#West Linn Home Developer
spaciousreasoning · 18 days
Sweet Home & Beyond
After a stop in Marcola Wednesday to get some potting soil from her daughter, Nancy and I drove up to Sweet Home, in Linn County, for lunch at The Point. We had eaten there with her daughter during one of our previous summer visits, but the main reason for returning was to kick off another afternoon adventure.
Sweet Home was incorporated in 1893. Its current population is estimated at just over 10,000. Sweet Home is built on a prehistoric petrified forest. In addition to fossil wood, the area includes a variety of agate, jasper, crystals and minerals.
The Oregon Jamboree is a three-day country music and camping festival held in Sweet Home. The event was founded in 1992 as an economic development project for the community. Profits from the festival also help support community humanitarian projects. Some past performers are familiar to me, but the schedule for this year contains no names that I recognize.
The restaurant is on the eastern edge of Sweet Home, right across from Foster Reservoir. The reservoir is about 3.5 miles long and covers nearly 1,200 acres. Its primary use is for recreation in the summer and flood control in the winter and spring. There is a park on the north shore and a campground on the eastern edge.
On the way through town we noticed a sign for a covered bridge. Following lunch, we found the Weddle Bridge, now located in Sankey Park, where it crosses Ames Creek. The bridge originally spanned Thomas Creek near Scio, about 20 miles north of Sweet Home.
After being replaced by a concrete bridge in 1980, the remaining structure was scheduled to be destroyed in 1987. To save the bridge, activists in Sweet Home staged protests to help save the bridge. The Oregon legislature soon approved the Oregon Covered Bridge Program, which helped pay for covered bridge rehabilitation projects statewide. The Weddle Bridge was the first to receive grants from the program.
There are two other covered bridges in the Sweet Home area. We’ll check them out the next time we are out that way.
Continuing our journey, we headed northward along US 20 (also known as Santiam Highway) to Lebanon, a town of about 20,000. From there we turned west and crossed I-5 before turning south on the eastern part of OR 99. We passed through Junction City on the way back to the home turf.
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Prospective buyers camp out for first pick of new St. Charles County homes
Missouri's ST. Charles County (KMOV) - The demand for new homes in St. Charles County is at an all-time high, with potential purchasers having to wait a full workweek to obtain first choice. In this competitive housing market, prospective buyers are trying to avoid stressful bidding wars by purchasing brand-new homes. Several dozen people have set up camp at a new McBride Homes subdivision, which is five minutes' drive west of Lake Saint Louis. Dale Linn was the first person in line when it opened on Monday, and he plans to stay until early Saturday to cover for his daughter, who works full-time. Since he purchased a property years ago, Linn said he has never witnessed anything like it. “This is crazy, but this is what you’ve gotta do nowadays,” Linn said. “This is a seller’s market. That’s the only reason you get people out here doing this.” Saturday morning will see the creation of the first contracts. People can obtain the best selection of the almost 1,000 lots in the development and get significant discounts on property by getting in line first. Waiting for a new house may be the only choice for some young homeowners like Isaiah Mays and his wife. “We’ve been looking for about two years, but we just keep signing a new lease on our apartment because we were like, ‘we don’t want anything to do with this housing market right now.’” Mays said. ”We were putting offers in for $25,000 over and still got outbid by $20,000 ourselves.” Homes in Harvest by McBride range in price from $250,000 to $500,000. Along Highway N, there are several new construction projects like this one, yet demand is still outpacing supply. McBride Homes' Erin Hardebeck claims they are still unable to produce new homes at a sufficient rate. “Right now, there’s only a one-month supply of inventory in St. Louis, so we are very short,” Hardebeck said. I think that’s why new construction is doing so well. We’re filling in that gap between need and demand right now.” Focusing on pedestrian facilities, community spaces, and other things, according to McBride, will help companies stand out in the competitive market. They plan to start construction later this year, with the first closings occurring the following year.
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celtfather · 1 year
Celtic Christmas Lights
The lights of Christmas are glowing with a Christmas Story by Brad Tuck on Celtic Christmas Podcast #68.
Enda Reilly, Terry McDade With The McDades, Marc Gunn, Cherish The Ladies, The Chivalrous Crickets, Screaming Orphans, Anne Roos & David Blonski, Scythian, Brad Tuck, West of Eden
0:08 - Enda Reilly "Tá An Nollaig Linn" from Christmas is With Us (Tá An Nollaig Linn)
I am Marc Gunn. I am an Celtic musician and podcaster. We are promoting Celtic culture through Christmas cheer. This is the final episode of 2022.
Hopefully, we are all ready for the holiday. House and trees decorated. Presents wrapped and placed beneath the tree. The cats aren’t chewing on the wrapping paper. We are ready to relax for this festive time of year.
Make sure you check out Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.
What is Celtic Christmas music? Click the link to find out more.
4:20 - Terry McDade With The McDades "What Child Is This" from Midwinter
7:32 - Marc Gunn "Celtic Christmas Elf" from Celtic Christmas Greetings
10:26 - Cherish The Ladies "Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem/The Ballintore Fancy/The Kerry Reel/Limestone Rock" from On Christmas Night
15:17 - The Chivalrous Crickets "A Christmas Carol" from A Chivalrous Christmas
Christmas is an interesting time of year for musicians. Bigger artists are able to put together Christmas-themed shows. But many of the smaller indie artists create an album and dream of playing shows, but the venues stop booking. Christmas is a listening time of year. Not necessarily a buying time of year.
I tell you this to remind you to support the artists that you love in this show. Visit the shownotes to find out more about the artists at CelticChristmasPodcast.com. Then you can buy some music or merch from them, give them a tip, or even support your favorites on Patreon.
Speaking of which…
The Celtic Christmas Podcast is brought to you by the kindness of Celtic Christmas fans on Patreon. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion, and production of the show.
Thanks to our Christmas Christmas Producer: Carol Baril
Join others to spread Christmas Cheer! Sign up for as little as $1 per episode on Patreon.
21:20 - Screaming Orphans "Jingle Bells" from Happy Christmas, Vol. 1
23:19 - Anne Roos & David Blonski "The Cutty Wren" from A Winter's Dance
25:57 - Scythian "Christmas at Home feat. HoneyDay, Stevie Rees, Therese Fedoryka" from Christmas Out at Sea
Born in Hant's Harbour, Newfoundland, Brad developed a love for music early in his life. Residing in St. John's, Brad is the drummer for a staple of the traditional Newfoundland music scene, Shanneyganock, and began a solo career in 2018 with the release of his first album "On These Waters". Brad was nominated for Traditional Artist of the Year at the 2018 & 2022 MusicNL Awards, and has released three full length albums, one EP and two Christmas singles.
35:10 - Brad Tuck "The Lights of Port de Grave" from single
I tried something new this year asking you to vote for your favorite song in each episode of the podcast. Past favorites of the season were
We Banjo 3 "Joy to the World" from A Winter Wonderful
Marc Gunn "Frosty the Irish Snowman" from Celtic Christmas Greetings
And there’s a new one coming up…
If there’s a song that you loved in this show or any of these episodes, please make sure you add the song to your own streaming playlist.
39:58 - West of Eden "Over the Hills" from Next Stop Christmas
Celtic Christmas Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. The show is supported by our Christmas Patrons on Patreon.
Visit our website to subscribe to the podcast. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode. You can subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. And best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through Christmas music at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh!
#celticchristmas #celticchristmasmusic
Check out this episode!
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lamontbros-blog · 4 years
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam France S2.3 reaction
Gossip Girl’s legacy continues to thrive
Julie’s legacy of fuckboys getting out of cars, ehhh, not so much
Episode 3
Clip 1 - Birthday aftermath
Emma’s reactions to the random dude nuzzling into her neck were amusing.
Well damn, French Linn isn’t afraid to go off on her roommates.
French Linn (Lisa) being Manon’s cousin is, I assume, perhaps to make the living situation a little more realistic? In terms of why Manon would be living on her own at this age, since I’m guessing it would be unusual, and that moving in with a cousin makes more sense. (I don’t know if this would be the case for French teenagers, feel free to correct me.)
But since they’re family, that also makes me wonder if they have a close relationship, a distant relationship, or if it doesn’t matter because the show will never address it.
Also Mickael comparing Lisa to an annoying neighbor makes it sound like they’re not as close as Eskild and Linn, though it could just be affectionate complaining. And I mean, Eskild could complain about Linn, too.
Mickael … wow. “That’s my name bitch.” Damn this conversation got heated! Love it. I feel like he has a different personality from Eskild already? In Skam, this scene ends with Eskild teasing Noora about taking her place in the girl squad, telling her how pretty/smart/popular she is, and wrapping her up in a bear hug while she’s giggling. She’s not that upset with him. This scene with Manon and Mickael plays out like an actual spat, although not a very serious one, I’m sure. But Manon did still seem peeved by the scene’s end.
Clip 2 - The Most Important Scene in Skam
We don’t get a collection of handsome male youth emerging from an impressive vehicle, a clear shot of Alex’s battle-born bruise, perfectly timed wind rippling effects, Kanye West making dramatic proclamations (maybe for the best given his drama over the last week). It’s just Charles and Alex walking down a school hallway and Charles looking back at them, damn.
Lol, I was never mad that this was Julie’s favorite scene, it’s just very ???? in terms of all the amazing scenes she has produced, that this is the one that stands out to her. I can only guess something really fantastic happened to her that day or that the shooting went well or something. 
But now I’m imagining like how they would stage a similar scene in the school … Charles and Alex dramatically emerge from the bathroom and Manon’s hair starts blowing in the wind, cut to a janitor turning on a large fan behind the girls.
This scene was such a non-entity that I have nothing more to say about it.
Clip 3 - Emma revealed as Gossip Girl fanfic writer
Was weird Clara the girl Alex hooked up with before?
Daphne sure wants to meet Manon’s secret girlfriend, huh. And what’s with that look Daphne gives Emma before mentioning lesbians … just wanting her to know she is A-OK with lesbians. More than A-OK. Haha Emma, we know what’s really going on, don’t we? Wouldn’t it be so funny if we made out in like two episodes, I mean weeks?
Emma’s reaction to connecting the Manon-Charles dots is amazing, she’s ascended to another plane of existence. Her sliding away from Daphne and then sliding back toward Manon … good timing, I actually laughed out loud. She’s so proud of her detective skills and living for the drama, and I love that she took the Gossip Girl thing a little farther than in the original.
Did they actually end this scene without music? Did they???? Character development for Skam France!
Clip 4 - I’m just combining all the Friday party clips here
Lisa seems like such a more trying roommate than Linn. Linn just flopped around and did her own thing, Lisa has more fire behind her, which might be nice in some respects, but she also seems like someone ready to explode the next time a fork ends up in the wrong drawer.
I’m enjoying Emma more this season but her drunk acting is not very good. She seems to be too … upright for her level of intoxication, lol. I get that everyone exhibits drunkenness differently, but it feels like her level of Drunk Speaking is way farther along than her level of Drunk Body Language, if you catch me. I don’t buy that she’s really wasted.
I’m not going to be too critical about this since I don’t know what the French standards for raucousness are, but that seems like a damn tame party to get the cops called on you. But I guess maybe it was louder before Manon arrived.
The staging of this part is so ridiculous! 
Lmao, EMMA WAS RIGHT THERE, MANON. She was probably no more than 30 seconds away! Manon easily could have run out and caught up with her! 
Also why did she think Emma took her stuff as opposed to any other rando with a similar coat who might’ve grabbed it by accident? I watched it a few times but I didn’t see how Emma was clearly the one who took her things?
Then she says she's going to call Emma and yet she immediately calls Mickael? Why didn’t she call her own phone, or Emma’s? Even with Emma drunk, she might’ve picked up. At least Mickael’s voicemail is great.
Like they could have, IDK, had Manon hand her things to Emma and go to the bathroom, and when she walks back out, the police are there and everyone’s leaving, Emma has gone, she briefly goes out to look for her with no luck.
I don’t think it makes sense even if you assume Manon ~wants to be there with Charles~ by this point and isn’t trying very hard to go home, because then why even bother leaving Mickael a message, when he could call or text back on Charles’ phone at any time and reveal that he’ll be waiting to let her in?
Charles offers Manon a drink when last week he said he knew she didn’t drink and that’s why he made cocoa. Seriously? This isn’t like Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire where there are a million world-building details to remember, this is pretty simple stuff and it was said only one episode ago. Did no one on the cast or crew point this out? Usually I would check to see if the original show made the same mistake but because Skam France was being lazy, guess I will be, too. (And I can’t think of a reason why Charles would make this mistake intentionally, even a very convoluted one. If you can, please share.)
So now it’s time for this iconic scene.
Regarding the original,  it’s one of the few Noorhelm scenes that I like (for the most part), though taken out of the larger context. But one slight issue I’ve had with it is that it feels like this scene is where we as viewers fall in love with Noora … when really this scene should have been about falling in love with William. Because we had plenty of reason to love Noora by now, flaws and all. She stood up to William for Vilde, she spoke out against sexism, she cheered up her friend Eva, she was cool and confident and had impeccable style.  I’m highly charmed by Noora in this scene, and I’m glad Josefine got a chance to show off, and one of the few moments I like William is watching him watch her, because of course who wouldn’t fall for her at that moment? But like … you didn’t need to convince me to like Noora, Skam. You needed to convince me to like William. 
Sure it helps that we see them having some cute interaction, but William seems kinda, well, passive through much of it? He’s reasonably helpful but a lot of it is in ways that make him a baseline decent person rather than an over-the-top great guy (I mean, Isak also lent Noora his phone in S1, and he barely knew her). The cocoa moment is sweet but she asked for it first. The guitar scene doesn’t tell us much about him when really it could have. I mean, for all that Noora mocks the cliche of fuckboy with a guitar ... yeah, it might have been good to see him actually play? Or at least talk about music? Instead of playing the predictable romantic ballad, he picks up the guitar and plays something goofy to make her laugh. Or we see him fumbling through it because he’s a beginner, and Noora ends up giving him some pointers. Shit, even him playing Wonderwall while staring deeply and earnestly into Noora’s eyes would give us a sense of his life away from school and Noora, his hobbies and interests. We learn some about William’s family situation, but I didn’t get much insight into him as a person. The part where they’re "fighting” in the bed is the most enjoyable part for me; it’s playful and cute and made William seem more like a person.
