#While this is a nuisance at first it's key in developing strategies in the middle and final stages of a xiangqi game for what I've read
fragmentedblade · 11 months
The way Luocha's conversation and confrontation with Jing Yuan was established in terms of a xiangqi match (or whatever it's called ingame in the English translation; "starchess", I think?) was great, especially with how Jing Yuan congratulates his last move.
How Luocha's course of action is laid is also very typical of xiangqi strategies for what I've been reading, especially when it comes to the use of the general piece. Jing Yuan has to abide to the law, can't move, and is forced to let Luocha get away with what he wants to do.
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RFA as Pirates Part 2
As requested, here is a sequel to this post
This is a really hecking long post 
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Jumin is officially the First Mate, though in reality has the responsibilities of not only captain, first mate but also the navigator.
Spends most of his time in the captain's quarters poring over charts, maps, reports etc.
He basically never sleeps and at this point no one questions it.
Low key (high key) blames himself for everything that happened years before
Clashes with Zen constantly in terms of stratagem and what the crew should actually do next as they have very different perspectives on an ideal end goal and how to actually achieve it.
He is realistic as opposed to ambitious and refuses to entertain the more extravagant of challenges, settling instead for the safe options that will return a guaranteed profit. 
Jumin is a master swordsman and excellent strategist and he rarely, if ever, has cause to draw his blade.
If Jumin route: Jumin is jailed and forcibly reunited with his father, who has him freed before he faces the hangman's noose. It has consequences, however, for his father has plans for him to set his life on the right path and become the ideal son that he feels was stolen from him. This includes marrying an heiress. At first, Jumin seems to seriously be considering leaving behind the Elly Third and taking on a life of miserable responsibility, which makes MC sad in turn, for it seems as if they bonded and he is leaving them so soon. However, it soon transpires that the heiress has false intentions and the marriage is over before it begins. Jumin returns to the Elly Three and MC connects with him by getting him to open up about the true extent of his feelings, not only in terms of V and Rika, but also in terms of separating with his father.
Officially, he maintains the cannons of the ship, though he also keeps an eye out for rumours on the activities of the Navy, the EIC and other pirates all while charming wealthy patrons out of their coins and any useful information.
Refers to every woman he meets as his first love and has a gaggle of girls to greet him in every pirate port.
In reality, he has only ever loved one woman; she was the daughter of a Count and he the son of a tailor. He only ever really knew her from afar, but watched her entertain suitor after suitor after suitor and decided that he would make a better husband than each one combined.
In the end, he ran away to sea to find riches, meaning to go home one day and present her with some form of treasure that would win her heart. Unfortunately, he became a wanted man instead.
Zen clashes with Jumin a lot, as he genuinely despises the bourgeoisie, blaming them not only for the bounty on his head but also for being so insufferable prior to leaving.
He also believes Jumin to be a coward, for he commonly rejects most of Zen's ideas in favour of the safe option.
He tolerates V, as he understands (or at least...thinks he does), how it feels to lose someone you care about.
If Zen route: MC helps Zen out with fetching materials from port and develops a very strong idea of who he is based on the self assured aura he gives off. During one such visit, he pays over the odds for a treasure map and gets into a fight with Jumin, who believes it is nonsense and refuses to go. Zen steals one of the rowboats in the middle of the night and the crew are forced to pursue him for fear that he may catch his death on the open sea. When they finally rescue him he is half dead and tells MC of his story prior to piracy. MC encourages him to not only visit his family but also to see the woman he loved so much. MC feels jealous of the way he speaks of the other woman, but decides that they should rather him be happy than keep arguing with Jumin on the slightest chance she might reciprocate his feelings. The crew depart and MC is quickly shocked to learn exactly who Zen actually was (or wasn't) prior to joining the Elly Third. Zen's confidence dissolves before he can greet his crush and his parents, when he checks in on them, have him arrested. After being rescued, and a swift intervention from V, Zen opens up about how MC loved him regardless etc etc.
Quartermaster and in charge of supplies.
She and Zen are the ones who make most trips back and forth into port, sometimes with Seven.
Only Zen and Seven know she's actually a woman.
While Jumin is busy, Jaehee deals with everyone's everyday problems.
It's as much her job to keep Seven out of the gunpowder as it is to check in on how much there actually is.
She keeps a single pistol and practices while in port. Along with her ability to speak a second language and the fact that she is quite well read (all the ordinary pursuits of a young woman of marrying age), everyone assumes she's actually a reasonably well bred young man.
If Jaehee route: After accidentally walking in on Jaehee undressing, MC learns her secret and vows to keep it that way. Jaehee explains that she has been keeping it a secret from Jumin especially because of his old fashioned views about having women on ships. He did not particularly want Rika there either because of the dangers involved in piracy and would not have permitted it were not for V's interest in that regard. Regardless of her resilience, Jaehee fears he will think differently of her knowing she is not only a woman, but has been lying about it for such a long time. After many close calls, Jaehee explains to MC that she has been chasing freedom all of her life, whether it was fleeing a marriage or the literal Navy. She begins to wonder if she can truly count herself free if it means she has to lie about who she really is. With MC and Zen's help, she becomes captain of her own vessel.
If he has an official rank, no one remembers what it is.
He mostly spends his time improving the ship's scopes and patching up the sails.
Constantly getting shouted at by Jumin because he tried a new type of gunpowder aGain and came very close to blowing up a part of the ship.
All of his guns and every inch of his bunk is modified.
He has a pet monkey and has it steal scraps from the kitchen and just generally be a nuisance to Yoosung, who he enjoys provoking.
He named the monkey Vanderwood after his favourite, most persistent Naval officer.
Always joking around and, like Jumin, basically never sleeps. When he's not in his bunker or fixing something on the ship, he can usually be found in the crow's nest.
Seven is the one who spies strategies in the most absurd of situations. Being held at gunpoint, with no weapons and your hands tied? Seven is the one who will give you a nudge and tell you the exact floorboard that will smack your attacker in the face if you stamp on it.
His jokes are a front, though, and everyone who remembers Saeran knows better than to bring him up.
If Seven route: The ship is damaged in a clash with a Mint Eye vessel. Seven believes he spots Saeran aboard and demands the others let him climb aboard, but not only is Saeran believed dead, but such an endeavour would risk the lives of the entire crew. The crew are marooned and Seven infuriated. He immediately sets to work to fix the damage to the ship, but the pressure along with the fact that he is reminded of the night Saeran disappeared means that he is not at his best. He retreats from the rest of the crew and MC (believing the pressure is all that worries him), tries to cheer him up but he rejects them quite harshly. Later, he explains about Saeran's disappearance and some of the events that led to him arriving on the crew. Seven gets the ship up and running again and MC proposes to Jumin a new expedition. Investigating the boat that almost left them lost at sea in the hopes of finding answers about Seven's brother. Considering it is so risky, Jumin does not want to hear of it, but when he realises the entire crew is united under one common cause for the first time in many years, he agrees. They head to the nearest bay to load up on supplies and information and they learn two things: fact one Mint Eye is an organisation setting up an armada of sorts to take full command of the sea and uproot the entire established order. Fact two: there is a contact at the bay accepting prospective crews to swear fealty to the organisation, who arranges meetings with their leader. Zen arranges a meeting with the guy in order to gather info and they attend, pretending to join Mint Eye. At the meeting, one of the captains swearing fealty is V.
