#operation northern skies
r6-unifiedlands · 4 months
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Shifting Axis (Ursa Minor/Switchblade)
Thank you for saibashii for working on my commission of these two dorks!! Go check their arts!!
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sayruq · 5 months
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Two mass graves were discovered on Monday in northern Gaza by the Health Ministry and the Civil Defense Forces, Al Jazeera reported — one which included patients from al-Shifa Hospital and another which contained 20 members of the same family killed in Beit Lahiya. At al-Shifa hospital, which suffered a devastating raid that left most of the complex in ruins, health officials discovered nine bodies before halting recovery operations from fear of being targeted by Israeli drones that hovered in the skies above them as they were digging, the Qatari news outlet stated. According to the report, some of the recovered bodies — which had not fully decomposed, indicating they were killed recently — appear to have been patients at the hospital; they still had medical bandages and catheters attached to them. Medical staff and family members identifying the bodies confirmed this. Survivors of the Israeli army’s assault on the hospital said they witnessed the summary execution of Palestinians by Israeli forces during the raid, which started in mid-March and lasted two weeks.
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northgazaupdates · 8 months
18 January 2024
Some Israeli and foreign media have been reporting that the IOF is in the final stages of its “mission” in the north of Gaza, and is in the process of withdrawing. This is not the case, and the propagation of this lie is allowing the IOF to kill more people in silence.
It is true that the IOF have withdrawn from SOME areas of the north. Journalist Hossam Shabat reports a full or near-full withdrawal of IOF from Beit Hanoun, for example. The IOF have also partially withdrawn from areas of western Gaza City and other regions.
But THEY STILL OCCUPY MUCH OF NORTH GAZA!!! Throughout their campaign, they have been bombing all over northern Gaza, both in the form of individual air strikes, and as accompaniment for their ground forces. Now, the trend seems to be partial withdrawals from and a *general* cessation of bombing in *some* areas, particularly in Beit Hanoun. However, where their ground forces remain, they have begun bombing even harder. People on the ground in Tuffah, Jabaliya, and Tal Al-Hawa in particular report a sharp increase in bombardment, including shelter centers.
On Instagram, multiple sources throughout north Gaza report continued and increased bombing in their areas. Shadi Mahmoud has been unable to travel around in search of internet connection because it is too dangerous to go out. Nurse Karam Naji reports that the bombing of Tal Al-Hawa is constant, and that IOF tanks and vehicles are in parts of Gaza City. Journalist Dawoud Abo Alkas reports the firing of smoke bombs in the skies about Tal Al-Hawa, which are used to conceal their operations and impede visibility for people on the ground.
Environmental engineer Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar reports a renewed IOF invasion of Jabaliya via the east edge of the city. There are drones, quadcopters, snipers, tanks, and other armaments attacking with great force.
Nurse and medical student princekouta reports very violent ground clashes in Tuffah and Jabaliya, in conjunction with the aerial bombardment of Tal Al-Hawa. The university in which he and tens of thousands of displaced people was also bombed today, with injuries and martyrs reported. He says this is the worst the bombardment has been practically since the beginning of the attacks, and he can now hear ground clashes very close to their location.
If you see this lie about the IOF leaving north Gaza going around, please correct it. People have started to completely forget the crisis in the north, and it is allowing the IOF to commit atrocities with impunity.
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butchwink · 4 months
An especially vivid aurora borealis is expected to paint the skies over most of Canada and parts of the U.S. in hues of green, pink and blue Friday night — a result of the most severe solar storm in nearly two decades, experts say.
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NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has issued a severe geomagnetic storm watch, anticipated to hit Earth Friday evening or Saturday morning. "We have a very rare event on our hands," Shawn Dahl, service co-ordinator at SWPC, told reporters Friday morning.
Solar storms are classified on a scale from G1 (minor) to G5 (extreme); Friday night's storm is a G4-level watch, the first issued since 2005, the agency said.
"If we do reach the G4 levels, (it) could mean that there could be some infrastructure effects — but we have notified all of our infrastructure operators that we co-ordinate with, such as satellite operators, communication folks … and of course, the power grid here in North America," Dahl said.
The storm is expected to also spark intense northern lights across the vast majority of Canada, including Ontario, and much of the northern half of the U.S. after sunset on Friday. It should still be visible for most of Canada by Saturday night, the SWPC forecasts.