But anyway, on to Skam France’s take on this scene. I don’t have a problem with them cutting out the guitar playing, for whatever reason they chose. Maybe the actress can’t sing or play guitar. Sure, that’s fine, play to her strengths. We could have used the cocoa making scene, though, or if not that, some other enjoyable activity that they do together. I do think cutting out the cocoa/guitar playing hurts the pacing and makes it feel rushed - like in the original, I got how Noora was slowly easing into enjoying herself, feeling comfortable enough to stay, and there isn’t really a sense of that here.
It’s worth mentioning that this scene in Skam is about the length of this entire episode of Skam France. Again, I know, time restrictions, but I wish they could condense more effectively.
Lol, they cut the cocoa and guitar playing but left the part where he calls his mom a misogynistic word, thanks! That part in the original was the one sour note in that scene, TBH, especially because his response to Noora calling him out (“So you only want me to be honest if it’s politically correct?”) is dumb. Imagine if he called his mom a slut because hey, it’s honest. I so love when women object to men’s sexism and men don’t take them seriously. At least Manon seems unimpressed with his response.
Although I do want to clarify, I don’t know the intensity of those words in either Norwegian or French, I’m going off Noora and Manon’s reactions to them.
“It’s good to finally be alone with you” - I mean, you were alone with her last week? The fact that this scene is shortened makes him seem like he’s coming on quite strong since there’s not as much buildup to it.
I do think Charles has some more vulnerable expressions and mannerisms than William, which are nice.
IDK, I still want a version of this scene where we really, really learn something endearing about William/Charles. Something playful. Cut to Manon and Charles playing video games. Air hockey. Chess. Ping Pong. He has a model train set up somewhere. He’s into photography and has a wall where he hangs photos he’s taken. He has a fucking cat named something gross like Princess Pinkypaws that he dotes on. Like if you’re going to go with the “bad boy with a sensitive side” cliche, you might as well go all out and give him a cute pet to manipulate us into liking him. Imagine if Manon asked if he lived alone and Charles said, “Almost” and next we saw him pulling out this well-fed cat and snuggling it.
We know Charles plays basketball, at least, but it’s not like we know anything about why he’s playing, whether basketball means anything to him or if he’s just doing it for parental approval, etc. I need some more insight into who he is as a person. Like I know William’s kind of impersonal apartment might be the point, but think about when Isak walked into Even’s apartment and we saw that he had sketches he’s done on the wall, he had a Nas poster, there were Star Wars posters (the last ones might have been Marlon’s, I’m aware). And at that point we were inclined to like Even, who we hadn’t seen do anything negative yet, and we had already gotten some good insight about his passions via the Mikael video. William/Charles has done a number of crappy things at this point; he needs to win us over.
General comments
Manon and Emma seem flirty as hell in their texts and IG posts. Baby, wife...
Are Lucas’ laundry posts supposed to be a clue that he’s living on his own by now, or am I reading too much into it? We don’t know the timeline for Isak, obviously, but I figured he didn’t move out/into the basement until after Noora and Eva told Eskild about him possibly being gay. Because... how would Eskild know Isak otherwise, right?
I don’t speak French so I apologize if I miss some context, and feel free to correct me or elaborate.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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The Skam Characters` Personalities and their Complexity
I don’t write a lot of metas but I had to write down some words. I have heard some say that the Skam characters didn’t get a lot of personality. And that made me think. Because in my eyes, their personalities and their developments are one of the strengths of this show. We get so close to some of the characters that we can feel what they feel. That just doesn’t sound like “not a lot personality” to me.
In my eyes, the characters’ core personalities are most important for the story, and those are pretty clear. It’s pretty obvious that Julie and the other writers have had introvert and extrovert traits in mind, and traits like emotion-focused or thought focused. The characters also have well known personality issues, like a strive to get more independent (Eva, Even) vs. a strive to dare to trust others (Noora, Isak, Sana).
These aspects of the characters are clear, and we get hints from the start about Jonas’ individualism and Eva’s dependency, for instance. The characters also have more shallow traits, of course, like their interests. These details, like their favourite colours or hobbies, are maybe not that important when you have whole and believable characters, and we don’t get much of them. But we do get some hints, and they add some flavour.
Here are some of my thoughts about what we learn about the characters’ personalities and interests, and to me, it seems like it’s quite a lot:
Eva is written and acted as kind, outgoing, impulsive and easily influenced. She is also struggling to know what she wants and stand up for herself. We learn that she wants to get new friends and that she has a need to be accepted. She seems to fear to be left alone, both by Jonas, her friends and others. We know that she came to Oslo when she was 12 and that she has lost the first friends she got back then. She has a loving mom, but is often left alone. We don’t know much about her interests, but she dresses up as a ballerina at Halloween, and it’s easy to imagine that she likes to dance (Andem did let the actors’ traits influence the characters more than once). She struggles with school when she’s feeling down. She winds down with reality shows when she does, too. She’s against using drugs like weed.
Jonas seems to be more laid back. He sees the best in most people around him and seems to dislike conflict (he avoids to tell Eva about the weed to avoid an argument, for instance, and he avoids to tell her that he invites Elias to the cabin). He seems to like independence and he has ideals like equality and solidarity that he likes to live by. He seems to be a good listener and he knows how to put people at ease. At first, he doesn’t see his own role in messing up the relationship with Eva, but he seems to learn as time goes. He likes to write, he loves to skate, listen to 90-ies hip-hop, hang with his friends and smoke weed.
Noora is independent, tough, rational, critical and can be perceived as rigid (“to fiskekaker klokka fem”). Noora wants to do the right thing. She goes to women’s marches and she wants to support the Syrian refugees. She has high ideals and good values like equality, solidarity and feminism but can be a little judgemental. She has a history with self-obsessed parents and an eating disorder. She seems to have some trust issues (but not as much as her slightly assholey love interest William). She’s embarrassed that she likes Justin Bieber, but learns to loosen up and own it.
William is a guy with some serious trust issues. He comes from a wealthy family on the west side of Oslo and has a way with words. His parents seem to be pretty distanced and his family is quite dysfunctional. His brother has serious issues. William will hold back the truth in an attempt to protect the ones he loves, and he doesn’t see how that’s a problem. He’s been fucking around, partly because it’s expected of him, and partly to protect himself from pesky emotions (?) but when he falls for Noora he falls hard and doesn’t give up easily. He has anger issues. And daddy issues.
Vilde is determined to fit in and be like everyone else. Vilde appears to be stronger than many believe that she is. She takes care of her depressed mother and hides it from everyone. She has often no problem discovering what needs to be done and then delegating tasks for others to carry out. She has insecurities about being good enough and has a starting eating disorder. The fact that she’s focused on fitting in and being “normal”, makes her notice things that differ from the “norm”, and she can at times seem judgemental and prejudiced because of this. She seems to like to kiss girls. She likes to work out, but we know little about her other interests.
Isak is lonely, smart, funny and sarcastic. He hides a lot about himself in the beginning, but we soon learn that he has struggles at home. He moves away from home because living with his mom becomes unbearable after his father leaves them. He seems to want to be as everybody else and he fears to be rejected because he isn’t. He keeps a lot to himself, also this. He can be hard on both himself and others. He can do sneaky things when he feels it’s the right thing to do. He sometimes says things that can seem judgemental (this mostly happens when he tries to be like everyone else). However, he listens when his friends say things that are logical and that makes sense, and when he agrees, he acts accordingly. He listens to Jonas, Even, Eskild, Sana and Magnus talking about prejudice, for instance. And he learns from it. He has a temper, and he ends up in some fights. Even brings out the best in Isak, in many ways. Isak dares to show his soft side with Even. Isak says that biology is his subject and he works to get good grades. He doesn’t believe in God. And we see that he likes to play video games and watch Narcos, and that he likes both “I’m Yours” and 90-ies hip hop (the latter probably influenced by Jonas). Yeah, and he’s fascinated by the thought of parallel universes and of Illuminati. He struggles to accept that he’s gay, but learns how to.
Even hides a lot in the beginning, and we only know that he’s kind of outgoing, playful and slightly impulsive and that he’s very tuned in to what others are feeling. He doesn’t like prejudices, so he says what he means about that. He likes to banter and makes jokes (or he sees it as a possibility to lighten the mood). He avoids conflict if he can. He doesn’t like to be controlled or restrained. He seems to have good relations with his family. He’s romantic and he has a passion for movies. He loves to talk about music, too. And he loves to quote Seinfeld. He is kind of forgetful and messy, but creative. He has Bipolar disorder and struggles with insecurities because of it. He fears to let others know about his personal struggles. His biggest fear is to hurt the ones he love (Isak) so that they will leave him. He’s pan. He later starts to work at KB.
Magnus is open-minded, impulsive and enthusiastic yet he can have glimpses of intuition, too. He’s a curious soul, and loving. He really wants to find someone to love. From his background we know that his mom has bipolar disorder and that he’s fine with that. We don’t know his preferences but the way he looks at Even can imply that he not only falls for girls. He plays soccer and hangs with friends.
Mahdi seems to be slower to warm up than Magnus is, but when he does, he is open-minded and accepting. He uses humour a lot and can appear sarcastic. He shares political interests with Jonas and also an interest in weed.
Sana is honest, loyal, observant, sometimes sarcastic and focused on making a career, on belonging and on protecting her closest friends. She says what she means, but she holds back her emotions. She’s used to relying on her own instinct, something that has made her think she’s always right. Example: Biology class, yeah?! She can plan and organize well and will often make decisions single-handedly. Sana is muslim and faith is an important part of her life. From her background we know that she has grown up in a loving family. She has been bullied at school because she’s muslim. She’s into basketball, she hates Trump, she loves Tupac and she wants to become a surgeon like her father.
Yousef is outgoing and emotional. He’s kind of romantic, but clueless at flirting. He has lost his faith in Allah, but he has high ideals that he tries to live by. He’s considerate and caring. He likes soccer and dancing and he likes to hang with his friends.
Mikael is kind of an enigma, but since he’s mentioned a lot in the show I can say what we know. He’s absent-minded in the way that he turns up on the wrong place for a job interview. He is (or has been) very religious. He seems to have a Norwegian mother (because of his middle name). He knows how to spell tricky words. He knows how to use sign language. He doesn’t like tacky romantic movies with tragic deaths much. He’s not interested in girls in bunads.
Christina is an outgoing, easy going, strong and confident girl. She has a big heart and likes to have fun. She’s an adventurer. She also worries about her friends and wants to help them (I would love to see her character more developed, though, I will admit that). We don’t know much about her interests, apart from watching Paradise Hotel and partying.
Christoffer seems to be an extrovert, easy going fun guy. He uses humour a lot. He is an adventurer in many ways. But he’s also supportive of his friends. Commitment is not his strongest forte, but when he thinks he’s falling for someone, he tries his best. He’s impulsive. He likes to party.
Linn is an introvert. She also seems to be depressed a lot of the time. She doesn’t seem to like changes much. She fears to be left by the persons she has learned to love. She likes to drink Fun Light, eat candy and watch reality shows. She also likes to hook up with guys and has had chlamydia several times.  
Eskild is a guy who bases his opinions and actions on his feelings. He’s extrovert and laid back in nature. He has a big heart and he loves to help others. Eskild is proud to be gay but struggles when he meets prejudice. He has been hurt by guys who haven’t been ready to commit. He wants everyone to be fine and he fears change and to be left alone. We learn some of his interest, but I must admit I have forgotten that now. I know he sometimes ends up spending time with Linn, watching reality shows. 
Now I haven’t said anything about Emma, Sonja, Mutta, Adam, Elias, Ingrid, Sara or Iben because they are minor characters. Although I guess we actually could have found a lot of stuff to say about them as well.