When Yoosung joined the crew, he took on odd jobs here and there instead of having an official position. 
Rika did not want him to fight or to use a sword, as she disapproved of violence and pain.
Even so, he felt pretty useless so he put what knowledge he had left behind from his parents to good use when members of the crew took sick.
But obviously, injuries and sickness aren't a constant, so he needed something else to occupy his time and after realising how bad everyone's diet was, he became the ship's chef.
His cooking is terrible, though. The running joke is that even though he's the ship's doctor, his cooking will make you ill.
Yoosung still cannot use a sword, as almost everyone still considers him a child.
Yoosung blames V for what happened to Rika and, when drunk, laughs about how glad he is V left the crew because if he was still around he might have poisoned his dinner.
No one actually knows if he's joking.
Yoosung is forbidden from going to the pirate bays because Seven had to go and play blackjack for his clothes one too many times.
He actually holds no affection for piracy and would prefer an honest life. He only stays on the ship because he feels closer to Rika.
If Yoosung route: MC arrives on the ship on the anniversary of Rika's disappearance. Yoosung is convinced there's a connection; that Rika isn't dead and MC is there for a message or as a sign. Once it does not immediately become apparent that this is so, he sees Rika in MC in increasingly ordinary ways to the extent that he mistakes the two and refuses to allow Jumin leave MC at port. This comes even more to a head later on when the crew is captured and Yoosung is unable to contribute to the breakout attempt. It's something of a wakeup call in terms of his own abilities, as he feels he does not contribute to the crew and would not be there were it not for Rika. He spends the next few months trying to help the other members and failing miserably for a number of different reasons...mostly because he has no passion for them to begin with. MC advises him that maybe he is pushing himself too hard to fit a certain sort of role and he reveals that he blames himself for Rika being marooned in the first place. If she had not felt the need to protect him, perhaps she would never have joined the crew and taken on such daring missions. In an attempt to channel Rika, Yoosung acts increasingly brash, which leads to him landing in danger. On one such occasion, he is caught in a skirmish between pirates and Naval officers. A naval officer is badly wounded and Yoosung risks capture to treat his wounds. After hearing the man speak of his dreams and heroisms on the sea, he decides to join the Navy instead and is put under the command of Vanderwood.
V left the crew shortly after Rika's disappearance, blaming himself for everything that had happened.
He takes passage on many ships and travels to many countries, picking up strange and exotic plants and learning many different languages along the way.
He falls down a lot of cliffs too.
He learned of Mint Eye on his travels through pirate bays and made the connection to Rika after. 
He gathers a crew, intending to go undercover at Mint Eye and confront Rika. He hopes that things might be put right and she will see sense.
Because of the bounty on his head he could not return home, so instead worked as a cartographer. He made a living selling maps both to pirates and to the Navy, since he could pass as both.
Regardless of route, the crew ends up going to an island base run by Mint Eye; the same island Rika was actually marooned on.
Yoosung and Jaehee are potentially missing from the crew at this point, but I'll get to that.
Also, V's crew are mostly confused about why Jumin punched their captain full on in the face. Jumin and V argue for hours and Jumin does not understand why V means to go to the island and never return. Jumin was the one who marooned Rika, but V will not tell him of her involvement for fear that he might insist on taking a share of the guilt.
Their relationship is strained on the journey, though both crews team up.
They are tracked by the Navy, though more specifically Vanderwood (and Yoosung potentially)
Baehee also potentially insists on tagging along if it's her route and she spies them arguing at port.
Everyone arrives at the Mint Eye island. It's not easy. Saeran attacks the ships and, despite Seven's pleas for him to stop and rethink, he reveals that Seven abandoned him and left him to die. 
Seven is heartbroken by this revelation
Saeran's ship (and Saeran himself) are captured in the chaos and Seven goes undercover to infiltrate the island
Everyone believes Saeran was rescued by a strange cult, right up until they see Rika.
Rika is angry with the entire crew for marooning her and is not entirely welcoming.
V begs her to reconsider what she's doing; that she opposed the EIC for their control of the oceans but now she means to do the same.
Seven confronts Rika about her treatment of Saeran and Rika reveals she always preferred Seven, but Saeran was younger and easier to control.
Saeran, who broke out of the ship, hears this.
The Navy arrive on the island and chaos ensues. Rika is convinced that the Elly 3rd crew invited them there and fights break out
Vanderwood arrives to arrest basically everyone
Yoosung, in any scenario, approaches Rika and demands she tell him it was all a lie and none of it was true. That she was working for someone else.
Rika holds a knife to his throat and takes him hostage.
Vanderwood shoots her between the eyes
V also gets shot but survives
Vanderwood agrees to leave everyone on the condition that Seven renames his monkey.
IF V ROUTE: V doesn't forgive himself after Rika's death and insists on her being buried at sea. MC is there to comfort him and in time they rebuild the island into a new port. MC and V run the port together and develop a close friendship, which begins with MC building bridges between him and the rest of the crew. V never fully forgives himself for everything, but he does see a happy future on the island, with MC's company
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buynewsoul · 7 years
Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable
Pet lovers everywhere would likely agree: Any innocent creature who’s endured difficult circumstances deserves a beautiful life. Sadly, thousands of today’s shelter and rescue pets have experienced some pretty painful situations. Severely neglected dogs or mistreated dogs may have suffered any number of abuses: constant physical restraint or confinement; lack of appropriate nourishment; endless environmental stressors; even outright physical punishment.
Each individual canine may weather the storm a bit differently. Some, unfortunately, learn to fear and/or avoid social contact. Such dogs may become mistrustful, nervous or withdrawn. Some may growl or snap at the slightest provocation; urinate or defecate in terror; even retreat into the shadows.
Potential adopters may not always realize what a given pet has endured — all they see is an adorable face and a tentatively wagging tail. This could be because that particular pooch has benefitted from specialized socialization training, or behavioral intervention. Sometimes, quite a bit takes place behind the scenes to give a deserving dog a second chance at a normal life.
The humans involved in these focused efforts often represent a diverse range of organizations. What they share is a strong, abiding love for canines; combined with a desire to help educate and support responsible pet parents. We asked two of these experts to share a few firsthand observations. Their insights lend a whole new meaning to the term “rescued.”
Meet the Experts Who Work with Neglected or Mistreated Dogs
It takes a team of professionals to ensure that neglected dogs are ready to be adopted. Photography ©gaikphotos | Thinkstock.
