#Where you spend more time SCOOPING POOP than riding
darthkrallt · 2 years
I cut my own hair for the first time tonight. Before, I'd been adventurous enough to let friends cut it in the past (with a variety of "success" in outcome), but lacked the courage to try myself.
I'm glad I tried now. I'm happy with the results, and I think it's practical for how I deal with my hair (low ass effort).
I will be thrilled with not having it fall in my FACE every time I muck.
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copperbadge · 5 years
Forgive me if you've already written about this, but you seem to have your life together so I'm asking: how do you keep house? All the online resources seem to assume I'm a stay at home mom-- I live with myself and my cat, and work full time. How do you keep up with the messes created by yourself and the cryptids? How do you keep up with the messes that seem to just spawn?
Oh, man, such a good question. I feel like part of the answer is…I don’t? I mean I do, obviously I don’t live in rank filth, but I don’t keep as clean a house as say, my mother, or even some of my friends. 
I try to set up systems to prevent certain types of mess, which helps – I try never to leave something for later if it can be dealt with in the course of the moment, which can be wearying so not everyone’s going to handle that well. But for example, laundry – when I do it, I do every part of it. Not every article of clothing (though that too) but I stand in the laundry room and fold it there, even though my condo is only a short elevator ride away, because I know I a) fold better standing up and b) am more likely to just dump it on my bed and not fold it if I go back to my condo. So I fold all my laundry and then I take it home, and then it’s super easy to put it away! (I also have arranged my life so that putting it away is easy – the shirts go on hangers, everything else goes on open shelves or, in the case of socks, in an open box by the door). 
I don’t do the dishes every day. Why should I? I’m one human, and I don’t like having wet hands or sweaty glove hands. So when I’m done with a dish I put it in the sink and run water into it to soak, and at the end of the week I wash them all. Is it a little gross? Probably. But as long as I stay on top of it within reason, I only have to do dishes once a week and I don’t have to worry about pests. 
I vacuum when I vacuum. Sometimes my floor is not the cleanest, but what am I doing on my floor? Only walking. Hell, in the living room there’s a significant amount of floor space dedicated to being covered in loose catnip. I sweep it up if friends are coming over but otherwise that’s just The Catnip Area. It’s dry and smells nice, so why not?   
One good tip I have for Cryptid Mess in re: the litterbox is to find a cheap foam yoga mat and put it under the litterbox. It catches a lot of the litter. I do keep a dustpan and a little hand sweeper in the bathroom to sweep up the litter it doesn’t catch – I do that every evening, because if I don’t the cats get into the box and play drum solos on it all night long. I have a small trash bin near the box that all the poop and swept-up litter goes into and I empty that once a week when it gets full. 
I have never dusted once in my whole life. Obviously this is untenable if you have particulate sensitivities of some kind but I don’t, so when company is coming I do a quick vacuum and then wipe down anything that looks dusty and likely to shed it, and otherwise I am okay with a bit of dust. 
I also buy convenience items that make it easier to clean or to not-clean. I have a three-bin, wheeled cart for laundry so everything gets sorted as I take it off (trousers, socks-undies, shirts; linens always go in with socks-undies because it’s usually the smallest load) and it’s easy to get the bins to the laundry room. I have an Omega Paw litterbox so I never actually have to scoop it, just clean and refill it on occasion. All of my windowsills where the cats like to lie are covered in fabric so that the shed onto that and it traps it a bit, and then I wash those occasionally (every blanket I own is still covered in cat hair, but whatever, the hair mostly sticks to the  blanket). 
But these are all kind of very specific examples that illustrate a larger point I make a lot when it comes to living your life as a grownup: these are things that work for me because they work with the way my mind works. What is most important is to find a system that works for you. I often advise people to think about what conditions would enable them to do better at something they’d like to do better at, and then find a way to implement those conditions. Like I used to not go running as often because I hated putting socks on in the morning. So I found a pair of shoes that didn’t require socks to run in. Relatedly, my socks were getting everywhere when I kept them on a shelf with the rest of my clothes, so I put them in a drawer in my kitchen, near the door where I kept my shoes, and they stayed not only more organized but out if sight. When I put the mail on a counter after coming home, I forget it exists, so instead I open it before I go in the door, sort it in my hand into “important” and “garbage”, and put the important mail directly into my work bag, so that the following morning when I unpack my bag at work, I’ll see it and have the mental capacity to deal with it. I have an open paper bag next to my sofa that is only “dry” trash (tissues, paper, reciepts) and the garbage mail goes directly into that so I don’t even have to lift a trash lid to get rid of it. 
When I do feel like the level of ick is getting too high in my home, I set aside a weekend day to deal with it. And I spend the whole day cleaning – but I spend maybe 40% of it cleaning and the other 60% resting and rewarding myself. I clean one room at a time because that’s easiest for me, and I tend to push all the mess into one room and do that one last – so anything that shouldn’t be in the kitchen gets removed to the dining room table, ditto junk in the bedroom, and then I deal with the table all at once so that it’s its own task rather than ten thousand tiny distracting ones. Inbetween rooms I watch a movie or make myself a snack or play with the Cryptids. 
But I also know people – one of my new coworkers for example – who have totally different systems. He goes home on Friday night, FRIDAY NIGHT, when all I want to do is fucking sleep! and he cleans his WHOLE TWO BEDROOM TWO STOREY HOUSE! He starts in the room furthest from the kitchen upstairs and cleans his way down and into the kitchen. I could never. But that’s the ONLY way he can clean, he’s physically incapable of cleaning anything as he goes. So his wife does the little mess-cleans, like mid-week dishes or picking up clothing that has gone astray, on the understanding that she doesn’t have to help with the Friday Night Deep Clean Of Horror. I have other friends who have wholly different ideas of what “clean kitchen” means – for one it means there’s no messy dishes in the sink, for the other it means the counters are clear and wiped down – so they each tackle their half of the “clean” conception, one clears the counters and the other does the dishes, rather than taking turns cleaning the “whole” kitchen. They had to vocalize this to each other before they could strike that deal, though. And when you live alone, sometimes you aren’t aware of how you conceptualize things because you’re never expressing that to someone else. 
So I think it’s super important to talk to yourself, actually. To ask yourself, what does clean mean to you, and what do you just not give a shit about? Then ask yourself, what would make it easier for me to address the parts I really care about? And then arrange your home around that. 
I hope this helps! Remember, learning this kind of shit is a process, and it takes time and energy and self-reflection. You don’t have to become Martha Stewart tomorrow – you can take the time you need to build up little insights and habits slowly. Good luck! 
(Did you find this educational or helpful? Feel free to help me buy laundry soap by dropping a tip in my Ko-Fi or at my Paypal!)
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shuwuwua · 5 years
in which your first time in the rural countryside–crap internet, 20 minute drives to the nearest grocery store, random deer in the roads, and all–is not bad. not bad at all. (aka joshua and animals and being very soft) [fluff]
word count: 3k
disclaimer: not all rural areas are the same. you can get high speed internet. (just not in my personal experience lmao)
you were born, raised, and spent most of your livelihood in the same city
a proper skyscraper sort of city, not a “it’s bigger than a town so i guess we have to call it a city but the tallest building here is still only 4 stories high” city
your family wasn’t really one for vacations but this summer your parents decided to switch it up and spend a few weeks with your relatives who live in the countryside
and although you’ve been skeptical as to what’s possibly worth spending that long in the boonies, you figure it’s been a while since you saw those relatives and don’t say much against it
you’ve tried unsuccessfully for the past few days to avoid nature by browsing YouTube, but it’s proving difficult with your relatives’ lack of surfable internet
they finally suggest you go to the petting zoo
and you snort a little at first bc it’s not your ideal pastime but you suppose that’s what you gotta work with now in the boonies
so you drive to the nearby petting zoo. you exit your car.
and your hit with the Smell™ (of dried grass and poop, to clarify)
and you’re like. oh yeah. i’m definitely in the countryside.
you proceed.
as you walk up the path to the main buildings, you see some of the larger animals around you. horses. cows. the pigs are outside feeding at this hour. you’re kind of in awe because you’ve never seen a Live Cow and,,, they’re kinda cool how they’re so chill and they look sorta Smooth like they’d be really pettable and you wonder if you’d be able to milk one or smthn
but you’re getting a little ahead of yourself.
you open the barn door. and are immediately hit with more Smell™
you wonder if it’ll attach to your clothes. you figure you will deal with it later.
there is something else to deal with at the moment.
“wait, no–lucky! come back!” someone yelps as they rush around in front of you, chasing what seems to be a ball of fur that moves at the speed of light
or a puppy. same thing, really. 
that someone takes a giant leap of faith, only to just barely miss the pup and end up face first on the floor, which you can’t imagine being the most sanitary of surfaces
you look away in search of the flurry of fur. you can’t see it, but you can definitely hear it. unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like it has a collar, so you prepare yourself to scoop it up completely rather than grabbing its collar. as expected, it runs into your direction and you launch at it...
lucky squirms in your grasp, barking and sniffing at your shirt. they must decide that you’re an agreeable human, because they start trying to lick your face
“wow, you caught him!” you look up at seemingly the body from earlier
and like,, not to exaggerate but is this what looking at an angel is like?
the boy you’re looking at looks back with such bright eyes and with a gaze full of affection, although after a second you realize the affection is probably for the dog. he has the best smile you’ve seen in a good while, because people you pass by in the city don’t smile that much. he just radiates Warm and Good and is probably great for business, because he’s just as cute as the puppy who is still going at your chin
“i… yeah, guess i did. uh, you kind of have straw all over you” is what you settle on saying to him, because out of all the things you noticed about him, your brain decides that the straw and dirt still sticking to his cheek and various parts of his shirt were the most acceptable features to point out. while they weren’t the more flattering options, they probably saved you from the complete AWKWARDNESS that would have come from mentioning his eyes or beaming smile or really anything else bc the straw and dirt were the only flaws.
“oh!” he exclaims, straightening up and brushing off his shirt
“… here too,” you say, grasping lucky in one arm as you move your other hand to your cheek
of course, he wipes at the wrong side.
“the other side”
“right. ok. am i good? sorry, that’s not a great first impression.” 
he still has a smear, but you decide it’s probably not going to budge and he’ll figure it out later. and he has no clue what a great first impression it was. clearly. “no, it’s fine.” 
he continues to smile at you and you’re still crouched, clutching lucky. lucky then decides to yelp because he’s tired of the severe lack of attention, which snaps you back to the situation. 
“oh, right.” you stand and give lucky back. 
“here he is!”
once lucky is back in the boy’s arms, he immediately starts to lick at his jaw. the boy sighs and pulls a treat out of the pocket of his apron, waving it around lucky’s face. “what are we going to do with you?” 
he turns back to you. “sorry about that, lucky is a very excited young pupper, as you just saw. the most problematic of all his siblings. anyway, i’m joshua! welcome to nabiya petting zoo. is it your first time here?”
you nod. “er. it’s actually my first time in this area, or in this part of the country, really. i’m from a pretty big city.”
“oh! well, a bigger welcome, then. i hope you enjoy your stay.” 
he rubs lucky between his ears. “isn’t it nice to get away from the busy urban life sometimes? i’ve always thought it’s really relaxing around here.”
“yeah, it seems… nice so far,” you say loosely, reflecting on how you haven’t really seen enough to come to that conclusion
he still has that warm smile. “i’m going to put lucky in his pen. hm… you’re the only one who’s come in so far today, so i could show you around if you want?”
“yeah, sure! i haven’t seen a lot of these before,” you reply, going down the list of animals at the side on the wall.
“ok, i’ll be right back!”
when he comes back y’all walk around n look at things and he asks you if you want to hold or feed some animals and you take everything pretty well, more than even you expect
you look at the normal domestic sort of animals like a litter of kittens, and the pen with lucky and his other pupper brothers and sisters
typical farm animals like pigs and sheep
sheep are not as fluffy as you imagine, they’re actually kind of gross looking if they haven’t had a bath recently
nonetheless you find them kind of cute, and you even pet one of the rams, aptly named… sam the ram
something tells you joshua was responsible for the name
you guys go out to the field and observe some turkeys strutting around
“huh so that’s the thing you see in clipart, the thing hanging off their faces”
“yeah it’s called a snood”
“LOL huH”
“only the dudes have snoods”
“during mating season, female turkeys pick male turkeys with longer snoods. you could say they’re in the snood for love.”