I really think that Skam has a wide range of characters with complex personalities. Of course, I see that a lot of what made the characters was left up to the viewers to project on to them. That’s why some see Isak mostly as a cocky fun guy, while others see him as a nerdy loner. Some might even see him as a manipulative guy, or maybe just a victim. But in many ways he’s all of this, and he develops, and that’s what make him complex. It doesn’t matter if he likes soccer or skiing. We know who he is, anyway, and we know his most important motives and fears. As long as the core of the characters, and their lessons to learn, are easy to see, then that’s more than enough for the story.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Globe, October 26
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jeffrey Epstein’s madam Ghislaine Maxwell’s love letters to Prince Andrew 
Tumblr media
Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Melanie Griffith looks alarmingly skinny in L.A., Machine Gun Kelly hangs out the passenger side of his ride in West Hollywood, Cynthia Nixon 
Page 3: Pierce Brosnan takes it easy in Hawaii, pot-puffing rapper Snoop Dogg looks mighty mellow while playing DJ at a California concert, Jennifer Garner hits the beach in Malibu 
Page 4: Rod Stewart’s wife Penny Lancaster didn’t think she was sexy after pigging out during the pandemic and having a hormone- and booze-fueled breakdown -- Penny says she and Rod treated lockdown like a grand vacation until she resolved to change her ways after seeing an unflattering selfie, Kim Kardashian is desperate to dump husband Kanye West but she is thinking with her head not her heart as she negotiates a pre-divorce deal to carve up their $3 billion fortune and she aims to avoid a dirty public divorce war over their fortune and their daughters North and Chicago and sons Saint and Psalm and Kim has all the paperwork ready to go but Kanye is burying his head in the sand and refusing to sit down and mediate -- Kim knows the moment she pulls the trigger all hell will break loose so she’s content to sit it out in the hope Kanye comes to his senses and makes this as amicable as possible after six years of marriage
Page 5: Warning signs are blinking for Katie Holmes’ red-hot romance with Emilio Vitolo Jr. because his mom doesn’t like their romance -- Emilio upset his mother by dumping his fiancee just hours before pictures of him canoodling with Katie surfaced and his mom thinks she brought him up better than that and she didn’t like how Emilio handled this at all, Mariah Carey never did the horizontal mambo with former fiance James Packer and when asked why Packer wasn’t mentioned in her memoir she said if it was a relationship that mattered it’s in the book but if not it didn’t occur and said they didn’t have a physical relationship 
Page 6: Whoopi Goldberg is riding roughshod on The View and her co-hosts are whining she’s a self-obsessed and money-grubbing pain tyrant -- Whoopi’s disenchanted with her role on the show and that’s become a problem for everybody -- she’s nailing the political commentaries but she’s been badgering the other ladies to step up and quit expecting her to be The View’s political know-it-all 
Page 7: Despairing Lisa Marie Presley wants to spend her final days at Graceland and then be buried next to her father and son -- since her only son Benjamin Keough committed suicide Lisa Marie is still beside herself with grief and she’s losing the will to go on -- her liver problems have roared back and she faces almost certain death if the vital organ fails
Page 8: Dolly Parton is ready to splurge $2 million for a total head-to-toe cosmetic surgery makeover in a grand last hurrah before her 75th birthday in January and she intends to wow the world with her new younger look while she parades her just released holiday album and new Netflix movie -- Dolly can’t wait for people to get a load of her and they’ll never believe her age
Page 9: Tommy Lee swears he’s been sober for a year but says before his last rehab stint he was swilling two gallons of vodka a day, blabbermouth talk show star Sharon Osbourne boasts that even after 38 years of marriage she and husband Ozzy Osbourne still do it at least twice a week, Led Zeppelin’s rockers are feeling like they’re in paradise after winning a long lawsuit claiming they stole the beginning of their monster 1971 hit Stairway to Heaven -- the band was accused of stealing the guitar opening for the tune from the song Taurus by the late Randy Wolfe of the band Spirit and the lawyer for Wolfe’s estate grumbles the band won on a legal technicality and Zeppelin rockers are the biggest art thieves of all times 
Page 10: A bitter feud that’s ripped apart the family of the late Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin could end after his niece Rebecca Lobie extended an olive branch to his pregnant daughter Bindi Irwin -- the two had been at odds since Rebecca left her gig as managing director of the family’s Australia Zoo in 2015 and now Rebecca hopes to mend ways with her cousins Robert Irwin and Bindi, Sadie Robertson reveals she developed an eating disorder when she was body-shamed after competing on Dancing with the Stars in 2014, Ghostbusters star Rick Moranis was socked and knocked to the ground in a cowardly sneak attack by a thug while taking a 7:30 a.m. walk in the Big Apple and he suffered head and back and hip pain and was checked at a hospital before heading to a police station to report the vicious attack that was caught on video 
Page 11: Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are about to get clobbered with a whopping megabucks tax bill if they stay in the U.S. for too much longer because any foreigner who spends at least 183 days in the country is liable for federal and California state taxes and that means if they’re still here after the first week of November the taxman will be sending the pair who are worth an estimated $26 million a massive tab, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have snubbed his grandma Queen Elizabeth’s annual Christmas get-together for the second year in a row even though at age 94 this will likely be her last holiday season -- Harry and Meghan are not ready to leave their cushy life in Montecito and at this stage they are really enjoying their new life in California and their new home 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Colin Hanks stocks up on supplies in West Hollywood (picture), Rumer Willis is in kinky online snaps leaving little to the imagination in an image from her aptly named Bondage photo series the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore wears nothing but thigh high boots and black rope binding her nude body, Kylie Jenner has taken obnoxious to a whole new level when she proudly shared online snaps of her two-year-old daughter Stormi wearing a $12,000 Hermes backpack to start at-home preschool, Kathie Lee Gifford’s daughter Cassidy Gifford brought her husband Ben Wierda for a Celebrity Family Feud taping but his game show debut ended up showcasing that his snug-crotched khakis outlined too much below-the-belt junk
Page 13: Kate Moss in London (picture), Chiwetel Ejiofor shoots the heist flick Lockdown in London (picture), Gwen Stefani gets into the Halloween spirit in L.A. (picture), Drew Barrymore says she is terrible at keeping things but she does have the red cowboy hat she wore in E.T.
Page 14: Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli’s daughter Olivia Jade’s boyfriend Jackson Guthy who is the son of cosmetics magnate Victoria Jackson and direct-marketing mogul Bill Guthy was arrested for DUI in Santa Monica, Justin Bieber and bride Hailey Bieber made it through a whole year of marriage and made a splashy display of the milestone on social media, Fashion Verdict -- Arica Himmel 8/10, Katherine Waterston 4/10, Alessandra Ambrosio 3/10, Josie Canseco 9/10, Maisie Williams 2/10 
Page 16: Following the heart-breaking crash of a two-year romance Reba McEntire is sporting a loving glow bouncing back into the arms of CSI: Miami hunk Rex Linn -- the two had their first date in January and have been virtual dating during the COVID-19 lockdown -- she said it’s just great getting to talk to somebody who she finds very interesting and funny and smart and who is interested in her too plus he’s very into her music and she’s into his career 
Page 17: Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas have agreed to a trial separation after their sizzling affair was chilled by work-forced separation -- the pair were red hot until Ben split to film in Ireland and his long-distance calls with an eight-hour time difference to Ana turned into bicker-fests because they’ve both been getting defensive and bickering over even trivial things and frustrated with the small window they’ve got to talk and the connection isn’t great and they end up hanging up on each other -- Ana’s tired of being stuck in that big house of his alone in Los Angeles and she feels like the hired help doing chores and walking dogs so they agreed to take a few weeks of chilling out and see where they are after that, beloved TV icon Regis Philbin spent his final desperate months wallowing in gloom over the pandemic; according to Kathie Lee Gifford Regis couldn’t perform anywhere and he couldn’t be Regis for people and it broke his heart 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Sara Gilbert, Pretty Woman boosted Jason Alexander’s career but the 1990 blockbuster had its downside because he was known around the world as the a-hole who tried to rape Julia Roberts and women would say mean things to him and punch him and he even got spit on by one woman, devastated Chrissy Teigen had a tragic miscarriage of a baby boy she’d named Jack -- the mom of two and wife of John Legend has been hospitalized in L.A. after experiencing complications and weeks before the miscarriage she was treated with Botox to relieve really bad pregnancy headaches 
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 24: Cover Story -- Ghislaine Maxwell’s love letters put Prince Andrew on the spot -- murdered sex predator Jeffrey Epstein’s accused madam Ghislaine is burying Prince Andrew under an avalanche of love letters proclaiming she’ll defend the disgraced British royal and begging for him to return her loyalty and affection -- now being held in a New York federal jail as she awaits trial on sex trafficking charges related to the late billionaire pervert Ghislaine writes Andrew most days saying how badly she fells about what he’s gone through and urging them to get through this nightmare together -- Andrew’s made some terrible decisions but even he knows it would be suicide to make any contact with Ghislaine and he needs to keep his distance and hope she stops writing these letters 
Page 26: Health Report 
Page 38: Real Life 
Page 40: John Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono is telling friends she’s knocking on heaven’s door -- the ailing 87-year-old is confined to a wheelchair and needs round-the-clock care and she’s been privately confiding she’s on her way out sparking worry and confusion -- the question swirls does she really think her days are numbered or is she just fishing for sympathy and attention and premature eulogies from VIPs all over the world 
Page 44: Straight Talk -- After living through a nightmare of false prosecution and imprisonment and persecution for a murder of her roommate Amanda Knox has been sucked into the criminal cult world of NXIVM whose kinky leader Keith Raniere has been convicted of sex trafficking children 
Page 45: Kirstie Alley is set to chuck hectic Hollywood for the quiet life on a farm with a down-to-earth country guy -- Kansas-born Kirstie has been quarantining in Wichita for the past seven months and now realizes how little she misses Hollywood and how much she loves living a more simple laid-back life so she’s decided to buy a farm and has sold her 21-bedroom in Maine which has been her second home for the past 30 years so she can move to the country
Page 47: Hollywood Flashback -- Al Pacino in 1983′s Scarface, Bizarre But True 
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bdscuatui · 4 years