Melissa Crampton is canine manager at Dogs Deserve Better (DDB), a 501©(3) nonprofit organization that helps rehabilitate and socialize severely neglected dogs. Founded in 2002, DDB places special emphasis on those canines who have been persistently chained or penned – largely deprived of regular human companionship.
Crampton explains that specially trained personnel work with most of these canines at DDB headquarters in Smithfield, Virginia. “Our current property was purchased in 2011,” notes Crampton. “It was once the home of Bad Newz Kennels, the dog fighting compound owned by Michael Vick.” DDB’s ongoing labor of love has essentially transformed a place of traumatic despair into the Good Newz Rehabilitation Center.
Steve Frost, KPA CTP, is director of in-home training at A Sound Beginning. He also serves as animal enrichment and behavior manager for Anderson Animal Shelter in South Elgin, Illinois. Frost doesn’t exclusively focus on pets with a background of abuse, neglect or mistreatment. However, he holds multiple training certifications — and has done more than his share of work with such dogs.
Severely Neglected Dogs — An Unfortunately All Too Common Problem
Both Crampton and Frost agree that pronounced neglect is a pervasive problem that can affect canine lives in countless ways.
“On an average weekly basis here at DDB, we receive anywhere from 50-70 e-mails and calls regarding animals suffering this degree of neglect,” notes Crampton. “The number tends to increase if there’s a natural disaster, or a dog fighting ring that’s abruptly shut down.”
Frost has witnessed something similar. “In the shelter setting, I’ve encountered many animals with a confirmed history of neglectful mistreatment,” he says. “One of the most common forms we actually see involves lack of proper socialization from a young age.”
Frost explains that this can stem from persistent disregard for an animal’s emotions, and/or chronic exposure to overwhelming stressors during early development. Sadly, he notes, mistreatment in any form often renders the same result: an adult dog who struggles to co-exist in a home environment.
Transforming the Lives of Abused Dogs
On a positive note, some dogs have truly incredible turnarounds. Photography ©carlonico | Thinkstock.
On the upside, however, both Crampton and Frost have helped to facilitate some fairly remarkable transformations. “Time and again at DDB, we’ve worked with dogs who have been chained with total disregard for their needs,” says Crampton. “Some literally panic when they first encounter any type of open space,” she says. This is one reason why the DDB facility is laid out like an actual house.
“Much of our early work often involves simple home-training,” says Crampton. “Over weeks, sometimes months, we get these dogs used to stairs. We help them feel comfortable in large rooms. We help them overcome fear of everyday noises most people take for granted, such as home appliances. We crate-train them, so they learn that smaller spaces can represent safety and security.”
Highly anxious dogs often get paired with other canines to help build their confidence. Once they become sufficiently comfortable, Crampton says they’re allowed to go on their very first “Freedom Run” in the fenced open yard. She describes each dog’s unrestrained joy as something incredible to behold.
Success Stories
Crampton recalls Elvi, the lone survivor of a residence where 21 dead canines were found in cages amidst dog fighting paraphernalia. Elvi had not necessarily been involved in the fighting, but was nonetheless petrified of everything.
Re-socialization initially involved giving Elvi her own separate room to decompress; then a secure open crate as her “safe area.” Volunteers spent weeks sitting quietly in Elvi’s presence, waiting for her to make the first move. “This little 35-pound girl would eventually come up, sniff your face, then mold herself perfectly into your lap,” recalls Crampton.
As Elvi gradually grew more settled with daily human contact, her caregivers tried introducing another dog. Pittie mix Turbo had been kept on the end of a short chain day and night, for nearly five years. But Elvi’s increasing confidence began rubbing off on Turbo. He progressively “learned” to play in her presence; while Elvi emerged even further from her own shell.
Next, Elvi met the highly anxious Ollie. Initially, Ollie completely ignored Elvi. But she began nurturing him — offering kisses, coaxing him to romp around. “They steadily became best friends,” says Crampton. “All the while, we watched Elvi blossom into a very special dog who went on to help reassure and heal other dogs.”
Frost remembers Kobe, a middle-aged Toy Poodle mix who came to a shelter with clear signs of neglect: horribly matted fur, plus severe ocular issues that wound up requiring daily eye drops. “Unfortunately, this little 20-pound dog quickly became aggressive in response to his medication,” recounts Frost. “His reaction was so pronounced that we became quite concerned about his adoptability and quality of life.”
In cooperation with a caring foster family, Frost taught Kobe to be an active, willing participant in his own daily care. “Over time, we used positive reinforcement that gradually trained Kobe to rest his chin on our knee in preparation for his eye drops,” explains Frost. “Whenever Kobe decided to lift his chin, the training session stopped. We were reassuring him that if he felt uncomfortable, he didn’t need to resort to violence. He could simply get up and walk away.” The eventual result? Kobe’s foster mom was so impressed with his progress that she adopted him herself.
Thinking of Adopting a Dog Who Previously Experienced Neglect or Cruelty? Great! But Keep This in Mind.
Here’s what you need to know about adopting a dog who previously experienced any sort of abuse. Photography ©AwaylGl | Thinkstock.
What’s the best way to determine if a dog you’re planning to adopt has required specialized socialization or behavioral intervention to become “adoption-ready?” First and foremost, ask. Shelters sometimes provide this insight on certain dogs. Second, remember that many of these animals are well worth considering. “One thing that makes dogs such wonderful companions is their resilience,” emphasizes Frost. “With the right care and socialization, they can absolutely thrive in a loving, caring home that provides for their needs.”
As an adoptive pet parent, proper preparation should include connecting with a qualified trainer or behaviorist. These professionals can help you learn to consider things from the dog’s perspective. “Initially, many of these pets may need extra time to decompress, adapt and learn about the adopter’s lifestyle,” observes Crampton. “If they seem to need space, let them observe from the sidelines.”
Both Crampton and Frost also emphasize that structure and direction are key. “It’s important, yet sometimes very hard, for adopters to understand that they should not overly coddle this type of canine,” Crampton explains. She notes that sympathetic humans will sometimes repeatedly indulge unwanted behaviors; unintentionally leading the dog to perceive himself as ruling the roost. Learning positive behavioral strategies from a skilled trainer can help your new pet understand his role from the outset.
“Socialization strategies based on positive reinforcement can help even severely neglected animals,” asserts Frost. “I’ve seen these canines go from being perceived as an unwanted nuisance to the treasure of an entire family.” Crampton adds that she also enjoys “watching adopters change their way of thinking, learning ways to do right by a canine who deserves a second chance.”
Viewed from these specialized perspectives, focused socialization can give many homeless canines the caring structure and guidance they need to become cherished lifetime companions.
Tell us: Did any of your dogs come from situations where they experienced neglect, cruelty or abuse? What are their stories? How did you socialize a previously mistreated dog?
