#What’s the first thing visitors notice when they arrive at your workplace? It’s the reception desk!
mrfurnitureae · 2 years
What’s the first thing visitors notice when they arrive at your workplace? It’s the reception desk!
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tomtenadia · 3 years
The world in my arms
Rowaelin month day 6 - the first born arrives
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Aelin was driving to the supermarket when she started to feel weird. Her back had started paining her more than usual. At 38 weeks pregnant she was used to it by now but this was getting worse. And she had to pee. Again. Once the pain seemed to get worse she parked on the side for a moment and allowed herself to take a breather. Then she realised she should not be driving. Rowan had been pestering over and over again not to drive but she was stubborn and kept telling him that just because she was pregnant she was not going to stop living her life on her terms. Now, as an afterthought, she realised that maybe he was right. Maybe.
She took a deep breath and decided to drive to his workplace. Just in case. She would make it pass like a surprise visit. Truth was, she wanted to have him close in case she needed him.
Carefully she drove to his office complex stubbornly ignoring the pain spreading in her lower back and belly.
She parked the car in the visitor’s spot but when she tried to get out a sharp pain spread in her belly.
She let it pass and finally dragged her gigantic self out of the car and into the complex. At the reception she met the receptionist, who knew her already “Hi Elide, can I go and see Rowan?”
Elide nodded and gave her a visitor’s pass “Are you feeling okay?”
Aelin breathed deeply “Yes, I am fine.”
“Are we going to meet little Isobel soon?”
“She’s better come out soon. I am tired of being a whale.”
Elide laughed “we are looking forward to meet her.”
Aelin smiled back, pinned her badge to her jacket and walked very slowly to the elevator. Rowan’s office was on the 20th floor.
The lift ride seemed endless and all she wanted to do was to sit down. Why there were no chairs in al elevator?
She stared at the numbers rise, ignoring the bursts of pain in her bump. It was nothing, she kept telling to herself.
Finally the lift stopped and she stepped out and was welcomed by a heavy traffic of people. They seemed quite busy.
Familiar with the layout of the floor she made her way to Rowan’s office.
The walk took ages as she felt breathless and unwell. Good thing she didn’t go to the supermarket.
She patted the bump “easy,” she said when the little girl kicked heavily “we are almost at dad’s.”
Relieved, she saw his office and stopped right at the door when a sharp pain hit her again. Damn, was that a contraction?
She opened the door and as she did so she heard a splashing sound and wet trickle down her legs. When she looked down she noticed a pool of liquid.
“Aelin,” she heard Rowan’s voice. Aelin lifted her head and saw him with three other people sitting at his desk. Shit, he was in a meeting and she had just burst into his office and her waters had decided to break in that instant. She would have laughed at the scene if it wasn’t for the pain.
He stood and walked to her, worry clearly visible in his features “is that your waters?”
“No, Whitethorn,” she said through gritted teeth, holding her belly “I carry a balloon full of water in my pocket.”
Rowan glared at her and turned to the men at his desk and apologised and said that he would reschedule the meeting to a more suitable date. The three men left and Rowan’s attention was now fully back on Aelin “what are you doing here?”
“I need a fucking seat.” She snarled.
She moved to his comfy chair behind his desk and Rowan kneeled in front of her “We need to go to the hospital, your water broke and our girl is coming.”
She grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly “I am scared.”
“I know, Fireheart.” His hand brushed her hair “I will be at your side.” Then he looked at his watch “have you timed the contractions?”
It was her turn to glare at him.
He stood and offered her a hand “come on, let’s get you to the hospital.”
“I am sorry I interrupted your meeting.”
He shrugged “they are all married men with kids, I am sure they have been through this already. You just saved me from a very long and boring meeting.”
Rowan worked in finance and was quite high up in the chain of command of his company. He loved his job but complained that sometimes the people he had to work with had no personality and were so boring. That’s why he had fallen for Aelin. She had fire in her and although they had a very rocky start when he called her a spoiled princess and she called him an annoying bastard, eventually they had discovered that the hate for each other was actually mutual attraction. They had dated for two years before Rowan realised she was the one and asked her to marry him. They had now been married for three years and only recently decided to try and have a family. It took them a while but finally Aelin got pregnant and it looked like they were finally getting to meet their baby girl.
Hand in hand they walked out of the office “stay here one second, I need to tell Lorcan I am off.”
Aelin nodded in silence and watched him run quickly to his boss.
He was wearing an amazing blue suit that day and he looked stunning and some very inappropriate thought surfaced. His butt, she imagined him naked for a moment and thought about running her hands on his chest and then down his perfect body. A kick from her girl brought her back to reality “Fine, I got it. I will stop fantasising about your dad.”
She had been drooling over her very hot husband.
He ran back a few minutes later “let’s go.”
The ride down the lift was just as slow and she slumped against Rowan’s chest.
“Did you just drive here?” He asked all of a sudden as realisation hit.
Aelin nodded.
“I was going grocery shopping,” she explained “then I started feeling unwell and decided to come and visit you.”
Slowly they walked to his car and Rowan opened the passenger door to let her in.
A few minutes later they were on their way to the hospital “how can you be so calm? We are about to become parents and I am freaking out.” She said looking at him. Rowan was always the calm one. Aelin had a flare for the dramatics, but he could be so unflappable sometimes that she wondered how he did it.
“I am not calm. I am freaking out as well. And worried about being a father.”
She placed her hand over his on the stick “you’ll be a wonderful dad.” And she was positive of that. He had been in love with their little girl since she told him she was finally pregnant. He had been supportive and helped in every way he could. Even when she was unreasonable.
“You’ll be a good mum too.”
Aelin scoffed “of course. I am amazing at everything I do.”
“Remind me again why I married you?” At the traffic light he turned to her and kissed her “I love you.” And in that instant another contraction hit.
“We are almost there.”
Aelin breathed in and then out, the way she had learned at her pre-natal classes.
Once at the hospital Rowan parked and then walked to the A&E entrance and at the desk explained that she was in labour and that her doctor was Yrene Westfall.
It was a bit later when she was finally in her room and Rowan was fussing over her.
“I don’t have my bag with me.”
“Let’s get you properly settled and I’ll g and get it for you.”
“Do you remember where it is?”
Rowan sighed “yes, we went over the plan a billion times. I know where the bag is. I know the order in which I have to call people to let them know.”
“My mum and dad. Don’t forget them.”
He kissed her head “no, I will call your parents and then mine. They will be happy to know they are finally becoming grandparents.”
“Kiss me, Whitethorn.” And he did. And the kiss was deep and Aelin responded in kind and for a moment she felt so much better.
“You are better than pain killers.”
It was an hour later when he came back. Aelin was lazily watching tv.
“I am back.” He said joining her again “how do you feel?”
“Yrene said I am only five centimetres dilated and that it might still take  a while.”
Rowan removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves and sat on the bed at her side.
“You can’t look this hot when I am such a mess. People will wander how such a sexy man ended up with a mess like me.”
Rowan leaned forward and pushed a rebel strand of hair off her face “you are beautiful.”
“I am—” but her words got cut off by a contraction. Aelin groaned through the pain and once it was over she just crashed against the pillow.
“Sit and give your back to me,” Rowan ordered her and she did as he said.
He lifted her gown to expose her back and started massaging her lower back with gentle and precise strokes.
Aelin moaned. Loudly. The same type of moans she would let out during sex. For a moment he was embarrassed but ignored it and kept massaging her.
“Your hands are like magic right now.”
“That’s what she said.”
Aelin turned her head and saw him grinning.
It was an hour later when Aelin was finally asleep in bed. Yrene had come and checked on her and  recommended Aelin to try and sleep as much as possible while she could.
Rowan had gone to the cafeteria for a coffee, he knew they were in for a long day. Once back in the maternity ward he saw his parents in the waiting room. Aelin’s had been out of town and had told him they were going to get back immediately.
“Mum, dad.” He walked to them and kissed his mother on the cheek.
“Hi darling, how are you? How are Aelin and the baby?”
“She is resting just now. She still has a while to go.”
“You kept me in labour for ages.” His mother said to him with a loving tone.
“Come let’s go and see her.”
They walked back to the room and found her awake.
“Are you okay?” Rowan asked her with worry when he saw her distress.
“It fucking hurts.” She snarled, then she noticed her in-laws “Ingrid, Aiden.” And blushed at her outburst.
“Don’t worry darling, I cursed all the way through delivery from the pain.”
Aelin was about to reply when a contraction hit. They were getting closer, stronger and longer.
“Rowan, don’t stay there like a useless hunk of muscles. Help your wife. Take her for a walk around the ward, massage her back or go and find a birthing ball.”
Ingrid was a retired midwife and Rowan knew his mother knew what to do. Plus she had been pregnant too.
“It sounds like you have moved into active labour, darling.” And the woman sat at her side then turned to her husband “get me ice chips from the nurse station.” She ordered him.
“We need to put those two to good use right now.” She smiled at Aelin and grabbed her hand “now, remember to breath how you were taught.
“My back is killing me.” Complained Aelin.
“I know. Have you asked for an epidural?”
Aelin shook her head “no—” another contraction “no drugs.”
In that instant Rowan came back with the ball and his mother took it from him.
“Go on all four, darling.”
Aelin did so, then Ingrid grabbed a pillow and placed in front of her knees and the the ball after it “lean on it.” Aelin followed the instructions and hugged the ball and the position felt so good on her back.
“Feeling better?”
Aelin nodded and Ingrid brushed her hair “ask your midwife about giving birth like this. I helped many women who decided to try this method and it puts less pressure on your back.”
“I—” Aelin breathed through another contraction “I’d like that.”
“Now we’ll give you kids some privacy.” And she grabbed her husband’s hand “we’ll be in the waiting room.”
“Aelin’s parents are on their way. Keep an eye on them.”
The two nodded and Aelin and Rowan were alone once more “I love your mother.”
Rowan chuckled and resumed massaging her back.
A couple of hours later Aelin was only at 7 cm and Rowan had decided to take her for a walk around the ward, meeting other mothers in her same situation. The walk took a while as she had to stop to breath through every single contraction.
Eventually they went back to the room and Aelin got back hugging her ball. She would love to sleep like that if it wasn’t that sleep had now become impossible.
Yrene had visited for her checks very regularly and reported that she was moving along just fine, only very slowly.
Aelin was exhausted, frustrated and wanted to smash something during every contraction. Rowan only had left her side when he was told that her parents had arrived and went to update them before bringing in Evalin and Rhoe.
It was very late at night when her contraction started to become much closer, painful and extremely long.
“Get this baby out of me.” She shouted at Rowan after a particularly bad one.
Rowan ran to call Yrene who, and after examination the doctor declared that Aelin was now 10 cm and ready to deliver.
They wheeled her off to the delivery room and Yrene gave her the ball and Aelin got in position as they had discussed. Rowan sat on the bed in front of her, taking her hands in his “squeeze as much as you need. Don’t worry about hurting me.”
Aelin nodded and groaned again in pain “next time you do this, Whitethorn.”
Rowan kissed her head “Alas, biology fails me, fireheart.”
“Excuses,” she breathed before another horrendous contraction rocked her body.
“Let’s try and push now,” said Yrene’s calm voice behind her.
She tried once and screamed in the process “it fucking hurts so fucking much.”
Rowan kissed her forehead and never let go of her hands, not even when her grip became painful. She was in far more pain, he could endure it.
Aelin pushed, pushed and pushed and felt like nothing was happening “why she won’t come out?” She almost cried. She was so exhausted.
“Some times it takes longer with first time mums.”
“I can’t do this anymore.” Her head leaned heavily on Rowan’s chest.
“I know, fireheart. Isobel needs you to be strong a bit longer so we can meet her.”
