#Windmill Blades & Engines Transport Company
blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
Logistics and Freight Forwarding Companies - Gogauge
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maxreily321 · 2 years
The Technological Advancements Driving The Development Of Wind Power Plants
We all know wind energy is one of the most sustainable forms of renewable energy. As a result, over the past decade, the world has seen a significant boost in the construction of wind power plants.
A wind power plant has many different sections that have seen tremendous changes in construction. From materials to structural changes, inventions have been made in every field for better results. Through this blog, you’ll see the latest evolution in technology in this sector and how effective they are.
Latest Advancements In Wind Power Plants
Listed below are the top developments that are implemented and can be seen in wind power plants globally.
1.    Taller Windmill Towers
In recent years, the height of windmill towers has been increasing rapidly. The towers are nowadays built taller and more prominent as they catch wind easily. As with increased size, there's also a rise in wind power. So, companies have developed and built taller towers to install at new power plants.
These wind turbines produce one-third more electricity than average. The standard height of windmills earlier was 262 feet. But now it has shifted to more than 300 feet.
2.    Increase In Blade Length
Wind turbine engineers have developed longer blades that sweep more area to produce more energy in the past few years. In areas with relatively less winds, such models help maintain and easily make the required amount of electricity.
The blades' length has doubled in the past 10-15 years. In many wind power plants across India, this upgrade in the wingspan has resulted in more power production from a few windmills.
3.    Onsite Construction At Wind Power plant
The advancements in engineering are not only limited to the designs of wind turbines but have also exceeded to construction. With growing developments in the sector, transportation of such massive parts has become difficult. So as a solution, power plants have started doing assembly on-site.
Construction has changed, like using concrete in towers and not just the base. The usage of mobile construction devices and instruments is also gradually emerging.
4.    Growth In Energy Production
All these factors have resulted in an improvement in the overall energy production across wind power plants. With the rise in the capacity of wind turbines power, there is a rise in energy produced from even small plants. The number of windmills in power plants no longer affects the energy produced as it’s still high.
5.    Recycling Parts
Developments are no longer constricted to making new designs and parts but also recycling the older ones. Engineers reflected concern regarding the waste produced by the parts thrown out after using for a while.
A wave of recycling can be seen since 2017, wherein parts of wind turbines, like blades and machinery, are being recycled. Even the materials used in the making are carefully picked, and only the ones that can be recycled are involved in the production.
It’s 2023, and every part of the world is shifting toward renewable energy sources. Wind energy being the most efficient, is chosen by many. With the flourishing demand, wind power plants worldwide are incorporating all these advancements.
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Core Materials Market Trends And Analysis By Foam Type – Global Industry Growth, Share, Size And Forecast 2020 – 2026
DataIntelo projects the global core materials market to spiral up to $1.9 Billion by 2022 from $1.3 Billion in 2017, at a CAGR of 8.8% from the year 2016 to 2022.  Increasing patents filed over the year, and the growing manufacturing industries augmented the growth of the market. In addition to this, the prominent players’ joint ventures, merger and acquisition strategies, heavy investment in R&D with new product launches, catalyzed the growth of the global core materials, in particular for composites. Wind Energy Is anticipated to witness maximum market growth in end-use industry application of the core materials for composites Wind energy is the future of the renewable sources of energy owing to promising energy storage solutions and price stability. This green energy will call for tremendous demand for core materials in the forecast period. In 2015, the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) surveyed that there are almost 90 commercial wind power stations with a wholesome capacity of 432 GW. Developing countries such as India and China, among the others are driving the demand for foam core materials at an expeditious rate. North America will be the leader in terms of the demand for core materials for composites In 2016, North America led the demand for core materials owing to the high utility of honeycomb core materials in aerospace and wind energy end-use industries. Prominent players such as Hexcel Corporation and The Gill Corporation are propelling the production of honeycomb and foam core materials to meet the demand from the aviation industry and the windmill blades. Conclusively, the demand for core materials for aircraft components and windmill parts are bolstering the growth of the market.
