#What flavor would that be anyway? Some sort of apple/liquorice/cream?
topazshadowwolf · 1 year
I’ve been at work all day and I’m about to go straight to sleep but real quick: I started reading the fic where the boys go through your other fics looking for date advice for Nightmare and I’m on the chapter where Dust and Killer have a confrontation (haven’t finished it yet, I almost made myself late to work cause I got so caught up lol) and I’m just enjoying it sooooo much. Like all day long I’ve been like I HAVE to draw silly little fanart of this when I finish it and I’m going to as soon as I have time, but I just love the whole scenario and how Dust and Killer interact with each other in particular and I’m just !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So yeah just wanted to say thanks cause I really enjoy your writing and it makes me super happy and inspired ^^
I feel like that chapter alone should be some internet challenge. Can you read it in just one sitting? I think for most the answer is no and that's how it should be. If someone were to that would be both amazing and likely unhealthy. That chapter alone pushed the word count from under 10k to 50k. It was a 44k words, and that was AFTER editing and Paddie and I removing a bunch of stuff. (Me: "Hey Paddie, wanna do a short rp with me that I can post for my soriel week UTMV chapter fic?" Paddie: "Sure!" 103 page doc later...) That chapter IS the fic. XD Sorry... I'm still always amazed how a "short rp" became a monster of a chapter but one I highly enjoy. I sometimes reread it myself, though I tend to take 3 days to do it XD. Sorry it almost made you late, but I am happy you are enjoying it that much! I do wonder how many people just skipped over it to get to the sweet sweet FuzzyNight goodness in the last chapter.
You are welcome! @paddie-ut is another awesome author, and has an amazing Soriel fic: All These Broken Things. Since I know you like Soriel (first learned of you from your adorable Soriel art) I thought I'd point that out just in case you haven't read it yet.
Lastly, fan art? Of those two idiots and their idiot sibling interactions?! If you do I would love to see it!
Thank you so much for this! You're message made my day!
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