#Where's the Love?
candlelightreader · 6 days
I just realized while watching A Bullet Runs Through It that Warrick and Sara's scene about Tina making Warrick a bland peanut butter sandwich without jelly echoes the later scene where Grissom brings Sara while Warrick gets nothing.
I now want a scene where Sara shares the story with Grissom and then Grissom thinks he'd show her he wouldn't pack her such bland food.
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geulahgal710 · 2 months
I Miss You, Burt Bacharach.
I miss your iconic, but mostly forgotten song, What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love. No, not just for some, but for everyone...giving me that warm, fuzzy feeling.
Unfortunately, that song didn't reach the hearts of enough people. It's to the point that what the world needs now is a good ass-kicking. Or at least it seems like certain segments of the population do.
Omgoodness! I have never heard nor seen so much bitching and moaning in my freaking life! And hate! So many people hate so many other people for some reason or other. Granted, some can be pretty legit reasons.
Still...(I'm done talking to Burt now) the pure, unadulterated rampant rage! Who ordered this??!! I didn't. Where the hell is it coming from??!! I thought I didn't believe in an evil red man with horns, pointy tail and a pitchfork, or demons. Now I'm asking myself.... Are you SURE???
Hmmm, maybe there was more to that creeping crud that came out of Woowoo than we thought??? What if anger and rage developed in some of those who were lucky enough to survive? Gasp! What if they put something in Fazer "bug juice" that has the side effect of discontent, anger and rage in some people?
I've already halfway suspected we might be guinea pigs in ongoing worldwide science and social experiments by global elite. I know, that's coming across more than a little cray cray. Hey, sometimes truth IS stranger than fiction, you know.
Be that as it may. I have no proof of anything and I don't have time to compile a bunch of random video clips and pics of assorted documents with select words and phrases highlighted. But I digress.
How in the hell did we get on this channel where everything is so darn awful all the time and how do we get OFF of it?! That's what I want to know! Geez Looeez!
And it seems like someone somewhere said, "Poor folks, I know things aren't going very good for them right now, but I know just the remedy for that. Make everything WAAAAAY worse! That oughta fix it."
Meanwhile, I think I'll just sit and sing with Burt Bacharach awhile and pray that someday goodness, kindness, respectfulness, love and happiness become more contagious than the bitching, moaning, ranting, raving and hatred. Maybe someone will create a vaccine that does that. Make that one mandatory, PLEASE.
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more-better-words · 3 months
The fact that Pluto TV never streams Enterprise on its Star Trek channels is violence.
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panikfaze · 2 years
The Sims 4 has released a werewolf gamepack. You turn into and play as a werewolf. A very cute werewolf. A furry. You're a furry. They can do furries but still can't see fit to give us disabled Sims? I call bullshit. You really think my neighborhoods are made better and more realistic with the inclusion of werewolves but won't let me have a Sim who uses a wheelchair? Get over yourself EA.
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pajamasam15 · 3 years
I main Waluigi and don’t understand how there isn’t a stronger Waluigi presence on this website
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⁉️ "Pay your debt to Davy Jones."
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Once he's found the Dutchman again, Jack steps aboard and addresses its dreaded captain.
"Jones, I've come to serve my hundred years."
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josefksays · 6 years
Pathetic. No other word for today. Pathetic, when not revolting. I wish I had some better news, a better view or outlook on op room’s events or lack of one, so just ignore. 84 consecutive lost moments in almost 4 hours there to take just one deal - excellent volume, my biggest this month but it won’t get aproved cos those assholes from the bank are far too greedy (no discount, I just reduced taxes, man!) - and one good payment. Goal revealed? Nope. At the final hour, after getting turned down on a potential deal...I started to bump one call after another. That’s the level.
And it was also a wasted day cos I had to live in oblivion, secluded for no obvious reasons, just minor contacts. Something’s on the loop and I’m really disappointed with that place and the people as well. Guess I reached a state where “my own errors” cannot be forgiven for those who haven’t seen it, or haven’t dealt with it - but they know. Twas a perfect day for a relapse but better not.
As for tomorrow, plan is: to get things done, but far apart from staff since it’s leadership’s idea of quality work - fine, he’ll get it (or not, depending on the mailing), but far from me and without one of his former best allies....I’m no longer part of that team as I used to (I’m running for myself, one and only). I’m done with him and his phoney associates. WAR!
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peregrina-poeta · 6 years
Pessoas matando, pessoas morrendo;
Crianças feridas e você escuta elas chorando;
Você consegue praticar o que prega?
Ou vai dar a outra face?
Senhor, nos ajude;
Envie alguma orientação dos céus;
Porque as pessoas me fazem, me fazem questionar
Por onde anda o amor?
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psi-triforce · 6 years
Let's stop sleeping on Symphogear here in the west, ok?
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Reason #425 why life is a lie
So I've been working at a law firm for almost 5 months now, and despite being a bit of a cute clumsy mess, I have yet to find a hot high ranked man of whom I spill coffee all over
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pcofshit · 6 years
Love is worry
...While You're Alive by Jeff Rosenstock
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2coolclown · 6 years
Detroit become human made me cry so hard.... THE HUMANS IN THAT GAME ARE SO HORRIBLE! They shot the Androids who just wanted to be alive and free. If you chose to do a peaceful protest they will still kill you, and beat you. They will act like it's nothing, they continue to spread hate and anger. And it's so true, it's happened in the real world so many times. But it never seems to matter until you're brought into it. WHY CAN'T WE JUST LOVE DANGIT
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tequila-and-titties · 6 years
Lmao my mom was watching Harry Styles tour videos with me & when the "MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN" flag showed she got upset which was funny because I already told her she might not like the videos. I gave warning, but she got mad anyway & told me "You're going down the wrong path & you'll be sorry."
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Okay, y'all. No more crush asks. They were all super sweet! I'm so glad you guys told me about them ❤️
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ofvaricty-a · 7 years
grandschemed replied to your post “♗ GASPS I FORGOT TO ADD COR ONTO MY MULTIMUSE BUT COR ???”
BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!
c/or is beautiful tbh
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josefksays · 6 years
Sleepy mode for me, slow mode for the system and this combination was quite perfect (except for some colleagues who thought I was too quiet). Leadership out of the picture was fine as usual. 5 new deals, some fine payments but I had to force some humor. Mailing so far is getting quite lame these days, so I had to get back to some recent broken deals and close it again. It was helpful, low volumes but no complaining. 3 more days to go...
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