#We all pick our hills to die on and mines a pebble
Dean should have made out passionately with Victor Henriksen in this essay I will
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abctranslator · 3 years
Volcanic Age 36
Most of the territory of Chongqing was formed by low hills made by limestones and sandstones, except for the Central Region which was connected by the Yangtze River.
There was a region called the Secret Burial Grounds in the west. It was a place that especially had a lot of rocks like limestones and sandstones.
Ju Seo Cheon’s group entered the Secret Burial Grounds.
“What did you say was here?” Wang il asked.
It was impossible to farm or cut wood near the Secret Burial. There were only rocks in that place but that didn’t mean there were mines with steel ores in it.
The only things were the rocks that were spread on the low hills. You couldn’t even find plants so it was no different from being a land of death.
The last time they had rested was three days ago, in a nearby village. The group was as exhausted as they could be.
Ju Seo Cheon entered a deep place inside the Secret Burial Grounds that showed no signs of humans having been there.
“The treasure trove.”
A thick smile formed in Ju Seo Cheon’s face. His shining eyes were looking at the rocks that were stuck together.
“Huh…?” Zhuge Seung Kye raised his head and checked the rocks. His eyes were filled with suspicions.
“This is….” “Oh, brother. Do you know what it is?” Ju Seo Cheon rejoiced and asked.
“No, I can’t explain it in words but...mm, right. Let’s see. This place seems a bit weird.” Zhuge Seung Kye stepped out actively. That wasn’t like him. He touched a part of the boulder.
His eyes shone in an investigative light.
“Do what you want.”
Ju Seo Cheon sat on a random rock. It didn’t seem like he would stand up anytime soon looking at the way he had sat down.
‘Whew, he’s not the best genius regarding the Arts of Machinery. We wouldn’t have been able to find even the entrance if I hadn’t taken Seung Kye with us.’
He had wandered a bit but he was unable to find the location of the treasury successfully with just the help of his memories.
But when he arrived at this place, he noticed that there was something different from his memories. It was the existence of an entrance.
In his past life, the entrance had already been opened because it was discovered beforehand but there was nothing today.
He was honestly so flustered that no words came out from his mouth.
“Uh, this is it.” Something made a sound while he was in the middle of touching the rocks.
After that, a loud sound was heard and the ground shook. At first, they got the impression that the sky was collapsing.
“Wh, what is it!” The warriors were astonished. Even Wang il, who could be called a seasoned veteran, showed bewilderment.
“Ho, was that the case? So they made it like this. Impressive indeed.” The surroundings shook at the tremor.
Zhuge Seung Kye lost his balance and fell on the ground but it didn’t seem like he was scared.
Contrary to that, he checked his surroundings with curious eyes and mumbled.
He was usually a scaredy cat but showed this personality on things related to the Arts of Machinery.
How long had he waited for this moment!
After he returned in time, he thought about the treasury and set up a plan. He prepared several times, thought and modified his plans.
And that hard work finally paid off.
He understood how explorers felt after he became the first discoverer that would be recorded down in history for this important event.
“I’m sorry.”
Originally, there was another owner for this view.
And Ju Seo Cheon apologized to that unknown person.
Wang il exclaimed.
After about ten minutes passed, and the stairs that connected underground appeared in front of the group.
“Just what…”
Wang il mumbled.
“We arrived at our destination.” Ju Seo Cheon lifted Zhuge Seung Kye, who was still on the floor and mumbling,
“A, a tomb with a mechanism like this installed...just who is asleep in here?” “Treasures.”
Ju Seo Cheon’s eyes curved like a crescent moon.
Torches lit up. What appeared before them when they descended the stairs was a room that could accommodate a hundred people.
There was a writing with three eyes written on the floor.
“Don’t tell me…” Wang il saw the writing and thought of something. No, it wasn’t only him. All the other warriors thought the same thing.
“This is a writing of the Three Eyed Immoral God!” Zhuge Seung Kye was the first one who yelled in a surprised voice.
The Three Eyed Immoral God was such an outstanding legendary thief that there was no one that didn’t know about him. It was the same for five or six year old kids.
“No, that is impossible.” There was a guess in his head but it was too unreliable so he shook his head immediately and denied it.
“Hey, captain.”
It was a thick voice that didn’t belong to a man, but to a woman.
She was the only female among the ten warriors.
However, her physique was bigger than the average men and her well trained and swelled muscles boasted of a perfect beauty.
There was a long vertical scar on her mouth and her eyes were quite sharp.
You couldn’t say that she was the pretty type, and in the first place she was a middle aged woman that couldn’t be seen as a love partner.
“What’s wrong Cho Ryeon?” Ju Seo Cheon replied while checking his surroundings thoroughly.
“Speak honestly. Whose tomb is this?” Cho Ryeon’s face was really stiff.
“According to my information, this isn’t a tomb but a treasury.” At least, the corpse of the Three Eyed Immoral God wasn’t discovered in his past life.
“So, whose?”
