#What’s the Difference Between Gastritis and Indigestion
gofitnesspro · 1 year
Understanding Gastritis: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments
Gastritis is a condition that inflames the belly lining (the mucosa), inflicting belly aches, indigestion (dyspepsia), bloating, and nausea. It can be acute or chronic. Medications and dietary modifications can lessen stomach acid and reduce gastritis symptoms. Why Should You Understand Gastritis? If left untreated, gastritis can lead to several complications increasing your risk of stomach…
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mambasoftwares · 1 year
What is the difference between gastritis, gastric ulcer and stomach cancer?
Gastritis, gastric ulcers, and stomach cancer are all related to the stomach, but they are distinct conditions with different causes and characteristics. Here’s an overview of each:
Gastritis: Gastritis refers to inflammation of the stomach lining. It can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). The common causes of gastritis include infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and autoimmune disorders. Symptoms of gastritis may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, indigestion, and loss of appetite. Treatment typically involves medications to reduce stomach acid, antibiotics to eradicate H. pylori infection if present, and lifestyle modifications.
Gastric Ulcer: A gastric ulcer, also known as a stomach ulcer, is a sore or lesion that develops in the lining of the stomach. The most common cause of gastric ulcers is infection with H. pylori bacteria. Other factors that may contribute include long-term use of NSAIDs and excessive alcohol consumption. Symptoms of gastric ulcers may include abdominal pain (often described as burning or gnawing), indigestion, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and blood in the stool. Treatment involves medications to reduce stomach acid, antibiotics to eradicate H. pylori infection if present, and lifestyle changes.
Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer): Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor that forms in the cells of the stomach lining. It is usually a result of a slow, progressive transformation of the normal stomach cells into cancerous cells. The exact cause of stomach cancer is not well understood, but certain factors increase the risk, including infection with H. pylori bacteria, a diet high in smoked, pickled, or salted foods, family history of stomach cancer, smoking, and certain genetic conditions. Symptoms of stomach cancer may include abdominal pain, persistent indigestion, heartburn, unintentional weight loss, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and blood in the stool. Treatment options for stomach cancer depend on the stage and may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy.
It’s important to note that if you have any concerns about your stomach health or experience persistent symptoms, you should consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Bowel with lattice and barrier.
For a healthy thin bowel a charactering always a stable, individually for every person is microflora. In infection, a place for bifid and lactobacterias are staying foreign microbes, which attaching to surface cells-erythrocites.  These cells are responsible  for turning all nourishing substances in personal for every person thanks for membrane digestion. Foreign microbes blocking activity for erythrocytes, and under affecting microbe toxins a part of cells destroying , and inflammation beginning.
In result mucus membrane for bowel staying permeable for a not full manufactured nourishing substances, which transferring through her,like through lattice, bypassing erythrocytes. And not receiving a status for personal, causing food s allergy, changes on skin, feeling. And still one factor for enteritis  ,as in destroying erythrocytes are stopping manufacturing immunoglobulins,as protectors  for organism having in saliva, nose and bronchial mucus , and digestion highway. Immunoglobulins ability to tie  sicked microorganisms, preventing bacterial and virus infections as ARVD, flu, bronchitis.Of  deficit immunoglobulins patients are suffering from repeating colds, abscess and fungus diseases, indigestion stomach.
On the border ending segment a thin bowel, and begin stage for thick is having valve calling Bauhin s damper , and her role is device not allowing entering toxic bowel containing, a most rich different , pathogenic , microbes , in thin bowel. In hard stool of pressure rising in thick bowel a damper is not withstanding and contain for thick bowel is ability breaking  in thin, that causing a infection , lading to enteritis, thus hard stool changing on diarrhoea, as calming patient, that am fought hard stool, but this is  self-deception as a liquid contain with not digested and not sucked nourishing substances flows, like stream between are faeces stones.  That an confirmed by patient s complaints on tiredness fast, lowering weight, belly discomfort, and often stool.
And readers are though,that enteritis is serious disease with hard prognosis  for recovering, but not worry, when antibiotics are cancelled, thus virus infections displays are ending, and stopping effective curing for gastritis, and it is ability waiting recovering as hopping on a big compensation possibles a thin bowel, on a work her parts healthy, not damages by inflammation. Self -recovering is a not always happening, in patient keeping signs for bowel infection are belly dyspepsia, icterus, non-stable stool, swellings, as not a sick, but not a healthy . And what I must to do here?
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/3wjm28F via https://ift.tt/UrkM3WL
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allinonestuffs · 3 years
10 Simple Home Remedies
Most of us have forgotten about our traditional home remedies. There are many remedies to cure cough, sore throat, sinus, headache and what not? With traditional home remedies, most of them are interrelated to each other like Flu with cough.
Cough (Pepper and Turmeric in Milk)
Hot milk mixed with a table spoon of Pepper and Turmeric. It can be consumed at any time, having it hot has good relief and having it few times a day decreases cough.
Pepper and Turmeric has some amazing antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-allergic properties.
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This is also called as Golden Milk.
1. Pour the milk into a small pot let it be heated below boiling temperature.
2. Add some ground turmeric, and one-fourth of powdered black pepper.
3. Let it be heated simmer for 10 minutes to let the flavours all smelt and enjoy the hot drink.
4. Don't leave the pepper which is settled at the bottom.
5. This will soothe your throat and in few minutes you are all set and relieved.
This will soothe your throat and in few minutes and you will be better.
Honey for Cough
Honey is used during sore throat. It is one of the best remedy for cough.
You can simply have a spoonful of honey but let it flow into your throat gradually, that’s the perfect way to take it, which is effective.
Also, you can have two teaspoons of honey, lemon in warm water with green/herbal tea this is instant relief.
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Steam Inhalation for cold
Steam inhalation is one of the most widely used in every home and across the globe. It smoothens and opens the nasal passages and does give relief from the symptoms of a cold or sinus infection.
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1. Let there be a vessel whose mouth is wide so that you can have the steam coming out of vessel and feel it on your face.
2. Add a pinch of Turmeric, few Neem leaves, few drops of Eucalyptus oil or a pinch of Vicks into the water.
3. Let the water be boiled to the boiling temperature.
4. Have the Vessel on the floor, sit in front of the vessel and cover yourself with a blanket Inhale the vapours coming from the boiling water intermittently some out of the blanket so that you are not suffocated.
5. Continue this process until you sweat out completely where you can feel body is easy and comfortable.
6. You will be feeling fresh, Wipe your face with a towel and don't sit under the Fan for at least 30 minutes after the steam inhalation.
7. Repeat this process thrice to four times a day your Flu, Sneeze sore throat is gone.
Cold Milk and Ghee for Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcers (gastric ulcers) are open sores within the lining of the stomach. They are a type of peptic ulcer, which is related to acid present in the stomach that causes damage stomach lining surface. They are often extremely painful.
1. Drink cold milk in the morning in a empty stomach.
2. Mix ghee and rice/idli etc. and eat it in the start of your food.
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Clove for Toothache
If you have a toothache, it’s important to figure out what’s at the root of your discomfort. From there, you can determine how to best relieve any pain, swelling, or other symptoms.
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Clove has been used to treat toothaches throughout history, because the oil can effectively numb pain and reduce inflammation. It contains eugenol, which is a natural antiseptic.
You can use clove/ clove oil. Add few drops of clove oil in a cotton swab and keep it in between the affected teeth or you can keep a clove.
Salt Water for Throat Pain
Throat pain is extremely common and can be caused by a variety of ailments that affect most of us at usually during rainy season and whenever we have cold beverages.
The most prevalent causes of a sore throat may include a cold virus, acid reflux, or allergies.
Gargling is one of the best remedy for throat pain. For this add few amount of rock salt in warm water, having it bit hot has more effective relief.
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Iron Rich Food for Anaemia
Anaemia is a medical condition characterized by the lack of healthy blood cells in the body. It is reported as a low haemoglobin count in the blood. Low haemoglobin can has many effects such as dizziness, weakness, pale skin etc.
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We can come over Dates by having rich iron food. The foods which are rich in iron are:
1. Green leafy vegetables, like spinach
2. Nuts
3. Seafood
4. Fruits like apples, banana and pomegranates
5. Beans etc.
Shikakai and Shallots for Hair Scarcity
Loss of hair can be controlled by using shallots.
1. Take shallots and peel it.
2. Make a paste of it without adding water or anything.
3. Apply this paste to each and every root of the hair.
4. Let it sit for 30mins and rinse your hair. 5. This will increase the hair density and in few weeks there will be less hair scarcity.
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Another remedy is using shikakai(known in India). It is a traditional Indian hair remedy. Uses of it are:
1. Softens hair
2. Fights the stubborn dandruff
3. Delays greying of hair
4. Removal of lice
5. Boosts hair growth etc.
Jeera Water for Indigestion
Indigestion also called dyspepsia or an upset stomach is a general term that describes discomfort in your upper abdomen. It's a feeling of fullness soon after you start eating.
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1. Add some amount of jeera into a fry pan and roast it for few minutes.
