brian-wellson · 9 months
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“This… this ain’t—” Wellson spat. “This ain’t it.”
This scenario continues to be different, he thought.
“‘Ain’t’ wot, Mister Wellson?” asked the younger Dark Iron, exchanging a long, pensive look with his partner.
“Donnae gots ta entertain this ‘un, do ya,” said the lead investigator. “He’s jus’ spenn’in’ woteva ‘is life is now in ‘is own version of th’ Netha.” He clicked his tongue. “Wot this loon ‘ain’t’ is worth our time, ‘specially durin’ pub time.”
Wellson grimaced. He always hated this part, the blood. He bit his inner cheek. Burnt pennies… huh… He flinched. Brilliant crimson speckles dropped to the table. Oh… that’s different…
The Dark Irons recoiled —according to the file, this fucker wasn’t actually supposed to actually bleed, let alone bleed red.
“Little help,” Wellson said, voice quiet.
The junior investigator glanced toward the senior. He didn’t know what to do: Lt was out of the office.
After a moment —
“Oi, ya fookin’ wanker,” shouted the senior, banging on the interrogation table. The door opened. The senior and junior pushed away to confer with the newly appeared human guard, eyeing the bloody droplets expanding across the tabletop.
Remarkably different than before…
Wellson watched the chaos around him as a ballet in slow motion. He’d seen it countless times before: two Dark Irons unable to communicate, the guard unwilling to touch the sullied table, and the immutable one-way mirror from behind which he could only assume one person could have been watching —
“Dusky,” called Wellson. He looked between the two Dark Irons and the human guard, the lattermost of which looked away. The senior Dark Iron walked over to the one-way mirror. Without a word or even moving his eyes off the man on custody, the dwarf knocked on it. Seconds passed. A minute. Two terse knocks on the interrogation room door. The human guard opened it:
The fifth player — a short, elderly Kul’Tiran man entered the room.
“Doctor Wellson,” said the coroner. “I conducted your autopsy.”
“Mister Wellson,” corrected the very confused, disturbingly nonplussed assassin. He went to unbutton his shirt, stopped by the Light-infused belly shackles binding him to the desk. “…nice job,” he said, just as he always had, gesturing toward the Y-incision.
“How to execute one who has died?” asked Dusky.
Wellson winced. Ugh: just like every other iteration. “You were the scholar of the team … I expected better than retribution.”
Dusky’s eyes blazed. “Shall I offer you a vengeance quote?”
“Is the writing that bad?”
The agèd coroner scoffed. “Interesting choice of words — ‘the writing’.”
A variation! Wellson seized on it: “You’ve Alanna’s instin—”
Dusky’s backhand’s sharp bite pierced the ambient silence.
“And you,” countered the 70+ year old man, “will never speak her name again.”
Wellson demurred, staring at the table. Quite different. The room fell silent. The Dark Irons said nothing … they had never seen the Director lose his shit before — but they’d heard about the Unit, the legends who had doggèdly searched for the arrogant motherfucker shackled before them for years.
“Yessir,” said Wellson.
Dusky smoothed his tweed vest. “Now, Doctor Wellson, you have interrupted my perfectly fine day. I’ve a pint waiting.” He turned away from Wellson and toward the human guard: “Johnson. Most secure cell. Protocol Echo-Zulu-”
“-Bravo-Charlie,” mouthed Wellson, locking eyes with the senior Dark Iron, continuing: “Triple shifts through Monday.”
“-Bravo-Roger,” said Dusky. “Triple shifts until Monday.”
The senior Dark Iron, who had been watching the entire exchange, made a note of Wellson’s verbal predictions — both accurate and errant.
Wellson, too, had made a mental note of the error:
…this has never yet happened. The aberration?
Dusky hesitated at the doorframe. “Why now?” he asked without turning.
“It’s the first time we got this right,” said Wellson.
Silence once again blanketed the interrogation room. Wellson slumped back in his chair. Johnson, the guard, left his hand on his side arm. Dusky snapped his fingers before leaving the room without turning around. The senior Dark Iron followed him out the door. Johnson closed it.