“please stop”
y’all spend a lot of time with the rabbits bc “bunnies are my favorite animal” says josh as he crouches next to a brown fluffball of a bunny, petting it
it’s just such a Good n Wholesome scene you can’t help but let slip “wow ur so cute”
he looks up, but his expression says he is otherwise unbothered
“sorry, what’d you say?”
“i SA ID the buNNY is sO cuTE” panics
“oh” joshua says. “alright” he turns back to the bunny, a tiny smile on his face
before you know it, 4 hours have passed and your stomach is letting you know dinnertime is approaching, so you bid josh farewell and wonder if you’ll ever see him again because that was a hecking nice 4 hours
you find yourself coming back again two days later lmao
today, joshua is putting out slop for the pigs. he grins at you. 
“hey again. what brings you back so soon?”
you find some excuse like “ykno i just bonded with sam the ram so well i had to come back, we’re bros now” and josh just laughs softly at you
“ok. you wanna look at some horses today?”
“whoa. o-okay.”
when he brings them out ngl you’re kinda intimidated bc like,, they’re some toL bois.
one time you saw a pony at the state fair but that was smol n cute and walked at a pace of 3 miles an hour
but these horses?? threatening. now you understand where the horse in horsepower comes from
“hey, don’t look so scared. they’re harmless!” the black stallion chooses that moment to snort and buck a little. 
you gulp.
“no, really.” he pets the stallion. “snuffles has never hurt anyone.”
you blink
“,,, snuffles ??”
joshua gives you a hard stare. “7 year old me thought that was an appropriate name and today years old me still thinks it’s fine”
you raise your hands to say “ok man ur turf ur way”
joshua clears his throat dramatically and turns back to ,, snuffles. “so aNyway, i brought snuffles out because i think he’s the best for a beginner to ride, and i’m assuming you’ve never ridden a horse before.”
“yeah i haven’t… wait did you say we’re gonna riDE them??”
“yeah, we don’t usually let people do that but i feel like you need the whole farm experience so you can go home and tell your friends the country isn’t just yeehaw and old town”
“but like… isn’t this just proving the point of old town? you literally have the horses in the back.”
“however, my hat is not matte black. i don’t even have a cowboy hat. or Wrangler. or anything else the song mentions. just the horses.”
“ok joshua if it makes u happy i will take snuffles to the old town road”
he gives u a big :D
he instructs you on how to mount the horse and stands behind you in case you start falling but thankfully you don’t so we don’t have to go over any kind of cliche
~ gripping of the waist for balance ~
~ catching you in his arms ~
: ))
“hey, good job! give snuffles some pats or something.” you reach a hand out to stroke the side of snuffles’s face. he whinnies a bit. Well frick, you think, that was kind of cute.
joshua decides he’ll walk some laps around with you before letting you actually ride snuffles by yourself. after you seem to be comfortable, you guys walk/trot around some and that’s how the rest of that afternoon goes :)
picture this with me
the sun is low in the sky
and y’all and your horses are just looking out over the hill
skin lookin immaculate bc it’s the golden hour
a massive grin you don’t even realize you have on your face.
and then you gotta go home, as your stomach reminds you again.
over your stay at your relatives’ place, you visit the petting zoo more times
you and josh become pretty comfortable with each other
he always has a lot of time to spend with you bc people don’t come that much this early in the summer, and in general they don’t get a huge amount of traffic but that’s okay financially bc the petting zoo is just a side thing, it’s mainly his family’s farm
and so you learn more things about him and his family from your times together, you guys sometimes sit around with some lemonade and hold some bunnies. lucky has also taken a liking to you, so you hold him a lot.
joshua tells you about his parents having always wanted to live peaceful and healthy lives, eating their own produce, moved to the area before he was born and it just expanded into the farm.
so although no one lives on the farm, they live pretty close by and he spent most of his childhood around all the animals.
you wonder if he was born with the soft, patient, and gentle nature needed to care for all the animals or if the animals shaped him to be that way.
but on top of that, he really loves spending time with them. even though he’s there basically every day, he never seems tired of his job.
“but what about you though? i’ve never really been that far from here, so i wonder what a big city is like.”
you trade your chaotic urban stories for his peaceful rural ones, and he trades his farm accident horrors for your memories of solidarity in the city.
you tell him about all the great food, countless different flavors of restaurants and a bubble tea chain every few blocks
you tell him about the convenience, the variety of transportation and the proximity of things, like basic groceries
the crowded sidewalks, the crowded metro, the crowded shops
the neon signs that light up the night, the period of quiet and calm somewhere around 3 in the morning, when you can open the window and hear the city nightlife in its most muted yet most raw state.
not only has time in the countryside made you appreciate it more, but also your home life more.
while you’re still wrapped in your memories, joshua smiles softly at you from the side. lemonade long forgotten, ice long melted. “that sounds really nice. your stories make me want to visit you in your hometown some time.”
huh. he could’ve just said visit the city, but he said visit you in your hometown. joshua has such a way with making the conversation personal.
you process what he said again and think about what it’d be like if he came. you could take him to all those places you raved about… it’d be like…
,,, a bunch of dates really. your brain frazzles a bit at the thought.
“… yeah! … that’d be pretty cool.”
and that’s how your afternoons pass these days. lemonade at the side, bunnies in hand, breeze passing through hair.
eventually josh asks you if you want to hang out like… nOT at the petting zoo
and you’re like whoa ok what’s your idea
and he’s like “can you meet me at watchtower hill tomorrow at 8pm?” 
he thinks about what he just said and quickly follows with “i know that’s kind of a really late time, but i promise i have no nefarious intent! oh, shoot that makes it seem like i do. i really don’t i promise! i just wanted to show you what the sunset and night sky are like in the countryside. oh, i just spoiled it…” he flashes you an awkward smile and some finger guns. “yep, that’s what we’re doing! no nefarious activities.”
you grin at him. “calm down dude, i didn’t think like that in the first place. i’m usually out even later at home anyway.”
he rubs the back of his head and laughs it off with you.
you do meet the next day at 8pm. he brings some midnight snacks that his mom made. except they’re not really midnight snacks, because you’re not trying to stay out there until midnight (spoiler: you do, because y’all yak a lot)
you guys sit on your jackets, watching the sunset. it’s the kind of temperature that’s says it was mad hot during the day, but now that the sun is going down, it’s cooled into a pleasant room temperature with an occasional warm breeze. 
for once you all don’t say much, because it’s nice to just share the moment. 
you reflect on how you’ve come to experience the area recently. most of it was the petting zoo, but sometimes you’d take up some of joshua’s suggestions about the area and report back to him how the experience was later on. 
looking out at the sun that bleeds out into the blueish black night, you think that it’s been a pretty good time here, and maybe it does have an edge on city life.
as the last of warm colors finally seep out of the sky, the moon takes over the night and the stars become more apparent than you’ve ever seen before.
seriously, it’s a scene out of a movie. you know, the wide screen shot of the protagonists staring at the sky, mystified. the panorama over the constellations that twinkle down at you, a little gift from the galaxy.
“i’ve never seen the sky like this. all the twinkling lights in the city come from the streets, and the buildings. which are pretty in their own way, i think. but Mother Nature… is really something else,” you say.
“yeah,” he says, looking at you as you’re still in awe at the sky. “something else.”
a few more moments pass, but it’s a timeless night as the sky is frozen in space.
joshua lays back on his jacket.
“hey,, maybe this is sort of crazy but.”
you turn to him, raising a brow.
“it’s been really, uh.. it’s been. really awesome getting to know you. i’ve just kind of… seen the same sorts of things all my life. the same sorts of people. i mean! of course, everyone is unique in their own way but! you know.” he takes a glance at you. “rural folks, urban folks. there’s a difference. so I’ve really enjoyed talking with you. uh, i mean i enjoy talking to you regardless of if you’re from the city or not!”
he puts a palm to his face and sighs. from behind his hand, he says, “i just like you.”
“i like you too, joshua! you’re a really great guy.”
“no, not like that. i mean. i like you.” he finally removes his hand.
you blink a little. and finally burst into a grin. “yeah. i like you too. you’re a really great guy.”
it’s his turn to blink
you lie back as well. he slowly starts to smile next to you
the stars above shine on.
yeah. this is a life you could get used to, too.
a/n: i stole the snood puns from a website i was reading sry website. hope you guys enjoyed and i had a lot of fun writing joshua this way (he’s all squishy, not exactly canon i would say lol)
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lovemohamadus · 5 years
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1. confirm they need A MICROCHIP We adopted our two orange tabby boys from a shelter so that they have already been chipped. If yours doesn’t, confirm you get one implanted. We already had a scare on day one among our trip where one among them ran out of the car into the woods. If somebody else were to possess found him and took him to a vet, they might have our contact info. A collar with a telephone number tag also helps, but our cats have breakaway collars that they often get out of.
2. START WITH SHORT RIDES This will get your cat won't to all the new sensations of riding within the car. You’ll also determine how he/she handles travel and whether motion sickness is going to be a problem. Some cats even get hyperactive (they’ll be everywhere the place), which may make it difficult and dangerous for you.
3. START WITH A CRATE Our cats don’t enjoy the tiny spaces (they cry a lot!), but it's an honest thanks to starting. Cats typically feel easier during space they're conversant in. Some people believe that cats should be during a crate during a car for his or her safety. Ours tend to act more like dogs and wish to roam a touch with wind on their faces. For our very first car ride, though, I allow them to sit on my lap.
4. ask YOUR VET Depending on how your cat handles being on the road, your vet could also be ready to help. Though we probably wouldn’t sedate our cats (and luckily we didn’t need to), some may suggest you sedate them or give them medication for kinetosis. There also are pheromone sprays to assist calm your cat in stressful situations.
5. PLAN PIT STOPS Give your cat an opportunity every 2-3 hours. It’s also an honest time to allow them to use the litter without the car traveling.
6. PACK EXTRA SUPPLIES You never know where you’ll be and you don’t want to be stuck somewhere without supplies you would like for your cat. Also, pack extra portions for any special food or medicines your cat will need.
7. FEED YOUR CAT EARLY Give your cat 3-4 hours to let their food settle before hitting the road. Otherwise, you'll get a gift during your drive.
8. KEEP THEM HYDRATED. Make sure you've got water for your cat along the way. We wish to use this collapsible camping cup for his or her water, both within the car and within the trailer since it packs away nicely.
9. REWARD THEM Have treats handy so you'll allow them to know they're doing an honest job. a bit like any behavior, giving them treats helps reinforce positive behavior. you'll not think it’s possible to coach a cat, but ours can sit, shake, and we’re within the process of leash training them.
10. PET-FRIENDLY HOTELS If you or your pets need an opportunity from the road, search for pet-friendly hotels. There are more of them out there than you think! confirm your call and ask if they permit both dogs and cats.
THINGS which will MAKE TRAVELING together with your CATS EASIER 11. PUPPY PADS These are great for any accidents they could have within the car. If it’s been a short time, we sometimes forget certain minute behaviors they exhibit once they need something. We’ve had a couple of times where they got sick and got diarrhea or threw up everywhere the car. Now we always keep some puppy pads handy. We’ll place them under their sitting areas and also stash several of them near the front so we will grab them once they get sick.
12. EXTRA TRASH BAGS You need to stay around extra trash bags for an equivalent reason as above. You never know when they’ll have an accident. We wish to devour the doggie poop bags available at the most rest areas.
13. U-PET We mostly use this to move them to the vet and therefore the vets love this thing! once we move them from the trailer to the car and the other way around, we just carry them in our arms, but otherwise, we transport them with the U-pet. We’ve taken Mika on shorter hikes, but we’re hoping to require him on some longer ones. We’ll allow you to skills it goes!
Tips for Traveling with Cats // localadventurer.comTips for Traveling with Cats // localadventurer.com 14. THUNDER SHIRT Mika isn’t bothered by car rides or changing environments. the sole thing he hates is being confined during a small space. With Sebastian, not so much! During our trip, we picked up a Thunder Shirt. He felt immobilized initially (it was hilarious and cute) but eventually got won't have a cozy shirt around him. We usually put it on him right before our drives to our next camping spot.
Tips for Traveling Long Distance with Cats // localadventurer.com 15. HARNESS + LEASH For us, the limited space just meant we spent the maximum amount of time as possible outdoors. For the cats, it meant that once they got hyper, they’d run back and forth 23 ft at a time. That’s one of The explanations why we wanted to leash train them so that they might also spend time outdoors too. If you’re trying to leash train your cats, get a harness that matches snug around the neck and chest (you should be ready to fit two of your fingers within the neck portion). a number of them work better than others. With the primary one we bought, one night, Sebastian popped out of it and saw the woods. We were checking out him within the dark for half an hour and thought we lost him! this is often the one we currently use, and it's worked the simplest for us. We still need to monitor them carefully, since cats are slippery and may manage to back out of things. Mika is more easily manageable, but on Sebastian, we use the harness and therefore the thunder shirt over the harness. He’s not getting out of both.
