#Wageningen University acceptance rate
9jacompass · 2 years
Apply Now: 2023/2024 Research Africa Programme & Wageningen University Scholarship(Fully-Funded)
Are you an African student wishing to study in the Netherlands? Then the Wageningen University Scholarship is for you. Qualified African students are to apply for the fully funded Africa Scholarship Programme 2023/2024 at Wageningen University & Research to study in Netherlands. The Africa Scholarship Programme (ASP) has been initiated by Wageningen University & Research to give talented and…
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weeswageningen · 9 months
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Dear all,
We would like to invite you to attend January’s Wageningen Evolution & Ecology Seminar (WEES) and related workshop. The seminar will take place on Thursday 18th January, 16:00-17:00 in Orion C1005. Dr. Theresa Rueger from Newcastle University will present her work on ‘Coral reef fishes as a model to understand animal societies'. 
  There will also be a workshop with Dr. Theresa Rueger on ‘Marine fishes as models in behavioural ecology' at 14:00 in Orion B4015. In the workshop, Dr. Rueger will discuss the role of coral reef fishes as models in behavioural ecology. The workshop is aimed for HBO, MSc, PhD students, and postdocs. Registration is required, so please email Davide Bottacini ([email protected]) to register. See below for more information on the seminar and workshop. 
In preparation to the seminar and workshop, the speaker recommends the papers in attachment, which offer a background on the topics discussed.   Please forward this information to anyone who could be interested. Thank you!  
Seminar (16:00-17:00 - Orion C1005)
Coral reef fishes as a model to understand animal societies
  Dr. Theresa Rueger Lecturer, Tropical Marine Biology Newcastle University, UK   The evolution of complex groups, where some individuals reproduce and others do not, remains an evolutionary mystery for many animal species, including marine fishes. Anemonefishes and gobies, model organisms for the ecology and evolution of marine organisms, live in complex groups with two dominant breeders and several non-breeding subordinates. We know why subordinates accept their situation: limited habitat availability and high predation rate associated with movement between groups create harsh ecological constraints; and strict size hierarchies and the threat of eviction create harsh social constraints. However, we do not know why dominant breeders accept subordinates to share their resources. We tested several classic hypotheses to explain social evolution in coral reef fishes: 1) The kin selection hypothesis; 2) the mate-replacement hypothesis and 3) the pay-to-stay hypothesis. We used genetics, experiments and behavioural observations on anemonefish and goby populations in Papua New Guinea. We found that 1) surprisingly, despite a larval dispersal phase, relatedness in groups of coral reef fishes can be significantly higher than the population mean; 2) the variance, but not the mean, of time to replace a mate is reduced when subordinates are present; and 3) subordinates perform helping behaviours beneficial to the dominants, often mediated by their anemone or coral mutualistic hosts. None of these factors alone can explain the formation and maintenance of groups in coral reef fishes, but added together a clear picture emerges of why dominant breeders accept subordinates to form complex societies. 
Workshop (14:00-15:30 - Orion B4015)
Marine fishes as models in behavioural ecology  
The workshop gives attendees the opportunity to meet the speaker and have a discussion based on recent publications. The workshops are a good possibility to become acquainted with hot topics in science and to gain experience in discussing these topics with leading scientists in the field. Furthermore, BSc and MSc students can get 1 ECTS for attending 2 workshops. Registration is required to participate in the workshop, so please email Davide Bottacini ([email protected]) to register.   
Lunch and dinner with Dr. Rueger
A small group will have lunch and dinner with our invited speaker. If you are interested in joining for lunch and/or dinner with Dr. Rueger, please contact Davide Bottacini ([email protected]). You may of course also simply decide to join for dinner on the day of the seminar.  
WEES background & call for new members WEES is an initiative of PhD students and postdocs at Wageningen University to organize a continuing series of stimulating seminars on contemporary topics in evolution and ecology. For this series we invite researchers from all over the world who have leading roles in their field. We aim to bring together different groups at Wageningen University using a variety of systems, but with a common interest in evolutionary and ecological questions. WEES is funded by graduate schools PE&RC, WIMEK, EPS, VLAG, and WIAS.  
Interested in joining the WEES committee and organizing seminars yourself? WEES is looking for new members! We aim for a broad and diverse range in topics and would like to welcome new members to help and include topics not represented yet. If you are curious, send an email to [email protected] and join one of our meetings.
