#Which I do rate that low because of fazgoo
Rank all Fazbear Frights story's from least to greatest. Explaining why they ranked the way they did is optional. But you get bonus points if you do.
35. In the Flesh: I think you understand why. Matt was not a likeable character.
34. Sea Bonnies: Another body take over story, I rate it so low because the concept of sea monkey like creatures taking over someone's identity is too bizarre for my taste.
33. Sergio's Lucky Day: Another kind of unlikeable character
32. The Prankster: the ending was a cliff hanger and it's not clear who the villain was which is why it's low on my list.
31. Friendly Face: I only remember how many memes people made of the book cover.
30. Gumdrop Angel: similar to Lonely Freddy, it could be argued this is a lot worse of a fate for the victim which I agree with. Also I hate the step father, whatever his name was.
29. Jump for Tickets: I don"t really remember this story much honestly.
28. Kids at Play: I didn’t understand this story very much to be honest.
27. Pizza Kit: I really hated Marley, who tf pretends to be dead like that just as a prank? It's not funny.
26. Together Forever: the ending is a bit grizzly. But in these stories, it seems to be, if you mess around with something, you'll find out why you shouldn’t have mess with it in the first place.
25. Find Player Two: The concept could be interesting, but the story felt a bit flat.
24. He Told Me Everything: Faz goo is not scary.
23. Dance with Me: I like Ballora as a character considering her mechanic in Sister Location, however, in this story she never felt like a real threat, but rather a reminder to the main character of what she did.
22. 1:35 AM: This wasn’t strongly written, Ella was an okay antagonist, Delilah didn’t really grab my attention as a protagonist.
21. Bunny Call: How is Ralpho connected to Fazbear Entertainment? That's my real question. I like the idea of him being alike to King from the Owl House or Bill Ciper. Bob himself was an okay character, especially when he decided he had to protect his family from Ralpho at all costs.
20. Room for One More: Stanley's reason for not going to the hospital felt a bit like an excuse to justify why he never went to the hospital. It would have made the story more interesting if he did.
19. Coming Home: It was a nice story, and it had a nice concept of a child trying to say goodbye to their sibling, but it wasn’t scary.
18. The Cliffs: The idea of a missing kid is just terrifying to anyone, one thing about the story I didn’t like was how quickly the bad thoughts left Robert's mind, it doesn’t happen that way, those feelings don’t just disappear immediately.
17. The Scoop: Reading this story was interesting, I could see a character like Mandy in the FNAF universe.
16. Blackbird: Blackbird is a good concept by itself, but it doesn’t really feel like a FNAF story.
15. The Breaking Wheel: The suspension was built quite well, however Reed did make some questionable decisions about ignoring the loud sounds from outside.
14. Hide and Seek: Shadow Bonnie as a villain was interesting to me, and how they were portrayed as a shadow that always follows the main character.
13. To Be Beautiful: This story shows a twisted idea of being beautiful at a cost. One of my biggest questions was why didn’t Sarah feel any pain? Did the illusion disc also block pain?
12. The Real Jake: It did explain the story of the StitchWraith, however it wasn’t really scary.
11. What we Found: I like how it was explained how the FNAF 3 hallucinations do happen, I don’t like the ending, it felt extremely undeserved to Hudson. He clearly needed some form of mental help.
10. Felix the Shark: a story about Submechanophobia? Yes. Felix is a interesting idea for a story, considering how we never had any animatronics that could work underwater in the FNAF series.
9. Step Closer: Foxy being a villain that curses a kid, while good, can be improved upon, he could have actually been stalking Pete which would have made him seem like more of a threat to Pete and his brother.
8. The Man in Room 1280: I did like the character of Arthur Blythe, he seems to what to believe the best in everybody.
7. You are the Band: I'm upset this story isn’t consider as part of the main series, it was very good and it included Michael, seeing as we know so little about him, having a story with him as a character is great.
6. The New Kid: Devon was a change from the other teenaged protagonists, someone who is jealous of someone else getting attention. Kelsey was a good character and clearly wanted to be friends with Devon and Mick.
5. Count the Ways: Funtime Freddy was a fun villain, showing a version of him that knows a lot about history and has a straight forward purpose, Millie meanwhile, I can understand why she developed a crush on Dylan, however her being rude about Brooke after finding out she was dating Dylan felt a bit jarring.
4. Fetch: A unique concept, I heard that Fetch could be based on the old Sparky hoax, while I'm not sure about it, having a dog animatronic that can “fetch” whatever you desire makes for both a interesting and dark story.
3. Into the Pit: A great story for the first one! The concept of seeing a child actually escape from a murderous rabbit is welcomed especially after we hear that many kids in the history haven’t been so lucky, so I like SpringBonnie acting like the dad and vacuuming the carpet.
2. Lonely Freddy: it's obvious it's a favorite of mine. Alec and Hazel's sibling dynamic feels realistic, especially with the concept of Alec realizing that he had hated his sister for no reason and it was his parents fault, the reason why isn’t number one is because of the big bad himself, Lonely Freddy, the concept of being body swapped is scary, and the ending is truly heart breaking when you realize that Alec likely never made it back home, but then again, REJECT CANON, EMBRACE FANON.
1. Out of Stock: The best story, full stop. Oscar is a realistic take on a boy who lost his father and feels like the world has been unfair to him, Plushtrap is also the best antagonist and well written, he is a real threat, he is smart and he knows how to mimic voices, making him much more dangerous.
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