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Giao dịch Bất động sản Quận Erie - Tin tức Buffalo Sau đây là các giao dịch bất động sản trên 5.000 đô la như được liệt kê trong hồ sơ của văn phòng thư ký Erie County trong tuần kết thúc vào ngày 31 tháng 1. ALDEN • 105 Birch Creek Run, Severyn Development Inc đến Sharon M. Kupkowski, 343.428 đô la. • 12160 Westwood Road, Barbara A. Raczka đến Scott Pfeil, 160.000 đô la. • 1002 Exchange St., Juanita B. Henry; William Michael Henry đến Matthew Ford Cinotti, 150.000 đô la. • 12160 Westwood Road, Barbara A. Raczka đến Scott Pfeil, 10.000 đô la. AMHERST • 3249 Sheridan Drive, Pontus Rad Port portfolio LLC đến Juri Properties LLC, $ 4,265,000. • 5165 Main St., Main-Sforest LLC đến M & k 1361 Associates LLC, $ 3,000,000. • 16 Avalon Meadows Lane, Avalon Meadows LLC đến Lola J. John- Roberts, 472.900 đô la. • 390 Le Brun Road, Mary Jane Nunz Revocable Living Trust 040418 Tr to Bradley P. Tuyn, 425.000 đô la. • 24 Willow Ridge Drive, Penton Living Trust Tr đến Mohammad Z. Rahimi; Zahid M. Rahimi, 405.000 đô la. • 72 Britannia Drive, Catherine F. Laberta đến Song Liu; Qianqian Zhu, $ 317.000. • Tòa án 43 Deepwood, Jennifer L. Dixon; Mark J. Dixon đến Horace Jackson III, $ 290.000. • 81 Lake Ledge Drive, Karl F. Kluckhohn đến John R. Hamlett Jr.; Patricia E. Hamlett, $ 275,000. • 25 Monroe Drive, Nancy A. Cickyham đến Mi K. Kim; Sidney Delmont Knight, $ 268.000. • 47 Tòa án Doral, Bryce E. Rizzuto đến Stacy Bowman, 255.000 đô la. • 45 Morningside Lane, Stanley B. Morgante đến Kinda R. economopoulos; Panagiotis G. economopoulos, 250.000 đô la. • 3991 Harlem Road, 3991 Harlem Road LLC đến Dickinson Company LLC, 249.000 đô la. • 136 Burroughs Drive, Joanne C. Cole; Scott A. Marshall đến Heather Lee Lapier, 236.380 đô la. • 685 Đường Hopkins, Harold Weigel; Norma Weigel cho Jacob T. Wixom; Kelli Wixom, $ 235,600. • 41 Breezewood Common, Stacy Bowman đến Corey M. Amo; Sumo Liu, $ 224,000. • 312 Maynard, Marilynn Quance cho Melissa Ann Achultz; Micah Douglas Schultz, 210.000 đô la. • 637 Emerson Drive, Buffalo Empire LLC đến James A. Wright, 210.000 đô la. • 78 Lâu đài sân thượng, Julianna Woite; Robert Woite cho Michael Simpson; Patricia Simpson, 190.000 đô la. • 399 West Klein Road, David R. Anthony đến Wahidul Hồi giáo, 190.000 đô la. • 4692 North Bailey Ave., Cheryl L. Heindl đến David S. Sperrazzo, 186.000 đô la. • 287 Đại lộ Rosedale, Aaron Daniel Annas; Jenny Annas đến Jennifer Labelle; Marc J. Labelle, $ 183,855. • 112 Đường Margaret, Gail M. Bergman; James M. Bergman đến Bekir Ogut; Feruza Ogut, 180.000 đô la. • 40 Bernhardt Drive, Maureen Fahey đến Fda Holdings LLC, 180.000 đô la. • 25 Tòa án, Dennis A. Wisniewski; Pamela H. Wisniewski đến Daniel J. Gerena; Jennifer L. Gerena, 161.000 đô la. • 24 Bissell Drive, Brian Nannen đến Eric J. Jankowski, 156.000 đô la. • 353 Burroughs Drive, Alfred A. Trybus tới 4267 Camp Road LLC, 150.000 đô la. • 102 Đơn vị đồng cỏ cũ 10b, Lisa J. Gallo tới Stanley B. Morgante, 150.000 đô la. • 222 Frankhauser, Tara Lyne Peterson cho Lamaison Enterprises Corp, 145.000 đô la. • 3 Newgate Road, HUD đến Peirong Tang, 136.000 đô la. • 106 Alberta Drive, Frank A. Miller; Mary A. Miller; Mary Miller đến Jonathan M. Passman, 135.000 đô la. • 180 South Forest Road, Jeanne C. Marcella đến Dean P. Arthur, 87.500 đô la. • 94 Lynette Lane, Ciminelli Muir Woods LLC đến Ryan Homes of New York, 82.330 đô la. • 230 Ivyhurst Road , Roger A. Ứng dụng; Roger Apps to Hallmark Homes LLC, 70.000 đô la. • 2010 Eggert Road, Marilynn B. Puglisi tới Richard F. Puglisi, 67.000 đô la. • 551 Sweet Home Road, Linda L. Boney tới Queen City Invest LLC, 60.000 đô la. ANGola • 48 North Main St., Kim F. Sidey; Stephen M. Sidey cho Rachel Switala, 113.000 USD. AURORA / ĐÔNG AURORA • 825 Main St., Lisa Matthews đến Jeffrey E. Kostecky; Kelly Kostecky, 382.000 USD. BLASDELL • 10 Marlowe Ave., Deanna Kroll-Haeick; Katya Kroll-Haeick cho Kyle J. Opiel, 135.000 đô la. • 22 Helen Ave., Craig M. Wilcox cho Tyler C. Wilcox, 110.000 đô la. CẦU • 35 đường Lotus Bay, James C. Lamacchia; Sandra A. Lamacchia đến Jacqueline Carol Richter; Rogers David Anthony Jr, $ 280.000. • Đường 352 Nordblum, Linda A. Gatewood; Linda A. Johnson; Linda Ann Johnson đến Daniel Madson; Laura Madson, 143.000 đô la. • 1313 Đường Cain, Rachel J. Switala đến Jonah C. Baldwin, 137.900 đô la. BUFFALO • 1275 Delkn, Ves Partners LLC đến 1275 Delwar LLC, $ 963,074. • 181 Elm St., Castle & cung điện LLC đến Orchard Park Road Storage LLC, $ 550,000. • 485 Michigan, Loran M. Bommer đến HHR Hassan, $ 533.000. ., Santo J. Mesi đến Corey Heinz; Benjamin Mcmahon, $ 475.000. • 38 Swan, 38 Swan St. Buffalo LLC đến 3279 Group LLC, $ 470.000. • 169 Anderson Place, Salway Hasan; Shawqi O. Hasan cho Paul N. Hurley, $ 310.000. • 170 Leslie, Leslie Bay LLC đến 170 Leslie LLC, $ 292.000. • 758 Richmond, Carl F. Linn; Jean E. Linn cho Emily N. Mongeon; James Patrick Spellman, $ 276.000. • 124 Oakwood West Place, Robert Milliner đến Joseph A. Brown, $ 270.000. • 50 Niagara St., Sambar Properties LLC đến Abba Z. Abramovsky; Jonathan I. Edelstein, $ 259.000. • 535 Bird Ave., Kinda Lord to Thomas A. Needell, $ 252.500. • 114 Fifteenth St., Suffoletto Real Real LLC đến Evgenia Sidorova, $ 244.000. • 565 & 563 West Utica St., Samuel Alvarado cho Djb Khu dân cư LLC, 240.000 đô la. • 1986 South Park Ave., Michael Kouimanis đến Dj92 Holdings LLC, 225.000 đô la. • 312 Bird Ave., Suffoletto Real Real LLC đến Patrick M. Weisansal II, 225.000 đô la. • 201 Carmel, Roman Celniker đến Thi Tonga Phạm , 210.000 đô la. • 134 Delavan East, Joshua Collins; Shannon L. Sherman cho Raymond Smith III, 175.000 đô la. • 133 Shenandoah, Jonathan J. Kuwik cho Michael Sullivan, 165.000 đô la. • 2289 Seneca St., Jimmie L. Byrd cho Crystal M. Fulinara; Benjamin R. Wilamowski, $ 159,700. • 163 Columbus, Michael E. Sullivan cho Jonathan Ruggiero, $ 157,000. • 947 Lafayette Ave., Vicky L. Lĩnh vực cho Chris Kausner, $ 150.000. • 1246 West, Eric E. Marciniak; Alex W. Osuch đến E2i Mua LLC, 150.000 đô la. • 335 Parkridge, Lamaks Realty & Management Inc đến Rajdeep Kaur Parmar, 142.000 đô la. • 499 Connecticut, Thành phố Buffalo cho Asha Said; Murjan Shaaban, 133.000 đô la. • 29 Peoria, Benjamin J. Gilbert Jr. Than Ma Than Than Phyu Phyu, 133.000 đô la. • 26 Sunnyside, Ismael Gomez cho Tha Mei; Hsa Paw, 130.000 đô la. • 502 Marilla, Jessica A. Dunkle cho Ilichi Santiago Đại tá; Jason Diaz, 128.000 đô la. • 828 Walden, Verna B. Wojcik đến Zahurul Alam; Farida Yasmin, 114.000 đô la. • 99 Nam Pontiac Sr, Janice A. Michalski đến Dilcia Diaz, 111.000 đô la. • 28 Norma, Calvin Thomas đến William Feliciano Rios; Sonia N. Rodriguez, 111.000 đô la. • 35 Hamlin, Merle S. Washington đến Granderson Fuqua, 110.000 đô la. • 135 Peter St., Ap Slide LLC đến Nhà tốt nhất WNY, 110.000 đô la. • 26 Bolton, Theresa Smith Goldfuss; Glenn Miller cho Joe Ryan Lam, $ 109,183. • 228 Columbus, Queen City Invest LLC đến Kc Erie Niagara Properties LLC, $ 102.000. • 226 Potomac, Hr Marine LLC đến Lawrence Markel Hawkins, $ 102.000. • 349 Potters Road, Mary M. Jordan- Lilis cho Adam Jason, 100.300 đô la. • 51 Hinman, Eloise W. Sordetto; John D. Sordetto Jr. đến Joyce Yu, 100.000 đô la. • 327 Sanders, Cơ quan quản lý cống Buffalo; Thành phố Buffalo đến Mitchell Thomas; Quianna Thomas, 100.000 đô la. • 602 Hopkins, Ellen Zimmerman đến Kelvin Chaparro, 95.000 đô la. • 359 Ogden South, thuộc hạt Erie; Nancy M. Snyder đến Melissa Neal, 90.000 đô la. • 1720 William St., Nabil Naji đến Mahedi Kaiser; Shahid Kaiser, 90.000 đô la. • 959 Sycamore, Authorty trâu cống; Thành phố Buffalo cho Tập đoàn bất động sản Bhuiyan, 83.000 đô la. • 2263 South Park Ave., Tgal Mgt LLC đến M & a Property Solutions LLC, 82.000 đô la. • 292 Downing, City of Buffalo đến Broadnest Property Inc, 81.000 đô la. • 250 Sobieski, Naima Hissu Mozibur Rahman, 72.000 đô la. • 64 Janet, Lauri Ann Butka đến Tasha S. Shepherd, 70.000 đô la. • 28 Thatcher Ave., Mnm Inc cho Asraful Hồi giáo, 68.500 đô la. • 194 Downing, Thomas J. Scime; Tomas J. Scime cho Robert Koerntgen Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn cổ phần, 65.000 đô la. • 74 Decker, Queen City Invest LLC đến M & t Rainbow Realty Corp, 64.000 đô la. • 114 Zittel, Nicole Marie Mauro cho Robert J. Ellis, 63.000 đô la. • 27 Heward, City of Buffalo đến Shaikh Quader, 60.000 đô la . • 207 Riverside Ave., Gloria James; Gloria J. James đến Buffalo Renaissance Properties LLC, $ 60.000. • 49 Argus, Thành phố Buffalo đến Ga Jami Chowdhury; Rita Chowdhury, 60.000 đô la. • 1268 Kensington, Josephine Mayfield đến Irin Wellness Inc, 60.000 đô la. • 295 Reed, Thành phố Buffalo đến Mohammed Sarwar, 57.000 đô la. • 78 Hempstead, Cơ quan quản lý cống Buffalo; Thành phố Buffalo đến Sirajum Munira, 56.000 đô la. • 399 Goethe, 716 Estates LLC đến Derek Andrews, 55.500 đô la. • 104 Humason, Nazma Akther đến Muharra Akhtar, 55.000 đô la. • 293 Cáp, Christine L. Skierczynski; Eric V. Skierczynski cho Peggy S. Ginter, 55.000 đô la. • 112 Peter, Sandra L. Williams đến 112 Peter St. LLC, 53.500 đô la. • 48 Belmont St., Ajay Ghimire đến Peninsula Wholesale Holdings Corp, 51.500 đô la. Wilson; Willie Wilson đến Buffalo Dreams Inc, 50.000 đô la. • 224 Esser, Abigail Torres; Osvaldo Torres đến Yonisbel Perez-Rodriguez, 50.000 đô la. • 576 East Amherst St., Matthew Reitz Ira Ben; Philip Greiner Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn chủ sở hữu đối với Noman Hossain, 50.000 đô la. • 115 Kamper, Thành phố trâu đến Lauren Schifferle, 50.000 đô la. • 315 Breckenridge, Cơ quan thoát nước Buffalo; Thành phố Buffalo đến Shukri Bile, 49.000 đô la. • 2445 Bailey, Thành phố trâu đến Mehedi Hasan, 48.000 đô la. • 21 Archer, Judy Berry cho Bd Asset Management Inc, 47.000 đô la. • 43 Bennett Vill, Thành phố Buffalo đến Mehedi Hasan, 47.000 đô la. • 110 Alma, Monoara Begum; Nazmul Hossain cho Romana Hồi giáo, 46.000 đô la. • 132 Bissell, Cơ quan quản lý cống Buffalo; Thành phố Buffalo đến Md Rahman, 45.000 đô la. • 199 Nho, Bạn của Buffalo Inc đến Mohammed R. Rahman, 45.000 đô la. • 344 Massachusetts, Buffalo West Side Properties Inc cho Peter J. Giglia, 45.000 đô la. • 293 Highgate, Daniel W. Barton ; Janet L. Barton; Bradley J. Stamm to Ruthie C. Colston, $ 43,502. • 69 Wade, Trâu cống Authorty; Thành phố trâu đến Medehi Hasan, 43.000 đô la. • 218 Crowley, Thành phố trâu đến Ahaya Adelman, 43.000 đô la. • 76 Bradley, Thành phố trâu đến Lauren Schifferle, 42.000 đô la. • 280 Cáp St., Joan Hahn đến Hypnarowski Bất động sản LLC, 42.000 đô la . • 163 Roebling, City of Buffalo to Sanmar Property Management Inc, 40.000 đô la. • 182 Spinnerer, City of Buffalo đến Noor Chowdhury, 40.000 đô la. • 588 Amherst East, Lsf9 Master Trion Trust Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr đến Mohammad S. Rahman, 40.000 đô la. • 40 Roslyn, Prymont Properties LLC đến Mir Rina Akther, 40.000 đô la. • 35 Cornwall, Thành phố Buffalo đến Mehedi Hasan, 39.000 đô la. • 11 Dunlop, Thành phố Buffalo đến Hong Sun , 38.000 đô la. • 1648 Bailey, Thành phố trâu đến Mohamud Khalil, 36.000 đô la. • 543 Đông Bắc, Michael A. Seaman; Thành phố Buffalo đến Ahmed Hossain; Md Abdul Man Nam, 36.000 USD. • 69 Keystone, Michael A. Seaman; Thành phố Buffalo đến Abdul Jalil, 35.000 đô la. • 53 Eller Ave., Nur Montakim đến Nilima Azmir; Md A. Habib, 35.000 đô la. • 56 Hoa hồng, Ben Zo77402; Công ty ủy thác vốn cổ phần; Yankee Buffalo Properties LLC Ben đến Diackamann Cavalier; Thara J. Noel, 35.000 đô la. • 57 Harriett, Thành phố Buffalo cho Sanmar bất động sản quản lý Inc, 34.000 đô la. • 167 Esser, Caroline Hochulski; Caroline Zatyko Hochulski; Sylvester T. Hochulski đến Terry J. Rang, 32.500 đô la. • 149 Erb, Ahmad Mishal cho WNY Reality LLC, 32.000 đô la. • 1539 Bailey, Cơ quan quản lý cống Buffalo; Thành phố Buffalo đến Mohamud Khalil, $ 31.000. • 200 Johnson St., Thành phố Buffalo đến Mohammad Hoque, $ 30.000. • 356 Bissell Ave., Mildred Patton đến Altaf Hussain, $ 28.000. • 12 Burlington, Thành phố Buffalo đến Mohammad Ullah, $ 26.000. . • 508 Howard St., Cristina Isabettini đến Fortunes America Properties LLC, 25.000 đô la. • 55 Mandan, Daniel T. Lavana đến Salaam Kasim Saleh, 25.000 đô la. • 187 Chester, Renaissance Hel Trust 2004-2 Tr; Ngân hàng Wells Fargo NA Tr đến First York LLC, $ 24,600. • 147 Người da đen, Thành phố trâu cho Michael Marks, $ 23.000. • 30 Zelmer, Thành phố Buffalo đến Shamsun Nahar, $ 20.000. • 192 Fifteenth St., 377 Rhode Island LLC đến Jjmslg Thuộc tính LLC, $ 18.500. • 116 Goembel, Thành phố Buffalo đến Rahima Khatun; Md J. Rubel, 16.000 đô la. • 20 Clifford, Domenic Migliaccio; Ortiz Zulma I Est đến Al-Tashi Dream Home Inc, 14.901 đô la. • 65 Hawley, Thành phố Buffalo đến Jose Cordero, 14.000 đô la. • 13 Geary, Keybank NA đến Moydom Inc, 8.251 đô la. • 1164 Broadway, Michael A. Seaman; Thành phố Buffalo đến K Razzaque, $ 8.000. • 1600 Fillmore, Cơ quan thoát nước Buffalo; Thành phố Buffalo đến Foyzur Rahman, 8.000 đô la. CHEEKTOWAGA • 3450 Union Road, Buffalo City Digs LLC đến 3450 Union Road LLC, $ 1,845,000. • 193 Whitney Place, Gerald P. Scheib; Sandra Scheib đến Terri A. Hanley; Kevin D. Moynihan, $ 284.000. • 1500 Cleveland Drive, Bruce Zeftel; Nhà hàng Jbecks LLC đến hết đường mòn LLC, $ 275,000. • 64 Blossomwood, Theresa M. Renkas đến Heinrich Family Living Trust 052693, $ 250.000. • 213 Towers Boulevard, Mary E. Vesneske; Ronald M. Vesneske đến Jessica Fox; Christopher Vesneske, 250.000 đô la. • Đường 283 Rowley, John M. Hamann; Kim M. Hamann đến Michael Nelson, 227.000 đô la. • 106 Croydon Drive, Mark C. Brandon; Đánh dấu Brandon; Daniel