#Wayne comes home one day to Eddie talk singing ‘WHEN STEVIE HOLDS YER HAND YA FEEL SO GRAND! YOUR HEAR-‘
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
I’m sorry but the thought of Eddie putting on a TERRIBLE cockney accent is the funniest thing to me. Imagine he speaks with one for a solid MONTH when he’s involved backstage with the community theatre production of Oliver Twist. Wayne and Steve tearing their collective hair out because Eddie is scream singing ‘I’D DO ANYFINK! FOR YEW DEAR ANYFINK!!!’ And ‘FEWD GLORIOUS FEWD!!! HOT SAWSAGE AN MUSTA’D!’
Eddie pretending to steel from everyone ‘I’m just a li’tol pick pocket ain’t I sir?’ As he he’s caught with his hands in Dustin’s backpack looking for snack.
In the middle of the night steve thinks eddie is asleep when he hears a little reedy voice ‘awrigh guvna, shine ya shoes? Penny a pair!’ Steve hits him with a pillow but then Eddie is pulling him into his arms and Steve is hiding his laughter in Eddie’s neck.
Eventually Oliver Twist wraps up, everyone is grateful for the end of cockney Eddie. Until one day Gareth almost knocks down Steve’s door and shoves the poster for the next community play: Mary Poppins. Of course Eddie makes it a personal goal to create an accent more obnoxious than Dick Van Dyke as he works on the costumes for the cast
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