#What Ever i just like drawing with anypony whatever we do is fine
normiematsu · 11 months
idk i didnt think it was secret sauce but here's my brain's setup when im working there. for linework it's just the pixel pen at 1 px size and then im just slapping down my lines quickly and by believing in my line confidence putting that arm to WERKKK. when im doing lineart my goal is always to express everything i need with as few intentional strokes as possible
colors im just eyeballing if i'm being real even if im referencing another photo, no eyedropper tool to start with. if things look good together it works for me. vibes first and understanding of color theory second. except for this thing i learned in college and never stopped thinking about, i think this technique is genuine secret sauce. this pic is from andrew loomis' book creative illustration but in general u can find more examples similar to this by looking up subsurface scattering
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i use the basic round brush @ different softness levels for coloring everything bc i am too boomer brained to figure out where that one fun textured brush is that a couple of u guys use. posing isn't aggie specific i do this everywhere but keeping it loosey goosey and gestural 24/7 bc im not anatomy's bitch when it comes to drawing cartoons online. thinking abt my little barbie dolls having so much energy in their line of action it's like they drank a case of red bull before i started. do u guys want to call next time or smth for realtime "words" of "wisdom" its hard to explain over text☝️🤓
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mlpdestinyverse · 6 years
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Blushing? Check. Stuttering? Double check. Yep. Something’s definitely up with Daring Do’s oldest kiddo.
Feat.  Monochrome
Story and Description Under The Cut!
-As she treks home, Daring Do glances up at the sky and takes in its hues of pink and orange. Even if her library research hadn’t brought along any major discoveries that could prove helpful for her wife’s newest mission, she at least now had the time to slow down and appreciate the beautiful sights. In general that was at least one plus side to stepping down from her life of adventure and danger. Just as she’s approaching the front door to her home, she notices something from the corner of her eye; her oldest, Monochrome, sitting under a tree some ways away. They’re facing away from both her and the sun’s departing rays, probably to catch the light on whatever they were sketching in their sketchbook. Daring Do begins to walk towards her kid, half expecting them to turn and notice her presence. When they don’t by the time she’s just a few hoofsteps away, she’s prepared to speak up. However, she pauses for a moment. Despite the angle of where she’s standing, she notices how…serene her kid looks. The featherlight strokes of their pencil make Monochrome seem more relaxed and in their element than usual. But what especially catches her eye is that, unlike the serious, tight expression they usually wear when focused, their current expression is soft. Gentle, even, as they keep their eyes locked on their sketchbook page. Upon closer inspection, Daring could make out a drawing of….a pony. A pegasus? With short hair- Daring Do: -hesitates, not really wanting to interrupt. Though her curiosity does get the better of her- Heya Mono- -Daring nearly jumps as Chrome suddenly jolts and then yelps as their sketchbook leaps from their hold. They clumsily toss it about in their attempt to catch it before managing to grab it and shut it close. They then whip their head towards their mother with wide eyes, feathers completely ruffled up. Was the hue of the sky making Chrome’s face look a little red? Monochrome: Mom, you startled me... Daring: -blinks a few times- I...wow, sorry sweets.  You must’ve really been focused on whatever you were drawing if you didn’t hear me coming. Monochrome: -quickly averts gaze- Maybe...sorry. Daring: -hums, her curiosity returning- What are you working on anyw- Monochrome: (!) It’s nothing! -hugs their sketchbook close to their chest- Nothing important, at least. Daring: (?) Really? You looked like you were really into it. She was looking really pretty too! Monochrome: -cheeks deepen in hue. Suddenly the ground has become a much more interesting thing to stare at than their mother’s face. They lower their voice into a quiet mumble- I...s-she...y-yeah… Daring: (...?) Is she...some sort of character you’re designing...? Monochrome: Nng…-nervously turns a bit away- I-it’s just a drawing I did for fun. Daring: -stares, honestly pretty baffled to see her kid like this. Her teen has been such a calm and collected case for the past few years. Why were they suddenly so self-conscious and embarrassed?