M. Killelea cho Lsf10 Master Trion Trust Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, $ 176,196. • 403 Huxley Drive, Michelle E. Miosi cho Tyler B. Gajewski; Hailey Gajewwski, 169.600 đô la. • 40 đường lái xe, Denise M. Stachewicz; Michael A. Stachewicz đến Judith A. Kassirer; Leonard W. Kassirer, 160.000 đô la. • Ngõ 49 Deborah, Cánh đồng Joette; Stephanie Gallivan; Karin Marie Lorenzo; Linda Lee Neuner; Joseph Trusso Jr.; Mark Sebastian Trusso đến Omayra Torres, $ 157,900. • 787 Đường Borden, Nicholas Mastrocovo đến Jill Cline, $ 150.000. • 72 Bernice Drive, Dawn M. Emerson; Thomas E. Truax; Thomas G. Truax tới Anthony Autrino, 136.900 đô la. • 43 Đại lộ Oehman, Wolcott Development LLC đến Robert F. Barten, 134.900 đô la. • 209 Crisfield Ave., Margie A. Dojka đến Maria D. Reyes; Carlos A. Rodriguez, 122.000 đô la. • 88 Mcnaughton Ave., Stephanie Pokorski; Adam Wilkowski đến Bonnie Corbett; Cortney Corbett, 113.500 đô la. • 244 Bissell Ave., Lucy S. Otminski đến Matthew D. Newman, 110.000 đô la. • 683 South Huth Road, Susan Browne đến Gabrielle B. Drayer, 108.150 đô la. • 2188 William St., James T. Tycz Crimson Enterprises LLC, 97.500 đô la. • 36 Iroquois Ave., Sharon K. Pache tới Shahibur Rahman, 97.000 đô la. • 30 Nina Place, Buffalo Brick & mortar LLC đến Resa L. Logan, 94.900 đô la. • 90 Mildred Drive, Talcion Properties LLC đến Marcus A. Montgomery, 89.900 đô la. • Đường 22 Rowan, Debora L. Tennant; Jack L. Tennant Jr. đến Md Nazir Hossain; Shirin Sultana, 88.000 đô la. • 53 Fath, Pruitt Enterprises LLC đến Kevin Seaman Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn cổ phần, $ 76.500. • 51 Lydia Lane, Ruth A. Bleistein; Faye E. Granger; Gail L. Scotland đến Gail L. Scotland; Jamie Scotland, 75.000 đô la. • 270 Griffith St., Robert Dixon Jr. đến Raymone Gates, 60.000 đô la. • 36 Wildy Ave., Beatrice J. Amaraingham đến Ghh LLC, 53.000 đô la. • 70 Euclid Ave., HUD cho Isaiah Allen Jr.; Markus Allen, 52.000 đô la. • 62 Harlan St., Daniel Patrick Mitchikowski đến Pruitt Enterprises LLC, 22.000 đô la. CÂU HỎI • 9675 Rocky Point, Scott Innes to Paul Lamparelli, 900.000 đô la. • YAM Rocky Pt, Paul J. Barker; Sharon M. Barker đến Gary Mann; Lisa Mann, $ 845,000. • 10680 Rosewood Lane, Carline Cange; Jean Cange; Franklin Pratcher cho Merrill Lynch Nhà đầu tư thế chấp ủy thác cho vay thế chấp Chứng chỉ tài sản thế chấp sê-ri 2007-Sd1 Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, 798.305 đô la. • 8889 Stonebriar Drive, Lsf9 Master Tham gia chính Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr đến Denisa Piccione; Samuel C. Piccione, $ 570,000. • 5672 Waterford Lane, Joseph A. Campagna đến Bassam Deeb; Jodi S. Deeb, 425.000 đô la. • 4267 Wildwood Drive, Jeffrey E. Kostecky; Kelly A. Obrien đến tháng tư L. Boss; Richard J. Boss Jr., $ 315,000. • 8463 Sheridan Drive, 6831 Seneca St. LLC đến Jkb Sheridan Properties LLC, $ 275,000. • Tòa án 5080 Elmcroft, Donald Wodworth; Donald F. Woodworth cho Lisa M. King, 230.000 đô la. • 4330 Đường Shisler, Ellen L. Mclean đến Bradley R. Hohman, 220.000 đô la. • 9820 Main St., Marjo Properties LLC đến PT Stephen LLC, 160.000 đô la. • 9405 Martin Road, Lsf8 Master Tham gia tin cậy Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ ủy thác NA Tr cho Brian Grassia; Lynn Grassia, 120.000 đô la. • 9285 Đường Martin, Charles Kelkenberg đến Christopher J. Koss; Holly Koss, 10.000 đô la. EDEN • 8230 North Main St., 130 National Drive LLC đến Eastern Postal Realty Holdings LLC, $ 450.000. ELMA • 31 Douglas Lane, Mary Pat Gallivan; Mary Patricia Gallivan; Patrick Gallivan; Patrick M. Gallivan đến Cori L. Greenawalt; Richard R. Greenawalt, 825.000 đô la. • 701 Đường Girdle, Hauwaert Matthew Van đến Amy L. Biber; Brett Collson, $ 315,000. • Đường 311 South Blossom, Davis S. Kowalchot; Eileen E. Rizzo cho Raymond G. Weimer, 265.000 đô la. • 640 đường Winspear, Dean G. Miller; Marcia J. Miller; Thomas J. Miller; Marcia J. Scott đến Alexander X. Mayers; Kayla R. Zelasko, 250.000 USD. MỌI NGƯỜI • 1612 Old Manor Drive, Helene F. Spahn; Joseph J. Spahn đến Peter W. Rains, $ 221.500. • 9896 Redwing St., Kimberly A. Hulburd to Bohen Hornberger; Janelle Knaus, 164.300 đô la. • 8600 North Main St., Jason Rafferty; Misti Rafferty cho Aryle Goss, 128.000 đô la. • 0 Đường Bennett, Guy A. Capitano; Linda S. Capitano cho Jane Brueckl; John Brueckl, 40.000 đô la. • 6639 Revere Drive, Donald Braun đến nhà Sweet Homez LLC, 20.000 đô la. ĐẢO GRAND • Ngõ 128 Windham, Jason R. Allison đến Conny S. Gaertner; Lars-Erik Gaertner, 429.000 đô la. • Đường sửa chữa 2805, Bethany J. Conway; Brendan M. Conway Jr. đến David M. Seaman; Tracie Seaman, 410.000 đô la. • 3398 Đường sông Đông, John E. Beires; Ruth Beires cho Paul M. Parwulski, 360.000 đô la. • 109 Park Lane, Richard S. Campagna Sr.; Hương thảo A. Campagna đến Cheryl B. Frieday; Lance D. Frieday, $ 321,650. • Đường cố định 2047, Cheryl B. Frieday; Lance D. Frieday cho Alfred Valeri, $ 274.000. • 62 ngõ Lane, David M. Seaman; Tracie M. Seaman cho Daniel J. Griggs, 240.000 đô la. • 1591 Con đường tình yêu, Genevieve Kiny0on; Erik J. Kinyon đến Chelsea R. Kennedy; Seth Kennedy, 164.800 đô la. • 74 Marilyn Drive, Harry W. Enni; Arthur E. Jackson Jr. đến Lsf8 Master Trion Trust Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, $ 131.500. • 1780 Đại lộ Grand Island, 2014 Mazur Family Trust Tr đến 1780 Grand Island Boulevard LLC, $ 11,375. HAMCHA • 3350 Cross Creek Way, Forbes Homes Inc đến Daniel J. Carrig; Taylor M. Randall, $ 470,594. • Công viên Middleham 4134, Nancy Basalyga; Ronald Basalyga; Rhonda Marie Jank đến Jeanne Kyte; John E. Kyte Jr., $ 305,000. • 25 Gỗ tròn, Linda P. Lamparelli; Richard P. Lamparelli cho Gabriel P. Butler; Shannon J. Butler, 271.000 đô la. • 3484 Đường South Creek, Erich W. Cominsky cho Michael T. Thurston; Shannon L. Thurston, 270.000 đô la. • 63 Allie Lane, Ryan ngôi nhà của New York đến Paul Szafranek; Samantha Szafranek, $ 258,740. • Tòa án 28 Jordy, Kaitlin Tomasulo; Victor Tomasulo đến Kathryn M. Manalili; Joseph A. Obergfell, $ 249,900. • 432 Nice Ave., Laney M. Harrison đến Carla M. Schmid, $ 180.000. • 5038 Bradley Lane, Virginia A. Buziak; Patricia A. Mirabelli cho Matthew D. Williams, 170.000 đô la. • 4608 Kennison Parkway, Gabriel P. Butler; Shannon J. Butler đến Molly A. Bartz, 169.000 đô la. • Địa điểm 4331-berkley, Gail Faulk cho Andrew Kiesling, 165.900 đô la. • 3217 Clearview Way, John A. Miller; Mary Ann Miller đến Cassondra Carlson; Trevor Wilson, 164.300 đô la. • 6285 Đường Boston State, Eileen M. Burns; Philip J. Đốt cho Brian J. Beyer, 135.000 đô la. • 4983 Daisy Lane, John Garcia; Robert Garcia đến Adam Sheffield; Wesley Sheffield, $ 126.500. • Đại lộ 4987 Mt Vernon, Michael F. Wiley đến Jamie L. Greene; Leonard C. Latona, $ 124,900. • Đất trống Yale Ave., David A. Hodgson; Charles Cũ; Charles Olds đến Edward Doll; Kimberly Hogan, $ 6.000. LACKAWANNA • 108 Circle Lane, Roberta M. Lisowski đến David T. Wolf, $ 159.000. • 155 Madison Ave., Terry L. Caber Sr.; Thomas R. Caber; William C. Caber Jr. đến Nakody Nikolas Beaver, $ 78.500. • 42 sân thượng tình yêu, Sunset Custom Homes Inc đến Ann M. Duszkiewicz; Thomas S. Duszkiewicz, 18.000 đô la. • 1970 đường Abbott, Michael A. Zuchowski đến Sam Nicholas Gardo, 15.000 đô la. LANCASTER • 78 Sterling Place, Cori L. Greenawalt; Richard R. Greenawalt đến Bryan Charles Silberblatt; Christina Kiliszek Silverblatt, $ 475.000. • 17 Tòa án Farmview, Mary T. Plewinski; William T. Plewinski đến Lauren Blatner; Philip Blatner, $ 347.000. • Đường 72 đường, Lauren B. Blatner; Philip L. Blatner đến Alyssa M. Russillio; Elliott J. Russillio, 250.000 đô la. • Đường 948 Townline, Anthony J. Syracuse; Krystina M. Syracuse đến Amanda Massino; Philip Massino, 175.000 đô la. • 84 Oxford Ave., Thomas W. Austin; Debra A. Kerl; Diane M. Whitcomb đến Leonard F. Kupkowski, $ 173.000. • 1892 Đại lộ Como Park, 6831 Seneca St. LLC đến Austin Stroh; Kelsey Stroh, 140.000 đô la. • 50 4th Ave., Thomas P Schuster Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn chủ sở hữu đối với Elizabeth Harf, $ 132.500. • Tòa án 86 Parkview, Rita M. Wascak cho Susan Collins, $ 126.000. BẢN TIN • 5926 Đường Crittenden, Robert C. Bachorski đến Barbara S. Hoddick; Charles J. Hoddick, 385.000 đô la. PHÍA BẮC • 12291 Sisson Hwy, Richard R. Ellis Jr. đến Angelo F. Smielinski, 85.000 đô la. • 5267 Langford Road, Chad J. Lucas đến Daniel V. Gallaway, 5.500 đô la. ORCHARD PARK • 3538 California Road, Phc Properties LLC đến 3538 California Road LLC, $ 1,250,000. • 5775 Big Tree Road, Christian Tv Tri-State to Bertsch Family Lp, $ 950,000. • 9 Mount Airy Court, Jarrad W. Turner; Katy T. Turner cho Jennifer G. Williams; Mark E. Williams, $ 305,000. • 75 Hillside Drive, Ann C. Fitzgerald; Timothy K. Fitzgerald cho Joseph A. Fruscione; Krista Fruscione, $ 288.900. • 30 ngõ Lane, Esther C Powell Living Trust 121713 Tr cho Mario R. Dipasquale; Melissa L. Dipasquale, $ 262.000. • 26 South Davis St., Leslie Gene Garcia; Jason M. Hamm; Phyllis M. Hamm cho Ryan Douglas Brown; Stephanie Whitfield Brown, 220.000 đô la. • 96 Minden Drive, Barbara J. Wenke tới James Kuczkowski, 166.000 đô la. • 5491 Ellicott Road, Mario R. Dipasquale tới Casey A. Kelly, 160.000 đô la. • 174 Bước chân ngõ đá, Donald C. Vollbrarou đến Bonita M. Mccarville; Terrence K. Mccarville, $ 134.500. • 5928 Armor Duells Road, Arr Holdings LLC đến Kimberly J. Bailey; Arthur P. Caprio, 90.900 đô la. SARDINIA • 10454 Lạch, Scott Walters đến Martin K. Hall Jr., $ 152.000. • 13449 Schutt Road, Carol J. George đến Aaron K. Snyder; Bethany L. Snyder, $ 147,580. MÙA XUÂN • 360 North Buffalo St., Alfred E. Fuller; Wayne Fuller; Lura J. Hoch đến Laura Colligan; Robert Colligan, 112.000 đô la. • 83 Hạt dẻ, Marjorie A. Mcknight cho Adam Filipink; Milena Filipink, 87.000 đô la. • 173-175 North Buffalo St., Mark Mcpeek đến John Mary, 50.000 đô la. THÀNH PHỐ TONAWANDA • 585 Delkn St., Rmfsg LLC đến 585 Delkn Buf LLC, $ 490.000. • 40 Fillmore Ave., 40 Fillmore Ave. Tonawanda LLC đến Jc Tonawanda Tower Qozb LLC, 300.000 đô la. • 58 Harriet St., Courtney R. Intihar đến Noah V. Martin, 134.000 đô la. • 12 Court St., Ttp Homes LLC đến Debra Ann Canfield; Patrick Michael Canfield, 106.000 đô la. • 60 Park Ave., Công ty Ủy thác Quốc gia Deutsche Bank Tr; Tín dụng cho vay vốn chủ sở hữu thế kỷ mới 2004-1 Tr to Cody Mcgregor, 73.000 đô la. • 93 Cleveland Ave., Rachael J. Weber cho Michael Zellner; Raedene Zellner, 60.000 đô la. TONAWANDA • 47 Cooper Ave., Anthony Regan; Karen Regan đến Zenmaster Ginger Ale LLC, $ 325.000. • 2740 Đại lộ Thác Niagara, Kristin A. Tisci; Hutch Motel Enterprises LLC đến Samuel Burruano LLC, $ 249,491. • 18 Đại lộ Deerhurst Park, Michele T. Sprada đến Andrea Sinh-Horowitz; Michael Horowitz, 240.000 đô la. • 216 Forbes Ave., Dena M. Ngành Oliver đến Nikko Fuller; Patricia A. Fuller, 205.000 đô la. • Đường 217 Delwar, Andrea E. Sinh-Horowitz; Michael B. Horowitz đến Lauren Morean Nowicki, $ 188.000. • Đường 276 Westgate, Eric Hensel đến Thu Kaw Moo; Elizabeth Poe Mu, 165.000 đô la. • Địa điểm 31 Alder, John F. Scherrer; Mary Scherrer; Mary Ann Scherrer cho Daniel W. Perkins, 165.000 đô la. • 1795 Đại lộ Parker, Jeffery D. Frank; Jeffrey D. Frank; Keelin Griffis đến Ashley M. Gaston; Zachary J. Holbrook, 161.000 đô la. • 310 Đại lộ Woodcrest, Jean Bryan đến Madeline B. Rohrbacher, 160.000 đô la. • 1451 Đại lộ Parker, Jovana T. Bíchler đến 1451 Parker Boulevard LLC, 155.000 đô la. • 206 Marjorie Drive, Eileen M. Brandys; Richard Brandys đến Maria Jack Santa; Jacqueline Ann Cạo, 152.000 đô la. • 343 Đường Puritan, James F. Honer; James Francis Honer; Margaret M. Honer; Margaret Mary Honer đến Valerie Ann Zielinski, 151.500 đô la. • 126 Desmond Drive, Arlene M. Bensley tới Andrea Krystina Calabrese, 150.000 đô la. A. Hội trưởng; Lisa A. Copece cho Kathleen Boland, 150.000 đô la. • 195 Hampton Parkway, Vicki A. Weber cho Jason M. Greck, 142.000 đô la. • 316 Nassau Ave., Anna A. Matracia tới Jordan P. Jozak, 137.000 đô la. • 56 Hawthorne Ave. , Carissa M. Meier; Eric Moore đến Tiffany M. Mcdonald, $ 127,617. • 33 Howard Lane, Carol Jean Wahlstrom; Gail Marie Williams đến Erin Brink; Paul Brink, 120.000 đô la. • 455 Mcconkey Drive, Raymond J. Trendle đến William F. Crittenden, 115.000 đô la. • 91 Euclid Ave., Keith W. Koons; Noel J. Koons Jr.; Richard G. Koons; Richard Gary Koons; Ronald C. Koons đến Kayla E. Lorigo, 110.000 đô la. • 164 Fairbanks Ave., Mary Miller-Kotrys đến Cheryl Passman; Dennis Passman, 109.000 đô la. WALES • 6860 Hunters Creek Road, Ronald H. Smith đến Kimberly A. Smith; Gerald Woodard, $ 325.000. • 6416 Hunters Creek Road, Amy M. Vinette đến Lecia J. Bates, 225.000 đô la. • Đất trống đường Big Tree Road, Sharon Lee Julian đến 606 Oakwood LLC, 20.000 đô la. TÂY SENECA • 175 Chancellor Lane, M & t Bank to Joseph Colern, $ 272,000. • 1199 Center Road, David Bennett đến Keenaco Inc; 158 Elmsford LLC, $ 237.500. • 38 Christopher Drive, James V. Weber; Sharon A. Weber cho Edward L. Dwyer; Kristen N. Dwyer, $ 185,000. • 132 Briarwood Drive, Michael J. Wszalek đến Roger Bettingen; Tara Michalski, $ 170.000. • Địa điểm 50 Amana, Gail A. Broad; James M. Broad đến Marc Polaron, 161.000 đô la. • 175 Tòa án Charlescrest, Albert B. Dicesare Jr.; Albert Dicesare to Amber C. Fleck, 160.000 đô la. • 60 Amana Place, Dixie Lea Blando; John S. Blando đến John K. Blando; Sabrina N. Blando, 160.000 đô la. • 110 Heather Hill Drive, Dale C. English cho Andrew Heim; Bradley Heim; Jeffrey Heim, 140.000 đô la. • 29 địa điểm Wenro, Angela Hinterberger đến Joseph V. Brown, 65.000 đô la. [ad_2] Nguồn