Read more about dog adoption on Dogster.com:
What Inspired One Woman to Adopt an ‘Unadoptable’ Senior Dog
Pre-Adoption Checklist: Are You Really Ready to Adopt a Dog?
‘Finding Shelter’ Examines the Tough Work of Animal Shelter Volunteers
The post Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable appeared first on Dogster.
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jeffreyrwelch · 7 years
Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable
Pet lovers everywhere would likely agree: Any innocent creature who’s endured difficult circumstances deserves a beautiful life. Sadly, thousands of today’s shelter and rescue pets have experienced some pretty painful situations. Severely neglected dogs or mistreated dogs may have suffered any number of abuses: constant physical restraint or confinement; lack of appropriate nourishment; endless environmental stressors; even outright physical punishment.
Each individual canine may weather the storm a bit differently. Some, unfortunately, learn to fear and/or avoid social contact. Such dogs may become mistrustful, nervous or withdrawn. Some may growl or snap at the slightest provocation; urinate or defecate in terror; even retreat into the shadows.
Potential adopters may not always realize what a given pet has endured — all they see is an adorable face and a tentatively wagging tail. This could be because that particular pooch has benefitted from specialized socialization training, or behavioral intervention. Sometimes, quite a bit takes place behind the scenes to give a deserving dog a second chance at a normal life.
The humans involved in these focused efforts often represent a diverse range of organizations. What they share is a strong, abiding love for canines; combined with a desire to help educate and support responsible pet parents. We asked two of these experts to share a few firsthand observations. Their insights lend a whole new meaning to the term “rescued.”
Meet the Experts Who Work with Neglected or Mistreated Dogs
It takes a team of professionals to ensure that neglected dogs are ready to be adopted. Photography ©gaikphotos | Thinkstock.
Melissa Crampton is canine manager at Dogs Deserve Better (DDB), a 501©(3) nonprofit organization that helps rehabilitate and socialize severely neglected dogs. Founded in 2002, DDB places special emphasis on those canines who have been persistently chained or penned – largely deprived of regular human companionship.
Crampton explains that specially trained personnel work with most of these canines at DDB headquarters in Smithfield, Virginia. “Our current property was purchased in 2011,” notes Crampton. “It was once the home of Bad Newz Kennels, the dog fighting compound owned by Michael Vick.” DDB’s ongoing labor of love has essentially transformed a place of traumatic despair into the Good Newz Rehabilitation Center.
Steve Frost, KPA CTP, is director of in-home training at A Sound Beginning. He also serves as animal enrichment and behavior manager for Anderson Animal Shelter in South Elgin, Illinois. Frost doesn’t exclusively focus on pets with a background of abuse, neglect or mistreatment. However, he holds multiple training certifications — and has done more than his share of work with such dogs.
Severely Neglected Dogs — An Unfortunately All Too Common Problem
Both Crampton and Frost agree that pronounced neglect is a pervasive problem that can affect canine lives in countless ways.
“On an average weekly basis here at DDB, we receive anywhere from 50-70 e-mails and calls regarding animals suffering this degree of neglect,” notes Crampton. “The number tends to increase if there’s a natural disaster, or a dog fighting ring that’s abruptly shut down.”
Frost has witnessed something similar. “In the shelter setting, I’ve encountered many animals with a confirmed history of neglectful mistreatment,” he says. “One of the most common forms we actually see involves lack of proper socialization from a young age.”
Frost explains that this can stem from persistent disregard for an animal’s emotions, and/or chronic exposure to overwhelming stressors during early development. Sadly, he notes, mistreatment in any form often renders the same result: an adult dog who struggles to co-exist in a home environment.
Transforming the Lives of Abused Dogs
On a positive note, some dogs have truly incredible turnarounds. Photography ©carlonico | Thinkstock.
On the upside, however, both Crampton and Frost have helped to facilitate some fairly remarkable transformations. “Time and again at DDB, we’ve worked with dogs who have been chained with total disregard for their needs,” says Crampton. “Some literally panic when they first encounter any type of open space,” she says. This is one reason why the DDB facility is laid out like an actual house.
“Much of our early work often involves simple home-training,” says Crampton. “Over weeks, sometimes months, we get these dogs used to stairs. We help them feel comfortable in large rooms. We help them overcome fear of everyday noises most people take for granted, such as home appliances. We crate-train them, so they learn that smaller spaces can represent safety and security.”
Highly anxious dogs often get paired with other canines to help build their confidence. Once they become sufficiently comfortable, Crampton says they’re allowed to go on their very first “Freedom Run” in the fenced open yard. She describes each dog’s unrestrained joy as something incredible to behold.
Success Stories
Crampton recalls Elvi, the lone survivor of a residence where 21 dead canines were found in cages amidst dog fighting paraphernalia. Elvi had not necessarily been involved in the fighting, but was nonetheless petrified of everything.
Re-socialization initially involved giving Elvi her own separate room to decompress; then a secure open crate as her “safe area.” Volunteers spent weeks sitting quietly in Elvi’s presence, waiting for her to make the first move. “This little 35-pound girl would eventually come up, sniff your face, then mold herself perfectly into your lap,” recalls Crampton.
As Elvi gradually grew more settled with daily human contact, her caregivers tried introducing another dog. Pittie mix Turbo had been kept on the end of a short chain day and night, for nearly five years. But Elvi’s increasing confidence began rubbing off on Turbo. He progressively “learned” to play in her presence; while Elvi emerged even further from her own shell.
Next, Elvi met the highly anxious Ollie. Initially, Ollie completely ignored Elvi. But she began nurturing him — offering kisses, coaxing him to romp around. “They steadily became best friends,” says Crampton. “All the while, we watched Elvi blossom into a very special dog who went on to help reassure and heal other dogs.”
Frost remembers Kobe, a middle-aged Toy Poodle mix who came to a shelter with clear signs of neglect: horribly matted fur, plus severe ocular issues that wound up requiring daily eye drops. “Unfortunately, this little 20-pound dog quickly became aggressive in response to his medication,” recounts Frost. “His reaction was so pronounced that we became quite concerned about his adoptability and quality of life.”
In cooperation with a caring foster family, Frost taught Kobe to be an active, willing participant in his own daily care. “Over time, we used positive reinforcement that gradually trained Kobe to rest his chin on our knee in preparation for his eye drops,” explains Frost. “Whenever Kobe decided to lift his chin, the training session stopped. We were reassuring him that if he felt uncomfortable, he didn’t need to resort to violence. He could simply get up and walk away.” The eventual result? Kobe’s foster mom was so impressed with his progress that she adopted him herself.
Thinking of Adopting a Dog Who Previously Experienced Neglect or Cruelty? Great! But Keep This in Mind.
Here’s what you need to know about adopting a dog who previously experienced any sort of abuse. Photography ©AwaylGl | Thinkstock.
