#Wheel of time season 2 spoilers
onaperduamedee · 1 year
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"Moiraine Damodred..." "No, if you have ever loved me, don't do this." "I command you to close the Waygate."
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Lanfear, in addition to being an iconic Crazy Ex Girlfriend, is also a champion of I Can Make Him Worse. She’s always trying to kickstart Rand’s corruption arc and failing.
Meanwhile Rand is actually having a corruption arc but in a wildly different direction that is completely incompatible with her idealized Lews Therin.
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lord-of-khaos · 1 year
Rand al’Thor, The Dragon Reborn
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wearethekat · 1 year
her secret GAY AFFAIR with her boss
her continent spanning morally dubious PLANS and SCHEMES (murder those youths)
her queerplatonic SWORN BODYGUARD.
her HIGHLY PUBLIC oath of banishment to her gay affair boss (who's also the wizard pope)
her DEPRESSION ARC (suicidally cut off from her magic)
her queerplatonic DIVORCE ARC (they were never equals. THEY WERE NEVER EQUALS. she's lied to him this whole time)
screaming crying throwing up. THEY WERE NEVER EQUALS. moiraine sedai lives in my head RENT FREE.
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butterflydm · 1 year
minor speculation on the day before 2x4
Okay, we're gonna find out what happens next so soon! But I want to poke at ideas anyway, just go over some potential thoughts on travel distances and pacing, etc. This will have spoilers for all the various teasers and hints we've seen (or at least the ones that I've seen!) for WoT s2 plus book 2: The Great Hunt spoilers. Including the trailers shown at the ends of episode 1 & episode 4. This is mostly speculating on 2x4 but has some speculation for the rest of the season.
For episode four:
I am sure we will pick up with Moiraine's storyline and Lan's storyline but I think they will stay separated for either most of the episode or the whole episode. Moiraine is Doing Research in Cairhien but she isn't there expecting to find Rand -- she's chasing the thread of the cracked moondial and the poem. She appears to be investigating the fire in Foregate and speaking to Logain in the trailer for e4, so I think she will definitely learn that Rand is in Cairhien (Investigator Moiraine rides again). In the trailer that came out a month or so before the episode aired, we had that confrontation between Moiraine and Lan where he tells her that she doesn't need to do this alone and she stresses that "guiding Rand" is all that matters. That may happen in this episode when Lan catches up with her.
I think that Lan is going to show Alanna, Maksim, & Ihvon the poem to convince them to let him go after Moiraine. We see them reading it in the trailer.
This is the episode we're going to get the actual summoning to break the seal and release Lanfear -- it was in the trailer. Not sure if the truth of her identity will be revealed in the episode or not -- they may want to keep the audience in suspense a bit longer. This is also probably the episode where Rand and 'Selene' cuddle in the wilderness -- they're maybe doing some traveling after her inn burned down. Selene may be leading him to the excavation site to see if she gets a reaction out of him.
From the trailer for the episode, it looks like Nynaeve is going to find out in this episode that Perrin and Loial were captured -- how? Will Liandrin tell her? It can't be Perrin writing to say that he's okay because, well, she thinks Perrin is captured along with Loial. So this seems likely to be the episode where the Wondergirls all head out. I'm hoping that happens at the end of the episode, since we know Verin is currently heading to the Tower to do research and I'm hoping for her to cross paths with the Wondergirls, especially Egwene.
I'm guessing that we're going to be exploring Perrin with the wolves but also see him resisting due to what he was told at the end of the last episode and his worries that being close to the wolf means being close to the Dark One. Will he meet Aviendha in this episode or will it be in ep5?
Where! Are Min and Mat going! So curious! Sending him to Falme... maybe? But that's a long journey (the Wondergirls will be taking a big shortcut). And Mat isn't a woman who can channel, so the Seanchan can't 'take care of him' like they can the Wondergirls. It depends on who is pulling Liandrin's strings right now and what their motives are, I think, and we don't know. I do think that it seems like that Liandrin was observing him under Ishamael's orders, because Ishamael is trying to figure out why Mat is ta'veren and why he matters. Rand is the Dragon, both Nynaeve and Egwene are strong channelers, and Ishamael has figured out that Perrin has a wolf thing but... why is Mat important? And if that is the case, then Min may be leading him somewhere in order to deliberately sort of 'stress test' him to try to see if any powers or weird abilities come out of him.