2. Add 1 litre of water and let it boil.
3. Pour it in a glass when the water becomes half.
4. Drink it when it is hot as it is more effective.
Gastritis is an inflammation caused in the stomach.
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The well-known remedy is Asafoetida. Add a small piece of asafoetida in a banana, and swallow it, you would feel the difference of your stomach being easy and comfortable.
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Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a finger-shaped pouch about 5 to 10cm (2 to 4 inches) long that projects from your colon on the lower right side of your abdomen. It's a medical emergency that almost always requires surgery as soon as possible to remove the appendix. Luckily, you can live just fine without it. Appendicitis causes pain in your lower right abdomen. However, in most people, pain begins around the navel and then moves. As inflammation worsens, appendicitis pain typically increases and eventually becomes severe.
Although anyone can develop appendicitis, most often it occurs in people between the ages of 10 and 30. It most commonly occurs in the second decade of life. Standard treatment is surgical removal of the appendix. Nobody knows exactly what the appendix does, but removing it is not harmful. The exact role of the appendix is not clear. It may be an area that hosts friendly bacteria, which help digestion and fight infection. It may also be related to the immune system and influence the body’s ability to fight off infection. More than 250,000 appendectomies (removal of the appendix) are performed in the United States each year.
If left untreated, appendicitis can cause your appendix to burst. This can cause bacteria to spill into your abdominal cavity, which can be serious and sometimes fatal.
In many cases, the exact cause of appendicitis is unknown. Experts believe it develops when part of the appendix becomes obstructed, or blocked.
Many things can potentially block your appendix, including a buildup of hardened stool, enlarged lymphoid follicles, intestinal worms, traumatic injury or a foreign body (something inside you that isn’t supposed to be there), or cancer. Blockage may also result from infection, since the appendix can swell in response to any infection in the body. When your appendix becomes blocked, bacteria can multiply inside it. This can lead to the formation of pus and swelling, which can cause painful pressure in your abdomen.
As the causes of appendicitis are not fully understood, there's no guaranteed way of preventing it. If the obstruction causes inflammation and swelling, it could lead to increased pressure within the appendix, which may then burst.
What Are the Symptoms of Appendicitis?
The classic symptoms of appendicitis include:
A temperature between 99° and 102° Fahrenheit
Abdominal bloating
Appendicitis pain may start off as mild cramping. It often
being sick
Constipation or diarrhea
feeling sick (nausea)
inability to pass gas (break wind)
loss of appetite
low-grade fever and chills
Low-grade fever that may worsen as the illness progresses
Nausea and vomiting soon after belly pain begins
Pain that worsens if you cough, walk or make other jarring movements
painful coughing or sneezing
progressively worsening pain
stomach swelling
Sudden pain that begins around your navel and often shifts to your lower right abdomen
Sudden pain that begins on the right side of the lower abdomen
However, these symptoms appear in only 50 percent of cases. Some patients may experience symptoms such as stomach pain very slightly or not at all. Others may have less common symptoms.
Other less common symptoms of appendicitis include:
Dull or sharp pain anywhere in your upper or lower belly, back, or rear end
Painful or difficult peeing
Vomiting before your belly pain starts
Severe cramps
Constipation or diarrhea with gas
If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away. Timely diagnosis and treatment are important. Don’t eat, drink, or use any pain remedies, antacids, laxatives, or heating pads.
The site of your pain may vary, depending on your age and the position of your appendix. When you're pregnant, the pain may seem to come from your upper abdomen because your appendix is higher during pregnancy. Appendicitis typically starts with a pain in the middle of your tummy (abdomen) that may come and go.
Within hours, the pain travels to your lower right-hand side, where the appendix is usually located, and becomes constant and severe.
Appendicitis in kids
An estimated 70,000 children experience appendicitis every year in the United States. In children and teenagers, appendicitis often causes a stomachache near the navel. This pain may eventually become more severe and move to the lower right side of your child’s abdomen. They may also:
lose their appetite
develop a fever
feel nauseous
Children and infants may not experience pain in one specific area. There may be tenderness throughout the body, or there may be no pain. Children and infants may have less frequent or no bowel movements. If diarrhea occurs, this may be a symptom of another illness. While children and infants may not experience precise pain as older patients do, research suggests that abdominal pain is still the most common symptom of appendicitis symptom for this age group.
Symptoms in older adults and during pregnancy
Older adults and pregnant people may also experience different symptoms. The stomach pain may be less severe and less specific. Possible symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and fever. During pregnancy, the pain may shift upward toward the upper right quadrant after the first trimester. There may also be some back or flank pain.
If there is stomach pain, this may result from another condition.
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is a severe and sudden case of appendicitis. The symptoms tend to develop quickly over the course of one to two days. It requires immediate medical treatment. If left untreated, it can cause your appendix to rupture. This can be a serious and even fatal complication. Acute appendicitis is more common than chronic appendicitis.
Chronic appendicitis
Chronic appendicitis is less common than acute appendicitis. In chronic cases of appendicitis, the symptoms may be relatively mild. They may disappear before reappearing again over a period of weeks, months, or even years. This type of appendicitis can be challenging to diagnose. Sometimes, it’s not diagnosed until it develops into acute appendicitis. Chronic appendicitis can be dangerous.
To help diagnose appendicitis, your doctor will likely take a history of your signs and symptoms and examine your abdomen. Tests and procedures used to diagnose appendicitis include a physical exam to assess your pain. Your doctor may apply gentle pressure on the painful area. When the pressure is suddenly released, appendicitis pain will often feel worse, signaling that the adjacent peritoneum is inflamed.
Your doctor may also look for abdominal rigidity and a tendency for you to stiffen your abdominal muscles in response to pressure over the inflamed appendix (guarding). Your doctor may use a lubricated, gloved finger to examine your lower rectum (digital rectal exam). Women of childbearing age may be given a pelvic exam to check for possible gynecological problems that could be causing the pain.
The patient will be asked to provide details about what symptoms they are experiencing, how severely, and for how long. Reviewing the patient’s medical history. To rule out other potential health issues, the doctor will want to know details about the patient’s medical history. That include:
any other medical conditions or surgeries the patient has or has had in the past
whether the patient takes any medications or supplements
whether the patient drinks alcohol or takes any recreational drugs
Doing a physical exam
Depending on the results of your physical exam, your doctor may order one or more tests to check for signs of appendicitis or rule out other potential causes of your symptoms. If your symptoms are not typical, further tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other conditions. It can sometimes take a while to get the test results. Your surgeon may recommend a laparoscopy to examine your appendix and pelvic organs if the diagnosis is still uncertain.
abdominal CT scan
abdominal MRI scan
abdominal ultrasound
abdominal X-ray
Blood test to see whether your body is fighting an infection
Examination of your abdomen to look for inflammation
pregnancy test for women
Rectal exam
ultrasound scan to see if the appendix is swollen
urine tests, to identify a kidney or bladder infection
If a doctor is unsure whether you have appendicitis, they may recommend waiting up to 24 hours to see if your symptoms improve, stay the same or get worse. Diagnosing appendicitis can be tricky. Symptoms are often unclear or similar to those of other illnesses, including gallbladder problems, bladder or urinary tract infection, Crohn's disease, gastritis, kidney stones, intestinal infection, and ovary problems. If they suspect your appendix has burst, you'll be sent to hospital immediately for treatment. Removing the appendix is usually recommended if appendicitis is suspected, rather than risk it bursting. This means some people will have their appendix removed even though it's eventually found to be normal.
Appendicitis treatment usually involves surgery to remove the inflamed appendix. Before surgery you may be given a dose of antibiotics to treat infection.
Surgery to remove the appendix (appendectomy)
Appendectomy can be performed as open surgery using one abdominal incision about 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 centimeters) long (laparotomy). Or the surgery can be done through a few small abdominal incisions (laparoscopic surgery). During a laparoscopic appendectomy, the surgeon inserts special surgical tools and a video camera into your abdomen to remove your appendix. In general, laparoscopic surgery allows you to recover faster and heal with less pain and scarring. It may be better for older adults and people with obesity. But laparoscopic surgery isn't appropriate for everyone. If your appendix has ruptured and infection has spread beyond the appendix or you have an abscess, you may need an open appendectomy, which allows your surgeon to clean the abdominal cavity. Like any surgery, there are some risks associated with appendectomy. However, the risks of appendectomy are smaller than the risks of untreated appendicitis. Expect to spend one or two days in the hospital after your appendectomy.
If your child develops symptoms of appendicitis, contact their doctor right away. Treatment normally begins with antibiotics and intravenous fluid. Some mild cases of appendicitis can be treated completely with fluids and antibiotics.
Draining an abscess before appendix surgery
In rare cases, appendicitis may get better without surgery. If you have an abscess that hasn’t ruptured, your doctor may treat the abscess before you undergo surgery. To start, they will give you antibiotics. Then they will use a needle to drain the abscess of pus. Or if your appendix has burst and an abscess has formed around it, the abscess may be drained by placing a tube through your skin into the abscess. Appendectomy can be performed several weeks later after controlling the infection. Depending on your condition, your doctor’s recommended treatment plan for appendicitis may include one or more of the following:
needle drainage or surgery to drain an abscess
pain relievers
IV fluids
liquid diet
The most common next step is surgery, known as an appendectomy. Removing the appendix decreases the risk of it rupturing. Early treatment is important to reduce the risk of complications, which can lead to death.