Cho Ryeon asked as if it was frustrating.
“The Three Eyed Immoral God”
Ju Seo Cheon answered without hesitating at all.
Zhuge Seung Kye jumped up.
“Th, this place is the treasury of that legendary thief? That was only a baseless rumor!”
No one knew what happened after the The Three Eyed Immoral God died. That’s why people spoke more about the treasures he left behind.
There was no way the treasures stolen by a thief that represented almost an entire era, disappeared. They thought that those treasures would certainly be hidden somewhere.
And there was also an investigation by the government.
But in the end, only the rumors became denser and the treasures didn’t get discovered.
The government, Murim and even tomb raiders stepped forward but they couldn’t find a single clue.
That was how the treasury was forgotten over time.
“We will know that when we enter.” Ju Seo Cheon said while still looking in front.
There were a total of eight passages spreading like roots from the center of the room. They all looked identical to each other so you couldn’t differentiate them. On top of that, the passages were pitch black so you couldn’t see what was in it.
“Someone wants to return?”
Ju Seo Cheon turned back and asked the opinion of the group but no one answered.
They all came here due to their own private circumstances.
“I don’t know if it’s real but… I don’t think we will be able to turn around after we advance, what should we do?” Cho Ryeon asked Wang il.
It meant that she was that uneasy.
“What do you mean...we have to follow Captain even if it means our death.” “I will work hard so that you don’t die but I promise you that I will take responsibility for your families even if that does happen.”
Ju Seo Cheon added some words right after Wang il. “Whew.”
Someone sighed in relief at those words.
It seemed like they couldn’t do anything about it.
“Just give the order, Captain.” “I will take the lead, and you protect Seung from all sides. However, don’t block his view. Even if he looks like this, he is the most important one among us.” Seung was the fake name Zhuge Seung Kye would be using temporarily.
“How so?” “This treasury itself has so many mechanisms it could be seen as a single mechanism. The only one that can recognize it and disarm it is the person standing there.” “This kid?”
Cho Ryeon looked down at Zhuge Seung Kye with a suspicious look.
“Ahem.” Zhuge Seung Kye spread his chest and acted pridefully.
He had a negative way of thinking about every circumstance but he showed quite the confident look about things related to the Arts of Machinery.
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me but you can do that if you want to see everyone in here die after leaving him behind.” “...Tch.” Cho Ryeon clicked her tongue.
“In addition, I said that I would be taking the lead but we will prioritize Seung’s words rather than mine. You should follow what he says even if our opinions differ. At least, he’s more of an expert than the people gathered here.”
“I don’t feel that relieved when thinking that all of our lives rely on a kid that isn’t even ten yet.” Wang il sighed.
The group made the final inspection before entering the passageways.
“Which path should we take?” Ju Seo Cheon asked Zhuge Seung Kye.
“Um, it doesn’t seem that different?” Zhuge Seung Kye scratched his head.
“Right, then...let’s go over there.” He walked towards the third passageway from the left.
“Ah, wait.” Zhuge Seung Kye stopped Ju Seo Cheon.
When Ju Seo Cheon asked what was wrong, Zhuge Seung Kye picked a pebble that was on the floor and threw it towards the entrance.
The moment the pebble passed the entrance, spears fell down from the ceiling and stabbed the ground.
“...You said that there was no difference?” Ju Seo Cheon asked in a dumbfounded way. “Right. All of them have that installed.” Zhuge Seung Kye blinked as if asking what was the problem.
“I’m going crazy.” Wang il gulped saliva. His complexion was plae.
“After that...there’s nothing else, right?” “Yes.” “Haa. We should take care of those spears first.”
The group pulled out the spears blocking the entrance. There were about a hundred spears.
They were able to enter the passageway after that.
“How did Young Master Seung notice that? If possible, can you teach me how you did it?” Wang il asked Zhuge Seung Kye politely.
“It’s pointless to ask him.” Ju Seo Cheon smirked and laughed out loud.
“Ah, I made a mistake.” Wang il thought that the Arts of Machinery was a kind of martial arts for Zhuge Seung Kye.
He quickly apologized as he thought that he was asking something like the secrets of a martial art.
“No, that’s not what I meant.” Ju Seo Cheon shook his head lightly.
“Hey Seung, can you teach us how you did it?” Ju Seo Cheon stopped for a moment and looked at Zhuge Seung Kye.
“Why can’t you see something this easy to notice?” Zhuge Seung Kye tilted his head as if he couldn’t understand.
“Um...it’s hard to explain, you can just see it right. Like saying that there will be a trap installed over there.” The warriors and Wang il included fell in silence.
“What a kid. He’s full of himself.” Cho Ryeon mumbled.
“I agree.”
Ju Seo Cheon also agreed.
There was a time that he had asked some simple things to Zhuge Seung Kye to learn about them.
But Zhuge Seung Kye always tilted his head and spoke strange words like now.
Borrowing Zhuge Seung Kye’s words, you just had to touch the part that seemed awkward to disarm it.
