#We have a Minecraft Server. Coffins. Rooftops in the Sky. Rooms with enormous vanity fairs. Our headspace has got everything.
coffinsister · 6 months
⚔️ - What does the system disagree on the most?
🌹 - Any relationships within the system?
🧠 - What's the headspace like?
Anon, I did not realize how long and wordy these answers would end up being, so at not clog anybody's dashboard, I am putting them under a 'read more.'
🧠 - What's the headspace like?
So, on the most surface level, if you will. It looks like the house we currently live in, but the more you walk through it, the deeper you go I suppose, you can find more and more spaces.
There's quite a few rooms that go unused.
And deep below it, there's this huge library. A fragment is the librarian, I think.
This library has many openings and doors, many of which most of us aren't really privy to, or have a very limited access to.
And when you open those doors you are transported to different worlds inside the headspace.
There's also this large hallway somewhere in the house, with mementos from the currently dormant headmates.
And deeper into it, there's some more separated/locked away mementos from the previous hosts.
🌹 - Any relationships within the system?
There's this space right in the middle of the living room, where our most fronters go rest, when they aren't fronting.
Edit: Forgot to mention the control room.
In the backyard there's a loading platform something similar to Evangelion, I suppose. And we get into our Mecha, and drive it around.
There's more sits and pilots depending on who is, and how many are fronting. Right now is only me, sometimes it's far messier, and difficult to tell who's piloting at all.
Yes! Quite a few, I would say mostly 'Familial' relationships rather than 'Romantic' relationships. All of our Angels see each other as brethren/siblings. Our Makimas and Nayuta see each other as sisters.
And we have an older brother who takes his role very seriously in here.
There are some committed romantic relationships as well, but they are the fewer.
⚔️ - What does the system disagree on the most?
People, I would say.
We have a very hard time agreeing on what we think about certain individuals from our past.
We disagree a lot on irl friends too, but that's not really an issue. We only care about this disagreement when it's putting us, and the body, in constant danger.
And unfortunately, some of our headmates are still very attached to people who have greatly hurt all of us in the past, and their tendency to reach out to these aggressors and abusers is,... Not Good and may be in fact Bad.
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