Source: x x x x x x x
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cialis1mg-blog · 4 years
Can I take Ambien every night - Norxovernight.com
Ambien is designed for short term use only. Taking it at higher than recommended doses for long periods of time increases your chance of addiction.
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A sleeping disorder is undoubtedly troublesome for the one who is going through. Also, such disease causes more mental stress with physical discomfort.
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Hence, it is essential to get its treatment as the unhealthy sleep directly affects one's health. Besides, the sleeping troubles can change into the worst situation within less time.
Therefore, you should consult well with your doctor and get certified and reliable medication for it. The best recommendation in terms of reliability is none other than Ambien.
What is Ambien?
Ambien generic is a drug type that is consumable for treating various sleeping troubles.
It has a generic name, Zolpidem. However, it is available in stores by its brand name. Also, the drug is potent if usage happens more than the limit.
Hence, it is essential to get its treatment with a doctor’s consultancy and authorization for drug usage.
What does Ambien do in a body?
Ambien usage is to treat insomnia or sleeping disorders, which are expected mainly in adults.
Since the drug treats insomnia, it affects the chemicals of the brain. In other words, it works on the unstable and trouble causing muscles of the brain.
As a result, these muscles get relief and reshape them into a stable form. Thus, one gets to sleep faster and for extended periods.
How is Ambien dosage different for people?
The drug is usually in use for a short period of 1 to 2 weeks or maybe lessen. It needs to be consumed before falling asleep or during bedtime with an empty stomach.
Besides, the overdose of such medicine or Ambien abuse may cause addiction and various negative impacts. Similarly, it varies in terms of age, gender, weight, body needs, and medical health of a person.
Ambien dosage for men is 5mg to 10mg once in a day, while for women, it is only 5mg once. Also, senior citizens may take 5mg in a day.
Does Ambien also cause harmful effects?
Yes, the drug is highly addictive if usage does not take place in moderation and as per the doctor’s supervision. Ambien side effects are also in between minor to severe.
In other words, minor effects are common and do not need panic or much medical help. However, severe symptoms certainly need it.
Some of its minor effects include dizziness, nausea, vomit, runny nose, mood changes, depression, indigestion, etc. Besides, the severe effects are nose bleeding, difficulty in breathing, high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, etc.
Why should you prefer to buy Ambien online?
We recommend you buy Ambien online with proper authorization from the doctor. It is a safe, easy, private, time-saving, and affordable process. Also, it would help if you take Ambien precautions during its intake.
The most crucial factor is never to buy it from a store that attracts a tremendous amount of discount.  
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via HEALTHY AND FITNESS https://ift.tt/2HCLwQu
Stomach Pain Treatment at Home
Stomach pain is a very widespread problem almost everyone has experienced at one time or another. Stomachache may vary in the degrees of discomfort and related symptoms. Common symptoms you experience mild with stomach or abdominal pain are a sharp pain in the stomach or abdomen, stomach cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. When you have a stomachache, even if it is a mild stomach, it can be so annoying that it makes difficult to concentrate on anything. You want it to go away fast irrespective of the reason behind the stomachache. Oftentimes a natural home remedy will bring relief from the discomfort, no matter what is the cause of stomachache or abdominal pain you have, be it from nausea and heartburn to irritable bowel syndrome and everything in between.
What Causes a Stomach Ache?
There is a number of different causes that may be behind your stomach pain. Here are some common causes of stomachaches:
·        Gastritis:Inflammation of the stomach mucus is lining known as Gastritis. Gastritis can be identified by symptoms like upper stomach pain, a feeling of fullness in your stomach, and nausea. A number of things caused gastritis that including bacterial infections, age, the use of certain drugs, or tobacco or alcohol use.
·        Acid reflux: Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid gets back, up into the esophagus. It is also known as gastrointestinal reflux disease. Acid reflux causes a painful and burning sensation in the stomach and behind the breastbone. Acid reflux generally caused by eating fatty or spicy foods or problems like a hiatal hernia.
·        Lactose intolerance: If you feel stomach pain, every time after drinking a glass of milk or eating cheese, you could be lactose intolerant. People with lactose intolerance do not have enough lactase enzyme to digest dairy products, which leads to stomach pain and other digestive issues.
·        Stress: Stress and anxiety can cause physical symptoms, including stomach cramp or pain.
Should You Treat Your Stomach Pain at Home?
Stomach pain most of the time are not very serious. You can safely go for natural remedies at home for common abdominal pain without consulting your doctor at first. However, stomach pain can also cause due to more serious issues like, gallstones, a hernia, an ulcer, a urinary tract infection or appendicitis. You need to call your doctor at once if you notice any of these symptoms:
v  Pain that does not improves in a couple of hours.
v  Pain is very intense in nature.
v  Feeling dizziness.
v  Persistent vomiting that more than one or two days.
v  Bloody or black, tar-like stool.
Try these home remedies for the upset stomach if you are not having any of these symptoms.
18 Amazing Home Remedies for Acidity and Acid Reflux !!!!
How to Get Rid of a Stomach Ache: 14 Home Remedy for Stomach Pain        
These natural home remedies will definitely give you quick relief and are particularly more effective for stomachaches due to indigestion, gas, bloating and similar conditions. In this article, HEALTHY and FITNESS shares with you top 14 natural home remedies for upset stomach without any side effect.
1.      Drink Warm Salt Water
This remedy may sound simple but works wonders. Saltwater are generally used as a gargle for relief from sore throat, but it found that warm salt water is also good for aching stomach, too. For better relief chew a spoonful of carom seeds before drinking the glass of warm salt water. You can feel relief in just a couple of minute. This remedy is effective flatulence, indigestion, bloating and a disturbed stomach. 
How to USE:
Dissolve one teaspoon of salt into one glass of warm water and drink.
2.      Eat a Piece of Burned Toast
You probably already know that toast is one of the most helpful remedies for stomach pain. However, what you may not know burnt toast is a better solution for your upset stomach. Though it sounds strange, the toxins that make you feel sick are absorbed by the char. it to make it go down more easily, spread a little honey on it and you may also add a smear of jelly to make it palatable. Activated charcoal also works in a similar way and it will settle an upset stomach in minutes. Activated charcoal helps to absorb microbes and bad gut bacteria that can cause stomach issues.
3.      Peppermint
Peppermint is a highly effective herbal remedy for easing digestive distress and stomach pain. Peppermint leaves contain menthol, which has natural painkilling properties and soothes the digestive tract. This herb helps to calm stomach pain and intestinal contractions and prevent digestive muscles from erratic tension, which are often the cause of nausea and stomach pain.
How to USE:
Sip peppermint tea for easies stomachache.
Sniff on peppermint extract with boiling water to relive nausea.
Sucking on a peppermint candy or chewing the leaves helps best for alleviating feelings of nausea.
4.      Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has wide range of health benefits, like remedy for hiccups and sore throat; it also can relieve you from stomach pain as well. Apple cider vinegar is quite effective for treating different digestive woes as it has the ability to stimulate the release of digestive juices that help the body break down food. It can help ease bloating, gas, indigestion, stomach cramp and heartburn.
There are two reasons for this.
First, apple cider vinegar kills bacteria, so if the abdominal pain is due to a bacterial infection in your stomach, this vinegar can control the infection. Healthy acids present in apple cider vinegar like acetic, lactic, isobutyric and propionic acid arresting the growth of unwanted bacteria and yeast in the stomach and throughout the abdomen and thereby improves digestive health.
Second, apple cider vinegar reduces acid reflux by balancing the gastric acid.
How to USE:
Never drink apple cider vinegar on its own, the acid present in the vinegar can damage your teeth. Mix a spoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water and a spoonful of honey or fruit juice. Take this mixture within 5-minutes of your first sip so the vinegar can quickly begin action on your digestion system.
5.      Baking Soda to Settle Your Stomach
Baking Soda or Sodium bicarbonate is a very potent antacid that can settle your stomach in seconds. It helps to relieve stomach pain arising from indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn, and symptoms common to peptic ulcer disease. Most commercial antacids have baking soda as the active ingredient. Acidity can develop from spicy foods, alcohol, eating too much, stress and other factors. Overproduction of stomach acids tends to interfere with the normal digestive process. Other issues such as nausea, indigestion, bloating, or vomiting are often accompanied with acidity. In acid reflux this acids to go back into the esophagus, resulting that causes heartburn. Frequent acid reflux may even permanently damage the walls of the esophagus, or lead to cancer in worst cases. Consumption of baking soda neutralizes the effects of acid to support better digestion. Remainder: Never consume baking soda if you are diagnosed with ulcer.  
How to USE:
Just dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water and drink it. You can drink it whenever you are suffering from stomach pain, heartburn and acid reflux.