He was really a genius, and the type he hated the most.
“But he’s that reliable.”
There were dozens of types of traps installed in the passageway.
Not even an hour had passed, but the number of traps that got activated or that they disarmed was so much they had to give up on counting it.
They would have died already if it wasn’t for him.
The group members that were half in doubt at Ju Seo Cheon’s words realized the importance of Zhuge Seung Kye and got serious on guarding him.
And after another hour passed.
The passageway started to widen and dolls appeared. But there weren't one or two of them.
The group raised their torches to check what it was and said something strance.
“Wooden dolls?”
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changelingbaby · 7 years
Yellow and blue 💛💙
ahhhhhh yay!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much i love answering asks like this
yellow first!
if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? 
i want to preface this question by saying im not indecisive, i just like a lot of things ! so ! i’d really like to live on the beach (livin the norcal life - our beaches are freezing and the ocean is grey and fantastic) and if i got to wake up every morning to see those stormy clouds and white horses every day, i’d probably just cry all the time. but I also want to live in san francisco and have a view of a busy street every morning and night, that would be incredible. and i’d also like to live on a moor with thistle and lavender right outside my door. i think they’re super spooky but in a comfortable way and I just really want to live in one.
what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day?
stay inside,,,, lmao i love rainy days, but on sunny days- well if it’s really hot im going swimming all day good luck talking to me i’ll be underwater, but if it’s moderate to cool (and windy!) i like having private picnics and drawing/writing/doing other such productive activities on this hill in a park by my neighborhood
what do you consider lucky? 
blue m&ms (esp. if they’re the first m&m to come out of a pack), inside out socks, buttons found on the ground, sea glass, ladybugs, and cool rocks/pebbles
what made you smile today? 
this ask!!! also i had a really fun movie night last night that was cool. + i had pancakes. and im gonna go study with my best friend later
what makes you happy?
my friends, my dog, girls, the color blue, pretty films, good characterization in any media, musicals, flowers that don’t make me sneeze - esp. daffodils, the color yellow (coincidentally my favorite colors are the two you picked!! good colors), cool jean jackets and leather jackets and patches and cool fashion in jacket (im! a! hipster!), when people do things from the heart, when people offer me help and i don’t have to ask (im too proud it’s pathetic), llamas, socks, cats, all dogs not just mine whoops, probably way too many things to write down?, art, music, turning a casual hangout with someone into something big and exciting, adventures (doesn’t matter what kind), hiking, halloween, the rain, winter and autumn, but also spring and summer when im not having allergic fits, singing, writing and reading, getting recognition for a job genuinely well done, my english teacher from last year (those last two are connected- she was super harsh and tough but she was very loving and kind and made me a much better writer... and probably a better person... and well she deserves an entire post just to herself!! i love her!!!!!!)
what do you do when you’re sad? 
not to be emo but... i mean when im feeling Depression Sad (thanks, vitamin D3 deficiency) i stare at the wall for hours and wallow...... but when i feel Normal Sad i listen to music and vent write, that sort of thing... either way when im ready to feel better i try to clean and just. be productive. it’s probably the best thing for me haha
what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? 
clean. i clean a lot. how come my room is always messy i feel like im constantly cleaning oh my god. and again i listen to music usually death cab for cutie’s album transatlanticism because it’s just music to sleep to. sometimes i try to see if i can sneak out of my house without my mom noticing (i can’t) (and i wouldn’t anyway im a scaredy-cat)
what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? 
im bad at ranking things?? like last night was great my friend sof was over and we watched three movies and joked around a ton and made fantastic sundaes, but also homecoming was really nice (the dance itself was horrible i wanted to die but we went to in n out before and that was really fun lmao, and then after we went to our friend zoe’s house and talked for an hour and that was also really fun) and like. any night that im hanging out with my real friends and having conversations about The Important Stuff... and you know i just had one over spring break with zoe again where she and sof and i and her neighbor played hide and seek. and every night at 4H camp. and idk i also have a horrible memory so im forgetting a ton. OH when my friend sarah and i had a harry potter marathon!! that was several nights but it still counts because each night was great. and my choir’s trip to hawaii when i actually liked singing in choir for once, every night was cool there. p much all of those. + the time sarah and her sister kidnapped me to look at this house’s hella cool christmas lights
i think my best nights come from when im in a situation that i dont like but then i leave it and hang out with people who make it better (ie homecoming, the last night of the harry potter marathon - it was after our water polo team’s bonding party and the party was SUPER awkward for me,,,,,,, and then sarah and I and our freshman friend aspen came to our house and chilled. idk it was fun)
what kind of covers do you have on your bed? 
this is SUCH a weird ask. i’ve got these pottery barn kids style covers? they’ve got these very bright zigzags on them and it totally matches the rest of my room and i love them. this is probably my favorite question oh my god
who is the last person you told a secret to?
i,,,, don’t have secrets anymore,,,, i overshare all the time (can you tell from this ten-page answer) so :? idk . but instead have a funny story- i’ve got a running joke that im in love with this first tenor in my choir. he’s two years older than me and i love him because he’s a total dork and he tries to act cool but i don’t have a crush on him,, but basically everyone thinks i do. like. all of choir knows about it at this point, most of the senior class.... BESIDES HIM. everyone knows but him. it’s a good premise for a sitcom, i’d say.
thanks for asking these !!!!!!!!