What’s the best way to determine if a dog you’re planning to adopt has required specialized socialization or behavioral intervention to become “adoption-ready?” First and foremost, ask. Shelters sometimes provide this insight on certain dogs. Second, remember that many of these animals are well worth considering. “One thing that makes dogs such wonderful companions is their resilience,” emphasizes Frost. “With the right care and socialization, they can absolutely thrive in a loving, caring home that provides for their needs.”
As an adoptive pet parent, proper preparation should include connecting with a qualified trainer or behaviorist. These professionals can help you learn to consider things from the dog’s perspective. “Initially, many of these pets may need extra time to decompress, adapt and learn about the adopter’s lifestyle,” observes Crampton. “If they seem to need space, let them observe from the sidelines.”
Both Crampton and Frost also emphasize that structure and direction are key. “It’s important, yet sometimes very hard, for adopters to understand that they should not overly coddle this type of canine,” Crampton explains. She notes that sympathetic humans will sometimes repeatedly indulge unwanted behaviors; unintentionally leading the dog to perceive himself as ruling the roost. Learning positive behavioral strategies from a skilled trainer can help your new pet understand his role from the outset.
“Socialization strategies based on positive reinforcement can help even severely neglected animals,” asserts Frost. “I’ve seen these canines go from being perceived as an unwanted nuisance to the treasure of an entire family.” Crampton adds that she also enjoys “watching adopters change their way of thinking, learning ways to do right by a canine who deserves a second chance.”
Viewed from these specialized perspectives, focused socialization can give many homeless canines the caring structure and guidance they need to become cherished lifetime companions.
Tell us: Did any of your dogs come from situations where they experienced neglect, cruelty or abuse? What are their stories? How did you socialize a previously mistreated dog?
Read more about dog adoption on Dogster.com:
What Inspired One Woman to Adopt an ‘Unadoptable’ Senior Dog
Pre-Adoption Checklist: Are You Really Ready to Adopt a Dog?
‘Finding Shelter’ Examines the Tough Work of Animal Shelter Volunteers
The post Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable appeared first on Dogster.
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daddyslittlejuliet · 7 years
Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable
Pet lovers everywhere would likely agree: Any innocent creature who’s endured difficult circumstances deserves a beautiful life. Sadly, thousands of today’s shelter and rescue pets have experienced some pretty painful situations. Severely neglected dogs or mistreated dogs may have suffered any number of abuses: constant physical restraint or confinement; lack of appropriate nourishment; endless environmental stressors; even outright physical punishment.
Each individual canine may weather the storm a bit differently. Some, unfortunately, learn to fear and/or avoid social contact. Such dogs may become mistrustful, nervous or withdrawn. Some may growl or snap at the slightest provocation; urinate or defecate in terror; even retreat into the shadows.
Potential adopters may not always realize what a given pet has endured — all they see is an adorable face and a tentatively wagging tail. This could be because that particular pooch has benefitted from specialized socialization training, or behavioral intervention. Sometimes, quite a bit takes place behind the scenes to give a deserving dog a second chance at a normal life.
The humans involved in these focused efforts often represent a diverse range of organizations. What they share is a strong, abiding love for canines; combined with a desire to help educate and support responsible pet parents. We asked two of these experts to share a few firsthand observations. Their insights lend a whole new meaning to the term “rescued.”
Meet the Experts Who Work with Neglected or Mistreated Dogs
It takes a team of professionals to ensure that neglected dogs are ready to be adopted. Photography ©gaikphotos | Thinkstock.
Melissa Crampton is canine manager at Dogs Deserve Better (DDB), a 501©(3) nonprofit organization that helps rehabilitate and socialize severely neglected dogs. Founded in 2002, DDB places special emphasis on those canines who have been persistently chained or penned – largely deprived of regular human companionship.
Crampton explains that specially trained personnel work with most of these canines at DDB headquarters in Smithfield, Virginia. “Our current property was purchased in 2011,” notes Crampton. “It was once the home of Bad Newz Kennels, the dog fighting compound owned by Michael Vick.” DDB’s ongoing labor of love has essentially transformed a place of traumatic despair into the Good Newz Rehabilitation Center.
Steve Frost, KPA CTP, is director of in-home training at A Sound Beginning. He also serves as animal enrichment and behavior manager for Anderson Animal Shelter in South Elgin, Illinois. Frost doesn’t exclusively focus on pets with a background of abuse, neglect or mistreatment. However, he holds multiple training certifications — and has done more than his share of work with such dogs.
Severely Neglected Dogs — An Unfortunately All Too Common Problem
Both Crampton and Frost agree that pronounced neglect is a pervasive problem that can affect canine lives in countless ways.
“On an average weekly basis here at DDB, we receive anywhere from 50-70 e-mails and calls regarding animals suffering this degree of neglect,” notes Crampton. “The number tends to increase if there’s a natural disaster, or a dog fighting ring that’s abruptly shut down.”
Frost has witnessed something similar. “In the shelter setting, I’ve encountered many animals with a confirmed history of neglectful mistreatment,” he says. “One of the most common forms we actually see involves lack of proper socialization from a young age.”
Frost explains that this can stem from persistent disregard for an animal’s emotions, and/or chronic exposure to overwhelming stressors during early development. Sadly, he notes, mistreatment in any form often renders the same result: an adult dog who struggles to co-exist in a home environment.
Transforming the Lives of Abused Dogs
On a positive note, some dogs have truly incredible turnarounds. Photography ©carlonico | Thinkstock.
On the upside, however, both Crampton and Frost have helped to facilitate some fairly remarkable transformations. “Time and again at DDB, we’ve worked with dogs who have been chained with total disregard for their needs,” says Crampton. “Some literally panic when they first encounter any type of open space,” she says. This is one reason why the DDB facility is laid out like an actual house.
“Much of our early work often involves simple home-training,” says Crampton. “Over weeks, sometimes months, we get these dogs used to stairs. We help them feel comfortable in large rooms. We help them overcome fear of everyday noises most people take for granted, such as home appliances. We crate-train them, so they learn that smaller spaces can represent safety and security.”
Highly anxious dogs often get paired with other canines to help build their confidence. Once they become sufficiently comfortable, Crampton says they’re allowed to go on their very first “Freedom Run” in the fenced open yard. She describes each dog’s unrestrained joy as something incredible to behold.
Success Stories
Crampton recalls Elvi, the lone survivor of a residence where 21 dead canines were found in cages amidst dog fighting paraphernalia. Elvi had not necessarily been involved in the fighting, but was nonetheless petrified of everything.
Re-socialization initially involved giving Elvi her own separate room to decompress; then a secure open crate as her “safe area.” Volunteers spent weeks sitting quietly in Elvi’s presence, waiting for her to make the first move. “This little 35-pound girl would eventually come up, sniff your face, then mold herself perfectly into your lap,” recalls Crampton.
As Elvi gradually grew more settled with daily human contact, her caregivers tried introducing another dog. Pittie mix Turbo had been kept on the end of a short chain day and night, for nearly five years. But Elvi’s increasing confidence began rubbing off on Turbo. He progressively “learned” to play in her presence; while Elvi emerged even further from her own shell.