  For more information please visit: www.weeswageningen.nl or follow us on Twitter @weeswageningen
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petnews2day · 2 years
Early bird discount expires this week
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/bird-news/early-bird-discount-expires-this-week/
Early bird discount expires this week
Registration is already open for the three-day event​, which will take place 6-8 February 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Barcelona Tower. To take advantage of the early bird rate, register before ​Friday, 25th November 2022.
Probiota 2022 in Copenhagen was sold-out, so don’t wait to reserve your spot for the leading annual event for the prebiotic​, probiotic ​and the microbiota ​focused food and pharma industries in Europe.
Market-leading content​
The event programme features presentations and panel discussions from a range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, regulatory, market experts, and more!
Experts from the University of California, San Diego, Abbott, the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, Wageningen University, Unilever, the University of Turku, King’s College London, Lindenwood University, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Sandwalk Bioventures, the International Probiotics Association, and Lumina Intelligence are just some of the confirmed speakers for the flagship event for the prebiotics, probiotics, and microbiome community.
Scientific Frontiers ​
Also, fast approaching is the deadline for submissions for our Scientific Frontiers session at the conference. Our Scientific Frontiers​​ cover the latest state-of-the-art developments related to prebiotic, probiotic and microbiome science relevant to human health, well-being, consumers and industry.
All abstract submissions will be reviewed by our Scientific Committee made up of leading experts from the fields of pre- and probiotics. All accepted abstracts will be invited to present a poster at our event in Barcelona., while the winning abstract will be invited to give a presentation during the IPA World Congress + Probiota​​.
The deadline for submissions is 11 November 2022.
To download a copy of the abstract guidelines, please click HERE​​.
Exploring Barcelona​
The event will take place at the Hyatt Regency Barcelona Tower. Our 2023 location will offer delegates a warm climate, distances that are easy to cover on foot or by bike, renowned cuisine that combines tradition and innovation and the love of design and culture delegates can see at every turn.
NutraIngredients has teamed up with Barcelona Convention Bureau to offer our delegates 20% off the Barcelona Card. This card allows attendees to get the train to and from the airport, enjoy free admission to some of the city’s museums, and more than 70 discounts – a great reason to extend your stay!
For more information and to register, please click HERE​​.
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rainbowsnakes · 7 years
Animal Products, Sustainability and Animal Welfare
This post was inspired by several keynote talks given at conferences I attended last summer. 
It is a topic that can become very emotive.    
Disscussions on animal production and addressing the challenge of global food security in the face of climate change normally falls in to one of two narratives.  
The Production Narrative, aiming for “sustainable intensification” 
The Comsumption Narrative, “Stop eating all animal products.” 
But what about the third option? 
Is there a place for animal agriculture in the future of farming that meets sustainability goals while still protecting  animal health and welfare?   
1) The Production Narrative: 
We can not continue to produce animal products in the way we do currently. It is NOT sustainable. The production narrative seeks to produce more food with a smaller footprint of rescources by increasing yeilds; selectivly breeding animals for increased feed efficiency (which basically reffers to how much food an animal has to eat to produce a unit of usable animal product). 
This approach seeks to rear animals that grow fast and produce high yeilds at higher stocking densities in the pursuit of “ sustainable intensification.”
This is path we are currently on. It is not the best option for animal welfare- 
and It’s is not whats best for the environment. 
I reject the opinion that farmers don’t care about their animals (All the farmers I’ve personally worked with do). Farmers want what’s best for the health and welfare of their animals, but are ultimatley constrained by very narrow profit margins.  
The problem is not “greedy farmers”. The problem is that as a society animal products do not have enough value.  There is a pressure for costs to be driven down by retailers...and good welfare costs money.  
In some cases the suggestions made (or scientifically shown) to improve animal welfare, such as selecting animals with slower growth rates, keeping them at lower stocking densities, or providing specific environmental enrichments will conflict directly with reducing the energy consumption of food production. 
In intensive systems welfare and sustainability are often in direct conflict.  
eg)  Production method 1 rears 4000 slower growing chickens per flock which go to slaughter at 60 days..  Production method 2 rears 6000 fast growing meat chickens which go to slaughter at 42 days both methods use the same amount of space.
The longer rearing time of production method 1 means the flock eats more food per kg of meat produced (and components of chicken feed like corn or wheat could have directly fed humans instead).  Production method 1 will also rear less chickens per year....So overall this is much more costly for the envrionment.