6.      Try Some Ginger
Ginger is an effective natural remedy for stomach pain and nausea used for many years by ancient cultures. Ginger has soothing effects on the digestive system and for stomach issues including indigestion, nausea, cramps, bloating etc. Natural compounds present in ginger fight inflammation, reduce excess stomach acid, and stimulate digestion. Ginger’s gastro-protective properties blocks acid secretion and suppress helicobacter pylori, bacteria found in the stomach. Study (2007) conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition at the Central Food Technological Research Institute in Karnataka, India, showed that ginger is more effective for preventing ulcers than lansoprazole, a drug commonly prescription for ulcer.
How to USE:
Use a fresh piece of ginger root to get soothing relief quickly.
Just cut thin slices of ginger root and chew on them.
If you do not like the strong flavor of raw Ginger, you can make tea instead. To make ginger tea, slice or grate one to two tablespoons of ginger root and allow it to steep for about 10 minutes in two cups of boiling water. Preferably, you should sip it as a preventative about 20 minutes before every meal. You may add some honey, lemon, or mint to improve the taste.
7.      Have a Bowl of Yogurt
You may try to avoid a dairy product during an upset stomach but yogurt is a very effective remedy for stomachache. If you want to get rid of cramps, just one cup of yogurt will work magical for your aching stomach. Yogurt is loaded with probiotics (good bacteria) that can improve your digestion and restore balance to your gut. Go for a non-fat plain yogurt with no added flavor to calm you upset stomach. Choose a plain yogurt rather than the sweetened kind, as the sugar can upset your stomach even more.
How to USE:
Use fresh yogurt. Make it at your home if possible. If you do not like the taste of plain yogurt, mix in a few berries or sprinkle a little honey over the top, to taste it better. If you have chronic stomach problem, make yogurt part of your diet every day for long-term relief.
8.      Chamomile Tea
Stress and anxiety can worsen symptoms of stomach cramps and pain. Chamomile tea can help with stomach pain by reduces inflammation in your stomach and eases tension throughout your body. Chamomile tea calms the nerves and checks the pain in the excited stomach. If you cannot sleep throughout the night due stomachache sipping chamomile tea will help you. Chamomile tea is known for its ability to help one relax that can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
How to USE:
To make a cup of refreshing chamomile tea, steep loose dried chamomile flower or chamomile tea bag in boiling water for ten to fifteen minutes. You may also add lemon to boost its healing property.
9.      Drink Lemon Juice
Lemon helps get rid of stomach pain but also taste and smell good. The acid in lemon juice gives your digestion a boost by triggers your own stomach to produce more acid. Citric acid present in lemon juice stimulates the natural hydrochloric acid production in your stomach that breaks down the food. 
How to USE:
Mix a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to hot water and slowly sip this solution. Mixing slice of ginger to this mixture will give added benefits.
10. Fennel to Soothe Your Stomach
For centuries, fennel seeds been used as traditional medicine in Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and Greek cultures. Herbal formulas used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat gastroenteritis, hernias, and indigestion, contain fennel seeds. Fennel seeds improve digestion, soothe stomach pain, and reduce gas and bloating.  These seeds are very useful in infants with colic or gas. According to research reported by Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine in 2003, a significant reduction in colic symptoms when compared to placebo was noticed in infants who were given fennel seed oil.
How to USE:
Chew few raw fennel seed to relive your aching stomach and improve digestion. Chewing the seeds also work well for treating bloating and indigestion.
You may steep fennel seeds in hot water to make fennel tea, and sip this tea slowly.
11. Drink Rice Water
It may sound strange, but rice water or rice tea actually works to get rid of upper stomach pain. Rice water or rice tea is the water that is left over after you cook rice. If you are, have stomach upset or suffering from diarrhea, drinking a rice “tea” can help resolve it. How does it work? Rice, when boiled in water releases compounds that give a protective coating inside your stomach, which in turn reduces the pain caused by ulcers or gastritis.
How to USE:
Making Rice Tea is very simple, boil a half-cup of white or brown rice in six cups of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain out the rice to collect the rice water. Catch the leftover liquid in a bowl underneath strainer. Cool this liquid. Drink it to soothe your stomach pain.  You may add lemon juice or honey to taste it.
12. Papaya
Papaya traditionally has a natural digestive property and used for peptic ulcers, upset stomach, heartburn and diarrhea for long time. Papaya contains papain, a natural digestive enzyme, that helps break up protein in your food and relive the irritating the stomach. Eating papaya on an empty stomach makes the enzymes actually have more potent. The papaya induced ulcer-preventative mucous secretion. Papaya also lowers acidity levels by breaking down the complex proteins naturally. The fruit also aid with constipation.
13. Use a Heating Pad or Hot Water Bottle
If you are still wondering how to get rid of cramps, heat is a simple but effective remedy for stomach pain. The heat speeds up the digestion process by increasing circulation around the stomach. Proper digestion of the food alleviates stomach pain. The heat provides the warmth in your abdominal area can help to distract you from the pain and discomfort. Generating heat relaxes your muscles to ease your abdominal tension and brings relief as well. Heat is also effective to reduce nausea.
How to USE:
Use a hot water bottle or heating pad. Remember; do not warm it so hot that it will burn you. Place the hot pack for at least 15 minutes on your lower abdomen as you lie on your back. Reheat as required.
14. Practice Yoga
Most of these are internal remedies to get rid of stomach pain; you may also find long-term relief through yoga poses. There are many yoga poses, which stimulates digestion and maintain acid balance in your stomach. You need to practice yoga regularly to get rid of stomach and digestive issues in future.
How to DO:
Try a knees-to-stomach pose (Apanasana) for quick relief. Lie down comfortable on your back. Gently draw your knees up to your chest. Wrap your arms around your shins. Keep your back flat on the floor. Hold in this position for one minute, and then slowly release it to normal position. Pavanamuktasana (Wind Removing Pose) also helps in digestive disorders.
Next time you are having a bout of indigestion or acid reflux try these easy home remedies for your upset stomach. However, you should visit your doctor immediately, if your stomach pain persists for more than three days and you are having symptoms like fever and headache.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Ashwagandharishta is an ayurvedic solution for different body afflictions framed with the integrity of the excellent fixing – Ashwagadha spice, a plant local to India. In any case, that isn’t all that goes into the creation of the medication.
Ashwagandharishta syrup is accepted to be ready from an assortment of spices and different fixings, the names and clinical significance of which can be given as:
Sveta Sariva
Ananta Mool
Chitrak Mool
While a larger part of the spices continue as before in the arrangement of medication delivered by various brands, a couple may differ. The right method to acquire information about the fixings present in the medication is by perusing the name.
How is Ashwagandharishta Syrup fabricated?
The strategy for planning as revealed by most of the brands recommend that the initial phase during the time spent assembling the syrup is drying out the spices to frame a coarse powder. This powder is then bubbled in water and along these lines, diminished.
This is added with nectar and put away in impermeable compartments for the cycle of maturation. Following a month, the combination is first separated and afterward saved.
How is Ashwagandharishta valuable?
Ashwagandharishta utilizes are as per the following:
Assists with cognitive decline.
Helps in keeping up with mental and enthusiastic prosperity. It is a demonstrated treatment for Mania – a condition comprehensive of profoundly raised disposition varieties that are for the most part connected with bipolar confusion. It is an anit-depressant that checks the serotonin levels in the body.
It helps in boosting bone wellbeing. It very well may be useful in facilitating torment and aggravation in joints .
As a nervine tonic, it helps in fostering a solid sensory system. It is a demonstrated treatment for epilepsy – a neurological issue influencing the mind and causing seizure.
It is useful in keeping an advantageous energy level in the body.
It is useful in keeping up with sexual usefulness in the body and expanding fruitfulness.
It is useful in expanding fruitfulness.
It is likewise an answer for touchy gut condition. It has been demonstrated useful in treating stoppage that is perhaps the most significant hidden and forestalling aggravation of the heaps.
It is a remedy for consuming sensation caused in feet and palm.
Ashwagandharishta Syrup benefits a wide scope of individuals independent of their age, sex and medical issue.
The prompted measurement for Ashwagandharista is variable in various age gatherings.
In grown-ups and Geriatric, the exhorted dose is around 4 to 6 teaspoons ( 15 to 30 ml)
In kids, the exhorted measurements is around 2 teaspoons,
day by day with equivalent measures of water double a day, after the feast or according to the bearing for the clinical master.
Security Information in regards to Ashwagandharishta Syrup
Ashwagandharishta is a syrup that can be burned-through consistently to keep up with great wellbeing. It is a protected medication for most of individuals. Be that as it may, an excess of the medication might represent some incidental effects.
Ashwagandharishta’s incidental effects can be recorded as:
Gastroesophageal reflux infection
Note: It is additionally not prudent to be devoured by pregnant ladies and those occupied with breastfeeding without the assent of a clinical master. The utilization is additionally not pertinent on newborn children.
Significant wellbeing tip one should remember seeing the bundling as it assumes a tremendous part in safeguarding the item.
The item ought to be avoided daylight.
