#Where is the gastritis ache positioned
gofitnesspro · 1 year
Understanding Gastritis: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments
Gastritis is a condition that inflames the belly lining (the mucosa), inflicting belly aches, indigestion (dyspepsia), bloating, and nausea. It can be acute or chronic. Medications and dietary modifications can lessen stomach acid and reduce gastritis symptoms. Why Should You Understand Gastritis? If left untreated, gastritis can lead to several complications increasing your risk of stomach…
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yxlenas · 1 year
So I saw you would like some asks.
I am getting to the point where I think I would like to be assessed for EDS/hEDS. However, I'm not confident?
I have autism so my perception of pain is really dulled. Like I didn't realise I have a minor skin infection on my finger until I happened to see it. I literally just got diagnosed with gastritis that I thought was just mild acid reflux... you get the point.
I was wondering (if you feel comfortable sharing) what does the pain feel like? For me all my joints just ache in different positions, and the ache gets more intense the longer I stay in that position. Like I toss and turn for ages before I sleep because random joints just hurt so I have to move.
Google seems to say that it feels like your joints are dislocating or grinding or whatever. But I don't get that sensation... Well, I guess I'm not really sure as I've never dislocated anything so I have no idea what it's supposed to feel like.
Any other thoughts about getting a diagnosis and stuff would be great to hear too!
Thank you for reading this 💖
I would say that the easiest way to judge if it’s hypermobility is going to be the beighton scale, which assesses overall range of motion. I would definitely schedule with a primary care doctor- they’re going to want to rule out like RA and stuff first because that testing is a lot more accessible.
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izwakele · 1 year
“…From theory into practice: MY FIRST WEEK OF FIELDWORK …how does treating make me feel…”
🤞❤Welcome - I'm Izwakele ..Hi I hope you're enjoying your evening
I'll just get into it don't wanna make it awkward😂...the first day of fieldwork I was conflicted by many things – having a new supervisor, will my clients like me … am I prepared … is my preparation enough – the last thing you need for fieldwork is your preparation to be not in line with your day. My first thought meeting the King Edward stuff was that they know their work and it will be tragic for me to not know mine. Another fear that cripples me during the first day is the diagnosis you will come across with cause they speak to the treatment principles and planning you have to provide and my previous supervisor always gave me neuro case and in one of the lectures Deshini mentioned that it will be misfortune for me if I don’t become a  Neuro OT one day seeing the love and excitement in my face for a human brain  – it is exciting but scary at the same time  
Me being strong willed and unshaken I could take on any case I told myself over and over gain sitting on red chair in a 4 walled room filled with new aspiring therapist like myself and a wishful supervisor … until a small paper written “gastritis “was placed in front of me … and the life changing question from me to my supervisor was “what is my job “cause at that point to me a clinical picture was painted in my mind and there was no enough clinical reasoning to convince me a mere stomach ache is my scene as a therapist.
My first time treating - my first time seeing gastritis client I went to the wards unshaken , determined and confident in what I know cause no one was gonna give me the validation I needed – there she was [smiled in pride and joy at the good memory] 73 years old Gogo - her face lighted up when she saw me and I knew we were going to get along like house on fire – and we sure did.  A good rapport between therapist and client is the foundation of a good intervention and a satisfied client. Clients sometimes reveal secrets, worries, and fears to therapist which are essential for client-based interventions, but they can only disclose to someone they trust and that someone must be you as an OT – work towards that and prioritise it. Them placing trust in you as a Therapist and your services helps them to maintain a healthy confidence toward their health or look forward to gaining from you and lastly to comply to therapy for sake of well-being and that strong need to engage in meaningful occupations. This unique relationship encompasses 4 key elements: mutual knowledge, trust, loyalty, and regard – and I believe with all my clients that I have seen so far, I have managed to keep these components as a foundation of my intervention.
I have always allowed my self to take criticism and feedback with positivity and spirit to go out there and fix those issues as soon as possible -  in these 2 weeks I’ve looked forward to feedback and evaluation from my supervisor cause I wouldn’t know where to improve and what to work on – another thing that always stayed with me and leaves a bad taste is me seeing students prioritising passing over experience and reflection – ‘’my supervisor hates me – I’m failing “… “I’m over this .. OT is not for me “… they fail to understand that it all comes to you and what you have done to improve – I have improved a lot and there was a lot of learning and research I needed to do to reach the stage I think I’m in and it all comes back to you and your perspective of everything around fieldwork.
Treating is way different from assessment and all those sessions we planned in 2nd year or 1st year notes we studied – in here you are working towards a bigger goal – them going home with enough tools for them to engage in meaningful occupations. In this placement I’m in – in most cases there are no opportunities to work toward that “bigger goal” due to high client turnover – now one need a skill to think on the sport and prioritize treatment. I think I have established a new way to work around that - “know your prognosis and client value” then prioritize that – prioritize your assessment… prioritize research and evidence “you are a evidence based OT – understand that” said my lecture Dineo in one of her lectures  … adapt on the spot and always be aware of your shortcomings those are the things you need to always work on … don’t leave things for last minute. Those are the tools I equipped my self within this work of a solder – the sooner you understand you are in war with time the better.  Treatment gave me sense of belonging in the OT world – it gives me hope and that urge for excellency and creativity is fed during treatment when you get to drive therapy – where it all come to you –when it is all about a client but also about you [give yourself credit when it is due]. “it’s all come to you” I tell myself this each day when I put my scrub on.
Another things to touch on is my improvement in writing skills – the OT wording and jargon is finally kicking in – all that time I spent reading articles from google scholar and that never ending browsing of  Pinterest – my favourite is the Pinterest community called ‘MY OT Spot - https://www.myotspot.com/ ” – they always have new approach to treatment from all over the world and we get to share experience with every OT out there.
in conclusion it’s been a joy ride for the past 2 weeks as much as I survive on 2 to 3 hours of sleep every day🤣🤦‍♀️, I still prioritize my experience and growth over everything and that’s all that matters – EXPERIENCE AND MEMORIES!!
[drops microphone and leaves stage, audience goes wild - they've never seen someone so passionate about life] 😂😂😂hope you enjoyed my Blog
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thumbgarden · 3 years
How to grow thyme in a pot: secret for growing on a windowsill
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Thyme is widely used in culinary, medical, and cosmetic applications. It is rapidly gaining popularity among housewives due to its aroma, unusual flavor, and useful properties. To grow thyme in how to grow thyme in a pot, it must be planted correctly, providing the necessary light, optimum temperature, and humidity.
WHY IS THYME SO POPULAR? Thyme is valued not only for its beautiful appearance and fragrant aroma but also for its excellent medicinal properties. In folk medicine. Thyme tea is fragrant and rich in useful vitamins, active ingredients that soothe the nervous system, eliminate pain, cope with colds, and many other diseases. From its leaves and flowers make decoctions, infusions, essential oils. Dried thyme herbs are added to pillows for a deeper and healthier sleep. In the old days, thyme was used to fumigate rooms to get rid of germs and pests.
BENEFITS OF THYME AND ITS USES Thyme is often referred to as the herb of witches and Vedas. The ancient Slavs revered thyme as a sacred plant. In pagan rituals, it was used to burn on bonfires to attract the mercy of the gods. In pagan rituals, thyme was used to burn on bonfires to attract the favor of the gods. Thyme is a wonderful herb with a pleasant flavor and many beneficial effects. In addition, this herb has some decorative properties, which is an added bonus when cultivated in living room conditions. Using thyme in the home can be done in the following cases. Use thyme for cooking and add it in moderation due to its strong natural flavor.
THYME: WHICH VARIETY IS POPULAR TO GROW? Although there are more than 300 varieties of this plant, only four species are grown in garden plots. Its medicinal and decorative properties are the most obvious. Marshall's thyme. Used to treat eye diseases. Thyme creeper. Planting and post-care are useful for treating cold and cough, stomach aches, and promoting digestion. Common thyme. This variety has been specially bred. It is used to treat runny nose, colds, gastritis, and pancreatitis. Thyme tea is a good antiseptic. Plant this thyme in flower beds and decorate the site. Thyme Lemon. The leaves are greenish-yellow in color and the plant has a pleasant lemon smell. Feel free to choose one of them!
GATHERING THYME Collect the herb if you want to dry it for future introduction into a spice mixture or save it for a decoction, just in case. Take only the flowering plants. Slant the stem and cut it with a sharp knife. By breaking off the branches, irreparable damage is done to the entire bush. Harvesting thyme during flowering Thyme should be dried according to general regulations, spread on a sack or gauze, and placed in a cool place. The herbs can also be hung in bunches in the attic to dry in the sun.
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Growing thyme in the open ground does not require superb effort or the application of special knowledge. Thyme perfectly tolerates the conditions of non-droughty summers and snowy winters. For fast growth and development, abundant flowering requires a lot of water, so the climate of the Moscow region creates the best conditions for him. Bred from wild varieties, thyme grows well on any soil except acidic clay. Strong frosts do not scare this plant either. If thyme is planted in a warm, sunny spot in a garden plot, it will grow healthily and quickly. To prevent the stem from rotting during the off-season when it is over-watered, cover the soil next to the stem with small pebbles or gravel for drainage. Thyme looks great as a decorative element for garden paths. Planting it at the edge of a pathway gives it a cultivated look. This plant is also suitable for rose gardens and alpine landscaping and is a good decoration for ponds. And if planted near a house, you can not only get aesthetic pleasure looking at its intricate inflorescence but also breathe in the scent of flowers in the early morning and evening. Planting different species of thyme in flower beds can enhance the decorative effect.