BUT production method 1 uses a slow growing strain of chicken with significantly less issues with leg deformities. The lower stocking density also means it is easier to maintain their environment within the parameters needed for good welfare.. They are overall healthier and more active. 
The consumer has pay the difference for this higher production cost and higher welfare standard.  Meaning high welfare foods are not equally accessible to everyone and come at the cost of sustainability.
On a grand scale, this system isn’t going to work. 
There is a capacity, and a real drive, to improve the welfare of animals in agriculture.. standards are improving. 
But in the face of climate change Is welfare going to remain a priority? Is it acceptable to have a split market where maybe a small % of farm animals are reared (ineffeciently) with a good quality of life for those that can afford to pay for welfare....While the reamining majority of farm animals are kept in sub-optimal conditons?
And of course there is a flip side to that argument. 
If suddenly it is decideded that yes, because animal products involve the lives of sentient beings, high welfare systems should become mandatory... The price of animal products will shoot up to reflect that. Is it ethical to deprieve people who can’t afford the new price of the choice to eat animal products? 
Without fixing equality issues within society....We can’t actually fix this problem with agriculture within the production narrative.  
2) The comsumption Narrative               
If there is no animal agriculture then there is no welfare problem.   
So is the awnser for everybody to stop eating animal products all together?
Not really, No.   
The whole world is highly unlikely and in some cases unable to become entirely vegan or vegetarian... It is simply not an option for every individual in all parts of the world. 
Feasibility aside not everybody has an ethical problem with ending the life of an animal for food in the first place. However,  MANY people  (for a variety of different reasons) do care about the quality of life an animal had and their capacity to suffer. 
Is the comsumption Narrative the best option for the environment and for global food security? 
- Arguably not.   
-Even plant based diets still harm the environment and indirectly harm animals. It’s an almost inescapable part of intensive modern agriculture.  
- Not all animal agriculture is bad for the envioronment. It can be well managed to the benefit of people and animals (wild and domestic).  
  Which leads us to the final narrative... 
3)  The Circular Narrative 
The circular narrative assumes that a given area of land that is used for agriculture in the most efficient way possible for food production. 
Some land which is unsutible for growing crops can be utilized by grazing cattle or sheep and managed humanely and sustainably to produce food / textile for humans.   
For land use to be efficient and sustainable one cruicial factor is food that humans could eat directly can not be fed to animals.... Instead animals would be fed using rescources that would otherwise be wasted... eg) sugar beet tops or other crop parts inedible for humans, food waste ect. 
In many cases using these rescources to feed animals and produce food is more efficient than using them for something else like biomass or biofeul. 
Its all about turning our current wasteful, linear production food chains into something that all works together.   
This option produces LESS animal product over all (so animal product consumption would still need to be reduced for this to work) ...because animals in these systems would be kept primarily for biomass utility, not pushed to their highest possible productivity yields. 
This is the easiest kind of system to pair with high welfare.  And there are already agro-forestry and silvopastoral systems that are moving towards this kind of goal.  
But this option requires the way the agricultural industry works, the way society percives animal products, and the way land is managed to fundamentally change...
Conclusion ? 
I don’t really have awnsers. 
I only made this post because Iv’e been thinking about all this a lot while collecting data on farms and when attending conferences in the field of animal welfare. (Most notably Prof. Imke de Boer’s Keynote at the 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level.)  
If you eat animal products then I guess try go for high welfare stuff if you can, and if possible eat less animal products to mitigate the fact its not as sustainible.
That way, as a comsumer of animal products, you are still “voting” that welfare matters to you.  If people aren’t prepared to pay for higher welfare then there won’t be as much money put in to improving and progressing farm animal husbandry. 
I just so rarely see disscussions that don’t boil down to either “ ALL ANIMAL AGRICULTURE IS BAD” or dialogue that just comes too close to accepting current intensive systems as being compleatly fine. 
This is not a farming is bad post.... As some current farming systems do allow animals to have a life worth living, but ultimatley not enough of them... 
Too many welfare issues are inherently linked to the genetics of the production animals themselves....If I have the time maybe I’ll add some further sources or go into more detail in another post if people are interested.  
Also as a disclaimer this isn’t a bash against veganism / vegitarianism because we do need to reduce our overall consumption of animal products, and veganism becoming more mainstream makes plant based meals more accesible and is ultimatly it is a very good thing.  
However I think the vegan movement has a tendency to put too much focus on individuals consumer habits, morals and personal choices- rather than actually adressing the wider problems with modern agriculture...and captialism.