Next, Elvi met the highly anxious Ollie. Initially, Ollie completely ignored Elvi. But she began nurturing him — offering kisses, coaxing him to romp around. “They steadily became best friends,” says Crampton. “All the while, we watched Elvi blossom into a very special dog who went on to help reassure and heal other dogs.”
Frost remembers Kobe, a middle-aged Toy Poodle mix who came to a shelter with clear signs of neglect: horribly matted fur, plus severe ocular issues that wound up requiring daily eye drops. “Unfortunately, this little 20-pound dog quickly became aggressive in response to his medication,” recounts Frost. “His reaction was so pronounced that we became quite concerned about his adoptability and quality of life.”
In cooperation with a caring foster family, Frost taught Kobe to be an active, willing participant in his own daily care. “Over time, we used positive reinforcement that gradually trained Kobe to rest his chin on our knee in preparation for his eye drops,” explains Frost. “Whenever Kobe decided to lift his chin, the training session stopped. We were reassuring him that if he felt uncomfortable, he didn’t need to resort to violence. He could simply get up and walk away.” The eventual result? Kobe’s foster mom was so impressed with his progress that she adopted him herself.
Thinking of Adopting a Dog Who Previously Experienced Neglect or Cruelty? Great! But Keep This in Mind.
Here’s what you need to know about adopting a dog who previously experienced any sort of abuse. Photography ©AwaylGl | Thinkstock.
What’s the best way to determine if a dog you’re planning to adopt has required specialized socialization or behavioral intervention to become “adoption-ready?” First and foremost, ask. Shelters sometimes provide this insight on certain dogs. Second, remember that many of these animals are well worth considering. “One thing that makes dogs such wonderful companions is their resilience,” emphasizes Frost. “With the right care and socialization, they can absolutely thrive in a loving, caring home that provides for their needs.”
As an adoptive pet parent, proper preparation should include connecting with a qualified trainer or behaviorist. These professionals can help you learn to consider things from the dog’s perspective. “Initially, many of these pets may need extra time to decompress, adapt and learn about the adopter’s lifestyle,” observes Crampton. “If they seem to need space, let them observe from the sidelines.”
Both Crampton and Frost also emphasize that structure and direction are key. “It’s important, yet sometimes very hard, for adopters to understand that they should not overly coddle this type of canine,” Crampton explains. She notes that sympathetic humans will sometimes repeatedly indulge unwanted behaviors; unintentionally leading the dog to perceive himself as ruling the roost. Learning positive behavioral strategies from a skilled trainer can help your new pet understand his role from the outset.
“Socialization strategies based on positive reinforcement can help even severely neglected animals,” asserts Frost. “I’ve seen these canines go from being perceived as an unwanted nuisance to the treasure of an entire family.” Crampton adds that she also enjoys “watching adopters change their way of thinking, learning ways to do right by a canine who deserves a second chance.”
Viewed from these specialized perspectives, focused socialization can give many homeless canines the caring structure and guidance they need to become cherished lifetime companions.
Tell us: Did any of your dogs come from situations where they experienced neglect, cruelty or abuse? What are their stories? How did you socialize a previously mistreated dog?
Read more about dog adoption on Dogster.com:
What Inspired One Woman to Adopt an ‘Unadoptable’ Senior Dog
Pre-Adoption Checklist: Are You Really Ready to Adopt a Dog?
‘Finding Shelter’ Examines the Tough Work of Animal Shelter Volunteers
The post Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable appeared first on Dogster.
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stiles-wtf · 7 years
Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable
Pet lovers everywhere would likely agree: Any innocent creature who’s endured difficult circumstances deserves a beautiful life. Sadly, thousands of today’s shelter and rescue pets have experienced some pretty painful situations. Severely neglected dogs or mistreated dogs may have suffered any number of abuses: constant physical restraint or confinement; lack of appropriate nourishment; endless environmental stressors; even outright physical punishment.
Each individual canine may weather the storm a bit differently. Some, unfortunately, learn to fear and/or avoid social contact. Such dogs may become mistrustful, nervous or withdrawn. Some may growl or snap at the slightest provocation; urinate or defecate in terror; even retreat into the shadows.
Potential adopters may not always realize what a given pet has endured — all they see is an adorable face and a tentatively wagging tail. This could be because that particular pooch has benefitted from specialized socialization training, or behavioral intervention. Sometimes, quite a bit takes place behind the scenes to give a deserving dog a second chance at a normal life.
The humans involved in these focused efforts often represent a diverse range of organizations. What they share is a strong, abiding love for canines; combined with a desire to help educate and support responsible pet parents. We asked two of these experts to share a few firsthand observations. Their insights lend a whole new meaning to the term “rescued.”
Meet the Experts Who Work with Neglected or Mistreated Dogs
It takes a team of professionals to ensure that neglected dogs are ready to be adopted. Photography ©gaikphotos | Thinkstock.
Melissa Crampton is canine manager at Dogs Deserve Better (DDB), a 501©(3) nonprofit organization that helps rehabilitate and socialize severely neglected dogs. Founded in 2002, DDB places special emphasis on those canines who have been persistently chained or penned – largely deprived of regular human companionship.
Crampton explains that specially trained personnel work with most of these canines at DDB headquarters in Smithfield, Virginia. “Our current property was purchased in 2011,” notes Crampton. “It was once the home of Bad Newz Kennels, the dog fighting compound owned by Michael Vick.” DDB’s ongoing labor of love has essentially transformed a place of traumatic despair into the Good Newz Rehabilitation Center.
Steve Frost, KPA CTP, is director of in-home training at A Sound Beginning. He also serves as animal enrichment and behavior manager for Anderson Animal Shelter in South Elgin, Illinois. Frost doesn’t exclusively focus on pets with a background of abuse, neglect or mistreatment. However, he holds multiple training certifications — and has done more than his share of work with such dogs.
Severely Neglected Dogs — An Unfortunately All Too Common Problem
Both Crampton and Frost agree that pronounced neglect is a pervasive problem that can affect canine lives in countless ways.
“On an average weekly basis here at DDB, we receive anywhere from 50-70 e-mails and calls regarding animals suffering this degree of neglect,” notes Crampton. “The number tends to increase if there’s a natural disaster, or a dog fighting ring that’s abruptly shut down.”
Frost has witnessed something similar. “In the shelter setting, I’ve encountered many animals with a confirmed history of neglectful mistreatment,” he says. “One of the most common forms we actually see involves lack of proper socialization from a young age.”
Frost explains that this can stem from persistent disregard for an animal’s emotions, and/or chronic exposure to overwhelming stressors during early development. Sadly, he notes, mistreatment in any form often renders the same result: an adult dog who struggles to co-exist in a home environment.
Transforming the Lives of Abused Dogs
On a positive note, some dogs have truly incredible turnarounds. Photography ©carlonico | Thinkstock.
