#Whiny NIMBY cunts making things worse
This goes out to whoever decided our inner-city industrial architecture looked better with black rectangles than ever-changing bright colours:
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1: You're objectively wrong
2: Specifically, the fruits of your labour look like shit and I hope you're alienated from them
3. It is an isolated TUNNEL with CORNERS that people TRAVEL THROUGH AT NIGHT why are you making it DARKER? Are you part of the Muggers' Trade Union?
4: You're also tagging. It's just that your tag is a black rectangle. Which is ugly and stupid.
5. Your actions are bad and you should feel bad
As a palate-cleanser, here's one under Spaghetti Junction. More than one artist has used the tunnel skylight to place their manifesto; this is just the most recent. The picture doesn't really capture it well; it's a long and dark tunnel with one sudden square of light that grabs your attention.
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