She pushed one more time and when she heard Yrene say that the head was out she felt a bit of relief. Something was finally happening.
Ten minutes later and a few more curses, the baby was finally out, screaming her way into the world as soon as she was free. Rowan cut the cord and then helped her to lie down on her back.
A moment later Yrene brought them a bundle and Aelin cried when she saw their daughter for the first time. Her head was covered in a thin layer of what looked like silver hair and when she opened her eyes she saw green as deep and her father’s.
“She is a tiny you.” She said in a wet chuckle while holding the baby close to her naked chest, for a bit of skin to skin contact.
Rowan leaned forward to kiss her and then placed a gentle one on the baby’s head “she is gorgeous and already knocked my socks off.” His arm then went around Aelin and pulled her closer to him, enveloping both in his embrace.
He felt the happiest man alive. In his arms he had his entire life.
His world, and the two most important women in his life.
“I love you both, madly.”
“To whatever end?” She asked him tiredly.
Rowan nodded “To whatever end.”
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kimvvantae · 4 years
puzzle; 7 (m)
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➜  you and jungkook are best friends of a lifetime, even though your personalities are like unmatching pieces of a puzzle. the line between friendship and something more has never been crossed between you two - but that changes after a break up and a drunken night, when you not-so-accidentally cross this line to something much more. what happens when after this accident your non-matching puzzle pieces seem to match in a way you’ve never imagined?
pairing: jungkook x (f) reader
genre: smut, angst, comedy; friends with benefits au; college au
warnings: lots of swearing, a little bit of violence
rating: 18+
word count: 12k
A/N: sweet jesus it’s been so long but it’s finally here! this is the last but one chapter of the series. i genuinely hope you guys enjoy it and i reeeeally want to know your thoughts on it! feel free to leave a comment! if you feel i’m deserving of it lmao
➜  Chapters: check up masterlist in bio!
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[bby bear]: where are you???
[bby bear]: you'll get late for class 
[you]: i knoww
[you]: the traffic is so heavy today 🤦🤦
[bby bear]: you should have come w me 
[you]: i need to go to the bank
[you]: i told you
[bby bear]: i could have taken u theer
[bby bear]: there
[you]: 🥺🥺 next time i'll go w you i promise!!
[you]: but i'm close
[you]: i'll probably lose the first period tho
[bby bear]: 🤦
You shove the phone inside of your pocket when you notice the pedestrian sign is finally green. The crowd on both sides of the avenue rush, everyone on their fast pace as usual. You're even forced to push some people in order to walk by.
Getting to the other side of the street, you stop in front of the building.
Tall as fuck. That cool kind of building with mirrors all over it, where only cool people wearing cool suits walking around holding cups of coffee on one hand and phones on the other hand talking business language kind of people work at. 
You certainly don't work here. You definitely don't have any stuff to do here. You surely are not close to the campus and you will lose much more than just the first period.
Seulgi will most definitely punch your face when she finds out where you are and what you're about to do.
You confidently walk inside the building, pushing through its glass doors into the pristine, modern and gigantic main hall. Your black boots contrast with the high heels all the other women wear around you. So does the rest of your outfit. Mini skirts and oversized hoodies are not part of the dress code here. You can almost hear their minds asking, what is this person doing here? The clanck clanck sound of their heels clicking against the marble floor is somehow pleasing, though.
You stop in front of the reception counter. A pretty girl opens a crystal white smile to you. Her hair is tied tightly, her uniform was ironed to perfection. "Good morning. How can I help you?" She chirps happily. 
"Good morning. My name is Y/N. I'd like to talk to Irene."
The smile quickly falters.
The girl side eyes her colleague that sits by her side. "Hmm… unfortunately, Miss Irene does not receive visits," she says carefully, still trying to keep her smile. "You must be mistaken."
You can see this girl thinks you're crazy. You quickly realize that people usually don't come at the reception and simply say they want to talk to Irene. But, well, what else would you do? You have to announce your presence somehow. 
"Irene is waiting for me. You can call her and ask if you want," you insist. 
The receptionist looks pale for a moment.
Hesitantly, she takes the phone and dials a number. You can still see that the girl thinks you're lying; she's probably ready to call the security guards. During her quick talk on the phone, you notice she's not talking to Irene, but with her secretary. 
You also see the moment her eyes widen.
She hangs up the phone and stands up, smiling widely again.
"Miss Y/N, Irene is waiting for your arrival," she says, and you notice the slight tone of panic in her voice. "Please, accompany me."
All the other visitors have to show their identifications and take a quick picture on the reception, you notice, but the girl simply ignores this procedure with you, guiding you to the elevator instead. She explains the situation to the security guard and he lets you in. The receptionist still looks slightly panicked. She's probably scared that you'll complain how the receptionist was rude to me directly to Irene, but you won't. Poor girl was just doing her job.
The elevator is big, too. It has a panoramic view of the city as it goes up to one of the highest floors. 
You always thought Seulgi was overreacting when she said how bad she sometimes felt for dating Irene, but now you kind of understand her.
You knew Irene was rich. You can recognize a Gucci jacket when you see one, and you've seen Irene wearing plenty of these. But Irene always acted so normal. Sure, she was elegant - and sometimes even arrogant -, but she was still someone very pleasant to be around. She never looked disgusted to be in your tiny but comfy apartment, she never made faces when she'd sometimes wear some of Seulgi's or your clothes when she didn't bring any to spend the night, she never complained to eat the junk food you'd buy for dinner. She was just… chill.
Because of that, you'd forget that she's rich sometimes.
Being in this massive building where everyone acted as if she was a princess made you remember, though.
Irene is beyond rich. Your standard of "rich" used to be Joy: someone that has a cool, big house in a nice part of the city. Irene partially owns a fucking company. She's so chill that you never even bothered to Google the company's name; you did this today to get the address, and it only made you more shocked.
Seulgi must have felt overwhelmed many times in their relationship.
But you're sure she was much happier back then than she is now.
You're used to their drama. They were already dating when you first met Seulgi, and you saw this cycle repeating many times. This time, though, things are not happening as usual. Seulgi is the saddest you’ve ever seen in these almost three years of convivence. Right after they broke up, you thought she was just being dramatic as usual… now you see that it isn’t simple drama. She’s actually sad and has been in this state for months. She doesn’t go out anymore, stopped doing the things she liked… she even got tired of Netflix. That’s probably the most shocking fact of all. 
Jungkook said you shouldn’t get involved in this, but you’re tired of seeing your friend being so sad all the time.
Their breakup was messy this time. They didn’t talk properly, didn’t make things clear. Seulgi is too stubborn to make a move (she’s totally lethargic at this point, both physically and spiritually), and Irene also seems too stubborn. Since none of them has the balls to do anything, you finally decided to step up and take action.
(Funny how you thought Jimin was annoying for trying to push you and Jungkook together, but you’re doing the exact same thing right now).
Well, look, you’re not exactly trying to push them into each other. First, you want to know Irene’s feelings and opinions on this situation. If you see that she has really moved on from Seulgi, then you’re ready to give your friend all the comfort and support in the world so she finally moves on. If Irene shows you that she still has feelings for Seulgi… well…
The speed in which she replied to your DM is a strong indicative of that.
The way her eyes glint with undeniable hope when the elevator doors open and she greets you is another indicative.
Irene looks gorgeous as always; she’s like a human version of Snow White. It’s kind of funny to meet her in her office like this. She’s almost like a female and hotter version of Christian Grey. 
Her ways of greeting you are polite and… hesitant. You understand why. She probably doesn’t get what you’re doing here in the first place, what you want to talk about. Considering you’re Seulgi’s friend, she must think you’d be mad at her or something.
“Why didn’t you call me, Y/N? My guests never enter from the common hall.” she asked. Oh. Common hall is what that massive hall is called. Almost like peasants area.
“I didn’t know.” you simply say, shrugging. 
“I’m sorry that we’re meeting here at my workplace. It feels too profissional, doesn’t it?” she smiles sheepishly.
Well… it does. You don’t even feel comfortable enough to move around her great office, afraid that you’d accidentally break anything (you’re sure that every little piece in this room is much more expensive than you’d be able to afford). 
“Come on, let’s go to the cafeteria. I think it’ll be more comfortable to talk there.” she politely suggests, and you just agree with her.
Irene guides you around the halls. This floor is less crowded, since only Important People with Important Tasks work here - and she’s greeted by all of them as she passes by. Their eyes immediately float to you, and they were surely asking themselves why Princess Irene was being followed by this peasant. 
The cafeteria in question is as pretty and neatly clean as the rest of the building. Soft music plays from the speakers. Irene chooses a more private table by the windows and asks if you want to have breakfast; you politely decline and both of you end up ordering simple cups of coffee. 
An uncomfortable silence lingers in the air.
"I… have to confess that I got surprised when I saw your DM," Irene speaks softly. Her eyes are glued on her cup of coffee. "It's been a while."
"How are you doing?"
"I'm doing fine." a hundred different scenes pass on your head as she asks this, and you know that you feel anything but fine in the moment, but it's not as if you'll rant about your complicated love life right now. "But I'm sure you don't want to ask about me."
You see a shade of pink flush Irene's cheeks.
"Well… I don't think it would be right to ask about her." Irene says.
"Why not? It's not as if you didn't know I came here to talk about Seulgi."
"But she doesn't want to know about me."
You're left speechless for a few seconds.
It's funny to see the two sides of a breakup. Because of their stubborness, they became completely out of tune with each other. Irene thought that Seulgi didn't want to know about her, when you knew pretty damn well that Seulgi stalked her social media an unhealthy amount of times per day.
You cross your arms and lean your back on the chair. Irene looks hesitant, but you see she's eager to know whatever information you may have. That's not the behavior of someone that hates their ex.
"Can I ask you something?" you say. It's funny how Irene, the owner of pretty much everything around you, looks so cornered by you, her shoulders shrinking visibly. She nods softly. "Why did you guys break up? I mean, what's your side of the story?"
Irene sighs and passes her hand through her dark hair. She looks out the window. She doesn't seem irritated by your ask. She just seems… thoughtful.
It makes you realize that, perhaps, Seulgi's not the only one feeling broken here.
"We're… different." she starts quietly. "I have been trying to keep this relationship working for a long time, you know. Even though we argued a lot and disagreed about many things. But…" Irene sighs again. Sadness shadows her features. "It was getting hard. Seulgi never accepted my help. She knows that money is no problem for me, and I just wanted to help, but why did she act so angry every time I wanted to help you guys?"
You don't miss the way she said "help you guys"; she must be talking about the times both of you were struggling to pay the rent. Oh God. You clearly see where their opinions diverge. Irene has always been rich; she saw money as something simple, giving money to others wasn't a big deal. Meanwhile, Seulgi must've felt dependent and it surely hurt her pride. Besides, there were enough people saying that Seulgi was only dating Irene to get money from her…
"And there's more." Irene's voice becomes quieter, more fragile. "My family, they're… very conservative. It was already hard enough for them to accept my sexuality. They never did, to be honest… but they particularly don't like Seulgi, because she's not, hm, on my "social level", as they like to say."
This is more complicated. Seulgi doesn't know what it feels like; her family is very open minded. She told you that, in the beginning, her parents were shocked when she told them that she also liked girls, but they slowly accepted it. Irene, on the other hand… 
"They keep saying that my relationship with her will be bad for the company." She confesses. "They said they'd even accept my relationship, as long as we dated in secret."
"What?!" you gasp. "This is disgusting!"
"I know." Irene nods, eyes focused on the mug between her hands. You have the impression that you see tears welling up on her eyes, but she blinks rapidly to dissipate them. "I… I was willing to go against them, because if they don't accept my relationship, then they don't accept who I am. But… I don't know if it's worth doing this if I'm not sure if Seulgi feels the same about me."