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luminous-jellyfish · 1 year
A Writeblr Intro (English Version)
Link zur deutschen Version
Hi, I'm Marlin! I've been lurking on tumblr and in its writing community for years but was always too shy to engage. Now I've finally decided to start sharing my own stuff (mainly to organize myself) and become active!
⫸ About Me ⫷
I go by Marlin (she/her), or on some platforms by luminous-jellyfish
mid 20s, queer
I write (mostly) in German, but post (mostly) in English
my favorite genre is fantasy, and all the different direction fantasy can go in, but I like trying my hand at genre mixing
my main blog where I reblog general stuff and fandom things and so on is @secondrealitytotheright
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⫸ Current WIPs ⫷
I'm currently most actively working on a few different stories that all take place in the same world (though at slightly different points in time) that I've dubbed "leviathan world" in my notes - after the gigantic sea creatures that live in its deep oceans (and sometimes the sky, who can resist sky whales, seriously). I would probably call it a fantasy world with steampunk elements.
All of those stories feature queerness in different forms, and most of them include at least slight elements of what might be called body horror.
All of these stories are still operating under working titles and are in various, wildly differing draft stages. As always I have far too much planned in this world but these four are the stories I'm actually actively writing right now:
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Seeds beneath our skin
Genre: Magical Academy Fantasy, Coming-of-age story
Setting: a group of islands and archipelagos near the equator, where the leviathans are generally both revered and feared as holy and powerful creatures connected to the spirit world
Short Summary: A young girl who grew up as a sea nomad joins the temple that has controlled religious practices throughout the islands for a hundred years. Against her will she becomes a key figure in the struggle for power and religious freedom that is about to grip the temple. To survive spirit possession, human intrigue and ideological differences she is forced to reconsider her identity and world view and define herself on her own terms.
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Honey cakes and bloody satin
Genre: Steampunk Fantasy, (Cozy?) Mystery, Romance
Setting: a harbor city on the northern continent, famous for their leviathan hunters, where a technological revolution is happening as the blood of leviathans is turned into a powerful fuel
Short Summary: A journalist working for a revolutionary underground newspaper and a seamstress involved in the golem's rights movement are thrown together when a man dies right in front of their eyes. They must work together and solve the crime while also hiding everything happening from the Watch, to protect both of their secrets.
Short WIP Intro
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Half the lights
Genre: High Fantasy Adventure, Romance
Setting: A city on the back of a leviathan, as well as the open skies, oceans and harbors frequented by smugglers, messengers and pirates
Short Summary: A wealthy, bookish young woman who dreams of investigating weather phenomenons escapes having to forge a psychic bond with the leviathan carrying her home city on its back. She stows away on a messenger ship and finds herself among a shady crew of smugglers. Eventually she gets herself involved in pirate adventures, a political revolution and a growing attraction to a headstrong fighter with a rigid code of honor and high ideals.
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And surrendered the flesh
Genre: Science Fantasy
Setting: a big city in a sub-tropical climate, surrounded by jungles and plains that have been gripped by a powerful virus that contorts nature and all living things
Short Summary: A young girl from the country travels to the city to find her missing sister and gets involved with an organisation that strives to perfect the human body. An ambitious scientist fights to be recognised for her genius and to keep her past mistakes secret. An old woman is forced to join a struggle she has been hiding from for years and rediscover forgotten powers to try and save her grandchild. All three of them will shape the face of the city.
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usafphantom2 · 24 days
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NATO’s E-3 Sentry AWACS are Now Operating from Norway’s Rygge Air Base
The AWACS, described as NATO’s ‘eyes in the skies’, usually employed Ørland as forward base, however this time it was decided to deploy the aircraft to Rygge, with at least two E-3s already operating from there.
Parth Satam
A NATO E-3 Sentry AWACS arrives at Norway’s Rygge Air Station in connection with Nordic Response 2024. (Image credit: Onar Dignes Ase/Forsvaret)
The Norwegian military announced last week that its Rygge air base, in the southern part of the country, will begin frequently hosting NATO’s E-3 Sentry AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) aircraft. This is owing to the unavailability of the runway at Ørland in western Norway, which led to Rygge being chosen, the statement from the Norwegian Armed Forces said on Aug. 22, 2024.
Interestingly, the notice came a day prior to the threat alert at the NATO air base in Geilenkirchen, in far-western Germany, on Aug. 23, which saw personnel being evacuated until the alert was deactivated. The base is home to the NAEW&CF (NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force) E-3A Component.
