#Will probably watch Zam live bcs.
Oh no I forgor 💀 to check the announcements when they were happening but OMG LOOK AT THESE TEAMS!!!
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ZAM AND FULHAM!? GRAECIE AND ZAM AND FULHAM?! SWAGDOONS BLOCKWARS AGAIN?! Blockwars is catering to me specifically at this point and I'm thanking them for it <3
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shierak-inavva · 4 years
please ma'am i would like to know more about this 'obi wan gets sent to protect padme' au pls 👀
ok so like, i’ve talked about this on twitter and i am gonna bring it here:
basically, my biggest gripe with the AOTC plot is why in the heck did a PADAWAN get sent on a high profile mission like protecting former queen and senator from naboo Padmé Amidala? even palpatine, at the beginning of the movie, mentions ‘master kenobi’ by name as a suggestion for a guard for padmé (and yes we know why, but still) so i went ahead and imagined a ‘what if’ for obi-wan getting sent instead of anakin—since on top of being a ‘familiar’ face that padmé AND her handmaidens trust and who already is a known name on naboo, obi-wan also already has bodyguarding experience under his belt.
now, factoring in that anakin stays at the temple for a bit and obi-wan DOES get like 3 days of vacation for the first time in....his life....then he gets a few days of just actually RESTING--in varykino, of all places, and with padme, who would literally let him rest anyway. so obi-wan gets a mini vacay. he gets to relax in one of the most beautiful places in the galaxy and padmé does, too--they talk about the battle of theed, about the senate, the jedi, about qui-gon, and for a little while obi-wan and padmé both get to just...breathe, and be...people. which is nice, and which tbqfh they both deserve.
there might not be a floating pear at dinner but there would be padmé watching him go through lightsaber forms in the early morning sun (either shirtless or yknow in some light clothes because fuck you i said so)
there's no balcony kiss, but there are some very lingering glances and smiles when the other isn't looking and some 'accidental' hand brushing...because they would ABSOLUTELY be slow-burn. obi-wan and padmé are both adults at this point, and both of them have obligations, obi-wan even moreso. but he's already known what attraction (physical and emotional) is like, what romantic emotions are like--he's not incapable of these things, he’s just reserved about them because he understands them, but his jedi teachings dictate restraint, and release. satine was still a figure in his life--he just made a choice, in the end, and do i think he regrets it? i think here and there he thinks about it, but i don’t think he fully feels regret over it by the time AOTC takes place. i think that comes later, when he sees her again during the clone wars.
now on naboo with padmé, he's faced with the same sort of emotions blooming up, and he would for sure think to himself about the choice with satine, about the jedi order, and about the repercussions there. so he might let himself get a little closer than he ought to, but ultimately nothing really WILD AND OVERT would come of it in AOTC, even if they'd been alone on naboo. there would be some very close calls, i think, for sure, but both of them are very good at keeping themselves guarded and very good at abstaining when necessary. again, these are two grown adults that have lived both of their lives with expectations weighing on them, and a certain behavior and standard expected of them. they aren’t two horny teenagers with nothing to lose and obi-wan would 100% respect padmé’s boundaries without hesitation while she would offer him the same respect, if maybe not so staunchly. padmé is for sure more flexible with her boundaries, but pair the two of them together flirting....i mean that’s a dangerous amount of chemistry right off the bat 👀
meanwhile anakin would be on coruscant and FRUSTRATED. not because he didn't get the assignment, though that would be part of it--the responsibility aspect—no, because they chose someone else to go protect padmé instead of him. hell, they could have sent mace windu and he'd still be frustrated and jealous as all fuck. but he still does as he's told. he just...looks into the dart. checks in more on the bounty hunter aspect of things because he’s SURE that’s a good lead after the zam situation. he's determined to prove himself, and if he can figure out who's trying to hurt padmé then she'll be impressed too, of course. and he wants that. a lot. obi-wan might have been sent to naboo but at this point anakin:
> is still VERY infatuated with padmé
> does not know about obi-wan’s romantic history and likely would assume he’s just boring her to death/that nothing would happen anyways
but instead of just consulting the council or the archives, anakin goes to palpatine.