HOW IS THIS PLANT PROPAGATED? Thyme can be grown in three ways. 1. Thyme seeds are planted in early spring. You can plant this plant in the late fall. In this case, sow the seeds before the onset of frost to prevent them from freezing. First make sure that the soil is prepared: dig it, loosen it, and remove weeds and other plant roots. Then apply compost. Instead, you can add well-rotted manure and mineral fertilizer, urea, all mixed with the soil. 2. Now the seeds can be sown. After sowing, cover the seeds with soil, water them and additionally cover the bed with coarse sand. This will prevent water from being trapped in the area where the seedlings are growing. 3. When the plants have grown a little, the seedlings should be thinned slightly to make them stronger, healthier, and more viable.
PLANTING SEEDLINGS A thyme seedling can be planted in a vacant lot. To do this, sow the seeds in a special container and cover them with the film. Wait until they will germinate and sprout. After about a month, transfer the grown plants to the open air to acclimatize and harden them. If after 14 days the plants continue to grow actively and look healthy and neat, they are transplanted to a permanent open ground, the soil is dug beforehand and enriched with fertilizer and trace elements.
PLANT PLANTS WITH WELL-DEVELOPED ROOTSTOCKS Thyme can be purchased from amateur gardeners at the market or in stores. It is important to note that when buying rhizomes with open roots, pay attention to the condition of the roots, stems, and leaves. It is necessary to buy only healthy plants. If in doubt, it is best to refuse the purchase immediately. The roots must be well developed. However, even a weak root system can be improved, and when the roots go into growth, new roots will appear from the stem of the plant. The main thing is that there is no decay or insect damage on it. The plant should be robust, with a sturdy stem and dense, glossy, elastic leaves. A slightly wilted plant should not be purchased. It may wither over time or it may wilt completely. Growing thyme with a closed root system and buying it in a special place will not cause difficulties. The plant should be carefully removed from the container, checked for decay, cleaned and righted if necessary, and then planted in prepared soil. Water and cover near the stem for drainage.
HOW TO CHOOSE A PLANTING LOCATION? Thyme is best planted in a southern, sunny part of the garden. If you plant it in the shade, its bushes will look loose, the leaves will be small and the stems will stretch. It will be more difficult to accumulate the ideal concentration of substances and essential oils useful for him. An approximately pleasant aroma is impossible. The plant simply cannot produce a strong odor. Thyme, which grows on the warm, sunny side, takes the form of a small, dense shrub. If its leaves and branches are cut regularly, it grows wider. With proper care, thyme grass can take on a bulbous shape in the fall. This plant will look especially good in a flower bed and can be used as a decoration for any flower garden.
COLLECTION AND STORAGE The edible and medicinal thyme herbs are harvested twice during the growing season. in June, the flowers and herbs contain the most flavorful and medicinal substances. The second cutting of the green mass is planned for the end of August. The harvest of the herbs is commemorated especially on Church feasts such as Pentecost and the Assumption. There is a popular belief that these harvests multiply the positive effects of the herbs.
Thyme has a weak root system with shallow roots that do not tolerate hand harvesting. The only proper way to harvest these aromatic herbs is to cut them.
Bale the raw material to dry and hang it in a dry place, out of direct sunlight. A small amount of thyme can be dried in a thin layer at home or in a place protected from the sun and rain. Drying is crucial. Thyme is stored by grinding or milling the thyme and removing the stem. Ready to use, the powder is poured into an airtight container such as a coffee can. The container should be kept in a dark place, such as a kitchen cupboard. Tight-fitting paper and canvas bags are suitable for dried herbs, but they will lose the fragrance of the essential oil. The properties of the plant can be preserved for up to two years. Cultivation of thyme is justified in several cases: for cooking, for decorating and flavoring the garden, for medicinal purposes. The unpretentious culture can grow in harsh conditions unsuitable for other plants. Thyme is easy to grow due to its resistance to changes in weather conditions and adaptability. With proper care, the plant grows rapidly and has an abundant and prolonged flowering period.
CARE OF THYME The care of thyme is not at all tedious.
1. Watering A plant can go for a long time without water. However, it should still be watered in the dry summer months.
2. Fertilization In the spring, fertilize with a solution of cow manure. He also needs ash, which is added to the soil and pre-mixed with it.
3. Replanting To make the shrub look better, dig away the soil from its shoots. The shoots are placed in a pit and covered with freshly fertilized soil. To improve reliability, you can press them with special staples. With time, new roots will form and the sprouted plants can be planted in other areas.
4. Pruning Thyme is pruned during the flowering period. At this time, the concentration of essential oils in its leaves and flowers is at its highest. After pruning, cover the plant with loose soil and water it. The cut stems, flowers, and leaves are dried in a cool place and then packed in canvas bags. Gardeners have long had a fondness for this low-growing groundcover herb, with its carpet of flowers and distinctive scent. But thyme isn't just grown for garden design purposes. The plant, commonly known as thyme, has long been noted for its medicinal value and its ability to flavor meat dishes, soups, salads, and marinades. In ancient Egypt, thyme was used in rituals.
CAN THYME BE GROWN IN POTS? Many people want to know if they can grow the spice at home. Thyme is very suitable for growing in an apartment because it is not too fussy and does not require much care. Therefore, even people who have no experience in growing thyme can cope with planting and growing spices. To plant, you just need to choose a suitable container for the spice, plant it, and place it in a well-lit room. If you grow it in your apartment, you will have to water it regularly to prevent the soil from drying out and fertilize it.
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Among a large number of thyme, species are. 1. The common ones. Comes to us from southern France and Spain. Characterized by small, lance-shaped leaves, dark green color, and delicate purple flowers. 2. Prostrate (creeping). Mediterranean species with leathery leaves of various colors. The purple flowers have a beautiful pinkish hue. This thyme is frost and drought tolerant and is considered an excellent honeybee. 3. Lemon scented. This is a hybrid from southern France, named for its lemony tart flavor. Over time, the yellow leaves turn green. The flowers are a delightful pink color. Poor frost tolerance needs shade during the cold season and regular pruning. 4. Plant Honey. Foliage is strong, perennial hybrids are drought and cold resistant and productive. Excellent for beehives and garden decorations. Used fresh and dried, in cooking and folk medicine.
"If it is a spontaneous decision to cultivate thyme in the window, X when there is no pot or soil mixture at home, green cuttings can be allowed to take root in a glass, which can be made of dark glass or specially blackened"
If you're not ready for the long process of growing thyme from seed, you can try accelerated propagation. To get fresh spicy herbs, you need to stock up on potted plants, free up your windowsill and buy fresh thyme herbs from the supermarket. Follow the instructions Bring a package of thyme, carefully unpack it, and select the best-preserved flowering branch from the total mass. Make a diagonal cut in the stem. This requires a sharp knife. Tear off the leaves underneath and submerge the cuttings in water, allowing them to remain in the water for another five to six hours. This works very well if you use melted water heated to room temperature. Adding honey (half a teaspoon is enough for half a liter of water) will promote better rooting. While the cuttings are sitting in the water, prepare the pot. It should be scalded with boiling water and the bottom should be covered with clay pebbles. Drainage is watered with a layer of fertile soil. It should take up a third of the volume. The rest will be occupied by coarse-grained series of calcined sands. These are watered with a pink manganese solution.
In one pot, plant four cuttings per pot. After planting, they are sprayed with water and arranged in greenhouse conditions. The pots are covered with a half-liter jar, which you should remember to lift periodically to allow air to reach the shoots. The roots of the cuttings will form in about the second or third week. During this time, the jar will also be removed. Half a month from this point, the seedlings can be planted in their own containers with standard fertile soil. In case of a spontaneous decision to cultivate thyme in the window, X when there are no pots or soil mixtures at home, green cuttings can be rooted in a glass, which can be made of dark glass or special dark glass. Room temperature water saturated with activated charcoal tablets and a few grains of the hydrogel. As soon as the microclimate of the windowsill is dry and warm, the glass is placed in a polyethylene bag and filled with air in the latter and tied. In such germination, roots will appear within 20 days. Transplant the seedlings into pots filled with light, fertile soil, taking care not to chip off the swollen hydrogel particles from the roots. Thyme cuttings are rooted within 20 days.
Watering Thyme should be watered moderately and only when the soil is sufficiently dry. Only young shoots should be planted on dry food. Thyme bushes are planted in their second year when new shoots begin to emerge from the roots. Like allspice herbs, it responds to mineral fertilizers.
Thyme in winter During this period, it is best to remove thyme from the windowsill and send it to a glass balcony, for example, to provide the plant with a period of rest. Only during frosty weather, when the temperature on the balcony is not too low, can it become a shelter. Readings below -5°C (23°F) are a concern and the thyme has been moved to another warmer location Practice and continuous baking thyme, but in this case, he needs to provide not only a warm window sill but also additional lighting.
HOW TO GROW IN THE GARDEN Growing thyme in your own plot is not difficult. To do this, prepare seeds, cuttings, or divide the shrub. Active propagation by self-seeding should be taken into account, due to the need to deal with space constraints over time.