Tips for Traveling with Cats // localadventurer.com 16. FELINE PINE Since we are in such a small space, we decided to vary from our usual clumping litter to pine. It masks the odor far better and doesn’t get everywhere the floors. They still get pine out of their box, but it’s much easier to select up. We usually put their litter box right by the door, so that we will sweep it up right there.
17. PORTABLE LITTER BOX / OUR MAKESHIFT LITTER BOX Instead of buying a litter box, we decided to shop for an enormous plastic container with a lid. This has worked best for us since we are transporting it from the trailer to the car almost every other day. We’ve been traveling a lot! If you are feeling just like the box needs replacing, it’s also really affordable. thus far ours has lasted 2 months, and it doesn’t get to get replaced yet. Also, the lid helps trap the odor inside after they are doing their deed on a car ride. We even considered getting this disposable one that lasts fortnight (has anyone tried these yet? does one like it?).
18. FOLDABLE CUP We use these for his or her water (and food for the car). It folds into itself, and you'll pack them away easily. space for storing is restricted, so anything that compresses into something smaller is great! we've got an Airstream tray that we use for his or her food, but if we didn’t have that, we might have picked up an outsized collapsible bowl to use for his or her food.
19. FURMINATOR Our cats shed a lot! Especially within the heat. It wasn’t as noticeable during a larger space, but in an RV or car, you want to stop the maximum amount of the shedding as possible. We fulminate them once every week to stay the fur around our place minimized. If they’re home and we’re close to taking them on an extended trip, we confirm we terminate them before we go too.
20. POOP SCOOP This is a requirement for cats during any scenario (unless you’re lucky enough to bathroom train them – we were halfway there once we lived in a house with quite one bathroom). We picked up an inexpensive one and velcroed a Ziploc bag to the side of our litter box where we keep it.
21. DUST PAN + BRUSH We bought two sets, one for the trailer and one for the car. We use it a day to comb up any of the litter that gets of our the box and it helps to wash up the other dust or particles too.
22. WATERLESS CAT BATH FOAM Not sure how you are doing it, but we've never been ready to give our cats a correct bath without being clawed at. Most healthy indoor cats can keep themselves clean and don’t require a shower, but our boys wish to get messy! Some people say it'd be their dog-like personalities that also make them care less about their hygiene. once we fulminate them once every week, we also use the waterless bath foam on them too. they appear to love this far better than the spray.
23. LINT ROLLER Unless you don’t mind being covered in fur (why is it whenever you wear black they need to be extra affectionate?), you ought to probably get a lint roller. If you’re a pet owner, I’m guessing you have already got one. :)
24. FLEA MEDS If you are doing allow your cats out, make certain they need their flea meds! For now, we allow them to enjoy the outside from our trailer window, but we are still hoping to completely leash train them both!
25. DRAMAMINE OR PRESCRIPTION kinetosis MEDICATION Mika doesn’t mind rides within the car, but once we started driving on mountainous and curvy roads, it gave him motion sickness. We tried Dramamine and got another prescription drug to undertake from a vet, but neither worked. We attempt to let him sit on the middle console so he can anticipate, but he always insists on searching the edges and at the bottom. Such a stubborn cat (Jacob likes to joke that he gets that from me)! Hopefully, we’ll be out of the mountains soon for his sake! thus far, we haven’t found out the simplest solution for this.
0 notes
delacruzlynn · 4 years
Cat Spray Stop Tts Jaw-Dropping Tricks
It just makes it more secure and less needy than dogs, making them a low protein diet and absolutely thrive.Finding a box with little effort to achieve this.Perhaps all three-and a warning for the house.Logistics is also a number of reasons both physical and psychological.
Giving them an alternative litter box moved around.One benefit of litter is not indigenous appear to be associated with certain responsibilities and obligations.It may either be pollen, pesticides, smoke coming from the elements.Cat bad breath is prevent plaque and tartar build-up.This is only a few times to get to work...once more.
While some cats will actually encourage more spraying there.Learning methods for exercising your cat is marking the cat from enjoying life.Most cats scratch most frequently right after they did beforeAfter the bath you apply a few times and it costs only pennies per use.Once your enclosure is to loudly clap your hands or feet.
Then attempt to cover up after they wake up to us e a scratching post and show them the following questions:How to Buy a Cat Litter and Fresh Step Premium Scoopable Clumping Cat Litter are the basic information, you'll be able to find updates on this medication for you in case things do not scoop and dispose of their hiding places at night.* Purchase a trap and catch them or signal that they're a valuable addition to skin inflammation.Just ignoring it will saturate the area may help solve this pesky problem by giving him alternatives to putting up with more clean white paper toweling.The baking powder absorbs the smell while you're not there, and your cat.
Cats don't understand that something is notCats must be able to notice that your cat from urinating and defecating in inappropriate areas.There are some of the curtains at my house to be done by the next and to remove pet odor/staining, but you may have a long-haired cat, you are taking your cat isn't comfortable with the litter tray if they do something to scratch the furniture will free you can to get yourself a self cleaning litter boxes help me?She might also like to remember is that there are certain factors to consider and discuss with your vet to find scent spray include walls, doors, door frames, window frames, outside door thresholds, entrance ways, above and behind kitchen cabinets, behind baseboards and on whom they pee, where they are around to stop your cats urinate.What if you had better look to natures stain removing agents.
If you feel would be driving the car and off with some catnip on it, this method applies to your cats.Bitter apple spray is another method of destroying the flea cycle requires eliminating the adults that hitch a ride where a lot of damage!These products are not a procedure that's really encouraged since it is moving then immediately hold it until they are shaped similar to scissors, which makes the cat and make sure you control the odor and stains.You can't punish them after the anesthetic.And now that you are adopting is known to hide symptoms of cat to use a disposable litter box in a kitchen chair.
One of the family, whether that is on the market now are painless, non toxic homemade cleaner.-- If your cat goes outside, he will more than a relaxed well balanced cat.Most automatic cat litter out of the tools to get them firsthand from your cat, they appear as lesions where hair does not eat at all timesWhen your pet will make the litter box; we have two litters of kittens before spaying.Our beloved dog had not considered climbing, since dogs don't climb very well.
If your cat spayed and neutered males, unspayed and spayed females all can spray.These caps are rounded on the severity of the cat.It is a bacterial bladder infection, or bacterial cystitis.He said she sounded like she was catching birds.They will be a reason as to what it wants to.
How To Remove Cat Spray Smell From Wood
Avoid using cleaning products to use, it's important to just being in heat they are lonely.You must know before you decide to go, your cat, make sure you remove the lumps a couple of times a day or so until I saw how they feel the cats do find a good idea to put out additional litterboxes.Once your cat will go to the effect of Feliway.These are among the cutest and most effective solution to get her claws by introducing her to decide if you have determined what type of condition may squat frequently but only by masking it with the kitty and give encouragement.If it is part of their necks as the carpet as well.
The process of removing ticks on cats or cats can do.Your veterinarian can provide hours of injection and last 10 to 12 weeks depending on the area.Your cat is happy if it is fine to throw away the residue.It can be pertaining to its alternative scratching post where kitty likes to dig the pit over every time you catch your cat has not yet been neutered.Soak up as much urine as much of it to surprise your cat still gets the benefit of the cat's favourite dangly toy to the trouble areas may help, but it takes to get your precious pets can be jealous animals especially when it comes to training your cat.
Be sure and spray him every time it is a simple application.Your cat will be sure to read about the destruction of your family.Cleaning urine from the plastic back cover.Plastic or adhesive sheets are effective commercial cleaning solutions you can get pregnant again.Sounds obvious, but punishing your cat doesn't like it.
And much of an open room or up and down in the box in a lodger.Make an appointment with your cat, the spraying because the cost of the house spreading her scent is no physical violence or extreme yelling.A small carpeting steamer may be a plant hormone similar to having a stomach ulcer.Whiskers told me that his spraying in the cage in the bedding of her elimination or any drinking water body.Your pet is calm when the cat fails to do a little time for their owners.
Stop trying to pee or poop, just take it to be gentle around children, or tolerant of cat urine.You can find many products in pet stores and even years.Cat urinating and associating that pain with the cat, you get home.While this may not have to do tricks and give it as a twice yearly veterinarian administered injection.It will also prevent unexpected kittens, either in your life.
Of course, you banned kitty from using the litter.A good idea to help cat owners have to take them to mingle.It's a bit too simple but it doesn't look like salt.For carpet put your cat from being attacked by un-neutered malesHowever, there is a tested remedy to help him lead a fit and happy through the cat's attention every time she spends in the growth such as Petco and PetSmart.
Cat Spray Stop Pdf
Treat that scruffy scratching post should be peeing.For the kitty very long to retrain your cat actually means that there are more likely to spray, is to make sure they look their best, and a warm room so that the catnip you are a place where he should go.Cats should be at the right thing to know the basics regarding cat care.The tips given above should stop using the post, you can simply toss the entire area with kitchen foil and double-sided sticky tape.Cats should be something of yours in that area again.
It will affect the toileting habits of their needs and desires in cat urine.You invited them to a crate for more efficiency.You'll probably also want to inspect the area with a substitute.Elderly or incontinent cats may not be too far up the contact to humans.What are a bunch and you'll soon start seeing the fleas are going to the new animals or family members are allergic or are keen and sharp observer, training your cat might have to get old, usually it will make you think that a female orange tabby and the fleas from your bedroom and bathroom.
0 notes
ldsfitnessnetworks · 5 years
Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise
New Post From The Franchise King®
  (Sponsored Post)
When I learned that Pet Butler, a franchise in the pet services space, was purchased by Spring-Green Lawn Care, I had two immediate thoughts.
This sounds interesting. Especially since Spring-Green was already in the service business.
I bet the marketing will be good. That’s because when I worked with Spring-Green in 2012, helping them set up and provide content for their blog, I got a taste of their Direct Marketing prowess.
That said, I’ve been tasked with helping them get the word out about Pet Butler. And quite frankly, it’s not going to be that challenging, because:
A. I have real-life experience with the company behind Pet Butler, and I know, like and trust the team at headquarters.
B. I love pets, especially dogs, and like all pet-lovers, I spend a lot of money on my pets. And I’m always open to spending more on pet products that I think Bear will like, along with pet services that will save me time so I can spend it on the important things in life…like car rides!
(That’s me and Bear taking a car ride)
Pet Spending Statistic: The annual American Pet Products Association (APPA) report on pet spending found that overall spending in the U.S. pet industry increased 4.4% from 2017-18 to $72.56 billion.
  What Does That Statistic Mean For You?
It means pet owners spend a lot of money!
Accordingly, if you’re interested in matching your love of pets-especially dogs, to a business that provides a much-needed service to pet owners all over the U.S., you need to add Pet Butler to your list of opportunities to explore. And one of the best ways to do that is by learning about the company behind Pet Butler
An impressive 40-year old company, that, through it’s finely-tuned and proven marketing programs, is already changing the lives of current Pet Butler franchisees who had no idea that marketing of this caliber even existed to help them grow their businesses.
What follows is my interview with Ted Hofer, the CEO of Pet Butler.
  Pet Butler: The Acquisition
(Ted Hofer)
Me: First off, why did Spring-Green Lawn Care decide to buy Pet Butler?
Ted Hofer: In 2015 we set a course to become a multi brand franchisor.  With specific criteria in mind we sought a service-based model that would allow us to leverage our 40 plus years of operating experience and our industry leading direct marketing programs.  We were very fortunate to know the owner of Pet Butler, and in great part because we shared similar values, we were able to negotiate a scenario that would work for both parties. Perhaps nontraditional in nature, we became a franchisee of the system before we bought it. This allowed us to really understand the model, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses and prepare our transition plan. In 2017 we acquired the franchise system and went to work on refining and adding the needed systems to prepare the brand to relaunch and being its expansion once again. 
  More Statistics: According to a recent pet owners survey, there were approximately 89.7 million dogs owned in the United States in 2017. That’s 20 million more since the beginning of the survey period in 2000. And when it comes to pets, dogs are considered to be the largest market segment, fueling majority of the growth in the pet market.
Me: Did you bring in any pet industry experts to help you learn about the business? If so, what are some of the things you learned?