palpatine offers NO help with the bounty hunter stuff.
but he DOES sow more seeds of jealousy in anakin's horny teen brain, and in the end anakin ends up jetting off of coruscant on his own. the movies just downplayed the everloving heck out of this but you KNOW palps was in anakin’s ear CONSTANTLY about obi-wan and padmé, stirring the pot.
now, anakin doesn't have the contacts that obi-wan does, but he's determined. i'm thinking he probably susses a few things out about the dart via the force; possibly with help from another master. kit? someone would help him focus if he asked. likely kit, or ki-adi, or plo, imo—he gets enough to at least send him looking for a bounty hunter and possibly towards kamino--but then the stuff with his mother comes up.
and he ends up on tattooine, with the lars family.
and shortly after the Sand People Incident™ is when he gets in contact with obi-wan--and padmé insists on seeing what's going on because she senses something is wrong and obi-wan agrees. (you can pry force sensitive!padmé from my cold dead hands) so anakin meets them at the lars homestead, tells them about his visions with the dart, about the bounty hunter and the feelings he got
and what better place than mos eisley to look for someone Seedy?
mos eisley has them run right into jango.
jango leads them to geonosis.
geonosis gets them all caught.
padmé is the one who sends a message to the jedi council about the geonosians and jango fett before she gets captured too--because you know they told her to stay with the ship while they investigate but then they took too long and she was like 'oh boy i better call the cops'.
the arena plays out like it did in AOTC, minus the secret kiss & love declaration. there’s a lot of ‘how did we get into this mess’ and ‘well you two took too long’ and ‘i told you i should have come in as a senator first’ and anakin trying to be very convincingly brave about ‘i’ll get us out of this’ which is aimed directly at padmé. honestly the rest of the movie would be VERY similar; i think whoever assisted anakin with the dart would wind up on kamino when anakin went to tattooine, and from there things progressed with the clones and the army gets to the republic.
but there's no clandestine wedding.
anakin returns to coruscant with the other masters, commended for his work helping the senator and with the dart. obi-wan and padmé likely have a small 'meeting' scene where she thanks him and he tells her he barely did anything—but there's some hand-touching, and some very meaningful looks, and they do kiss, just once. it's soft and quiet and not under the pressure of possibly dying or anything rushed by adrenaline or hormones, it's just a gentle kiss between two people who've had this building up for weeks; and in the end neither one of them apologize, but there's A LOT of body language that says they're into it and would kiss again--but obi-wan steps back, and padmé just smiles, and there's a shared understanding between them even if it's clear there's some amount of wistfulness.
“i hope your trip back to coruscant is safe, master kenobi," she smiles like nothing's just happened, nothing's different.
"and yours, senator amidala. may the force be with you." and he bows, smiling back.
but they do look back at each other again, and everything is different.
and then you get into TCW—and PLEASE imagine all of the tension there because these two AREN’T married, they ARE sneaking around but only a little; obi-wan isn’t near as brazen with things as anakin and he and padmé get enough time together in the first few seasons to really build some THICK tension between them. like i’m talking dangerous rescue missions, them having to fight their way out together, getting smooshed in tight spaces together, S O M U C H accidental touching, SO MANY almost-kisses....and then there’s the clovis stuff, which would play out way differently because obi-wan isn’t the jealous type at all and would absolutely trust padmé; and then satine shows up again and we get a whole arc of obi-wan dealing with these conflicting emotions and padmé coming very close on multiple occasions to just telling him she loves him but! supporting his decision no matter what and respecting his emotions, because she understands, and because she knows love is selfless and not possessive and she wants to be with him...if that’s what he wants, too.
but then satine dies—and she worries about him once he's back from mandalore, and there is possibly some very gentle and sweet comforting for the audience to enjoy 👀 the big season finale after that is maul holding padmé and another senator or two hostage and it's an ultra close call but maul dips out, bc it was just bait—and the season ends with him admitting as clearly as he can in Obi-Wan Terms™ that he loves her and padmé reciprocating. they kiss and it's very sweeping and dramatic, but now maul knows kenobi has yet another weakness uh oh...
anyways honestly all of this leads to ROTS being about anakin dealing with the jealousy that palpatine’s been feeding into: jealousy towards obi-wan about padmé, and about being overshadowed. it’s about anakin feeling like he can never have enough, about wanting more and more, about obsessive love and doubt—and when it turns out padmé is pregnant, anakin’s suspicions get confirmed and he turns to palpatine yet again.