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proven-paradox · 7 years
The Lesser Evil - Session 23
Continuing this attempt to build some momentum again...
<DM_Dox> ---
<DM_Dox> The last of the gnolls is slain, the area around the two tremendous trees falls silent.
<Shey> Shey moves to disarm the tripwire, lest anyone accidentally forget it's there.
<Akali> Akali makes her way out of the tree with a sigh.  "Well, we got their runner.  Did anyone throw that pebble thingy yet?"  Akali draws a wand out of her sash and steps over to Raido, cringing when she sees his wounds up close.  "Geeze... Well, heal yourself up, use as many charges as you need."
<DM_Dox> Shey finds the trap pretty easy to handle; it would have released a simple spiked log trap from above. It doesn't take much to remove the threat.
<Raido> Raido moves gingerly to take the proffered wand but hesitates. "I am not sure I should be the one to use this. Despite my gifts, items like these have never been my strong point."
<Raido> "On second thought," he takes the wand in hand, "I suppose I can't make the wounds any worse."
<Ravanya> "Is everyone else unharmed?" Ravanya takes a quick look around at her companions.
<Akali> "Mm, surprisingly I'm unscratched and I don't think anyone else got hit?  I suppose I took a hit to my ego, missing that first swing of mine, aha.  I'ma go see if the runner had anything interesting on him."  Akali steps around the trees rather than between them before making her waaay.
<Raido> Over the course of a couple minutes, Raido takes careful aim before jabbing the want into his wounds, healing them instantly. Despite the healing power of the magical item, each wound leaves behind  a faint scar to match a network of others.
<DM_Dox> The runner has 3 potions on him, and among all the group the adventurers can find 200 gold.
<Akali> Akali collects the potions and makes sure the runner's dead before returning to the group, "So, ah... I suppose its a safe bet that the camp is in the direction their runner was going."  Akali collects up her wand, cleaning it with a cantrip before stashing it away, giving Raido a bit of A Look.
<Neera> "Or another scouting party," Neera conjectures, cleaning the gnoll off their axe. "Either way, more to kill."
<Shey> "I can lead us to where they came from." Shey announces quietly, after inspecting the area.
<Akali> Akali casually collects gnoll ears, the bounty might still be on!  "Oh?"
<Neera> Neera slings their weapon casually back over their shoulder. "You've found a trail, then?"
<Shey> Shey nods. "Shouldn't be too hard to follow."
<Raido> Raido stretches his newly healed muscles. "Lead the way."
<Akali> Akali picks up all the loot ever and is ready to go!  
<Neera> The crusader glances back at the telepath. "Yes. I'll bring up the rear from here on out. The rest of you stay together."
<Akali> Akali takes the lead, but makes sure Shey is close so that she'll spot things before she runs into them!  Things like trees, Akali has trouble seeing them sometimes.
<DM_Dox> Shey is able to track the gnoll forward group's trail easily, and an hour later, they find it. The main gnoll base.
<DM_Dox> A section of the forest has been cleared near a set of three sharp-pointed, rocky hills, and a camp of hundreds of gnolls sits in the hills' shadows. The creatures stir about in the shade of these hills, preparing for their next fight.
<DM_Dox> The party hasn't emerged from the treeline yet. If the gnolls see them, they're doing a good job of hiding it.
<Shey> <Well, we found it. Let's throw the rock and wait for reinforcements.> Shey tells the others through the ring.
<Raido> <Are we certain this is the main camp?>
<Neera> <When you're ready,> Neera agrees. <We'll wait until the others have arrived before we move out ourselves, and we stay together. I want no heroics.>
<Akali> Akali blinks as if she can't believe her eye when she spots it.  <Yeah, we found it alright... Let's ah, get out of here.  Maybe even back to where we last fought the gnolls, gather the war party there and make our plans.>
<Raido> <Perhaps we should look for signs of this unit's leading figures.>
<Shey> She begins back-tracking, not wanting to throw the pebble so close to the clearing. Once she's a little further inside the trees, she shrugs at Raido. <Close enough. We can't fight hundreds of them on our own. If it's not the main camp, we're screwed either way.>
<Shey> She takes the magic pebble and gives it a toss against a nearby tree.
<DM_Dox> The stone shatters and the shards sparkle slightly.
<Neera> <Weapons ready, everyone.> Neera cautions, preparing their own hammer.
<Raido> Raido drops into a defensive posture, <What do you see?>
<Shey> Shey pulls out her bow. Persephone, who hears none of this, is inspecting the sparkles.
