whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Western Astrology
Western Astrology refers to a form of divination based on the motion of astronomical objects such as stars or planets. The belief that astronomical objects are divine or influence events on Earth is found in many cultures, but the practices grouped under the umbrella of 'Western astrology' have their origins in the Near East and ancient Mediterranean.
In antiquity and the Middle Ages, there was virtually no distinction between astronomy, which is the study of objects in outer space, and astrology, which is the superstition that these objects can influence events on Earth. The belief that celestial bodies could exert control over events on Earth was one of the driving motivations behind their study in the past. During the Renaissance, astrology was treated as both a scientific and spiritual pursuit, albeit one that attracted scholarly criticism.
By inspiring astronomical inquiry, astrology ultimately helped birth the scientific innovations that disproved its validity. Advances in natural science and our understanding of the solar system during the 18th century led to the debunking of astrology and its accompanying beliefs. This shift in scientific thought created a clear distinction between the science of astronomy and the pseudoscience of astrology. However, popular belief in astrology persists into the modern period.
Ancient Babylon & Greece
Hellenistic astrology traces its roots to Babylon, where astronomers were interpreting astronomical phenomena as omens by the 1st millennium BCE. The Babylonians would later begin practicing natal astrology to try to predict events in a person's life based on the position of the stars and planets at the time of their birth. Ancient Greek authors claimed that astrology was introduced to Greece by a Babylonian priest named Berossus, who moved to the Greek island of Kos and established a school of astronomy and astrology around 280 BCE. This story may contain a kernel of truth, as the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great (r. 336-323 BCE) in the 4th century BCE led to the transfer of ideas between Greece and the Near East. However, Hellenistic astrology was most heavily influenced by Greek philosophy, ultimately containing only faint traces of Babylonian cosmology.
The zodiac and astrological system used in Western astrology began to take on a recognizable form during the Hellenistic period (332-30 BCE). Natural philosophers reasoned that the stars and planets could influence Earth in the same way that the Sun affected life and the Moon moved the tides. People in the Hellenistic Mediterranean commonly consulted astrologers hoping that they could predict the future, reveal hidden information, and recover lost or stolen items.
Astrology was also incorporated into ancient Greek medicine and Greek philosophy, as it was theorized that the planets had both physical and metaphysical impacts. The belief that certain planets held power over specific body parts, and that it was possible to predict the best timing for medical treatment based on planetary positions, influenced Western medical thought until the early modern period.
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astrologycharts242 · 22 days
Rahu in the 9th house (Full video 1080p)
For a person to see how smart I am especially in astrology this video is it. Rahu in the 9th house full video on my YouTube channel 21 minute video. I discussed everything in this Jesus, the Essenes etc. I don't think there is a rahu in the 9th house video like this out there.
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astroambe · 4 days
Which Astrology is More Accurate? Understand more about Vedic and Western Astrology Discover the accuracy of Vedic and Western astrology, comparing their methods and effectiveness, especially in marriage predictions. Learn which astrology might be more accurate for your needs. Read at: https://astroambe.com/blog/which-astrology-is-more-accurate
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dollymanghat · 3 months
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Contemporary Astrology Courses https://dmtreasure.com/contemporary-astrology-courses/ Why learn astrology? It acts as a window for observing ourselves and the world around us. It can help us move forward and become better versions of ourselves. To study astrology is to undertake a fun and rewarding endeavor. The knowledge about astrology is a powerful tool for understanding our place in this world. Astrology teaches you to immerse in self-introspection and get to know yourself better. It encourages you to stop spinning around in circles and overcome your impediments. This includes putting all the self-destructive and unproductive behavior behind. So, figure out how to respond to and act in your environment. If you want to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of astrology, then check out the courses offered by Dolly Manghat and enroll in any of those. Visit https://dmtreasure.com/contemporary-astrology-courses/ today.
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thetarotman · 5 months
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(via The Witch Bitch Newsletter: Tuesday--Day of Mars)
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superastrologer · 10 months
पश्चिमी ज्योतिष अलग क्यों है?
🔮 Curious about the mysteries of Western Astrology? 🌌 Discover the key differences that set it apart! ✨
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alfredsonger · 11 months
Weekly Astrology Forecast | June 25 – July 1, 2023 | Insights from Joshua the Psychic
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In this weekly astrology forecast, you will gain insights into the cosmic energies and planetary influences that will shape the week from June 25 to July 1, 2023. The forecast provides a comprehensive overview of the astrological events, transits, and aspects occurring during this specific timeframe. I hope you enjoy this new timeslot, so you can prepare for the week ahead with more notice! Join me every Friday at 1pm Eastern to learn how to make the most of the upcoming astrological influences.