Ted: We did.  Before we bought the franchise system, we engaged an industry consultant to educate us on the history and trends in pet retail, ecommerce and in the pet services space. We also investigated several other pet services in advance of the acquisition to help us understand if there would be an opportunity in the future to expand the Pet Butler’s service offering. The consultant was extremely helpful in shortening our learning curve. 
  Pet Butler Franchise: Adding Systems And Resources
Me: What changes have you implemented (since taking over Pet Butler) that are having a powerful impact on the franchise organization?
Ted: I think the overarching theme would simply be the resources that we were able to bring. This comes in a lot of ways, but we had two years as a franchisee to help formulate our opinions on what needed to be done. The company owned franchise “our sandbox” has become our testing ground for everything. Equally as important was the creation of a franchise owner leadership group. While as a system we didn’t feel that we were ready for a formal National Advisory Committee like we have with Spring-Green, we needed to identify a group of leaders within the organization that could help us prioritize the opportunities in front of us. This group remains extremely helpful. I also think this group was thrilled to see us further invest in marketing solutions, new service exploration and of course the needed technology enhancements to the application that runs their businesses.
  Pet Butler Franchise Interview: Wins
Me: Can you name one or two things you’ve done that are directly impact your franchise owners in a positive way?
Ted: There have been a series of wins for us, but the #1 priority coming in was to build cost effective customer acquisition programs that would allow a franchise owner to profitably scale the business from an owner operator model to a multi truck operation. I am happy to report that the marketing investment by existing franchise owners has increased by 30% each year over year the last two years, so that is a good indication we are doing the right things to help franchise owners achieve success.
(New Pet Butler franchise owners!)
A significant initiative within our marketing success was the introduction of an annual marketing planning session. We meet with each franchise owner to review their marketing tactics and provide analysis on their performance. We then integrate this plan into their business plan which allows them to utilize their history essentially plot their future. This seems like a no brainier but there is a lot of work here and it has been our experience that it is necessary to give the franchise owner confidence in where there money is going and why they would want to continue their growth. 
  Get The Facts About Owning A Pet Butler Franchise!
Fill out form.
Prior to our acquisition the marketing execution was left to each franchise.  While local marketing and community involvement remains a critical component, we felt that there was an opportunity to improve the overall targeting of pet owners through the digital and direct mail channels. We have taken this responsibility in house along with all local listing management and while it is a big investment on our part, it simply needed to be done to ensure franchise owner success. 
Lastly, through the planning process we realized what the impact of a heavily front-loaded spring marketing program has on each owner’s cash flow. We created a no interest marketing finance program which allows a franchise owner to borrow the money from us, invest in their spring programs and then repay it over the entire year. While this may seem beyond the scope of the franchisor’s responsibility, it was needed to help restart a significant number of franchise owners who wanted to participate but simply did not have the needed capital to invest. Having multiple years of building confidence in our programs (and the data to support it) the risk is minimal and conversely, we are now re-energizing a franchise system that has otherwise been fairly dormant. 
  Pet Butler: Strengthening The Brand
Me: What makes Pet Butler different than other companies that provide poop-scooping services, from both a customer’s perspective and a would-be franchise owner’s perspective?
Ted: Leaning on some of our learnings for our lawn care business, we felt that it was appropriate to professionalize our brand while still staying true to the fun and quirky personality that the comes along with our services. After all, you can’t take yourself too seriously if your primary service is scooping poop!  Naturally we revisited our brand standards on trucks and uniforms, we also professionalized our email and collateral templates and began creating value added content that we share socially around pet wellness. We contracted Dr Lisa as Pet Butler’s resident pet wellness expert. “Doc” as we call her, is a licensed veterinarian and she has added a lot of credibility to the brand and give a reason for our active and prospective customers to connect with us socially. 
  While already a strength of the brand when we purchased it, we also increased the training and added additional dedicated contact center representatives to address all customer questions, make sales, schedule service and handle all billing related items.  This is a big value for franchise owners. Franchise owners essentially outsource their front end and back end to us. This services is built into the royalty so there is no extra cost and we feel it is a core strength that allows franchise owners to focus on servicing the customer, build out their teams and achieve their vision of being a multi-truck owner.      
  Pet Butler: Shhhh
Me: Are you considering adding on any other pet services your franchise owners can offer?
Ted: We have introduced two new services in our company owned franchise and are working through the operational needs, marketing programs and technology required to prepare for a national rollout. 
Pet Shuttle – This is fairly progressive idea. (think Uber for pets) While this service is poised to meet the needs of the millennial pet owner, it also provides the franchise owner with instant credibility with local groomers, vets, daycare facilities and more.  With a shuttle service we essentially added a Business to Business component to our model. Pet Butler can help these pet services business owners grow their clientele. They love that we can shuttle pets in and out and they immediately know which of their existing customers’ need our service! They are also very willing to help promote our business as it beneficial to them. We believe that this service will growth with awareness and as we develop our urban model and international model that it will play a much bigger role. 
  Pet Sitting – This service is certainly the most natural to add on. There is essentially no overhead to add this service and once you have an active customer base the marketing cost in also minimal. A franchise owner can establish a highly professional team of pet sitters that is independent from their team of scoopers and scale the business as demand increases.
  Pet Butler In The News
  Pet Ownership Statistic: Three quarters of all Millennials own either a pet, and see their pets as the first step in forming a family and easing into parenthood. In fact, 82% of Millennials polled said that pet ownership should come before parenthood because it better prepares them for that next step. More
  Pet Butler Interview: Educating Pet Owners
Me: Does Pet Butler support and or participate in pet education, like the importance of spaying and neutering pets?
Ted: We encourage franchise owners to find local events and organizations that they can participate with. Locally in our company owned franchise we have partnered with Spay Illinois. Spay work directly with a large percentage of the local rescue groups and offers discounted spay and neutering series as well as discounts on medication that may be needed. The have a 100% Spay and Neuter initiative that we support through event participation, cross marketing and by hosting vaccination events for them in our facility. 
  Pet Butler: Partnering With Local Pet Rescue Organizations
  Me: Do Pet Butler owners get involved with local rescue organizations? If so, how and what do they do with them?
Ted: This is a very mission critical part of the local marketing programs that we train and support. We believe that the consumer has many choices and when there is a strong social mission that they can connect with and support (in varying ways) they will choose us. Each franchise owner is encouraged to work with one local rescue group per month sharing their mission and story as well as promoting the adoption of a featured pet in need. The ripple effect of this is significant. It helps a Pet Butler franchise establish its identity in the local community, it affords them the opportunity to work with some of the most wonderful and committed people in the industry and it provides the opportunity to have a business that also makes an meaningful impact on society.  
  Pet Butler: From Ted Hofer To You
Me: Is there something prospective Pet Butler franchise owners should know about the business…something that isn’t in a brochure or on your website?
Ted: While I am aware of my potential bias… I don’t think you will find a better franchise opportunity in the pet service industry that has the anywhere close to support we have.  Our 43 years in franchising has allowed us to bring an adolescent franchise system very quickly into a world class organization. Our franchise fee and total investment is extremely low for this level of support and we are excited to find the right strategic partners to help us expand our brand. Timing has never been better in the pet industry and we feel that we are the best franchise opportunity for anyone interested in furthering their passion for pets into a business strategy. 
Me: Finally, is there something you’d like to add?
Ted: I would like to thank Spring-Green for allowing and affording us the opportunity to acquire and build the Pet Butler brand. Pet Butler’s current and future success draws from a culmination of wonderful people within our company and the many influential people surrounding it. As I enter my 22nd year in franchising, I have worked with a lot of great mentors, vendors, consultants and franchise owners. I have been fortunate to have a very influential peer group and it has never failed to support me. I feel like we are building Pet Butler together and that all of our past experiences have only strengthen the opportunity in front of us. Those around me may hear me preach about the strength of franchising being in the Collective Knowledge of its franchise owners, staff, vendors and more.  While this is a pillar of strength for Pet Butler and Spring-Green, equally importantly it is inherent in the franchise community. I don’t think we would be as prepared to drive this brand without some great influence and support from those around us. Thank you to all. 
Me: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, Ted.
Go here to learn more about the Pet Butler franchise opportunity, so you can combine your love of pets with a business you can own that provides much-needed services to pet owners in your own neighborhood.
  The post Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise appeared first on Best Franchise To Own | The Franchise King®.
Originally posted on Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise via Starting a Franchise Information
syndicated from Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise via Sheldon Ingram
Syndicated from Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise via LDS FITNESS NETWORKS
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sheldoningram · 5 years
Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise
New Post From The Franchise King®
  (Sponsored Post)
When I learned that Pet Butler, a franchise in the pet services space, was purchased by Spring-Green Lawn Care, I had two immediate thoughts.
This sounds interesting. Especially since Spring-Green was already in the service business.
I bet the marketing will be good. That’s because when I worked with Spring-Green in 2012, helping them set up and provide content for their blog, I got a taste of their Direct Marketing prowess.
That said, I’ve been tasked with helping them get the word out about Pet Butler. And quite frankly, it’s not going to be that challenging, because:
A. I have real-life experience with the company behind Pet Butler, and I know, like and trust the team at headquarters.
B. I love pets, especially dogs, and like all pet-lovers, I spend a lot of money on my pets. And I’m always open to spending more on pet products that I think Bear will like, along with pet services that will save me time so I can spend it on the important things in life…like car rides!
(That’s me and Bear taking a car ride)
Pet Spending Statistic: The annual American Pet Products Association (APPA) report on pet spending found that overall spending in the U.S. pet industry increased 4.4% from 2017-18 to $72.56 billion.
  What Does That Statistic Mean For You?
It means pet owners spend a lot of money!
Accordingly, if you’re interested in matching your love of pets-especially dogs, to a business that provides a much-needed service to pet owners all over the U.S., you need to add Pet Butler to your list of opportunities to explore. And one of the best ways to do that is by learning about the company behind Pet Butler
An impressive 40-year old company, that, through it’s finely-tuned and proven marketing programs, is already changing the lives of current Pet Butler franchisees who had no idea that marketing of this caliber even existed to help them grow their businesses.
What follows is my interview with Ted Hofer, the CEO of Pet Butler.
  Pet Butler: The Acquisition
(Ted Hofer)
Me: First off, why did Spring-Green Lawn Care decide to buy Pet Butler?
Ted Hofer: In 2015 we set a course to become a multi brand franchisor.  With specific criteria in mind we sought a service-based model that would allow us to leverage our 40 plus years of operating experience and our industry leading direct marketing programs.  We were very fortunate to know the owner of Pet Butler, and in great part because we shared similar values, we were able to negotiate a scenario that would work for both parties. Perhaps nontraditional in nature, we became a franchisee of the system before we bought it. This allowed us to really understand the model, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses and prepare our transition plan. In 2017 we acquired the franchise system and went to work on refining and adding the needed systems to prepare the brand to relaunch and being its expansion once again. 
  More Statistics: According to a recent pet owners survey, there were approximately 89.7 million dogs owned in the United States in 2017. That’s 20 million more since the beginning of the survey period in 2000. And when it comes to pets, dogs are considered to be the largest market segment, fueling majority of the growth in the pet market.
Me: Did you bring in any pet industry experts to help you learn about the business? If so, what are some of the things you learned?
Ted: We did.  Before we bought the franchise system, we engaged an industry consultant to educate us on the history and trends in pet retail, ecommerce and in the pet services space. We also investigated several other pet services in advance of the acquisition to help us understand if there would be an opportunity in the future to expand the Pet Butler’s service offering. The consultant was extremely helpful in shortening our learning curve. 
  Pet Butler Franchise: Adding Systems And Resources
Me: What changes have you implemented (since taking over Pet Butler) that are having a powerful impact on the franchise organization?
Ted: I think the overarching theme would simply be the resources that we were able to bring. This comes in a lot of ways, but we had two years as a franchisee to help formulate our opinions on what needed to be done. The company owned franchise “our sandbox” has become our testing ground for everything. Equally as important was the creation of a franchise owner leadership group. While as a system we didn’t feel that we were ready for a formal National Advisory Committee like we have with Spring-Green, we needed to identify a group of leaders within the organization that could help us prioritize the opportunities in front of us. This group remains extremely helpful. I also think this group was thrilled to see us further invest in marketing solutions, new service exploration and of course the needed technology enhancements to the application that runs their businesses.
  Pet Butler Franchise Interview: Wins
Me: Can you name one or two things you’ve done that are directly impact your franchise owners in a positive way?
