #russiaisaterroriststate #russia🇷🇺 #nukes #ww3 #ww3memes #Russian #russiawarcrimes #russiawar #warinukraine🇺🇦 #freeukraine
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WWIII:north hemisphere hit,south back to #Neanderthal,tens MM dead,decomposing #corpses,B of #rats spreading infections
2D #leaders miss #Hiroscima&WWII horrors
#BZ drug in #Donbass?
#taxes' bulk-even in war-from common people cos we outnumber the #rich
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iwantjobs · 11 days
6/8/2024: Israel is like what America used to begin with (stealing land, apartheid minus the slavery), so the pain of the Palestinians who have been living in that land for the last 400 years revoke the pains of Indians and indigenous people around the globe and the blacks (apartheid in Africa and American apartheid of segregation and systematic racism). That is why you see a lot of black people rising up to defend the Gazans and Palestinians with the NAACP telling Biden the genocide in Gaza and Indians helping the Palestinians in America to fight for their justice. However, since black pain is deeper with slavery and police violence coupled with their physical strength as humans and thwir DNA being tied to the wild vicious large animal kingdom of Africa, they have been the ones commiting shooting and stabbing acts on children after that Palestinians 6 years old boy was stabbed to death by a white white man with a Jew looking nose with a polish last name. (light skinned black man shot a kid or child in a coffee shop along with a other adult), this black woman just stabbed a poor 3 year-old white boy in a store or supermarket, and light skinned black young hoodlums shot 9 children in that NFL parade when they know it's a family event. It's not even just colored people or black people, your white people picked up this anger with that white male in main shooting so many dead people including children. So if you white people blame colored people and how the system allowed them in, think about your white paws all over the Islam land right now guarding their oil and Islamic way of living, and now stealing their land which have have conquered hundred of years ago, while you are calling yourselves equal rights people. Now equal rights people would park their troops in other religious people's land especially taking back land that belongs to your buddy 3,000 years ago without creating a WWWIII because these animals have mass weapons too and their religion said they can become martyrs if they fight to death defending Islam via their Muhammed died and went to heaven in the Palestine area. I am not sure if their religion said that but they sure believe in it and they said Muhammed died and went to heaven in Palestine region. While you Jews where living abroad spreading across Europe and other regions and when you whit Christians were back to Europe doing your European thing. To think that you whites call yourselves equality people while flying and sailing your paws back to the Holyland (Palestine region) to steal back your Jesus' birthland as your prize for Christians is to think all of your white Christians are crazy religious fanatics especially of the Holyland belongs to dark skinned people because it sits rights next to black Africa's mouth. I guarantee you from day one when your Jesus was born, there is not light skin, blue and green eyes, and blonde and red hair people living next to the mouth of black Africa unless your white race came there as invaders to seek for adventure and start mating with black African to creat a new race of brownish skin people like Egyptian which is the mouth of Africa right next to the Palestine region where they are bombing Gazan dozen children and dozens of women to rescue a few precious Israeli people. Trang's thinking at 51.20 years old.
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deblala · 1 year
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anouri · 2 years
saw wwwiii trending??? wtf uh
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ramon-balaguer · 2 years
The Most DIVISIVE Dummy in US🇺🇸History, Joe #BloodyBiden has made the Rumor of a US🇺🇸Civil War II a Real possibility the same way the IDIOT made WWWIII a very sooner than later possibility by supporting a Corrupt nation🇺🇦 and their Thug leader, then Threatening Russia🇷🇺 in Every Way possible, as he’s Ostracized and Threatened #MAGA Christians🎚Conservatives⚖️ Constitutionalist📜 Libertarians🗽 Independents💜 and of course, Republicans❤️‍🔥 (or essentially about half or more of our entire nation and territories) while Blindly 🙈 supporting, legalizing and funding ALL Leftist✊🏿 Liberals🏳️‍🌈 Democrats🏳️‍⚧️ Sin👿 Sick🤕 Agendas📑 idealism👨‍🎤 and policies aimed for our total Destruction‼️ 🤯🙏🇺🇸 #REBTD😇
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
Nuclear Weapons:
Proliferation or Monopoly?