You remembered the night when they broke up. Seulgi came to you, crying, and said that she was tired of being with someone that wasn't brave enough to accept her.
Seulgi, my dear… you know nothing.
You can see that to go against her parents isn't as simple as it sounds. To Irene, going against her family involves reputation, money, and the company itself. It's definitely a big deal. Seulgi didn't understand how serious it is.
And Irene is willing to take this big step for her.
It's your time to sigh. 
"Irene." you lean closer, staring at her seriously. "Do you still love Seulgi?"
She blinks at your direct question. Irene looks down, gulps… and nods.
"I do love her."
You can't hear any hint of doubt on her voice.
That's what you wanted to hear.
"She's not okay." You blurt out the truth. Irene widens her eyes softly and looks at you. You see guilt on her eyes as she hears this. "I came here because I'm worried about her. She doesn't act like herself anymore. She even got tired of Netflix."
Irene widens her eyes in shock. "She stopped watching Netflix?!"
"Yes." You nod seriously. "And she still loves you, too."
Irene freezes when you say this.
Now, you're sure of the tears welling up on her eyes.
"I…" she stutters, unable to form a coherent sentence. "A-Are you sure?"
You can't help but giggle at her; Irene looks shy, almost like a teenager - scared and excited to know that her crush likes her back. You feel your own heart warming up at the sight.
"Of course I'm sure."
A smile wants to make its way up to her lips. "B-But what do I do? I can't just walk up to her like this. I don't want to start another fight…"
"Irene, believe me. Seulgi will listen to anything you have to say, as long as you're being honest. Tell her about the situation with your family. Prove to her that you're willing to stand for her. I mean, if you're still willing to…"
"I am!" Irene exclaims in a heartbeat. "I am. As long as she's with me, I feel like I can do anything."
You feel yourself smiling. Irene's eyes are shining like diamonds.
"But you also have to try to understand her." You say seriously. "Seulgi is not wrong for wanting to be independent. She's finishing her studies, she wants to build a career for herself, and she wants her own money. I know you're trying to help, but you have to respect her. Also, I'm sure she doesn't want to be a burden for you."
Irene nods vehemently. "Okay. You're right. I get it."
She doesn't hold her smile back anymore as a tear rolls down her cheek. She looks so immensely happy… it's a delightful sight. And you can't help but feel happy too, because right now, more than ever, you see that Seulgi found something rare and precious in this world.
True love.
And this fact itself is enough to make you feel that coming here was worth it - even though Seulgi might want to kill you afterwards.
"But hey, Irene," you call her seriously again. "I'm doing all this because both of you stupid asses couldn't, but if you make Seulgi cry again, I will kill you. I know where you work now."
Irene laughs at your very serious threat. She leans forward and holds both of your hands. "Y/N, thank you so much for telling me all this. I will forever be grateful. If you need anything- and I mean anything- I will help you, okay? Anything!"
"Alright, alright," you say, shrugging, the slight thought that a millionaire owns you a favor sounding nice. "Now, you better go talk to Seulgi. I can't stand her walking around the living room looking like a zombie anymore." Irene laughs softly. "And… I said I wasn't hungry, but now I kind of want that waffle."
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Seulgi looks like a very grumpy zombie when you meet her in the corridor.
"Where the hell were you?!" Seulgi exclaims. "It's noon!"
"Yeah, I know." you shrug. "The bank was pretty crowded."
Seulgi narrows her eyes. Her hair looks messy even though it's tied up and she has bags underneath her eyes. She's wearing the top of her old orange pajamas. It has an old kitchen oil stain over the chest. Seulgi from months ago would rarely go out looking like this. 
"What the hell did you need to do there anyway? I didn't even know people still go to banks." She whines. "I was getting worried, you know?"
You walk down the corridor with your hands behind your back. You're glad Seulgi is too grumpy to notice the sly smirk on your lips, the way you kind of bounce by her side in expectation.
"Always so thoughtful, Seul. You're so cute, did you know that?"
She side eyes you, the frown deepening. "Why are you complimenting me?"
"What's the problem with complimenting you?"
"Whenever you compliment me it means either you want something or you did something that you know will piss me off."
Sometimes you forget how well Seulgi knows you. 
"Jesus, you're too stressed, girl. I'll pay you lunch, okay? Let's eat at that Italian restaurant you like."
"When you offer yourself to pay for stuff it also means that-"
Seulgi stops in her tracks, completely frozen.
You step back silently and hold your breath.
This is the moment that might end your friendship with Seulgi if it goes bad.
Irene seems to be holding her breath as well, her eyes round - scared, hesitant, hopeful. 
And they stand there, looking at each other. As if time has slowed down. As if there was no one else besides them in the busy corridor.
If this was a drama, you imagined that the romantic soundtrack would kick in now.
"Hi, Seulgi." Irene says softly. "It's… it's been a while."
It seems that Seulgi's brain is struggling to function. "What… what are you doing here?" the fact that she does not sound defensive or aggressive but genuinely surprised and confused relieves your chest. 
"I came here to talk." Irene says. "Just… just talk. But if you want me to go…"
"No." Seulgi interrupts her embarrassingly too fast. "It's alright. We… we can talk. Just talk."
Their eyes are gleaming and the ghost of smiles appear on their lips.
Your chest fills with triumph as you silently walk back. Not that either of them would even notice you anyway.
You're too far to hear what they're saying now, their soft voices drowning in the middle of the many more people walking around the corridor, but you still kind of hide inside an empty classroom, half of your body peeking outside of the door to watch them. They're talking and smiling timidly. You feel tempted to take some photos, but it's better not to. You kind of feel like an intruder watching them, even if you're this far-
"What are you doing?" 
You almost feel your spirit jumping out of your body when the male voice asks dangerously close to your ear, turning around in a jump to see the source.
Now you don't know if your heart is beating so ridiculously fast because of the scare of because of the view in front of you.
Jungkook looks down at you with a puzzled expression, his hands behind his back, his body slightly leaning on your direction. He's wearing a modern grey hanbok over a black t-shirt and slippers. His backpack hangs from one shoulder. His hair is half tied up in a small bun, curly bangs falling over his eyes. This is precisely what makes your heart almost fail. You've been wondering how he would look like with his hair tied up ever since he decided to let it grow…
He's got no business looking this good. No. Fucking. Business.
But you're a master of pretending you're unbothered, so you just point ahead at their direction with an excited smile. Jungkook's eyes look up to where you're pointing and his eyes widen.
"Oh!" Almost instantly, he kind of hides behind you as well. It's hard to ignore the warmth of his body on your back, even though he isn't close enough to touch you. "Did they make up? Are they dating again?" 
"I hope they will." it's weird how you're both speaking so low, as if they could possibly hear you over the loud chatter. 
"What if they start fighting?" 
"Don't even say that! I put my friendship with Seulgi at risk to get these two to talk!"
You turn your head in time to see Jungkook's eyes frowning as he realizes what's going on.
"It was you?"
"Of course it was."
He crosses his arms over his broad chest and shakes his head slowly in disapproval. "You said you wouldn't get involved!"
"I never said I wasn't going to get involved." you bat your lashes prettily at him, trying to give your best innocent look (unsuccessfully). 
"You damn gremlin."
You whack his chest. "Aw, come on! Just look at them and tell me it isn't working!"
Both of you look ahead again to see them smiling sweetly at each other as they talk. You bounce and giggle excitedly like a little kid. "Look, look! She's blushing!"
Jungkook tilts his head to the side. "But what about Jennie?"
"Oh, Irene and Jennie went out on dates, but it didn't work out in the end. They're just friends." you repeat the exact same words Irene told you earlier. 
"Are you sure?"
"Well, if she cheats on Seulgi, I'll kill her."
You watch as they slowly start to walk away side by side, heading towards the exit.
You jump out of your "hideout" and open your arms in triumph. "I did great this time, didn't I?!"
Jungkook chuckles and leans on the doorway, arms crossed. "Whatever you say."
You're an expert at acting unbothered, but right now it's really hard to do so when he looks at you this way.
He has a pretty lazy smile on his lips. It makes you feel hot inside and your stomach jumps and your heart races. His gaze is intense… but not in the way you're used to. That look isn't his I want to fuck kind of look, it's… it's… shit, you don't know what that means, but it's pretty intense. Why is he looking at you like that?
You just hope he doesn't notice how your legs are wobbly.
It's the first time you see him in person since two days ago, when he slept at your house. Two days after you had sex even though you said you wouldn't. You didn't talk properly about what happened there. To be honest, your brain still didn't process that well. 
Things are awkward between you two - but this time it's a different kind of awkward. A type of awkward that made your cheeks burn while you cleaned yourself and got dressed. A type of awkward that made you feel all fuzzy and warm inside, that made a silly smile grow on your lips every time your eyes crossed his from the other side of the living room, an awkwardness that forced you both to look away and try to pretend your cheeks weren't aching from the damn smile that didn't want to go away. A type of awkward that didn't let you talk about what happened - as if none of you wanted to talk about it, to just keep it engraved in your minds forever, as if talking about it would take all the magic of the moment away.
You don't hate this type of awkward. 
It's not uncomfortable. Not like what has been happening for the past months. Yet, you feel that you need to talk about it - to sort things out clearly and straightforwardly this time… because if the way he's looking at you means anything, then maybe… just maybe…
"I've got good news." Jungkook says suddenly (because he noticed that you've been staring at each other for far too long to not be embarrassing anymore). 
"What?" you fiddle with your own fingers, trying to ease the tension.
"Remember that director I told you about? Mr. Choi?" You nod. "He invited me to work with him."
Your jaw drops, your eyes widen. "What? Are you serious?!"
Jungkook nods excitedly. "Yeah. Well, I'll be like the assistant of the assistant, to be honest, but… he invited me to work with him on his next project. I'll gain some real experience, at least…"
"Are you kidding? This is great, Kook! What the fuck!"
You jump over to hug him, your arms dropping around his shoulders, and Jungkook quickly hugs you back. His low excited giggle right next to your ear makes goosebumps crawl on your skin. 
"I'm so fucking proud of you!" And you couldn't be more honest. Jungkook has always been so  hardworking; he deserves all the success and recognition in the world. You always thought so.
"Thank you," his voice is still low and excited.
He caresses your back. It makes yet more goosebumps crawl on your skin. 
Oh, God. He still smells like baby powder. He always does. You feel tempted to sniff the crook of his neck, just to take a little bit more of his scent, but you hold yourself back. It's not like hugging Jungkook is something new to you. Fuck, after everything you've done, hugging should feel like nothing. But for some reason… hugging him right now feels like a lot.
Feels awkward.
So awkward that you have to remind yourself that you're in the middle of a corridor full of people, and that this hug is taking way too long, so you step back before your brain completely malfunctions. 
"A-And," you clear your throat and put a strand of hair behind your ear, furiously avoiding his gaze. You never thought that Jungkook would make you feel shy like this. Shy and Y/N shouldn’t make sense in the same sentence. "When is this next project?"
"In two days. I think he decided to put me on the crew last minute."
"This means that he really trusts you."
Jungkook smiles sheepishly and massages the back of his neck. "I just hope I won't mess things up."
"You'll do great, Kook. You always do."
He lifts his gaze to you again.
That same look again.
You feel that everything is blurred except him again. No one else is in that corridor. No loud chatter. Just him and his starry eyes, looking back at you, eyes that smile as much as his lips.
You need to sort things out.
You can't just stare at him with heart eyes like this anymore. You need to talk about what happened. This conversation feels awkward because you're both trying to act normal, pretending that there isn't a fucking elephant in the room - an elephant that makes you think of a mattress in the middle of your living room, of sunrays touching his exposed skin, of old pajamas being thrown around and sweat and soft kisses and salty tears dripping down your temples.