Factors that will determine the market dynamics:
Wind Energy ever-growing demand: Various government bodies and private energy planners are taking initiatives to flag their spot in the competitive wind energy industry to expand their energy portfolio and to surmount the degrading fossil fuel resources. In addition to this, the increasing awareness of climatic change is persuading the government agencies to take steps towards clean energy. According to the explicit data from GWEC, it’s anticipated that the world’s quarter of energy will come from clean energy and out of which 25% of the green energy will come from wind energy. Talking about the cost-effectiveness of Wind energy, the integration of wind energy sources in the smart grid will make it a viable option for the consumers. 
Market Segmentation:
Based on foam type:
PVC foam
PET foam
SAN foam
End-user application:
Wind energy
Prominent players of the market:
Evonik Industries
Hexcel Corporation
3A Composites
Euro-Composites S.A.
Gurit Holding AG
The Gill Corporation
Changzhou Tiansheng New Materials Co. Ltd.
Plascore Incorporated
Armacell International S.A.
Among the above-mentioned players, the DIAB group has built a strong brand image which has resulted in occupying the major market share in the industry. The company has various core materials and provides finishing kits and also engineering services. Recent industry developments:
Major key players are partnering with manufacturers to increase their market share. For instance, DIAB and Diehl Aircabin signed a long-term agreement in 2016 to develop cabin applications for the biggest Europe and American airspace manufacturer Airbus and Boeing respectively.
The next year, DIAB and Chimpex Industrial collaborated to develop the material Divinycell P60 to enhance the mechanical properties of the FRP sandwich solution. These partnerships are helping the company to expand its product portfolio in the market.  
Read More: https://dataintelo.com/report/core-materials-market/
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Made in Chattanooga: Alstom
Made in Chattanooga: Alstom
With 4 hydro-electric dams, one fossil fuel plant, and 2 nuclear plants in the NewsChannel 9 viewing area, there is one company in Chattanooga, capable of supplying the turbines those plants need to make electricity.300 people work for the Alstom plant downtown.  The steel turbines they make, are sent to power plants all over the world.  It’s an engineering process that’s unique only to Alstom for turbines, that are MADE IN CHATTANOOGA..The Alstom management is glad to be in Chattanooga.  “It’s a American company, full of Americans, the supply chain is from America.. everything is made in America,” says Lawrence Quinn, president of Alston Chattanooga LLC.  “That’s the clear vision that we had and that’s the vision that we’ve actually materialized today.”Just like the wind drives windmills to generate power, water, steam, gas or atoms turn the turbines made by Alstom to make electricity.  Alstom came to town in the footprints of one of Chattanooga’s most prolific industries.  “Combustion Engineering,” says Quinn, “a lot of the nuclear came out of this very facility.. we did not arrive in 2008, we just expanded in 2008.”Steam turns one particular Alstom rotor, just like a windmill.  “It’s 160 tons of such high tolerance,” he says, “that this is run at full speed without any vibration that’s noticeable.”The process to make a rotor begins with welding.. Steel parts are brought to one area of the plant.  “They are stacked, they are welded,” Quinn says, “then they go to a stress relief heat treatment to make sure all of the stresses are taken out of the core of welded steel.”The blading process attaches steel blades also made here.Sometimes, there is a sag in the middle of the welded steel that occurs naturally.  Turning the rotor continuously eliminates the sag, then it’s checked in the overspeed pit, which simulates a power plant.  That ‘s done at speeds up to 36-hundred R-P-M.  “We do this so there is no risk of any failure of a blade at the power plant site,” Quinn says.  “It’s a catastrophe if there is a blade failure.”The rotor then comes back for a second stress check.  “Now, we have to make sure that these fine tolerances that we’ve set during assembly are still exactly the same as designed.”A dedicated legion of Alstom workers, trained both here and overseas complete all the work.  “Once we’ve trained the people,” says Quinn, “we can then set them loose, machining multi-million dollar pieces of equipment which have long lead times ready to go to the power plant site, and a site erection that is scheduled several years in advance.”Mr. Quinn looks forward to growing the plant, as demand increases for more energy sources.  “It will have new generations of Alstom personnel, where their fathers have worked before them, where their fathers’ fathers have worked before them,” says Quinn.”And I’ll still be here looking young as ever, right?” he added with a smile.A major milestone for Alstom was met back in May.. the first shipment of a G-T-24 gas turbine made at the plant was hauled to the loading dock on the Tennessee River, bound for New Orleans.  It’s final destination is a power plant in Mexico.Most of the Alstom turbines will be transported by boat, although some of the smaller ones can be delivered by rail and by truck..