<Akali> Akali holds the blade of her naginata low to the ground, not wanting any unintentional sheens of her blade drawing attention.
<Ravanya> Ravanya draws her bow and stays at attention. The wolf at her side is not exactly at peace with so many gnolls close by.
<DM_Dox> An hour passes before the combined forces of the Reavers and the guards of Northwall arrive. Their vanguard finds the adventurers' positions quickly and gets a report from them.
<DM_Dox> The gnolls seem to have been relying on their forward positions, as they don't respond to the army's approach.
<DM_Dox> The next fifteen minutes are a flurry of preparing for battle. Calther and Terril want the adventurers to accompany the exorcist group in a second phase of the assault, expecting them to get a lot of attention and requesting the adventurers screen for them, give them cover from the main battle as they prepare to banish the devil.
<DM_Dox> Before long a plan is formed. Calther leads the brunt of the army in the initial charge. A few specialist units, including the adventurers and a set of Reavers lead by Terril, stay back with the exorcists. This second assault beelines for the devil as soon as it appears on the battlefield.
<DM_Dox> Soon the battle begins, the first wave charging toward the gnoll camp with a powerful warcry, Calther leading the charge. The gnolls are caught completely off guard and many fall before they can even pick up weapons. They have no chance to get into any kind of formation, and it soon breaks down to the organized Northwall forces fighting panicking pockets of individual gnolls.
<Akali> Akali starts collecting gnoll ears as soon as she can!  All of them, she'll be rich!
<DM_Dox> However, the Northwall forces on the west side of the camp start falling back in disarray. It's soon obvious why; the Bone Devil has taken the field, and the soldiers aren't ready for it. They fall back from its aura of fear and poisonous stinger.
<DM_Dox> Terril sees this and nods. "Second wave, prepare to charge!"
<Raido> Raido, amused by Akali's obsession with ears happily observes but does not join.
<Neera> Neera prepares to move out. <Remember what I said, all of you. We stay together.>
<Shey> <Sounds like a good plan. No heroics, we leave that for the Reavers.> Shey agrees.
<Neera> They summon their defensive shield, as well and enhance their force of personality with Eagle's Splendor as they await Terril's next order.
<Ravanya> Ravanya begins her inspirational song to summon up courage in those around her, upping her companions' determination.
<DM_Dox> Many others in the second wave, including the exorcits themselves, begin similar preparations.
<Shey> Shey casts a short spell on herself.
<Akali> Akali takes the time to... oh god, sleepy.  She totally casts a spell on each person and it really makes them feel healthier!  S-She then casts a spell to make her next attack strike truuuue and she totally summons a crackling arcane bulwark infront of herself.  
<Raido> Raido watches with great interest as everyone prepares for battle.
<DM_Dox> "It's time to do and die! Charge!!!" Terril lifts his shield before him and sprints forward. The rest of the second wave follow suit.
<DM_Dox> The second wave charges forward, heading straight for the devil. Before they arrive, a beam of light emerges from the gnolls' ranks, causing an explosion that knocks over two of the soldiers in Terrill's squad.
<DM_Dox> A troupe of gnolls is walking forward, flanking a small halfling woman, her hands aflame.
<DM_Dox> Terrill says, "My people, on that one! The rest of you, continue toward the devil!" They split off.
<DM_Dox> Another loud CRASH is heard and the ground seems to rumble. There's a echoing, deep voiced warcry as a figure grows to gigantic size among the gnolls.
<DM_Dox> This imposing orc man is covered in metal plates dyed blood red, plumes of decorative red-feathers emerging from the armor like flames from the head, arms, and legs of the gear. He wields a tremendous hammer with an elaborately carved head made of red stone. The man beneath has dark skin and yellow eyes that glow subtly, but his features are otherwise obscured by his armor. He is currently about twelve feet tall, and a barely visible disk of force orbits him.
<DM_Dox> https://www.dropbox.com/s/slnxvtrqsfwzegw/Crim.jpg?dl=0&preview=Crim.jpg
<DM_Dox> The leader of the exorcists--an older gnome man, clad in steel armor and wielding a halberd--indicates the giant with his weapon. "That's heading towards us. Your show, adventurers."
<DM_Dox> The giant sweeps his hammer around him in an impossibly wide arc, seeming unconcerned if he hits allies with the weapon. Soon there's a wide open field around him. His eyes lock on to Neera, and he approaches.
<Neera> "You heard him!" Neera roars back to the team, though their gaze doesn't leave the towering orc. "Let's take care of this."
<DM_Dox> "YOU!" The gigantic orc points to Neera even as arrows plink uselessly off his armor. "That armor. How did you acquire it!?" His eyes are angry behind that helm.
<Neera> The crusader glances down at their plate, the familiar sigil of a roaring lion emblazoned across the chest. "It belonged to a dead man!" they retort firmly. "What business is that of yours?"
<DM_Dox> "I... knew of that man." He grips the haft of his hammer defensively. "How did Kurth die, and who are you to take up his gear?"