It ought to be put away in a cool and dry spot.
Ashwagandharishta cost – Is it cost effective?
Cash assumes a critical part in the standing of a medine. Normally, given that all individuals face medical problems and want a decent invulnerability framework, valuing ought to be to such an extent that it is moderate by all.
The cost for Ashwagandha syrup is with the end goal that it lies between the given reach – Rs. 180 to 270, contingent on the brand, size variations and the limits accessible on the sites.
A couple of the most well known brands giving Ashwagandharishta Syrup are Baidyanth and Dabur.
All you require to think about Piles. Could Ashwagandharishta be useful in its treatment?
What are heaps?
Hemorrhoids or as they are generally known as – Piles, can be characterized as aggravated swellings in and around the rectum or rear-end. These swellings are made out of veins and tissues.
Further regions of heaps are called Internal Hemorrhoids and External Hemorrhoids. This development depends on the area of the heaps. The ones two to four cm inside the rear-end are interior hemorrhoids. The ones noticeable outwardly are named as outer hemorrhoids.
The seriousness of this condition is communicated through 4 gradings:
Grade 1 Piles: Piles are inside. Best treatment – Medications. Medical procedure involves decision.
Grade 2 Piles: Piles move in and out with the solid discharge. The two prescriptions and medical procedure can be the ideal therapy for this stage.
Grade 3 Piles: The jutting heaps must be treated by a medical procedure.
Grade 4 Piles: Permanent perceivability outside the butt recommends that the condition has declined and must be treated through a medical procedure.
What causes heaps?
Heaps might be the aftereffect of different body breakdowns. The majority of them are related with the excretory framework. The others might end up being similarly answerable for being the fundamental explanations for hemorrhoids.
Absence of cleanliness,
Stressing of the butt while passing on stool,
Loose bowels,
Family ancestry,
Stoutness and
Significant burden lifting
What are the side effects?
The indications just as their power might be variable in cases relying on the seriousness of the heaps. In any case, the accompanying can be named as the potential indications:
Torment in the rear-end,
Conflicting solid discharges.
Draining during dropping of stool
Tingling because of contamination brought about by development of microscopic organisms and parasites
How are heaps analyzed?
Determination for heaps occurs in the accompanying way:
A progression of inquiries in regards to the eating routine admission, family ancestry, current situation with wellbeing, pregnancy, weight, and the manifestations the individual is confronting.
Actual assessment of within and outside of the rectum.
Anoscopy for the assessment of the butt-centric waterway. This includes addition of an adaptable lit cylinder in the rear-end.
Advanced rectal assessment incorporates addition of finger into the butt.
Sigmoidoscopy conducts heaps assessment by embeddings a lit cylinder into the lower colon
How does Ashwagandharishta Syrup assist with heaps? Would it be able to fix heaps?
Heaps can’t be relieved just by the utilization of the syrup. The treatment for heaps is comprehensive of an assortment of prescriptions. Nonetheless, the syrup can demonstrate helpful in calming the side effects of heaps by killing the vast majority of the causes. How?
Obstruction is the most irritating reason for heaps. Ashwagandharishta assumes a colossal part in stifling it. It can give unwinding from clogging in 1-2 days. Haritaki and Ashwagamdha, significant fixings in the syrup, help in assimilation and food ingestion.
Ashwagandharishta is useful in treating issues related with the stomach related framework, which can moreover help in figuring out the intricacies. It goes about as a stomach related energizer that aides in the arrangement of the ideal stool, subsequently, forestalling blockage. It can likewise forestall the runs.
Ashwagandharishta is likewise useful in treating irritation. It does as such by forestalling disease as it supports insusceptibility in the body.
Actual shortcoming is one of the numerous manifestations of heaps. Ashwagandharishta helps in boosting the energy in the body.
Expanding in and around the rectum is one noticeable component of heaps. Manjishtha and Trikatu, other huge fixings in the syrup, help in decrease of the growing.
Agony related with heaps can be very discomforting. Agony is soothed by other significant fixings in the medication called Dhataki and Liquorice.
Treatment accessible for heaps
Prescription for heaps is extremely assorted.
Allopathic – This prescription is the principal that rings a bell while managing a larger part of medical conditions. As on account of heaps, it stays a favored treatment. Notwithstanding, this prescription might have certain incidental effects on the body.
Skin medicines – Creams and gels are the least demanding type of treatment in heaps. Hemorrhoidal cooling gels are a generally mainstream treatment for heaps. Lidocaine-hydrocortisone cream is likewise a notable medication.
Over-the-counter prescriptions with calming properties can be exceptionally valuable. Hydrocortisone and steroids in the drug can assist with torment, consuming sensation also.
Different medications incorporate Lactulose and Doxycycline tablets for forestalling the development of microorganisms and clogging.
Ayurvedic – Ayurveda brings the most seasoned medicines for heaps.
Skin treatment : Application of home grown blends is the main treatment for heaps in ayurveda. The utilization of the mizes straightforwardly on the heaps helps in improving outcomes as the supplements get drenched into the skin. Turmeric glue, Mustard oil, Bhang (Cannabis) glue, and so on, are notable skin medicines for heaps.
Oral medicine: Triphala is one such spice in ayurveda, that is profoundly liked for medicines identifying with issues related with stomach related and the excretory framework. Triphala tablets are the most recommended medication on account of heaps. In addition, different Churna (powders) and Juices (Rasa) like that containing Giloy, are likewise mainstream.
Ashwagandharishta : Ashwa represents fire. This strategy includes the utilization of infrared warmth to consume hemorrhoids to eliminate them from the body.
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gastrocenternj · 5 years
Why Do I Have a Stabbing Pain In My Upper Stomach?
Everyone experiences stomach pain at least once. The good thing about stomach pain is that it disappears on its own and usually requires no further medical intervention. On the other hand, severe cases of stomach ache pertaining to infections and disorders require immediate medical assistance.
So, what are the causes of upper stomach pain? It can be anything from a ruptured spleen to excess gas in the intestine. Knowing the location, trigger, and kind of pain will help doctors accurately identify the cause of upper stomach pain. 
Understanding the Upper Abdomen 
Stomach pain is usually caused by gas, indigestion, and excessive stomach acid. Various home remedies can be applied to alleviate discomfort in this area. 
On the other hand, this common discomfort can also be attributed to reasons not concerning the stomach. The upper stomach, or more accurately the upper abdomen, houses numerous organs that could easily be the real reason for stomach pain. 
These organs include:
The actual stomach
Pancreas: Converts food into energy. Also helps regulate blood sugar and digestion. 
Gallbladder: Stores bile, a liquid enzyme that aids in digestion. 
Liver: Filters out blood before distributing it throughout the body. 
Adrenal gland: Produces cortisol and aldosterone, two of the body’s most important hormones
Kidneys: Regulates fluids throughout the body and filters out toxins
Spleen: Wards off infection and helps filter blood
These vital organs can be subjected to infections, inflammation, and other disorders that could result to pain. Understanding the different parts of the upper abdomen makes it easier to diagnose the real cause behind stomach pain. 
Causes of Upper Abdominal Pain
Muscle Pain
Muscle pain is one of the most common sources of abdominal pain. Also known as muscle soreness, this type of pain is caused by strenuous or sudden activities that may result in a sore or pulled muscle.
Stiffness, cramps, weakness, and limited mobility are signs of muscle soreness. Pain heals naturally in a matter of days or weeks, depending on the severity of the trauma. 
Dyspepsia, more commonly known as indigestion, is characterized as a burning sensation in the upper stomach. This pain can radiate to the chest, typically described as a lingering “fullness”. Dyspepsia is triggered by highly acidic and spicy foods, as well as stomach ulcer. Overeating is also a known cause of acute indigestion. 
Dyspepsia is a common condition and isn’t considered a disease. On the other hand, chronic indigestion is typically caused by other gastrointestinal conditions such as infection, liver diseases, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease, to name a few. 
Pain that is accompanied by burping, passing gas, and bloating are all common signs of excess gas in the intestine. Gassiness can also result to pain that feels like something is moving in the stomach. Episodes are sporadic and heal over time. 
However, persistent gassiness can point to more serious problems relating to a virus or infection in the digestive tract. In this case, immediate medical intervention is recommended. 
Gallstones are one of the most common causes of upper stomach pain for patients thirty years old and above. There are two types of gallstones: cholesterol stones caused by high levels of cholesterol in the bile; and pigment stones caused by excessive levels of bilirubin in the bile. 
Gallstones may pass on their own, but blockage caused by the build-up may result in strong intense pain in the upper right part of the abdomen. 
Fatigue, exhaustion, vomiting, and jaundice are telling signs of gallstone blockage. In minor cases, doctors will recommend medication that will help break down the gallstones. Gallbladder removal may be prescribed to completely alleviate a patient’s pain and discomfort. 
