#Wish y'all see the fic Candid was cooking
r6-unifiedlands · 5 months
[Polaris "Ursa Minor" Harmonics & Aarre “Switchblade” Kärkkäinen]
Summary: Today's lunch for Ursa didn't go as usual.
A/N: I finished this short drabble in spite of a rollercoaster of a mess fic made by a friend. Also, OC is by @corvidcrows
One of the perks as a member of Nighthaven is the free-for-all buffet for all mealtimes, even including midnight snacks. The cafeteria is something that unites all agents from all backgrounds and ethnicities in one spot, eating different things while also having a banter with their friends.
It’s good for Polaris’ own finances to lower groceries’s monthly budget and reduce food waste. But she’s a very picky eater in a way of “She won’t eat if the food looks unappetizing.” And buffet food often looks very, very unappetizing.
She’s sure it tastes good. But her brain would convince her to throw up if she fed herself with that without tweaking the appearances. That’s why she used the free meal perk to bring them as leftovers rather than eating them right there.
So there she was, eating her lunch at a secluded corner of the mess hall while sitting on the floor. Wedging herself between two vending machines got her strange looks from other staff. But who cares? She likes being in tight corners sometimes.
“Guten tag, Ursa.” Polaris tilted her head slightly upwards to see Monika’s smiling face. “How you doing? Comfy in there?”
“I like the pressure it gives. Makes me feel safer.”
The engineer’s calloused hand found its way to pat her head and left her alone. Why do people always aim for her head, anyway?
“Friend?” Her head tilted a bit higher now, seeing the familiar whitish blonde of a certain Norwegian with his award-winning smile that took the heart of his hundred thousand followers on Instagram. 
“Hm? Yes, Ace?”
“Why you’re in there? That position doesn’t look comfortable.”
“You’re the second person to ask that today.” She took a bite of her spring rolls. “IQ asked me just now. I just like the pressure, that’s all.”
“The only thing you’re lacking now is a fake tail and a pair of cat ears, friend.” He winked as he reached down to grab his can of drink, making the younger agent’s face heat up a bit. “See you around! Remember we have Operation Skyscraper at zero two hundred!”
Once again, she was left all alone. This time feeling sheepish.
She needed to eat fast before she got spotted again-
“Little bear?”
The food that she was currently chewing went straight to her windpipe, making her choke and cough violently. 
There stood Switch, hands crossed on his chest. Baby blue eyes behind the framed glasses staring down at her with curiosity.
She’s still not used to the sweet nickname, goddamnit!
The Finnish agent fumbled with the mobile computer on his prosthetic arm and she could feel slight movements in one of the vending machines. He reached down and grabbed two cans of coffee latte, then passed one to her. 
Did he just hack a fucking vending machine?? Does this thing operate through the Internet???
Well, Polaris didn’t think too hard about it for now. She cracked open the top and chugged the whole thing, then quietly sighed. No more itchiness in her throat and she liked the cold liquid cooling down her body a lot.
Switch cracked open his own can and took a small sip. “This tastes like water.” He muttered.
“The fuck you think it is? This canned coffee latte brand is among the top ten least-selling items for these vending machines. Expensive and shit-tasting.”
He raised one of his eyebrows. “That’s a specific information to know.”
“I’ve been hanging around here for months. Fuck off.”
“Quite a charmer today, aren’t you?”
An empty can flew towards the hacker and he tilted his head a bit to dodge the attack of a very flustered SAR member. “One day I’m going to kill you with my bare hands.”
“You mean bear hands?”
Her reaction caused the other to let out a snorting laugh, his prosthetic reached down to pat her head. “Okay, okay, I’ll tone it down for now.” Switch gave a grin. “Because I’m in a good mood.”
Polaris pouted, before prying herself out from her usual corner while holding Switch’s prosthetic as he pulled her up. As much as she liked her little place, she also liked being free from the pressure. 
“Why’re you wandering around here anyway?” She asked, dusting her pants from the dust sticking onto her jeans. “I thought you were on a debriefing session with others.”
“Boring. I sneaked out from the meeting room.” He started to walk, and she followed him from behind. 
“You’ll get your ass whooped by Kali at one point.” Her voice was softer. She’s genuinely worried that his behavior like this would get him in trouble. “Did you get hurt? Have you got yourself checked?”
It’s Switch’s turn to look at her, frowning. “I’m good, Ursa. I didn’t slip up like last time.”
“I’ll trust your words this time.” Her reply was short. “As long as you’re alright, I don’t have much comment.”
It’s hard to put her trust in Switch’s own well-being, considering how hidden he was in the past regarding his injuries. So many times Finka had to report to her that the man himself came to the medbay. And countless times, she had to sprint at full speed to catch up to him and and drag him back to either medbay or to her office.
“I appreciate that.” There was a small hum coming from the taller man, a small smile plastered on his face. “Do you want to grab a proper coffee? That watery stuff ruined my tastebuds and I need a better cuppa.”
The statement made Polaris chuckle. “I know a place near the city. My sister recommended it to me, but I never got my chance to visit it.”
“I guess we have that chance now? My treat, of course.”
Her breath hitched as the Switch leaned down, his face getting closer to her with that usual teasing tone. She’s trying so hard to hide her flushed face, dusted with pink.
“Well…if it’s your treat…How can I reject an offer of free things…” A poorly disguised excuse that she’d chosen to gaslight herself, all with the straightest face that she could muster right now.
He’s your co-worker, Ursa. Get ahold of yourself!!!
A sensation of cold metal holding her hand came to drag her down to stabilize herself from being flustered. But soon it came back in full force when she looked down and trailed towards the source.
Switch with a shit-eating grin. His cold prosthetic arm gently held her hand.
Oh, he’s fucking with her.
He tugged her hand, leading the way to the outside of the base, looking visibly brighter than before. “Don’t die on me, Bear. We still haven’t gotten that coffee that you promised yet.”
At least, her lunchtime didn’t end up as monotone as usual.
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