If you are interested in the circular narrative,  the future of farming and the dynamics of animal welfare and sustainability then the sources below may be of interest. 
www. wur. nl/en /Dossiers/ file/ Circular-agrofood-system. htm  (tumblrs weird about links so take the spaces out and paste that link it will take you to Wageningen Universities page on circular Agrofood systems where there is a pretty good video summerising it.) 
Feed sources for livestock: recycling towards a green planet, Thesis by Hannah van Zanten 
de Olde, E.M., Moller, H., Marchand, F. et al.  When experts disagree: the need to rethink indicator selection for assessing sustainability of agriculture (2017) Environ Dev Sustain 19:4 1327–1342.
Grazed and confused? : Food Climate Research Network
 Animal Husbandry Regained: The Place of Farm Animals in Sustainable Agriculture by John Webster
The future of animal farming: Renwing the ancient contract edited by Marian Stamp Dawkins and Roland Bonney
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scawab-blog · 5 years
Colleges With Zero application Fees.
Finding Colleges with No Application Fees
The dream of gaining admission and scholarship offers from a desired University and program of choice is most at times shattered by application fees. Application fees are barriers to getting that desired scholarship and admission especially amongst the poor and middle-class students especially those from developing countries. Averagely application fees range from$50-75 which is a huge some for fresh secondary school leavers and graduates to afford. The pain of losing a scholarship or admission opportunity by reason of application fees is undescribable as many live in regrets and anger of not been able to afford the fees or affording it before the deadlines. In this article, we have listed a good number of colleges from  Europe and Asia without application fees. Hope it enhances your chances of getting your dreams fulfilled. Good luck.
Royal Roads University It is possible to get undergraduate and postgraduate degrees here. It welcomes all interested international students who would like to study tourism, management, law, business, communications or environmental sciences.  Mount Allison University Foreigners are welcomed in this higher educational institution to study at the Faculty of Arts, Science or Social Sciences. There is a huge number of courses you can study in this university. Unlike many other universities in Canada that charge an application fee, Mount Allison University allows international students to apply online for free. Fairleigh Dickinson University It is another Canadian university without an application fee. You can fill out its online application form and provide your documents without paying a penny if you choose to apply online. This is the only method of application when the institution is willing to waive your application fee. Quest University International students can apply for free. You just need to follow the application deadline, so it is better to choose the faculty beforehand. This is a private university that loves accepting international students from all over the world. Booth University College This is a private university. You can choose their different programs and apply them at no cost.
2. Germany
RWTH Aachenis is the leading engineering University in Germany The second most funded University in Germany with no application fees. It is known for its proximity to industry and has carved out a name for its employers reputation.
3. China.
China is a destination worthy for studies and has a lot of application fees free colleges Dalian University of technology Liaoning state China Chongqing University Jiangsu University Capital normal University North Western polytechnical University Nanjing University Sichuan University Southeast University Shandong University Tianjin University Fujian University Harbin engineering University Yanshan University Northeast normal University Shaanxi normal University Zeijang University 4.Netherlands University of Twente University of Wageningen 5. Belgium University of Ghent
6. Australia
Victoria University Applications into Victoria University can be done either directly to the university (either online or in-person), or through an education agent. However, to benefit from the application fee waiver, students must apply online through the link provided at the University website.
RMIT University
International students can also apply to RMIT University without an application fee. However, the application fee waiver is only applicable to students from countries classified as low risk. Students from high-risk countries will have to pay an application fee.
Bond University
Applying to Bond University is easy and free for international students. In fact, the university waives the application fee for international students who apply online.
Bond University
Application into Charles Darwin University can be done in two ways either through an agent or online. However, the application fee waiver is only applicable to the online application. The University also offers scholarships to international students. Interested candidates can submit their scholarship applications alongside their online application.
 University of South Australia
The University of South Australia is one of the institutions in Australia without an application fee. Just like every other university in Australia, the application can be done either via an agent or online. International students can apply to the University of South Australia without an application fee is they apply online. The University of Notre Dame Australia does not charge an application fee from international students. Applications can be done either online or agent or in-person to the University. In fact, entry into the University of Notre Dame Australia is based on personal qualities, motivation to study and academic potential. International students will also have to meet the academic and language requirements. Additionally, applicants will be interviewed by the academic staff of the university. University of Wollongong Australia The University of Wollongong Australia is one of the universities in Australia that does not charge an application fee from international students. Applications to the University of Wollongong Australia can be done in a number of ways. However, to be a beneficiary of the no-application fee policy, you need to apply online.