Related: one of my theories is that the Black Ajah Sisters in the Tower are currently working somewhat at loggerheads (without being aware that they're getting in the way of other BA plans) because they're getting orders from different Forsaken or interpret their orders differently.
We may get some time passing in this episode or a minor timeskip, so that Moiraine has time to reach Cairhien (and so that Mat and Min have some time on the road together?).
For episode 5: well, it's called "Damane"
Egwene is gonna get captured by the Seanchan. :-(
I think Selene will have either just left Rand's storyline in 4 or she will leave it here, and Rand is going to reconnect with Moiraine & Lan.
Episode 6 and episode 7 -- from what I recall, we aren't certain which is Daes Da'mar and which is Eyes Without Pity. I kinda think ep6 is gonna be DD and it'll be when we get to see Siuan come to Cairhien. Minor theory: Logain was a trap to try to lure Rand somewhere that Siuan could find him again (if we assume Moiraine sent her some kind of coded message after things failed at the Eye of the World -- it seems possible that the Amyrlin is off traveling so much this season because she's trying to locate Rand since Moiraine is researching and more powerless). Eyes Without Pity seems like it might be the episode when all the set-up for the finale gets slotted into place. Just... based on the title, idk.
I really do hope that there's enough setup in ep7 that episode 8 can have some room to breathe and give us plenty of strong character and relationship moments.
We're gonna get Rand fighting Turak (in the main trailer); we're gonna get Mat with the Heroes of the Horn (the trailer after episode 1; it's a quick wide shot but it looks like Mat running at the head of what are probably the Heroes); Perrin is gonna kill a Whitecloak at some point (this might be in ep7 or earlier idk). Other things are more Mysterious, though we've been teased about the 'fight in the sky'. I am assuming that Egwene is probably gonna clock Renna with a water pitcher or something similar. I feel like our payoff for the "Mat stabs Rand" viewing is probably going to be true in this season, one way or another, and not get drawn out into the next season.
I really hope Rand gets to meet Elayne and Aviendha this season, if only briefly. I also really hope for some good reunions between our EF5.
Anyone else want to speculate with me today?
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Watching The Wheel Of Time, s2 ep8 (season finale)
I love how Moiraine and Lan shared one look and you could tell they've been around each other for so long that they both can silently communicate their feelings about Lanfear 😂
Lanfear is fabulous
The way Moiraine was like 'I can't open it that dude took my power from me'
Oh no I'm concerned what the role Moiraine and Lan will play👀
(Lanfear blows Moiraine and Lan through a gateway and they land in water) How refreshing
Lanfear: "Come with me."
Rand: "Do I have any choice?"
Lanfear: "You know who I am."
Wait, I thought Lanfear and the evil dude didn't like each other?
Oh no the white hunters stormed the tower(White Tower?)
Oh they're storming the place that Egwene is being held
I do not think Elayne is straight
Oh my god, Rana cut Egwene's braid😭
Nyeverae babe, the power is corrupting you👀
Nyeverae's expression looks eerily like Rana's
Aww, Rand came to help Egwene
Mat, my boy, RESIST
Moiraine: "Do you really want it back after everything I have done to you?"
Lan: "I never asked to be released, nor will I." 🥺
My poor girl looks so broken I wanna hug her😭
"The only reason that I was able to say that you're not my equal is that I've known one thing to be true since the day we met... You have always been my better."😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Let me back in."
I love how we get to see their bond reforming🥺😭
REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD (Perrin and his friends)
Damn, The way all those girls (including Egwene) are being forced to use their powers)😭
Oh, Egwene is getting BIG MAD
Renna: "Good girl!" Lady she's not a dog🤦‍♀️(I know that's how she views her in a way)
Oh nurh my boy! Ingtar🥺
Lan: "You're faster than you used to be."
Moiraine: "Feels like I'm running without buckets on my back."🥺
I love Moiraine's outfit
Wait, six?! Oh my god, they're people aren't they?!! Is she planning to do that to the kids from Two Rivers👀
Awww, what a cute lil snake/lizard
Oh God, they're gonna gentle Rand aren't they
Mat the DIY king😂
Aw, poor Egwene will need so much therapy after this
Oooooo Renna can channel?! Ha! She can't hurt Egwene
Ooooooo Renna is dead😁 (poor Egwene though)
REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD! (the reprise, Rand x Egwene)
"How? Why?" Poor girl is traumatized
"I came to save you, but it looks like you didn't need it." She badass
The way Ishameal is quoting the dude who gentled him👀 (was it Lews?) (It was)
Awe, it's a bro-mance (Perrin and the son of the main white guy)
Whoa! Hopper's spirit is jumping for leaves🥺 so I'm going with him being at peace (if this is true to the book, then I won't riot)
Mat has blown the horn!!!!