Peptic Ulcer
Stomach acids and bacterial infection can result in the development of sores along the stomach lining, known as peptic ulcer. There are three known types of peptic ulcers:
Duodenal ulcers: Develops in the upper part of the small intestine
Esophageal ulcers: Develops inside the esophagus
Gastric ulcers: Develops inside the stomach
Pain from peptic ulcer is characterized as pain that travels from the chest to the bottom of the abdomen. Pain can also be caused by hyperactive stomach acids, which is why patients suffering from peptic ulcer are recommended to always have a full stomach. Changes in appetite, indigestion, and vomiting are common signs of peptic ulcer. 
Spleen Problems
The two most common spleen problems are splenomegaly and a ruptured spleen. Splenomegaly, known as an enlarged spleen, is caused by liver diseases and infections. On the other hand, a ruptured spleen is caused by trauma on the abdomen, usually through sports or a car accident. 
An enlarged spleen can press on the stomach, resulting in a “heavy” pain in the abdomen that often radiates through the shoulders. Discomfort on the ribs is also characteristic of splenomegaly. 
Abdominal pain is not a common symptom of a ruptured spleen and only occurs in rare cases. When experienced, alongside pain in the left shoulder, patients are recommended to immediately seek medical help. 
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition caused by a faulty lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES serves as a valve between the esophagus and stomach. When it relaxes, stomach juices are regurgitated up the esophagus, creating a burning sensation accompanied by a sour or bitter taste. 
Pain from GERD is described as a sharp, acidic pain that radiates from the stomach to the esophagus. Bad breath is a common symptom of GERD. Other symptoms include chest pain and heartburn. 
Excessive alcohol use and the presence of bacteria are leading causes of an inflamed stomach lining, leading to gastritis. Other causes include the body’s natural interaction with medication, long periods of stress, and inflammatory problems concerning the immune system. 
Chronic gastritis has been characterized into three distinct types:
Type A: Caused by immune system reacting with stomach cells
Type B: Caused by bacteria Helicobater pylori
Type C: Caused by chemical interactions with drugs (specifically nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), excessive bile production, and alcohol abuse
Pain that can be described as a gnawing sensation, one that typically worsens after meals or at night, is a telling sign of gastritis. Nausea, loss of appetite, and bloating are other symptoms of gastritis. Pain is usually located in the upper left area of the stomach or the center of the abdomen. 
Pain from pancreatitis is often situated in the middle or upper left side of the abdomen, and is described by patients as a pain that radiates towards the back. Eating excessive amounts of food, especially foods with high-fat content, and alcohol abuse are known triggers of pancreatitis. Excessive alcohol consumption and the presence of gallstones cause 80% of pancreatitis cases. 
Pancreatitis occurs when digestive juices are activated in the pancreas. The small intestine is responsible for breaking down fat with the use of digestive enzymes. However, these enzymes can be activated while in the pancreas, leading to inflammation and possibly infection. 
Hepatitis describes five types of liver inflammation caused by different viruses. Hepatitis is a viral disease that can be transmitted through blood transmission, sexual contact, and hereditation. 
The five different types of hepatitis are:
Hepatitis A: Contracted through the consumption of unclean food and water. Hepatitis A is curable through medication and immunization, which helps prevent the spread of hepatitis A. Poor sanitation is the primary cause of hepatitis A.
Hepatitis B: Contracted through infective bodily fluids including blood and semen. Can also be acquired through hereditation, from mother to child during birth. Blood products contaminated with Hepatitis B, from needles to blood samples, can spread the virus. 
Hepatitis C: Commonly contracted through faulty blood transmission. Needles, blood samples, and injections can spread the virus. There are no known vaccines for Hepatitis C. 
Hepatitis D: Can only be contracted by patients with Hepatitis B. The simultaneous infection of HDV and HBV result in symptoms similar to hepatitis B. Considered a super-infection, patients with hepatitis B are recommended to get vaccinated for HDV. 
Hepatitis E: Contracted through the consumption of unclean food and water, particularly organs such as the liver. Like hepatitis A, hepatitis E can be treated through medical intervention. 
Pain caused by hepatitis is often described as a stretching, likely associated with the expanding of the liver due to inflammation. This discomfort is more characteristic of hepatitis C and is rarely experienced in other types of hepatitis. 
Upper Stomach Pain: When Is It Serious?
Stomach pain passes on its own in a matter of days. However, persistent pain or additional symptoms may signal something serious and urgent. Seek immediate medical attention if the patient is experiencing the following: 
Stools are bloody, pale, black and tarry, or white
Persistent vomiting, with blood
Difficulty breathing
Change in appetite
Unexplained weight loss
Pain so severe that the patient can’t move
Abdominal pain is accompanied by fever 
Pain is severe in the upper right abdomen 
Signs of dehydration (dry skin, sunken eyes, migraines) are apparent
Pain that occurs frequently in short, sharp bursts
Treat Stomach Pain For Good
Learn more about the various causes of abdominal pain in general by getting in touch with us. At the Gastro Center in New Jersey, we are always ready to help patients learn more about their concerns.
Book an appointment today and let us diagnose and treat your pain. 
The post Why Do I Have a Stabbing Pain In My Upper Stomach? appeared first on Gastro Center NJ.
from Gastro Center NJ https://gastrocenternj.com/stabbing-pain-in-upper-stomach/ via https://gastrocenternj.com
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Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
You had gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy) since you were encountering torment under your ribs in the correct upper piece of your stomach. You were informed that laparoscopic surgery is generally quick and straightforward, walking, less obtrusive and dangerous, and an all the more cosmetically worthy operation. This is right. In Latin "cholecyst" implies gallbladder, "ectomy" implies evacuation and it is currently the most widely recognized stomach surgery performed in the India More than 750,000 such operations are performed every year. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
  You were informed that the gallbladder exists just as a capacity holder for bile and that it is not an essential organ and that everybody can live without one. You were informed that after gallbladder expulsion your agony would stop and you would not have any stomach related distress.
 This is not precisely rectify in light of the fact that, as indicated by current therapeutic writing, cholecystectomy does not soothe gallbladder torment in 10% to 33% of individuals and medicinal measurements demonstrate that around 20% of individuals without gallbladders keep on having manifestations, for example, gas, bloating, stomach agony and spasms, indigestion, blockage or the runs, greasy sustenance prejudice, and so on. Side effects after cholecystectomy may endure for a long time, or even years. The therapeutic term for this is postcholecystectomy disorder.
 The likelihood of these manifestations staying after surgery does not rely on upon the ability of the specialist or the nature of the therapeutic gear utilized; incidentally, these are fantastic by and large. Agony and acid reflux regularly proceeds even after the evacuation of the gallbladder. Understanding the elements of both the gallbladder and bile may provide us some insight about what should be done to limit the side effects after gallbladder surgery. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
  The liver produces bile, a thick, sharp tasting liquid, in a system of pipes, which move the bile into the duodenum (initial segment of the small digestive system). The regular bile conduit converges into the pancreatic channel, which discharges pancreatic juices. The blend of bile and pancreatic juices experience the muscle valve that oversees arrival of these liquids from the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas into the small digestive system. This key valve is known as the Sphincter of Oddi.
 At the point when the gallbladder presses out bile, the Sphincter of Oddi opens. At the point when this sphincter is shut the bile is diverted into the gallbladder that then extends like an inflatable; the gallbladder has a cushion capacity to keep the expanding weight inside the bile pipes. Branches of nerves, which encompass the gallbladder and stomach related hormones, direct this exceptionally convoluted association. After surgery, this cradle capacity is lost and alongside it the correct control of the sphincter of Oddi. Just about 20 percent of patients after cholecystectomy can experience the ill effects of sphincter of Oddi brokenness. Fits of this valve cause high weight in the bile conduit bringing about torment and growth of bile pipes. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
  In a sound individual, bile goes from the liver into the gallbladder. In the gallbladder, bile is concentrated for processing fats. Bile comprises of water, bicarbonate, minerals, dissolvable bile acids, bile shades, cholesterol, and lecithin. Moreover, individual dispenses with through bile the diverse fat-dissolvable harmful substances, for example, substantial metals, noxious chemicals, solutions, and so forth.
 Bile is an antacid liquid with a pH in the 7.0-8.0 territory. Keeping up this range is basic in light of the fact that acidic changes and diminishing pH make an expansion and grouping of the insoluble, extremely forceful bile acids. These to a great degree bothered, eroded substances, as concentrated cleansers, cause gallbladder irritation and gallbladder stones. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
  This is a vital point. Concentrated, forceful acidic bile gathered in the gallbladder is the reason for all gallbladder issues. The gallbladder is the place the underlying harm begins. After gallbladder expulsion, the forceful, acidic, liver bile makes harm of the bile channels, pancreatic pipe, sphincter of Oddi and the duodenum bringing about irritation, fits, and ulcers.
 Sphincter of Oddi brokenness prompts fit of this valve; thusly, forceful, acidic bile aggravates the pancreatic and bile conduits. Thusly, it can bring about agony and consuming sensations in the upper right or left stomach territory. On account of Sphincter of Oddi brokenness, this valve may open at the wrong time frame when there is no sustenance in the duodenum. Right now, forceful, acidic, liver bile consumes and erodes the intestinal dividers. Jerky, fitful constrictions of the duodenal dividers disgorge the amassed bile acids in the stomach or potentially the throat bringing on steady indigestion, stomach irritation, gastritis, ulcers, and in the long run tumor. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
  At the point when acidic bile with these forceful, insoluble bile acids moves down through the digestion tracts, they cause perpetual looseness of the bowels and increment the danger of colorectal tumor.