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virtuepro-blog1 · 5 years
Get Effective Roof Cleaning Services Offered By Experts in Portland and West Linn
There are several different reasons why somebody may choose to clean their roof. The most widely recognized explanation is to reestablish the presence of the roof just as the general control intrigue of the home. Regardless of whether its dark streaks on the roof because of the development of air-borne green growth known as magma, shape, mold, roof greenery, or lichen, outside flaws make an incredible house look dismissed and unattractive. When selling your home it is particularly significant so as to boost the estimation of your home and to wipe out any discernment to potential purchasers that the roof would be supplanted if they choose to buy. It could be the difference between selling your home or not.
The most significant explanation somebody should clean roof shingles is to avert any further damage and untimely substitution. If despite everything you have several years left on the service life of your roof and it’s giving any indications of roof green growth, shape, buildup, roof greenery, or lichen then you could profit by Roof Cleaning Services West Linn. In addition to the fact that you would abstain from burning through thousands to supplant it, yet it will reestablish the wellbeing and presence of your roof too, permitting your roof to arrive at its assessed service life.
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Roof Cleaning Services West Linn
By no means, you would clean it yourself or hire another person to clean it for you. As you may expect there are several different ways that a roof can be cleaned just as an assortment of roof cleaning products or synthetic substances available today. Roof Cleaning Services in Portland offered by experts are regularly legitimately attached to the roof cleaning product or synthetic concoctions that they are utilizing. Choosing how you will clean your roof is extremely about what you are mostly ok with.
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Roof Cleaning Services in Portland
This sort of roof cleaner removes the stress from over splash and won’t hurt the completion on aluminum gutters, recolor painted surfaces, damage plants, and grass, or make wellbeing perils for your pets and kids. Your roof can be cleaned two different ways when utilizing this kind of roof cleaner. Further, you can hire experts of the leading companies for effective Gutter Cleaning Services Gresham within your budget.
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Gutter Cleaning Services Gresham
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lamontbros-blog · 4 years
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portlandrooferss · 5 years
Roof Replacement Company Portland
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Best Roofers Portland The ordinance provides flexibility for the designer and builder to "choose the best combination of solar … certification su… Cascade Roofing Portland, Since 1957. We are the Best Roofers in Portland, Lake Oswego, Tualatin, Wilsonville, Tigard, West Linn and beaverton oregon. larry said the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
New Roof Installation & Replacement. Replacing your roof is an important project that deserves some thoughtful consideration on your part. Roofs are not flashy or fun like other large purchases, but they provide you with a lot of comfort and peace of mind when Portland’s rain season starts.
Roof Replacement Portland, OR. Find out why we are Portland's top rated roofers. As roofers in Portland, we know that sometimes a repair is simply not enough. So, in this case a roof replacement is needed. Also, we home inspect first to assess, then do home repairs if needed first.
Water Damage Roof Repair Portland I don’t know if my roof … damage first — curled shingle edges, cracked tiles, warped wood shakes or missing shingles. Inspe… Hire the Best Water Damage Restoration Companies in Portland, OR on HomeAdvisor. Compare Homeowner Reviews from 9 Top Portland Dry-rot, Water or pest damage repair services. Get Quotes & … RJ Ramos Roofing
Portland Roofing Company. April 23rd, 2015. Portland roof and deck for all your decking needs. Are you looking for a Portland Roofing Company, look no further, you have found us. We do not cut corners when it comes to the replacement of your roof.
The company’s purging itself of dinosaurs, like the des plaines museum, and an old-school restaurant in Portland, Oregon. The new restaurants will feature both touchscreen kiosks and table service, pl…
a roof cleaning company. To save cost, All Around Maintenance, INC. offers all roof maintenance, inspection, and repair services, to both residential and non-residential buildings in Vancouver, WA, at …
Local Portland roofing contractors for roofing, siding, painting, and window experts in Portland. Call us now for roofing services at Giron Roofing Inc. That's why it's so important to hire a reputable, knowledgeable Portland roofing contractor for your new or replacement roof.
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Portland OR’s most reliable roofing company. Call us for roof replacement, roof repair, and roof installations. Award winning, locally owned. 503-570-7663
“Elements replaced my leaking roof. The damage was much worse than I had thought. A lot under the shingled was rotten and needed to be replaced. Benjamin got everything looking great and under the price he quoted( never had that happen!) I found the company to be professional and have excellent craftsmen. highly recommended!”
Portland Architectural Salvage, 131 Preble St.: Another early entrant, the multi-level emporium has been here since 2004. 7. Apothecary By Design, 141 Preble St.: Maine’s fastest-growing company … a…
Residential & Commercial Roofing In Portland Oregon. We are the best roofing contractor around. Give us a call at 971-230-4929. If you're looking for a roofing company in Portland, OR or the surrounding areas, Tough Roofing LLC is the right choice for the right price!
Craig Barratt, the head of Google Access, is stepping down and the company is freezing plans to roll … to the diverse money-losing projects under its roof, particularly ahead of the company’s quarte…
The spokesperson for the top roofers in Portland, OR and surrounding areas, Dr Roof Inc, while describing their company and the services offered … In addition to roofing repairs, installation, and r…
However, as soon as a borehole breaks the process to repair it takes longer than necessary … SweetSense Inc. is a Portland, Oregan based company that fits global development projects with low cost r…
Roofing Contractors Portland Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) Roofing contra… Serving Portland, Vancouver, and surrounding areas … and more to homes and commercial property owners in the area. More
Portland OR's most reliable roofing company. Call us for roof replacement, roof repair, and roof installations. Award winning, locally owned. 503-570-7663
Best Roof Repair Portland We install the best… and repair the rest! experienced crew. A President with over 30 years of experience in the roofing industry, leading a highly specialized team in commercial roof replacement. Over 15 Years of Roofing Experience in Portland and Metro Area with Hundreds of Happy Customers Hire Nail It’s Portland Roofing Contractors for expert
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And PenFed Credit Union notifying 100+ mortgage employees in the Alexandria Virginia office that they need to move to San Antonio, Texas, in the next four months. Every superhero needs a sidekick.
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The post Mortgage Broker San Manuel-Linn Texas appeared first on Mortgage Broker Plano Texas.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] Stay Away From the Blue Ridge Parkway
My girlfriend gifted me a drone for my birthday this past April. I’d wanted one for quite a while, but I coudln’t justify spending that much money on myself. I had one picked out that I wanted, but had no intention of dropping a few week’s pay on what ultimately amounts to a toy. The one she ended up getting me was even better than the one I’d had my eye on. I was ecstatic, but I also felt a little guilty knowing she’d spent that much money on me.
Like the drone I had picked out, this one could be piloted by using only my iPhone. Or, I could attach my phone to the included remote, which would allow the phone screen act as a live feed from the camera on the drone. Where she splurged, however, was by upgrading to the model that included a set of VR goggles. With these, you fly the drone from a first-person perspective. It’s like you’re sitting in the cockpit of the drone.
I spent that afternoon flying the drone around my neighborhood, mostly just circling the property around my house. Having never actually piloted a drone before I was afraid to fly off too far. With my luck, I’d crash it someplace where recovery would be next to impossible. Or, I’d go beyond the range of what the signal would allow and I’d lose by brand new present. I’d be unhappy, and my girlfriend would be furious.
Over the coming weeks, I got a little more confident and a little more courageous. I would fly to the outer limits of the drone’s capabilities. I could get as far as the middle school almost two miles away with no issues. Once I flew all the way to Freedom Park. I would hover at 100 feet or so, watching the dog walkers and bike riders as they made their way around the paved loop that weaved around and through the park. Some kids started punting a football, trying to knock my drone out of the air out of sheer meanness. I thought about doing a high-speed flyby to taunt them, but decided that losing my drone wasn’t worth the effort. So, I flew home.
By mid July I’d grown bored with my neighborhood flights. I live less than an hour from the Blue Ridge Parkway. There, I could easily find a more scenic route to pilot. A quick google search told me that drone flights are prohibited on the Parkway. But, the place I had in mind is rarely traveled. The likelihood that I’d encounter a park ranger was so slim that the legality of drones didn’t really matter.
The Tuckaseegee Balds are a series of large, open fields on the ridge line of a mountain between Blowing Rock, North Carolina and Grandfather Mountain. The hike to the balds isn’t hard, but it is long. I had planned for at least a four hour hike to get to the First Bald. The trails are rarely used, and the balds go mostly unvisited. Hikers generally flock to spots with easier hikes with better views, so it’s uncommon to meet anyone atop Tuckaseegee. I didn’t care about the views on the balds anyway, they just happened to be where I’d take off. I could fly to more popular destinations Rough Ridge or the Linn Cove Viaduct, but still be far enough away to avoid getting caught. I didn’t care if a park ranger saw my drone. I’d be a mile and a half away on top of a mountain all by myself.
I packed a few extra batteries to keep myself in the air as long as possible before heading off to the Parkway. After hiking most of the morning I made it to the top of the balds just after One. At the edge of the First Bald, about two hundred yards from off trail, was a large, uprooted tree that had fallen over. It was mostly covered in shade from the forest, but still in the open enough that I could take off without catching any of the overhanging tree limbs. I set up my drone in the clearing and sat down, using the fallen tree as a backrest. I slid my goggles on and took off.
I spent the next hour and a half flying around and videoing the scenic peaks that dot the Parkway. Well, those that were within my range, anyway. I could only fly for just under 30 minutes on each battery, so I had to make periodic trips back to swap them out before taking off again. After loading my fourth and final battery into the drone I decided that I should at least get some video of the balds themselves. Sure, there are better views throughout the Parkway, but that isn’t to say that the Tuckaseegee Balds aren’t beautiful themselves.