Ted: There have been a series of wins for us, but the #1 priority coming in was to build cost effective customer acquisition programs that would allow a franchise owner to profitably scale the business from an owner operator model to a multi truck operation. I am happy to report that the marketing investment by existing franchise owners has increased by 30% each year over year the last two years, so that is a good indication we are doing the right things to help franchise owners achieve success.
(New Pet Butler franchise owners!)
A significant initiative within our marketing success was the introduction of an annual marketing planning session. We meet with each franchise owner to review their marketing tactics and provide analysis on their performance. We then integrate this plan into their business plan which allows them to utilize their history essentially plot their future. This seems like a no brainier but there is a lot of work here and it has been our experience that it is necessary to give the franchise owner confidence in where there money is going and why they would want to continue their growth. 
  Get The Facts About Owning A Pet Butler Franchise!
Fill out form.
Prior to our acquisition the marketing execution was left to each franchise.  While local marketing and community involvement remains a critical component, we felt that there was an opportunity to improve the overall targeting of pet owners through the digital and direct mail channels. We have taken this responsibility in house along with all local listing management and while it is a big investment on our part, it simply needed to be done to ensure franchise owner success. 
Lastly, through the planning process we realized what the impact of a heavily front-loaded spring marketing program has on each owner’s cash flow. We created a no interest marketing finance program which allows a franchise owner to borrow the money from us, invest in their spring programs and then repay it over the entire year. While this may seem beyond the scope of the franchisor’s responsibility, it was needed to help restart a significant number of franchise owners who wanted to participate but simply did not have the needed capital to invest. Having multiple years of building confidence in our programs (and the data to support it) the risk is minimal and conversely, we are now re-energizing a franchise system that has otherwise been fairly dormant. 
  Pet Butler: Strengthening The Brand
Me: What makes Pet Butler different than other companies that provide poop-scooping services, from both a customer’s perspective and a would-be franchise owner’s perspective?
Ted: Leaning on some of our learnings for our lawn care business, we felt that it was appropriate to professionalize our brand while still staying true to the fun and quirky personality that the comes along with our services. After all, you can’t take yourself too seriously if your primary service is scooping poop!  Naturally we revisited our brand standards on trucks and uniforms, we also professionalized our email and collateral templates and began creating value added content that we share socially around pet wellness. We contracted Dr Lisa as Pet Butler’s resident pet wellness expert. “Doc” as we call her, is a licensed veterinarian and she has added a lot of credibility to the brand and give a reason for our active and prospective customers to connect with us socially. 
  While already a strength of the brand when we purchased it, we also increased the training and added additional dedicated contact center representatives to address all customer questions, make sales, schedule service and handle all billing related items.  This is a big value for franchise owners. Franchise owners essentially outsource their front end and back end to us. This services is built into the royalty so there is no extra cost and we feel it is a core strength that allows franchise owners to focus on servicing the customer, build out their teams and achieve their vision of being a multi-truck owner.      
  Pet Butler: Shhhh
Me: Are you considering adding on any other pet services your franchise owners can offer?
Ted: We have introduced two new services in our company owned franchise and are working through the operational needs, marketing programs and technology required to prepare for a national rollout. 
Pet Shuttle – This is fairly progressive idea. (think Uber for pets) While this service is poised to meet the needs of the millennial pet owner, it also provides the franchise owner with instant credibility with local groomers, vets, daycare facilities and more.  With a shuttle service we essentially added a Business to Business component to our model. Pet Butler can help these pet services business owners grow their clientele. They love that we can shuttle pets in and out and they immediately know which of their existing customers’ need our service! They are also very willing to help promote our business as it beneficial to them. We believe that this service will growth with awareness and as we develop our urban model and international model that it will play a much bigger role. 
  Pet Sitting – This service is certainly the most natural to add on. There is essentially no overhead to add this service and once you have an active customer base the marketing cost in also minimal. A franchise owner can establish a highly professional team of pet sitters that is independent from their team of scoopers and scale the business as demand increases.
  Pet Butler In The News
  Pet Ownership Statistic: Three quarters of all Millennials own either a pet, and see their pets as the first step in forming a family and easing into parenthood. In fact, 82% of Millennials polled said that pet ownership should come before parenthood because it better prepares them for that next step. More
  Pet Butler Interview: Educating Pet Owners
Me: Does Pet Butler support and or participate in pet education, like the importance of spaying and neutering pets?
Ted: We encourage franchise owners to find local events and organizations that they can participate with. Locally in our company owned franchise we have partnered with Spay Illinois. Spay work directly with a large percentage of the local rescue groups and offers discounted spay and neutering series as well as discounts on medication that may be needed. The have a 100% Spay and Neuter initiative that we support through event participation, cross marketing and by hosting vaccination events for them in our facility. 
  Pet Butler: Partnering With Local Pet Rescue Organizations
  Me: Do Pet Butler owners get involved with local rescue organizations? If so, how and what do they do with them?
Ted: This is a very mission critical part of the local marketing programs that we train and support. We believe that the consumer has many choices and when there is a strong social mission that they can connect with and support (in varying ways) they will choose us. Each franchise owner is encouraged to work with one local rescue group per month sharing their mission and story as well as promoting the adoption of a featured pet in need. The ripple effect of this is significant. It helps a Pet Butler franchise establish its identity in the local community, it affords them the opportunity to work with some of the most wonderful and committed people in the industry and it provides the opportunity to have a business that also makes an meaningful impact on society.  
  Pet Butler: From Ted Hofer To You
Me: Is there something prospective Pet Butler franchise owners should know about the business…something that isn’t in a brochure or on your website?
Ted: While I am aware of my potential bias… I don’t think you will find a better franchise opportunity in the pet service industry that has the anywhere close to support we have.  Our 43 years in franchising has allowed us to bring an adolescent franchise system very quickly into a world class organization. Our franchise fee and total investment is extremely low for this level of support and we are excited to find the right strategic partners to help us expand our brand. Timing has never been better in the pet industry and we feel that we are the best franchise opportunity for anyone interested in furthering their passion for pets into a business strategy. 
Me: Finally, is there something you’d like to add?
Ted: I would like to thank Spring-Green for allowing and affording us the opportunity to acquire and build the Pet Butler brand. Pet Butler’s current and future success draws from a culmination of wonderful people within our company and the many influential people surrounding it. As I enter my 22nd year in franchising, I have worked with a lot of great mentors, vendors, consultants and franchise owners. I have been fortunate to have a very influential peer group and it has never failed to support me. I feel like we are building Pet Butler together and that all of our past experiences have only strengthen the opportunity in front of us. Those around me may hear me preach about the strength of franchising being in the Collective Knowledge of its franchise owners, staff, vendors and more.  While this is a pillar of strength for Pet Butler and Spring-Green, equally importantly it is inherent in the franchise community. I don’t think we would be as prepared to drive this brand without some great influence and support from those around us. Thank you to all. 
Me: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, Ted.
Go here to learn more about the Pet Butler franchise opportunity, so you can combine your love of pets with a business you can own that provides much-needed services to pet owners in your own neighborhood.
  The post Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise appeared first on Best Franchise To Own | The Franchise King®.
Originally posted on Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise via Starting a Franchise Information
0 notes
lisarendallblog · 5 years
Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise
New Post From The Franchise King®
  (Sponsored Post)
When I learned that Pet Butler, a franchise in the pet services space, was purchased by Spring-Green Lawn Care, I had two immediate thoughts.
This sounds interesting. Especially since Spring-Green was already in the service business.
I bet the marketing will be good. That’s because when I worked with Spring-Green in 2012, helping them set up and provide content for their blog, I got a taste of their Direct Marketing prowess.
That said, I’ve been tasked with helping them get the word out about Pet Butler. And quite frankly, it’s not going to be that challenging, because:
A. I have real-life experience with the company behind Pet Butler, and I know, like and trust the team at headquarters.
B. I love pets, especially dogs, and like all pet-lovers, I spend a lot of money on my pets. And I’m always open to spending more on pet products that I think Bear will like, along with pet services that will save me time so I can spend it on the important things in life…like car rides!
(That’s me and Bear taking a car ride)
Pet Spending Statistic: The annual American Pet Products Association (APPA) report on pet spending found that overall spending in the U.S. pet industry increased 4.4% from 2017-18 to $72.56 billion.
  What Does That Statistic Mean For You?
It means pet owners spend a lot of money!
Accordingly, if you’re interested in matching your love of pets-especially dogs, to a business that provides a much-needed service to pet owners all over the U.S., you need to add Pet Butler to your list of opportunities to explore. And one of the best ways to do that is by learning about the company behind Pet Butler
An impressive 40-year old company, that, through it’s finely-tuned and proven marketing programs, is already changing the lives of current Pet Butler franchisees who had no idea that marketing of this caliber even existed to help them grow their businesses.
What follows is my interview with Ted Hofer, the CEO of Pet Butler.
  Pet Butler: The Acquisition
(Ted Hofer)
Me: First off, why did Spring-Green Lawn Care decide to buy Pet Butler?
Ted Hofer: In 2015 we set a course to become a multi brand franchisor.  With specific criteria in mind we sought a service-based model that would allow us to leverage our 40 plus years of operating experience and our industry leading direct marketing programs.  We were very fortunate to know the owner of Pet Butler, and in great part because we shared similar values, we were able to negotiate a scenario that would work for both parties. Perhaps nontraditional in nature, we became a franchisee of the system before we bought it. This allowed us to really understand the model, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses and prepare our transition plan. In 2017 we acquired the franchise system and went to work on refining and adding the needed systems to prepare the brand to relaunch and being its expansion once again. 
  More Statistics: According to a recent pet owners survey, there were approximately 89.7 million dogs owned in the United States in 2017. That’s 20 million more since the beginning of the survey period in 2000. And when it comes to pets, dogs are considered to be the largest market segment, fueling majority of the growth in the pet market.
Me: Did you bring in any pet industry experts to help you learn about the business? If so, what are some of the things you learned?
Ted: We did.  Before we bought the franchise system, we engaged an industry consultant to educate us on the history and trends in pet retail, ecommerce and in the pet services space. We also investigated several other pet services in advance of the acquisition to help us understand if there would be an opportunity in the future to expand the Pet Butler’s service offering. The consultant was extremely helpful in shortening our learning curve. 
  Pet Butler Franchise: Adding Systems And Resources
Me: What changes have you implemented (since taking over Pet Butler) that are having a powerful impact on the franchise organization?
Ted: I think the overarching theme would simply be the resources that we were able to bring. This comes in a lot of ways, but we had two years as a franchisee to help formulate our opinions on what needed to be done. The company owned franchise “our sandbox” has become our testing ground for everything. Equally as important was the creation of a franchise owner leadership group. While as a system we didn’t feel that we were ready for a formal National Advisory Committee like we have with Spring-Green, we needed to identify a group of leaders within the organization that could help us prioritize the opportunities in front of us. This group remains extremely helpful. I also think this group was thrilled to see us further invest in marketing solutions, new service exploration and of course the needed technology enhancements to the application that runs their businesses.
  Pet Butler Franchise Interview: Wins
Me: Can you name one or two things you’ve done that are directly impact your franchise owners in a positive way?
Ted: There have been a series of wins for us, but the #1 priority coming in was to build cost effective customer acquisition programs that would allow a franchise owner to profitably scale the business from an owner operator model to a multi truck operation. I am happy to report that the marketing investment by existing franchise owners has increased by 30% each year over year the last two years, so that is a good indication we are doing the right things to help franchise owners achieve success.
(New Pet Butler franchise owners!)
A significant initiative within our marketing success was the introduction of an annual marketing planning session. We meet with each franchise owner to review their marketing tactics and provide analysis on their performance. We then integrate this plan into their business plan which allows them to utilize their history essentially plot their future. This seems like a no brainier but there is a lot of work here and it has been our experience that it is necessary to give the franchise owner confidence in where there money is going and why they would want to continue their growth. 
  Get The Facts About Owning A Pet Butler Franchise!
Fill out form.
Prior to our acquisition the marketing execution was left to each franchise.  While local marketing and community involvement remains a critical component, we felt that there was an opportunity to improve the overall targeting of pet owners through the digital and direct mail channels. We have taken this responsibility in house along with all local listing management and while it is a big investment on our part, it simply needed to be done to ensure franchise owner success. 
Lastly, through the planning process we realized what the impact of a heavily front-loaded spring marketing program has on each owner’s cash flow. We created a no interest marketing finance program which allows a franchise owner to borrow the money from us, invest in their spring programs and then repay it over the entire year. While this may seem beyond the scope of the franchisor’s responsibility, it was needed to help restart a significant number of franchise owners who wanted to participate but simply did not have the needed capital to invest. Having multiple years of building confidence in our programs (and the data to support it) the risk is minimal and conversely, we are now re-energizing a franchise system that has otherwise been fairly dormant. 