 Once the bile has turned out to be acidic, it loses its regular capacity to advance processing of fats, which can prompt the prejudice of greasy sustenances and an insufficiency of basic unsaturated fats and fat-solvent vitamins. It can make individuals without gallbladders encounter awkward manifestations in different parts of the body.
 Another condition that can happen after gallbladder surgery is dysbiosis (Candida-yeast abundance, Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth; SIBO). The dietary patterns and way of life decisions that prompted the surgery regularly stay after gallbladder surgery. Sugar, browned and handled sustenances, and liquor combined with a stationary way of life, natural chemicals, and a few solutions contrarily influence intestinal microbes. Excess of Candida-yeast can bring about harm in the stomach related, anxious, and hormonal frameworks and neuropathic torment of the inward organs. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
  There are different purposes behind the agony coming about after gallbladder surgery and a comprehensive approach with an attention on the underlying driver is essential keeping in mind the end goal to treat these issues. Characteristic, non-medicate treatment for agony must be intricate and can incorporate different option mending techniques. Some of them are:
 - Customized mending diet
- Drinking mending mineral water arranged from bona fide Karlovy Vary warm spring salt
- Herbal and nutritious supplementation
- Acupuncture
- European entire body purifying, colon hydrotherapy
- Restoration of agreeable intestinal verdure
- Abdominal back rub
- Relaxation, restorative trance, custom trance CD, and that's only the tip of the iceberg
 This characteristic treatment makes liver bile soluble and fluid. It likewise can help with fits or detachment of the sphincter of Oddi; sphincter of Oddi brokenness, disturbance of the bile pipes and bile reflux. Alkalinity of the bile and pancreatic juices advances legitimate assimilation and mitigates torment. It can reestablish the harmony between advantageous microbes and artful contamination (hurtful microorganisms, yeast, parasites), can diminish torment, issues, gas, indigestion, and loose bowels. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
  Surgery to evacuate the gallbladder has been a typical method since the nineteenth century. Since that time, European specialists have utilized medicinal eating methodologies, herbs, back rub, and mending mineral water for treatment of the complexities after this surgery. Drinking recuperating mineral water has been extremely well known in Europe by patients after gallbladder expulsion. The most understood is mineral water from the warm spring in the little Czech town Karlovy Vary. European specialists prescribed drinking this water either from the warm spring or setting it up at home from bona fide Karlovy Vary warm spring salt. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot, Gujarat
  Medicinal research underpins the restorative activity of the Karlovy Vary mending mineral water. European specialists consider that drinking this mineral water is valuable for various liver, pancreatic, and intestinal disarranges. It alkalinizes the body's liquids, enhances processing, and mitigates stomach torment, fits, looseness of the bowels and acid reflux.
 Needle therapy is another non-medicate elective strategy for treating issues after gallbladder surgery. Few individuals realize that needle therapy can be exceptionally helpful in stomach related disarranges, stomach torment, and incessant looseness of the bowels. Numerous restorative articles from nations where needle therapy treatment is broadly utilized and my own experience affirm that needle therapy can reduce the agony in postcholecystectomy disorder. Swasti Gastroenterology for Gallbladder Surgery in Ahmedabad, Gallbladder Surgery in Baroda, Gallbladder Surgery in Surat,
Gallbladder Surgery in Rajkot, Gallbladder Surgery in Gujarat
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Bowel with lattice and barrier.
For a healthy thin bowel a charactering always a stable, individually for every person is microflora. In infection, a place for bifid and lactobacterias are staying foreign microbes, which attaching to surface cells-erythrocites.  These cells are responsible  for turning all nourishing substances in personal for every person thanks for membrane digestion. Foreign microbes blocking activity for erythrocytes, and under affecting microbe toxins a part of cells destroying , and inflammation beginning.
In result mucus membrane for bowel staying permeable for a not full manufactured nourishing substances, which transferring through her,like through lattice, bypassing erythrocytes. And not receiving a status for personal, causing food s allergy, changes on skin, feeling. And still one factor for enteritis  ,as in destroying erythrocytes are stopping manufacturing immunoglobulins,as protectors  for organism having in saliva, nose and bronchial mucus , and digestion highway. Immunoglobulins ability to tie  sicked microorganisms, preventing bacterial and virus infections as ARVD, flu, bronchitis.Of  deficit immunoglobulins patients are suffering from repeating colds, abscess and fungus diseases, indigestion stomach.
On the border ending segment a thin bowel, and begin stage for thick is having valve calling Bauhin s damper , and her role is device not allowing entering toxic bowel containing, a most rich different , pathogenic , microbes , in thin bowel. In hard stool of pressure rising in thick bowel a damper is not withstanding and contain for thick bowel is ability breaking  in thin, that causing a infection , lading to enteritis, thus hard stool changing on diarrhoea, as calming patient, that am fought hard stool, but this is  self-deception as a liquid contain with not digested and not sucked nourishing substances flows, like stream between are faeces stones.  That an confirmed by patient s complaints on tiredness fast, lowering weight, belly discomfort, and often stool.
And readers are though,that enteritis is serious disease with hard prognosis  for recovering, but not worry, when antibiotics are cancelled, thus virus infections displays are ending, and stopping effective curing for gastritis, and it is ability waiting recovering as hopping on a big compensation possibles a thin bowel, on a work her parts healthy, not damages by inflammation. Self -recovering is a not always happening, in patient keeping signs for bowel infection are belly dyspepsia, icterus, non-stable stool, swellings, as not a sick, but not a healthy . And what I must to do here?
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/3wjm28F via https://ift.tt/UrkM3WL
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via HEALTHY AND FITNESS https://ift.tt/2HCLwQu
Stomach Pain Treatment at Home
Stomach pain is a very widespread problem almost everyone has experienced at one time or another. Stomachache may vary in the degrees of discomfort and related symptoms. Common symptoms you experience mild with stomach or abdominal pain are sharp pain in the stomach or abdomen, stomach cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. When you have a stomachache, even if it is mild stomach, it can be so annoying that it makes difficult to concentrate on anything. You want it to go away fast irrespective of the reason behind the stomachache. Oftentimes a natural home remedy will bring relief from the discomfort, no matter what is the cause of stomachache or abdominal pain you have, be it from nausea and heartburn to irritable bowel syndrome and everything in between.
What Causes a Stomach Ache?
There are number of different cause that may be behind your stomach pain. Here are some common causes of stomachaches:
·        Gastritis:Inflammation of the stomach mucus is lining known as Gastritis. Gastritis can be identified by symptoms like upper stomach pain, a feeling of fullness in your stomach, and nausea. A number of things caused gastritis that including bacterial infections, age, the use of certain drugs, or tobacco or alcohol use.
·        Acid reflux: Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid gets back, up into the esophagus. It is also known as gastrointestinal reflux disease. Acid reflux causes a painful and burning sensation in the stomach and behind the breastbone. Acid reflux generally caused by eating fatty or spicy foods or problems like a hiatal hernia.
·        Lactose intolerance: If you feel stomach pain, every time after drinking a glass of milk or eating cheese, you could be lactose intolerant. People with lactose intolerance do not have enough lactase enzyme to digest dairy products, which leads to stomach pain and other digestive issues.
·        Stress: Stress and anxiety can cause physical symptoms, including stomach cramp or pain.
Should You Treat Your Stomach Pain at Home?
Stomach pain most of the time are not very serious. You can safely go for natural remedies at home for common abdominal pain without consulting your doctor at first. However, stomach pain can also cause due to more serious issues like, gallstones, a hernia, an ulcer, a urinary tract infection or appendicitis. You need to call your doctor at once if you notice any of these symptoms:
v  Pain that does not improves in a couple of hours.
v  Pain is very intense in nature.
v  Feeling dizziness.
v  Persistent vomiting that more than one or two days.
v  Bloody or black, tar-like stool.
Try these home remedies for upset stomach if you are not having any of these symptoms.
18 Amazing Home Remedies for Acidity and Acid Reflux !!!!
How to Get Rid of a Stomach Ache: 14 Home Remedy for Stomach Pain        
These natural home remedies will definitely give you quick relief and are particularly more effective for stomachaches due to indigestion, gas, bloating and similar conditions. In this article, HEALTHY and FITNESS shares with you top 14 natural home remedies for upset stomach without any side effect.
1.      Drink Warm Salt Water
This remedy may sound simple but works wonders. Saltwater are generally used as a gargle for relief from sore throat, but it found that warm salt water is also good for aching stomach, too. For better relief chew a spoonful of carom seeds before drinking the glass of warm salt water. You can feel relief in just a couple of minute. This remedy is effective flatulence, indigestion, bloating and a disturbed stomach. 
How to USE:
Dissolve one teaspoon of salt into one glass of warm water and drink.
