#West Bank | Freedom Fighters Hamas | Apartheid Isra-hell-Freedom Fighters Hamas War
xtruss · 8 months
Foreign Affairs: “Demented Genocidal Biden” Expected To Issue Executive Order Targeting “Illegal European ‘Fake Zionist 🐖 🐖 🐷 Jews’ Who Become Isra-helli Settlers” In West Bank
The Move Comes as the Demented Genocidal President is Under Growing Pressure to be Tough on Illegal Regime of Isra-hell as it Wages War in the Gaza Strip.
— By Nahal Toosi and Alexander Ward | February 02, 2024 | Politico
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Demented Genocidal President Joe Biden speaks to members of the media before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Jan. 30, 2024. | Andrew Harnik/AP
President Joe Biden is expected to issue an executive order Thursday that aims to punish Israeli settlers who have been attacking Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, according to documents seen by POLITICO, two U.S. officials and a congressional aide.
As part of the rollout, the Biden administration will announce it is imposing sanctions on individuals who have engaged in such violence, which has killed or displaced many Palestinians from their lands, the documents say.
The National Security Council declined to Comment.
The order comes as Biden is under growing pressure, including from Democrats, to be tougher on Israel as critics say its military campaign against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is a disproportionate reaction to the Hamas attack of Oct. 7.
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It also comes as Biden is due Thursday to visit Michigan, a battleground state this election year that is home to many Arab Americans furious with his approach to the Israel-Hamas war.
Senior White House officials on Wednesday briefed Ron Dermer, a close confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on the move during his visit to Washington, the congressional staffer said.
Far-right Israeli settlers in the West Bank have for years staged attacks on many of the roughly 3 million Palestinians in the territory, often aimed at seizing land that the Palestinians claim for a future state. Such attacks spiked after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, leading to the emptying of entire Palestinian villages.
At the same time, Biden has faced intense pressure to appear more even-handed in the conflict as Hamas-controlled agencies have reported more than 25,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s military campaign against the militant group.
In November, Biden directed top U.S. officials to develop options for punishing violent Israeli settlers. The memo sent to Cabinet officials like Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen broadly defined who could be a target.
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Reports suggest Isra-helli sovereignty would not be applied to Palestinians living in annexed areas
They included people or entities that “have directly or indirectly engaged in actions or policies that threaten the security or stability of the West Bank,” take “actions that intimidate civilians in the West Bank with the purpose or effect of forcing displacement actions in the West Bank,” or make moves “that constitute human rights abuses or violations and actions that significantly obstruct, disrupt or prevent efforts to achieve a two-state solution.”
In December, Blinken announced U.S. visa restrictions on a number of extremist Israeli settlers.
Hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers live in the West Bank, and their presence comes with a large amount of Israeli security, which means even less space for Palestinians to live. Many Israeli settlers do not believe in permitting a Palestinian state to exist. Such sentiments are more widespread among Israelis since the Hamas attack on their country, which killed 1,200 people.
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Construction in settlements could become easier if they officially become part of Illegal Regime of the Zionist Cunts, Isra-hell
But other than rhetorical pleas, top officials in the Biden administration had resisted pressuring Israel to rein in the settlers before the Oct. 7 attack. Such inaction was in line with Biden’s preference of trying to convince Israeli leaders through carrots instead of sticks, as well as worries about seeming to interfere with internal Israeli politics.
If past patterns hold, the new sanctions are likely to be more punishing in that they will likely include freezes on financial assets the settlers may hold in the United States, among other penalties.
The State and Treasury Departments are expected to issue details Thursday on the sanctions and how financial institutions should approach the issue, according to the documents.
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The issue of settlements has long been a source of friction between Israelis and Palestinians
The Biden administration has stepped up support for Palestinians after staunchly backing Israel’s retaliation against Hamas in Gaza, most notably by pushing for more humanitarian aid to enter the enclave.
In recent weeks, as Netanyahu’s government has stiff-armed American attempts to wind down the war and the U.S. develops “day after” scenarios, Washington has shifted its approach to weigh Palestinian concerns more.