IDEALLY padmé survives this movie and she and obi-wan go into hiding together with the twins, (or their child? i mean this is for sure up to interpretation for this specific au) and anakin/vader combs the galaxy for them, resulting eventually in padmé’s death and the separation of the twins, and giving some actual meaning to leia remembering her mother in ROTJ.
so yeah i just. have a lot of feelings about things and at any given moment i can and will talk your ear off about ‘what if’ scenarios like this hdkdjdk 😭💦
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benvoliotheorphan · 7 years
tagged by @redasuki
1. Have you ever been out of the country? If so, where?
i have! just once, right after i graduated from high school. my mom, bro, and i did like this little tour thing around england, ireland, scotland, and wales. it was like....for 2 weeks, i think? loads of fun, although i mostly remember us just like eating the same breakfast every morning bc the hotels all served the same thing.
2. Onions - yes or no?
yes, i guess? i do love me some onion rings, and if it's a part of a meal i didn’t cook i’ll eat ‘em but. i won't ever put it on anything that i make. eh.
3. What’s the best kind of cookie?
oh maaaaaaan i don’t know. chocolate chip is a classic, can’t go wrong there. also love me some snickerdoodles. there’s this one bakery, where we get all of our cakes for birthdays and stuff, that have like super good sugar cookies that i would, in fact, sell a limb for. 
4. What do you think draws you in to make you attach to a show or character?
man, for shows? light hearted fun. especially if it has something of a silly premise. i mean, it can go into darker territories at times but. i don’t know, there have been very few shows that were just super dark that had my interest the whole way through - and even then they had a lot of comedy and lighthearted moments thrown in somewhere.
as for characters..... ones who try their best to be good but always have things blow up in their face? those seem to be the ones i walk away loving the most. also characters who are parents or parental or whatever. and if they somehow are both? well dip damn.
5. What has made you smile today?
cade/optimus fluff
friends, my parents, freaking saw that one game grumps video with big zam for the first time and nearly died laughing.
6. Do you collect anything?
i got way more dbz figures than i have any right to have. if things continue as they have, i’ll probably end up having quite the transformers toys collection too (as is i only got a few of those).
7. Do you have a favorite (or funny) tumblr memory?
YO WHEN REDA AND KAIRI JUST MESSAGED MEGAN AND I ON OUR DBZ BLOG AND WE GOT SKYPES AND PLANNED TO MEET AT AKON THAT WAS SO FUCKING AMAZING. y’all are the best. the very best. definitely the best thing to come about having that blog.
8. What’s one thing you wish your parents had taught you earlier in life?
how to get a job. and function on my own.
9. Do you live in the past, in the present, or for the future?
idk. i guess in the past, although i’m constantly stressed about the future and what i gotta do. i don’t know.
10. What’s a typical day like for you?
get up, sit on my butt, maybe do something productive like clean or write or edit. if i got classes, i go to those. try to find a job but then get discouraged.. then i stay up way later than i should and crash on my bed at an unreasonable time.
11. Do you have siblings? If yes, do you have any routines that you share or specific things you do together? If no, do you wish you did?
i got my one younger bro. and tbh recently the only routines we’ve had is him and his gf constantly forgetting that they share a house with me and dad and just driving us up a god damn wall.
i mean i would like to hang out with him more, but we just. don’t have anything in common. even when it comes to movies or shows that we actually both like, we don’t approach watching them the same way. we watched fmab for a long time but then he just. never wanted to finish it so we never did and that was the last time we ever did something together that was just the two of us. honestly if we didn’t share a living space i doubt we’d really interact much at all besides sending those typical good wishes around holidays and birthdays and stuff.
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