You need to know if he also felt that that morning was different. You need to know if he feels the same. Even if he doesn't - even if his heart lays with Yeri or Joy or whoever it might be - you need to know, and you don't care about what the outcome might be. You just can't torture yourself like this anymore.
So you inhale and gulp.
"Jungkook, I was thinking… are you busy after classes?" you ask timidly.
He presses his lips together. "Actually, I am. The boys and I are planning to celebrate the end of the semester tonight."
Mission abort! Mission abort!!
"Oh- it's nothing. I was just…" you can't think of any excuse. "It's not that important anyway. Forget it."
Jungkook looks at you with suspicion. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah! I'm sure. Nevermind."
He still stares at you for a while, frowning. 
"You wanna come with us?"
"No!" you shake your hands dismissively. You're not having this super important conversation surrounded by all of his friends. "I'm just gonna bother you guys. It's fine, Jungkook. Enjoy your night." 
Jungkook shrugs. He takes his phone from his back pocket for a moment. "Well, I gotta go. I promised I'd pay Jimin lunch."
You start to walk in opposite directions.
“But we can meet tomorrow, right?” You turn around way too fast when you hear Jungkook say, a few steps away from you. He looks hesitant, an awkward little smile on his lips. “I have some stuff to do, but we can see each other at night. After I finish preparing my stuff. We could meet, right?” He visibly starts to look more and more awkward as he speaks. As if his confidence started to vanish. It’s kind of adorable. “You could come to my place. O-Or I could go to yours, I don’t care- I mean, can I?”
Your heart is bouncing crazily inside of you. You don’t notice how you’re mirroring his awkward smile. “Of course, Kook. When did you ever need permission to go to my apartment?”
Jungkook frowns as if he just realized how stupid his ask was. “Guess you’re right. Or maybe we could go out somewhere, right? It’s been a while since we went out, the two of us.”
He’s right. All you’ve been doing for the past months is meet to have sex. You don’t even remember the last time you two did something that didn’t involve getting naked. 
“Sure, let’s go out.” 
You stare at each other for a few more awkward moments (awkward is a word you’ve been thinking a lot about lately). See, that’s not how things would go between you two back then. Neither of you ever needed to ask previously to go out. You’d just usually drag Jungkook out of his house by force when you deemed he hasn’t been taking enough sunlight (fucking Overwatch). Or Jungkook would call you at 3am because he was bored of playing Overwatch and just realized there was only expired milk and an empty box of cereal in the cabinets because the last time he and Jimin bought food was 2 weeks ago and he’d be like “hey, let’s go to Walmart” and you’d be like “what the fuck Jungkook it’s 3am” and he’d be like “but Jimin’s not home I need help” and you’d be like “fuck you” but twenty minutes later you’d both be on your pajamas pushing a cart inside of an empty Walmart as you barely register Jungkook ranting about how he thinks he’s lactose intolerant because he had diarrhea the last time he ate yogurt.
That’s kind of how things used to go back then.
At the same time you desperately want your relationship to go back to normal, you don’t really hate the way you’re feeling right now.
“Right, I gotta go.” Jungkook snaps out of it faster than you and nods. “I’ll text you later.”
Again, you turn around and start to walk in opposite directions. Slowly. Hesitantly. Because both of you know you don't want to go. Both of you know you still have a lot to talk about.
But maybe later.
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[bby bear]: i kinda want to kill you rn but
[bby bear]: thank u so fcking much
[bby bear]: ily
[bby bear]: bitch
You're smiling so hard that your cheeks might probably start to ache. If Seulgi texted you this, it means things went really well with Irene. 
The chatter in the dining hall is nothing but background noise on your ears as you scroll down your boring Instagram feed, the plate just half eaten in front of you. You’re not really hungry. Maybe the stress of studying for finals messed your stomach. The hell’s finally over, at least, and you’re sure that your grades won’t be that bad (Seulgi didn’t want to do anything, but you at least convinced her to study with you. That’s the only thing that got her out of her bedroom. Her zombie state was kinda the reason why you studied so hard). 
Some text notifications pop on your screen, but you just swipe them away since none of them are from the person you’re waiting for. All of your friends are planning to go out tonight and some of them are asking if you want to go. No, you don’t. Honestly, you’ve not been feeling yourself these days. Past you would always be up to a party. Past you wouldn’t be having lunch alone in the dining hall - honestly though, you don’t even mind being by yourself. Nothing would make you feel emptier right now than being surrounded by random people. Just one person matters at the moment-
You almost drop the phone inside the plate when you look up to see who just sat in front of you.
Your throat feels suddenly bitter. You have to gulp.
“Jesus, I didn’t even notice you come,” you inhale and chuckle. “How you doing, Joy?”
Joy smiles. “I’m fine.”
She’s lying.
There’s something in the way she looks at you and in the way her smile looks plastic-fake that makes you shiver.
It makes you think that she didn’t even want to be here.
Well, you don’t know about her, but you certainly feel uncomfortable right now. You can’t lie that you’ve been feeling kind of guilty these days because you’ve been fucking the guy she likes in secret, but a big fat load of guilt hit you especially after two days ago. Joy went on a date with Jungkook and barely a few hours later you had him inside of you. And, of course, you had rough sex with him inside of her bathroom. All the while you knew Joy liked him and encouraged her to be with him-
Wow, it’s getting hard to look at her right now. 
You really are a bitch. In the beginning you didn’t feel bad because you stupidly assumed there weren’t feelings involved. It was just friends with benefits, right? You even agreed that you could have sex with other people. If Jungkook started dating Joy, of course you’d stop doing it. Also, there was nothing between you two. You didn’t even feel jealousy.
Things changed, though, and at some point you genuinely started to hate this poor girl for breathing around Jungkook. And now you feel guilty because you realized that you like the guy that she told you she had a crush on months ago.
I took a shower this morning, so why do I feel so dirty right now?
A shiver runs down your spine.
The way she’s looking at you… what if she knows-?
“I’m throwing a party tonight,” she says suddenly. “To celebrate the end of the semester. You wanna come?”
You’ve been fucking the guy she likes for months and there she is, being nice and inviting you to her party. You really are a fake ass bitch-
“O-Oh.” You rub the back of your neck. “I, uhm… thanks, Joy, but I’m not feeling very well today. I just feel like sleeping, to be honest.” You chuckle sheepishly again. 
Joy nods. “Alright.”
She doesn’t insist. It looks like she doesn’t even care. As if she’s just being polite.
In fact, it kind of looks that she’s relieved that you said no-
“So, how was your date with Taehyung?” She changes the topic quickly. “We didn’t even talk about it.”
Right. She’s talking about the person you don’t even want to think about because there’s only so much guilt one person can feel at once. 
“It was fun.” You say. “We had a lot of fun.”
It sounds stupid, the way you can’t even articulate your date with him. You’re not lying - you had fun… kind of. 
“Are you dating him now?”
Okay, this is getting strange. Not the question, but the way she asked. You’re 100% sure she’s annoyed by something, and honestly looks uninterested in your current state with Taehyung right now, so why is she asking anyway? 
“No, we’re not.” You admit. 
Joy stares at you in silence as if she’s waiting for you to say something more, but you say nothing else. Joy then nods. This is getting very uncomfortable.
You feel that she’s about to leave, so you pick up the courage to speak again. She touched this topic anyway.
You know it’s wrong to ask. You shouldn’t. But you’re so curious that you can’t help.
“A-And, uhm… what about you and Jungkook? How was your date?” you try so hard to pretend you’re not dying curious to know.
Joy stares at you in silence again. She isn’t smiling.
“He didn’t tell you?”
What? Is there something to tell?!
“No. Jungkook’s kinda private about this type of thing,” you’re lying, of course, because even if Jungkook didn’t want to, you’d usually annoy him with questions about his dates so hard that he’d end up telling everything that happened.
Joy looks away and quirks one eyebrow. “Oh. I assumed he would have since you guys are so close.”
The way she says so close bothers you.
It’s her turn to rub the back of her neck, her eyes glued on the table - only she doesn’t look nervous. Yeah, she’s annoyed. Joy takes so long to talk that you’re about to repeat your question, but she finally speaks:
“We also had fun. Jungkook really is a sweet guy, right? He did nothing wrong. He’s so polite that it ended up annoying me, honestly. More polite than I would have wanted him to be…” Hah, so they didn’t fuck! Great! “Well, he dropped me home and I invited him to spend the night and all, but… He was very polite. He apologized a lot and said that he couldn’t stay…”
Joy licks her lips. Why the dramatic pause? Say it already, come on!
“He’s also a very honest guy, right?” She chuckled, but she clearly didn’t think it was funny. “He said that he thought I was an amazing person, but things wouldn’t go further than this because…”
For the first time, Joy lifts her gaze and looks at you.
“Because he already had feelings for someone else.”
You’re honestly not breathing anymore.
Joy is watching you very carefully. You’re as stiff as a board.
“Not a fun way to finish a date, right?” She says and chuckles, again, it’s clear she isn’t happy at all. “Anyways, I have to go now. Bye.” 
She gets up and walks away before you can even say anything, as if this conversation was being unbearable for her.
Meanwhile, you just sit there. Frozen. Breathless.
He said things wouldn’t go further than this.
Your throat feels very dry out of sudden. Very, very dry and coarse, as if you’ve eaten sand. 
You take the water bottle from over the table and drink it in one big, big gulp, until the bottle is empty and your shaking fingers crushed the fragile pet bottle.
He already had feelings for someone else.
You get up and take the tray so fast that you almost drop everything.
Your movements are fast as you walk out of the busy dining hall, your heart beating loudly on your ribcage, your breathing irregular and your mind working at 200 km/h.
He already had feelings for someone else.
He told Joy this. He dropped her home and told her the truth. He apologized. He… he said he already had feelings for someone else. Jesus Christ. Your heart is beating so fast it feels like it’s going to stop anytime soon.
He- He-
He might be talking about Yeri, a little, hesitant voice inside your mind whispers. Well… sure. You’ve been suspecting it for a good while. But… after Jungkook dropped Joy home and said this he-
He went to your apartment.
He went to you.
You feel the need to stop walking and lean on the corridor’s wall. The world around you is blurred.
What is this feeling bubbling up in your chest? A feeling so strong that it’s almost spilling over? This thing that makes you open the widest smile you ever opened and makes you want to jump around the corridor like crazy?
He came to me. He came to me. He came to me. He came to me.
He came to me!
But there’s still the Yeri possibility. 
You need to know the truth. To hear him say it, and you can’t wait another day - not anymore.
You take your phone from your bag and type with shaking fingers.
[you]: hey
[you]: can we meet today?
[you]: i really need to talk to you
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Jeon Jungkook is a simp. 
He doesn’t like this word. He thinks it’s annoying how people would call a guy a simp just because he’s treating a girl with minimal decency. 
But, like. He’s a simp. He knows he is. He took a long time to admit this, but lately his pride has been already so crushed and stepped on by a particular pair of feet that he can’t even bring himself to feel anything anymore.
Actually, no. He has been feeling like shit for a long time. It’s just the alcohol anesthetizing him right now.
That’s just his second bottle of beer and he already feels kind of dizzy. It’s been a while since he last drank alcohol, that’s probably why his resistance feels weak. He makes a mental reminder to not drink too much. Jungkook knows that he gets really talkative when he’s drunk and he always ends up saying stuff he shouldn’t - and today especially he can’t end up saying stuff he shouldn’t with that guy around.
If he knew Taehyung would be here too, Jungkook wouldn’t have come. Yes, he knows he’s being childish. He knows he’s angry at someone that didn’t do anything wrong, he knows that jealousy is bad, he knows that technically he is wrong because he’s been dicking down the girl that he knew his friend liked. He knows all that, alright?!