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manywake-blog · 7 years
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational ��conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to  the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important  to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy  writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
0 notes
tinasmal-blog · 7 years
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational  conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to ��the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important  to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy  writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
0 notes
wakemany · 7 years
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational  conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to  the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important  to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy ��writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
0 notes
Electric Energy
end leak electricity, end generators, greenhouse un desired gas, international heating, carbon emissions, and commerce contributes, fuzing, b2b Wind generators are broadly speaking enormous windmills, using massive blades that'll rotate from the end in addition to produce power from the conversion from the winds pressure. Wind generators are constructed from plasticaluminum, steel and lots of additional distance era mining harvests. Dissimilar in order to fossil fuel gas stops, end generators are wash and environmentally-friendly - that they don t produce that the co2 emissions which can be inducing greenhouse un desirable gasoline or even that the SO2 emissions that'll cause plaque created by glucose rain. In the tiny side from the scale, tanks might possibly be because minor since a couple feet interior diameter plus are designed for just a few hundred drops. About the high-end from the range, tanks might possibly be because enormous since three-hundred feet interior diameter plus are designed for generating a couple of of into 5 megawatts together with power. Maybe we now could setup it at This Time much like photovoltaic the ability of sun creation, there could be rebates designed for structure, and excess energy might possibly be sold into the energy company. 654 Wind generators are on the list of earliest types of alternative energy sources on Earth. Wind power generators are utilized into crank-out energy simply by switching that the kinetic-energy from the end to mechanical energy. Wind generators hire a couple detrimental affects to the environment. They Are simply very available in, and quite unattractive because they will need to be devote proximity in order to windy, open terrain to eventually become of good use -- efforts to get these over shore chance to become met utilizing great accomplishments. They need considerable quantities of power in their manufacture, energy that's generally fossil-based, and consequently generally it requires a lot of period before they are only favorable with relation to overall co2 emissions - nowadays may eventually become anyplace through two in order to 5 years. Wind generators are linked to that the mauling together with infrequent race of birds that may possibly be mutilated since they pass from the turbine devotees throughout migratory articles. Todays generators are split to ONLY TWO types, specifically flat generators along with vertica generators. Wind pace is affected by topography in addition to gains utilizing height previously-mentioned that the surface, therefore end generators are broadly speaking installed over large systems. In that a normal application, the end mill stays over a tall tower in addition to creates decreased voltage DC that's used into inflict a battery power store -- that stored potential energy is finally utilized simply by routing the theory through that the inverter that'll affects that the low-voltage immediate current energy to energy voltage switching current power you are able to use in house software. By focusing a excellent deal of turbines to end farms a significant amount together with power might possibly be stored in addition to employed, perhaps to get a whole location or even smaller public center. Key Phrases: Because that the end doesnt blow off all-the time at a fantastic number of are as, end generators are utilized because adjuncts interior hybrid configurations with several engineering exactly like photovoltaic panels, along with petrol generators to supply a frequent electric source. Together with all-the drawbacks in book, end generators should be a decision if speaking about a vast plan meant for renewable energy. Once built, end generators are exceptionally efficient at a larger impression - that they generate power from the natural, ecofriendly replenishable resource, without that the hidden social or environment penalties individuals incur whilst using the fossil energizes - theres you should not mine designed for fuel so as to transport the theory - you are able to find no world heating air borne pollutants generated, and also you should not store, procedure, or to get reduce toxic waste elements. Wind tanks are nearly the very reliable forms of alternative energy sources on Earth. They are manufactured into fabricate power simply by changing that the kinetic-energy from the end to mechanical energy, that is going to undoubtedly be then some times exploited right (in S O of windmills, as an example, that have been used-to change whole wheat grains into bread, or in order to pump waters for farming) along with combined for your generator that'll creates that the DC output you are able to use in an extra general belief. In which informative article I will be speaking about that end tanks which produce electric energy, as this really is unquestionably more of good use to us on your daily world.
