#WagerTrek Jaeger
redfurrycat · 1 year
🦎🦾🛫🦿Incorrect Quotes/Drabbles Top Gun & Pacific Rim AU - Series🦿🛫🦾🦎
Reuben Payback Fitch is in his private quarters at the Miramar Shatterdome, reading the latest report on the updates added to the Jaeger he’s co-piloting with Mickey Fanboy Garcia. They’re supposed to have another test later before their WagerTrek Jaeger is to officially launch an attack against the Kaiju.
His boyfriend was supposed to be in charge of the snacks for their much-deserved break. It’s been several minutes since he left. The Miramar kitchen isn’t that far from their quarters, so Payback is wondering what Fanboy is up to now.
He’s also feeling a bit nervous. Yesterday he received the engagement ring he asked to be engraved, and he’s wondering when to propose…
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He’s thinking about different scenarios, toying with the ring, when the door of his quarters is suddenly opened, and his soon-to-be fiancé –hopefully– comes in with a huge smile!
Fanboy: ‘SUP, BABE?!
Payback, startled and moved frantically to hide the ring in his pillow: Yo, Mickey-boo. Why are you so late?
Fanboy: I was busy putting an end to our sufrimiento. ¡Tu boyfriend es un héroe!
Payback: What did you do? What suffering?
Fanboy: The kind que impieza con una J y una B.
Payback: J and B…Jake and Bradley? What about them? I thought they were currently avoiding each other because of another bullshit reason. Bullshit reason that is in fact an epic failed attempt at flirting that both sides somehow took offence from…
Fanboy: Let me explain what I did. So, do you remember my collection of action figures that nobody –but you– knows about?
[The collection Fanboy is talking about is an action-figures-of-every-Daggers-Jaeger-Pilot-in-their-PPDC-uniform-with-extra-accessories type of collection. It’s all part of the commercial aspect of the Jaeger-Kaiju War. Even though the Apocalypse is coming closer, some try to make a profit out of it, because there are a lot of groupies who like to spend their money to buy figurines of their heroes and the giant Godzilla-like monsters. Fanboy is one of the groupies, although he gets discounts and the Merchandise Team loves him – he gives them so many good ideas, like the Fanboy he is.]
Payback: Yeah. So?
Fanboy: Well, I asked the Merch Team to do me a favour and create two unique action figures.
[The first one is a Bradley Rooster Bradshaw action figure. The Rooster doll wears his Ranger & PPDC-issued uniform with a leather jacket portraying his Kaiju kills; however, he doesn’t have his usual accessories, he gets a Stetson, a wooden comb, and a toothpick box instead. Meanwhile the other action figure is a Jake Hangman Seresin doll wearing a mustache, a colourful Hawaiian-shirt and jorts with extra accessories such as a Bronco and a French bulldog figurine.]
Payback, speechless: For real, man?
Fanboy, excited: Yup. Then I put the Bradley doll in Jake’s room, and the Jake doll in Bradley’s. It should melt their pissy moods, perhaps they’re too chicken shit to face their feelings, but I’m hoping they’re far too gone on one another to throw the doll away…
Payback: I know you enough to tell there’s another step to that plan…
Fanboy, Aw. You know me too well, babe. There is!
Payback: ‘Kay, Mickey-Mouse, tell you what. I have five attempts to guess your plan. You win, I’m doing your part of the report about the test we’re conducting with WagerTrek. I win, I want my OWN customised doll and shit! ‘Cause this is so cool!
Fanboy: Deal, mi amor!
Payback; with a giant grin: Sweet, baby! Oh, and you’ve forgotten our snacks! ☹
Fanboy: ¡Joder! be right back!
[Fanboy runs to the kitchen to fetch their snacks while Payback put his ring away, a plan finally forming in his head. By the way, Fanboy also has a plan to propose to his boyfriend with an action figure!]
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[The sequel of Fanboy’s plan to be set in another post.]
[This third post is in the same timeframe than the first one. And I’ve figured out what Bradley and Natasha’s Jaeger name is going to be. The FeatheredFlame!]
[I got the idea for this post once I saw @babyrooster’s post about Barbie!Rooster. It sparked something in my head! :D]
(Original Ring Picture source: x)
[Pinned post with other stuff, related and unrelated to this AU.]
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