Jungkook throws his head back and sighs, passing his hand through his hair. A chilling night breeze touches his cheeks; since the inside of the bar was already full and they were too many, everyone decided to sit on the outside part of the bar. Jungkook hasn’t been paying attention to anything anyone around him was saying and neither was he interested. He thought that coming here would make him forget about the things that have been troubling him, but in the end he’s just thinking more about them.
I could excuse myself and go home. He thought. I have a lot of things to do anyway. I wouldn’t be lying.
He feels a hand rest on his shoulder and looks at Jimin, sitting on a chair by his side. The look on Jimin’s face already says everything. Jungkook sometimes thinks that Jimin has telepathic superpowers; how does he always know what’s going on before anyone even says anything?
“You alright?” Jimin asks in a low tone, careful not to call anyone’s attention. The younger one nods.
“You’re lying.”
“Are you drunk?”
“I’m not.” Jungkook reassures. 
Taehyung laughs loudly from across the table and both of them end up looking at him. Jimin looks back at Jungkook. 
Jimin sighs. “You know you can go home if you want to.”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “Just… don’t do anything stupid.”
Jungkook looks at Jimin and sips a bit more of the beer slowly.
Jimin smacks his shoulder and goes back to his previous conversation with Hoseok.
How Jimin always seems to know what’s going on… it annoys Jungkook a lot. He wasn’t supposed to know anything. It’s not like Jungkook told him about his feelings, Jimin just… realized. They were doing grocery shopping one day and Jungkook mentioned how last time he went to Walmart you told him that the diarrhea he had wasn’t because he was lactose intolerant but because the yogurt was expired and then Jimin turned around and simply said:
“You like her, right?”
And Jungkook gasped.
Jimin smirked knowingly and just kept pushing the cart. He said nothing else - but it was as if Jungkook had just confessed his deepest feelings right there.
This happened a little bit after Jungkook and Yeri broke up and kind of made him feel offended. How could Jimin say he liked you? He hadn’t even gotten over Yeri, Jimin knew very well. However, it seems that Jimin is not only a telepath, he can also see the future, because he couldn’t be more right.
If Jungkook’s being honest with himself, some months ago he wasn’t really really sure about what he felt about you. As the “Yeri” scar started to heal he got more aware of his own feelings and actions towards you, but it was hard to sort things out because he was always in denial. That desire to hold you close and hug you and take care of you and not let anyone hurt you anymore? Well, that was just his protective side. You have always been one of his dearest people. Jungkook also knew that he had a little possessive side. He was sure that this feeling would eventually vanish.
Maybe he was also frightened because he knew it wasn’t reciprocal. You never even looked at him in a way that might mean you felt something else for him. He wasn’t going to confess something he wasn’t sure of to someone that definitely didn’t feel anything for him and destroy a life-long friendship.
But oh boy, how things have changed.
They changed the moment you hopped on his lap that night inside his car. Jesus, that first week was hell for Jungkook. He was trying so, so hard to forget the messy drunken memories of his night with you - especially because, the moment he woke up and saw the pure face of terror on your face when you realized what just happened, he thought of how much you regretted that and all of his hopes died right there - the hopes that maybe, just maybe, you could be more than friends.
Yet, he got to taste you again. Two times were all it took to get him addicted.
He couldn’t stop anymore - and it hurt him much more than he would like to admit. He felt that he was being used, even though he let you do it (and he enjoyed it every time, not gonna lie). He felt worthless, he felt angry at himself because he couldn’t stop and because you were so, so fucking stupid, so fucking blind, he felt sad because he watched as your friendship started to slowly die down, and now he feels jealous and guilty because he’s been seeing how Taehyung likes you - how Taehyung even asked him advice to ask you out - and he didn’t stop fucking you anyway.
That day at Joy’s house? It was ridiculous. Jungkook still doesn’t understand what the fuck happened to him, why he felt so angry. Perhaps he was finally getting tired of how dumb you are, how you can’t see what’s right in front of your face. 
Just thinking about you hurts now. And Jungkook thinks about you a lot. There he is, surrounded by his friends, where he should be talking and having fun, but he’s too busy thinking about you. In two days he’ll start working for Mr. Choi, his first real job. He should be thinking about it. Not about you.
He can’t stop thinking about your flustered face.
You don’t look flustered that often. Especially not around him. 
He thinks this is very intriguing.
What hurt him the most in all this - the thing that made him feel like a piece of shit more than anything - is that he knows you too damn well and he knew that it was never special to you. To you it was just sex, it was just fun; whenever your lips touched you never felt like you were being swept off your feet like he did, whenever you touched him you didn’t feel like just then, in that moment, everything was right - as if the Universe was only created for that specific moment to happen, as if the Universe was expectantly waiting for the moment his fingers ran on your skin freely since the very beginning.
He never felt like this with anyone else. No other pussy has ever made him feel this poetic. 
The fact that Jungkook knew you didn’t feel the same was exactly why he couldn’t stop; this would be the closest he’d ever be from you in that sense - and honestly, after he tasted you, he didn’t want to go back to stage one. You were like a drug. You brought him comfort, you brought him bliss. Having sex with you became somehow of a escapist method. But, just like every drug, you started to make him feel sick… so sick that he couldn’t stand to be around you when you weren’t fucking. 
He drifted away.
God, he even stupidly tried to move on, but Joy was a foolish try. Jungkook felt bad for using her like this - even though he never even kissed her, he felt that he was fooling her anyway. Going on that date with Joy made everything worse, because he was with that gorgeous, intelligent and lovely girl, but he couldn’t feel anything but fucking empty.
He also realized that you couldn’t be his drug anymore. You deserved much more than that. That’s why he drove all the way to your apartment like a magnet. He preferred to go back to stage one if necessary, if it meant that he could be around you without feeling like a worthless piece of shit anymore.
Of course - things didn’t work out that way.
But that morning- it was different.
Jungkook has to sip more of his beer just thinking about it.
It was different.
It was… quiet, very quiet. Much more quieter than he was used to. And much closer than he ever remembered. 
All the times he had sex with you - his body was being pleased, but his soul felt hurt. This time, though, he felt that his whole self was being healed. You didn’t feel like a drug. You felt like a cure.
As if you were connected in somehow of a deeper way.
As if this time, it wasn’t one-sided on his part.
Jungkook can’t stop thinking about it. His pessimistic side tried to convince him that he was being delusional or dramatic (he has this tendency to overthink anyways) and maybe he was, but, again… you don’t usually act flustered, especially not around him. And you’ve been looking flustered around him for quite some now, even before that morning. Sure, your friendship became uncomfortable at some point and he realized that none of you knew how to act around each other anymore, but still… 
What about that time you saw a picture of Yeri on his computer?
You looked very, very awkward.
Or how you sometimes seemed bothered when Joy was around. You teased him a lot at that pool party. Jungkook knew you could get kinda kinky sometimes (he knew you liked the thrill of possibly being caught), but that felt like too much even for you.
His pessimistic side once again tried to convince him that he was seeing things. You wouldn’t be acting jealous. You were never jealous of him with any girl. Never. You even encouraged him to be with Joy, right?
What if… what if maybe, just maybe…?
Stop getting your hopes too high, his pessimistic side scolded. You look stupid.
I’ve been looking stupid for a goddamn long time, Jungkook thinks back. His pessimistic side looks back at him with disdain.
Jungkook frowns and looks at the bottle of beer on his hand. This is just regular beer, right? He surely isn’t so drunk that he’s already arguing with himself.
I should probably go home.
He could go to your home.
You wanted to talk to him earlier today. You looked very hesitant - again, very uncharacteristic of you. It felt like it was something important. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind if he knocked on your door unannounced - wait, you never cared. At least when your relationship didn’t involve rough sex. I mean- you didn’t mind not even when you started fucking, to be honest.
Why do I feel so nervous? I’ve never felt nervous over such a stupid thing. I mean, she’s the same dumbass I’ve known my whole life.
You’re probably home doing nothing. That’s also very uncharacteristic of you. Normal you would be at some club or party right now, celebrating the end of the semester. Normal you would probably have tried to drag him along. Or you’d meet some time during the night when you’re both too drunk to be standing and then you’d end up at 5am at the usual Burger King because you’re both hungry, and the Burger King employees would be staring at you both with anger and disgust because you’re both laughing like stupid and talking too loud and they’ve been up all night and can’t stand two drunk costumers this early in the morning.
It sounds nice.
Jungkook remembers that Seulgi and Irene made up, which means that Seulgi most definitely isn’t home.
Which means you positively are home alone.
Home alone, huh.
Jungkook sips more beer. 
This sounds nicer.
But, hey, it’s not like he’s being dirty minded (well, at least not entirely). He really wants to know what you wanted to talk about - and suddenly, he doesn’t feel like waiting until tomorrow. Maybe it’s the alcohol (maybe he really shouldn’t finish this beer), but he wants to see your face a lot right now. Your flustered face. And he kinda feels like holding your face with both hands and kissing you very slowly. And he kinda feels like going very very deep inside of-
You know what? Fuck it.
Jungkook puts the bottle over the table and is ready to get up. His excuse is ready. Nobody’s gonna think it’s strange anyway - Jungkook has actual stuff to do.
But he doesn’t have the chance to move when he notices a person approaching the tables where he’s sat.
He freezes.
It’s you.
You’re looking down at your phone before you lift your head and see the group of familiar faces a few meters away from you. You’re alone.
Jungkook’s heart starts to beat furiously inside his chest. A smile unconsciously increases on his lips. What are you doing here? He didn’t know you’d come. He’s also sure that he didn’t tell you which bar he would come to earlier today. Adrenaline rushes through his veins as a hundred ideas run on his mind in those few seconds; did you feel the need to see him as much as he wanted to see you? Did you have the same idea as him? Were you so eager to see him that you couldn’t wait until tomorrow-?
Your eyes finally cross his.
That’s when Jungkook notices something isn’t right.
You look surprised, then a second later you frown, then you slowly widen your eyes.
He knows you too damn well.
You didn’t know he’d be there, too. You’re surprised to see him. And it looks… it looks like you didn’t want to see Jungkook there.
A loud, excited, familiar male voice bursts out.
Jungkook watches frozen in place as Taehyung gets up in a swift movement, holds your face with both hands and kisses you.
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Taehyung’s lips are warm against yours. They taste like toothpaste and beer.
The kiss is very brief. Taehyung breaks it alway soon, but still holds your face with his hands. He’s smiling widely.
“You're late, missy!" He says happily.
You're frozen in place.
This isn't happening. 
"I-" you stutter. It seems that your brain went into complete malfunction. "I, uhm…"
Your eyes travel back to Jungkook.
He's just watching. Not moving a muscle. No.
No no no no no no.
This can't be happening.
Jungkook wasn't supposed to be here. You thought- you thought he was going to celebrate with his classmates, you didn't expect Taehyung would be here too. No, no. Just no. 
You see the exact moment his features get as hard as stone. The way he clenches his jaw tight.
You can't breathe.
When you texted Taehyung earlier, you didn’t really like that he told you to meet him at a bar. A bar wasn’t the right place to have this type of conversation - you also felt bad that you’d probably ruin his end-of-semester celebrations - but you agreed anyway because you desperately needed to make things clear with Taehyung before you had that talk with Jungkook. You decided to do this because Jungkook was honest and fair with Joy; you needed to do the same. You left the worst of the impressions when you let Taehyung kiss you that day. You needed to tell him the truth, or else he’d just suffer more - and you couldn’t be a bitch enough to just dump him by text.
But fuck -  you didn’t expect Taehyung would fucking kiss you in front of everyone the moment he saw you!
With the corner of your eye, you see Jimin looking from you to Taehyung to Jungkook very fast, his face going pale as he realizes what just happened. No one else notices that something’s wrong.