1.Thyme seeds Seeds can be sown in places carefully cleared of weeds. Since small seeds germinate within a month and develop very slowly, weeds interfere with this process. Therefore, planting thyme is best done by the seedling method. For this purpose, a mixture of sand and peat is prepared in early spring and poured into a box, tray, or container. After sowing, the seeds are kept under polyethylene or glass until the sprouts appear. Sprouts need regular moderate watering and good light. after 3-4 weeks, the stronger-looking plants are hardened in the open air for two weeks and then planted in a permanent growing place.
2.Thyme from cuttings In summer, propagate thyme from green cuttings. This method is characterized by successful rooting. The procedure is carried out before flowering. The top part of the stem should be cut to a height of 10 cm (3.93inch), placed in river sand, and covered with a piece of polyethylene. After a month, the rooted specimens can be planted in the open ground.
When dividing the shrub, pull the base apart and gently pull out the roots.
We recommend covering the slot with a glass jar for one week to promote rooting.
GROWING THYME A hardy and undemanding semi-shrub that can be cultivated without causing trouble to the gardener. Thyme grass adapts to the climatic conditions proposed and copes with a can-do attitude by forming spherical bushes and increasing its useful mass.
SITE AND SOIL SELECTION To grow thyme, it is necessary to choose a sunny and open place in the vegetable garden, but without draught. The soil should be neutral and well-drained. Heavy soils, clayey soils, and strongly moist soils need Gaza. For grass to thrive in the open ground, it should not be acidic and chalk or lime should be added. You need to consider the overall design of your garden so that the luxurious thyme weave blends harmoniously into the landscape.
WHEN AND HOW DO I PLANT THYME? Planting thyme seeds is done in autumn and spring after soaking in warm water for 12 hours. Smear the shoots, keeping 30cm (11.8inch) intervals. Seedlings are best planted after the end of frost on a warm, sunny day. Arrange a spacious hole. Remove the seedlings from the container and place them in a mixture of soil and sand. Compact the surface of the soil and water the plants afterward. In case of propagation by cuttings, planting is done in August. When thyme is grown from seed in the open ground, the semi-shrub will flower the following year. In Asia, the flavor of thyme is a must in lamb dishes in all countries. This spice is also an irreplaceable ingredient in French cuisine. Thyme is a genus of plants in the thyme family (Lamiaceae). The genus Thymus has a large number of species, including more than 350 species. More than 170 species of thyme can be found on the territory of Eastern Europe. Not all species are herbaceous, as they vary greatly in color and odor. Thyme is called Thymus vulgaris. In natural conditions, thyme grows on dry mountain slopes. So if grown in a home plot, it needs a sunny spot with plenty of light throughout the day. In the shade, or even in the penumbra, cultivars with unusually colored leaves lose this characteristic.
This plant looks like a compact shrub or semi-shrub up to 40cm (15.7inch) tall most commonly 15-20cm (5.9-7.87inch). The stems of thyme are woody, leafless, and recumbent or ascending. The herbaceous branches have small pointed leaflets that arise from the stems. The flowering branches are erect. It is a perennial plant. Thyme flowers from May to August. Its flowers are purple and pink, and there are also white-flowered varieties. Gardeners often use thyme as a decorative plant. With its help decorate irregular plots. It is now a permanent resident of the popular aromatic garden. The fruits of thyme are small, oval, smooth black, or dark brown nuts. Thyme has a slightly bitter and slightly spicy flavor with a pleasant and persistent aroma. Thyme branches and leaves are picked, dried, and crushed. After such preparation and proper storage, the spice does not lose its flavor for two years. This plant grows willingly on open ground and on windowsills. Thyme is a great bee and is indispensable where there is an apiary. It also attracts insects for pollination if some shrubs are planted near or in greenhouses.
SEEDS OF THYME To grow a spicy plant at home, you don't have to spend money on seedlings, which, by the way, are still very easy to find. It's much easier to use seeds. Potted thyme grows properly on a sunny balcony, as well as on a windowsill, with a system of regular ventilation.
THYME IS PERFECT FOR PLANTING ON WINDOWSILLS Action plan. 1. Prepare a small pot 15cm (5.9inch) deep. 2. Just cover the bottom with a 2cm (0.78inch) layer of drainage pipe. 3. Prepare the soil. Mix with vermiculite. 4. Wet the soil in the sprayer and place it on top of the drain. 5. Shade the pot until the first shoots appear. This will make the seedlings more robust and less likely to be burned in the sunlight. Thyme seeds germinate very well, so you can leave the strongest shoots to grow and discard the rest.
FIND A PLACE WHERE I BELONG Light, non-acidic soils are suitable for growing thyme. Soil reaction should be slightly alkaline, close to herbaceous. The soil should be well-drained, loose, and airy. Like most pungent plants, thyme is very demanding of light and is not afraid of direct sunlight. It grows in open, sunny areas. Thyme is a hardy plant. However, it does not like drafts and north winds. Therefore, thyme must be planted in a place that is sheltered from strong winds. You can place a thyme mini-planting garden behind a berry bush. Fertilizer is mainly organic. However, if you use manure, this organic matter is applied only in the fall under digging. In the spring, before planting, methane is introduced into the soil intended for thyme. Thyme does not tolerate "overwatering" and does not like to have standing water on its roots. This drought-tolerant plant does not require heavy watering. It only needs watering during periods of drought.
DISEASES AND PESTS The aromatic substances released by thyme in large quantities act as a good defense against pests. If not cared for according to good care instructions, it can trigger attacks by insects. Those that cause significant damage to the plant are. Straw bags, which damage the stems and leaves. Activated by warm nights. Insecticide treatments help. Sand bumblebees completely destroy the above-ground organs. Control them with poisonous baits. Weevil. Feed on young shoots and flower buds. Plants can be protected by insecticide treatment or by setting baits with poisonous preparations. Aphids damage the stems and leaves of thyme. It is not resistant to insecticides. Measures to prevent pests and parasites are regular loosening of the soil, timely removal of weeds, deep digging, and alkaline fertilization.
PLANTING CONDITIONS The thymus is propagated by seeds, seedlings, and cuttings. Even in our latitudes, it is possible to sow seeds directly in the open ground or in a greenhouse. The seeds are sown at a distance of 15-20cm (5.9-7.87inch) and in rows about 35cm (13.7inch) apart. The seeds are sown at a depth of 0.5cm (0.19inch). Seeds are sown in March, and seedlings are planted in the soil in early spring. Seeds are not soaked before sowing. Dry seeds are placed in the soil to a depth of about 1cm (0.39inch). When planting seedlings, take into account a row spacing of at least 45cm (17.7inch). You can propagate thyme by dividing the bushes (it is better to do it in spring). Thyme needs good care. Be prepared by regularly loosening the soil between the rows and directly around the bushes. Water on dry days and keep weeding. Especially important is the control of weeds during the bok choy harvesting activities to facilitate harvesting. At first, thyme development is less active. The first year requires constant and thorough weeding and loosening of the soil, as well as regular and moderate watering. Feeding in the first year is not done. In the second or third year, humus and mineral complex fertilizers are introduced into the soil. Planting thyme is recommended to be renewed after 3 to 4 years.
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There are several common ways to grow thyme. When propagating the spice in the living room, it can be grown by cuttings or sowing seeds. To choose the best growing method for you, it is important to understand each growing method in detail.
1.Starting from seeds It is most common to grow spices from seeds, as it is relatively easy. To do this, pour soil mixed with vermiculite, which improves the moisture retention of the soil, into a pre-prepared container. Then water the soil in the container with warm water and make holes in the ground. Put 2-3 seeds in each hole and fill with soil. Transfer the planted plants to the windowsill and water them regularly. When the first buds appear in the pot, thin them for better growth.
2.Cuttings Some people like to propagate thyme bushes from cuttings. First, you need to get busy preparing the cuttings for planting. After the thyme has finished flowering, cut off the shoots from the bush and strip the leaves completely. Cut off the frequent shoots and take the cuttings and plant them in pots. Planting thyme cuttings in the ground is simple. To do this, the pot is completely filled with soil and a 1-2cm (0.39-0.78inch) deep depression is made in it. Then, put sprouts in the wells and cover them with soil. The planted cuttings are watered within 1-2 days until the first leaves appear.
3.Time for harvesting cuttings. Leaves and shoots should be harvested several times during the growing season. Shoots are cut at 5cm (1.96inch) from the ground. After that, the plants are fed. As a spice for cooking, the main harvesting time for the tops is at the end of June and July. The flowering shoots are used for medicinal purposes. Thyme seeds are harvested from two to three-year-old plants. The seeds are mature when they turn brown. Thyme is placed in a cool place, spread on a clean cloth or paper, and dried naturally.
4.Siting of indoor thyme Some inexperienced housewives pay little attention to choosing a suitable planting location because they believe that the spice will grow in any room. However, this is not the case, so you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of choosing the best place to grow thyme.
5.Lighting Thyme is considered a light-loving plant that grows best in the presence of sunlight. It is recommended to place the pot with the plant on a sunny windowsill. If growing spices in winter, take care to increase lighting and install special lamps.
6.Temperature and air humidity Thyme grows better in a cool room with air temperatures no higher than 20°C (68°F) hot. In autumn, you can take the pots to the glazed balcony during the day and bring them into the apartment only in the evening, after the sun has set. In wintertime, you cannot take the spices to the balcony because the low temperature will kill them.
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Author: Ms.Geneva Link: https://www.thumbgarden.com/how-to-grow-thyme-in-a-pot/ Source: ThumbGarden The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization, and for non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.