The balds essentially dot the ridge line, with a patch of forest separating each from the other. From a hiker’s perspective, they’re a series of large, open fields that seemingly pop up out of nowhere as you hike through the forest, and the trail passes through each one of them. For this reason, the balds have been numbered and named based on the order you pass through them. From East to West, there’s the First Bald, followed by the Second Bald, and so on, all the way through until the final, Seventh Bald. From a Drone’s perspective, the balds look like a giant skipped a large rock along a mountainous ridge line, skinning the earth each time it made contact in progressively smaller areas.
As I flew from my position against the tree in the First Bald I passed over the thicket of trees separating it from the Second Bald. The heads up display in my goggles told me I was flying at a little over 150 feet above the ground. Just as I passed over the tree line and entered into the Second Bald, my heart fluttered as I saw what I thought was a person walking along the trail heading in my direction. In my moment of panic, I removed my thumbs from the controls on the remote, causing the drone to stop and float in place. As I looked closer, it was apparent that I was not looking at a person. What I was looking at, exactly, I still do not know.
The creature had the legs of a deer or an elk but walked upright, bipedal, standing at least twelve feet tall. It’s upper torso and arms where somewhat humanlike, but not quite. They were, different. I honestly don't know how else to describe it. I could see its ribs. I don't mean that it was lean and that a rippled outline could be seen under the skin. I could literally see the bones of the rib cage, like the fur-covered skin that was supposed to conceal the that portion of skeleton had rotted or been torn away. The head, which was looking directly at my drone floating in the sky, also appeared to be that of a deer, only considerably larger. It, too, appeared to have portions of uncovered bone, as I could clearly see a large swath of skull revealed along most of the right side of its face. Tatters of skin and fur hung from the opening, like the animal, if that’s what it was, had been partially flayed. Giant antlers meandered from the base of its skull, twisting up and backwards from its head. The antlers were dark brown, and they pointed towards the ground while the creature’s head remained tilted upwards towards to sky to stare to where I was watching.
I don’t know where I got the courage to not immediately fly back to where I was seated, pack up, and run back to my car. Instead, I lowered my drone to get a closer look at whatever I had caught passing through the meadow. When the display on my goggles informed me I had descended to 50 feet, I again allowed the drone to hover in place. The creature took a step forward, unfolding what looked like wings from its back. The wings had no skin or membrane between the bones. Instead, it looked like a bird whose wings had been plucked of all of its feathers. They fluttered without every fully expanding, and then tucked back behind the creature again. Had they opened completely, I’m certain they would have been at least eighteen feet, tip to tip.
When the creature began to move again, it did so quickly. I don’t know whether to describe its movement as a jog or a gallop. I suppose that entirely depends on how many human qualities you choose to give to whatever the being was. But, I could tell that regardless of the speed the creature was moving then it could move much faster. And it was headed directly towards my drone.
I immediately picked up altitude, quickly climbing to 200 feet. The creature had dropped its gaze from the drone and was instead focused on the trail ahead. Its strides were long and deliberate as it chewed up the distance, traveling directly towards the First Bald. Directly towards me.
Fortunately, I had developed a decent bit of skill and confidence in flying the drone since the times when I was afraid to fly if off the property at my house. I turned the drone back towards where I was seated and pressed the thumb stick all the way forward. I passed over the tree line almost immediately, and then began to speed over the half mile of open expanse of the First Bald. I followed the rut of the hiking trail so I wouldn’t lose my bearings, knowing I was seated a few hundred yards just off of the trail. As I neared the end of the First Bald, I turned slightly to the right to fly directly to where I had taken off. I could see my body leaning against the fallen tree at the edge of the forest, and stopped when I had the drone positioned just overhead and began my descent. I positioned the camera to look forward as the drone dropped to land in front me. In my goggles, I could see the tree tops come into view as my drone descended to land. As the camera angle became level with my body I could see over my shoulder into the forest behind me. Twenty feet behind the fallen tree where I sat stood another, slightly smaller creature.
I ripped my googles off as I rushed to stand. My legs were cramped and nearly useless from being seated in the same position most of the day and I nearly fell. I grabbed a broken limb on the fallen tree to pull myself up, and turned just in time to see the monster charging towards me.
I’d love to tell you what happened next, but I have no recollection. Maybe it’s best that I don't recall. I struggle enough to cope with the portions of the story I do remember. What I can tell you is that a team of rescuers found me five days later after my girlfriend reported me missing. Luckily, I had told her where I had planned to go so the search party had a good idea of where to go looking for me. However, that isn't the search party who found me. I was found twelve miles South near the Linville Gorge by a group working to locate an injured hiker, which, naturally, they thought they had found when they came across me. From what I’ve been told, for hours the only response I would give to any questions was “Asgina.” When I did begin to talk, I had apparently explained that I hadn’t been lost at all, that I had been traveling with the Aniawi.
My drone has never been found, so neither has any of the footage of whatever it was I saw in the Tuckaseegee Balds. I wish it had. I suspect that perhaps then people would believe me rather than discounting my story as the result of some head injury. I know what I saw, and I know that I’ll never step foot on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
submitted by /u/AppalachianOctober [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2TMUv9C
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battybat-boss · 5 years
Top Tamarind Benefits
Tamarind is a tropical fruit many in the West haven't tasted, but it comes in a pod that looks somewhat like a smooth, pale brown bean and inside has a sweetly acidic flavor and a sticky, paste-like consistency when mature. It's relevant that tamarind, aka Tamarindus indica L, is known as the “date of India.”
Tamarind trees are native to Africa but were transported to India thousands of years ago, and possibly to Egypt as early as 400 B.C., a study in India in 2011 notes, referring to it as “one of the most important multipurpose tropical fruit tree species.”1 Brought to the Americas in the 16th century, the tree grows extensively in Mexico.
Depending on its use, people in Uganda have used it for as long as anyone can remember, as a snack when its ripe; the immature green pods are eaten both fresh and boiled with porridge, rice, fish and meats to give it a sour flavor. The fern-like leaves are cooked and eaten like a vegetable, and the pulp is sometimes made into wine or combined with other tropical fruits such as guava, papaya or banana. 
Tamarind is often used to flavor and thicken sauces, soups, preserves, jams and jellies. When the fruit inside is ripe, the pods or husks are removed, and the fruit is soaked in cold water to make a refreshing beverage. In the Bahamas, tamarind is roasted on coals and eaten with wood ashes,2 and it's a prominent ingredient in Worcestershire sauce and barbecue sauce.
Tamarind has been grown in indigenous cultures of Eastern Uganda for generations, both for food and medicine. It's been foundational for a number of other functions, from cultural and social traditions, to income generation, to environmental amelioration. Like most other plant-based foods, tamarind has its own complex and unique compounds that make it beneficial for health.
The fruit is used for food and medicine, including eating it raw, dried and ground into a spice, dried to make candies and, once it's completely ripe, added to desserts as well as more savory dishes.3 It also has the ability to improve a number of health conditions throughout your body, especially:
Aiding respiratory health4
Promoting heart health by reducing blood pressure5
Regulating blood glucose levels to help control diabetes6
Potential weight loss via inhibited fat-storing enzyme
Pain relief, including headaches
Fighting infection by strengthening your immune system
Reducing fever7
Protecting against intestinal parasites8
Reducing hemorrhoid pain and inflammation
Stimulating the release of gastric juices to help regulate digestion through its fiber9
Improving blood circulation due to high iron content10
Protecting your skin against premature aging
Enhancing nerve function due to its high thiamine content
Alleviating skin disorders
Polyphenolic Aspects of Tamarind
Studies have recognized the extensive vitamin and mineral content of tamarind, including “a high level of protein with many essential amino acids, which help to build strong and efficient muscles,”11 significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus and potassium, as well as iron, sodium, copper, zinc and nickel,12 the latter of which is needed in only trace amounts to enhance your body's ability to absorb iron, prevent anemia and strengthen your bones to offset osteoporosis.13 
Thiamine is one of the B complex vitamins that serves to improve your nerve function and muscle development, and a unique compound known as hydroxycitric acid (HCA) can be extracted and used as a spice to suppress your appetite and promote weight loss.14
Tamarind leaves contain a “fair” amount of vitamin C and β-carotene, and a high mineral content, particularly phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium.15 However, while both the pulp and the seeds have been revealed as rich in potent antioxidants and other phytonutrients, in some areas, tamarind seeds have been “underutilized” because they were simply discarded. An overarching university study16 in Kenya in 2017 reveals common medicinal uses:
“Traditionally, tamarind beverage was recommended for convalescents and expectant mothers. Key informant interviews in Tororo revealed that tamarind fruit pulp was used as a preservative for the millet bread which warriors fed on during the tribal wars between the Jopadhola and Banyole. Tamarind fruit beverage was also commonly given to rejuvenate those returning from war.”17
One review reporting on the extent of the plant's “explored potential” also listed the ability of tamarind extracts in traditional medicine, adding helminthes infections (parasites), abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery, wound healing, eye diseases, malaria and fever, constipation, cell cytotoxicity and gonorrhea. It continues:
“The plant is reported to possess antidiabetic activity, antimicrobial activity, antivenomic activity, antioxidant activity, antimalarial activity, hepatoprotective activity, antiasthmatic activity, laxative activity and anti-hyperlipidemic activity. Every part of the plant from root to leaf tips is useful for human needs.”18
A number of powerful polyphenolics helps explain why tamarind has for thousands of years and continues to have such dramatic effects on disease. The Research Journal of Microbiology19 lists tartaric acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, alkaloid, flavonoids, sesquiterpenes and glycosides as some of the active ingredients in tamarind.
In addition, proanthocyanidins include apigenin, procyanidin, epicatechin, procyanidin dimer, procyanidin trimer and, to lesser degrees, but significant enough to impart positive benefits, taxifolin, eriodictyol and naringenin, in respective order.
Uses for and Historical Significance of Tamarind
From planting to eventual harvest is a slow, lengthy process, as the tree - which can reach 80 feet in arid climates, but only 18 to 20 feet high in California - doesn't produce for four or five years. Once mature, tamarind trees can produce as much as 350 pounds of fruit per year.20 Harvesting is often accomplished by shaking the tree and gleaning what falls.
The peoples' “indigenous knowledge of the fruit,” (called “IK” in the study) has been relied on for expanded use, preservation and conservation of Tamarindus indica L, its scientific name. In fact, 18 uses for tamarind explain why at least half the locals assisting in the study grew the tree in their home gardens; however, 52 percent of the tamarind trees were identified by scientists as self-propagated.
Reported nonfood uses for the tamarind tree included shade or windbreaks to protect native homes, building materials, oral hygiene (toothbrushes), textiles, dying, making gunpowder,21 feed for livestock and food preservation as practical functions.
More Studies on Tamarind for Multiple Diseases and Disorders
A number of studies over recent years have identified tamarind as having compounds useful in treating diseases, including diabetes. One of them is a study conducted in India in 2004, which notes:
“Plants are being effectively tried in a variety of pathophysiological states. Tamarindus indica Linn. is one of them. In the present study, aqueous extract of seed of Tamarindus indica Linn. was found to have potent antidiabetogenic activity that reduces blood sugar level in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic male rat.”22
A 2011 study23 from the University of Adelaide in Australia observes traditional medicinal uses for tamarind as a treatment for cold, fever, jaundice, stomach disorders, diarrhea and as a skin cleanser.
More significantly, the study lists its “tannins, saponins, sesquiterpenes, alkaloids and phlobatamins and extracts” tested as active against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The study's conclusion notes the plant's “broad spectrum antibacterial activity and a potential source of new classes of antibiotics that could be useful for infectious disease chemotherapy and control.”24
The seeds have been shown to have significant free radical-scavenging abilities,25 and according to a book published first in 1930 and updated in 1961, “Woody Plants of Ghana,” the fruit can act as a laxative due to the malic and tartaric acids and potassium acid.26
The earlier reference to wound healing by tamarind was addressed in another study, as was its potential for treating malaria27 and dysentery.28 Tamarind's high fiber content is responsible for its natural laxative properties, as it may help to add bulk to your stool while also stimulating bile activity and digestion.29
In addition, tamarind was reported in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology to reduce blood pressure, possibly due to the potassium content,30 and a compound called lupeol found in tamarind exerts anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties, according to a study at the University of Wisconsin, while also reducing eye irritations such as conjunctivitis, aka pink eye, and addressing pain from gout, rheumatism and arthritis.31
One thing to note regarding tamarind is that it has a tendency to act as a blood thinner, so be aware if you take aspirin, which does the same, as does blood thinners. But this exotic fruit's ability to boost your immune system, fight microbial and fungal infections and act as a powerful antioxidant make tamarind a highly nutritious plant-based food.
0 notes
paullassiterca · 5 years
Top Tamarind Benefits
Tamarind is a tropical fruit many in the West haven’t tasted, but it comes in a pod that looks somewhat like a smooth, pale brown bean and inside has a sweetly acidic flavor and a sticky, paste-like consistency when mature. It’s relevant that tamarind, aka Tamarindus indica L, is known as the “date of India.”
Tamarind trees are native to Africa but were transported to India thousands of years ago, and possibly to Egypt as early as 400 B.C., a study in India in 2011 notes, referring to it as “one of the most important multipurpose tropical fruit tree species.”1 Brought to the Americas in the 16th century, the tree grows extensively in Mexico.
Depending on its use, people in Uganda have used it for as long as anyone can remember, as a snack when its ripe; the immature green pods are eaten both fresh and boiled with porridge, rice, fish and meats to give it a sour flavor. The fern-like leaves are cooked and eaten like a vegetable, and the pulp is sometimes made into wine or combined with other tropical fruits such as guava, papaya or banana. 
Tamarind is often used to flavor and thicken sauces, soups, preserves, jams and jellies. When the fruit inside is ripe, the pods or husks are removed, and the fruit is soaked in cold water to make a refreshing beverage. In the Bahamas, tamarind is roasted on coals and eaten with wood ashes,2 and it’s a prominent ingredient in Worcestershire sauce and barbecue sauce.