Subsequent reports by German media said that the alert was owing to indications of “preparatory actions for a likely Russian act of sabotage,” although a NATO spokesperson later denied. “The word Russia was never mentioned,” said the spokesperson to Reuters. “We talked about a threat caused by drones.”
E-3s from the NAEW&CF had already operated from Rygge during the Nordic Response 2024 exercise, held from Feb. 26 to Mar. 15. Flight tracking data three days after the announcement, on Aug. 25, also showed an E-3 Sentry (callsign NATO40) operating between Rygge and Denmark over the North Sea. Again on Aug. 28 and Aug. 29, two E-3s (callsigns NATO01 and NATO06) were circling the length from northern Norway over the Norwegian Sea to northern Germany in two separate routes, operating from Rygge.
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Nordic Response was the name given to the Norwegian military’s annual Cold Response series of maneuvers, after it was expanded to include Finland and Sweden, following their accession to NATO. Nordic Response itself was a part of the broader Steadfast Defender exercise.
‘E-3s to become a Common Sight at Rygge’
According to the statement by the Norwegian Armed Forces, “Several aircraft of the type E-3A AWACS will operate from Rygge air station in the coming weeks.” Usually, the AWACS are “periodically stationed at Ørland air station, as a forward base for NATO.” The decision to relocate them to Rygge is owing to unavailability of the runway at Ørland for AWACS operations, said the press release without providing details.
“From their main base in Germany, the E-3 aircraft “are regularly seen over and in Norway for shorter missions, where they exercise and train together with allied and Norwegian military forces.” Ørland Air Station meanwhile is the RNoAF’s (Royal Norwegian Air Force) main F-35 base, which is expected to receive all its Lightning IIs by 2025.
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Another shot of the E-3 Sentry AWACS at Rygge during Nordic Response 2024. (Image credit: Onar Dignes Ase/Forsvaret).
“Our role is to facilitate and support AWACS operations from Rygge air station. We are well prepared for the mission, and look forward to receiving both aircraft, personnel and equipment,” said Colonel Thomas Orud Harlem, commander of 134 Air Wing, in the press release. The Wing has a helicopter unit that operates the Bell 412, besides being home to Air Force Training and Air Force Operations Inspectorates.
Nordic Response 2024
As mentioned before, NATO E-3As last operated from Rygge during the Nordic Response exercise between February and March this year. NATO said that at Rygge, during the drills, the participating countries operated two E-3A AWACS planes.
“The E-3A aircraft is often referred to as NATO’s ‘eyes in the skies’,” noted NATO’s press release. “This is due to its capability to detect air and sea movements hundreds of kilometers away. This data is shared with NATO commanders to provide them with a shared understanding of activities that take place in areas of particular concern.”
This year’s expanded version of the exercise saw the participation of over 20,000 soldiers from 13 allied nations. Of these, approximately 10,000 exercised on land and were the most visible during the exercise. The participating countries included Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
More than 100 fighter jets, transport aircraft, maritime surveillance aircraft, as well as allied CH-53 Super Stallion, EH-101 Merlin, AH-1 Cobra helicopters and V-22 Osprey tiltrotor participated. Nordic Response was also closely integrated with the British-led naval exercise Joint Warrior, which took place in the sea between Scotland, Norway, and Iceland in late February.
E-3 Sentry AWACS is NATO’s key asset
“The strategic role of the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force cannot be overstated,” said ​​Air Commodore Andrew Turk, NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander. “We can showcase this in a large-scale, multi-domain scenario like Exercise Nordic Response 24, showing our determined ambition to dominate the airspace and defend the Alliance.”
The importance of such assets was also stated by Norway with the announcement of the deployment to Rygge. “The aircraft operates as a command and control unit in the air, has unique characteristics and can detect both sea, land and air movements from far away,” said the statement. “Together with other sources of information, they form a comprehensive aerial view for decision-makers.”
Nordic Response also came at a time when “for the first time, NATO is setting new defence plans into reality proving their executability and NATO’s warfighting transformation,” said an official statement. The transformation also includes the renewal of the AWACS fleet, which will be replaced by the newer E-7 Wedgetail.
Last year NATO decided to replace its fleet of 14 E-3A AWACS with six new E-7A, with the first one expected to be delivered by 2031. The Wedgetail will be part of the Alliance Future Surveillance and Control system of systems capability, which will also include space and maritime intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets, along with the already operational RQ-4 Alliance Ground Surveillance.