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warning: I've never written smut and so don't expect anything explicit or 50 shades of gray lmao. Also English is not my mother language so I might have done something grammatically wrong.
Your life surely was definitely not the correct definition of normal, indeed to be honest since you moved to Hawkings your life had definitely taken an abnormal turn.
The day before you were simply Sheriff Hopper's assistant, you can tell his apprentice and your days were limited to making fines on the street and delivering donuts to your boss. And now here you are in a bunker together with your boss, his "lover" or anyway partner in crime Joyce, a crazy communist named Murray and a Russian scientist named Alexei, or so he called himself, sitting at a table and plotting on a possible Russian invasion inside a village forgotten by God in Indiana. How did you end up in all this? Simple, this strange Russian base has gathered a lot of energy, for some kind of absurd plan, making Joyce and your boss go crazy that as far as they could seem to you, completely mad, they still caught your attention and so, as a good assistant you followed them in this crazy adventure risking your life several times.
This evening at the bunker it was quite challenging, your cronies seem to have found a great plan to put the word "end" to this macabre chapter, the only thing you are 100% certain of is the fact that nothing will be easy at the end. inside of this plan and the chances of any of you losing your skin are very high. Therefore in that hovel a strange silence had been created, it appears for Joyce and Hopper which seemed to have taken a taste for us to quarrel like two children. Murray was reading and repeatedly reading the plan he had made with being too neurotic, while Alexei ... well he turned out to be a real puppet, he had been watching TV all afternoon, he would have seen more or less 50 Looney Toons episodes. If you had remained even just 3 seconds inside that bunker you would have gone mad, so observing Alexei I gave him a slight blow to the shoulder.
"Murray, can you ask him if he's hungry?" You asked the old grumpy man who answered you:
"You stop treating me like a fucking translator" he commented sourly and then recalled the Russian boy's attention “Вы голодны?”
“один” the boy answered immediately.
"He said yes" Murray replied quickly before returning to his work.
"Perfect then, come on" you said, taking Alexei's arm "Smirnoff and I are going to eat something" you announced as you started toward the exit, before being blocked by a furious Hopper.
"Excuse me? Are you crazy? If you go out they'll find out! "
"I'm not stupid, boss. There is a service station a few meters from here, we eat one thing and then come back here, they won't catch us, promise” The sheriff grunted annoyed and then reluctantly gave you the keys.
"Hurry up" and without saying anything else he let you out of the bunker.
*  *  *
A grave silence reigned in the car, perhaps you should also have brought Murray with you, at least you could have exchanged a few words with some living being. But that young Russian scientist had caught your attention, among all he seemed the most gentle and probably both you and he shared the same position, you felt lost and trapped in a trouble surely bigger than you.
"Hey..." you said drawing his attention "Do you want something to eat in particular? Chicken? Beef?" You asked in a somewhat dubious tone, probably Alexei hadn't understood anything you had told him.
"Slurpee" he said, earning you a slightly perplexed look.
"You can't just eat granite...okay let’s do this, I'll take you to a nice place and you choose what you want, okay?" you observed his expression a little dazed and for this you raised your eyes to the sky. "Good God, is it possible that you don't understand a shit what I tell you? You can't just speak Russian in America" you said, snorting. This Russian didn't just tell you, he had to understand something English!
Anyway, you arrived at the service station, which had a fast-food next to you and you and Alexei got out of the car by getting out of the car. Arriving at the counter you indicated to the scientist the sandwiches they were selling in the station and strangely he seemed to understand, and holy god, he ordered two Big Macs, a large portion of chips and nine nuggets. You limited yourself to a medium toast and a coca-cola. You decided to buy Alexei ache his beloved Slurpee cherry and parking your hidden car shortly after the station you sat on the hood and consumed your dinner.
You looked at the sky, reflected, your head was a tangle of thoughts, questions and concerns. The feeling of not being able to see tomorrow or not being able to taste a fucking Mac Donalds toast really made you feel disgusted, as if everything no longer had a meaning, an importance, as if the rules had been banned, it was all a passing of seconds that crumbled waiting to be lived as it was right. You took a deep breath and looking at Alexei in the eyes you took a few seconds to contemplate that childish face. His cheeks were round and slightly red, his lips were thin and wet from the liquid of his cherry granita, his curly golden hair was untidy, his glasses framed those lively, innocent little eyes. That continuous observance had given birth to a strange sensation in you, as if a burning fire had been created in your stomach and certainly could not be nervous gastritis.
"Listen to me Smirnoff" you said in a tone that was perhaps too tense, enough to earn you a puzzled look on the part of the scientist "Probably tomorrow we'll all die and I barely finished college, I didn't live long enough to say that my life is less shitty than now. You probably think the same thing" you admitted getting closer to him "So before some crazy communist finds us and kills us, please let me do a fantastic fuck" I said feeling a little warmth on your cheeks.
Alexei's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as your lips touched his.
You thought he would repel you with enough disgust, but when one of his hands touched one of your cheeks to bring your face closer, you all started galloping with emotion. His lips were so sweet and sugary, it seemed you were eating a sweet cherry. You walked away a few centimeters just to take a second breath and, observing the young Russian's eyes, you could notice a strange spark in them, as if an animalistic instinct had awakened in him, but in any case there remained a tender, helpless puppy for you.He came down with a small leap (even a little awkward lol) from the car and making his way between your legs tried to get close to your body again. Your faces were still very close and biting your lower lip you looked him in the eyes with a mischievous smile, while your hands wandered lightly on his shirt, then grabbing the collar so as to push the boy into a new kiss more wild and passionate this time, the tip of your tongue tapped gently on Alexei's lips, inviting him to investigate this sinful act. It didn't take long before he opened his mouth making your tongues meet in a lusty dance.
His hands timidly rested on your hips, squeezing them slightly, when he felt your fingers unbutton his shirt, while your lips left a damp trail of kisses and bites from his jaw, to his Adam's apple where you left a small mark reddish, making a shy grunt escape from Alexei's lips but he seemed very pleased with all those attentions.
When you got to the last button the scientist caught you off guard by quickly taking off the t-shirt you were wearing, leaving you wearing only your bra, he also took off his own shirt, leaving somewhere on the ground, then letting you lie on the hood car, bringing your skin into contact with cold metal.
Alexei took the opportunity to steal another sweet kiss from you, slowly bringing a hand to your breast, squeezing it over your bra cup and when you saw him blush as soon as he listened to your light moans, you couldn't hold back. So raising your torso a little you unhook your bra, leaving your breast and the prey of the young Russian's lips in plain sight, and he grabbed the fabric of your shorts, starting to unbutton them with great enthusiasm.
None of you had the patience to engage in the preliminaries, you both knew already what you wanted and there was no need for words or translations to understand it. After getting rid of your panties too Alexei took you by the hips, bringing your lower belly even closer to his and the first thing you could hear was his obvious erection, hidden in the fabric of his pants.
“Вы сделали хороший беспорядок, котенок” he whispered in your ear in a very deep tone, leaving you an absurd curiosity about what that phrase could have meant, but little did you care at that moment you just wanted to feel pleasure and be satisfied.
"Stop talking and unbutton those pants" you commented with a slight laugh, while the boy seemed to have guessed your request and performed it without blinking.
As soon as his member was free from the fabric of the boxers, Alexei invited you with a small gesture to lie down on the cold bonnet of that car and when you could feel your intimacy going into contact with that of the Russian let slip a sweet moan from your wet lips . Needless to say, when the young scientist decided to get inside you with a slow push you couldn't help arching your back for pleasure, letting that silent and forgotten place of God begin to fill up with your languid moans as the pushes were getting faster and deeper.
Your eyes were glued to each other, lost in your irises, the only moments when the contact was interrupted was when your eyelids came together for a few moments and then reopened, you knew that that relationship was the most absurd and unusual in the world but surely, nothing you were doing was remorseful.
With your slightly trembling hands you took Alexei's face in your hands and before you both reached the apex of that relationship, you joined his lips to yours in a last and passionate kiss.
* * *
"Yo boss, we are back..." you said entering the bunker with a very tired face and throwing the keys next to Hopper's hands "I'm going...I'm going to take a shower" you announced stretching before locking yourself in the bathroom.
Meanwhile Alexei sat down on the couch, pulling a long sigh and trying to calm the blush that colored his chubby cheeks, but he had to pull himself to attention when Murray sat down next to him and drank a glass of vodka.
[this conversation between murray and alexei is in Russian, but I decided to translate it lol]
"Where have you been, my friend?" He asked, giving him a winking look. "Just to know, do you know? It was an hour and a half that we were missing" the man said ironically. Alexei cleared his throat and then adjusted his glasses.
"We ate at one of your American fast foods" he tried to mislead by looking elsewhere, at the TV screen on.
"Really? And what did you make that little girl eat? Your cock?” He asked ironically to let out a fat laugh, finally giving the Russian friend a heavy pat on the back, leaving him alone and with a face as red as a tomato.
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papa-rhys · 6 years
Hi, i saw the other day you get stomach problems. For a week ive had bad stomach and intestine cramps and the doctor put me on an acid blocking tablet. But its made me feel worse, ive not felt like eating at all since last thursday, i just want to sleep all the time and i ache all over, do you have any advice?