Jungkook breaks eye contact with you and gets up from his chair. Jimin looks at him, helpless. You know that expression. He’s angry and- and-
You step away from Taehyung, trying to get control over your body again. It feels like pure frost has filled your veins. “T-Taehyung, I…” Your mouth is very dry again. You clear your throat. “C-Can we talk somewhere else?”
You suddenly hate how oblivious Taehyung is and how touchy he is because it’s clear that he’s moving his arm to hold your hand. What the fuck?! We just kissed once, it’s not like we’re dating!
“Sure. Do you wanna get inside? Wanna get a drink?” He asks with the same happy smile. 
You’re trying to think of something to say, but again, someone else behind him gets your attention.
“You’re going this early, Jungkook?” Hoseok whines, oblivious to the whole situation. Jungkook is putting his backpack over his shoulder. He’s looking down, jaw still very tight. Not a word said - yet you could see exactly how hurt he was. 
“Yeah. I have a lot to do.” He simply says. 
“Aw, come on, man!” Taehyung encourages. “You can stay a little longer!”
If Taehyung was a little less oblivious, he would have noticed the death glare sent in his direction.
“I can’t.”
A shiver crawls over your entire body as the death glare is now directed to you. 
He’s so, so hurt.
Jungkook’s walking away.
Stop! You want to scream. You got it all wrong! Don’t go!
But you don’t have the chance to stop him, and Jungkook doesn’t have the chance to walk away, and Taehyung doesn’t have the chance to understand what’s going on.
Everyone turns their heads when they hear a boisterous, scandalous laughter, and the sound of someone clapping their hands dramatically.
Now you’re sure that your veins are frosted. You shiver again - yet this time, it’s pure fear.
It’s Mike.
A very, very drunk Mike.
He looks the worst you’ve ever seen him; his clothes are a mess, his hair has grown a lot, and he hasn’t been shaving lately. His eyes are widened, red and maniac. He stumbles as he walks closer, everyone on the table - and the people on the tables around - stopping to look as he still claps ironically.
“Oh, look at what we have here!” he’s loud. Very loud. “So interesting!”
You notice that Jungkook isn’t walking away anymore - in fact, he comes back a few steps, standing closer to you. His body language has changed. Jimin has also gotten up; it seems that Taehyung might be starting to understand what’s going on.
“This is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a looooong time,” Mike continues. God, he’s drooling. This isn’t happening. That’s not possible.
You watch as some guys come closer to Mike and recognize them as his friends. One of them holds Mike’s arm. “Come on, man. Don’t start a scene. It’s not worth it.” He says in a rather low voice, but you can still hear it.
Mike gets off his grip aggressively. “What do you mean? Of course it’s worth it!” Mike looks at you and grins like a madman. You feel another shiver run down your spine. “Hello, Y/N! It’s been a long time! How have you been?!”
“Your friend’s right.” Jungkook speaks up. “Get out of here.”
“Ooooooh,” Mike shakes his hands as if pretending to be scared. “Look who’s here, too! It’s the bestie! Jeon Jungkook, the best friend your girlfriend could ever have!”
Pretty much everyone on the outside part of the bar is paying attention to what’s going on. They whisper between themselves, looking at Mike, you and Jungkook. You feel so embarrassed that you might as well faint. You feel that you should have said something already, but your brain is still malfunctioning. 
“Jeon Jungkook, the friend that will want to fuck your girl so bad, but he won’t because he’s a coward!” Mike screams and laughs like a maniac.
Jungkook steps up closer to Mike in a brusque movement, but Jimin’s fast enough to hold him back. At this point, all of his friends have already gotten up from the table, wanting to stop Jungkook from doing anything.
“Shut up, Mike! Let’s go!” Mike’s friends try to stop him as well, trying to drag him away, but even though he’s drunk, he’s still strong enough to stay in place.
“You think I didn’t know, huh, Jungkookie? You think I didn’t know that whenever I was balls deep inside of Y/N you wish it was you? You always wanted to make her scream like a bitch the way I did!”
At this moment, the fear and shame are overwhelmed by anger. Without realizing, you are the one stepping closer, you are the person who Taehyung has to grab the arm in order to stop. “Shut the fuck up, you son of a bitch!” You hear yourself yelling.
People on the tables around have gotten up - the noise of many chairs scraping the floor getting louder than the worried voices of the people trying to get away from this mess. You hear someone - a guard from the bar, maybe - threatening to call the police, but you can’t pay attention to him.
“Oh, but that’s exactly what you are! A whore!” Mike yells back. “You got so sad that I cheated on you, but haven’t you been doing the same to me?! You think I didn’t see you two inside the car that night?!”
That night… in the car…
Did he... ?
You freeze again when you see Mike pointing at Taehyung. 
“Hm, you’re Taehyung, right? Are you dating her now? Well, be aware of her best friend right here, unless you like sharing your girl! But Jungkook likes leftovers, right, Jungk-?”
He doesn’t finish the sentence.
Jimin isn’t strong enough to stop Jungkook from jumping over and landing a punch on Mike’s nose.
There’s yelling and the sound of tables turning as a whole lot of men try to stop the fight and glasses breaking and Jungkook screaming incomprehensible things as he holds Mike’s collar and punches once, twice, three times, and then Mike’s mouth and nose are bleeding, and Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung are trying to get Jungkook off Mike but it seems that not even the three would be enough to stop him.
You’ve never seen Jungkook so mad. It scares you because Mike is too drunk and can’t defend himself - but you’re not scared for Mike, that fucker can die -, you’re scared of what might happen to Jungkook.
So, when Jimin and the others drag Jungkook away as he still tries to free himself violently, you somehow squeeze yourself between them to hold Jungkook’s arm.
“Jungkook, stop!”
The black-haired man looks at you, his eyes red with rage in a way you’ve never seen before. 
You didn’t notice that, in your despair, your eyes filled with tears. This is probably what makes Jungkook stop for a moment.
“Enough! I called the police! Everyone out of the bar!”
A siren can be heard from far.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here!” Jimin yells.
Another mess as everyone grabs their things and to try and run out of the bar - even the people that weren’t involved. You see that Mike hasn’t fainted as his friends grab him out of the bar in a rush.
Jungkook has to get out of here, it’s the only thing on your mind. Jungkook thinks the same apparently, because he’s quick to take his bag from the floor and jump over the bar’s fence to the sidewalk. You assumed that he didn’t drive his way here because he knew he would drink - which means he had to run.
Your only instinct is to follow him. 
You jump over the fence too, much more clumsily than him. Jungkook is already running down the street. 
As you’re about to follow him, you hear someone call your name.
It’s Taehyung.
He’s standing on the sidewalk as customers run out of the bar. And the look on his face crushes your heart.
I am the worst person in the world.
“Y/N, what he said… is it- is it true?” He asks quietly.
You open your mouth as if to say something, but nothing coherent comes out of it. The guilt rushes with adrenaline through your veins. You knew he would be hurt, but it wasn’t supposed to happen this way. It wasn’t.
“I-I’m sorry, Taehyung,” is the only thing you can stutter.
You don’t see what face he makes next - both because you can’t take it, and because you’re already turning around and running down the street after Jungkook.
Jungkook is the only thing on your mind.
You can’t let him go away like this.
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You run through the busy streets full of bars. As usual, they’re crowded with people. Some of them look at you running like crazy when you pass by, but you can’t stop running because you can still hear the sirens.
Jungkook has some damn long legs. He runs much faster than you and doesn’t even look back. You can barely breathe and your stomach hurts as you unsuccessfully try to catch up to him. You keep running and running and running until you’re on less busier streets, until the bars are left behind and now you’re on a more residential part of the neighbourhood. As Jungkook crosses an almost empty square, you decided that your body can’t take it anymore. You stop gradually, feeling your entire body scream in pain.
“Jungk- Jungkook!” you yell. 
The black-haired man finally looks behind his back and sees you; he widens his eyes in surprise and stops. 
“Why are you-?”
He doesn’t have the time to finish his sentence as the sound of the sirens get closer. You immediately start to run again and this time - instead of running in front of you - Jungkook waits until you get closer to grab your hand, forcing you to run faster. You two cross the square and run into a stair alley with houses on both sides. It’s quiet here. Jungkook crouches down behind a big trash bin, making you crouch down as well.
You both make as much silence as possible (considering you’re both panting heavily), both sweating, and wait until the sounds and lights of the police siren go away.
After maybe five minutes Jungkook gets up again, dropping his backpack on the floor. He cleans the sweat on his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt; you rest your hands on your legs, trying to recover your breath. Your stomach hurts as if it has been stabbed. Maybe I should start working out.
You notice that Jungkook’s right hand is hurt; his knuckles are swollen and bleeding a little. He frowns in pain as he analyzes it. “You- you’re hurt.” you stupidly stutter. Jungkook shakes his head.
“It’s nothing.” He says in a low voice. “I said I would beat him up if I saw him…”
Out of instinct you step closer to him, worried, and lift your hands to hold his swollen one.
But Jungkook steps back before you can even touch him. He literally flinched away from you.
It feels like an arrow has just buried itself in your heart.
He’s not looking at you.
“No.” He shakes his head again. He’s breathing heavily as if trying to calm himself down. “Don’t… don’t say anything. Please.”
It’s getting so difficult to breathe. Jungkook puts his hands on each side of his waist, staring at something on the floor - clearly avoiding your pleading gaze.
“But Jungkook, I… you didn’t…” why the hell can’t you speak a coherent sentence anymore? That’s why you followed him all the way. You must make things clear, but seeing his face right now makes you hesitate. Jungkook looks genuinely angry; you’ve never seen him like this, ever.
He throws his head back, looking at the sky, and lets a very dry chuckle past his lips. His expression tells you everything you need to know - he’s tipsy, not entirely drunk.
“You know, I don’t even understand why I’m angry.” You’re not sure if he’s talking to you or to himself. “There was never anything real happening, right? We were never real.”
You feel yourself choking on your own words. What does he mean?
“Jungkook, you have to listen to me. I just wanted to talk to Taehyung-”
“You don’t need to explain yourself, Y/N!” He interrupts and finally gazes you back with bloodshot eyes. “We’re fuck buddies, right? It’s just for fun, right? No real feelings involved. It’s not like we’re supposed to care.”
Tears start to make your sight blurred. Each word of his sound more and more bitter, more sad, more hurt, and it feels like someone has buried the arrow in your heart deeper when you realize that his eyes are getting teary, too.
“Stop saying that. You know it’s not true. You’re the person I care about the most in this world-”
“If you start saying how I’m your best friend I’m leaving you right now.”
You frown and blink, trying to dissipate the tears. “B-But it’s true-”
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N! I’m in love with you! Stop acting like you don’t know that already!”
It feels like your brain and your limbs and your lungs stopped working all at once.
Did he… did he just…?
Jungkook exhales heavily. He looks so tired. He rests his back against the wall in front of you, once again avoiding your gaze.
Something tells you that this should have been a happy moment. Deep down, you feel the pure bliss and excitement and it feels like your heart will combust - because you finally heard the words you wanted to hear the most coming directly from his mouth, you finally understood everything; he felt the same, the fucking same.
Yet, all the happiness is being overwhelmed by worry.
You’re watching him intently. You know the man in front of you better than you know yourself. You’ve never seen this expression before - this mix of anger and hurt have never been directed towards you. You’re scared because you don’t know what it implies.
It’s his breaking point.
He might be giving up on you right now.
You don’t know what to say. For a long moment, you just stare at him as he tries to calm himself down - always avoiding your gaze. It seems that words won’t come out of your mouth no matter how hard you try.
“Since when?” is the only thing you can whisper after a long time.
Jungkook shakes his head and lets yet another lifeless chuckle. “I don’t know.” He says in a low, broken voice.