7. USA
The smith college
The Smith college is one of the universities in the United States without application fees it welcomes 350 students from around the world yearly It was founded in 1795. It is an application free University Grinnell college It is an application free university in the United States but highly selective with students from different backgrounds. University of South Maine Formally they charged for applications but recently they made an official statement indicating that they no longer charge for application both for undergraduate and graduate programs for both state and international students. Rhodes college It is one of the universities in the United States that doesn't demand application fees for both domestic and international students yet it's highly selective with an acceptance rate of 51%. There are other interesting colleges that don't charge application fees  but I trust u can exhaust this list of university colleges without getting your desired University and program of choice. Cheers!! U are getting closer to fulfilling your dreams of studying in your dream University and dream program. Read the full article
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Functions For Basic Revenue Aviator Project Reach Individuals At Thunder Gulf As Well As Hamilton.
Top 25 Quotes On news
LIIF is a steward for financing bought housing, child care, education and learning and also various other community-building projects. My opinion, accordinged to 2 years of extreme work in the standard earnings movement, is that lots of followers understand this but ask for practices however, strongly believing that the tests are going to in fact turnout end results that prosper" relative to the rules and also worths of the status.please click the next webpage please visit our page. bp.blogspot.com/-0UA-e62cClw/VtKZEJEi0AI/AAAAAAAAk5E/47RQ-Iq-iMI/s1600/Singapore-Household-income-2015.jpg" width="354px" alt=""/> It seems to be that 2017 has been actually a basin year for the global basic revenue action, as multiple authorities and also personal study groups have actually separately conceived and launched experimental trials of general income (as well as very closely related policies). Any kind of evident evidence that standard earnings will certainly not have such an effect (e.g. an absence from noted modification in labor force involvement or even self-reported perspectives towards work) may be explained as an artefact of the limits of experimental concept. For 34 years, LIIF has actually been a prosperous and also innovative channel for private funding, paying for community development projects like affordable property, charter universities and also childcare centers in underserved communities throughout the U.S. During the course of that duration, this has committed $2.2 billion, which leveraged yet another $8 billion to fund projects that gained an approximated 2.1 thousand people. Over time, nonetheless, an increased occurrence as well as exposure of downshifting could possibly improve the way of living's social acceptability, consequently lowering its stigmatization and also providing more appealing to more folks (which will additionally enhance its own exposure and also social acceptance, and so on).
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The reasonably spent workers whose marginal tax rate will should increase are likewise among the primary recipients from the overview of a fundamental profit, as the increased taxes from their wage falls short of the degree of the essential revenue which they henceforth acquire. If the determined impacts and also elector reactions are positive, this also sets up the device for equivalent repayments to every resident which can after that be boosted in to a total standard revenue over time. In Latvia, the typical household net readjusted non reusable profit per unit of population is USD 15 269 a year, below the OECD average from USD 30 563. Given that of the result of the preconception on the cost from have up, it additionally matters in a roundabout way. Thirdly, the regular, trusted repayment from the advantage is certainly not disturbed when allowing a project under a fundamental profit scheme, whereas this will be under a standard means-tested plan. The practices in Tilburg and also Wageningen feature 3 therapy groups: (1) a group with the removal from reintegration criteria, including work use quotas and involvement in instruction systems, on welfare advantages; (2) a group with an even more demanding form of reintegration service for well being recipients (based on the needs from the Participation Show); (3) a team enabled to maintain added income made in addition to well-being benefits (subject matters within this team might retain 50% from extra earned revenue, up to the mandated maximum of EUR199 each month, throughout of the two-year practice; under current policy, well-being named beneficiaries are actually enabled to keep just 25% from added income, as well as just for around 6 months). Ebony cams (C) fotki.com" style="max-width:400px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">Your business covered a Financial Record, a file on the backing of BIEN's and USBIG's e-journal General Earnings Studies., as well as a file on BIEN's brand new site. That is actually possible to suggest that genuine as well as universal cash money moves including a Citizen's Earnings may have some crucial perks over CCTs in relations to influence on youngster labour. The experiment discovers whether the basic revenue can easily minimize poverty and also social omission, strengthen motivations to operate as well as reduce pressures from social advantage and tax. Raphael's treatment for theft - The concept of a minimum earnings guaranteed due to the federal government to all the members from a specific area is much more mature in comparison to the even more certain and primary concept from a genuine standard earnings.
