#Washington rvb
sabotourist · 1 day
Lightning in a Bottle -- Tucker & Wash Superpower AU
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Hey guys, want a superpower hurt/comfort Tucker & Wash AU? Well, have it anyway! Wherein Wash spends years trapped in a suit of life-support armor that keeps his dangerous, volatile superpower under lock and key. And where Tucker isn't having any of that horrifying shit.
Many thanks to @illusion-of-sea-axes for making the au with me, and for @leonardalphachurch and @kojoty for giving it the once-over before I posted!
Hopefully third chapter in Not Super Duper Long But Who Really Knows With Me.
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quietsbbg · 4 months
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my fav exasperated blue team leader. woke up in a cold sweat with this on my canvas
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itsyouch · 2 months
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I hate this mfr.
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peachybutch · 10 months
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every day can be wash pussy wednesday if you believe
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dannybonesbury · 6 months
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Ice Battle
I redrew a piece by guywithhat2309 on Reddit!
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glasseyeartspy · 3 months
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more memes MORE
(carolina's their babysitter)
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january-summers · 1 month
The real season 19 ending is Agent Washington jolting out of a daze in a PFL meeting and reeming Epsilon for his shitty writing and treatment of the characters.
“And why do you keep giving me Hollywood brain damage?!?!”
“Also what is your beef with Sigma?” | “He’s a bitch for real though!” | “No he’s not!”
“Wait. Is this a simulation?” | “… no. 😈” | “… you are such an asshole.”
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agentbuckshot · 2 months
why’s gender envy a bunch of stupid men in rainbow halo armor. living life on the female to agent washington pipeline
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So, I watched red vs blue on a whim because of a youtube short up to season 12.
Like I binged that shit in a week.
And I just, have so many feelings.
Which means it’s posting time!
I fucking hate that this show makes me care and like and feel for these absolute idiotic assholes who sometimes go through really great character arcs and changes and sometimes back track on their growth so hard their backs crack while also making witty and shitty one liners and running jokes that have me cackling because I was not expecting that joke and for it to come back or, in a genuinely shocking turn of events, make me emotional.
I hate how my favorite character for most of the blood gulch arc was Church because we was sarcastic and bitchy and make me giggle and his relationship with Tucker reminded me if how me and my siblings bicker and fight and then he ends up having one if the most traumatic and complicated backstory ever with a really interesting dynamic with Tex that’s all about grief and saying goodbye and bringing people back but they don’t come back to the same expectations you’ve been holding for them while also dealing with the fact that Church was psychologically and quite possibly physically tortured into different parts of himself for a government program.
I hate how Tucker, the guy who keeps flirting and making unwelcome sexual comments to and about women in a very early 2000s way of giving your characters flaws, has ended up with a very odd but special place in my heart because he grows and changes as a character and develops beyond his flaws and is so painfully human and makes mistakes and is genuinely hilarious at times and cares so fucking much but he can’t show it because toxic masculinity but he fights anyways and is lowkey highkey the best soldier of them all and why do I like his character so much???
And just everyone’s chemistry with each other and the fact that I kept rewinding to rewatch scenes and jokes because they’re amazing or funny and I can’t tell you how ling it took me to get through some of those seasons I kept rewinding so much.
Like, how did they make a bit about them driving a military grade vehicle called the warthog with hispanic (?) music blasting through the radio as they crash into unsuspecting victims so fucking funny? I love this batshit crazy show.
I also hate how it makes me emotional. Sarge’s speech at the end of season 8? I almost cried. I chocked up. How fucking dare you. This is a show about a video game that came out before I was born. With jokes that would make a middle schooler proud and a plot that honestly had me baffled and craving more each season (up to season 12).
And they’re assholes! Like, they care about their shitty little group of friends so much that they are willing to commit various war heroics/crimes in order to save them, but they’re still assholes. But that’s what makes them great! They’re human and they mess up and make mistakes and say the wrong thing and make up and care and boy does it hurt to care.
This show has me shaking people aggressively by the shoulders and biting hard enough to bleed goddamnit.
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c2dpy · 10 days
posting my washington edit on tumblr ew
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theosphobia · 2 months
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i lvo mainewash ... trying so hard to integrate these im gonna struggle this time 💀
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sabotourist · 2 months
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how we feelin rvb fans
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crystalsandbubbletea · 8 months
Washington: LEAN IS A DRUG?!
Maine: You didn't know?
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itsyouch · 15 days
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its about time I drew him properly
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no way I took that long
My pointer finger aarrrrgggg i can't move it anymore
ibispaintx.... I can't move it move it anymore
why does it look like it's screenshoted from a computer or smtg
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idk I'm not feeling it with this drawing
but I like the fabric patterns on his shoulder and waist, it was the funnest part to draw
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peachybutch · 10 months
modern day agent washington is an employee at the dmv, and he hates his job. it's the bane of his existence. every morning he wakes up and he wishes his place of work was burnt to the ground. he also does mma fighting in his free time but, crucially, despite his success as an mma fighter, despite the fact that he could probably make it his full time job if he so chose, he does in fact still work at the dmv. there is no version of tomorrow where he does not wake up, groan to himself, stumble to the kitchen, pour himself a cup of whatever the opposite of ambition is, and go to the dmv.
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unheavenlycreatures · 10 months
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this image came to me in a fever dream. anyways,
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