About Parth Satam
Parth Satam's career spans a decade and a half between two dailies and two defense publications. He believes war, as a human activity, has causes and results that go far beyond which missile and jet flies the fastest. He therefore loves analyzing military affairs at their intersection with foreign policy, economics, technology, society and history. The body of his work spans the entire breadth from defense aerospace, tactics, military doctrine and theory, personnel issues, West Asian, Eurasian affairs, the energy sector and Space.
@The Aviationist.com
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"A parade of atmospheric river-fueled winter storms in California and other western states has erased the most extreme drought conditions for the first time since 2020 and more water is on the way, forecasters predict.
The U.S. Drought Monitor's latest conditions report shows no part of California is in the Extreme or Exceptional Drought designations that blanketed most of the state last summer. 
Most of the central portion of the state is completely free of drought conditions from the latest readings on March 14. Parts of Northern and Southern California are still showing Abnormally Dry or Moderate Drought on the scale, while Moderate Drought conditions are still in place in parts of Siskiyou, Lassen, Modoc, Inyo and San Bernardino counties .
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Record snowfall and rain have helped to loosen drought's grip on parts of the western U.S. as national forecasters and climate experts warned Thursday that some areas should expect more flooding as the snow begins to melt...
Jon Gottschalck, chief of the operational prediction branch at NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, said the start of the fire season in the Southwestern U.S. likely will be delayed."
-via CBS News, 3/16/23
And an update from 3/30/23
50% of California is now out of drought completely!
Couldn't find an article about this that didn't have a picture of drastic flooding, rip.
"Drought conditions across California continue to retreat thanks to heavy rain and historic snowfall that has battered the Golden State since late last year.
Data from the U.S. Drought Monitor released on Thursday shows that more than 50% of California is free of any drought classification for the first time since February 2020...
In November, virtually all of California’s Central Valley was deemed to be in an “exceptional drought,” the U.S. Drought Monitor’s worst classification.
As of [March 30th], California’s entire coastline was drought-free and only a small section of the Central Valley was considered “abnormally dry.” More significant drought conditions still exist in the northeastern and southeastern areas of the state...
California’s Sierra Nevada mountains are seeing record snowpack that will eventually melt and fill the state’s reservoirs. On Wednesday, Mammoth Mountain ski resort announced it had set a new all-time snowfall record."
-via KTLA, 3/30/23
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apod · 2 years
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2022 December 21
Sun Halo at Sixty-three Degrees North Image Credit & Copyright: Goran Strand
Explanation: Happy Solstice! Today is the December solstice, marking an astronomical beginning of summer in the southern hemisphere and winter in the north. On its yearly trek through planet Earth's skies, at this solstice the Sun reaches its southern most declination, 23.5 degrees south, at 21:48 UTC. About 4 days ago the Sun was near this seasonal southern limit and so only just above the horizon at local noon over Ostersund in central Sweden. This view looking over the far northern lakeside city finds the midday Sun with a beautiful solar ice halo. Naturally occurring atmospheric ice crystals can produce the tantalizing halo displays, refracting and reflecting the sunlight through their hexagonal geometry. Still, with the Sun low and near the horizon in the clear sky, likely sources of the ice crystals producing this intense halo are snow cannons. Operating at a local ski area, the snowmaking machines create a visible plume at the top of the nearby island Froson toward the right side of the panorama.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap221221.html
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airsllides · 11 days
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airsLLide No. 17020: C-GATU, DeHavilland Canada DHC-6-300, Air Tindi, Yellowknife-Floatplane Base, June 13, 1999.
Northern Canada, Alaska and the Pacific Northwest deeply depend on the services of float planes when it comes to supplying lodges, remote settlements or mining camps. The Twin Otter with its capacity of 19 seats or 2'500lb (1'135kg) of cargo is a very versatile and hard to replace workhorse for such duties.
Yellowknife's local 'bush airline' Air Tindi has used almost twenty different Twin Otters over the years, either fitting them with low-pressure 'Tundra tires' for operations on unpaved runways, or with floats during the summer months and skies in the winter for operations on rivers and lakes, be it open waters or ice covered.
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beardedmrbean · 12 days
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — A bridge collapsed and a bus was swept away by flooding in Vietnam on Monday, raising the death toll in the Southeast Asian country to at least 64 from a typhoon and subsequent heavy rains that also damaged factories in export-focused northern industrial hubs, state media reported.