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theindianastrologer · 2 years
Vedic Astrology vs Western Astrology: The Great Debate
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Since the dawn of time, humans have looked to the stars for guidance. The practice of astrology is thought to date back to the Babylonians in the 2nd millennium BC. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means of divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events. There are two main schools of astrology- Vedic and Western. Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient form of astrology that originated in India. It is based on the Vedas, which are a collection of sacred texts. In this article we will discuss about the great debate that is vedic astrology vs western astrology.
The history of Vedic astrology.
The history of Vedic astrology also known as Jyotish is long and complex. It is believed to date back more than 5,000 years, and is intertwined with the history of Hinduism and other Indian religions. The Vedas, which are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, are said to contain references to astrology. The Rig Veda, written in 1500-1200 BCE, contains references to planetary movements. It is considered to be one of the oldest forms of astrology in the world. The Vedic astrologers were said to use planetary information to make predictions about people's lives. It was not just used for predicting the future, but also for understanding the present and past. Vedic astrologers believed that the position of the planets at the time of a person's birth could influence their life path. They also believed that planets could affect a person's character and health. The Vedic period in India is one of the earliest instances of astrology on record. The Vedas, or ancient Hindu texts, contain references to astrology that date back to 1500 BC. At this time, Vedic astrology was used primarily for predicting weather patterns and crop yields. By 600 BC, Vedic astrology had evolved into a system for forecasting political and military events. In addition to the sun, moon, and planets, Vedic astrologers also considered the movement and positions of the constellations and stars in their predictions. By 400 BC, the use of Vedic astrology had spread beyond India to other parts of Asia. In Greece, for example, Hipparchus - considered the father of Western astronomy - was known to have used Vedic techniques in his own work. Vedic astrology continued to evolve over the centuries. Over time, Vedic astrology evolved into Hindu astrology. What is the Tropical zodiac? The tropical zodiac is based on the four seasons, rather than the stars. It is determined by the position of the sun at the vernal equinox, as opposed to the constellations in the sky. In simple terms it is based on the position of the sun in relation to the Earth's equator. The first sign, Aries, begins at the vernal equinox which occurs around March 21st when the sun crosses over the equator, and it moves forward one sign each month. This means that the vedic horoscope is aligned with constellations, but because of precession these constellations slowly move out of alignment. Pisces is the last sign.
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What is the Sidereal zodiac? The sidereal zodiac is based on the constellations, as opposed to vedic which is based on the seasons. Sidereal relies on more accurate astronomical calculations because it takes into account the precession of the equinoxes. Each sign corresponds to a certain constellation, and those born under a certain sign are thought to share certain qualities. Vedic astrology does not take into account the influence of Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto on the native or the person's birth chart. Do the two systems align? Some people say yes, others say no. However, I believe the two systems do not always align, because of something called precession. Precession means that the Earth's axis slowly rotates, so that different stars become aligned with the constellations. Astrologers who use the sidereal system often argue that because of the precession, most people's sun signs have actually changed since they were born. As a result, someone who is born under one sign in one system may actually be considered to be born under a different sign in another system. For example, someone who was born in late Virgo may actually be more accurately classified as a Libra according to their star sign.
How Is Vedic Astrology Different from Western Astrology?
Vedic astrology is different from Western astrology in several ways. First, Vedic astrology focuses on the Sidereal system instead of Tropical . The Sidereal system is based on the actual position of the stars in the sky, while Tropical is based on the position of the sun at vernal equinox (the first day of spring). This means that in Vedic astrology, different signs fall in different parts of the year, while in Western astrology they fall at more or less the same time every year. Vedic astrology also takes into account the Nakshatras, or star constellations, which Western astrology does not use. The lunar mansions are 27 constellations that the moon moves through during its monthly cycle. Each mansion has its own special meaning and significance in Vedic astrology. Third, Vedic astrology uses more complex mathematical formulas than Western astrology does. Vedic astrology takes into account planetary motions beyond Earth's orbit (known as precession), while Western astrology does not. Finally, Vedic astrologers believe that the planets have a much greater influence on our lives than Western astrologers do. Overall, there are many similarities and differences between vedic and western astrology. The main thing to remember is that they are just two different ways of looking at the same thing - the movements of the planets and their impact on our lives.
How Do I Know My Vedic Zodiac Sign?