Slow mo 👀 shits about to get real isn't it👀
Mat is the only thing moving at normal speed?
Wait, what does he remember?!
This is so cool
The heroes of the horn? Mat was one of them?! I have chills
Wait, Uno?! Unexpected and so cool
Bro-mance is over (Alexa play When The Party's Over)
I ship Egwene and Elayne hard
Noooooooo! Rand has been unpaled🥺👀
Hell yeah
"You cannot face down one of the chosen, child." Egwene said
"I will let a thousand innocent people die if there's even a chance that he will live." Hardcore (get you a person like Moiraine)
Lan has Moiraine's back always 🥺
Moiraine doing her slow raise up as she's waving has me thinking things 👀😳🫣
Perrin is a great friend
"Who are you?"
"Elayne." Pls don't make them love interests
Oh, Moiraine is so gloriously powerful I love her
Ishameal is dead (and he saw nothing. Nothing at all).
I'm guessing the ships being set ablaze is the banner Lanfear was saying
Oh, they mean literally make a banner of fire😂
Damn, Moiraine really gave them a dragon😂
As the heroes
Lanfear has plans uh oh👀
Oh no, there's a new player 👀 Moghedien
Oh, the stone stuff is the other powerful dudes
Ishameal let all of them out! 👀👀
Poor Lanfear 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Well shit, it's over. What am I supposed to do until we get another season?!😭 I was really hoping we'd see more of Siuan and Moiraine and the aftermath of Siuan getting injured 🥺
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thelxiepia · 1 year
wheel of time season two (episodes 1, 2 & 3) thoughts:
new mat is amazing i love him
leandrin continues to terrify me
people continuing to clock rand as an aielman lol
moraine's grief for her channeling is so palpable, you can see her despair in every expression she makes
literally obsessed with the double act that is mat and min, the brotp i didn't know i needed
the seanchan and the damane are exactly as horrifying as i hoped they would be and i love how they've got like southern american accents
i actually really like how they introduced elyas as a tracker but it means we got no hurin 💔
egwene looking at the amyrlin's dress 👀
i kinda can't wait to see how traumatised nynaeve's going to be after the arches, which is pretty evil of me fr
also rand not being in her arches!reality because she thinks he's DEAD
meeea syal as verin!! and i also think it's smart how they amalgamated her character with vandene
i can't believe what they did to my boy uno
rand working with the mentality ill is honestly so in character, like of course he has so much compassion because he knows that'll be him one day if what everyone says about male channelers is true
lan with his hair down looking like fabio
alanna being so cute and likable is really difficult for me because i know what's to come
honestly selene is really hot and i don't blame rand for falling into bed with her AT ALL
i'm pretty happy with everything so far and none of the changes have made me angry as of yet
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shallanspren · 1 year
*tugs my braid and folds my arms beneath my breasts* where the fuck did the into to wheel of thyme go?????????
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tranquil-traveler · 1 year
I had an inkling how the third episode would end but… whew, that was heartwrenching. Trauma, on trauma, on trauma.
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nervouspearl · 1 year
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"We all stand with you."
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alverelover · 3 months
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onaperduamedee · 1 year
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You're in luck. My Sister and I have decided to accompany you.
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The crowd is only women in dresses, stained at the knee and around the hem like they’ve been kneeling in mud.
Perhaps the Seanchan have gathered women to test and maybe collar as damane in Falme? That would be an interesting parallel to Nynaeve being tested for Accepted and a way to build dread if we see this before Egwene arrives.
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halcyon-autumn · 1 year
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Wheel of Time s2 Finale + Reductress Headlines
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loveexpelrevolt · 1 year
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And if you fall asleep? You're exhausted. I don't have that option.
THE WHEEL OF TIME 2.5 | "Damane"
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ayo-cowbelly · 1 year
wheel of time s2 eps 1+2 as memes ~ *slight spoilers*
part two!
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