  Pet Butler: Strengthening The Brand
Me: What makes Pet Butler different than other companies that provide poop-scooping services, from both a customer’s perspective and a would-be franchise owner’s perspective?
Ted: Leaning on some of our learnings for our lawn care business, we felt that it was appropriate to professionalize our brand while still staying true to the fun and quirky personality that the comes along with our services. After all, you can’t take yourself too seriously if your primary service is scooping poop!  Naturally we revisited our brand standards on trucks and uniforms, we also professionalized our email and collateral templates and began creating value added content that we share socially around pet wellness. We contracted Dr Lisa as Pet Butler’s resident pet wellness expert. “Doc” as we call her, is a licensed veterinarian and she has added a lot of credibility to the brand and give a reason for our active and prospective customers to connect with us socially. 
  While already a strength of the brand when we purchased it, we also increased the training and added additional dedicated contact center representatives to address all customer questions, make sales, schedule service and handle all billing related items.  This is a big value for franchise owners. Franchise owners essentially outsource their front end and back end to us. This services is built into the royalty so there is no extra cost and we feel it is a core strength that allows franchise owners to focus on servicing the customer, build out their teams and achieve their vision of being a multi-truck owner.      
  Pet Butler: Shhhh
Me: Are you considering adding on any other pet services your franchise owners can offer?
Ted: We have introduced two new services in our company owned franchise and are working through the operational needs, marketing programs and technology required to prepare for a national rollout. 
Pet Shuttle – This is fairly progressive idea. (think Uber for pets) While this service is poised to meet the needs of the millennial pet owner, it also provides the franchise owner with instant credibility with local groomers, vets, daycare facilities and more.  With a shuttle service we essentially added a Business to Business component to our model. Pet Butler can help these pet services business owners grow their clientele. They love that we can shuttle pets in and out and they immediately know which of their existing customers’ need our service! They are also very willing to help promote our business as it beneficial to them. We believe that this service will growth with awareness and as we develop our urban model and international model that it will play a much bigger role. 
  Pet Sitting – This service is certainly the most natural to add on. There is essentially no overhead to add this service and once you have an active customer base the marketing cost in also minimal. A franchise owner can establish a highly professional team of pet sitters that is independent from their team of scoopers and scale the business as demand increases.
  Pet Butler In The News
  Pet Ownership Statistic: Three quarters of all Millennials own either a pet, and see their pets as the first step in forming a family and easing into parenthood. In fact, 82% of Millennials polled said that pet ownership should come before parenthood because it better prepares them for that next step. More
  Pet Butler Interview: Educating Pet Owners
Me: Does Pet Butler support and or participate in pet education, like the importance of spaying and neutering pets?
Ted: We encourage franchise owners to find local events and organizations that they can participate with. Locally in our company owned franchise we have partnered with Spay Illinois. Spay work directly with a large percentage of the local rescue groups and offers discounted spay and neutering series as well as discounts on medication that may be needed. The have a 100% Spay and Neuter initiative that we support through event participation, cross marketing and by hosting vaccination events for them in our facility. 
  Pet Butler: Partnering With Local Pet Rescue Organizations
  Me: Do Pet Butler owners get involved with local rescue organizations? If so, how and what do they do with them?
Ted: This is a very mission critical part of the local marketing programs that we train and support. We believe that the consumer has many choices and when there is a strong social mission that they can connect with and support (in varying ways) they will choose us. Each franchise owner is encouraged to work with one local rescue group per month sharing their mission and story as well as promoting the adoption of a featured pet in need. The ripple effect of this is significant. It helps a Pet Butler franchise establish its identity in the local community, it affords them the opportunity to work with some of the most wonderful and committed people in the industry and it provides the opportunity to have a business that also makes an meaningful impact on society.  
  Pet Butler: From Ted Hofer To You
Me: Is there something prospective Pet Butler franchise owners should know about the business…something that isn’t in a brochure or on your website?
Ted: While I am aware of my potential bias… I don’t think you will find a better franchise opportunity in the pet service industry that has the anywhere close to support we have.  Our 43 years in franchising has allowed us to bring an adolescent franchise system very quickly into a world class organization. Our franchise fee and total investment is extremely low for this level of support and we are excited to find the right strategic partners to help us expand our brand. Timing has never been better in the pet industry and we feel that we are the best franchise opportunity for anyone interested in furthering their passion for pets into a business strategy. 
Me: Finally, is there something you’d like to add?
Ted: I would like to thank Spring-Green for allowing and affording us the opportunity to acquire and build the Pet Butler brand. Pet Butler’s current and future success draws from a culmination of wonderful people within our company and the many influential people surrounding it. As I enter my 22nd year in franchising, I have worked with a lot of great mentors, vendors, consultants and franchise owners. I have been fortunate to have a very influential peer group and it has never failed to support me. I feel like we are building Pet Butler together and that all of our past experiences have only strengthen the opportunity in front of us. Those around me may hear me preach about the strength of franchising being in the Collective Knowledge of its franchise owners, staff, vendors and more.  While this is a pillar of strength for Pet Butler and Spring-Green, equally importantly it is inherent in the franchise community. I don’t think we would be as prepared to drive this brand without some great influence and support from those around us. Thank you to all. 
Me: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, Ted.
Go here to learn more about the Pet Butler franchise opportunity, so you can combine your love of pets with a business you can own that provides much-needed services to pet owners in your own neighborhood.
  The post Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise appeared first on Best Franchise To Own | The Franchise King®.
originally posted at http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheFranchiseKing/~3/23vYXbmHHv0/pet-butler-ceo-interview
0 notes
rwep2014blog · 5 years
Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise
New Post From The Franchise King®
  (Sponsored Post)
When I learned that Pet Butler, a franchise in the pet services space, was purchased by Spring-Green Lawn Care, I had two immediate thoughts.
This sounds interesting. Especially since Spring-Green was already in the service business.
I bet the marketing will be good. That’s because when I worked with Spring-Green in 2012, helping them set up and provide content for their blog, I got a taste of their Direct Marketing prowess.
That said, I’ve been tasked with helping them get the word out about Pet Butler. And quite frankly, it’s not going to be that challenging, because:
A. I have real-life experience with the company behind Pet Butler, and I know, like and trust the team at headquarters.
B. I love pets, especially dogs, and like all pet-lovers, I spend a lot of money on my pets. And I’m always open to spending more on pet products that I think Bear will like, along with pet services that will save me time so I can spend it on the important things in life…like car rides!
(That’s me and Bear taking a car ride)
Pet Spending Statistic: The annual American Pet Products Association (APPA) report on pet spending found that overall spending in the U.S. pet industry increased 4.4% from 2017-18 to $72.56 billion.
  What Does That Statistic Mean For You?
It means pet owners spend a lot of money!
Accordingly, if you’re interested in matching your love of pets-especially dogs, to a business that provides a much-needed service to pet owners all over the U.S., you need to add Pet Butler to your list of opportunities to explore. And one of the best ways to do that is by learning about the company behind Pet Butler
An impressive 40-year old company, that, through it’s finely-tuned and proven marketing programs, is already changing the lives of current Pet Butler franchisees who had no idea that marketing of this caliber even existed to help them grow their businesses.
What follows is my interview with Ted Hofer, the CEO of Pet Butler.
  Pet Butler: The Acquisition
(Ted Hofer)
Me: First off, why did Spring-Green Lawn Care decide to buy Pet Butler?
Ted Hofer: In 2015 we set a course to become a multi brand franchisor.  With specific criteria in mind we sought a service-based model that would allow us to leverage our 40 plus years of operating experience and our industry leading direct marketing programs.  We were very fortunate to know the owner of Pet Butler, and in great part because we shared similar values, we were able to negotiate a scenario that would work for both parties. Perhaps nontraditional in nature, we became a franchisee of the system before we bought it. This allowed us to really understand the model, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses and prepare our transition plan. In 2017 we acquired the franchise system and went to work on refining and adding the needed systems to prepare the brand to relaunch and being its expansion once again. 
  More Statistics: According to a recent pet owners survey, there were approximately 89.7 million dogs owned in the United States in 2017. That’s 20 million more since the beginning of the survey period in 2000. And when it comes to pets, dogs are considered to be the largest market segment, fueling majority of the growth in the pet market.
Me: Did you bring in any pet industry experts to help you learn about the business? If so, what are some of the things you learned?
Ted: We did.  Before we bought the franchise system, we engaged an industry consultant to educate us on the history and trends in pet retail, ecommerce and in the pet services space. We also investigated several other pet services in advance of the acquisition to help us understand if there would be an opportunity in the future to expand the Pet Butler’s service offering. The consultant was extremely helpful in shortening our learning curve. 
  Pet Butler Franchise: Adding Systems And Resources
Me: What changes have you implemented (since taking over Pet Butler) that are having a powerful impact on the franchise organization?
Ted: I think the overarching theme would simply be the resources that we were able to bring. This comes in a lot of ways, but we had two years as a franchisee to help formulate our opinions on what needed to be done. The company owned franchise “our sandbox” has become our testing ground for everything. Equally as important was the creation of a franchise owner leadership group. While as a system we didn’t feel that we were ready for a formal National Advisory Committee like we have with Spring-Green, we needed to identify a group of leaders within the organization that could help us prioritize the opportunities in front of us. This group remains extremely helpful. I also think this group was thrilled to see us further invest in marketing solutions, new service exploration and of course the needed technology enhancements to the application that runs their businesses.
  Pet Butler Franchise Interview: Wins
Me: Can you name one or two things you’ve done that are directly impact your franchise owners in a positive way?
Ted: There have been a series of wins for us, but the #1 priority coming in was to build cost effective customer acquisition programs that would allow a franchise owner to profitably scale the business from an owner operator model to a multi truck operation. I am happy to report that the marketing investment by existing franchise owners has increased by 30% each year over year the last two years, so that is a good indication we are doing the right things to help franchise owners achieve success.
(New Pet Butler franchise owners!)
A significant initiative within our marketing success was the introduction of an annual marketing planning session. We meet with each franchise owner to review their marketing tactics and provide analysis on their performance. We then integrate this plan into their business plan which allows them to utilize their history essentially plot their future. This seems like a no brainier but there is a lot of work here and it has been our experience that it is necessary to give the franchise owner confidence in where there money is going and why they would want to continue their growth. 
  Get The Facts About Owning A Pet Butler Franchise!
Fill out form.
Prior to our acquisition the marketing execution was left to each franchise.  While local marketing and community involvement remains a critical component, we felt that there was an opportunity to improve the overall targeting of pet owners through the digital and direct mail channels. We have taken this responsibility in house along with all local listing management and while it is a big investment on our part, it simply needed to be done to ensure franchise owner success. 
Lastly, through the planning process we realized what the impact of a heavily front-loaded spring marketing program has on each owner’s cash flow. We created a no interest marketing finance program which allows a franchise owner to borrow the money from us, invest in their spring programs and then repay it over the entire year. While this may seem beyond the scope of the franchisor’s responsibility, it was needed to help restart a significant number of franchise owners who wanted to participate but simply did not have the needed capital to invest. Having multiple years of building confidence in our programs (and the data to support it) the risk is minimal and conversely, we are now re-energizing a franchise system that has otherwise been fairly dormant. 
  Pet Butler: Strengthening The Brand
Me: What makes Pet Butler different than other companies that provide poop-scooping services, from both a customer’s perspective and a would-be franchise owner’s perspective?
Ted: Leaning on some of our learnings for our lawn care business, we felt that it was appropriate to professionalize our brand while still staying true to the fun and quirky personality that the comes along with our services. After all, you can’t take yourself too seriously if your primary service is scooping poop!  Naturally we revisited our brand standards on trucks and uniforms, we also professionalized our email and collateral templates and began creating value added content that we share socially around pet wellness. We contracted Dr Lisa as Pet Butler’s resident pet wellness expert. “Doc” as we call her, is a licensed veterinarian and she has added a lot of credibility to the brand and give a reason for our active and prospective customers to connect with us socially. 
  While already a strength of the brand when we purchased it, we also increased the training and added additional dedicated contact center representatives to address all customer questions, make sales, schedule service and handle all billing related items.  This is a big value for franchise owners. Franchise owners essentially outsource their front end and back end to us. This services is built into the royalty so there is no extra cost and we feel it is a core strength that allows franchise owners to focus on servicing the customer, build out their teams and achieve their vision of being a multi-truck owner.      