The sidereal system and tropical are two different ways of measuring the position of the sun in the sky. The vedic horoscope is based on the actual position of the sun in relation to the stars, while the western horoscope is based on the position of the sun relative to Earth's equinoxes.  Because of precession, the two are slowly getting out of sync with each other. The sidereal horoscope is currently about 24 degrees behind the tropical horoscope. This means that if you're born under a certain sign according to your birth certificate, your "true" sign according to sidereal may be a different sign altogether. This means that the signs are not aligned with the seasons like they are in tropical. For example, if your sun sign is Aries in the western horoscope, it would be Pisces in the Vedic horoscope. The planets also change signs in Vedic astrology- for example, Scorpio would be in Aquarius. There are many online calculators that can tell you what your true sign is, based on your date of birth.
Which is more Accurate? Vedic vs Western
When it comes to astrology, many people are unaware of the two different types: tropical and sidereal. Tropical astrology is the most common and uses the vernal equinox as the first point of Aries. Sidereal astrology uses the actual constellations as they are aligned in the sky. Because of precession, over time, they slowly move out of alignment. Some believe that sidereal astrology is more accurate because it takes this movement into account. Others argue that tropical astrology is more accurate because it is based on human interpretation, while sidereal astrology is based on actual star positions. Which type of astrology is more accurate? The answer may not be clear cut, but both have their merits.
Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning "the science of life." Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that is still practiced today. The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain balance in the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda uses herbs, spices, and yoga to achieve this goal.
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Vedic astrology is also an ancient Indian astrology system that uses the stars and planets to diagnose and treat illness. Vedic astrology believes that the position of the planets at the time of a person's birth affects their health and destiny. Vedic astrologers use a person's horoscope to determine their dosha or constitutional type. There are three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. Each dosha represents different characteristics and needs. - Vata dosha is represented by the element of air and its natural ruler is the planet Jupiter. Vata people tend to be restless and nervous, but they can also be very imaginative and creative. - Pittam dosha is represented by the element of fire and its natural ruler is the planet Mars. Pitta dosha people tend to be hot-tempered, passionate, and highly energetic. - Kapha dosha is represented by the element of water and its natural ruler is the planet Saturn. Kapha people tend to be slow and heavy in nature, but they can also be very wise and compassionate.
Calculating the positions of the Planets and Stars
The position of the planets and stars is calculated by astrologers in order to make predictions about events on Earth or a person's life. The planet's position is determined by its sidereal and tropical cycles. The sidereal cycle is the planet's orbit around the sun, while the tropical cycle is the planet's orbit around the Earth. The position of the planets affects the astrologer's ability to make predictions about events on Earth. The planets are said to be in different positions when they are in different constellations.
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The constellation that a planet is in at any given time is determined by its position in relation to the equinoxes and solstices. The equinoxes and solstices are points in the Earth's orbit where the sun appears to be in a particular sign of the zodiac. The signs of the zodiac are determined by the precession of the Earth's axis. The precession of the Earth's axis is caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon on the Earth. When calculating planetary positions, an astrologer will use either system depending on their preference or what they are trying to divine. The position of a planet can have a significant impact on someone's life, depending on which house it is in. For example, if you have Venus in your fifth house, it could mean that you are particularly gifted in the arts. If you have Jupiter in your seventh house, it could mean that you are blessed with a long and happy marriage.
How are we affected by the planets in birth charts?
In Hindu astrology, the planets are said to be the lords of various areas of life. Vedic astrology says that the planets affect us in three ways: physically, mentally and emotionally. The position of the planets at the time of our birth is said to determine our natural strengths and weaknesses. The planets are said to play an important role in our lives, both on a personal and global level. They can help us to understand why certain things happen to us and how we can best deal with them. On a global level, the planets can be used to predict events such as natural disasters or wars. The Vedas are an ancient text that contain teachings about the planets and their effects on us. We should respect the planets and treat them with reverence, as they have a powerful influence on our lives. The Vedas say that the planets are like horses pulling a chariot and that we are the passengers. The planets determine our destiny and what kind of life we will have. They can cause happiness, misery, good health, and bad health. When the planets are in harmony with each other, they can help us achieve our goals, but when they are out of alignment, they can cause problems. By knowing the influence of the planets, we can take steps to correct any problems and live a happy and successful life. List of 12 zodiac signs and their dates A sun sign is one of the twelve astrological signs. They are each associated with a particular month and date range. People are typically born within that sign's range.  The 12 different zodiac signs in western system: Each sign is represented by an animal or symbol. - Aries (21 March – 19 April) - Taurus ( 20 April – 20 May) - Gemini (21 May – 20 June) - Cancer (21 June – 22 July) - Leo (23 July – 22 August) - Virgo (23 August – 22 September) - Libra (23 September – 22 October) - Scorpio (23 October – 21 November) - Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December) - Capricorn (22 December – 19 January) - Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) - Pisces (19 February – 20 March) Qualifications of a Vedic astrologer (Jyotish) When looking for a Vedic astrologer, it is important to know the qualifications of the astrologer. Jyotish, known as Vedic astrology, is one of the most ancient forms of astrology and is said to be over 5,000 years old. To become a Vedic astrologer, one must have a deep understanding of the philosophy and principles of this form of astrology as well as have extensive training in reading birth charts and horoscopes. A Vedic astrologer must also be able to interpret the many complex symbols and calculate planetary positions accurately. In addition, a good Vedic astrologer will be able to offer advice on how to best utilize the strengths and weaknesses revealed in a person's chart in order to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Predicting Life Events
There are different methods of predicting dramatic events. Some people use planetary positions, while others use vedic astrology. There is a difference between western and vedic astrology. Vedic astrologers use the vedas whereas Western astrology use the horoscope. Basic Vedic astrology is more accurate in predicting events in life. This is because the vedas take into account the position of the planets at the time of birth. Western astrologers only consider the position of the sun at the time of birth. The planet rahu is responsible for predicting experiences in vedic astrology. The saturn planet is responsible for predicting life events in western astrology.