“Ya ruint me fookin’ weeken’ ya righ’ bastard!” growled the junior under his breath. “Had me a time booked wit’ these two bonnies I don met on OnlyElves, an’ I swear ta th’ Light if’fn I donnae get me gold back, it be commin’ from yer coffers, ya prig.”
Wellson chuckled. “This … this definitely … this ain’t it.”
— — • — —
((Obligatory OoC things:
(( Yes. Mister Brian Wellson has returned.
(( Covid did not kill the writer. Abuse did not kill the writer. Assault did not kill the writer. A loft block from 60 feet did not the writer. Poverty and homelessness has not yet killed the writer.
(( … and the writer will be damned if their character dies like a fucking dog. Deadass: Wellson always deserved better than some horrid Victorian ending.
(( Moreover, the people with whom the writer co-created this character and world deserved a better — and consensual — ending. For reasons the writer will disclose at a future date, apologies have always been due, but were unable to be extended. The writer understands a great deal of goodwill has been squandered over the past 3.5 years of dead time … and also states there is no presupposition toward collaboration of any kind.
(( AGAIN: no presupposition toward collaboration of any kind.
(( This is simply a project the writer needs to finish for the sake of finishing.
(( If, after all that … & 3.5 years of real-life hell, you’re still here‽ … welcome back. ))
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skykiuwu · 2 years
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Some lineless art of some angel buddies in their disguises
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findasongblog · 5 days
Find A Song about the good times you've had with someone
wellson - Never Alone
Added to FAS Spotify playlists indie folk/country/americana and relationships.
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dentpx · 3 months
i need a new icon. should i go sigma or junpei.
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of-fear-and-love · 17 days
奇謀妙計五福星 / Winners & Sinners (1983)
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geekvibesnation · 3 months
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creepa-b0t-inc · 1 year
Also making a collection of secret bosses. Why? Because I felt like it.
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Let me know who I'm missing, and if possible, getting sprites would be nice so I can add them to the chart!
I'll try to add credits here, let me know what I should add/fix
Jevil/Spamton by Toby Fox
Snow-E by Lemonemy
Gospell design by Scratch Lunin
Blookette by Evil Nya Nya [@SmoochaGhost2 on twitter]
Sunsette & Cressette by Snokie
Wicker/Varminter/Gatsby/Jack/Helios/Nova (But Cooler) by Astromity
Will-fye by Spoon-Breaker
Collage/Stanley P. Scribbleton/Greas-E/Buzzkill/Dr. Pox by IndieMedley
Rublaad by imaginary-regret-608
Banner/Vangel/Haxter by Shaz0s
Halojack/Beltrowel/Gauze by Huecycles
Flowery/Descora & Belle/Atlas by Anne/Bepceleste
Host by Ne0nwithazero
Brandal/Screepto/Fakeris by LocalH00ligan
Radiola by Modtro64
Timber/Starlet/Screamo/Camellia/Wilter/Hycrisik/Mantle Keeper/Hex by R. V. Pine
Sleek by Axniety
Nova by Marnielovesyou
Skuntle Bingoid by ImpactWinter
Tenna by tvlandofficial
RErunner/Lustrelocks/Astrochew by HogRidah
Jukdyne/Dooblod/Terry Crow by RoxRox
Gygar by Rocco
Mederial by PomPom
Nonbinary Secret Boss by Furkrum (I thought it was funny)
Stern by JustTheMoonz
Rachel by R. T. Oak
The Neighbor/Mizpelt/Eve/Gilmore/Kass Sheere/Antoinette/Rock-E/Herifix/Honeur Able/Bellamy/Teel da Eel/Subject_17 by Creepa-Bot Inc.