-  Are you okay Chromey? I mean...I swear I haven’t heard you stutter like this since you were a foal. Monochrome: -tenses up, cheeks reddening more- I’m fine. Daring: ….OR blush. -taps a hoof on her chin, thoroughly searching her memory for clues. She recalls Monochrome’s soft expression from just a moment before, and the pretty mare in their sketch- ...wait Monochrome: -takes one glance at Daring’s look of realization and feels their feathers ruffle from dread- Mom- Daring: Is my little foal… Monochrome: Mom, wait- Daring: In love? Monochrome: -thoroughly flushes- M-mom...! Daring: -gasps- You are, aren’t you?! -hovers a hoof in front of her mouth, a mix of disbelief and delight- Why else would you be all flustered and actually HIDE a drawing for once! You NEVER hide your drawings from me! Ugh, that should’ve been my first clue... Monochrome: -squeezes their sketchbook and looks away- I-I’m- t-this is nothing. I’m just fond of her. It’s nothing serious... Daring: Says the lovestruck teen making pretty doodles of their crush, honey. -sighs happily, pressing a hoof to her cheek- Oh, when Rainbow finds out… Monochrome: -stiffens, suddenly growing agitated- No. I don’t want mom knowing anything. D-don’t TELL her. Daring: -althrough stunned, a pang of guilt hits her when she sees how upset Monochrome is now, hunched tight as if ready to withdraw. She steps forward and sits right beside her kid, speaking gently- Hey, don't worry, I promise I wasn’t actually planning on telling anypony. But I really shouldn’t have joked about your feelings like that...sorry, Chromey. Monochrome: …it’s okay. -exhales slowly, their wing feathers finally beginning to smooth down- Daring: -smiles comfortingly- There’s nothing wrong with feeling this way, you know. Why don’t you tell me about her? Like, what’s her name? Monochrome: -looks up at the pastel sky- ...Eventide Twister. Daring: (!!) Wait...you mean that little filly friend you used to play with?? Monochrome: Yeah…-chuckles weakly- I really used to gush about her, huh? No wonder you still remember her after all these years. Daring: -frowns- That’s right, you’ve haven’t talked about her in a long time...how is she? Monochrome: ...-their eyelids and ears droop- I wish I knew... During my first year at the Friendship Academy, she just...stopped hanging around after school one day. And then I found out she left Friendship Elementary, and any time I spotted her she would just be sticking close to her mom and avoiding everypony- -shoulder fur begins to bristle- And all I could get out of anypony was that some ponies were really mean to her. Nothing more than that. Daring: -eyebrows knit back- Oh Chromey...did you ever try talking to her- Monochrome: She didn’t look like she wanted to talk to anypony. Not even me. I tried writing letters instead, hoping that’d make things...easier. Daring: And…? Monochrome: -smiles sadly to themself- She never replied. So I’ve left her alone since. Daring: -ears flatten- I...had no idea. Why didn’t you talk to me about this before...? Monochrome: I don’t know, mom...I guess I was just...tired. Daring: ….-waits for them to elaborate, but instead, Monochrome goes quiet. After a moment, before she can find a way to ask just what they were tired of, she notices her kid lift their hoof and gently place it on the page of their drawing- Monochrome: I remember how every time she saw me, even if I was hiding in my own little corner, she would smile so brightly and talk to me and ask to see my new drawings. -chuckles weakly- And then she would ramble on and on about all the different things she liked about them...like the colors and the subject matter. And then I drew her one day, just to see how she’d react, and she got so excited she almost tripped over her own hooves. -snorts softly at the memory- She told me I absolutely had to draw ponies more often. And she was always really happy whenever we got together to make silly doodles of the two of us. I don’t know... sometimes I think about those days and her colors and her smile and suddenly I want to reflect that kind of warmth and liveliness in my art. I mean look at this...I couldn’t draw anything all day, but I took one look at the sky and this happened. -Lifting her gaze from their drawing, Daring looks up at Monochrome’s face to find such deep, genuine fondness, with a tinge of sadness, as the young pegasus fixates on their drawing- Daring: ...you must really miss her. Monochrome: -tiredly shrugs- Whatever friendship we had, yeah...every now and again I spot her in town, but she seems so rigid any time anypony talks to her that I can’t….bring myself to do anything. -huffs softly- So...for now, I’m just here, stupidly remembering the good times and...holding onto dumb feelings.