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scawab-blog · 5 years
Colleges Without Zero application Fees.
Finding Colleges with No Application Fees
The dream of gaining admission and scholarship offers from a desired University and program of choice is most at times shattered by application fees. Application fees are barriers to getting that desired scholarship and admission especially amongst the poor and middle-class students especially those from developing countries. Averagely application fees range from$50-75 which is a huge some for fresh secondary school leavers and graduates to afford. The pain of losing a scholarship or admission opportunity by reason of application fees is undescribable as many live in regrets and anger of not been able to afford the fees or affording it before the deadlines. In this article, we have listed a good number of colleges from  Europe and Asia without application fees. Hope it enhances your chances of getting your dreams fulfilled. Good luck.
Royal Roads University It is possible to get undergraduate and postgraduate degrees here. It welcomes all interested international students who would like to study tourism, management, law, business, communications or environmental sciences.  Mount Allison University Foreigners are welcomed in this higher educational institution to study at the Faculty of Arts, Science or Social Sciences. There is a huge number of courses you can study in this university. Unlike many other universities in Canada that charge an application fee, Mount Allison University allows international students to apply online for free. Fairleigh Dickinson University It is another Canadian university without an application fee. You can fill out its online application form and provide your documents without paying a penny if you choose to apply online. This is the only method of application when the institution is willing to waive your application fee. Quest University International students can apply for free. You just need to follow the application deadline, so it is better to choose the faculty beforehand. This is a private university that loves accepting international students from all over the world. Booth University College This is a private university. You can choose their different programs and apply them at no cost.
2. Germany
RWTH Aachenis is the leading engineering University in Germany The second most funded University in Germany with no application fees. It is known for its proximity to industry and has carved out a name for its employers reputation.
3. China.
China is a destination worthy for studies and has a lot of application fees free colleges Dalian University of technology Liaoning state China Chongqing University Jiangsu University Capital normal University North Western polytechnical University Nanjing University Sichuan University Southeast University Shandong University Tianjin University Fujian University Harbin engineering University Yanshan University Northeast normal University Shaanxi normal University Zeijang University 4.Netherlands University of Twente University of Wageningen 5. Belgium University of Ghent
6. Australia
Victoria University Applications into Victoria University can be done either directly to the university (either online or in-person), or through an education agent. However, to benefit from the application fee waiver, students must apply online through the link provided at the University website.
RMIT University
International students can also apply to RMIT University without an application fee. However, the application fee waiver is only applicable to students from countries classified as low risk. Students from high-risk countries will have to pay an application fee.
Bond University
Applying to Bond University is easy and free for international students. In fact, the university waives the application fee for international students who apply online.
Bond University
Application into Charles Darwin University can be done in two ways either through an agent or online. However, the application fee waiver is only applicable to the online application. The University also offers scholarships to international students. Interested candidates can submit their scholarship applications alongside their online application.
 University of South Australia
The University of South Australia is one of the institutions in Australia without an application fee. Just like every other university in Australia, the application can be done either via an agent or online. International students can apply to the University of South Australia without an application fee is they apply online. The University of Notre Dame Australia does not charge an application fee from international students. Applications can be done either online or agent or in-person to the University. In fact, entry into the University of Notre Dame Australia is based on personal qualities, motivation to study and academic potential. International students will also have to meet the academic and language requirements. Additionally, applicants will be interviewed by the academic staff of the university. University of Wollongong Australia The University of Wollongong Australia is one of the universities in Australia that does not charge an application fee from international students. Applications to the University of Wollongong Australia can be done in a number of ways. However, to be a beneficiary of the no-application fee policy, you need to apply online.
7. USA
The smith college
The Smith college is one of the universities in the United States without application fees it welcomes 350 students from around the world yearly It was founded in 1795. It is an application free University Grinnell college It is an application free university in the United States but highly selective with students from different backgrounds. University of South Maine Formally they charged for applications but recently they made an official statement indicating that they no longer charge for application both for undergraduate and graduate programs for both state and international students. Rhodes college It is one of the universities in the United States that doesn't demand application fees for both domestic and international students yet it's highly selective with an acceptance rate of 51%. There are other interesting colleges that don't charge application fees  but I trust u can exhaust this list of university colleges without getting your desired University and program of choice. Cheers!! U are getting closer to fulfilling your dreams of studying in your dream University and dream program. Read the full article
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