#Will Domon sing America The Beautiful? Press X for Doubt
fighting-these-demons Β· 1 month
Alright to Spare OP of the Clown Motel Post
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a Horror Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
It is based on the idea in the post that is linked above.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Also the majority of the brainstorming is happening in the replies if you're so inclined.
So I have 4 possibly 5 ideas so far:
1) Middle of Nowhere Nevada or Alabama or Nebraska outside the Gundam Fight Zone - No Gundams To Save You Now Boys
2) This is Post-Divorce for Domon and mere months before the next Gundam Fight.
3) Domon and Chibodee were exhausted and possibly close to a confession before the terrifying clown music kicks in.
4) Only One Bed - Used for Commedic and also Horrific Effect when SEVERAL Clowns pop out of said bed (it was not immediately visible that they were there.)
Is it a trap door to the underground lab they're being produced in? Did the guys not notice a misshapen pile?
I can't decide if the clowns are Ghosts, Aliens (Like IT), or DG related somehow. Like someone got ahold of some samples and are using then for nefarious purposes -namely to build an army of deadly mindless clowns operated via mind control that have gone rogue somehow.
I will say I didn't initially picture Kyoji having anything to do with this but he is my favorite darling meow meow and thus I'm happy to incorporate him into any G Gundam thing I do.
5?) Maybe Kyoji is along for the ride trying to help them research whats going on? Maybe they get separated when Kyoji is dragged off
Or a noise startles Chibodee and he bolts with Domon hot on his heels trying to stay together but they didn't notice Kyoji was trying to read something on the counter and when he looks up he's alone like "You've gotta be fucking kidding me"?
Tagging mutuals I was brainstorming with already that may want to write something with this:
@thedragonchilde @amplexadversary
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