Daring: -smiles faintly and rests her head upon their shoulder- Oh sweetheart, they’re not dumb...even after all of that, you still care, and that’s admirable. -stretches her wing across their back in a one-winged embrace- I don't have an answer on how to recover an old friendship...especially with a mystery-case like this.  But it's completely normal to reminisce! As long as you don't get stuck in the past and, you know, look forward to experiencing even greater things in the future. -chuckles, her exciting adventurer-days flicking through her mind, followed by sweet memories of her family- I would know. Maybe one day, Eventide will be in a place where the two of you can catch up again. But even if it doesn't work out, that's okay. Just breathe and keep moving onward. There will always be more great ponies out there just waiting to meet somepony like you. -Rainbow's dorky grin enters her mind, causing her to contentedly smile to herself- Or even remeet, when you least expect it. I'm sure finding these ponies will be frustrating, but it'll be worth it. I'm sure.     Monochrome: …-leans their head to rest on top of their mother’s, breathing out deeply. Even if they know it'll never be that easy, at least Daring always had a way with making them feel more at ease. Unlike another mare they knew- ...thanks mom. For listening. Daring: Pft...always, Momo.
You guys have met present-day cool-tempered, tell-it-like-it-is Monochrome. You’ve even met sweet, lonely baby Monochrome. Well here’s the awkward, still soft-hearted transitional Monochrome inbetween. The one who's also just beginning to feel some negativity and cynicism towards their mother, Rainbow Dash. Constantly being “left behind” by those you care about (Rainbow...Skychaser...Eventide…) is bound to become tiring. It’s part of the reason why Monochrome becomes more stoic and reserved while growing up, to bury their sensitive heart Claiming that Monochrome decided to leave Eve alone purely with her feelings in mind would be a lie though, and they know it. Their insecurities like to convince them that maybe Eve just didn’t enjoy their little friendship as must as they had thought. Maybe they didn't mean as much to her as she did to them.
Monochrome lets go of their romantic feelings a year or two after this scene. 
PS: In this storyverse, Twilight’s Friendship Academy is like a high school. After a number of years, a separate affiliated building, “Friendship Elementary” (a sort of elementary/middle school hybrid), was built to teach even younger foals friendship. Monochrome is at least two years older than Eventide Twister, so when they graduated to the Friendship Academy, that meant leaving Eve behind at the other school. Just thought I’d clear that up.
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Cloudchaser and Flitter Explain: Defenders of Equestria Manes
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Hehe, I knew you’d b—
Wait, you’re not?
Okay, who are you and what’d you do with Cloudhcaser. You’re always excited for nationals!
Okay, you got me. I can’t wait! Everypony’s going to bring their best decks and the competition is going to be fierce and I’m going to win this year!
Now that’s the Cloudchaser I know and love, hehe. Well, we better get started with our last thing before nationals!
You bet!
Hi everypony! Are you as excited for nationals as we are? Because we’re super duper excited! It’s going to be the best nationals ever!
Definitely. Cause I’m going to win this time.
And to help you guys prepare a little bit for regionals, we thought we’d talk about the new Manes that Defenders of Equestria introduced, just in case any show up.
After all, you’re bound to see a few of them, right?
I dunno, actually. Some of them have powerful boosted sides, but they all have the same flip condition which can hurt their competitiveness.
Turn 1 troublemakers and turn 2 DFOs happen a lot nowadays. And both can seriously hamper a confront-to-flip Mane’s ability to flip. It might be a good idea to just stick with the Manes that don’t have that liability.
Or maybe you could not scare everypony off before we even start.
But it is something to keep in mind. Confront to flip is an easy flip condition on the play for sure. But on the draw?
Well, things can get dicey.
Sure, and that is worth mentioning. But I think most of these Manes are still pretty powerufl regardless!
Anyway, let’s kick things off with Rainbow Dash: Wonderbolt.
Look at her, achieving her dream. Maybe someday Cici will be a full fledged Wonderbolt too.
We can hope!
Anyway, Dash is an interesting card. At first glance you might think she’s an aggro card, as she helps you win Faceoffs. But, really, providing power to confont is more important than faceoffs, and there are definitely better Manes for that.
So maybe you think she’s a good farming Mane? Well, kinda, but she’s definitely not as good as Ambassador of Loyalty for that, who can dash up to problems for free and lets you play high req hasty cards like Thunderlane: Unsung Hero all by herself.
No, she’s actually a control card. Specifically, a troublemaker control card since she effectively gives your TMs +2 power. And she helps a lot with ties too, since each tie gives you another +2. So she’s actually pretty good at it.
Though the problem is she doesn’t do terribly much against other control decks or combo decks, since they don’t care about your Troublemakers so much. And a powerful Mane is usually key in those matchups, so she’ll suffer a lot there.