2.      Eat a Piece of Burned Toast
You probably already know that toast is one of the most helpful remedies for stomach pain. However, what you may not know burnt toast is a better solution for your upset stomach. Though it sounds strange, the toxins that make you feel sick are absorbed by the char. it to make it go down more easily, spread a little honey on it and you may also add a smear of jelly to make it palatable. Activated charcoal also works in a similar way and it will settle an upset stomach in minutes. Activated charcoal helps to absorb microbes and bad gut bacteria that can cause stomach issues.
3.      Peppermint
Peppermint is a highly effective herbal remedy for easing digestive distress and stomach pain. Peppermint leaves contain menthol, which have natural painkilling properties and soothe the digestive tract. This herb helps to calm stomach pain and intestinal contractions and prevent digestive muscles from erratic tension, which are often the cause of nausea and stomach pain.
How to USE:
Sip peppermint tea for easies stomachache.
Sniff on peppermint extract with boiling water to relive nausea.
Sucking on a peppermint candy or chewing the leaves helps best for alleviating feelings of nausea.
4.      Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has wide range of health benefits, like remedy for hiccups and sore throat; it also can relieve you from stomach pain as well. Apple cider vinegar is quite effective for treating different digestive woes as it has the ability to stimulate the release of digestive juices that help the body break down food. It can help ease bloating, gas, indigestion, stomach cramp and heartburn.
There are two reasons for this.
First, apple cider vinegar kills bacteria, so if the abdominal pain is due to a bacterial infection in your stomach, this vinegar can control the infection. Healthy acids present in apple cider vinegar like acetic, lactic, isobutyric and propionic acid arresting the growth of unwanted bacteria and yeast in the stomach and throughout the abdomen and thereby improves digestive health.
Second, apple cider vinegar reduces acid reflux by balancing the gastric acid.
How to USE:
Never drink apple cider vinegar on its own, the acid present in the vinegar can damage your teeth. Mix a spoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water and a spoonful of honey or fruit juice. Take this mixture within 5-minutes of your first sip so the vinegar can quickly begin action on your digestion system.
5.      Baking Soda to Settle Your Stomach
Baking Soda or Sodium bicarbonate is a very potent antacid that can settle your stomach in seconds. It helps to relieve stomach pain arising from indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn, and symptoms common to peptic ulcer disease. Most commercial antacids have baking soda as the active ingredient. Acidity can develop from spicy foods, alcohol, eating too much, stress and other factors. Overproduction of stomach acids tends to interfere with the normal digestive process. Other issues such as nausea, indigestion, bloating, or vomiting are often accompanied with acidity. In acid reflux this acids to go back into the esophagus, resulting that causes heartburn. Frequent acid reflux may even permanently damage the walls of the esophagus, or lead to cancer in worst cases. Consumption of baking soda neutralizes the effects of acid to support better digestion. Remainder: Never consume baking soda if you are diagnosed with ulcer.  
How to USE:
Just dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water and drink it. You can drink it whenever you are suffering from stomach pain, heartburn and acid reflux.
6.      Try Some Ginger
Ginger is an effective natural remedy for stomach pain and nausea used for many years by ancient cultures. Ginger has soothing effects on the digestive system and for stomach issues including indigestion, nausea, cramps, bloating etc. Natural compounds present in ginger fight inflammation, reduce excess stomach acid, and stimulate digestion. Ginger’s gastro-protective properties blocks acid secretion and suppress helicobacter pylori, bacteria found in the stomach. Study (2007) conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition at the Central Food Technological Research Institute in Karnataka, India, showed that ginger is more effective for preventing ulcers than lansoprazole, a drug commonly prescription for ulcer.
How to USE:
Use a fresh piece of ginger root to get soothing relief quickly.
Just cut thin slices of ginger root and chew on them.
If you do not like the strong flavor of raw Ginger, you can make tea instead. To make ginger tea, slice or grate one to two tablespoons of ginger root and allow it to steep for about 10 minutes in two cups of boiling water. Preferably, you should sip it as a preventative about 20 minutes before every meal. You may add some honey, lemon, or mint to improve the taste.
7.      Have a Bowl of Yogurt
You may try to avoid a dairy product during an upset stomach but yogurt is a very effective remedy for stomachache. If you want to get rid of cramps, just one cup of yogurt will work magical for your aching stomach. Yogurt is loaded with probiotics (good bacteria) that can improve your digestion and restore balance to your gut. Go for a non-fat plain yogurt with no added flavor to calm you upset stomach. Choose a plain yogurt rather than the sweetened kind, as the sugar can upset your stomach even more.
How to USE:
Use fresh yogurt. Make it at your home if possible. If you do not like the taste of plain yogurt, mix in a few berries or sprinkle a little honey over the top, to taste it better. If you have chronic stomach problem, make yogurt part of your diet every day for long-term relief.
8.      Chamomile Tea
Stress and anxiety can worsen symptoms of stomach cramps and pain. Chamomile tea can help with stomach pain by reduces inflammation in your stomach and eases tension throughout your body. Chamomile tea calms the nerves and checks the pain in the excited stomach. If you cannot sleep throughout the night due stomachache sipping chamomile tea will help you. Chamomile tea is known for its ability to help one relax that can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
How to USE:
To make a cup of refreshing chamomile tea, steep loose dried chamomile flower or chamomile tea bag in boiling water for ten to fifteen minutes. You may also add lemon to boost its healing property.
9.      Drink Lemon Juice
Lemon helps get rid of stomach pain but also taste and smell good. The acid in lemon juice gives your digestion a boost by triggers your own stomach to produce more acid. Citric acid present in lemon juice stimulates the natural hydrochloric acid production in your stomach that breaks down the food. 
How to USE:
Mix a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to hot water and slowly sip this solution. Mixing slice of ginger to this mixture will give added benefits.
10. Fennel to Soothe Your Stomach
For centuries, fennel seeds been used as traditional medicine in Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and Greek cultures. Herbal formulas used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat gastroenteritis, hernias, and indigestion, contain fennel seeds. Fennel seeds improve digestion, soothe stomach pain, and reduce gas and bloating.  These seeds are very useful in infants with colic or gas. According to research reported by Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine in 2003, a significant reduction in colic symptoms when compared to placebo was noticed in infants who were given fennel seed oil.
How to USE:
Chew few raw fennel seed to relive your aching stomach and improve digestion. Chewing the seeds also work well for treating bloating and indigestion.
You may steep fennel seeds in hot water to make fennel tea, and sip this tea slowly.
11. Drink Rice Water
It may sound strange, but rice water or rice tea actually works to get rid of upper stomach pain. Rice water or rice tea is the water that is left over after you cook rice. If you are, have stomach upset or suffering from diarrhea, drinking a rice “tea” can help resolve it. How does it work? Rice, when boiled in water releases compounds that give a protective coating inside your stomach, which in turn reduces the pain caused by ulcers or gastritis.
How to USE:
Making Rice Tea is very simple, boil a half-cup of white or brown rice in six cups of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain out the rice to collect the rice water. Catch the leftover liquid in a bowl underneath strainer. Cool this liquid. Drink it to soothe your stomach pain.  You may add lemon juice or honey to taste it.
12. Papaya
Papaya traditionally has a natural digestive property and used for peptic ulcers, upset stomach, heartburn and diarrhea for long time. Papaya contains papain, a natural digestive enzyme, that helps break up protein in your food and relive the irritating the stomach. Eating papaya on an empty stomach makes the enzymes actually have more potent. The papaya induced ulcer-preventative mucous secretion. Papaya also lowers acidity levels by breaking down the complex proteins naturally. The fruit also aid with constipation.
13. Use a Heating Pad or Hot Water Bottle
If you are still wondering how to get rid of cramps, heat is a simple but effective remedy for stomach pain. The heat speeds up the digestion process by increasing circulation around the stomach. Proper digestion of the food alleviates stomach pain. The heat provides the warmth in your abdominal area can help to distract you from the pain and discomfort. Generating heat relaxes your muscles to ease your abdominal tension and brings relief as well. Heat is also effective to reduce nausea.
How to USE:
Use a hot water bottle or heating pad. Remember; do not warm it so hot that it will burn you. Place the hot pack for at least 15 minutes on your lower abdomen as you lie on your back. Reheat as required.
14. Practice Yoga
Most of these are internal remedies to get rid of stomach pain; you may also find long-term relief through yoga poses. There are many yoga poses, which stimulates digestion and maintain acid balance in your stomach. You need to practice yoga regularly to get rid of stomach and digestive issues in future.
How to DO:
Try a knees-to-stomach pose (Apanasana) for quick relief. Lie down comfortable on your back. Gently draw your knees up to your chest. Wrap your arms around your shins. Keep your back flat on the floor. Hold in this position for one minute, and then slowly release it to normal position. Pavanamuktasana (Wind Removing Pose) also helps in digestive disorders.
Next time you are having a bout of indigestion or acid reflux try these easy home remedies for your upset stomach. However, you should visit your doctor immediately, if your stomach pain persists for more than three days and you are having symptoms like fever and headache.
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