On the upside, however, both Crampton and Frost have helped to facilitate some fairly remarkable transformations. “Time and again at DDB, we’ve worked with dogs who have been chained with total disregard for their needs,” says Crampton. “Some literally panic when they first encounter any type of open space,” she says. This is one reason why the DDB facility is laid out like an actual house.
“Much of our early work often involves simple home-training,” says Crampton. “Over weeks, sometimes months, we get these dogs used to stairs. We help them feel comfortable in large rooms. We help them overcome fear of everyday noises most people take for granted, such as home appliances. We crate-train them, so they learn that smaller spaces can represent safety and security.”
Highly anxious dogs often get paired with other canines to help build their confidence. Once they become sufficiently comfortable, Crampton says they’re allowed to go on their very first “Freedom Run” in the fenced open yard. She describes each dog’s unrestrained joy as something incredible to behold.
Success Stories
Crampton recalls Elvi, the lone survivor of a residence where 21 dead canines were found in cages amidst dog fighting paraphernalia. Elvi had not necessarily been involved in the fighting, but was nonetheless petrified of everything.
Re-socialization initially involved giving Elvi her own separate room to decompress; then a secure open crate as her “safe area.” Volunteers spent weeks sitting quietly in Elvi’s presence, waiting for her to make the first move. “This little 35-pound girl would eventually come up, sniff your face, then mold herself perfectly into your lap,” recalls Crampton.
As Elvi gradually grew more settled with daily human contact, her caregivers tried introducing another dog. Pittie mix Turbo had been kept on the end of a short chain day and night, for nearly five years. But Elvi’s increasing confidence began rubbing off on Turbo. He progressively “learned” to play in her presence; while Elvi emerged even further from her own shell.
Next, Elvi met the highly anxious Ollie. Initially, Ollie completely ignored Elvi. But she began nurturing him — offering kisses, coaxing him to romp around. “They steadily became best friends,” says Crampton. “All the while, we watched Elvi blossom into a very special dog who went on to help reassure and heal other dogs.”
Frost remembers Kobe, a middle-aged Toy Poodle mix who came to a shelter with clear signs of neglect: horribly matted fur, plus severe ocular issues that wound up requiring daily eye drops. “Unfortunately, this little 20-pound dog quickly became aggressive in response to his medication,” recounts Frost. “His reaction was so pronounced that we became quite concerned about his adoptability and quality of life.”
In cooperation with a caring foster family, Frost taught Kobe to be an active, willing participant in his own daily care. “Over time, we used positive reinforcement that gradually trained Kobe to rest his chin on our knee in preparation for his eye drops,” explains Frost. “Whenever Kobe decided to lift his chin, the training session stopped. We were reassuring him that if he felt uncomfortable, he didn’t need to resort to violence. He could simply get up and walk away.” The eventual result? Kobe’s foster mom was so impressed with his progress that she adopted him herself.
Thinking of Adopting a Dog Who Previously Experienced Neglect or Cruelty? Great! But Keep This in Mind.
Here’s what you need to know about adopting a dog who previously experienced any sort of abuse. Photography ©AwaylGl | Thinkstock.
What’s the best way to determine if a dog you’re planning to adopt has required specialized socialization or behavioral intervention to become “adoption-ready?” First and foremost, ask. Shelters sometimes provide this insight on certain dogs. Second, remember that many of these animals are well worth considering. “One thing that makes dogs such wonderful companions is their resilience,” emphasizes Frost. “With the right care and socialization, they can absolutely thrive in a loving, caring home that provides for their needs.”
As an adoptive pet parent, proper preparation should include connecting with a qualified trainer or behaviorist. These professionals can help you learn to consider things from the dog’s perspective. “Initially, many of these pets may need extra time to decompress, adapt and learn about the adopter’s lifestyle,” observes Crampton. “If they seem to need space, let them observe from the sidelines.”
Both Crampton and Frost also emphasize that structure and direction are key. “It’s important, yet sometimes very hard, for adopters to understand that they should not overly coddle this type of canine,” Crampton explains. She notes that sympathetic humans will sometimes repeatedly indulge unwanted behaviors; unintentionally leading the dog to perceive himself as ruling the roost. Learning positive behavioral strategies from a skilled trainer can help your new pet understand his role from the outset.
“Socialization strategies based on positive reinforcement can help even severely neglected animals,” asserts Frost. “I’ve seen these canines go from being perceived as an unwanted nuisance to the treasure of an entire family.” Crampton adds that she also enjoys “watching adopters change their way of thinking, learning ways to do right by a canine who deserves a second chance.”
Viewed from these specialized perspectives, focused socialization can give many homeless canines the caring structure and guidance they need to become cherished lifetime companions.
Tell us: Did any of your dogs come from situations where they experienced neglect, cruelty or abuse? What are their stories? How did you socialize a previously mistreated dog?
Read more about dog adoption on Dogster.com:
What Inspired One Woman to Adopt an ‘Unadoptable’ Senior Dog
Pre-Adoption Checklist: Are You Really Ready to Adopt a Dog?
‘Finding Shelter’ Examines the Tough Work of Animal Shelter Volunteers
The post Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable appeared first on Dogster.
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grublypetcare · 7 years
Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable
Pet lovers everywhere would likely agree: Any innocent creature who’s endured difficult circumstances deserves a beautiful life. Sadly, thousands of today’s shelter and rescue pets have experienced some pretty painful situations. Severely neglected dogs or mistreated dogs may have suffered any number of abuses: constant physical restraint or confinement; lack of appropriate nourishment; endless environmental stressors; even outright physical punishment.
Each individual canine may weather the storm a bit differently. Some, unfortunately, learn to fear and/or avoid social contact. Such dogs may become mistrustful, nervous or withdrawn. Some may growl or snap at the slightest provocation; urinate or defecate in terror; even retreat into the shadows.
Potential adopters may not always realize what a given pet has endured — all they see is an adorable face and a tentatively wagging tail. This could be because that particular pooch has benefitted from specialized socialization training, or behavioral intervention. Sometimes, quite a bit takes place behind the scenes to give a deserving dog a second chance at a normal life.
The humans involved in these focused efforts often represent a diverse range of organizations. What they share is a strong, abiding love for canines; combined with a desire to help educate and support responsible pet parents. We asked two of these experts to share a few firsthand observations. Their insights lend a whole new meaning to the term “rescued.”
Meet the Experts Who Work with Neglected or Mistreated Dogs
It takes a team of professionals to ensure that neglected dogs are ready to be adopted. Photography ©gaikphotos | Thinkstock.
Melissa Crampton is canine manager at Dogs Deserve Better (DDB), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps rehabilitate and socialize severely neglected dogs. Founded in 2002, DDB places special emphasis on those canines who have been persistently chained or penned – largely deprived of regular human companionship.
