#Willy comes in to pinch her ears and tell her they're cute but they'd be cuter if she removed her clothes
randomnameless · 2 years
i legit felt bad reading your rhea-sieros post from yesterday but knowing that at least wilhelm wanted to hold her hand even if she was not the human seiros pretended to be made me warm.
Hey -
"Hand Holding is forbidden without proper courting", is what Seiros the Warrior remembers from Rhea's brother, Cichol.
He might not be alive anymore, but she intends to respect his wishes and sermons, since it is the only thing she has left of him.
But he never said anything about "naked social bathing", so she can join Willy whenever he invites her!
More seriously...
Another beef I have with Nopes is how Seiros the Warrior transforms in front of everyone - Seiros the Warrior, through her hood in depictions or hair dye, took great care to pretend she was a human, it's not to blow her cover at the first difficulty!
Even if, in FEH, Seiros calls the IO the form "given by the Goddess to protect Fodlan", FE16's Rhea is still very worried about that form, because she is deadly afraid people (humans? Billy?) would reject her if they knew she was not a human and could transform in a "bestial" form.
(Rhea finally dropped the hair dye in 1180 and we know how it ended)
So to Seiros the Warrior? Pretending to be a human is motivated by safety reasons, but also, judging by 1180 Rhea, the need/wish to blend in, and the belief that she will not if "humans" learn what she is - whether they want to turn her in a pair of daggers or just ostracise her because she is "not like them".
(Tru Piss?)
Comes Willy, a human who learnt what she was, and yet, saved, supported and helped her. Willy was apparently not afraid of her alternate form, nor rejected her for being a dragon, because he modeled his crown after her IO form!
Let it be for shallow reasons ("Poor Dumb Willy was manipulated by his peepee :'(" ) or more nefarious ones (he saw an opportunity to become an all powerful emperor and wanted to rule over Fodlan), Wilhelm accepted Seiros the Warrior and Rhea the Nabatean.
Something we do not see anyone from modern Fodlan (bar Billy in their S support?) do - because the devs dgaf about Nabateans, and as a result, their existence and plot importance is completely dropped.
Let it be in AM/AG/VW, the lords and the cast can possibly never know Flayn has pointy ears and how (if it is possible) she can live in a world where the majority of people have round ears.
Honestly, it's a damn shame that the only person who received this "revelation" and had to think/act about the "consequences" of this revelation is a guy who never appears, exists in 3 lines of text and has been dead for more than 1k years.
FE16 has never been a game focused on coexistence between two different races, no matter what the Claude/Clout routes try to sell. As a result, only Wilhelm got to knew (99% canon wise) Seiros was a dragon, and since she didn't conveniently died after the reveal, had to give a reaction bar "surprised pikachu face" and move the goal post about his precious teacher having a rock in the chest.
Fodlan AU : Manuela ultimately learns Seteth is Cichol, and the first thing she asks him is if he really had countless lovers like she read in a very serious book, and if the story of "Liora and the Magic Beast" was based on one of his paramours.
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