But, eh. She’s still pretty solid. And gives Blue a reasonable control Mane option, which it was lacking before. Maybe not the best, but hardly bad.
And absolutely great in limited, heh.
Like CIci said, Rainbow prefers a control strategy, though she can fit any role, really. And more specifically, she prefers strategies with lots of Faceoffs!
If you wind up going control, you’ll want to add some troublemakers. And maybe cards like Gilda: Feather Ruffler.
But if going more aggroy, you might want to try cards that care about winning Faceoffs, like Scootaloo: Most Creative, or Storm of Justice!
Meanwhile Farm will prefer lots of epics and cards that flip you extra cards, like The Brave and the Bold or Rainbow’s Epiphany.
And of course cards like Showdowns or Heart’s Desire work for any strategy, really! After all, more faceoffs mean more opportunities to benefit from Dash’s ability!
Now for problems, you’ll probably want to start with something easy to confront. Which is going to be true for all seven Manes today, so I won’t bother repeating that, hehe.
As for the rest, go with stuff that helps you with faceoffs! Ready to Fight is a great option, for example.
Anyway, I guess I’d say, she’s solid. Not the best Blue Mane we’ve seen, but hardly the worst. And that’s fine.
Well, that’s enough about our favourite new Wonderbolt. How about Applejack: Tooled Up?
Heh, amusingly enough, AJ is in the exact same boat as Rainbow. At first glance looks like an aggro or farm Mane, but is actually best at control. Flipping extra cards is a great way to protect your TMs.
But also like Dash, while this works well against aggro and Farm, she’s not so great against control or combo. Which can be a liability in such matchups.
Though AJ has the disadvantage of only helping you out once a faceoff while Dash can help you multiple times. In fact if there are multiple faceoffs between your ready phases, AJ can only help once while Dash helps out in all of them. So honestly I feel she’s a bit worse.
Unless working with chaos effects, I guess.
Not that anypony ever uses chaos effects, hehe.
Again, Cici was right on the money with AJ in that she favors control, but can be used most other places. As such, you’re probably going to want to use similar cards regardless of which Mane you choose! Even similar problems, though you’ll probably want Orange ones instead of Blue.
The main difference, besides colour of course, is that instead of wanting cards that give you extra flips you’ll likely prefer chaos cards. Or cards that care about chaos being flipped, like Tempting Offer.
But whichever choice you go with, you’ll have a Mane that’s really good at winning Faceoffs, which can help you out a bunch!
So next up would be…
Sigh, Pinkie Pie: Cruise Director.
Is it too much to ask for a new Pink Mane that isn’t absolutely awful?
What’s really annoying is there were no Pink Manes in either High Magic or Marks in Time despite plenty of ponies wanting a new Pink Mane that would be a reasonable alternative to Vinyl. Not necessarily better, just an alternative.
And Cruise Director is so close. If she were Main Phase timing instead of Faceoff timing, she’d actually see play in some decks. Vinyl would be better in most cases, but she’d at least see play. There are definitely decks that would benefit from getting a free friend every turn.
But Faceoff timing is a joke. She doesn’t help when opponents challenge your Troublemaker, she only provides one power for problem faceoffs and the friend gets sent home taking up space afterwards.
And if Pinkie herself is involved, you’re guaranteed to not want to use her, unlike Dash who’s used automatically or AJ who at least has the possibility of flipping higher than a 3.
It’s just… really disheartening. And it makes me think we’ll never see a good Pink Mane again simply because Vinyl is too good.
Awww, Cici. Maybe there will be a cool Pink Mane in Seaquestria?
Maybe… I’m not holding my breath, though.
Anyway, Pinkie kind of also prefers control, since that’s the best way to get lots of Faceoffs to make lots of friends. And like AJ and Dash, she’ll want to pack several troublemakers.
You’ll also want to include some cards that take advantage of you having a lot of extra friends. Like Belly Flop or Party Hard. And some Showdowns probably wouldn’t hurt either, being a good way to get a 1 power friend into play for 0 AT!
Though you won't have a built in way of making the showdown easier, so you’ll have to be a bit more cautious than if you’re using AJ or Dash!
As for problems… that’s a bit of a toughie. Nothing specifically supports her innate ability. So I guess you should just go with whatever problems you feel help your strategy the most.