Bertrand Lemennicier
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“The problem of nuclear proliferation is an old one, dating when the United States used nuclear weapons on Japan. The problem resurfaces each time a new nation develops nuclear weapons: the Soviet Union in 1949, the United Kingdom in 1952, France in 1962, and China and India in 1974. Israel claims to have nuclear weapons; Brazil, South Africa, and Argentina could but have stopped development; and Iran, Iraq, and probably others (e.g., North Korea) have expressed the desire to have them.
If nuclear weapons in the hands of governments present a real or perceived threat of intrusion or invasion among their neighbors, we can expect smaller nations to move to protect their territory and political independence through nuclear weapons production or acquisition. The French government used this argument against the American nuclear program when Charles De Gaulle came to power in 1945. At the same time, technological and political changes have reduced the cost of acquiring nuclear weapons. Further, technological progress should make possible the miniaturization of these weapons. Small organizations could someday have access to them. This possible proliferation is currently considered a curse, not a blessing. Why? Mainly because everyone fears that such a proliferation of weapons of mass destruction combined with advanced means for their delivery intensities "the problem of ensuring global security," as Dagobert Brito and Michael Intriligator wrote recently in Economic Affairs.” (pages 127-128)
Yes it is. Why? Because things that are good for us are good for others. The terror equilibrium was a guarantor of peace in Europe during the cold war. Without it, the Soviets might have been tempted to invade Europe. When there are no nuclear weapons there are classic wars, which can result in massacres comparable to those seen with the use of conventional weapons in the world wars. The Iran/Iraq war is a case in point: If both sides had had nuclear weapons, they might have hesitated to enter the conflict, saving millions of lives.
Possession of nuclear weapons by all players is a good and not a bad. Indeed, the more countries possess such dissuasive weapons, the wider will be the territory of peace and stability as experienced in Europe throughout the cold war. There have to be serious reasons to prohibit certain countries from owning such means of dissuading potential aggressors.
This sort of support of nuclear arms proliferation is natural for economists but heretical for noneconomists. The countries who are members of the nuclear club form a cartel that is looking to protect its monopoly in respect to other countries. They even use violence in order to prevent countries they do not like from obtaining nuclear technology. If nuclear weapons reduce the possibility of armed conflicts, i.e., protect human lives and territory from external invaders and violence, it means nuclear weapons possession is efficient.
This point of view is increasingly shared by Western military strategists, many of whom believe countries willing to obtain such weapons should be helped and not considered outlaws. An article by J. Fitchett in the International Herald Tribune notes this change in opinion among military advisers. But Fitchett claims that if proliferation prevails, the risk of conflict increases due to everyone's inability to control everyone else's dissuasion. Pentagon experts note that when communication between the USSR and the U.S. was limited, it minimized provocative behavior. Fitchett continues: With territories like Asia and the Middle East, nationalistic passion and irrational behavior are reality. Those leaders frequently are autocratic and are ready to destroy their countries in a nuclear conflict just to satisfy their interests or territorial appetites. Even though the 1991 Iraq conflict showed the opposite (Saddam Hussein did not dare use chemical weapons under the nuclear threat of Israel and the U.S.), we cannot extrapolate this to a world where nuclear weapons are commonplace. We should not forget that nuclear conflict is not local and it can affect, as did the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, uninvolved third parties. This argument is not new - it is similar to the one used by French medical doctors, who in the name of protecting consumers are impeding the sale of drugs in supermarkets. Another argument holds that competition in airline services leads to an increase in accidents due to airlines' failing to invest sufficiently in safety under the pressure of competition. This has proven to be false. All defenders of monopolies and cartels use such arguments including the one concerning nuclear weapons.” (pages 138 - 140)
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suburbanlegendx · 4 years
January feels like a very long month. Just 3.5 weeks into 2020 and the world seems like it's already starting to end:
1. Australian Bush Fires
2. WW3 Rumors
3. Taal Volcanic Eruption
4. Corona Virus Outbreak
Be safe, everyone. Stay strong.
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eschatologyguy · 4 years
On The 8th Day: A Nuclear Winter Documentary.