0 notes
chemicalresearch · 7 years
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Market-Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, Forecast 2016–2024
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a highly non-reactive thermoplastic fluoropolymer. It is chemically inert to most alcohols, acids, aromatic and aliphatic organic compounds, and chlorinated solvents. It offers properties such as low coefficient of friction, excellent intrinsic fire resistance, operability over a wide range of temperatures, good resistance to UV and radiation, capability for thermoforming, and can be easily joined by welding. Polyvinylidene fluoride is processed by various methods such as machining, injection and extrusion. It is widely used in coatings, lithium-ion batteries and photovoltaic films.
Request Sample of  Polyvinylidene Fluoride Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/309
Polyvinylidene fluoride hoses, pipes and tubes are used in the automobile fuel systems owing to the properties such as impermeable nature and chemical resistivity. In addition to this, PVDF fittings are also used in household and commercial buildings. This has rapidly increased consumption of polyvinylidene fluoride and boosted growth of the PVDF market over the last few years. Polyvinylidene fluoride membranes are highly preferred in various processes, including corrosive chemicals for pumps, manufacturing equipment and transportation containers due to excellent chemical resistance and freedom of operability at elevated temperatures.
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Market Taxonomy
On the basis of application, the global market is classified into:
FittingsPolyvinylidene Fluoride Market,
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Industry Insights,
Trends, Outlook,
Opportunity Analysis,
PVDF market
On the basis of product type, the global market is classified into:
On the basis of end use industry, the global market is segmented into:
Oil & Gas
Chemical processing
New energies
Polyvinylidene fluoride is used in oil & gas industry due to the enhanced properties such as low permeation, low surface energy, non-sticky and non-flammable nature, excellent chemical resistance, excellent aging, environmental stress crack resistance, consistent mechanical behavior over time and superior ductility /flexibility at low temperatures. Polyvinylidene fluoride coatings provide excellent chemical resistance at elevated temperature range. PVDF films are used for windmills which provide better resistance to tough environmental conditions and lower friction for turbine generators and windmill blades.
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Market Outlook – Increasing Demand for Durable and Light Weight Materials to Fuel Market Growth
Extensive use of polyvinylidene fluoride in the chemical processing, construction and oil & gas industry has led to rapid increase in the consumption of PVDF. This has amplified the growth of polyvinylidene fluoride market over the last few years. Asia Pacific is projected to be one of the major contributors to the polyvinylidene fluoride market. This is mainly attributed to rapidly growing urbanization coupled with increasing demand for advanced thermo plastic products in the region. In 2015, demand for plastic in China rose by 10% as compared to the previous year. Also, India has a well-established base for raw materials required for the plastic industry. This has attracted many polyvinylidene fluoride manufacturers to establish manufacturing units in the region. This trend is expected to be followed over the forecast period.
Request to view the table of Content:https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/toc/309
Volatile price of polyvinylidene fluoride resin is one of the growth inhibitor for polyvinylidene fluoride market. Expansion in various geographies is one of the key strategies followed by the top players to maintain their position in the extensive use of polyvinylidene fluoride in the chemical processing, construction and oil & gas industries has in turn led to rapid growth of PVDF market over the last few years. Some of the major companies operating in the global polyvinylidene fluoride market are Daikin Industries ltd, Zhuzhou Hongda Polymer Materials Co. Ltd., (Japan), Shanghai 3F New Materials Company Limited, Kureha Corporation, Quadrant Engineering Plastics Products, Solvay S.A., Shanghai Ofluorine Chemical Technology Co. ltd., Dyneon GmbH and Zhejiang Fotech International Co. Ltd.
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Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
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emmagreen1220-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Biology Dictionary
New Post has been published on https://biologydictionary.net/biomimicry/
Biomimicry Definition
Biomimicry is the science of applying nature-inspired designs in human engineering and invention to solve human problems. It has been used to create the first flying machine inspired by eagles and owls that paved the way for technologies like jets and planes, and in the invention of Velcro which works much the way hooks on burrs stick to animal fur. By designing and producing materials, architecture, and systems that are based on biological materials and processes, we work to strike a balance with nature—to live in harmony with Mother Earth and not to continue producing global problems. Biomimicry is propelling us toward a new way of living—to sustainable assets, methods, and policies.
Aside from reasons only involving the desire to be environmentally friendly, businesses have other incentives to utilize biomimetic products and processes. Generally, applying biomimicry allows us to do more with less—yes, more production and more profit, with less work and less cost.