Nine people died on Saturday after Typhoon Yagi made landfall in Vietnam before weakening into a tropical depression. The rest died in the floods and landslides that followed on Sunday and Monday, state media VN Express reported.
The water levels of several rivers in northern Vietnam were dangerously high.
A bus carrying 20 people was swept into a flooded stream by a landslide in mountainous Cao Bang province on Monday morning. State media said four bodies were recovered from the bus and one person was rescued alive. The others were still missing.
In Phu Tho province, rescue operations were continuing after a steel bridge over the engorged Red River collapsed Monday morning. Reports said 10 cars and trucks along with two motorbikes fell into the river. Some people were pulled out of the river and taken to a hospital, but at least 10 people were still missing.
Nguyen Minh Hai, who fell into the flooded river, told state Vietnam Television, “I was so scared when I fell down. I felt like I’ve just escaped death. I can’t swim and I thought I would die.”
Pham Truong Son, 50, told VN Express that he was driving on the bridge on his motorcycle when he heard a loud noise. Before he knew what was happening, he was falling into the river. “I felt like I was drowning at the bottom of the river,” Son told the news outlet, adding that he managed to swim and hold on to a drifting banana tree to stay afloat before he was rescued.
Dozens of businesses in Haiphong province haven’t resumed production because of extensive damage to their factories, state newspaper Lao Dong reported. It said the roofs of several factories were blown apart and water seeped inside, damaging finished goods and expensive equipment. Some companies said they still didn’t have electricity on Monday and that it would take at least a month to resume production.
Parts of Haiphong and Quang Ninh provinces were still without power on Monday. The two provinces are industrial hubs, housing many factories that export goods, including EV maker VinFast and Apple suppliers Pegatrong and USI. Authorities are still assessing the damage to factories, but initial estimates showed that nearly 100 enterprises were damaged, resulting in millions of dollars in losses, the newspaper reported.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited Haiphong city on Sunday and approved a $4.62 million package to help the port city recover.
Typhoon Yagi was the strongest typhoon to hit Vietnam in decades when it made landfall Saturday with winds up to 149 kph (92 mph). It weakened Sunday, but the country’s meteorological agency warned that continuing downpours could cause floods and landslides.
On Sunday, a landslide killed six people including an infant and injured nine others in Sapa town, a popular trekking base known for its terraced rice fields and mountains. Overall, state media reported 21 deaths and at least 299 people injured from the weekend.
Skies were overcast in the capital, Hanoi, with occasional rain Monday morning as workers cleared uprooted trees, fallen billboards and toppled electricity poles. Heavy rain continued in northwestern Vietnam and forecasters said it could exceed 40 centimeters (15 inches) in places.
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By Marcia Dunn
Updated 9:45 PM, 11 May 2024
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — An unusually strong solar storm hitting Earth produced stunning displays of color in the skies across the Northern Hemisphere early Saturday, with no immediate reports of disruptions to power and communications.
The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a rare severe geomagnetic storm warning when a solar outburst reached Earth on Friday afternoon, hours sooner than anticipated.
The effects of the Northern Lights, which were prominently on display in Britain, were due to last through the weekend and possibly into next week.
Many in the U.K. shared phone snaps of the lights on social media early Saturday, with the phenomenon seen as far south as London and southern England.
"There were sightings from top to tail across the country,” said Chris Snell, a meteorologist at the Met Office, Britain’s weather agency.
He added that the office received photos and information from other European locations including Prague and Barcelona.
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NOAA alerted operators of power plants and spacecraft in orbit, as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to take precautions.
“For most people here on planet Earth, they won’t have to do anything,” said Rob Steenburgh, a scientist with NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center.
The storm could produce northern lights as far south in the U.S. as Alabama and Northern California, NOAA said.
But it was hard to predict and experts stressed it would not be the dramatic curtains of color normally associated with the northern lights, but more like splashes of greenish hues.
“That’s really the gift from space weather: the aurora,” Steenburgh said.
He and his colleagues said the best aurora views may come from phone cameras, which are better at capturing light than the naked eye.
"Snap a picture of the sky and there might be actually a nice little treat there for you,” said Mike Bettwy, operations chief for the prediction center.
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The most intense solar storm in recorded history — in 1859 — prompted auroras in central America and possibly even Hawaii.
“We are not anticipating that but it could come close," NOAA space weather forecaster Shawn Dahl said.