It honestly depends on what your doctor thinks you have. I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis a year and a half ago. Basically, I have open sores in my stomach because the lining of my stomach has eroded away. Because I don’t know what you have (and because I’m not a professional) my advice might be kinda limited, but here we go!:
Eat bland food. No spicy stuff, no acidic stuff (meaning no citrus fruits, no tomato products, etc. if in doubt, google the pH of the food you want to eat), no fatty foods and limited amounts of dairy. Also avoid caffiene and fizzy drinks. All of those things increase stomach acid with isn’t what you (or your doctor) want right now. Literally all I eat every day is crumpets and a portion of rice noodles. I can’t really tell you to just eat that because it really isn’t healthy (and I have so many deficiencies because my body is literally starving) but the point is to eat plain stuff. Stuff that isn’t gonna aggravate your stomach and is easy to digest. Veggies should be cooked well because raw veggies are tough to digest. I recommend adding sesame seeds, almonds, cashews, and chia seeds to your diet; all in fairly small portions due to them being quite fatty (though they’re good fats). They’re packed full of good stuff that your body needs, so its a good idea to have them in your diet so that you’re getting at least some nutrition. Other than that, it’s all about trial and error, unfortunately. Some things are okay for some people and terrible for others. You just gotta try stuff to see if your stomach can handle them. If you feel you need help with knowing how to get healthy stuff into your diet, then ask your doctor about seeing a nutritionist.
Try to eat something. An empty stomach is even worse than eating. It often makes stomach pain worse and being hungry is generally just bad for your entire body. It may be why you’re feeling tired and achy. Just try a couple of bites of a plain cracker at first and if it goes down okay, then have a few more bites. Take it slow, there’s no rush.
If the acid blocking pill is making you feel worse, then my first advice would be to go back to your doctor and ask to try another one, but if that isn’t an option at the moment, then try rennies, tums, or gaviscon. These should give you fast relief from the pain (depending on what’s wrong with your stomach) but be careful not to use too many because you may get a rebound effect that causes more acid to be produced.
For the aching, I suggest taking a bath with Epsom Salts in it. You can find Epsom Salts in the bath/toiletry section of pretty much any supermarket. Failing that, they should have them in your local pharmacy. Epsom Salts are amazing for healing and they’re also amazing for relaxing muscles and getting rid of aches and pains. Just put 2-4 cups of the salts into a warm/hot bath and soak in it for 20-40 minutes. You could also put a few drops of any citrus fruit essential oil into the bath, too (I use grapefruit oil) and that should wake you up a little bit and help fight the tiredness and urge to sleep.
AVOID NSAID PAINKILLERS. I cannot stress this enough. Stuff like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin is SO bad for your stomach. Taking that type of painkiller is actually what eroded my stomach in the first place. Please, please, please stay away from them. If you need to use painkillers, use paracetamol (or even cocodamol if the pain is particularly bad) instead.
Try a hot water bottle on the stomach. Hot water bottles are magical. Heating pads may be more convenient for you, and that’s fine. Just get some heat on the stomach and it should help with the pain. Even if it doesn’t, it’s still comforting to have one. If you’re struggling with the hot weather, then try having a fan pointed at you while you have the hot water bottle/heating pad so you don’t overheat!
Try ginger capsules. Ginger is good for just about any health problem. Among other things, it helps with sore muscles and joint pain. It also helps settle the stomach. You can get them from any health food store, but I really recommend getting them from amazon instead because they’re cheaper there. I use Swanson ginger root capsules at 540mg and I swear by them for my tummy troubles (and also for mentrual cramps and headaches). If you prefer not to take pills, then you can also take ginger through food (gingernut biscuits are good, though not too many as they’re high in fat) or mix some into hot water to make a soothing tea.
If nausea is a problem, then try sniffing some peppermint oil or wearing a pair of Sea Bands. Ginger is also amazing for nausea.
Try yoga. I know many of us think yoga can sometimes be kinda pretentious (I was/still am one of those people) but yoga is actually super benefitial for a lot of things. You need exercise, even when you’re not feeling great, but it can be pretty difficult to even think about jogging or doing pushups when you feel crappy. Yoga is super easy and isn’t too taxing. I started yoga for my mental health, but I also find it helpful for my physical health, too. You don’t need a fancy mat or gym wear, and you can do it in your pjs in your bedroom if that’s where you feel most comfortable! Just google some simple poses to get you started and away you go! It just helps to stretch out those achy limbs and it feels good to have done something productive afterwards! Don’t push yourself; take it easy. If a certain position hurts, then stop doing it and try an easier one. Ease yourself into it and it’ll benefit you a lot!
That about covers it, I think. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well; hopefully some of these things help! I recommend keeping in touch with your doctor regularly. I know that may sound obvious, but a lot of people don’t go back to their doctors often enough. Hope you feel better soon!
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Academic Stress and the Health of University Students
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     Just as the saying goes: ’Happiness lies first of all in health. ’, which indicates that health can be the most necessary part in our life. However, many people, especially the young, do not care about their physical health and their lifestyle. In fact, this kind of issue, does harm to students’ life or even their future. According to the report of Xiao Ying, 45-47% of the diseases people have today are related to their lifestyle. It matters that people who seldom concern about their health when they are young, highly have the risk of catching horrible diseases like a cancer (Xiao 2008).       I have completed a small research in a course in China and the conclusion is: Too much pressure in the study has a negative impact on students’ health. Then, if students do not realize it or do not change their lifestyle immediately, they will catch some chronic diseases and feel tired all day. Finally, proper exercise does help students build up a healthy body.
      In recent years, students really suffer the consequences of neglecting their health. Due to the study pressure, many college students ignore their physical health. '68% of the people admit that they have experienced back, neck and shoulder pain.' Unconsciously, their health becomes worse gradually (Qin 2011). What’s more, they may catch some chronic disease. For example, about 24% of the university students have gastroenteritis and stomach ache (Qin 2011). In addition, they do not consider exercise as key to their health. The research done by Qin shows that 87% students exercise only twice or fewer a week (Qin 2011). As a result, their physical conditions become even more terrible.
      In order to get some data about how students in universities feel their study pressure and their health condition, I did a small research in my university.
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        Some simple conclusions come out. First, most university students, over 70%, are faced with more or less academic stress and about 20% of them may have considerable stress. Then half of them have realized that their physical health is not satisfying, which shares the same results with the report of Qin. That is to say, most of the students in universities do not have perfect enough physical conditions. However, not everyone notices the relationship between study pressure and their health.      So where on earth does the academic stress come from? A study of Misra and his assistant gave their opinion: a large number of learning tasks and exams and lack of time management skills make students feel depressed (Misra 2000). Another study done by Schafer also pointed out that the immutable and frozen learning mode, future plan and boring teachers may also be the sources of stress. No matter who those studies concern and where they focus, they share a main idea: though the sources of stress are different in many aspects, the key factor is regarding to the study.
     In terms of the diseases, those students mentioned above truely suffer some poor situations. A chart listed in Qin's research states the incidence of certain diseases which result from stress. For example, the ratio of chronic gastritis is 9.1%. Oral disease is 15.9% and hypertension is 1.6%. What is the most serious one except a cold is the ophthalmic disease, which has the incidence of 26.7% (Qin 2011). Pressure is always believed to be the cause of these ailments. So it is extraordinarily necessary to solve this harmful and easily overlooked problem.        As far as the stress is concerned, people firmly believed that exercise is the most efficient way to reduce it. It can plausibly be true. Over a half of the undergraduate student exercise less than three times a week. It has a similar result with the ratio of the students having stress and having a poor health condition. A conclusion can be inferred that moderate exercise does good to our health both mentally and physically.      In Lee's research about the university students from Korea and America, Korean students spend twice as much time on study as American, while it takes American students twice as much time on sociality and exercise. Nevertheless, by comparison, 36% Korean students occur depressive symptoms related to academic stress, while only 16% of American do (Lee 2000). The former conclusion can be obvious and confirmed now: an appropriate frequency of exercise can reduce the pressure besides cultivating a healthy lifestyle.
     To sum up, a considerable amount of undergraduate students almost pay no attention to the fact that stress does harm to their physical health, and they do not take their health seriously. Enormous stress of studying is positively correlated with the decreasing of students’ health during the period of study in university. Only reducing the pressure can students develop a strong enough body to deal with the tough problems. If everyone on campus is able to handle stress effectively, they will form a good habit and a perfect state of mind, which will have advantages during their whole life.
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     To be frank, we should treat those researches dialectically. On one hand, these results may be out-of-date and limited to some extent. With the improvement of life quality, nowadays, people start to consider the importance of health both mentally and physically and exercise regularly. These days in Berkeley, I noticed lots of people jogging, cycling or skateboarding; and people here are polite and chatty. It seems that many people love sports and have good mood. On the other hand, actually, what you see may not be what the truth may be. There still can be student sitting in front of a screen all day long without moving or someone suffering from psychological stress without expressing. Overall, more detailed and newer investigations need to be conducted so that the conclusion may change.  
References Lee, M., Larson, R. "The Korean 'Examination Hell': Long Hours of Studying, Distress, and Depression". Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2000. Print. Misra, R., et, al. "Academic Stress of College Students: Comparison of Student and Faculty Perceptions". College Student Journal, 2000. Print. Qin, Lu. "The Research of University Students' Health Behavior". Pu`er University: Academic Journal, 2011. Web. Xiao, Ying. "Thoughts and Practices of University Students". North China Institute of Science and Technology: NCIST Academic Journal, 2008. Web.
