the-makers-daughter · 2 years
So wait, does Nyorun move to Earth after the End War? Also whats War up to? Do they get married and/or have kids?
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I think Nyorun remains on Earth for a long time; at least 100 years so she even has the chance to meet War. Depending on how long it takes for his journey to end, I like to think that they do develop a relationship; but if she was in the game herself, I think their relationship would be written like a studio ghibli film.
They have mutual respect for each other. They're both strong, and teach each other different aspects of life they take to heart. And through this respect for one another, they bond closely.
She stays on Earth at first as a promise to the Nephilim Death and it's also a promise to her people. She feels guilt for not being able to save her family in the fateful last raid in Darksiders 3. She stays as a last beacon and fully intended to die on Earth one day.
For now she is just trying to restore it and be its guardian until it is healthy enough for humans to return. She holds out hope for that.
When War and Nyorun eventually do have kids, they have a single son named Viir. (Pronounced Veer) He's a gentle boy. Quite the scaredy-cat when he's little!
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the-makers-daughter · 2 years
Does Nyörun have a partner?
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It is a little embarrassing to say anything regarding this, since I assume you mean romantically, Anon. I'm putting this under the cut because it is self-serving and a canon/OC relationship and I know not everyone cares for it. I hope that's okay. :)
But I pair Nyorun with War. I've always had a fondness for the dynamic of a caster with a melee fighter, but I spend time thinking about how their dynamic works.
They complement their personalities while not being directly on the opposite side of the spectrum. They're both very stubborn... and also... A big man with a lady who can protect herself cause she is LITERALLY a d r a g o n???
She will still let him protect her though because that's how he expresses his love. At the same time, he finds comfort in her presence as well and can find himself dropping his guard around her. Even if it took a while for them to warm up to each other. I've thought a lot about how Nyorun would work if she was an npc in the Darksiders games and she might not play much of a role in War's game, she would play a bigger part in 2 and 3, so you would kinda see her timeline in reverse. By the time of Darksiders 1 (in my personal headcanon of how the timeline goes...) she is already well aware of her abilities and usefulness in battle. She already knows that she is on a mission to look out for War, he never asked, but the other horsemen asked her to help take care of him when the time came.
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the-makers-daughter · 2 years
How powerful is Nyörun?
Well, It depends on what you mean by "Powerful". Magically? Or physically? The answer to both of those questions is surprisingly similar! When her story first begins, she wants to reject what she is. She doesn't realize how important her role is. Adding this under the cut because it's very long. I kinda went ham answering this one!
By the end of her story, she is fully accepting of her role as the mouthpiece or avatar of the Tree of Life. So I guess the best comparison I can make is that she's the foil for Frostbane. He is the avatar of the void.
She can hold her own against fighting Abaddon or as she knows him, The Destroyer.
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She does not match him in military tactics and wit, but she is another dragon and has been one for what I assume is longer than him, so she is more aware of her body than he is.
There was a small story I was working on a long time ago with @coloredgravity and @crowsofafeather where her soul got stolen from her and while Death was trying to get it back, War was saddled with the duty of holding her off since he is the strongest of the Nephilim in raw strength.
In terms of magic? Nyorun is strong because she pulls hers from the Tree of Life, so her breath weapon is... a little op... Her magic has the ability to restore life, or return you to the lifestream. I.E. Kill you instantly. It's kinda a nuclear breath weapon; or a big biohazard. Despite that, it is beautiful.
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I found this gif a while ago so I'm not sure where to give the proper credit, but it's this blinding flash of light when used in a combat setting. sorry, this post was kinda long! I hope it helps answer the question!
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the-makers-daughter · 2 years
Romance headcanon
If Nyörun likes someone romantically, you would probably just think she was being unnecessarily rude or mean to the object of her affection. This is because it's the trial period.
The testing to see if one is worthy.
It is especially entertaining when she encounters War. He is the only person that makes Nyörun feel the way she does. So she frequently tests him to see if he's up to snuff. She was always taught to stay away from the nephilim so she doesn't understand why she feels the way she does for him.
He doesn't quite understand what was going on between them when they met.
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the-makers-daughter · 2 years
Oops I messed up having so many blogs open DX
Was Nyörun affected by the End War in any way?
I would say her entire character arc begins from the End War.