Your fingers are shaking as you close your hands in tight fists. He needs to hear the truth.
“Jungkook.” Yet again, you hesitantly step closer. Your voice is fragile, pleading. “You got it all wrong. Please, you have to listen to me. Today, I-”
“Yeah, I know I got it all wrong from the start.” He interrupts you again. Shut up!, you want to scream. Let me fucking speak!
However, you can’t speak anymore when you notice the tears dripping down his face.
Jungkook is crying.
It’s your fault.
He passes both hands over his face as quickly as the first tears started to fall and sighs heavily. He takes his bag from the floor and shoves it over his shoulder again, turning around before you can see his face again, before you have the chance to say anything.
“I’m going home. You should go home, too.”
And he starts to walk down the stairs way too fast.
Your body is moving before your mind registers and you try to catch up to him. “Jungkook, wait-”
Is the only thing he says without looking back.
This makes you stop.
You watch, frozen in place, as he walks down the stairs. You keep your eyes on him as he crosses the empty square again. He’s almost running.
He wants to get away from you as soon as possible.
You know Jungkook too well. You know that, even if you followed him, even if you insisted, he wouldn’t want to hear you anyway. He’d probably despise you even more. This is what made you freeze.
You suddenly feel your legs get weak and sit down on the stair steps. Not only your legs, actually. All of your limbs feel heavy. 
You don’t remember the last time you cried like this. The unstoppable tears just coming and coming and the sobs barely let you breathe. 
You’re crying because you’re ashamed of what just happened at the bar - how Mike made you feel humiliated in front of all those people. You’re guilty because you weren’t honest with Taehyung and now there’s no way back - you let him believe in whatever he wanted to believe instead of making things clear, and now he’s hurt.
And the worst of all.
You’ve been hurting Jungkook so bad for so long without realizing. You hurt the person you cared about the most. 
All of it is your fault.
God, it hurts so much.
You know Jungkook too well. He’s the person that has been always there with you for better or for worse. You always knew you’d have each other’s backs no matter what happens; he’s a part of you, the most important, most precious part of you.
This time, you genuinely don’t know what will happen from now on.
This time... you don’t know if Jungkook will ever forgive you.
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gospelofme · 4 years
How Kix Met His Wife
Kix x Female Reader
No warnings, AU, last name of reader strictly for continuity purposes
Part 3 of 3
Months passed, four in fact. You were sitting at your desk at work, feeling particularly depressed. You had considered dating, but you had been holding out hope of Kix returning. A small part of you though had been gnawing away at that hope. The part of your brain that said it was pointless to pine for a man who may never be coming back.
“Hey, Holtz, you have a visitor.” Detective Farns informed you, pouring himself a cup of caf in his favorite mug.
“Who is it? Is it that guy from the lab with that smashed comm?!” You asked, perking up just a bit. That would help move your current case along.
“Nope, I think this is that doctor from the ER. I don’t remember his name but his hairstyle is familiar.” Detective Farns didn’t realize he was talking to himself, as you had fled the room the moment he said “doctor from the ER”.
You walked quickly down the hall to the lobby but stopped short of the sensor for the automatic door. You slowed your breathing, checked your hair and breath, smoothed down your shirt, and mustered your best neutral face expression.
Kix sat in a chair in the lobby. Showing up at your workplace unannounced might not have been the best idea. He had let the subject of you slip when walking with Jesse while he had been deployed. His batch brother suggesting that he just take the initiative and ask you out. Of course, 4 months had passed. For all he knew you were already seeing someone else. Or perhaps you had forgotten about him. Or maybe you were upset with him for just leaving. Of course, he couldn’t blame you for the last one, or really any of the options his paranoid mind concocted. As he stood up to go tell the woman at the reception desk he would check back some other time, you walked through the door. His eyes met yours instantly, he couldn’t look away from the surprised look on your face.
You had tried to stay neutral, but as soon as he looked over at you, those brown eyes of his drew you in. It looked like he had just gotten back on Coruscant. The man was still in his armor, sans helmet, a red medic symbol on the shoulder plates. You had to admit, that armor was very well tailored. When you had seen him before, he was in white medic fatigues and a lab coat. Of course, you could see then how fit he was but the armor now made it much more obvious.
“Hey.” You said to each other in unison, both giving a small laugh after.
“You go first.” Kix offered, getting one of your perfect smiles. He had dreamed about those more than once while away.
“Well, as you can see, the nose is perfect!” You showed him your face in profile, brushing your left forefinger down the length of your nose. Kix laughed lightly, his smile made your heart flip.
“Good to know!” He said back. You got the strong impression he wanted to talk.
“Hey, Maryanne, I’m bringing him back with me okay.” You informed the receptionist, who handed Kix a visitors badge. The clone didn’t really have a good place to clip it, so you just held it for him. He followed you back to your desk where Detective Farns, Detective Slade, and Detective Mags were kicking around theories about the case you and Farns were discussing. They stopped chatting when they noticed you and Kix.
“Well long time no see Doc.” Farns said.
“Oh, I’m just a Medic. Not a doctor.” Kix clarified.
“Hell, whatever you are, you did a damn fine job on my partner’s nose. She doesn’t scare me as much anymore.” Farns joked, throwing the ball he was tossing at you. You caught it and chucked it back at him.
“Shush Farns, maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll break your nose and Kix can set it.” You retorted. Farns laughing.
“Hey, I’m heading out on break. Let me know if that lab tech shows up with my smashed comm yeah?” You told your partner as you pulled on your coat and holstered your sidearm out of pure habit.
Not far from the department, there was a cafe that served really excellent hot drinks. Kix got cafe, black and no sweeteners. You got extra hot hot chocolate, no whip and non fat.
“So, essentially that’s just hot water with cocoa powder in it yeah?” Kix teased.
“Just like your hot bean juice.” You replied with a grin that wrinkled your nose. You both walked at a slow pace around one of Coruscant’s public parks, picking a bench that was unoccupied.
“So, I was beginning to think you weren’t coming back.” You had to broach the subject. You saw Kix’s shoulders drop just a tad.
“Yeah, listen, I’m really sorry about that. I should’ve said something, but I wasn’t sure how best to contact you. I didn’t know if you even really cared.” His apology was sincere, you were good at being able to tell lies from truth, bullshit from honesty.
“It’s fine. You didn’t have to tell me, it’s not like we’re dating or anything.” You replied with a small shrug, rolling your eyes a bit at the mention of dating. You didn’t notice the look on Kix’s face when you said that word, you were too focused on watching a kid chase a ball. Even though it was well passed dark, the park was occupied by lots of holiday shoppers and people enjoying the holiday festivities the park put on every year.
“So how’s work?” He asked finally.
“It’s okay, I’ve been stuck on this one case for a solid month now. The comm unit our suspect used last was smashed to bits, so a technician has been slowly rebuilding it. I’m just worried nothing will be useful and the whole thing goes cold.” You lamented, leaning your head back and sighing. You watched the puff of breath you had exhaled dissipate.
“So where did you go?” You asked him, angling your body towards, putting your left leg on the bench. Kix shrugged.
“Oh, just back to Saleucami and then to Ryloth.” His tone suggested it either wasn’t a big deal, or he didn’t want to talk about it. You loved how the lights of the park lit his face, the shadows it created as well. The angles of his face and nose were quite appealing.
“Hmm, traveling around must be fun at least. But not the war part.” You mentioned. He gave a nod.
“I have been to a lot of different planets. Some are really pretty, others not so much. Where all have you been?” He asked. You gave him a guilty look.
“I’ve never been off planet.” You confessed. He looked at you incredulously.
“Yup.” You nodded.
“Wow! In thought everyone travelled around.” He said.
“Well, I threw myself into my high school work, and then into my college work...and now into my career work.” You explained, he could relate to dedicating yourself to your job.
You both discarded your finished drinks and started walking back to the station after an hour of chatting. It had actually turned out really nice. There were jokes told and fun stories. Kix was really interested in the exciting Detective stories you had. You’d started out the night by walking next to each other, but ended the night walking with your arm touching his. You boldly took the chance and reached for his hand, Kix readily entwining his fingers with yours. You gave a small smile to yourself as you felt him grip your hand, a smile he didn’t fail to notice.
Once you had arrived back at the station, you didn’t want to go inside. You both stayed quiet, facing each other. He bent his head down and pressed it to your forehead. You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead into his.
“Kiss me?” You asked, voice almost silent. You kept your eyes closed, too nervous to look at this man. You were beginning to think he wouldn’t when a pair of soft, warm lips touched yours. You tensed and held your breath for a split second before melting into him. You placed your hands on the icy cold armor plates over his biceps, his hands rested on your back unsurely. You both pulled away after a couple moments, giving each other shy smiles. He walked you into the station, kissing you before you walked into the lobby.
“Can I see you again, and not for your nose?” He whispered against your lips, his eyes closed. He felt your eyelashes brush against his cheek. He opened his eyes to see your beautiful ones looking into his. “Of course.” Came your reply. You pulled him into a kiss before you had to walk back down the hall to your desk.
After you both parted ways, you stayed on the other side of the door when it closed. You touched your freshly-kissed lips and giggled like a little girl.
You walked back to your desk with a wistful smile on your face, noticing your co-workers had all been next to the window that faced down to the station entrance.
“Oooooooooooooooo.” They all said as you floated to your desk and sat down.
“Giirrrrrrllll, look at you. Out there seizing what you want.” Farns said admirably.
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Methods to Cut costs Whenever Preparing Your own Desire Wedding Component We -------------------- The marriage day time is among the most significant times associated with everybody's existence. It is regarding celebrating your own adore for every additional before your friends and relations. All of us would like which ideal day time using the wedding gown in our goals nordstrom rack prom dresses, the standard three-tier wedding ceremony dessert, incredible transportation towards the location, bridesmaids/page kids, band/disco, the marriage wedding reception in order to pass away with regard to, nicely, the actual checklist might just upon. Preparing your own wedding ceremony is really a really thrilling period however using the company, additionally arrives tension. Allows encounter this wedding ceremonies nowadays aren't inexpensive, normally a marriage expenses in between 15, 000 as well as 20, 000 Lbs! Occasions tend to be difficult for most people only at that existing period as well as most people are looking for methods to spend less within our life. The reason why when your wedding end up being any kind of various? The reason why save money whenever you will find methods to reduce edges? It doesn't imply you need to proceed without having, this simply indicates you need to 'think away from box'. There are lots of methods to reduce the price of your own 'Special day'. Simply searching as well as performing a little bit of investigation can save you 100s otherwise a lot of money. It doesn't imply your own wedding necessary any kind of much less gorgeous or even unforgettable, this merely indicates the strain associated with increasing the cash is going to be minimum. Here are some easy methods for you to reduce your own expenses. Wedding ceremony Location Very first you have to choose exactly where you want to obtain hitched. Would you like to obtain hitched inside a chapel, the registry workplace or possibly the municipal wedding ceremony is actually much more for you personally. Marriage inside a chapel or even registry workplace indicates additionally, you will require a individual wedding reception location. To assist reduce the price why don't you attempt marriage on the weekday or even from period (meaning not really between your several weeks associated with Might as well as October) as numerous wedding reception locations tend to be more eager for your company and gives a good "off peak"discount or even you might merely have the ability to bargain much more and obtain the cost decreased. An additional less expensive and incredibly well-liked choice is actually to possess a municipal wedding ceremony. What this means is you will get hitched and also have your own wedding reception just about all below 1 roofing, eliminating the price of the actual chapel or even registry workplace. Why don't you consider employing the local town corridor? These people be expensive much less, which means you can visit city using the adornments. These types of can be purchased prior to your own special day through nearby stores or even in the numerous obtainable online retailers, helping you to distribute the price dusty pink bridesmaid dresses. Obviously the selection of wedding ceremony location will even rely on the quantity of individuals you intend to request. Have you considered using a scaled-down, much more personal wedding ceremony after which later on possess a large celebration for lalapromdihsk_dsu that individuals you had been not able to request. What this means is you're able to commemorate two times as well as you might put on your own wedding ceremony dress() once again! Wedding ceremony Dessert The marriage dessert is very the focus of the wedding party however perform you will need to invest countless lbs onto it? The solution isn't any! Perhaps you have noticed the old saying "Less is actually more"? Nicely with regards to wedding ceremony cakes this is often accurate. An easy wedding ceremony dessert, embellished along with clean, periodic blossoms can make a genuine declaration as well as will not set you back a good equip along with a lower-leg. A few popular traditional shops market hot fresh fruit or even cloth or sponge wedding ceremony cakes from excellent costs. Therefore just about all you need to do is actually employ the dessert remain or even coating all of them along with one another as well as then add clean blossoms or even additional dessert adornments that are being sold through any kind of build store or even online shop.