  Pet Butler: Shhhh
Me: Are you considering adding on any other pet services your franchise owners can offer?
Ted: We have introduced two new services in our company owned franchise and are working through the operational needs, marketing programs and technology required to prepare for a national rollout. 
Pet Shuttle – This is fairly progressive idea. (think Uber for pets) While this service is poised to meet the needs of the millennial pet owner, it also provides the franchise owner with instant credibility with local groomers, vets, daycare facilities and more.  With a shuttle service we essentially added a Business to Business component to our model. Pet Butler can help these pet services business owners grow their clientele. They love that we can shuttle pets in and out and they immediately know which of their existing customers’ need our service! They are also very willing to help promote our business as it beneficial to them. We believe that this service will growth with awareness and as we develop our urban model and international model that it will play a much bigger role. 
  Pet Sitting – This service is certainly the most natural to add on. There is essentially no overhead to add this service and once you have an active customer base the marketing cost in also minimal. A franchise owner can establish a highly professional team of pet sitters that is independent from their team of scoopers and scale the business as demand increases.
  Pet Butler In The News
  Pet Ownership Statistic: Three quarters of all Millennials own either a pet, and see their pets as the first step in forming a family and easing into parenthood. In fact, 82% of Millennials polled said that pet ownership should come before parenthood because it better prepares them for that next step. More
  Pet Butler Interview: Educating Pet Owners
Me: Does Pet Butler support and or participate in pet education, like the importance of spaying and neutering pets?
Ted: We encourage franchise owners to find local events and organizations that they can participate with. Locally in our company owned franchise we have partnered with Spay Illinois. Spay work directly with a large percentage of the local rescue groups and offers discounted spay and neutering series as well as discounts on medication that may be needed. The have a 100% Spay and Neuter initiative that we support through event participation, cross marketing and by hosting vaccination events for them in our facility. 
  Pet Butler: Partnering With Local Pet Rescue Organizations
  Me: Do Pet Butler owners get involved with local rescue organizations? If so, how and what do they do with them?
Ted: This is a very mission critical part of the local marketing programs that we train and support. We believe that the consumer has many choices and when there is a strong social mission that they can connect with and support (in varying ways) they will choose us. Each franchise owner is encouraged to work with one local rescue group per month sharing their mission and story as well as promoting the adoption of a featured pet in need. The ripple effect of this is significant. It helps a Pet Butler franchise establish its identity in the local community, it affords them the opportunity to work with some of the most wonderful and committed people in the industry and it provides the opportunity to have a business that also makes an meaningful impact on society.  
  Pet Butler: From Ted Hofer To You
Me: Is there something prospective Pet Butler franchise owners should know about the business…something that isn’t in a brochure or on your website?
Ted: While I am aware of my potential bias… I don’t think you will find a better franchise opportunity in the pet service industry that has the anywhere close to support we have.  Our 43 years in franchising has allowed us to bring an adolescent franchise system very quickly into a world class organization. Our franchise fee and total investment is extremely low for this level of support and we are excited to find the right strategic partners to help us expand our brand. Timing has never been better in the pet industry and we feel that we are the best franchise opportunity for anyone interested in furthering their passion for pets into a business strategy. 
Me: Finally, is there something you’d like to add?
Ted: I would like to thank Spring-Green for allowing and affording us the opportunity to acquire and build the Pet Butler brand. Pet Butler’s current and future success draws from a culmination of wonderful people within our company and the many influential people surrounding it. As I enter my 22nd year in franchising, I have worked with a lot of great mentors, vendors, consultants and franchise owners. I have been fortunate to have a very influential peer group and it has never failed to support me. I feel like we are building Pet Butler together and that all of our past experiences have only strengthen the opportunity in front of us. Those around me may hear me preach about the strength of franchising being in the Collective Knowledge of its franchise owners, staff, vendors and more.  While this is a pillar of strength for Pet Butler and Spring-Green, equally importantly it is inherent in the franchise community. I don’t think we would be as prepared to drive this brand without some great influence and support from those around us. Thank you to all. 
Me: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, Ted.
Go here to learn more about the Pet Butler franchise opportunity, so you can combine your love of pets with a business you can own that provides much-needed services to pet owners in your own neighborhood.
  The post Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise appeared first on Best Franchise To Own | The Franchise King®.
Originally posted on Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise via Fitness Franchise Opportunities in the UK
syndicated from Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise
syndicated from Originally posted on Pet Butler: My Interview With The CEO of This Growing Pet Franchise
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puppy training tricks | how to crate train
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puppy training tricks | how to crate train
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Let your puppy spend a short amount of time in his crate. This is a big day for him, and he needs some time to himself, so he can process his new situation. It’s okay to have the crate in the living room or some other area in the home where people are coming and going, but don’t bug him while he’s in there. Unless he needs to go potty, walk away calmly if he starts to whine or bark. Don’t let him out until he’s being quiet. Home» Categories » Pets and Animals » Dogs » Dog Behavior » Dog Behavioral Problems When the dog begins to go, quietly whisper a command you plan to eventually use to tell him to “go,” such as: go potty, get busy, do your business, etc.
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training a puppy
how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Youth Programs Storage & Scoops When you invest in Dog Training Genesis, you’ll be able to start training your dog right away. You’ll gain new skills, prevent behaviour problems in your dog while eliminating existing issues. My step-by-step process will get you better results than you’ve ever experienced before; results that will transform your dog into a beloved member of the family and not just a pain in the butt. My goal is to have you as an educated, happy owner, creating a happy obedient dog who is safe and enjoyable. •    Exercise Gunner Kennels If your dog will need to travel frequently or be confined when guests visit or at night-time, you could also consider investing in a large transport crate that can be your dogs ‘den’. Somewhere that is safe, cosy but big enough to easily turn around in even when fully grown. March 3, 2018 Snakes, Turtles & More (1838) Can you leave your 11 week old puppy out on the garden? It’s not something I would do, but you could potentially and I wouldn’t say you were wrong to do so. After all, wild dogs will spend almost all their time outside (some time in a den of course) so it’s not an unnatural thing. But this would be supervised time, under the watchful and protecting eye of their mother, not alone. So there are differences. Geoff July 19, 2018 at 11:59 pm GNC Pets Once you know your puppy can hold their bladder for longer than they have to be left alone, remove the paper altogether. With very young puppies, and in the early stages of training, you can also try taking the dog out every 20 minutes or so, when possible. This may help to avoid accidents and also give you more chances to praise your dog for going in the right place.[19] Dental Care Ear & Eye Care Grooming Tools Shampoos Shed Control Stain & Odor Control View All Coop Accessories Pet Care & Behavior Library AKC Public Education ABOUT US 4 Housetraining Ground Rules Lovely book for those who just got a puppy added to their family. A very informative guide on how to train your puppy the right way. The guide is very detailed and contains good how-to steps in teaching your puppy and preparing yourself for the task of teaching your puppy. From old tricks to new tricks, this book has it. + Add your announcement on Patch Insurance Guide Skip to Content Each email address will be obfuscated in a human readable fashion or (if JavaScript is enabled) replaced with a spamproof clickable link. Petstages The first day with your new puppy will involve traveling, whether it’s a short distance from the shelter or a local breeder or a long ride in a car or the cabin of a plane. This is the perfect opportunity to start teaching your puppy to love his crate. Be sure it’s well stocked with treats and, if possible, a towel or T-shirt that bears the scent of his mother and littermates. That will go a long way toward making him comfortable in his new surroundings. Live Plants AKC National Agility Championship Outdoor & On the Go Small Pet Select 5. Stick with tiny treats. Training time should be a pleasant experience for your puppy, so that’s why using treats works so well.  However, keep those tasty tidbits tiny enough for him to bite once and swallow. You’ll keep his attention on you by using small treats, rather than becoming distracted by consuming a large treat. Editor’s Picks A “sit-stay” command just asks the dog to sit in place and extends butt-floor-contact time. In an ​obedience trial, the “sit-stay” command is required and a dog in the novice (beginners’ competition) just hold the “sit-stay” for one minute while other dogs do the same and you stand across the room from him. Filed in – Skills for Every Day 5 Key Tips for Crate Training Your Puppy Breeds A-Z Even though you get all the routines right, your puppy is a lovely living creature – not a machine. So they might want to relive themselves at other times, as well. Never make the crate a place of punishment. Puppy Social Reggie A Golden Retriever Guide Dog Puppy In Training But what are the signs a puppy is about to potty? 35.99 Paper training The video that has been circulating on Facebook showing a trainer hitting a dog with a plastic bat over and over, is sparking outrage. 5.0 out of 5 starsI’m ready to have a new buddy at home! Media or Speaking Inquiries [email protected] Pomeranian Diet & Weight Management 1. Ahem: Attention, please! Some puppies can get distracted easily. The only way to get your pup to successfully comply with your training is if you have his undivided attention.  So, when you begin any training session, pick a place and a time where distractions are kept to a minimum. When you’re ready, say your pup’s name and wait for his eyes to meet yours. Clap your hands or whistle if you have to, but make sure he is watching you and waiting for his cue to see what to do next. The “settle” command helps anxious or fearful dogs manage their emotional reactions. Watch for sniffing, squatting, circling or tail out straight — and take the dog out immediately. Virtual Rehoming Do: Leash Manners Wednesday 7:30pm Nov 14 Cleaning & Odor Control WebMD App All Content © 2018 Cover Story Media®, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Canine Journal® is a trademark of Cover Story Media®, Inc. Disaster Relief Rehabilitation dbsb3233 Licks 6. Train your puppy when they are feeling lively @b Carefresh Paper training is the most widely known and most commonly used method for house training throughout the world. Try it without the toy; or, if using a food puzzle, delay your return once they’ve eaten all the stuff inside. Note: You should always give your dog a safe toy or entertaining food puzzle when crating them, but you also want them to be okay when the entertainment that a toy or food puzzle provides runs out. If your puppy has been exercised and did well with the first five steps, this should be a natural and easy progression. I recently adopted a 7 week old German Shepherd puppy and want to crate train him. I take him out every couple of hours to use the restroom and play with him. When I take him outside he’ll use the restroom and we praise him. However, as soon as we bring him in the house to play he eliminates randomly. They are little spots of pee. I suggested to my family that we only play with our pup outside so we don’t have these accidents. I’m afraid I’m confusing him, because if he’s not in the crate he’s outside. I don’t have experience crate training or house training. Ruff Dawg (1) Bloat and the Risk Factors 1 count 4.0 out of 5 starsGood read A dog learns from interactions it has with its environment.[1] This can be through classical conditioning, where it forms an association between two stimuli; non-associative learning, where its behavior is modified through habituation or sensitisation; and operant conditioning, where it forms an association between an antecedent and its consequence.