Conclusion for the difference between vedic and western astrology
In conclusion, Vedic astrology and Western astrology are two different systems with different purposes. Vedic astrology is more focused on understanding the individual and their karmic journey, compared to Western astrology which is more focused on predicting the future. In my opinion, Vedic astrology is a more holistic and accurate system than Western astrology. However, each person should study both systems and decide for themselves which one they prefer as both have different strengths and different methods of predictions. Though they have different purposes, they can both be useful tools for understanding ourselves and the world around us.
Is vedic astrology more accurate than western astrology? There are two types of astrology- vedic and western. Vedic astrology is more accurate than western astrology. This is because vedic astrology takes into account the position of the planets and stars at the time of a person's birth, while western astrology only looks at the person's sun sign. What are the salient features of Vedic astrology? The salient features of Vedic astrology are the twelve houses, the twelve signs, and the nine planets. The twelve houses represent different areas of life, such as love, money, or health. The twelve signs represent the different personality types. The nine planets represent different aspects of life, such as the sun representing success or the moon representing emotions. Wandering how planets, birthplace play a role in your life? The planets, and where they were positioned at the time of your birth, play a role in vedic astrology. This is because they are said to influence your personality and life path. For example, if the planet Mars was in a certain position when you were born, this might mean that you are a particularly brave person. Read the full article
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omshivaram · 1 month
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Astro Shiva Ram possesses profound knowledge in various aspects of astrology, including palmistry, numerology, horoscope reading, Vastu, and more. This extensive understanding allows them to effectively assist individuals in resolving problems and avoiding discomfort. Their expertise is not limited to just a few years; in fact, they have been immersed in the field of astrology since childhood. If you ever encounter a problem for which you cannot find a solution, seek the guidance of Astrologer Astro Shiva Ram—they will help you overcome your challenges.
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astroshivaanagh · 5 months
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All over the world, Astro Shiva Anagh, the most renowned Indian Astrologer in Australia, has been practicing astrology for more than thirty-five years and has mastered it. The subject and an in-depth understanding and comprehension of the realities of daily life.
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whencyclopedia · 1 year
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Western Astrology
Western astrology refers to a form of divination based on the motion of astronomical objects such as stars or planets. The belief that astronomical objects are divine or influence events on Earth is found in many cultures, but the practices grouped under the umbrella of 'Western astrology' have their origins in the Near East and ancient Mediterranean.
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astrologycharts242 · 5 months
Tropical vs sidereal ?
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dollymanghat · 11 months
Chiron The Wounded Healer Integrated Astrology Course Level-2 (Slab-5) Heal Yourself and help other heal themselves. Unravel the Chiron Gifts today. Sign up now. https://dmtreasure.com/product/chiron-integrated-astrology-course-level-2-slab-5 . . .
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thetarotman · 8 months
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(via Divine Love Healing: The Loving, Prospering, Creative Power of the Number 6)
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omshivaram · 1 month
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Astro Shiva Ram possesses profound knowledge in various aspects of astrology, including palmistry, numerology, horoscope reading, Vastu, and more. This extensive understanding allows them to effectively assist individuals in resolving problems and avoiding discomfort. Their expertise is not limited to just a few years; in fact, they have been immersed in the field of astrology since childhood. If you ever encounter a problem for which you cannot find a solution, seek the guidance of Astrologer Astro Shiva Ram—they will help you overcome your challenges.
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astroshivaanagh · 2 years
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Pandit Shiva Anagh Ji has been working hard to offer the most effective services to people from a specific area; his services are available across.Different regions of the globe. Our Astrologer ensures that he assists people by eliminating all kinds of difficulties from their lives and bringing peace and happiness toTheir lives.
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