Biomimicry Examples
When solving a design problem, we can look to nature to find inspiration. We can find natural designs for making things water-efficient, aerodynamic, energy-efficient, self-healing, and more! There have been many recent innovations that have taken a hint from nature with positive outcomes. Here are just a few:
Permaculture is an agricultural system designed to simulate natural procession of energy and materials found in natural ecosystems so as to work with the force of nature rather than against them. It is agriculture inspired by nature in its layout and engineering to minimize waste and maximize productivity. Common practices in permaculture include rainwater harvesting, intensive rotational grazing, and drip irrigation. These practices serve to boost the efficiency and productivity of the land without harming the soil or depleting it of nutrients.
Architects have taken a cue from termites and constructed a building called the Eastgate Center in Zimbabwe that passively self-regulates the building’s internal temperatures despite large external temperature fluctuations. Like the soil that that termites build their mounds from, the Eastgate is built from construction materials with a high heat capacity, allowing the materials hold and release heat like a buffer before the internal temperature changes. Also similar in design to the termite mounds, the Eastgate Center takes advantage of the wind, allowing it to circulate air throughout the building with the help of some fans. This self-regulating ventilation design saved the building from the cost of purchasing an air-conditioning system and the electricity bill that accompanies it.
The head of Japan’s Sanyo Shinkansen bullet train from Osaka to Hataka is modeled after the beak of the kingfisher bird. The older models of the bullet train faced challenges that limited the speed of the train: it generated too much atmospheric pressure when rushing through the tunnel systems that caused too much noise and vibrations. Train testers almost gave up on doing test runs exceeding 350 kilometers per hour until inspiration came to them in the form of the kingfisher and its ability to dive from the air into the water without a splash. They learned that this was possible because the shape of the kingfisher’s beak and head were sharp and streamlined. When they designed the new train head to resemble this kingfisher, train speeds increased by 10% while air pressure and electricity consumption decreased by 30% and 15%, respectively.
A wind turbine company called WhalePower is finding inspiration from the flippers of humpback whales. The flippers of a humpback whale have tubercles, or bumps, along the forward-facing edge that effectively allows the whale to hold a “grip” on the water and maneuver tight corners. These tubercle-studded fins have been found to experience less drag and more lift than their smoother counterparts. Translating this design and information into wind turbines will allow us to harvest more wind energy and prevent the blades of a windmill from stalling.
Another energy-producing innovation that takes inspiration from nature is the solar panel. What makes some solar panels particularly interesting, however, is that they follow the movement of the sun to optimize the amount of sunlight absorbed throughout the day—just the way a sunflower does and the way leaves are arranged on trees!
The mosquito’s annoying ability to painlessly and unnoticeably suck blood and get away with it has inspired Japanese scientists to create a hypodermic needle that is equally painless. The key to less delivered pain is the serrated proboscis of the mosquito, which reduces the amount of surface area of skin that the proboscis comes into contact with. Less contact translates to less pain. We’ve been able to produce similarly-designed harpoon-like needles that have been implemented in small biomedical devices such as blood-glucose monitors for diabetic patients.
1. What does biomimicry NOT involve? A. Resembling another organism to reduce predation. B. Copying nature’s internal processes. C. Mimicking nature’s outward appearances. D. Using natural materials in construction.
Answer to Question #1
A is correct. Mimicry is the resemblance of one species to another organism to reduce predation. Biomimicry is the application of nature-inspired designs, be it nature’s internal processes, its outward appearances, or using materials found in locally in nature.
2. Biomimicry can be used for all of the following EXCEPT? A. Science B. Relationships C. Daily lifestyle D. Technology
Answer to Question #2
B is correct. Biomimicry has been used to drive forward new technologies (bullet train). It has been implemented in our daily lifestyles (Velcro, raincoats). And it is a science of applying nature-inspired design into our products and engineering. It is not used in relationships.
3. Which is not an example of a biomimetic relationship? A. Whale – Turbine B. Horse – Car C. Gecko – Gecko Tape D. Elephant Trunks – Robotic Arms
Answer to Question #3
C is correct. The true inspiration for the first car design, a Mercedes, came from the boxfish.