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Terrorist War Criminal Zionist 🐖 Cunt Benjamin SATAN-YAHU has long championed Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank
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inqilabi · 3 years
The anon talking about Islamic terrorism was rather clearly implying groups such as Hamas. You then respond “what terrorism?” and bring up Nelson Mandela. Please understand some of us agree with you about Israeli war crimes, about wanting freedom for Palestinian civilians, etc. But we feel we can’t engage with you because you are coy about what you mean — do you think groups such as Hamas, who have called just a few weeks ago for the beheading of Jewish civilians, will be remembered years from now as freedom fighters, and that for you would be the morally correct position to take? I have seen you call their rockets ‘resistance rockets’, those same rockets whose intent, if not impact, is specifically to target and kill Jewish civilians — you think those are the ‘resistance’? It’s not that many of us disagree with you on the Israeli gov, or Israel as a state. We are concerned you’re not consistent in your views when you seem to excuse groups like Hamas’s terrorism or else play coy about any terrorist or antisemitic intent in the first place (“what terrorism? Nelson Mandela was classed as a terrorist”, etc). Which way is it? Can’t all bad things, all targeting of innocent civilians based on hatred, be bad?
So you do think Hamas are the resistance. But do you think that makes what they advocate for correct? You are lying if you think their only goal (or even their main one tbf) is the freedom of Palestinians and not the killing of Jews. Genuinely, I think there is a whole aspect of this that you are either deliberately trying not to comment on or else actively pretending is not there. You can’t be so blind to what Hamas leaders have said or encouraged.
I have to say that this was a disappointing ask, because even before the recent heightened ethnic cleansing effort by Israel, I was talking about propaganda. I posted a video where a ruling class agent openly talks about how they literally create stories, feed to the AP etc, get books written on the topic, the authors of which go on to become influential academics & poets and other cultural features so even if we don't absorb this information from political media, we will absorb it from the random fiction book or poetry we read. As well as I mentioned several instances of ridiculously sensational claims we repeat like robots without realizing that the oppressor class is producing them. And everything you've stated in this ask about Hamas is a product of all that, Israel specifically calls it hasbara. So hopefully you're a new follower, read selectively or are young- because otherwise, it's disappointing.
I also just want to inform you that I use to have the 'Hamas is a terrorist' position for a longtime, I had to struggle against my common notions to arrive at my current position. So I am not blind to Hamas, I believe that I am now more informed.
Yes Hamas is resistance. Because it formed in response to oppression. Hamas is armed civilian resistance. I don't how to make that any clearer. It formed in first intifada in 87'. Yes it is resistance rockets in the face of Israeli slaughter. And Hamas targets Israeli military targets, not civilians. Unlike Israel and IOF which only & exclusively targets civilians with their precision rocket technology under the lie of 'Hamas had a base there' because their goal is literally ethnic cleansing. Israel conducts census for this purpose. They know exactly the population of Palestinians: age, how many children in each family, who lives where, their phone numbers! Israel literally can kill no one even if they choose to bomb because they have technology that advanced & the census. And yet, they choose not to. Because the aim is ethnic cleansing. Hamas makes kitchen rocket from Israel's ethnic cleansing wreckage. The contrast between civilian causalities on both side speak to this fact. This will continue to happen regardless of whether Hamas exists or not. Hamas does not exist in the west bank, and yet Israel continues. Hamas did not exist before 87' and yet, Israel continued. Arabs have always been considered terrorist, as I stated already this was beginning to be the perception when the Arab revolts happened to the Zionist terrorism of the 1920s (might I add, terrorism as we associate with middle east was brought to the region by Zionist bombers but I digress).
Abu Obeida is the official spokesperson of Hamas, so I wouldn't believe nypost first of all, nor Fathi Hammad to represent Hamas' position re your 'behead jews' claim or whomever else made that claim. Hamas original charter was antisemitic, written in 87' during a horrible continued onslaught by Israel- nonetheless not justifiable. The original founders were all assassinated by Israel. And Hamas current character is not that of its foundation given the 30 years that have passed & that the leadership is now completely different, plus many other things that happened between other factions of resistance that have driven a new position. The new charter can be found here.
Point in mentioning Mandela was this: one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Mandela, ANC and the armed resistance uMkhonto we Sizwe was considered terrorist in consciousness of most people at that time. They were considered to be hell bent on destroying the white people, the Afrikaners, targeting civilians. All of this rhetoric was used to uphold the apartheid.
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Today, all liberals come to correctly believe that they were not terrorist, and targeted state apparatus- because this became clear after apartheid ended even though this info was availble before too for anyone who cared to understand. But these same people would have believed at the time that they were killing civilians, as the propaganda said so at the time. These same people today believe Hamas targets civilians. How can you have this hindsight and not understand that its the same thing happening today. Make it make sense!!!!
