#What do u need to glue aziraphale-
golswia · 1 year
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✨✨✨A CLUE✨✨✨
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12!!!! I love ur writing :D
12.  a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
i had so many ideas for this one tbh it was hard to settle on one lol
also ❤️ thank you so much anon you are too sweet u v u
It wasn’t exactly what Aziraphale had pictured when he had suggested a picnic.  The main reason was, of course:  it was 2am.  That aside, however, it was actually quite lovely.
Crowley had driven them out of the city, to the top of a deserted hill, where he had spread a blanket on the ground and produced a basket with wine, cheese, and fruit.  Behind them was the Bentley and a thick wall of trees; in front of them, the city and surrounding area, glimmering like a handful of glitter tossed onto a sheet of paper upon which glue had been applied in strategic patterns.  And above them, the sky was an inky canvas with the occasional brush-splatter of starlight.
“—wouldn’t believe the mess, took hours for them to clean properly, and the smell probably stuck around for weeks,” Crowley was saying, gesturing wildly with his mostly-empty wine glass.  “Must admit, not one of my best ideas, but hey, y’know, it worked out in the end, humans being human and all.”  He went to take a sip, realized his glass was empty - the last bit had sloshed out with his last gesticulation - and picked up the bottle to refill it.
“You certainly do have quite the imagination for chaos,” Aziraphale remarked.  He had lost the thread of the story, but had gotten the gist.  Instead, he had been watching Crowley’s hands, his lips, and his eyes (it had taken some convincing to leave the glasses off, but Crowley had consented; he always did for his angel).  He popped a grape in his mouth, and forced his eyes away from where they had been lingering on Crowley’s lips again.  Aziraphale often found himself distracted like this when Crowley would go off on a meandering story.  Crowley had a tendency to ramble; they both knew this.  Aziraphale thoughts, therefore, tended to drift in and out, although they were mostly about Crowley and the various things that they could be doing.
“So,” Crowley said, twisting his glass in his hand.  Aziraphale looked back over at him, a little surprised to see a faint coloring over his cheeks.  “We finally got around to that picnic,” he said, somewhat lamely, glancing down to the city sprawled beneath them.  “It’s uh, is it all right?”
Aziraphale smiled, and put a hand over the one Crowley had on the blanket.  “I couldn’t have asked for a better one,” he assured the demon.  “I had been expecting, perhaps, something around lunchtime.  But I can honestly say that this is much better.”
“Oh.”  Crowley blinked up at him.  “Oh, good.  Yeah, I uh.  Good.”  His eyes fell again, this time to their hands.  He shifted his weight so that he could turn his hand over to hold Aziraphale’s.  “Found this place one night when I was out driving,” he said.  Aziraphale ran his thumb over the back of Crowley’s hand; Crowley smiled.  “Thought you’d like the view,” he added.
“I do,” Aziraphale agreed.  Crowley looked up at him to see the angel smiling at him.  “I always have.”
Crowley chuckled, feeling the color spread from his cheeks to his ears.  “I meant— I meant the city, angel.”
Aziraphale shifted to move closer, setting his glass down.  “The entire night is lovely, my dear,” he said, a little softer.  “Thank you for taking me here.”  He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Crowley’s lips.
Crowley hummed into it, and set his own glass down in order to move closer still and reach up to cup Aziraphale’s cheek.  They broke away after a moment, and looked at each other, both smiling.
Then, Crowley’s smile widened into something more like a smirk.  “Y’know, angel, we’re all alone up here,” he murmured; his hand trailed from Aziraphale’s cheek to his neck.  “Just the two of us, won’t be bothered…”
Aziraphale tried to fix him with an admonishing look, but it failed when Crowley decided to get up on his knees and straddle him.  “Crowley—” Aziraphale tried, attempting to act like he didn’t want this to go exactly where it was going to.
“Wouldn’t even have to worry about the noise,” Crowley continued as though the angel had not interrupted him.  He took his other hand from Aziraphale’s and used both to begin to undo the angel’s bowtie.  “No one around for miles.  I know you like it when I get loud,” he added, leaning closer to let his lips just brush the other’s.
Aziraphale leaned forward to chase the tease to a real kiss, but Crowley leaned back out of it.  He let the untied tie hang around Aziraphale’s neck and started to unbutton his shirt.  “Well?” Crowley prompted with one of his very self-satisfied grins.
Aziraphale wrapped his hands around the demon, his fingers pressing eagerly into Crowley’s back.  In little more than a hoarse whisper, he said, “Kiss me.”
That was all the answer he needed.  Crowley went in for another kiss, properly passionate, and Aziraphale all but melted into it.
It might have interested either of them to know that some campers about a half-mile away would return home the next day with some very odd stories of some strange sounds they had heard in the night.
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