Crampton explains that specially trained personnel work with most of these canines at DDB headquarters in Smithfield, Virginia. “Our current property was purchased in 2011,” notes Crampton. “It was once the home of Bad Newz Kennels, the dog fighting compound owned by Michael Vick.” DDB’s ongoing labor of love has essentially transformed a place of traumatic despair into the Good Newz Rehabilitation Center.
Steve Frost, KPA CTP, is director of in-home training at A Sound Beginning. He also serves as animal enrichment and behavior manager for Anderson Animal Shelter in South Elgin, Illinois. Frost doesn’t exclusively focus on pets with a background of abuse, neglect or mistreatment. However, he holds multiple training certifications — and has done more than his share of work with such dogs.
Severely Neglected Dogs — An Unfortunately All Too Common Problem
Both Crampton and Frost agree that pronounced neglect is a pervasive problem that can affect canine lives in countless ways.
“On an average weekly basis here at DDB, we receive anywhere from 50-70 e-mails and calls regarding animals suffering this degree of neglect,” notes Crampton. “The number tends to increase if there’s a natural disaster, or a dog fighting ring that’s abruptly shut down.”
Frost has witnessed something similar. “In the shelter setting, I’ve encountered many animals with a confirmed history of neglectful mistreatment,” he says. “One of the most common forms we actually see involves lack of proper socialization from a young age.”
Frost explains that this can stem from persistent disregard for an animal’s emotions, and/or chronic exposure to overwhelming stressors during early development. Sadly, he notes, mistreatment in any form often renders the same result: an adult dog who struggles to co-exist in a home environment.
Transforming the Lives of Abused Dogs
On a positive note, some dogs have truly incredible turnarounds. Photography ©carlonico | Thinkstock.
On the upside, however, both Crampton and Frost have helped to facilitate some fairly remarkable transformations. “Time and again at DDB, we’ve worked with dogs who have been chained with total disregard for their needs,” says Crampton. “Some literally panic when they first encounter any type of open space,” she says. This is one reason why the DDB facility is laid out like an actual house.
“Much of our early work often involves simple home-training,” says Crampton. “Over weeks, sometimes months, we get these dogs used to stairs. We help them feel comfortable in large rooms. We help them overcome fear of everyday noises most people take for granted, such as home appliances. We crate-train them, so they learn that smaller spaces can represent safety and security.”
Highly anxious dogs often get paired with other canines to help build their confidence. Once they become sufficiently comfortable, Crampton says they’re allowed to go on their very first “Freedom Run” in the fenced open yard. She describes each dog’s unrestrained joy as something incredible to behold.
Success Stories
Crampton recalls Elvi, the lone survivor of a residence where 21 dead canines were found in cages amidst dog fighting paraphernalia. Elvi had not necessarily been involved in the fighting, but was nonetheless petrified of everything.
Re-socialization initially involved giving Elvi her own separate room to decompress; then a secure open crate as her “safe area.” Volunteers spent weeks sitting quietly in Elvi’s presence, waiting for her to make the first move. “This little 35-pound girl would eventually come up, sniff your face, then mold herself perfectly into your lap,” recalls Crampton.
As Elvi gradually grew more settled with daily human contact, her caregivers tried introducing another dog. Pittie mix Turbo had been kept on the end of a short chain day and night, for nearly five years. But Elvi’s increasing confidence began rubbing off on Turbo. He progressively “learned” to play in her presence; while Elvi emerged even further from her own shell.
Next, Elvi met the highly anxious Ollie. Initially, Ollie completely ignored Elvi. But she began nurturing him — offering kisses, coaxing him to romp around. “They steadily became best friends,” says Crampton. “All the while, we watched Elvi blossom into a very special dog who went on to help reassure and heal other dogs.”
Frost remembers Kobe, a middle-aged Toy Poodle mix who came to a shelter with clear signs of neglect: horribly matted fur, plus severe ocular issues that wound up requiring daily eye drops. “Unfortunately, this little 20-pound dog quickly became aggressive in response to his medication,” recounts Frost. “His reaction was so pronounced that we became quite concerned about his adoptability and quality of life.”
In cooperation with a caring foster family, Frost taught Kobe to be an active, willing participant in his own daily care. “Over time, we used positive reinforcement that gradually trained Kobe to rest his chin on our knee in preparation for his eye drops,” explains Frost. “Whenever Kobe decided to lift his chin, the training session stopped. We were reassuring him that if he felt uncomfortable, he didn’t need to resort to violence. He could simply get up and walk away.” The eventual result? Kobe’s foster mom was so impressed with his progress that she adopted him herself.
Thinking of Adopting a Dog Who Previously Experienced Neglect or Cruelty? Great! But Keep This in Mind.
Here’s what you need to know about adopting a dog who previously experienced any sort of abuse. Photography ©AwaylGl | Thinkstock.
What’s the best way to determine if a dog you’re planning to adopt has required specialized socialization or behavioral intervention to become “adoption-ready?” First and foremost, ask. Shelters sometimes provide this insight on certain dogs. Second, remember that many of these animals are well worth considering. “One thing that makes dogs such wonderful companions is their resilience,” emphasizes Frost. “With the right care and socialization, they can absolutely thrive in a loving, caring home that provides for their needs.”
As an adoptive pet parent, proper preparation should include connecting with a qualified trainer or behaviorist. These professionals can help you learn to consider things from the dog’s perspective. “Initially, many of these pets may need extra time to decompress, adapt and learn about the adopter’s lifestyle,” observes Crampton. “If they seem to need space, let them observe from the sidelines.”
Both Crampton and Frost also emphasize that structure and direction are key. “It’s important, yet sometimes very hard, for adopters to understand that they should not overly coddle this type of canine,” Crampton explains. She notes that sympathetic humans will sometimes repeatedly indulge unwanted behaviors; unintentionally leading the dog to perceive himself as ruling the roost. Learning positive behavioral strategies from a skilled trainer can help your new pet understand his role from the outset.
“Socialization strategies based on positive reinforcement can help even severely neglected animals,” asserts Frost. “I’ve seen these canines go from being perceived as an unwanted nuisance to the treasure of an entire family.” Crampton adds that she also enjoys “watching adopters change their way of thinking, learning ways to do right by a canine who deserves a second chance.”
Viewed from these specialized perspectives, focused socialization can give many homeless canines the caring structure and guidance they need to become cherished lifetime companions.
Tell us: Did any of your dogs come from situations where they experienced neglect, cruelty or abuse? What are their stories? How did you socialize a previously mistreated dog?
Read more about dog adoption on Dogster.com:
What Inspired One Woman to Adopt an ‘Unadoptable’ Senior Dog
Pre-Adoption Checklist: Are You Really Ready to Adopt a Dog?
‘Finding Shelter’ Examines the Tough Work of Animal Shelter Volunteers
The post Socializing Neglected Dogs: What Goes on Behind the Scenes to Make a Mistreated Dog Adoptable appeared first on Dogster.
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