Anyway to summarize, I have my own opinions about Hamas, but I don't mention them as they're irrelevant since a) national liberation is to be supported no matter who is engaging in it b) I am not the Gazan people with my life being a sentence of death by apartheid Israel.
I think position you have comes from a far too narrow of an analysis, focusing only on the IOF and Hamas. Focusing only on right or wrong, focusing on both players as if they are equal and comes from a lack of understanding of the sheer brutality of colonialism. I would suggest you read this: On Violence.
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xtruss · 11 months
Illegal & Apartheid Regime of “Cursed People, Terrorist and War Criminal Zionist 🐖 🐖 🐖 Cunts,” Isra-hell's, Fight With “Freedom Fighters Hamas Against Occupation” Just a 'Pretext' for Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza — Ex-Marine
— James Tweedie | Thursday November 09, 2023
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© Photo: Mahmoud Mazloum
Illegal & Apartheid Regime of Isra-hell has killed more than 10,000 Palestinian Civilians since the start of its latest assault on Gaza. Geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic, a former US Marine, said Israel had made its intentions to depopulate the enclave clear from the start.
Tel Aviv is using attacks on Southern Isra-hell by the Hamas movement as an excuse to depopulate the Gaza Strip, says a military expert.
The October 7 surprise breakout by the Hamas (also known as Islamic Resistance) and other groups from the besieged territory left almost 300 Israeli soldiers and 1,100 civilians dead, with more than 200 taken back to Gaza as captives.
Following weeks of bombing of the densely-populated Palestinian enclave, the Isra-helli Defense Forces have surrounded Gaza City and are trying to fight their way into its outskirts.
The Palestinian Authority's Health Ministry, based in Ramallah in the West Bank, said on Wednesday that after a month of attacks, Isra-helli forces and settlers had killed 10,515 Palestinians, including 4,324 children, 2,823 women and 649 elderly people, and injured 2,600 others.
It said that 2,550 others, with 1,350 children among them, were still missing under the rubble of bombed buildings in Gaza.
Former US Marine and geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic told Sputnik that Isra-helli Prime Minister War Criminal Benjamin SATAN-YAHU's declaration of "war" on Hamas was "just a pretext" for ethnic cleansing.
"Isra-hell is using Hamas as a pretext to erase Gaza," Berletic said. "This has been an ongoing plan, especially for the War Criminal Satan-Yahu administration."
The commentator noted that Hamas was an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood which "has played a role for decades in the region as tools of Western hegemony over the region." and tried to overthrow secular governments from Egypt to Syria. He said the movement rose to power in the Gaza Strip only with Israel's help in order to create a rival to the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO).
"I know it's unpopular to point this out, but it is an admitted fact that the SATAN-YAHU Administration helped manoeuvre Hamas into power," Berletic said. "If Israel wanted to eliminate Hamas, they could have started by not putting them into power in the first place."
Isra-hell favoured Hamas over the PLO because the Islamic resistance movement "was utterly opposed to a two state solution" — as was Satan-Yahu's hard-line government. "That is that is what is mandated under international law — a two state solution is an Israeli state, a Palestinian state. This occupation has to end," Berletic said.
Israel has made its intention to force out the 2.3 million Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza since the start of its bombing campaign a month ago, the analyst said, telling civilians to flee to the southern end of the enclave so it could bomb Gaza City in an attempt to destroy Hamas bunkers and tunnels.
"In the very beginning, they were quite open. They wanted to just displace the civilian population of Gaza and move in militarily," Berletic said. "Once it's erased, they don't have to worry about a two state solution ever again."
He noted that the Israeli invasion had already lasted longer than previous operations since 2008, ostensibly aimed at destroying Hamas.
"That may suggest that this is their final attempt to achieve this to at least clear out northern Gaza, forcing over a million people to move to southern Gaza where there is no capacity to to house them, feed them, provide them medical care," Berletic said, which had already caused a "humanitarian catastrophe."
Egypt, which borders Israel and Gaza, has been under "tremendous pressure" from the West to open the Rafah checkpoint and allow refugees onto its territory in the Sinai peninsula — but has resolutely refused to do so.
"It's not Egypt being heartless, " Berletic stressed. "They understand that if the people in Gaza are displaced, they will never be allowed to return."
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