<Akali> Akali snrrks.  Totally inappropriately.
<Neera> Neera glances back at their teammates, holding up a hand signaling them to halt any attack. "He... Fought with us, briefly. He fell against this very horde of gnolls, and passed these to me before his final breath. I am... Neera, of no clan. What do you call yourself, and how could one who claims to have known Kurth the Unbroken fight beside his enemies?"
<Neera> They run a hand through their hair. <I don't recognize him.> It's still Kurth's voice that communes telepathically with the others. <But if he has any honor as a Dal I may be able to sway him to our side.>
<DM_Dox> "Kurth has fallen? Ha... Father will be... conflicted." He pauses. "As for me, you may call me Crimson, and I you will learn my motives in time. For now, prove you deserve to wear that armor, Neera the clanless!" He brandishes his weapon and approaches.
<Neera> "Very well," Neera feels something turn over in their gut, but they ready their own maul all the same. "This fight is mine, understood?"
<DM_Dox> "You share his overconfidence then. Hah."
<Neera> "I carry his honor." They growl back.
<Raido> Raido, uncertain how he feels about the way the giant is grinning at his friend, takes aim with an open palm and looses a fiery burst of energy.
<DM_Dox> Crimson sees Raido's attack coming, dodging the worst of it before the beam is even fired. A shield shimmers around him cushioning the blow further. He is barely even singed.
<Neera> "No!" Neera's fist clench as the sanctity of their duel goes up in flames.
<Shey> Shey nocks an arrow. Screw Neera's duel. The arrow fires, aiming a tanglefoot arrow straight for the orc. A second arrow is lined up to follow.
<DM_Dox> The first arrow hit, coating Crimson in a distracting goo. He's so taken off guard that he fails to defend himself from the follow up completely, taking it directly in the chest.
<Shey> Persephone rears up, determined to spit into his eyes.
<DM_Dox> Determination is not enough. He simply turns his head, causing the venom to splash on his helm.
<Neera> Neera is clearly infuriated, but they rush in headlong nonetheless. First however, they cast a spell, granting a moment of clarity and foresight, before advancing without making an attack. "Hit me!"
<Akali> Akali grins in her usual way, casually turning her back to the enemy and looking to the others, "You know, I think when this is all over, I'm going back to Leyline and opening a bakery.  Spreading happiness through the baking of cookies is the only ambition I have anymore!  Now then, let's do this!"  Akali turns, casts lightning into her naginata, charges at Crimson and thrusts!  Then quickly leaps back the way she came, positioning herself behind Neera.
<DM_Dox> "A... bak--HRK!" Akali's blade strikes true, slicing and electrifying the warrior. Still he stands.
<Ravanya> With a few words sung out, Rav conjures up a shower of glitter to pour down on the huge orc. Shikari stays beside her, watching for any gnolls that may try to get close.
<DM_Dox> The glitter pours over the orc. He is now wearing SHINING red armor. But he seems unphased by the lights.
<DM_Dox> Crimson grins at Neera. "As you wish. But I am an efficient killer..." He taps a heel on the ground and suddenly blinks forward before sweeping his hammer around him, striking both Akali and Neera.
<DM_Dox> Both are able to duck below the blow.
<Raido> The image of a soldier from the camp cooking in his upturned helm gives Raido an idea and he takes his time aiming the next flaming burst at the giants steel.
<DM_Dox> Again the spell is predicted, mostly negated by a shimmering shield.
<Shey> Shey starts pulling out more arrows.
<DM_Dox> The first arrow hits home, but the remainder plink off his armor.
<Neera> Jaw clenched in a tight grimace, Neera throws the weight of a mountain behind their opening strike, addressing Crimson in Dal. "So am I."
<DM_Dox> The blow strikes hard, and the man stumbles slightly. He snorts and replies, "I've felt worse."
<Akali> Akali shifts back a bit, wildly sweeps her naginata in an arc which Crimson easily stops completely with his maul.  Akali growls and springs back, thinking for a moment to retreat even further before positioning herself in line with Persephone and Shikari to hold the line.
<Ravanya> Cursing under her breath, Ravanya takes aim to fire an arrow at Crimson.
<DM_Dox> Crimson is so busy fighting with Akali that he fails to protect himself from Rav's arrow.
<Akali> Akali smirks.  Just as planned!
<DM_Dox> He ignores the arrow wound, focusing on Neera. "Iron Guard... Then you'll have to go first." He prepares a tremendous overhead swing.
<Raido> Raido takes a contemplative step back from the approaching brute and again aims a bolt of energy at his foe.
<DM_Dox> Somehow this warrior has Raido completely predicted, still avoiding the worst of the strike.
<Shey> Shey pulls out two more arrows, aiming for Crimson.
<Shey> Persephone also rears back to try spitting venom once more.
<DM_Dox> One arrow plinks off Crimson's armor harmlessly, but the second finds a weakness. Meanwhile Persephone gets a lucky hit, the caustic liquid striking him in the chest and sizzling a bit. The venom has no obvious affect though.