Dirk/Serif by Emihead
Memme by DELTARUNE Chapters
Glonk by 4chan
Emeraldo by Parkerino69
Micheal Sperour/Shuebert/Min-E by l1zardart1stre
Woostern/BONSLICK THE WICKED/Sonatta/Shikari/Quiddo/Left-E by Mercair
Petaly by Jas
Deadeye by CondorCrest
Vee Sal by Sandshrewdoodle
Verre Trempe by Checherex
Rosey the Rose/Nightmar-E/Orbead by GoYourOwnWay196
Mad Hatter by Scare
Cabelle/Blanca-chan/Hero by Booripley
??? Robot by Deltaconduit
Memodia by Sunhatgirl
Veehenchezz/Olliever by Bonkers B Bonkers
Yogbert by danimodder
Floe/Clawhauz/Vessel by MrkySpices
Ike by TheC0MICguy
Mike by Pep
Mike by Vulpes Borealis
Lucidia by The​Yoter​Man
Immortal Hydrangea/Lillian/Bonibon by Wandering Makers
Sockswald by TheWinterer
Solis by Marineflames
Dillon by jjaym15
Brianna Friz by TheMilkMan
Slush-E by 4444pi
Chancellor by Marmarbles
Minerva by Sylladexter
Seraphim/Laughing Vapor by Weaponizedalibi
Gerden by Right-brain-left-brain
Trinky by Marbles!!
Helel by ZET
Getty Wellson/Davilone by Yinky Tunes
Peris by PetahPetah
Graves by hazard100
Patient Zero by Nermike
Roulette by Dollyglot
Inka by Pixelator
Spree Blitz by Ornstein
Creengle Snap by Kael Salesman
Cehll by A Lego.
Meucci/Roundhouse/Rosaline/Candrell/Coda by Wilkus Milkus
Wormwood by Freedom Co.
Lux Aeterna/Hearty by Spamemailguy
Rumi/Sergoyle by Frosty
Wanky Jo/Nyyrk by Change_it
Hymnis/Knockpad by Bog
S. Lacker by TzarLicken
Tapes by Broom
Horse by ExistingKirb
Pup-C by Scare
Ornamiel/Chrysette/Bandit Aster/Kaerel/Moquiere/Baker & Ratty by Isastuff
Howdy by S.A.
The Great Bazow by Lettuce_turtle
Moonslammer by Vindicator
Monitoon/Mixel by Toosday
Senstar by Mr. Luwigi
Foe by Bryleethebig
Goldie by DeltaVelvet
Satinelle by Octobox
Remild by Espeon
Rainie by Left-Brain-Right-Brain
Rael by Direct to Darkness
Roti by Followerex
Candy/Pastrot by ColorWorld
Dr. Etal by Uevos
Edd-E & Snatchy/Princheque by Rejona
Harlamour by Rosaic
Fleur/Ice-E by Red
Railey/Vantablack by Glitch-the-artist
The Hopless by Cyphis6
Tee-V by Filipnofishstickfailure
Alvaos/Soupa by Bryan the Celestial
Lumia/Curly Bracket by Kate Bun
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theactioneer · 6 months
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The Inspector Wears Skirts (Wellson Chin, 1988) 
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overmorrowzeg · 2 years
I only have two headcanons/theories for season 2 of dungeons and Daddies, one is very silly and the other is very heartbreaking.
The first one is that I think the 12 "well well well" bullies (or most of them) should have names that start with "well" (for example "Welliam, Wellson, etc...)
The second one is that Link was taken by Grant from the forgotten realm after his biological parents died as a way for him to cope with the guilt of his action ("we cannot save all of this world, but maybe we can save a single child" sort of situation)
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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17 November 1952 Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh accepts gifts from Anne Wellson as he visits a new town of Harlow, Essex. The Prince received the gifts for his children, Prince Charles and Princess Anne. © Joe Waldorf
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brian-wellson · 9 months
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“Considered yourself served,” said the agent of the Crown.
The courier dipped her head respectfully — a gesture Henry Rollins returned — before she turned on her heel, and walked out the door.
Henry handed the thick folded paper to Elunara. “They wanna dig ‘im up? Wot fer?” He set his jaw. “Imma figh’ et, I swear ta — ! Bring et up en ‘ouse o’ Lords tomorro’!”