Vocabulary Chronic: adj.  (especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time. Gastroenteritis: n.  an illness that causes the stomach and bowels to become swollen and painful Hypertension: n.  a medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high Ophthalmic: adj.  relating to ophthalmology (= the scientific study of eyes and their diseases) Ailments: n.  an illness or health problem. Plausibly: adv.  in a way that is likely to be true, or is possible to believe.
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Life update
I am in a really bad phase of my depression again. 
As you know, I’ve had a really bad time like two weeks ago, where I fought with H and F (the most important people to me). Ever since then I haven’t been particularly well, but now some things emerged that make it hard for me to leave my bed (which I’ve never had to that extent). I’m sleeping like 16-18 hours a day (which sucks, since I’ve got lectures from next week on again) and just leave my bed to either search my cat or go to the bathroom. Today I played Animal Crossing with my ex-best-friend’s Switch which I really enjoyed, but now I’m back in bed, super exhausted and depressed.
The main source of my issues is my family. I’ve always had a difficult relationship to my father since he’s always emotionally abused me and sometimes he beat me or threatened to. He moved out a few years ago and I’m not talking to him or his rancorous family anymore. I’ve always been more fond of my mother’s family, but that is changing, too. My cousin hasn’t really spoken to me in two years and never officially told me the reason. Of course, my mother’s aunt agrees with her, since she’s somehow like a holy spirit or whatever to them. Also, my mom’s aunt can’t stop talking about how bad I am, how big of a failure I am, how fat I am, how dumb I am etc. Her husband is more normal, but he sexually assaulted me when I was a child (no rape) so I refuse spending too much time with him either. Right before Christmas, I made my step aunt hate me so last year’s Christmas wasn’t so merry after all. I overheard my step aunt and cousin talk about how it isn’t necessary to talk to me anyways. This year, I refuse being in such a hostile environment and I will not go to family get-togethers as well. However, no one really gets my viewpoint, as they see themselves as being right and me just being pure evil. Thus, my mom is kinda a ‘victim’ in their eyes. This brings me to my current issue: I think she likes being victimized. Otherwise she would defend me when they talk shit about me and actually listen to me. Living with her is hell now. She does things that upset me although I’ve been asking her repeatedly not to and now she doesn’t comprehend why I’m freaking out. I really hate her right now and I don’t think our relationship is ever going to be the same.
H has upset me yesterday by saying “not everything you say is wrong” like okay thank you but that still means that the majority I say is, right? I considered them my best friend but if I’m that toxic apparently, I am not willing to be their friend anymore. They deserves better than someone who just talks shit. We were meant to FaceTime, but they forgot. Now that they said this, I don’t want to talk to them anymore. I’m just too upset and hurt. And I think this will change everything, both about our relationship and my character.
Also, remember D? I love seeing them, although I never do, I miss talking to them on a daily basis, not only because of the major crush I had on them. But I also start hating them. They’ve turned into everything I’ve sworn to keep out of my life forever.
The only thing that encourages me is what F said. As per my last update on the F-story, we’re talking regularly now, since I’ve been opening up about my thoughts and feelings. I’m really afraid to lose them, like of them getting sick of me or not being able to cope with my (probably everlasting) feelings for them. I just know I won’t do better than them, although they could do so much better than me. They’re a beautiful, kind, smart and precious human being and I know I’ll love them forever in a way, not only as a friend. I sometimes wanna stop talking to them because they deserve so much better and I just feel so stupid and manipulative sometimes. Honestly, they’ve upset me a couple of times, yes, and I have my trust issues like with everyone, but I don’t think I’ve ever been so real with someone. I hope that lasts forever and I hope one day I can show them how they deserve being loved and what it’s like to be loved unconditionally and forever. They are just the best thing that happened to me and even though I only believe like 95% of what they said, I couldn’t live without them at the moment.
Still, in the past few days, I haven’t really had the will to live. I feel like the biggest waste of space and oxygen on this planet. I’ve relapsed after just two weeks and this time, I cut both of my arms really visibly since I’m too exhausted to get out of bed anyways. I’ve had a good time inbetween: I’ve been doing yoga, working for university etc. Now I can’t even finish a YouTube video without falling asleep. Due to my stress, I even got a bad gastritis in addition to my IBS. However, I won’t be able to afford my pills after this package is empty so I don’t assume my will to live or my power will come back. I almost forgot what it was like having constant stomach aches and cramps etc, since the pills really did their job. Good thing I’m avoiding driving at the moment, I guess I’d probably speed up and drive into a tree or concrete wall on the highway. 
Good thing I’m too tired to hurt myself again today. But for some reason, I guess quarantine will not be positive for my self-destruction. My legs are still free, so I could cut. I could also dehydrate myself or only eat 1/4 of what I’m supposed to. Maybe I should just kill myself so all of this is over. Being depressed for like 15 years is hard, and I’ve been addicted to self-harm ever since. But maybe life isn’t meant for me. Maybe that’s just all the universe’s plan and I just don’t fit into Darwin’s principle of being one of the “fittest”.
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jakehglover · 6 years
Insect-Borne Chagas Disease Becoming More Prevalent in the US
By Dr. Mercola
Triatomines, affectionately known as “kissing bugs,” have made headlines lately. According to U.S. health officials, disease caused by these insects is on the rise, and in the long term can be quite serious. Known as Chagas disease,1,2 the infection is contracted through a bite from a triatomine, a nocturnal insect that crawls around on your face while you’re sleeping.
It will typically bite around the lips or eyes — hence the nickname “kissing bug.” Most people report they did not feel the bite. Like other bloodsucking insects, the triatomine sucks your blood. It then deposits parasite-infested feces near or into the open wound.
The parasite responsible for the disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, lives in the bug’s digestive system, and researchers have found between 503 and 64 percent4 of triatomines tested are infected with this parasite.
Chagas Prevalence on the Rise
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 300,000 Americans have Chagas disease,5 including 40,000 pregnant women,6 and prevalence is believed to be on the rise. The disease was initially reported in Texas in 2010, but has since been identified in 28 states.7
Chagas disease has also been identified in Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Australia, Japan and the U.K.8 Bolivia is thought to have the highest Chagas prevalence in the world.9 Globally, Chagas disease is thought to be responsible for 10,000 deaths each year.
In South and Central America — where Chagas disease is most prevalent — an estimated 12 million people are infected,10 and while it is not transmissible via person-to-person contact, you can contract it via blood transfusion, organ transplantation and/or eating food in which the insect has defecated.
Disturbingly, a 2014 study revealed 1 in 6,500 blood donors tested positive for Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite responsible for Chagas. In April 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved two screening tests to screen blood, tissue and organ donations for the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies11 to prevent the spread of the disease.
An infected mother can also transmit Chagas to her unborn child. As reported by The Charlotte Observer:12
“Chagas often has no symptoms at first, according to the CDC, but it can lurk in the body for years and eventually cause serious problems such as an enlarged heart, enlarged colon, heart attacks and more …
‘Chagas disease causes early mortality and substantial disability, which often occurs in the most productive population, young adults, (and) results in a significant economic loss,’ a medical representative from the American Heart Association said …”
What to Do if You Find a Kissing Bug or Believe You’ve Been Bitten by One
So far, 11 species of triatomines have been identified in the U.S.13 The most common are Triatoma sanguisuga and Triatoma gerstaeckeri, both of which measure about 1 inch in length. You can find photos to help with identification on the Texas A&M University website.14
Should you find a bug suspected of being a triatomine, you can send it to the Texas A&M University research team for inspection. The form and instructions can be found here. Details you need to provide include:
The location of where it was found
The date and time of day you found the bug
Whether the bug was alive or dead when you found it
What the bug was doing when you found it
The bug tends to hide out in crevices in the home during the day and only come out at night. If traveling, avoid sleeping in rooms with unplastered adobe walls, as this provides an excellent hiding place for the little critters.
If you believe you’ve been bitten by a kissing bug, whether you’ve found the bug or not, seek medical attention and let them know you suspect having been bitten by a triatomine.
If your health provider is unfamiliar with Chagas, they should contact their state health department and/or CDC.15 Treatment, which involves unapproved experimental drugs to kill the parasitic infection (which is why you can only receive treatment after approval by the CDC), is most effective when implemented during the early, acute phase.
The antiparasitic drugs used are not harmless, however. As so many others, they come with a list of side effects, ranging from insomnia and nausea to peripheral neuropathy and anorexia.16
At present, there is no known effective treatment for the later stages of the disease. In one study,17 treatment with the antiparasitic benznidazole had no impact on reducing cardiac complications from Chagas, even though the medication lowered levels of the parasite in the patients’ blood.
Acute and Chronic Phases of Chagas
Triatomines can spread Chagas disease to humans and animals alike. In humans, the disease has two manifestation phases: an acute phase, which can last for a few weeks or months, and a chronic phase, which can manifest up to two decades later. While many have no symptoms at all during the acute phase, some may experience:
Body aches
Skin rash
Loss of appetite
Mild liver or spleen enlargement
Swollen glands
Local swelling
Romana’s sign (swelling on the eyelid near the bite, or where fecal matter was rubbed into your eye)
As for the chronic phase, Texas A&M explains:
“Of those who are infected with the parasite, approximately 30 percent are at risk of developing chronic Chagas disease. Chronic Chagas disease includes cardiac complications and/or intestinal complications, and these signs may not be apparent until decades after the initial infection.
Cardiac signs include enlarged heart, heart failure, altered heart rate, and/or cardiac arrest. Intestinal signs include an enlarged esophagus or colon, which can cause difficulties with digestion.