Permaculture. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permaculture
BIOMIMETIC ARCHITECTURE: Green Building in Zimbabwe Modeled After Termite Mounds. (2012, November 29). Retrieved June 07, 2017, from http://inhabitat.com/building-modelled-on-termites-eastgate-centre-in-zimbabwe/
Biomimetics. (2017, June 05). Retrieved June 07, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomimetics
Case Example: Learning from whales to create efficient wind power. (n.d.). Retrieved June 07, 2017, from https://biomimicry.net/the-buzz/resources/case-examples-learning-whales-create-efficient-wind-power/
Needle-like structure inserts painlessly: Mosquitos. (n.d.). Retrieved June 07, 2017, from https://asknature.org/strategy/needle-like-structure-inserts-painlessly/
Sunni Robertson: on how a Kingfisher Inspired a Bulletrain. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://earthsky.org/earth/sunni-robertson-on-how-a-kingfisher-inspired-a-bullet-train
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chemicalresearch · 7 years
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2016–2024
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a highly non-reactive thermoplastic fluoropolymer. It is chemically inert to most alcohols, acids, aromatic and aliphatic organic compounds, and chlorinated solvents. It offers properties such as low coefficient of friction, excellent intrinsic fire resistance, operability over a wide range of temperatures, good resistance to UV and radiation, capability for thermoforming, and can be easily joined by welding. Polyvinylidene fluoride is processed by various methods such as machining, injection and extrusion. It is widely used in coatings, lithium-ion batteries and photovoltaic films.
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Polyvinylidene fluoride hoses, pipes and tubes are used in the automobile fuel systems owing to the properties such as impermeable nature and chemical resistivity. In addition to this, PVDF fittings are also used in household and commercial buildings. This has rapidly increased consumption of polyvinylidene fluoride and boosted growth of the PVDF market over the last few years. Polyvinylidene fluoride membranes are highly preferred in various processes, including corrosive chemicals for pumps, manufacturing equipment and transportation containers due to excellent chemical resistance and freedom of operability at elevated temperatures.
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Market Taxonomy
On the basis of application, the global market is classified into:
FittingsPolyvinylidene Fluoride Market,
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Industry Insights,
Trends, Outlook,
Opportunity Analysis,
PVDF market
On the basis of product type, the global market is classified into:
On the basis of end use industry, the global market is segmented into:
Oil & Gas
Chemical processing
New energies
Polyvinylidene fluoride is used in oil & gas industry due to the enhanced properties such as low permeation, low surface energy, non-sticky and non-flammable nature, excellent chemical resistance, excellent aging, environmental stress crack resistance, consistent mechanical behavior over time and superior ductility /flexibility at low temperatures. Polyvinylidene fluoride coatings provide excellent chemical resistance at elevated temperature range. PVDF films are used for windmills which provide better resistance to tough environmental conditions and lower friction for turbine generators and windmill blades.
Polyvinylidene Fluoride Market Outlook – Increasing Demand for Durable and Light Weight Materials to Fuel Market Growth
Extensive use of polyvinylidene fluoride in the chemical processing, construction and oil & gas industry has led to rapid increase in the consumption of PVDF. This has amplified the growth of polyvinylidene fluoride market over the last few years. Asia Pacific is projected to be one of the major contributors to the polyvinylidene fluoride market. This is mainly attributed to rapidly growing urbanization coupled with increasing demand for advanced thermo plastic products in the region. In 2015, demand for plastic in China rose by 10% as compared to the previous year. Also, India has a well-established base for raw materials required for the plastic industry. This has attracted many polyvinylidene fluoride manufacturers to establish manufacturing units in the region. This trend is expected to be followed over the forecast period.
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Volatile price of polyvinylidene fluoride resin is one of the growth inhibitor for polyvinylidene fluoride market. Expansion in various geographies is one of the key strategies followed by the top players to maintain their position in the extensive use of polyvinylidene fluoride in the chemical processing, construction and oil & gas industries has in turn led to rapid growth of PVDF market over the last few years. Some of the major companies operating in the global polyvinylidene fluoride market are Daikin Industries ltd, Zhuzhou Hongda Polymer Materials Co. Ltd., (Japan), Shanghai 3F New Materials Company Limited, Kureha Corporation, Quadrant Engineering Plastics Products, Solvay S.A., Shanghai Ofluorine Chemical Technology Co. ltd., Dyneon GmbH and Zhejiang Fotech International Co. Ltd.
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