Fortunately, Pink has no shortage of good problems, many of which apply to basically any strategy! So I’m sure you’ll have no problem building a problem deck, even without specific direction.
Let’s just move on…
Yes, let’s! Attention students, class is now in session with Princess Twilight Sparkle: Professor Sparkle!
So would that make her Princess Professor Sparkle or Professor Princess Sparkle?
Uh, I don’t think you use both titles together.
Yes, Cici, I was jo—
You probably use the higher title by default, which would be Princess in this case, and only use the lower title in settings where it’s more appropriate. Like the classroom.
Though I suppose it’d probably be fine to use the higher title everywhere? Since, well, that’s maximum respect, right?
Um, I think you’re over thinking it.
Anyway, tell us about the card!
Oh, right.
Well, Twilight here is kind of weird in that she’s the exact opposite of Dash and AJ. You might think at first that she’s a control Mane, and you’d be right for limited, but for constructed? She’s absolutely a farming Mane.
Now, I’m not saying she doesn’t work for control. In fact, she’s fine at it, provided you have a steady income of AT and some troublemakers.
But given enough time, an aggro or farm player might actually be able to break through, given enough power. And spending all that AT protecting your Troublemakers might just bankrupt you.
Not to mention she has a similar problem to Dash and AJ in that she oes absolutely nothing against control and combo.
But don’t forget, she can give troublemakers less power too. All the way down to 0 power. Which makes it really easy to beat them! All you need is someone to challenge the epic. Even a frightened friend stands a chance when fighting a 0 power troublemaker, after all.
That being said, she does have some major weaknesses. Not only do you need to devote a lot of your deck to troublemakers, you have to devote a fair bit of space to generating a lot of AT.
And that’s on top of ensuring you can actually confront a problem with Twilight to flip her, as without her ability to make troublemakers weaker, chances are you’re going to have some serious trouble.
But I guess that’s true for all of these Manes, really.
And of course you tend to be a turn or two slower to actually start farming than the Ambassadors of Loyalty or Honesty. Which can matter a lot against control or combo.
Anyway, overall I think she’s probably one of the stronger Manes from the set, but I’m not sold on her taking any major tournaments anytime soon. We’ll see, though. She definitely has potential.
Regardless of if you go the control route or the farm route, Professor Sparkle definitely wants you to have a troublemaker based strategy. So make sure to pack at least 9 to make the best usage of her ability, possibly more!
On top of that, like Cici said, you’ll want to make sure you have some ways to get some extra AT, since you’ll be dumping a lot into the professor’s ability.
Cards like Zecora: Brewing a Plan or anything with Prepared would be good options for controlly builds, while cards like Heart’s Desire or Spike, Take a Letter might be better for the farmers. Though you can probably mix and match to a degree.
As for problems, well, Purple has a ton of problems that care about troublemakers, and you’d likely do fine with any of those. Alternatively, you could try and choose some problems that will help you gain AT. Entrance Exam, for example, is basically a free AT every turn, which is pretty useful!
No matter how you build her, though, you’ll definitely be ready to teach your opponent an important lesson about the importance of troublemakers!
But it’s time for the princess to give up the stage to our next guest: Rarity: Fashion Mogul, who will be teaching us about all the latest trends and crazes!
This just in, hats are in this year!
I am pretty sure Rarity never said anything like that.
Seriously, Cici? You don’t think Rarity likes hats?
Uh wait, we’re still talking about the game, right?
What do you think?
Er, um, anyway…
Unlike the Manes we’ve talked about so far, Rarity definitely has an obvious play style. Namely control.
Which is why it’s such a shame she’s not that great at it.
Now, okay. She’s not awful at it. Removing a key friend from a faceoff can be a huge swing for sure. Removing a Night Glider: Overpowering or a Thunderlane from a faceoff is fantastic. But a lot of friends right now have powerful come into play effects, so you can’t rely just on this.
Add to this the fact that she’s restricted to one faceoff a turn, and that she does nothing to Manes, she’s basically only useful against aggro or friend-based farming. She may as well have not have text against Mane-based farming, control, and combo, which is really disappointing.
So if you’re fine with an effect that’s powerful against one type of archetype, and even then only if they’re not using too many come into play effects? She’s probably fine.
In fact, I definitely recommend her as a good introduction to control decks for newer players since she’s focused on just one thing, and that’s fine.
But other than that, I don’t recommend her at all. Which is a shame since White has been crying out for a good control Mane for a while now.