Concerned individuals should discuss testing options with their physicians. Treatment of Chagas disease can be difficult, and drugs are available only through the CDC after consultation with a physician.”
Lyme Disease Is a Much Greater Concern
While all of this may sound disconcerting, Chagas disease is not as common as Lyme disease, with which 300,000 Americans are diagnosed each year.18,19 This disease, originally identified in Lyme, Connecticut, in 1975, has now spread across every state in the U.S.20
The black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis, also known as the deer tick) was linked to transmission of the disease in 1977, and while some still attribute transmission exclusively to ticks, the bacteria can also be spread by other insects, including mosquitoes, spiders, fleas and mites.
In 1982, Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D., identified the bacterium responsible for the infection: Borrelia burgdorferi21 — a cousin to the spirochete bacterium that causes syphilis. Since then, five subspecies and 300 strains of B. burgdorferi have been identified, many of which have developed resistance to our various antibiotics.
Like Chagas, symptoms of Lyme disease often start with unrelenting fatigue, recurring fever, headaches and achy muscles or joints. Over time, these symptoms may progress to muscle spasms, loss of motor coordination and/or intermittent paralysis, meningitis or heart problems.22,23
Diseases such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, cardiomyopathy, gastritis and chronic fatigue may also be expressions of chronic Lyme disease. Unfortunately, there’s no simple way to diagnose Lyme.
It’s also known as “the great imitator,”24 due to its ability to mimic many other disorders, including multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, ALS, ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease. As a result, misdiagnosis is very common. Negative test results are also more the norm than the exception when you have Lyme, as the spirochete has the ability to infect your white blood cells.
Diagnosing and Treating Lyme Disease
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The reason blood tests are so unreliable for diagnosing Lyme is because the tests rely on the normal function of white cells, but when these cells are infected with Lyme, they lose the ability to produce antibodies. Hence, nothing shows up on the test. This is known as the “Lyme paradox,” and necessitates putting treatment before diagnosis.
The idea is that by treating the infection, your white blood cells will regain their ability to mount a normal immune response, which can then be picked up by blood tests. For more in-depth information about Lyme disease and its treatment, I recommend listening to my previous interview with Lyme expert Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.
According to Klinghardt, the IGeneX Lab in Palo Alto is the gold standard for Lyme testing, as they use two different antigens in their testing. There’s also a useful indirect test called the CD57 test.
"CD-57" is a specific group of natural killer cells that are particularly damaged by the Lyme spirochetes. Therefore, if your numbers drop to a certain level, it is an indirect indicator that you may have Lyme disease, because the only known infection to suppress CD57 is that of B. burgdorferi.
Lyme and Chagas Prevention Tips
Whether we’re talking about Chagas or Lyme, prevention is key, considering the difficulty of treatment. As mentioned, triatomine bites typically occur at night, while you’re sleeping, and the bug gains access to your body at night by hiding in crevices in the walls.
Adobe-style walls are known to be more likely to harbor the insect. Sleeping outdoors in a tent or rustic accommodations may also raise your risk of being bitten. Lyme-bearing tick bites, on the other hand, typically occur outdoors, so commonsense prevention strategies for Lyme disease include:25
Avoid tick-infested areas such as leaf piles around trees. Walk in the middle of trails and avoid brushing against long grasses on path edgings. Don’t sit on logs or wooden stumps, and avoid setting up camp or pitching a tent in areas covered with leaves
Wear light-colored long pants and long sleeves to make it easier to see the ticks. Tuck your pants into socks and wear closed shoes and a hat, especially if venturing out into wooded areas. Also tuck your shirt into your pants, and wear gardening gloves when gardening or working in the brush
Ticks, especially nymphal ticks, are very tiny. You want to find and remove them before they bite, so do a thorough tick check upon returning inside, and keep checking for several days following exposure. Also check your bedding for several days following exposure
If you find that a tick has latched onto you, it’s very important to remove it properly. For detailed instructions, please see Lymedisease.org’s Tick Removal page.26 Once removed, make sure you save the tick so that it can be tested for presence of pathogenic organisms
Your pets can become a host for ticks and may also become infected with Lyme disease, so be sure to check their fur and collars
Essential Oils May be a Safer Bet for Lyme and Chagas Vectors Alike Than Toxic Insect Repellents
As for using chemical repellents for either of these bugs, I do not recommend using them directly on your skin as this will introduce toxins directly into your body. If you use them, spray them on the outside of your clothes, taking care to avoid inhaling the spray fumes. I recommend avoiding insect repellant containing N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide, also known as DEET, as it is a known neurotoxin.
According to a study27 published in February 2018, essential oils from the South American plants Azorella trifurcata,28 Senecio oreophyton J. Remy29 and Senecio pogonias Cabrera30 effectively repelled the Chagas vector Triatoma infestans.31 All three essential oils provided between 60 and 70 percent protection at 24 hours compared to DEET.
Similarly, oil of lemon eucalyptus has been found to keep ticks and mosquitoes at bay for at least seven hours. You can read more about this in “This Natural Bug Repellent Works Better Than DEET.”
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/09/12/insect-borne-chagas-disease.aspx
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valgasnews · 7 years
Gastritis is about.
As inflammation of the stomach and very popular today as digestion problems. Gastritis are  chronic and acute . Acute gastritis reasons are poisons, irritating remedies are  antibiotics, bromides,analgesics, Adonis, hormones, meal s allergy on the berries, mushrooms, infections, but in chronic are damaging secretions of the inside glands irons, and leading to bad restoring,where is salt acid rising is chronic gastritis with high acidity, and lowering as lowering acidity .But on may cases gastritis causing bacteria Helicobacter Pylori, as living in the sour environment of stomach, therefore you are  needing in tests doing. But chronic gastritis with high acidity is pre ulcer process as cure is in ulcer ,like, but inflammation process spreading on pancreas, gall ways, as in many years with atrophy of stomach glands and secretions lowering transfers in low secretion, and chronic gastritis with as low secretion in a cure absence leading to stomach cancer,where having anemia. As acute gastritis is strong beginning with nausea, vomiting, aches, headache, high temperature, indispositions, as displays on three days, and recovering ending,rare in bad cure will lead in chronic. In chronic gastritis with a high secretion by Pylori are feelings top belly aches on an empty stomach, as on a night after eating, as hungry aches, heartburn, icterus sour, hard stool. In low acidity are over fillings stomach, heaviness after meal, nausea, icterus, diarrhea, belly noises, rising aches in vertical position, walking, in 2 hours ache stopping after meal. If aches are periodically, this visit a doctor. At the doctor you are getting endoscopy test stomach, acidity, finding on pylori, bowel s endoscopy, ultrasound test for peritoneum, blood test, ferrum on. As a light gastritis forms are not needing in cure, just after starving he leaving you within 24 hours, as and after nospanum, black coil, as on hard stage is hospitalization. As chronic gastritis cure is ambulatory, with diet,and remedies for secretion restoring and fighting pylori.
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2sisxXS via IFTTT
0 notes
jakehglover · 6 years
All About Acupuncture and How It Works
By Dr. Mercola
According to the most recent National Health Statistics Report, compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 3.5 million American adults receive acupuncture treatments each year.1 Used for thousands of years, this therapeutic technique involves inserting ultrafine needles into the surface of your skin at specific points along your body’s defined energy pathways, which are also known as meridians.
Acupuncture needles are either stimulated by hand or electrically as a means of safely and effectively relieving common health complaints such as back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, osteoarthritis, shoulder pain and more.
The main aspect of acupuncture that sets it apart from conventional, symptom-based medicine is the fact it seeks to eliminate the root cause of your problem by uncovering dysfunction in your body's energetic meridian system. Keep reading for all you need to know about acupuncture and how it works.
What Is Acupuncture?
The main goal of acupuncture is to rebalance your body so its energy flow, also called the qi (pronounced “chee”), is able to circulate freely and harmoniously. In layperson terms, acupuncture stimulates the flow of oxygen, nutrients and blood throughout your body in a way that supports your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Encyclopedia Britannica offers the following additional information about acupuncture:2
The practice of acupuncture centers around the inserting of ultrafine, metal needles into your skin at specific points on your body along energy pathways, or meridians, that run from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet
This ancient medical technique, which many believe originated with the Chinese, has been used in Asian cultures for thousands of years to cure disease, relieve pain and improve general health
Acupuncture is believed to have developed out of the ancient Chinese theory of the yin — characterized as female, passive, dark and represented by earth — and the yang — male, active, light and represented by the heavens
Chinese tradition suggests disease or physical disharmony is caused by a yin-yang imbalance and only by balancing the yin and the yang can you experience good health
Yin-yang imbalances block your body’s qi, which is significant because your qi flows through 12 basic meridians that are associated with your major visceral organs and each functional body system
Acupuncture Interacts With Your Body’s Energy System
At a basic level, your body is an energy system. Your cells are always communicating with each other via chemical signals. These chemical signals require a spark of energy to move throughout your body. When properly energized, your cells support your every movement, thought and bodily function.
Even though you cannot see it, an invisible web of energy connects each part of your body in an orderly way to promote proper function and growth and, when necessary, healing and restoration. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) your body’s energy moves along meridians and they are the foundation of how acupuncture works. About your body’s meridians, TCM practitioner Angela Warburton, writing for The Hearty Soul, says:3
“The fluid in these fascial planes, are rich in ions and an excellent conductor of electricity. When we are healthy, they are free of any obstructions which makes flow in these channels easy. When we are ill or in pain, this space or these channels get compromised or blocked. Where there is a blockage, cells do not flow or communicate as well and the body starts to show signs or symptoms.