<Neera> Neera, having evaded the massive hammer swing, moves in to capitalize on the opening, striking low and then high with a mighty arc of their maul.
<DM_Dox> The low strike hits home, drawing a pained grunt as they hit straight in his gut. He staggers out of the second swing's arc. He's looking winded.
<Akali> Akali casts a spell into her naginata, its blade oozing with ethereal blood before she brings it down and briefly charges before thrusting it at Crimson's center pass, once more springing away the moment her blade contacts, retreating straight back to where she was.
<DM_Dox> Her blade skims off his armor harmlessly.
<Ravanya> Now switching to her violin, Ravanya plays a quick, sharp note upon the magical instrument creating a violent sound wave traveling towards Crimson. Shey's ears probably don't appreciate the sound, either.
<DM_Dox> The piercing note literally pierces through Crimson's armor, drawing blood on his arm. He looks to the Bard in surprise.
<DM_Dox> His surprise vanishes quickly though. He exhales slowly and takes a moment to focus before focusing on Neera, unleashing a flurry of attacks that should not be possible with that huge hammer.
<DM_Dox> The focus is all he needed, the hammer smashing into Neera. Not at full force, but enough to hurt a LOT. With each hit, a burst of fire flashes from the hammer's head.
<Raido> Displeased with his impact in the current battle, Raido's eyes, wreathed in glowing energy, focus on Crimson's hammer.
<DM_Dox> As the warrior raises his hands for another strike on Neera, the warrior's eyes widen suddenly. Panicked, his swing goes wide, hammer head embedding deep into the ground. He gingerly tries to wrench it free, but he can't seem to bring his hands to really close on the shaft, as though it is super heated.
<DM_Dox> After a moment out of his hands, the hammer shrinks to a "normal" size. Still huge, but not enlarged like its wielder. Somehow, it's still thoroughly stuck.
<Shey> Shey takes advantage of this and sends another sticky arrow into their enemy, quickly followed by a normal one. Persephone tries to follow up, as well.
<DM_Dox> Persephone's attack is not effective, but Shey's arrows hit their mark, leaving him sticky and with two more puncture wounds.
<Neera> Neera rushes in quickly to pull the hammer free, apparently unperturbed by whatever was repelling its original wielder.
<DM_Dox> "No! That's mine!" The orc punches Neera, trying to repel them from the weapon.
<Neera> "Not anymore!" Neera declares. Crimson's maul glows with a pink aura of divinity as its new wielder smashes it into the former.
<DM_Dox> "But it's--how?" He is confused and angry.
<DM_Dox> The hammer hits home, producing a small whisp of flame as it hits. He reels backwards.
<DM_Dox> In everyone's heads, a deep voice, unfamiliar voice speaks. <Hey. Decent hit lady. Put a bit more OOMPH in the next one though.>
<Neera> Neera appears to be losing steam after that last burst, their triumphant smile quickly fading into a grimace. "What...?"
<DM_Dox> <Yeah. Swing harder. That guy's tough, y' gotta really plant yer feet and SWING, babe.>
<Akali> Akali hesitates briefly before casting two spells into her naginata, its blade sparking with arcane lightning.  She's still not taking any chances as she once more lunges with her naginata and hastily retreats.
<DM_Dox> Shey looks around and notices that the excorcist group... seems to be raising a victorious warcry. The bone devil is nowhere in sight.
<DM_Dox> Crimson bellows in pain as Akali lashes out at him, a field of energy seeming to absorb some of the electrical energy, but still. He stumbles, breathing heavily, rivulets of blood oozing from the breaches in his armor.
<Ravanya> Rav almost plays another harsh note on the violin in hopes of putting another hole in that armor. But she hesitates, looking at his state and then at Neera. Her hand stays steady, still ready to attack if need be.
<Akali> Akali smirks, "Is this how you pictured things going today?  Being beaten with your own maul, roped and glued to the ground, dying a death of a thousand cuts?"  She's taking a decidedly different route than Neera is about to.
<Neera> Neera wipes the beads of sweat from their forehead. <Wait. Let me talk to him. Be ready if this doesn't work.>
<DM_Dox> Crimson's gaze passes between Akali and Neera, not fearful, but certainly nervous. He adjusts his position, taking a low stance as he draws a longsword and grips it with both hands. Suddenly, he whirls around in a graceful twist, striking at Neera, Akali, and Persephone all at once.
<DM_Dox> But in his damaged state, he can't muster the strength to do much. His sword scrapes off Neera's armor, skitters off Akali's shield, while Persephone rears back to dodge it.
<Raido> Raido capitalizes on Crimson's loss of hammer and missed attacks and hammers home the loss with a telepathic blow to the man's confidence.
<DM_Dox> The man is visibly faltering.
<Neera> "It's over, Crimson!" Neera forces themselves to stand tall, despite their weakened state. "You fought well, now stand down and we can end this without further bloodshed."