Elunara shook her head. “Slow down … take a moment,” she said. She unfolded the paper and read the first page thoroughly. “Mmm…,” she mused. “An imposter, perhaps?” She reached the second page — and then the third, this one an enclosed letter scrawled on a thinner material and in extremely familiar hand.
“Oh…” she started. Her eyes went wide. She continued to read. The colour drained from her face. “Oh… oh no…”
“Elunara?” asked Henry. He took her arm, steadied her. He felt her sway a bit. He watched the papers drop to the floor.
Henry guided Elunara to the foyer’s writing desk toward which she had gestured. He set her in the chair and almost called for their valet before remembering it was after eight bells — and, as per their own reforms, valets had banned from working after eight bells except for State and otherwise noteworthy occasions. “I’ll be right back,” he said quietly.
Elunara grabbed his arm.
“Don’t fight,” she said.
“Promise me.”
“Et’s Doc Wells—”
“HENRY!” she snapped.
Henry Rollins stopped arguing.
“Promise me.”
“…aye,” he said through gritted teeth. “Ain’ gonna figh’ et…”
Elunara pointed toward the papers on the floor as so many venomous snakes. “Something bad is coming, love.”
“Arrange for Justine’s transport to Kul Tiras first thing.”
“She’s our daughtah! This is our ‘ome! Ye canno’ be scare’ o’ th’ Crown like thi’!”
Elunara shook her head. “You’ve known me eight years, Henry. You have given me child. Listen to me!”
Henry bit his lip.
“Arrange it.” She stood. She was shaking — and she knew Henry could see.
“An’ you?”
She started toward the tiny museum of Wellson’s artifacts and archæological writings. “Getting ready for work.”
“Pro forma session’s en … uh …”
“Not that … work,” she said.
He stooped down to pick up the papers. She neared the museum doors.
Death was coming.
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skykiuwu · 2 years
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This is so old ack- but I don’t think I ever posted this so um yeah
This is @emgamezsupreme’s Cuphead OC Wellson
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findasongblog · 18 days
Wellson (supporting Ian Hooper) at KUZ Mainz, 25.05.2024
There had been a call for local artists to apply for the support slot at Ian Hooper's one-off show, and I dare say that the promoters decided to play it safe by choosing an indie folk singer/songwriter. Well, the strategy worked, the audience was definitely into Wellson's music, whose first single will be released coming Friday (May 31st).
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hungryhungry-himbo · 2 years
I noticed you do art requests, unsure if it's still open, would you be able to draw my OC, Andrew Wellson Dreddson? He pretty simple, he looks just like this, but with pale yellow eyes.
(Also I read your bio, I'm 21 years old.)
Maybe have him in all black shirt, pants and black dress shoes with a switch blade in his hand, pointing it at the viewer?
Little lore on him: Andrew is a 6"1', 21 year old, intersex person, (his gender identity is male.) who is a escaped test subject that was tested and got the ability to have Telekinesis, who then makes a deal with the owner of the Laboratory to work with them as their Laboratory Psychiatrist to spear his live and then goes undercover to expose the Laboratory and help others escape and hide alongside humans, help others appear more human. He is the most successful TS they have that looks more human than the rest as past STs was a failed experiment.
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What your describing is a whole art commission
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askcupsncrew · 1 year
Hey Wellson, who you mean by Opal? I got an idea but I wanna see what you say first.
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[Character belongs to @emgamezsupreme]
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theturningsystem · 2 years
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Hi maybe you'd consider a request of my warlock Edrigal? Just a note about his eyes (if you chose to make that a color element at all) is that his eyes are all black, with golden irises. Thanks for considering. I hope the images linked,if not I can provide references.
That is one badass OC!! I will DEFINITELY do him, I currently working on a request at the moment, and have to make another one for one person but you are next in line!! He's is amazing, I LOVE the creepiness.
Maybe my OC Andrew Wellson Dreddson and him would be best buds haha
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