When they are blocked, things can’t get through. This is where dis-ease sets in. The body usually sends a sign when something is off or blocked. Pain or discomfort is the body’s way of letting us know something needs attention. Energy disturbance is the root of all diseases. When something is wrong with this flow of energy, our nervous system brings us a message [in the form of] pain, discomfort or dis-ease.”
Warburton notes your body signals problems in the energy flow well before any long-term damage has occurred. “Pain is simply the messenger, not the problem,” she says. “If we simply medicate to make the pain go away, we’re missing the problem — and just shooting the messenger!”4
Rather than ignore the signs and symptoms your body uses to alert you to underlying issues, Warburton validates the usefulness of acupuncture to look at “every little ache, pain, sign and symptom” as a means of not only listening to your body, but also as a means of improving energy flow and clearing up any energy blockages.5
Hypotheses Regarding How Acupuncture Works
While Eastern medicine practitioners believe acupuncture is all about the qi, Western scientists continue to study the mechanism of acupuncture in an attempt to figure out how it works. So far, Western researchers have proposed a few hypotheses about how acupuncture works, including:6
• Acupuncture works through your neurohormonal pathways: About this theory, Dr. Ting Bao, an integrative medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, notes the placement of acupuncture needles stimulates nerves and triggers your body’s own natural painkillers.
She says, “The nerve sends signals to the brain and the brain releases neural hormones such as beta-endorphins. By doing that, the patient may feel euphoric, or happy, and this increases the pain threshold and they feel less pain.”
• Acupuncture works by reducing pro-inflammatory markers: Some animal and human studies, notes Bao, suggest acupuncture helps significantly decrease your body’s pro-inflammatory markers. In one animal study, manual acupuncture was able to turn off pro-inflammatory M1 macrophages while activating anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages. These actions increased interleukin-10 (IL-10) concentrations in muscle, thereby reducing pain and swelling.7
• Acupuncture works by stimulating your hypothalamus and pituitary gland: Others, like Kylie Study, licensed acupuncturist and traditional Chinese medicine practitioner with Michigan’s Beaumont Health System, don’t believe acupuncture directly triggers the release of the “feel-good” chemicals that help your body deal with inflammation, stress and other problematic conditions.
Instead, says Study, acupuncture “works higher up the chain, such as affecting your pituitary gland to produce the extra hormones.”8
The reality is acupuncture likely works via a variety of mechanisms. Because it has been proven to impact a number of chronic health conditions, acupuncture may work, in part, by stimulating your central nervous system to release natural chemicals that alter your bodily systems, pain and other biological processes.
A 2010 study, for instance, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience,9 highlighted acupuncture’s ability to activate pain-suppressing receptors and increase the concentration of the neurotransmitter adenosine in local tissues. Adenosine slows down your brain's activity and induces sleepiness.
Conditions for Which Acupuncture Has Been Shown Effective
In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report based on its review of 255 clinical studies involving acupuncture as a treatment modality. Based on that analysis, the WHO asserts acupuncture has been proven through controlled clinical trials to be an effective treatment for the following conditions:10
Adverse reactions to chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy
Allergic rhinitis, including hay fever
Menstrual-related aches and pain
Blood pressure issues
Morning sickness
Chronic pain, including back pain, headache (including migraines), neck pain, osteoarthritis11 and shoulder pain12
Nausea and vomiting, including postoperatively13
  Dental pain, including temporomandibular dysfunction
Rheumatoid arthritis
Depression, including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke
Epigastralgia as in acute and chronic gastritis, gastrospasm and peptic ulcers
Facial pain, including craniomandibular disorders
Tennis elbow
As you may have noticed, acupuncture is rarely used to treat specific diseases such as cancer or diabetes. That is because most practitioners focus on using acupuncture as a complementary medicine treatment and few, if any, studies have pursued its usefulness for preventing or directly treating major diseases.
About its usefulness for breast cancer patients, Bao said acupuncture is used to “alleviate cancer treatment-induced side effects or cancer-induced symptoms, but never to directly treat cancer. It would be really interesting to see if acupuncture could help prevent cancer, but I don't think the research has reached that level yet."15
Trying Acupuncture for the First Time? Here’s What to Expect
If you are trying acupuncture for the first time, below are some tips to make your first appointment more comfortable and successful:16
What to wear: Because acupuncture points are located throughout your body and may be far removed from the area where you are experiencing pain or other symptoms, it’s best to wear loose-fitting clothing. Depending on your situation, you may need to slip into a gown or be draped with a sheet or towel. Very often, you will receive the treatment while lying down on a massage table or other padded surface.
Inserting the needles: Acupuncture needles are extremely thin, sterile and single-use. The ultrafine tips are easily inserted into the surface of your skin, resulting in minimal discomfort. Instances of bleeding and bruising are rare. You may experience a mild aching or tingling sensation. A typical treatment involves the insertion of between five and 20 needles.
Manipulating the needles: Once the needles are in position, your practitioner may manipulate them either by hand, using heat or with a device that generates mild electrical pulses. These methods are used to stimulate your body’s meridians to help restore energy flow.
Relaxing with the needles: In most cases, the needles will remain in place for 10 to 30 minutes to promote a period of relaxation while the treatment achieves its desired effects. Most people find the relaxation period to be calming and beneficial because it usually takes place in a darkened room. You may even fall asleep.
Removing the needles: When the treatment is complete, your practitioner will return to remove the needles, which he or she will safely discard as medical waste. Each insertion point may be dabbed with rubbing alcohol, marking the completion of the treatment.
In terms of how you will feel after an acupuncture session, some report feeling very relaxed, whereas others feel completely energized. It will take more than one session for your body to experience relief from any troubling symptoms. While an acupuncture practitioner is the best one to estimate the length of your treatment, you should plan on having multiple sessions over a period of weeks or months to fully address most conditions.
If your symptoms do not begin to improve after a series of sessions, acupuncture may not be an effective treatment for your issue. Or, at the least, it may not be a suitable treatment for you at this particular time. You can discuss other possible treatment options with your practitioner.
Want the Benefits of Acupuncture Without the Needles? Try EFT
If you are interested in receiving some of the benefits of acupuncture without the prick of needles, you might want to try the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). EFT is a painless psychological acupressure technique I highly recommend to help optimize your emotional health. While often overlooked, your emotional health is connected to and has a great deal of influence over your physical health and well-being.
Irrespective of how devoted you are to eating well and living a healthy lifestyle, your success will be somewhat limited until you deal with your emotional baggage, much of which, believe it or not, very likely has been following you since childhood. EFT works because it is based on the same energy meridians used in acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments. Rather than inserting needles into specific points along your body’s energy meridians, however, you will simply tap over some of those areas using your fingertips.
As you tap, you’ll be thinking about and talking through your specific problem, whether it be an addiction, anxiety, physical pain or a traumatic event. Along the way, you’ll voice positive affirmations. In the video above, EFT practitioner Julie Schiffman demonstrates how to tap to gain relief from physical pain. This is just one of the many areas that have been shown to respond well to EFT.
As you’ll discover, the combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmation works to clear any emotional blocks, thereby restoring and balancing the connection between your mind and body. Because the results are quick and painless, EFT is sure to become one of your “go-to” healing tools. To learn more about EFT and how it works, as well as the many conditions and situations to which it can be applied, check out my EFT home page.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/05/26/how-acupuncture-works.aspx
0 notes
valgasnews · 7 years
Gastritis is about.
As inflammation of the stomach and very popular today as digestion problems. Gastritis are  chronic and acute . Acute gastritis reasons are poisons, irritating remedies are  antibiotics, bromides,analgesics, Adonis, hormones, meal s allergy on the berries, mushrooms, infections, but in chronic are damaging secretions of the inside glands irons, and leading to bad restoring,where is salt acid rising is chronic gastritis with high acidity, and lowering as lowering acidity .But on may cases gastritis causing bacteria Helicobacter Pylori, as living in the sour environment of stomach, therefore you are  needing in tests doing. But chronic gastritis with high acidity is pre ulcer process as cure is in ulcer ,like, but inflammation process spreading on pancreas, gall ways, as in many years with atrophy of stomach glands and secretions lowering transfers in low secretion, and chronic gastritis with as low secretion in a cure absence leading to stomach cancer,where having anemia. As acute gastritis is strong beginning with nausea, vomiting, aches, headache, high temperature, indispositions, as displays on three days, and recovering ending,rare in bad cure will lead in chronic. In chronic gastritis with a high secretion by Pylori are feelings top belly aches on an empty stomach, as on a night after eating, as hungry aches, heartburn, icterus sour, hard stool. In low acidity are over fillings stomach, heaviness after meal, nausea, icterus, diarrhea, belly noises, rising aches in vertical position, walking, in 2 hours ache stopping after meal. If aches are periodically, this visit a doctor. At the doctor you are getting endoscopy test stomach, acidity, finding on pylori, bowel s endoscopy, ultrasound test for peritoneum, blood test, ferrum on. As a light gastritis forms are not needing in cure, just after starving he leaving you within 24 hours, as and after nospanum, black coil, as on hard stage is hospitalization. As chronic gastritis cure is ambulatory, with diet,and remedies for secretion restoring and fighting pylori.
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2rEc13k via IFTTT
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