When you come to think of it, these bible passages are actually TECHNOLOGY STATEMENTS. In your mind, these passages are descriptive of what? Matt 24:22 makes no sense at all with just swords, muskets, howitzers, or any modern conventional weapons. THERE WILL BE A NUCLEAR WW3. And it's just around the bend, just over the horizon. How close? This will give you a hint how close: https://eschatologystudent.tumblr.com/post/628307228944990208/how-close-are-we-to-the-end-of-the-age
"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." -Matthew 24:22
"And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth." -Zechariah 14:12
"For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; EVEN THE HEAT WITH THE SHADOW OF A CLOUD: the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low." -Isaiah 25:4-5
"Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away: yea, IT SHALL BE AT AN INSTANT SUDDENLY." -Isaiah 29:5
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rarebirth · 5 years
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iwantjobs · 11 days
6/8/2024: Israel is like what America used to begin with (stealing land, apartheid minus the slavery), so the pain of the Palestinians who have been living in that land for the last 400 years revoke the pains of Indians and indigenous people around the globe and the blacks (apartheid in Africa and American apartheid of segregation and systematic racism). That is why you see a lot of black people rising up to defend the Gazans and Palestinians with the NAACP telling Biden the genocide in Gaza and Indians helping the Palestinians in America to fight for their justice. However, since black pain is deeper with slavery and police violence coupled with their physical strength as humans and thwir DNA being tied to the wild vicious large animal kingdom of Africa, they have been the ones commiting shooting and stabbing acts on children after that Palestinians 6 years old boy was stabbed to death by a white white man with a Jew looking nose with a polish last name. (light skinned black man shot a kid or child in a coffee shop along with a other adult), this black woman just stabbed a poor 3 year-old white boy in a store or supermarket, and light skinned black young hoodlums shot 9 children in that NFL parade when they know it's a family event. It's not even just colored people or black people, your white people picked up this anger with that white male in main shooting so many dead people including children. So if you white people blame colored people and how the system allowed them in, think about your white paws all over the Islam land right now guarding their oil and Islamic way of living, and now stealing their land which have have conquered hundred of years ago, while you are calling yourselves equal rights people. Now equal rights people would park their troops in other religious people's land especially taking back land that belongs to your buddy 3,000 years ago without creating a WWWIII because these animals have mass weapons too and their religion said they can become martyrs if they fight to death defending Islam via their Muhammed died and went to heaven in the Palestine area. I am not sure if their religion said that but they sure believe in it and they said Muhammed died and went to heaven in Palestine region. While you Jews where living abroad spreading across Europe and other regions and when you whit Christians were back to Europe doing your European thing. To think that you whites call yourselves equality people while flying and sailing your paws back to the Holyland (Palestine region) to steal back your Jesus' birthland as your prize for Christians is to think all of your white Christians are crazy religious fanatics especially of the Holyland belongs to dark skinned people because it sits rights next to black Africa's mouth. I guarantee you from day one when your Jesus was born, there is not light skin, blue and green eyes, and blonde and red hair people living next to the mouth of black Africa unless your white race came there as invaders to seek for adventure and start mating with black African to creat a new race of brownish skin people like Egyptian which is the mouth of Africa right next to the Palestine region where they are bombing Gazan dozen children and dozens of women to rescue a few precious Israeli people. Trang's thinking at 51.20 years old. White people hearts are animal hearts stealing people's land, killing them, and enslaved. Only animals with weapons do that. No wonder Jesus had to die for their white asses' sins.
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beyond-crusading · 4 years
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So, Donald Trump's son posted this on his Instagram. Just after his father assassinated 7 Iranian citizen, including a top ranking official by drone strike. This is... worriying to say the least.
The Deus Vult meme has been used as far right propaganda for years now and we need to stand strongly against it.
Because what it calls to isn't just war: it's genocide.
When the far right idiots scream "Deus Vult!", they are not just advocating for a war in Iran or somewhere else, they are calling for war against all Muslims who dare to stand in America's way. It's an explicit call for imperialism, based on racist beliefs, and propagated using oversimplications and lies about a historical period they know nothing about.
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foreverlogical · 4 years
My question... “Did they know the when and where of the imminent danger?”
Because if they did, that seems far easier to deal with than what we have now, imminent danger with no idea when or where it will happen.
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omfghelena · 4 years
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“Never coming home , never coming home.”
(using humor to cope w/ fear)
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orangebratz · 4 years
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Going to war never looked so good 🙃 #WWWIII
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