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You might not want a conventional wedding ceremony dessert. Numerous wedding brides as well as grooms do not really such as wedding ceremony dessert therefore decide to choose some thing these people perform such as. Why don't you attempt some thing chocolatey or even possess plenty of small cookies shown on the remain. These types of suggestions tend to be a lot gentler in your wallet however may nevertheless perhaps you have as well as your visitors referring to this with regard to a long time camille prom dresses 14. For just about any wedding brides this particular must be ideal! Obviously selecting a wedding gown ought to rely on your financial allowance. There are lots of wedding dresses available to match each and every spending budget. Consider product sales associated with dresses or even read the traditional shops which market a few incredible wedding gowns in a small fraction associated with the buying price of a few wedding gown stores indian prom dresses. An additional choice is actually to consider purchasing on the internet, and you will possess the gown of the goals in a snip from the cost. Exactly the same suggestions make an application for. Consider purchasing on the internet in order to reduce the price. Related recommendations: This particular will help you to style your personal wedding ceremony selections v neck homecoming dress short()*&kgJ this doing course (*$(&%99 of action at least a couple of months before services grey prom dresses the claimed area likewise. Just as other sorts of items at this time satin wedding dresses()*&……fgsT That may be the main reason for anyone who is planning a wedding satin wedding dresses()*&……ig you can select your have set of (*%_()*08 hues for your marriage cheap lace wedding dresses under 200_)(*)*(-
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Methods to Cut costs Whenever Preparing Your own Desire Wedding Component We -------------------- The marriage day time is among the most significant times associated with everybody's existence long maroon prom dresses. It is regarding celebrating your own adore for every additional before your friends and relations. All of us would like which ideal day time using the wedding gown in our goals, the standard three-tier wedding ceremony dessert, incredible transportation towards the location, bridesmaids/page kids, band/disco, the marriage wedding reception in order to pass away with regard to, nicely, the actual checklist might just upon. Preparing your own wedding ceremony is really a really thrilling period however using the company, additionally arrives tension. Allows encounter this wedding ceremonies nowadays aren't inexpensive, normally a marriage expenses in between 15, 000 as well as 20, 000 Lbs! Occasions tend to be difficult for most people only at that existing period as well as most people are looking for methods to spend less within our life. The reason why when your wedding end up being any kind of various? The reason why save money whenever you will find methods to reduce edges? It doesn't imply you need to proceed without having, this simply indicates you need to 'think away from box'. There are lots of methods to reduce the price of your own 'Special day'. Simply searching as well as performing a little bit of investigation can save you 100s otherwise a lot of money. It doesn't imply your own wedding necessary any kind of much less gorgeous or even unforgettable elegant formal dresses, this merely indicates the strain associated with increasing the cash is going to be minimum. Here are some easy methods for you to reduce your own expenses. Wedding ceremony Location Very first you have to choose exactly where you want to obtain hitched. Would you like to obtain hitched inside a chapel, the registry workplace or possibly the municipal wedding ceremony is actually much more for you personally. Marriage inside a chapel or even registry workplace indicates additionally, you will require a individual wedding reception location. To assist reduce the price why don't you attempt marriage on the weekday or even from period (meaning not really between your several weeks associated with Might as well as October) as numerous wedding reception locations tend to be more eager for your company and gives a good "off peak"discount or even you might merely have the ability to bargain much more and obtain the cost decreased simple bridal dresses. An additional less expensive and incredibly well-liked choice is actually to possess a municipal wedding ceremony. What this means is you will get hitched and also have your own wedding reception just about all below 1 roofing, eliminating the price of the actual chapel or even registry workplace. Why don't you consider employing the local town corridor? These people be expensive much less, which means you can visit city using the adornments. These types of can be purchased prior to your own special day through nearby stores or even in the numerous obtainable online retailers, helping you to distribute the price. Obviously the selection of wedding ceremony location will even rely on the quantity of individuals you intend to request. Have you considered using a scaled-down, much more personal wedding ceremony after which later on possess a large celebration for lalapromdihsk_dsu that individuals you had been not able to request cheap long sleeve wedding dresses. What this means is you're able to commemorate two times as well as you might put on your own wedding ceremony dress() once again! Wedding ceremony Dessert
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The marriage dessert is very the focus of the wedding party however perform you will need to invest countless lbs onto it? The solution isn't any! Perhaps you have noticed the old saying "Less is actually more"? Nicely with regards to wedding ceremony cakes this is often accurate. An easy wedding ceremony dessert, embellished along with clean, periodic blossoms can make a genuine declaration as well as will not set you back a good equip along with a lower-leg. A few popular traditional shops market hot fresh fruit or even cloth or sponge wedding ceremony cakes from excellent costs. Therefore just about all you need to do is actually employ the dessert remain or even coating all of them along with one another as well as then add clean blossoms or even additional dessert adornments that are being sold through any kind of build store or even online shop. You might not want a conventional wedding ceremony dessert. Numerous wedding brides as well as grooms do not really such as wedding ceremony dessert therefore decide to choose some thing these people perform such as. Why don't you attempt some thing chocolatey or even possess plenty of small cookies shown on the remain. These types of suggestions tend to be a lot gentler in your wallet however may nevertheless perhaps you have as well as your visitors referring to this with regard to a long time. For just about any wedding brides this particular must be ideal! Obviously selecting a wedding gown ought to rely on your financial allowance. There are lots of wedding dresses available to match each and every spending budget. Consider product sales associated with dresses or even read the traditional shops which market a few incredible wedding gowns in a small fraction associated with the buying price of a few wedding gown stores. An additional choice is actually to consider purchasing on the internet, and you will possess the gown of the goals in a snip from the cost. Exactly the same suggestions make an application for. Consider purchasing on the internet in order to reduce the price. Related recommendations: therefore you have (*&%-907 to do correct -09869 route preparing cheap wedding dresses online under 200 these bundles involving new mother in the woman clothes you can find long sleeve homecoming dresses*&^(OYgs them a stunning look and at the same time)(*^_)*080 suit their pocket cheap plus size wedding dresses under 200 this doing course (*$(&%99 of action at least a couple of months before services grey prom dresses
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Methods to Cut costs Whenever Preparing Your own Desire Wedding Component We -------------------- The marriage day time is among the most significant times associated with everybody's existence. It is regarding celebrating your own adore for every additional before your friends and relations. All of us would like which ideal day time using the wedding gown in our goals, the standard three-tier wedding ceremony dessert, incredible transportation towards the location, bridesmaids/page kids, band/disco, the marriage wedding reception in order to pass away with regard to, nicely, the actual checklist might just upon. Preparing your own wedding ceremony is really a really thrilling period however using the company, additionally arrives tension. Allows encounter this wedding ceremonies nowadays aren't inexpensive, normally a marriage expenses in between 15, 000 as well as 20, 000 Lbs! Occasions tend to be difficult for most people only at that existing period as well as most people are looking for methods to spend less within our life pageant dresses for teens. The reason why when your wedding end up being any kind of various? The reason why save money whenever you will find methods to reduce edges? It doesn't imply you need to proceed without having, this simply indicates you need to 'think away from box'. There are lots of methods to reduce the price of your own 'Special day'. Simply searching as well as performing a little bit of investigation can save you 100s otherwise a lot of money halter top wedding dresses. It doesn't imply your own wedding necessary any kind of much less gorgeous or even unforgettable, this merely indicates the strain associated with increasing the cash is going to be minimum. Here are some easy methods for you to reduce your own expenses. Wedding ceremony Location Very first you have to choose exactly where you want to obtain hitched. Would you like to obtain hitched inside a chapel, the registry workplace or possibly the municipal wedding ceremony is actually much more for you personally kohls homecoming dresses. Marriage inside a chapel or even registry workplace indicates additionally, you will require a individual wedding reception location. To assist reduce the price why don't you attempt marriage on the weekday or even from period (meaning not really between your several weeks associated with Might as well as October) as numerous wedding reception locations tend to be more eager for your company and gives a good "off peak"discount or even you might merely have the ability to bargain much more and obtain the cost decreased. An additional less expensive and incredibly well-liked choice is actually to possess a municipal wedding ceremony. What this means is you will get hitched and also have your own wedding reception just about all below 1 roofing, eliminating the price of the actual chapel or even registry workplace. Why don't you consider employing the local town corridor? These people be expensive much less, which means you can visit city using the adornments. These types of can be purchased prior to your own special day through nearby stores or even in the numerous obtainable online retailers, helping you to distribute the price. Obviously the selection of wedding ceremony location will even rely on the quantity of individuals you intend to request. Have you considered using a scaled-down, much more personal wedding ceremony after which later on possess a large celebration for that individuals you had been not able to request. What this means is you're able to commemorate two times as well as you might put on your own wedding ceremony dress() once again!
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Wedding ceremony Dessert The marriage dessert is very the focus of the wedding party however perform you will need to invest countless lbs onto it? The solution isn't any! Perhaps you have noticed the old saying "Less is actually more"? Nicely with regards to wedding ceremony cakes this is often accurate. An easy wedding ceremony dessert, embellished along with clean, periodic blossoms can make a genuine declaration as well as will not set you back a good equip along with a lower-leg. A few popular traditional shops market hot fresh fruit or even cloth or sponge wedding ceremony cakes from excellent costs. Therefore just about all you need to do is actually employ the dessert remain or even coating all of them along with one another as well as then add clean blossoms or even additional dessert adornments that are being sold through any kind of build store or even online shop. You might not want a conventional wedding ceremony dessert. Numerous wedding brides as well as grooms do not really such as wedding ceremony dessert therefore decide to choose some thing these people perform such as. Why don't you attempt some thing chocolatey or even possess plenty of small cookies shown on the remain. These cheapwudug_kshh types of suggestions tend to be a lot gentler in your wallet however may nevertheless perhaps you have as well as your visitors referring to this with regard to a long time. For just about any wedding brides this particular must be ideal! Obviously selecting a wedding gown ought to rely on your financial allowance. There are lots of wedding dresses available to match each and every spending budget. Consider product sales associated with dresses or even read the traditional shops which market a few incredible wedding gowns in a small fraction associated with the buying price of a few wedding gown stores. An additional choice is actually to consider purchasing on the internet, and you will possess the gown of the goals in a snip from the cost. Exactly the same suggestions make an application for. Consider purchasing on the internet in order to reduce the price red high low bridesmaid dresses. Related recommendations: how precisely precisely you might glimpse when you wear clothes you have decided halter top wedding dressesJH)*()Ph{ which can be especially informed in the course of conventional crime long v neck prom dress~!@*#*7689 your order your Outfits Brisbane online is usually granted mother of the groom dresses*&……TFI……Yyg the identical specific outfit since the one you have in the prom halter homecoming dresses()*&……fgRI
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