Since Rarity focuses a lot on the opponent starting faceoffs, she’s a perfect fit for Troublemaker control. Which means you should definitely make sure you pack a few!
On top of that, cards like Cold Wave can help you win faceoffs when Rarity’s innate ability isn’t enough, while stuff like Discord: Captain Wuzz or It’s Gonna Work can help you get back troublemakers the opponent may have actually managed to defeat.
And if you’re using a bunch of events to protect your troublemakers, you may want to consider Eff Stop to get them back. Cici says he’s the best control card in the game right now.
Well, he is! I don’t think you can play control competitively without him, to be honest. He’s insanely strong right now.
Hehe, that may be an exaggeration. But he definitely has been cropping up in a lot of decklists recently. Probably for good reason!
As for problems, stuff like Fear Itself can help out a lot at denying the opponent the ability to confront problems even if they do defeat your troublemakers. And since you’re preventing your opponent from scoring anyway, why not toss in Blackmail? Nothing quite like free points!
Ugh. As an aggro player, I hate that problem so much. Sometimes it’s right to just not try and confront a problem this turn, but Blackmail makes you try so much harder than you might otherwise. It’s so annoying to have a clock ticking down like that.
Fortunately, Dilemmas help a lot with that problem.
They sure do!
Well, that just about covers Rarity. Let’s move on to Fluttershy: Nurturing Nature!
Absolutely! This is my favourite Mane of the set!
Paying 0 AT to put 3 or more power at a problem is fantastic. It’s been a staple of Princess Luna: Dream Warrior for over a year now for good reason.
Now, that being said, Dream Warrior is still generally better at this. Since Hasty Friends let her pull of DFOs she wouldn’t be able to otherwise, or join in the fight of a TM she otherwise wouldn’t have been able to. But Fluttershy is not without her advantages either.
For one thing, if the problem requires only as much power to confront as she has power, you don’t need to spend anything at all, while you still need to actually play a friend to move Luna. So there are cases where you can actually save AT.
And, well, the other advantage is that she’s Yellow. Which means she has a different skill set to draw upon than Dream Warrior does. Like Bunyip, who I put on my top 10 list for the set!
Unfortunately, that’s also a weakness. Yellow aggro certainly isn’t awful right now or anything but it feels a lot weaker than Blue or Pink at the moment, as it just doesn’t have some of the same tools…
But that’s not the point.
The point is she has a ton of potential. And I fully expect her to become a fantastic Mane if she can get the proper support. A lot of ponies have been overlooking her in favor of Thorax, but I think she’s the true winner here. Maybe not this set, but next set?
Well, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her performing exceptionally well.
Real shame about that flip condition. But fortunately, Yellow has tons of ways to circumvent troublemakers.
Of course, her other major downside is she doesn’t provide that power to faceoffs. Which makes DFOs a bit riskier. But that can be worked around in several other ways, like having high powered friends or using cards like Mob Mentality to reduce the opponent’s flips.
Basically there are solutions if you’re creative enough, and it’s usually a minor problem anyway as usually you have a reasonable advantage when starting a DFO anyway, so 3 less power won’t always matter.
Nurturing Nature, if you couldn’t guess by Cici’s undying love for her, prefers an aggro strategy. She wants to be confronting a problem every single turn, and possibly more!
As such, you’ll mostly want cards that help you confront. Be it stuff like Zephyr Breeze: Quitter, who has a great power to AT ratio, or cards like Conductor’s Baton, which give you lots of power. Confronting is the name of the game.
Though the real tech is to run stuff that makes it easy for Fluttershy to confront by herself. Double Diamond: Second in Command can power up your Mane permanently if you can discard him. And cards like Coloratura: Simply Rara can make big problems much more manageable for Fluttershy.
You’ll probably also want to include some measures to be able to confront even if your opponent is running interference. Be they Dilemmas, which Fluttershy is pretty good at confronting, or just stuff to get rid of the TM, like Turning Point or Battlesnakes.
As for problems? You probably want stuff that’s easy to confront. Concerning Cutie Mark is confrontable by herself, for example. And Equal or Else is pretty close!
If playing with two colours, try not to use problems with a Yellow req higher than 3, though, since this way you can confront with Fluttershy + any of your other friends, not just the Yellow ones.
And I guess with that, we’ve come to the last Mane for the day, Thorax: The Changed Changeling.
He’s… okay.