Tamarind has been grown in indigenous cultures of Eastern Uganda for generations, both for food and medicine. It’s been foundational for a number of other functions, from cultural and social traditions, to income generation, to environmental amelioration. Like most other plant-based foods, tamarind has its own complex and unique compounds that make it beneficial for health.
The fruit is used for food and medicine, including eating it raw, dried and ground into a spice, dried to make candies and, once it’s completely ripe, added to desserts as well as more savory dishes.3 It also has the ability to improve a number of health conditions throughout your body, especially:
Aiding respiratory health4
Promoting heart health by reducing blood pressure5
Regulating blood glucose levels to help control diabetes6
Potential weight loss via inhibited fat-storing enzyme
Pain relief, including headaches
Fighting infection by strengthening your immune system
Reducing fever7
Protecting against intestinal parasites8
Reducing hemorrhoid pain and inflammation
Stimulating the release of gastric juices to help regulate digestion through its fiber9
Improving blood circulation due to high iron content10
Protecting your skin against premature aging
Enhancing nerve function due to its high thiamine content
Alleviating skin disorders
Polyphenolic Aspects of Tamarind
Studies have recognized the extensive vitamin and mineral content of tamarind, including “a high level of protein with many essential amino acids, which help to build strong and efficient muscles,”11 significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus and potassium, as well as iron, sodium, copper, zinc and nickel,12 the latter of which is needed in only trace amounts to enhance your body’s ability to absorb iron, prevent anemia and strengthen your bones to offset osteoporosis.13 
Thiamine is one of the B complex vitamins that serves to improve your nerve function and muscle development, and a unique compound known as hydroxycitric acid (HCA) can be extracted and used as a spice to suppress your appetite and promote weight loss.14
Tamarind leaves contain a “fair” amount of vitamin C and β-carotene, and a high mineral content, particularly phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium.15 However, while both the pulp and the seeds have been revealed as rich in potent antioxidants and other phytonutrients, in some areas, tamarind seeds have been “underutilized” because they were simply discarded. An overarching university study16 in Kenya in 2017 reveals common medicinal uses:
“Traditionally, tamarind beverage was recommended for convalescents and expectant mothers. Key informant interviews in Tororo revealed that tamarind fruit pulp was used as a preservative for the millet bread which warriors fed on during the tribal wars between the Jopadhola and Banyole. Tamarind fruit beverage was also commonly given to rejuvenate those returning from war.”17
One review reporting on the extent of the plant’s “explored potential” also listed the ability of tamarind extracts in traditional medicine, adding helminthes infections (parasites), abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery, wound healing, eye diseases, malaria and fever, constipation, cell cytotoxicity and gonorrhea. It continues:
“The plant is reported to possess antidiabetic activity, antimicrobial activity, antivenomic activity, antioxidant activity, antimalarial activity, hepatoprotective activity, antiasthmatic activity, laxative activity and anti-hyperlipidemic activity. Every part of the plant from root to leaf tips is useful for human needs.”18
A number of powerful polyphenolics helps explain why tamarind has for thousands of years and continues to have such dramatic effects on disease. The Research Journal of Microbiology19 lists tartaric acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, alkaloid, flavonoids, sesquiterpenes and glycosides as some of the active ingredients in tamarind.
In addition, proanthocyanidins include apigenin, procyanidin, epicatechin, procyanidin dimer, procyanidin trimer and, to lesser degrees, but significant enough to impart positive benefits, taxifolin, eriodictyol and naringenin, in respective order.
Uses for and Historical Significance of Tamarind
From planting to eventual harvest is a slow, lengthy process, as the tree — which can reach 80 feet in arid climates, but only 18 to 20 feet high in California — doesn’t produce for four or five years. Once mature, tamarind trees can produce as much as 350 pounds of fruit per year.20 Harvesting is often accomplished by shaking the tree and gleaning what falls.
The peoples’ “indigenous knowledge of the fruit,” (called “IK” in the study) has been relied on for expanded use, preservation and conservation of Tamarindus indica L, its scientific name. In fact, 18 uses for tamarind explain why at least half the locals assisting in the study grew the tree in their home gardens; however, 52 percent of the tamarind trees were identified by scientists as self-propagated.
Reported nonfood uses for the tamarind tree included shade or windbreaks to protect native homes, building materials, oral hygiene (toothbrushes), textiles, dying, making gunpowder,21 feed for livestock and food preservation as practical functions.
More Studies on Tamarind for Multiple Diseases and Disorders
A number of studies over recent years have identified tamarind as having compounds useful in treating diseases, including diabetes. One of them is a study conducted in India in 2004, which notes:
“Plants are being effectively tried in a variety of pathophysiological states. Tamarindus indica Linn. is one of them. In the present study, aqueous extract of seed of Tamarindus indica Linn. was found to have potent antidiabetogenic activity that reduces blood sugar level in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic male rat.”22
A 2011 study23 from the University of Adelaide in Australia observes traditional medicinal uses for tamarind as a treatment for cold, fever, jaundice, stomach disorders, diarrhea and as a skin cleanser.
More significantly, the study lists its “tannins, saponins, sesquiterpenes, alkaloids and phlobatamins and extracts” tested as active against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The study’s conclusion notes the plant’s “broad spectrum antibacterial activity and a potential source of new classes of antibiotics that could be useful for infectious disease chemotherapy and control.”24
The seeds have been shown to have significant free radical-scavenging abilities,25 and according to a book published first in 1930 and updated in 1961, “Woody Plants of Ghana,” the fruit can act as a laxative due to the malic and tartaric acids and potassium acid.26
The earlier reference to wound healing by tamarind was addressed in another study, as was its potential for treating malaria27 and dysentery.28 Tamarind’s high fiber content is responsible for its natural laxative properties, as it may help to add bulk to your stool while also stimulating bile activity and digestion.29
In addition, tamarind was reported in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology to reduce blood pressure, possibly due to the potassium content,30 and a compound called lupeol found in tamarind exerts anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties, according to a study at the University of Wisconsin, while also reducing eye irritations such as conjunctivitis, aka pink eye, and addressing pain from gout, rheumatism and arthritis.31
One thing to note regarding tamarind is that it has a tendency to act as a blood thinner, so be aware if you take aspirin, which does the same, as does blood thinners. But this exotic fruit’s ability to boost your immune system, fight microbial and fungal infections and act as a powerful antioxidant make tamarind a highly nutritious plant-based food.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/01/07/tamarind-health-benefits.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/181796702421
0 notes
jerrytackettca · 5 years
Top Tamarind Benefits
Tamarind is a tropical fruit many in the West haven’t tasted, but it comes in a pod that looks somewhat like a smooth, pale brown bean and inside has a sweetly acidic flavor and a sticky, paste-like consistency when mature. It’s relevant that tamarind, aka Tamarindus indica L, is known as the “date of India.”
Tamarind trees are native to Africa but were transported to India thousands of years ago, and possibly to Egypt as early as 400 B.C., a study in India in 2011 notes, referring to it as “one of the most important multipurpose tropical fruit tree species.”1 Brought to the Americas in the 16th century, the tree grows extensively in Mexico.
Depending on its use, people in Uganda have used it for as long as anyone can remember, as a snack when its ripe; the immature green pods are eaten both fresh and boiled with porridge, rice, fish and meats to give it a sour flavor. The fern-like leaves are cooked and eaten like a vegetable, and the pulp is sometimes made into wine or combined with other tropical fruits such as guava, papaya or banana. 
Tamarind is often used to flavor and thicken sauces, soups, preserves, jams and jellies. When the fruit inside is ripe, the pods or husks are removed, and the fruit is soaked in cold water to make a refreshing beverage. In the Bahamas, tamarind is roasted on coals and eaten with wood ashes,2 and it’s a prominent ingredient in Worcestershire sauce and barbecue sauce.
Tamarind has been grown in indigenous cultures of Eastern Uganda for generations, both for food and medicine. It’s been foundational for a number of other functions, from cultural and social traditions, to income generation, to environmental amelioration. Like most other plant-based foods, tamarind has its own complex and unique compounds that make it beneficial for health.
The fruit is used for food and medicine, including eating it raw, dried and ground into a spice, dried to make candies and, once it’s completely ripe, added to desserts as well as more savory dishes.3 It also has the ability to improve a number of health conditions throughout your body, especially:
Aiding respiratory health4
Promoting heart health by reducing blood pressure5
Regulating blood glucose levels to help control diabetes6
Potential weight loss via inhibited fat-storing enzyme
Pain relief, including headaches
Fighting infection by strengthening your immune system
Reducing fever7
Protecting against intestinal parasites8
Reducing hemorrhoid pain and inflammation
Stimulating the release of gastric juices to help regulate digestion through its fiber9
Improving blood circulation due to high iron content10
Protecting your skin against premature aging
Enhancing nerve function due to its high thiamine content
Alleviating skin disorders
Polyphenolic Aspects of Tamarind
Studies have recognized the extensive vitamin and mineral content of tamarind, including “a high level of protein with many essential amino acids, which help to build strong and efficient muscles,”11 significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus and potassium, as well as iron, sodium, copper, zinc and nickel,12 the latter of which is needed in only trace amounts to enhance your body’s ability to absorb iron, prevent anemia and strengthen your bones to offset osteoporosis.13 
Thiamine is one of the B complex vitamins that serves to improve your nerve function and muscle development, and a unique compound known as hydroxycitric acid (HCA) can be extracted and used as a spice to suppress your appetite and promote weight loss.14
Tamarind leaves contain a “fair” amount of vitamin C and β-carotene, and a high mineral content, particularly phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium.15 However, while both the pulp and the seeds have been revealed as rich in potent antioxidants and other phytonutrients, in some areas, tamarind seeds have been “underutilized” because they were simply discarded. An overarching university study16 in Kenya in 2017 reveals common medicinal uses:
“Traditionally, tamarind beverage was recommended for convalescents and expectant mothers. Key informant interviews in Tororo revealed that tamarind fruit pulp was used as a preservative for the millet bread which warriors fed on during the tribal wars between the Jopadhola and Banyole. Tamarind fruit beverage was also commonly given to rejuvenate those returning from war.”17
One review reporting on the extent of the plant’s “explored potential” also listed the ability of tamarind extracts in traditional medicine, adding helminthes infections (parasites), abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery, wound healing, eye diseases, malaria and fever, constipation, cell cytotoxicity and gonorrhea. It continues:
“The plant is reported to possess antidiabetic activity, antimicrobial activity, antivenomic activity, antioxidant activity, antimalarial activity, hepatoprotective activity, antiasthmatic activity, laxative activity and anti-hyperlipidemic activity. Every part of the plant from root to leaf tips is useful for human needs.”18
A number of powerful polyphenolics helps explain why tamarind has for thousands of years and continues to have such dramatic effects on disease. The Research Journal of Microbiology19 lists tartaric acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, alkaloid, flavonoids, sesquiterpenes and glycosides as some of the active ingredients in tamarind.
In addition, proanthocyanidins include apigenin, procyanidin, epicatechin, procyanidin dimer, procyanidin trimer and, to lesser degrees, but significant enough to impart positive benefits, taxifolin, eriodictyol and naringenin, in respective order.
Uses for and Historical Significance of Tamarind
From planting to eventual harvest is a slow, lengthy process, as the tree — which can reach 80 feet in arid climates, but only 18 to 20 feet high in California — doesn’t produce for four or five years. Once mature, tamarind trees can produce as much as 350 pounds of fruit per year.20 Harvesting is often accomplished by shaking the tree and gleaning what falls.
The peoples’ “indigenous knowledge of the fruit,” (called “IK” in the study) has been relied on for expanded use, preservation and conservation of Tamarindus indica L, its scientific name. In fact, 18 uses for tamarind explain why at least half the locals assisting in the study grew the tree in their home gardens; however, 52 percent of the tamarind trees were identified by scientists as self-propagated.
Reported nonfood uses for the tamarind tree included shade or windbreaks to protect native homes, building materials, oral hygiene (toothbrushes), textiles, dying, making gunpowder,21 feed for livestock and food preservation as practical functions.
More Studies on Tamarind for Multiple Diseases and Disorders
A number of studies over recent years have identified tamarind as having compounds useful in treating diseases, including diabetes. One of them is a study conducted in India in 2004, which notes:
“Plants are being effectively tried in a variety of pathophysiological states. Tamarindus indica Linn. is one of them. In the present study, aqueous extract of seed of Tamarindus indica Linn. was found to have potent antidiabetogenic activity that reduces blood sugar level in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic male rat.”22
A 2011 study23 from the University of Adelaide in Australia observes traditional medicinal uses for tamarind as a treatment for cold, fever, jaundice, stomach disorders, diarrhea and as a skin cleanser.
More significantly, the study lists its “tannins, saponins, sesquiterpenes, alkaloids and phlobatamins and extracts” tested as active against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The study’s conclusion notes the plant’s “broad spectrum antibacterial activity and a potential source of new classes of antibiotics that could be useful for infectious disease chemotherapy and control.”24
The seeds have been shown to have significant free radical-scavenging abilities,25 and according to a book published first in 1930 and updated in 1961, “Woody Plants of Ghana,” the fruit can act as a laxative due to the malic and tartaric acids and potassium acid.26
The earlier reference to wound healing by tamarind was addressed in another study, as was its potential for treating malaria27 and dysentery.28 Tamarind’s high fiber content is responsible for its natural laxative properties, as it may help to add bulk to your stool while also stimulating bile activity and digestion.29
In addition, tamarind was reported in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology to reduce blood pressure, possibly due to the potassium content,30 and a compound called lupeol found in tamarind exerts anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties, according to a study at the University of Wisconsin, while also reducing eye irritations such as conjunctivitis, aka pink eye, and addressing pain from gout, rheumatism and arthritis.31
One thing to note regarding tamarind is that it has a tendency to act as a blood thinner, so be aware if you take aspirin, which does the same, as does blood thinners. But this exotic fruit’s ability to boost your immune system, fight microbial and fungal infections and act as a powerful antioxidant make tamarind a highly nutritious plant-based food.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/01/07/tamarind-health-benefits.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/top-tamarind-benefits
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