#Wait its midriff not midrift what the hell
mistysharks · 1 year
Summer of '85 Baby!
(Steddie Cis!swap part 1 part 2.) (its lesbians time folks) Eddie gets held back a year, which she thinks is both a blessing and a curse. Sure, it means money becomes tight and she needs to start dealing, but it also means she's the oldest kid in hellfire, with the most DM experience, and being the DM means she can set the rules. And, drop a dragon on anyone who she doesn't like. It's pretty freaking great.
And maybe she lets it get to her head a little sometimes. And maybe she climbs a table or two at school while making an especially strongly worded social commentary but hey, at least nobody calls her a bitch or a slut. Nah, she gets a word just for herself. Freak.
Wayne keeps trying to get her proper summer jobs, keep her out of trouble. It's a shame dealing pays way better.
It does mean, though, that she's stuck painting the fence outside of Gareths moms house at 1PM on a Saturday afternoon, within hearing distance of the guy absolutely going to town on his Drum set in the garage. On that day, Corroded Coffin is born.
And its easy, to spend the summer with Gareth, who she'd only barely known as the new kid in hellfire before. He's chill, in a way Eddie's never learnt how to be. He doesn't treat her like one of the guys, exactly, though she can't quite put her finger on what it is. Maybe its that he just treats her like a person.
Having to re-do senior year for a second time doesn't feel so bad, if she's got Gareth hanging around.
So its natural, of course, for them to drop by Starcourt on a hot day, and even more so to scramble together whatever change they got left to pick up some Ice Cream on their way out.
Neither of them had been quite prepared enough for what met them as they walked into Scoops Ahoy though.
Stevie Harrington. The Queen Bee of Hawkins high, newly graduated and now... Standing behind the counter in an ill-fitting sailors outfit, bored expression on her face and gravity defying waves of hair, a jaunty sailors hat balancing precariously on top as if held in place by will alone.
And the thing is, Eddie's noticed Harrington, of course. You don't go through the years of high school (plus extra) without knowing about the hottest mean girl in school. And if you are, like Eddie, a raging Lesbian (even though she's only just admitted this fact to herself), and who also has a thing for girls with a mean streak?
Yeah... She knows about Stevie, all right. Gareth also seems surprised by this development, thank god, stopping in his tracks right next to Eddie.
He does not, however, make a pained little noise as they both watch Stevie stretch, the far too short top rising to show off a generous sliver of tan, muscled, midriff.
Eddie... Does. And then promptly flees the scene.
Later, back in Gareth garage while Eddie tunes her baby best she can with only her ear to go on, Gareth says
"Its ok if you're a lesbian, you know"
And it catches Eddie so off guard she snaps the string
Stevie works the summer at scoops ahoy. She flirts badly, makes minimum wage, gets tortured and drugged by Russians, and makes a friend for life. They hate each other at first, of course, Robin remembering all to well what Stevie used to be like, and Stevie's just too tired to try and convince anyone she's changed.
Nothing like a plot to unravel and shared trauma to change things though, and if she's honest, Stevie was already starting to warm up to the girl before they even started solving mysteries together. There was just something so refreshing about someone who says exactly what they think, even if that is sometimes by accident.
"This summer is the most fun I have ever had" Stevie tells her, on that bathroom floor. "I really think you could be my best friend, Robin"
And when Robin tries to protest, says that she wouldn't think so if she really knew her. if she knew what she is, Stevie is just confused at first.
"but... Tammy Thompson is a girl"
And look, Stevie's never really thought about the concept rather than as an insult before. It was something you called a girl you didn't like, that's all. But... Robin's great. She's sweet, she's funny, and she didn't hesitate for a second to save kids she barely even knew. So... the idea that she could in some way be bad, just because she thought Tammy Thompson was cute? It... didn't feel right.
So she rolls with it, mocks her for her bad taste, and way too many things happen after that for them to really have a chance to talk it over.
But later, as they are curled up on Robins bed, too wired up to sleep, too scared to turn off the light fully, she asks her about it. Wants to know what it really means. And... if she asks maybe a few too many questions, a few too in-depth ones, Robin doesn't comment on it.
Just answers best she can. It's several weeks later when Stevie even thinks of the concept that if Robin is into girls, and Stevie is a girl-
"Wait!" She asks suddenly, in the break room of family video "how come you never had a crush on me?"
And Robin just wrinkles her nose, which, rude. Stevie knows what she looks like. She should be everyone's type. "Sorry dingus, I only date cute girls"
"Wha- I'm cute!" Stevie answers, gesturing to her Pink V neck, tight jeans and her carefully styled hair, but Robin just shakes her head.
"Too much Jock energy, sorry!" Robin says, flippantly, as she walks out of the room "Wha- what does that even mean" Stevie asks, following her out the door (next time- they interract??? with Each other??)
(My HC is that Stevie looks a lot like Carol from s1 but taller and more athletic. Plus moles, of course)
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