Hehe, you were pretty excited for him when you first saw him! You were planning lots of decks around him, as I recall.
Yeah. I definitely wanted him to work well. And, well, he kinda does. But the more I play with him and the more I play with Fluttershy, he just feels kind of lackluster in comparison.
On the one hoof, you can get him to huge power levels. Really big, really fast, thanks to cards like Rise and Shine or Furball that make multiple Friends for cheap. But on the other hoof, you still need to actually move him to a problem to do anything. And he can be disrupted really easily.
There are a lot of ways to make friends leave play, nowadays.
Still, he’s definitely not bad. And maybe I just haven’t found the right spot for him yet. Large Manes like Maud Pie: Rockin’ and Applejack: Ambassador of Honesty have historically done really well in the past. So there’s still potential for him to shine. But right now I’d just rather use another Mane.
Thorax is a bit unusual as he’s equally suited to both aggro strategies and farming ones, due to the fact that he can get so big.
Either way, you’ll want to make lots and lots of Friends!
A great way to do that if going the farming route is to use Princess Celestia: Raptor Raiser, who can provide you with a bajillion friends for just 3 AT!
Speaking of farming, if you do go that route you’ll probably want to prefer non-Villain epics to villainous ones, just because they won’t scare your tokens. This can make them a bit more difficult to actually farm, but keeping Thorax as big as possible is usually worth it.
Though don’t worry too hard if you do go with Villains. Since frightened friends still powerup Thorax! They may not have any power right now, but Thorax looks at printed power, which doesn’t change at all.
Speaking of which, this means you can go all out on power buffs too without worrying about decreasing Thorax’s power. Conductor’s Baton is going to be as great for Thorax as it is for Fluttershy, for example, as will other cards that benefit from you having swarms of Friends, like Changeling Citizens.
Oh, and don’t forget Zipporwhill: Pet Collector. Not only does she give you 3 Friends in one card, thus powering up Thorax 3 times, she also lets you keep all those Critters at home to power him up even if you ahve way more than 5 Friends!
Who knew that Changelings and puppies could get along so well?
As for your problems, feel free to use larger problems than you might be inclined to normally. Most Yellow decks probably wouldn’t want anything to do with Too Many Fluttershys’ 8 confront requirement, but Thorax is completely fine with it.
And large problems for you probably also mean large for the opponent, so not only are you not being hampered by it, but your opponent might not be able to DFO as efficiently as they’d like!
And that’s it, I guess. All seven Manes from Defenders of Equestria. Kind of a mixed bag, but Manes usually are.
Still, I think I’m mostly fine with them. None of them are truly busted, like we’ve seen in the past, but most of them are still fine.
Except for Pinkie.
Well, I still like using her. I can never have enough Friends!
Do you mean in the game or in real life?
Heh, yeah, I should have known that.
Well, guess that’s it for now! Bye everypony! See you all at Nationals!
Yeah! I hope you all show up! It’ll be great.
By the way, nice fakeout earlier. You actually had me thinking you weren’t looking forward to Nationals for a moment there.
Thanks. I practiced keeping a straight face in the mirror for hours.
But yeah, I am crazy excited! There’s going to be so many awesome ponies competing this year, and I think I’m in a great position to take the championship this time! I’ve put in so much time playtesting, and I think I’ve got some great tech. We’ll see what happens, though.
You can do it, Cici! You’re bound to win one of these years.
Don’t I know it.
Of course, I may just nab that title away from you if you don’t watch out. There we’ll be in the finals, staring each other down, knowing only one of us can walk away from the battlefield triumphant.
It’ll be the most epic game ever seen at Nationals ever!
Heh, I’m looking forward to it.
Course, that’ll probably never happen since I’m bringing my hat deck, hehe.
You goof. You’d do way better if you brought one of the decks I made.
Oh, I know! But I like playing hats at Nationals. It’s fun!
Yeah. It just wouldn’t be Equestrian Nationals without Flitter playing hats.
Awww, you big softie. I always knew you secretly liked my Hats deck!
Eh. It’s not for me, but…
Well, you just wouldn’t be Flitter if you didn’t take every opportunity possible to run your hat deck.
And that’s the Flitter who’s been my best friend all this time.
Awww, Cici. You’re my bestie too.
Anyway, once Cloudchaser starts paying me compliments for playing Hats, I think that means we’ve rambled on long enough. Bye everypony!
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