#Wingo Spinzz
retrowave-racer · 1 month
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Meet Nick, some may say he has a very fiery personality, but he’s actually super chill, and loves spending time with his friends!
Nick posting! Had a lot of fun with this one. I know it’s Mystery day too, but haven’t gotten to hers yet! And im going away for a few days so that will be a bit delayed, but I promise I’ll get around to it soon! Pose references for this illustration are from @adorkastock and @theposearchives !
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retrowave-racer · 2 years
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Wingo Spinzz wasn’t thought to have been born with magic powers, until a childhood wish that the dragon mascot from his favorite pinball machine was real came to be. Despite his magic being a bit unpredictable, his powers still caught the attention of a certain Guardian Program.
I have no clue if I’ve ever established Wingo as being well. A wizard essentially XD I always imagined his powers to be a case of never going to plan but always ending up being what really needed to happen in the end. His characters always been a well meaning klutz!
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retrowave-racer · 10 months
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Another ref I got done! Our favorite gamer, Wingo Spinzz! Not much new to say about this lad, outside of the fact hes been hiding some Kandi brackets under his sleeves! And he’s been collecting some new patches for his jacket! I imagine even more will be added with time!
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