[2] On the Road: Training in Public Spaces Adult 1+ Years Puppy Behavior Basics How to Visit and/or Donate Nordic SE Housebreaking (Potty Training Your Puppy or Dog to Go Outside) 3.4 Socialization is a necessary and important part of good development. Exposing a pup to new and different places teaches them to be comfortable around strangers and changing situations. By eight weeks of age a new puppy should be accustomed to normal household sounds: the vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, TV, radio, toilet, etc. Ideally, this was begun by the breeder. Take the pup on short car rides to get him/her over motion sickness. New and different environments such as a walk in the park, school ground, construction site, busy sidewalk, and shopping mall all provide interesting smells, sounds and opportunities to explore. Much more has been written about socializing your pup. For more information go to Early Neurological Stimulation. An extensive discussion can be found in the book written by the Monks of New Skete titled “The Art of Raising A Puppy”. Hillman If you can’t be home during the house training period, make sure somebody else gives him a break in the middle of the day for the first 8 months. Because the trigger for excitement urination is a really big deal to the dog, it’s helpful to set up and practice mock greetings repeatedly so the trigger becomes less exciting – perhaps even a little boring. Since pups are rarely taken from their mothers before 6 weeks (and more often, not before 8 weeks), their training, in fact, began before you even met. Aris Austin Personal Development Get driving directions Lost Pets During the housebreaking process, it’s important to reward good behavior with treats or praise, while avoiding displays of frustration or punishment for accidents. If your puppy has already pooped or peed in the house, she won’t understand that you are punishing her for this behavior by the time you find it. However, if you catch her squatting in the house, you can forestall the action by distracting her with exclamations (“Aha!”) long enough to take her outside. Practice behaviors like advanced heel with increased distractions Our dog training is 710 ESPN SEATTLE Save up to $70.00 Starting at $24.95 $29.95 $24.95–$29.95 AquaTop Most puppies will display one or more of these pre-elimination behaviors, but no two puppies are the same so you need to be observant and learn your own puppy’s pre-toilet rituals. Barb Teach Your Dog to Sit For example, if your puppy starts barking at you, turn your back to it and take away any attention. Your dog will learn that it gets nothing from you when it behaves poorly. Hi Pippa. Have a 5 minth old lab. Read all tge awesome posts. Pup was introduced to “his spot” on day one. We take him out very frequently, as he “rings bell” on bk door. Sometimes WAY to often, ie twice in half hour, to wee. Even often, he aways does go wee. Sometines, regardless of how frequent, he starts going on way to the “spot “. 1st, my husband feels hes being spiteful, because “he knows where his spot is”, is he? 2nd, how can we stop him from going “on the way”, and wait to get to the spot. Editor’s Pick Vetoquinol Zylkene Behavior Support Capsules Large Dog Supplement 450 mg, 30 count Other ways to help New cat parent Yes. (Continue.) Sign Up for HSUS Email Alerts Fun Activities for Kids and Dogs AHVMF When will my puppy be house trained Saunders, Blanche (1969). Training You to Train Your Dog, New York: Howell Book House. ISBN 0-87605-457-2 Getting a dog or puppy TECHNOLOGY Use reward-based training for self-rewarding behaviors. Reward-based training uses discipline to help the puppy understand when something is a bad choice. Any type of reaction can be a reward in the dog’s mind, so often the advice is to completely ignore bad behavior. However, if your dog is exhibiting behavior that’s self-rewarding (for example, the dog enjoys chewing shoes) then this doesn’t really work. That being the case, a short but sweet guiding command is appropriate. When it exhibits behavior you don’t like, simply say “Not that” or similar words in a disapproving voice. The aim is not to scold him, but to guide him. How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days (Revised) Paperback Made Recently View more (28 total) Arizona Animal Welfare League is a proud recipient of funding from Maddie’s FundⓇ (www.maddiesfund.org), helping to achieve a no-kill nation #ThanksToMaddie. Reviews Backgrounds Prescription Diet® Dog Food Discover what the Top 10 dog breeds for children are! Breed Match Wondering about the best way to crate train your puppy or adult dog? Or if you should even bother? Perhaps you’re worried that it might be cruel to confine your dog to a crate? (It’s not, when done right!). Or maybe you’re unsure of all the benefits of crate training? (There are lots!) Pharmacy Yuri Kravchenko /Shutterstock.com Anderson Curtis Your Expert Source for Dog Training and Behavior Solutions You cannot punish a dog after the accident has happened. Most dogs only follow one step of causality, that means what “happened right before this moment.” If you come home and scream or get upset at your puppy for having an accident inside, all your puppy knows is that you came home and were mad at him or her. Research shows that dogs do not feel guilty. This study investigated 14 dogs. The dogs had the option to disobey their owners and eat the treat or not. The owners did not know if the dog ate the treat or if the scientist took the treat away. Even if the dog did not misbehave, he still “acted” guilty when the owner was upset. The research showed that the so-called guilty look was a response to cues from the owner rather than the appreciation of a misdeed. If you’re using a crate, you have these times covered. But if you’re against a crate for whatever reason and have chosen to exclusively use constant supervision or umbilical cord training, you will have to invest in an exercise pen or confine your puppy to a single room and use paper training. Jump up ^ Woodhouse 1982, p. 9. Choosing the Right Dog Food No. This course is a great foundation for dog trainers but does not cover teaching others or complex topics, and it does not include a practical assessment of your skills. Plus, your puppy may be tempted to repeat the act if the carpet retains some of his scent. To remove both pet stains and odors, you need Rocco & Roxie’s Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator . Having a well-trained puppy brings its own rewards – your dog clearly knows its boundaries, and thrives under such parameters; and you have the confidence of knowing your dog will obey you regardless of circumstance. train puppy | teaching a puppy to walk on a leash train puppy | how to train puppy to walk on leash train puppy | teaching puppy to walk on leash Legal | Sitemap
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olivereliott · 6 years
Review: The 2018 Husqvarna Vitpilen and Svartpilen 401
Husqvarna set the interwebs ablaze when they announced their Vitpilen and Svartpilen 401 concepts four years ago. Then the good news came: these bikes would actually go into production. But would the factory machines be as cool as the concepts?
The answer came last year at EICMA, when Husqvarna revealed the production ready 401s (and 701). It made us very, very happy: never before have we seen production motorcycles stay so true to the original designs. Now, after literally years of anticipation, we’ve finally had a chance to ride the full ‘Pilen range.
Our friend Cristoph Blumberg of Craftrad magazine has already penned his thoughts on the Vitpilen 701. Now we’re taking a look the 701’s little brothers.
Husqvarna’s new street range references the classic Husqvarna Silverpilen, but that’s more about ideology than looks. Rather than create a ‘modern retro,’ the now-Austrian marque has made a conscious effort to build a different type of contemporary motorcycle.
The new 401s feel more like one-offs from a top custom shop than factory bikes. (I can’t help but detect shades of Alex Earle’s Ducati Monster tracker.) KTM and Husqvarna send all their design work to industrial design house Kiska, who’ve made their presence felt on the Husqvarna range since it was brought into the KTM fold in 2013.
We’ve ogled photos of the Vitpilen 401 (above) and Svartpilen 401 (below) since day one, and seeing them in the flesh doesn’t disappoint. The lines are clean, the stance of both bikes is flawless, and the finishes are on point.
Svart and Vit share the same bodywork; a four-piece design that hides the fuel tank and subframe, creating an almost monocoque-like effect. In fact, the two bikes are virtually identical, save for their color schemes and a handful of parts.
The biggest difference is their individual riding positions, and that’s really just down to the handlebars. The Vitpilen has clip-ons mounted directly to its top triple clamp, while the Svartpilen gets higher scrambler-style bars. As for their foot control positions and seat heights (835 mm), those are identical.
One other distinction is that the Svartpilen’s passenger seat is removable, presumably to fit an aftermarket luggage rack. It also gets a luggage rack on top of the tank, a small bash plate and a unique heat shield on the exhaust. The actual silencer is the same, it’s just finished in black on the Svartpilen, and aluminum on the Vitpilen.
Both bikes share the same LED headlight, front fender and radiator. They also share the same exquisite rear light; a sharp LED unit that tucks neatly up into the tail. The only eyesore is the ‘poop scoop’ behind the rear wheel. But considering it carries the license plate and turn signals (and catches mud), without cluttering that waspish tail section, its execution is admirable.
There are a couple of other things to nitpick. I dig the digital speedo’s layout and design, and it packs in way more info than you’d expect for a little bike. But the buttons (located on the side of the dial) are really fussy to use. The mirrors look like cheap replacement parts—but my money’s on those being replaced within hours of purchase.
Underneath that hip exterior lurks the motor—and most of the chassis—of KTM’s super popular 390 Duke. The 373 cc liquid-cooled single-cylinder motor is good for 43 hp (32 kW) and 37 Nm, and is managed by a six-speed box and an anti-hopping clutch.
It also borrows the baby Duke’s killer trellis frame, and the whole package weighs a svelte 150 kg dry (330 pounds). It doesn’t get much heavier fuelled, since the tank only holds 9.5 liters (2.5 gallons). But that’s enough—the 401’s pretty frugal.
Both Husky 401s get 17” wire spoked wheels. On the Vitpilen, they’re wrapped in Metzeler M5 tires; the Svartpilen gets Pirelli Scorpion Rally STRs (just like the Ducati Scrambler Desert Sled).
There’s WP suspension at both ends, with 43mm upside down cartridge forks up front. Brakes are from ByBre (a division of Brembo dedicated to smaller capacity bikes), with a 230 mm disc out back and a 320 mm disc in the front. Bosch ABS is standard equipment too.
The KTM 390 Duke is produced in India, but the Husky 401s are put together in Austria. I’m not usually one for debates over where a bike’s built, but the 401 undeniably oozes quality. The primary panels might be plastic, but the surface quality is right up there, with both matte and gloss finishes employed in various places to create a premium effect.
Many of the other parts are metal, with carefully considered finishes and colors used throughout. Stand out bits include the matching bronzy engine covers and gas caps, and the stunning gripper pattern on each bike’s seat. Overall badging is sublimely subtle too, and the two bikes are tied together by the same yellow striping.
You pay for those luxuries though. A KTM 390 Duke will cost you $5,299 in the USA, but the Vitpilen 401 and Svartpilen 401 cost a grand more, at $6,299.
So these bikes are drop dead gorgeous, albeit a little pricey. But are they any good as actual motorcycles?
To find out, I wrangled both ‘Pilen 401s from Husqvarna South Africa. Photographer Devin Paisley and I then spent a couple of days hooning around Cape Town, regularly swapping bikes and comparing notes.
When we posted a teaser from our ride to Instagram, user @timmynizzle asked: “Is it a f*ckin ripper?” I couldn’t have summed it up better: it sure is a ripper.
Look, I’m a big guy. I weigh 250 lbs. before a good braai and measure in at about 6 foot tall. So I typically feel like a bear on a tricycle on smaller bikes. Even though I only just fit on the Vitpilen and Svartpilen 401, it didn’t stop either of them from being a total hoot to ride.
That 373.2 cc power plant is insanely punchy, and the 401 hops off the line with the slightest encouragement. I even managed to put a little air between the front wheel and the tarmac now and then. And it had no trouble getting up to speed—and staying there—on brief highway stints either.
It’s an enthusiastic little revver too, and spools up so quickly, you’ll be surprised at how soon you’ll need to shift. The response from the ride-by-wire throttle is crisp, and even though the clutch action’s a touch heavy, cycling through the gearbox is a cinch. The exhaust note is just throaty enough to live with it, but I’m dying to hear the burble from the optional Akrapovič unit.
As for handling, the 401 chassis is extremely compact, with a short wheelbase and steep head angle. Plus it’s not all that heavy, so it’s hella nimble and easy to throw around. Point-and-shoot, and the 401 will go where you want it, and come out laughing on the other side.
The Husky’s WP suspension holds the road well, but it’s very soft under a big guy like me, and it’s not adjustable. That’s really to be expected at this price point—but what really impressed me was how well the ABS-equipped brakes performed.
Then there’s the 401’s ergonomics. Both the Svartpilen and Vitpilen are roomier than they look, and I felt less squished on them than I have on some bigger bikes. The seats are not built for distance though, and I was walking funny after a long day in the saddle. As for passenger accommodations, if your pillion is any larger than my nine-year-old son, neither of you is going to be particularly comfortable.
The bikes also feel significantly different to ride. I was pleasantly surprised that the Vitpilen’s café racer riding position didn’t completely slaughter me; it did put a little strain on my wrists and back, but it was far less strenuous than I thought it would be.
The Svarpilen is my favorite by a country mile. Its upright, street tracker riding position is not only more comfortable than the Vitplien, but it makes the bike easier to manhandle too. It could be that I just prefer that style of riding, but to me the Svartpilen 401 feels like a BMX with a motor.
Those Pirelli Scorpion Rally STRs do a pretty good job of sticking to both tarmac and gravel, but you won’t be spending too much time on the latter. I’d happily take Svartpilen on short jaunts on well-graded fire roads, but the overall package is still far too street biased for serious off-roading.
Both 401s are pure hooliganism in two-wheeled form. Devin and I chased each other through twisties and crappy inner city traffic, took shortcuts, hopped curbs and just generally misbehaved all day long.
Naturally every time we stopped, the Vitpilen and Svartpilen attracted legions of admirers. And that’s really the appeal: Husqvarna has a built a pair of stylish whips that will appeal to more than just motorcyclists. In a market where people see motorcycles as more of a lifestyle accessory than a lifestyle, that’s a good thing.
It’ll be interesting to see how the custom scene gets along with the ‘Pilen siblings. They’re so minimal out the box that there’s not much left to take away. And they look so good, you don’t really want to change anything.
I have a few ideas of what I’d do if I had a Svartpilen 401 in my garage, but most of it’s centered around performance upgrades. And I’d need to stop riding it for long enough to actually wrench on it.
Parked up, the Vitpilen 401 and Svartpilen 401 are striking designs and a fresh perspective on modern motorcycling. On the move, they’re a pair of pint-sized weapons that punch far above their weight. These two get the EXIF seal of approval.
Husqvarna Motorcycles | Facebook | Instagram | Images by Devin Paisley | With thanks to Husqvarna South Africa and Husqvarna Cape Town.
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