#Wataru and his birbs
starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Enstars characters with animals >>>>>>
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xitty · 10 months
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
Heehoo I am here again :) these came to me in a vision
Wataru and his galarian Articuno. Masked bird w a long and flowy tail... The most wataru Pokemon I've ever seen. He mostly has bird Pokemon on him (and most of them just goes down to a rock) Maybe Eichi has a kantonian Articuno too so they'd match sjjajaj but maybe not
Mentioned this already in the tags, but Midori and sawsbuck. Sometimes helps him with deliveries, but is the most judgemental deer. Like. Just side eyes everyone and Chiaki's all, "Takamine, your sawsbuck is glaring me again"
Mugi and his taillow who uses everyone it likes as a nest... If mugi isn't available it'll fly all over es until it finds natsume or sora or one of his roommates and just. Hangs out with that person till tsumugi starts looking for the birb, and screams at him whenever he's been overworking (which is often) or when it's hungry
I was thinking like Souma with kingambit, bcs. Samurai thing... But it could also work w keito... Keito also has a chimecho, just a little thing floating around him, sometimes helping with paperwork with its psychic powers and a bunch of chingling live in their family's shrine which follows him around like little puppies
I don’t know about Articuno but yknow. Alolan Exeggutor. It’s a ridiculous Pokémon. He’d have one.
Midori has the prettiest/cutest Pokémon but they will side eye you until you leave them alone
Mugi’s Swablu probably does that so he wouldn’t have 2 birds screaming at him but consider. Stunfisk
Y’know how Mugi just. Falls asleep on the floor
Yeah Stunfisk is his alarm to wake up and to stop working (via thunder shock); Mugi’s hair is so fluffy because it’s 70% static
Y’know how in school you can tell how an administrator is coming down the hall if you hear keys jingling
Yeah that’s Ensemble Square but with Keito [rapidly approaching Chingling bells]
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fuyuesu · 2 years
finally the ending to the birb au!!! first, here's an excerpt from eichi iv interactions i think are so funny:
eichi: so, do you accept? a duel to the death between your champions, and mine?
iv, sick of him in more ways than one: for the last time, eichi. no one typically dies in battles of the bands.
anyway eichi and iv met up to discuss how to turn their boyfriends back into normal. but ofc it was like 75% eichi monologue and 25% iv contemplating their friendship. eichi admits in the end that according to what intelligence he gathered, the only way to undo the birbification was with "an act of true love". iv groans, giving up on his maybe overdramatic friend. unfortunately ft4 managed to very clearly hear the word "true love" and this is the point where they attack iv with the power of love ig. hijinks ensue, eichi closes the whole thing by saying he has no interest in iv bc one hes a terrifying force and two
eichi: i've already sworn to spend my life with another, as they have sworn the same to me. (he brings out a picture of a horribly misshapen bird thing)
ft4: hes a bird too?!
iv shoos eichi away before he goes on for two hours about wataru hibiki so he can have a talk with full throttle4 properly. ft4 are still sad bc they cant perform anymore and that means iv no longer has any reason to be their manager and the dream theyre all so desperately pursuing is practically impossible to reach now and knowing that iv, the person who carried that dream on so passionately knowing the risk he was taking just to achieve it. they wouldnt blame iv at all if he chose to replace them. iv just laughs at them as they arrive at home where iv settles them in their birdhouses. iv mentions how although performing might be harder, birbs have notably good singimg voices, so he offers to sing with them the new song he wrote. as the melody begins to wrap around the room and full throttle4 allowed themselves to be consumed by the beauty of iv's song, they could barely notice how their forms reverted to becoming human. happy days :) the end
funnier conclusion:
a few days after the birb ordeal
ft4: iv, why did you build five birdhouses?
iv, remembering how eichi said the second possible solution to the predicament would be turning into a birb himself: no reason
ft4: have you told your friend about how to turn from bird to human?
iv: i doubt he needs it
iv opens his phone to a picture taken by yuzuru of eichi and wataru, now both in birb form, enjoying their time with each other. iv shakes his head and averts his focus onto his boyfriends who were already twice as loud as when they were birds. home sweet home :)
bwauritufl. beautiful . stunnign amazing a showstopper . 10/10 im enamored w this au . love how eichi just chooses to accept the birb life
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Hi you might not know this about me but I really like Wataru! I know shock horror big surprise who could've ever guessed
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xitty · 21 days
Oh lol. The dove in Tatsumi and Souma's new cards is just a random bird.
Tatsumi thought it was Jeanne d'Arc (he couldn't remember the name immediately and was like "Napoleon? No, it was something else...") and after a birb escape and catch they brought it to Wataru. But he was like "dunno who this child is, look, Jeanne is here" and "here" was in his hair. xD
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xitty · 1 year
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Wataru being happy with his birbs. 😭
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