<DM_Dox> Crimson opens his mouth to speak, but no words emerge. He's hesitating, calculating...
<DM_Dox> From a puff of smoke, the halfling mage the group saw before appears above Neera. She is bloodied and beaten as well, but not as badly as Crimson. She flies about 20 feet off the ground, facing Crim.
<DM_Dox> She speaks. "The gnolls are being routed. Their power is broken for at least a generation."
<DM_Dox> "Dnorgan is slain, and will be trapped in Hell for at least a century."
<DM_Dox> "Is this what you wanted? Are you satisfied?"
<DM_Dox> Breathing heavily, Crimson slowly nods and sheaths his sword. "Yes. It's... perfect."
<Akali> Akali glances to the mage, but remains ready to thrust her naginata any moment, her blade aimed straight for the orc's neck.  "Well.  What does that mean?"
<Neera> "Surrender," Neera urges again.
<Shey> Shey leads an arrow, bowstring taught, ready in case the halfling makes a move.
<DM_Dox> Crimson sighs. "It means... out work here is... done."
<DM_Dox> All around, the sound of gnolls being slaughtered can be heard, slowly dying down as the beastly humanoids either flee in all directions or are cut down.
<DM_Dox> The halfling rolls her eyes. "You always were a melodramatic fool, Crim." She sweeps down toward the warrior in red swiftly.
<Shey> Shey reacts to the words and movement, letting her arrow fly at the halfling.
<DM_Dox> The arrow hits home, getting her in the leg. If she were walking she'd probably be immobilized. But, magic. She grunts and hisses, "Fucking RUUUDE!"
<Neera> "No-- !" Neera's cry is cut off with confusion at the halfling's unexpected response.
<DM_Dox> Crimson steps in front of the halfling, blocking Shey's line of sight as she chants.
<Akali> Akali sighs, "What ever your stupid plot was, you're not getting away with it.  Those disgusting gnolls you recklessly trained have been quite an annoyance."  Akali briefly attempted to juke Crimson and get to the mage, but settles for just spinning and bringing her naginata swinging upward in a reckless slash at the orc's neck.  
<DM_Dox> "I already--" His retort is cut off as Akali's weapon slices through. He stands motionless for a moment.
<DM_Dox> Then he falls to his knees. His head lulls backwards, then rolls off behind him. His torso drops lifelessly.
<Neera> Neera instinctively lets out an anguished cry, making a beeline for the decapitated orc. "Why!?"
<Akali> Even Akali seems surprised by the effectiveness of her attack.  Briefly.  Then her eyes narrow on the mage.  "And what was your role?"
<DM_Dox> The halfling's chant ends abruptly. She stares at the orc's head, tears welling in her eyes.
<DM_Dox> She kneels down and picks up the severed head, still clad in its crimson plumed helm.
<Neera> Neera falls to their knees beside the beheaded corpse. They're visibly trembling.
<Shey> Shey nocks another arrow, and waits.
<DM_Dox> The halfling whispers something... And vanishes.
<DM_Dox> Crimson's head is gone as well.
<DM_Dox> The group looks about, and Shey is the only one who spots her... Straight above them, maybe 50 feet up.
<Shey> "She's over our heads!" Shey shouts, swinging her bow up.
<Akali> Akali smirks.  "Ah well.  So she ran away, at least we finished up that guy.  Don't mourn too hard, Neera, a gnoll that bastard trained killed your past se--" Akali looks up.
<Akali> Hearing Shey, Akali quickly taps her belt, a light green glow emanating from it before it starts to heal her self inflicted wounds.
<DM_Dox> Shey launches a quick arrow which hits home, but seems to be only a grazing blow. The halfing points a finger at Akali...
<DM_Dox> A bold of lightning streaks from her finger and CRASHES into Akali, the thunder momentarily deafening all present. The grass around Akali is set on fire.
<Akali> Akali looks up just in time for the spell to reach her, a nervous grin still spread across her lips as the lightning crashes.  Totally ruins her hair.  And a lot of the rest of her.  "G-Geh.... L-Like... that could take me downnn!"  Akali wobbles.
<Shey> "F-fucking hell." Shey pulls an arrow all the same, even with the stammer of fright from such a sudden display of power.
<Neera> Neera barely reacts to any of this, shock, anger and mounting exhaustion causing them to crumple against the body beside them. "How did you know me...?"
<Raido> Raido pauses to enjoy the ferocity of the halfling's emotion. This could be a memory worthy of the collection...
<DM_Dox> The still unnamed halfling mage chants once more... And vanishes again. Apparently for good this time.
<DM_Dox> As the adventurers' hearing returns, they see a group approaching, including a badly limping Terril. Near him, Calther is sprinting toward the group, covered in blood. It's not clear whether it's his or someone else's.
<DM_Dox> The halfling escaped. The devil was sealed. And Crimson's namesake armor lies helmless on the bloody field.
<DM_Dox> ---
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