She came to Earth with the rest of the Makers who volunteered their services. At first, they would not let her join them because she was like Karn. Still only a pup in both age and experience. Despite this, Nyorun felt that she HAD to be on Earth. They needed the Makers' help. Who knows what would also happen to her family if she left them on her own? So Nyorun tried for many days to convince her father that she should go, and Elder Eideard still refused her. Eventually, Nyorun got sick of being turned down due to her lack of experience. She used their path to Earth right as it was closing and got spat out with her brothers and sisters in arms. No one was happy about that decision, but she proved to be a great asset in the end. Able to fend off Abaddon and his demons, along with angelic warriors who would use humans as collateral. In between everything going on, she stayed with her family and humans she collected in Sanctuary until the final raid where she was forced to flee to another hiding spot to recover from the loss of her family, friends, and almost her very own life.
So yea. I would say Nyorun was affected by the End War! Thank you for this ask!
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the-makers-daughter · 2 years
Nyorun’s Hatching
No one asked for this, but I wrote a thing a while back about Nyorun’s hatching. Please enjoy! "Come on little one.. come on.. that's it.." the chieftain spoke softly and encouragingly. The heat of the magma was nearly suffocating, but it was important for the little one residing within the egg. It could fit into one of his calloused, pale hands. The copper toned hair of this Maker was fading into that of snow, looking like fall was turning to spring, revealing his age and experience. The delicate thing rattled and the life inside chirped and squeaked in distress, no doubt looking and listening for others in its brood. Its cries were ignored and the egg went silent as it shook in anticipation. As much as it pained him, he knew that naturally he could not help. It was this little one's first trial. All he could do was watch and offer his own voice as encouragement. A rougher, younger voice sounded, growling from the doorway of the makeshift "nursery". 
"I can smash this little abomination if ye change yer mind. Ye might have gotten attached, but this little beast won't feel anything for ye." 
"Ulthane," the chieftain started, not even looking up from the egg. Even though it was near an interior magma flow, it was atop leathers and pelts to keep the heat inside rather than the cold stone beneath. "Look at this little life." The older Maker started, gingerly, his worked hands scooped up the egg, it could fit in the palm of his hand as the "beast" inside chirped and squeaked in distress once again. "Should we smash it now, that would make us no better than them. The loss of.. anything. Is a blemish upon the art of creation. They were blessed by the mountain. They have control that we could not hope to ever mimic, no matter what we made to wield that would try." The aging chieftain sighed as he looked to his younger comrade. "I know you have lost.. so much.. during the battle with the dragons, but please… be better than them. Look out for your son." 
Ulthane growled as he held the bundle close in his arms. It was true. Shortly after the birth of his son, his wife got snatched up in a raid from the flying devils. It was why the Maker went to kill every last one during the war. But he understood he would have to fight the chieftain if he were to make a go at the blasted thing. The younger maker snarled a little as the egg rattled, "Eideard.." he started, "you keep your little beast in line, if it doesn't stay where it belongs, I may have to step in to protect what matters." With that, the brunette left, footsteps heavy with concealed rage. Eideard's eyes softened in sympathy as he returned his attention to the egg. 
He could feel the little thing inside squirm and press against its prison. Furrowing his wild eyebrows, the middle-aged maker took his other hand and carefully squeezed the shell, doing so created seams and segments, smaller pieces for the dragon inside to push out of. This seemed to work wonders as he could see the squirming inside the membrane and the life inside pushed against the seams. "That's it… you're doing so well little one." Eideard encouraged. He was far too enamored to let the egg back into its bundle now. It might ruin the process, or the dragon could slip to the floor some fourteen feet below. He knew it couldn't fly yet. It might hurt itself this way. The creature inside cooed as it pressed more and more until the membrane came loose, leaving a bloody mess in Eideard's hands. 
This was by far better than the last blood upon his hands. 
The shell came loose as it fell to the floor in the pieces that the Maker honestly crunched for his child. After what felt like a millennia, the beautiful child was born. It was of a dark shade and unique in that it had the pelt of a bear. A smile crossed Eideard's worried features, betraying his joy at the life he held in his hands. "You.. little thing.." Eideard's started towards the tiny dragon in his hands.
 He didn't even realize they started so small, able to curl up in his hand with ease. Its little stumps for wings wiggled helplessly as it looked up at the Maker with big eyes, no doubt imprinting on him as he took off the remaining shell stuck on its head.Lifting the dragon up to the sky light in the ceiling, Eideard beamed, "you are the start of a new age. For everything." Looking upon the light shining off of the still wet fur on the little thing, he knew what to call it. 
"You shall henceforth be named.. Nyörun. A protector, and guardian." Eideard then carefully lowered the dragon to his chest and went out while using a spare cloth to begin wiping the tissue from the child. No doubt it was hungry after all that hard work. He had to take it to meet the rest of the Makers.
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