This storm poses a risk for high-voltage transmission lines for power grids, not the electrical lines ordinarily found in people’s homes, Dahl told reporters.
Satellites also could be affected, which in turn could disrupt navigation and communication services here on Earth.
An extreme geomagnetic storm in 2003, for example, took out power in Sweden and damaged power transformers in South Africa.
Even when the storm is over, signals between GPS satellites and ground receivers could be scrambled or lost, according to NOAA.
But there are so many navigation satellites that any outages should not last long, Steenburgh noted.
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The sun has produced strong solar flares since Wednesday, resulting in at least seven outbursts of plasma.
Each eruption, known as a coronal mass ejection, can contain billions of tons of plasma and magnetic field from the sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona.
The flares seem to be associated with a sunspot that’s 16 times the diameter of Earth, NOAA said.
It is all part of the solar activity ramping up as the sun approaches the peak of its 11-year cycle.
NASA said the storm posed no serious threat to the seven astronauts aboard the International Space Station.
The biggest concern is the increased radiation levels, and the crew could move to a better shielded part of the station if necessary, according to Steenburgh.
Increased radiation also could threaten some of NASA’s science satellites.
Extremely sensitive instruments will be turned off, if necessary, to avoid damage, said Antti Pulkkinen, director of the space agency’s heliophysics science division.
Several sun-focused spacecraft are monitoring all the action.
“This is exactly the kinds of things we want to observe,” Pulkkinen said.
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r6-unifiedlands · 5 months
[Polaris "Ursa Minor" Harmonics & Aarre “Switchblade” Kärkkäinen]
Summary: Today's lunch for Ursa didn't go as usual.
A/N: I finished this short drabble in spite of a rollercoaster of a mess fic made by a friend. Also, OC is by @corvidcrows
One of the perks as a member of Nighthaven is the free-for-all buffet for all mealtimes, even including midnight snacks. The cafeteria is something that unites all agents from all backgrounds and ethnicities in one spot, eating different things while also having a banter with their friends.
It’s good for Polaris’ own finances to lower groceries’s monthly budget and reduce food waste. But she’s a very picky eater in a way of “She won’t eat if the food looks unappetizing.” And buffet food often looks very, very unappetizing.
She’s sure it tastes good. But her brain would convince her to throw up if she fed herself with that without tweaking the appearances. That’s why she used the free meal perk to bring them as leftovers rather than eating them right there.
So there she was, eating her lunch at a secluded corner of the mess hall while sitting on the floor. Wedging herself between two vending machines got her strange looks from other staff. But who cares? She likes being in tight corners sometimes.
“Guten tag, Ursa.” Polaris tilted her head slightly upwards to see Monika’s smiling face. “How you doing? Comfy in there?”
“I like the pressure it gives. Makes me feel safer.”
The engineer’s calloused hand found its way to pat her head and left her alone. Why do people always aim for her head, anyway?
“Friend?” Her head tilted a bit higher now, seeing the familiar whitish blonde of a certain Norwegian with his award-winning smile that took the heart of his hundred thousand followers on Instagram. 
“Hm? Yes, Ace?”
“Why you’re in there? That position doesn’t look comfortable.”
“You’re the second person to ask that today.” She took a bite of her spring rolls. “IQ asked me just now. I just like the pressure, that’s all.”
“The only thing you’re lacking now is a fake tail and a pair of cat ears, friend.” He winked as he reached down to grab his can of drink, making the younger agent’s face heat up a bit. “See you around! Remember we have Operation Skyscraper at zero two hundred!”
Once again, she was left all alone. This time feeling sheepish.
She needed to eat fast before she got spotted again-
“Little bear?”
The food that she was currently chewing went straight to her windpipe, making her choke and cough violently. 
There stood Switch, hands crossed on his chest. Baby blue eyes behind the framed glasses staring down at her with curiosity.
She’s still not used to the sweet nickname, goddamnit!
The Finnish agent fumbled with the mobile computer on his prosthetic arm and she could feel slight movements in one of the vending machines. He reached down and grabbed two cans of coffee latte, then passed one to her. 
Did he just hack a fucking vending machine?? Does this thing operate through the Internet???
Well, Polaris didn’t think too hard about it for now. She cracked open the top and chugged the whole thing, then quietly sighed. No more itchiness in her throat and she liked the cold liquid cooling down her body a lot.
Switch cracked open his own can and took a small sip. “This tastes like water.” He muttered.
“The fuck you think it is? This canned coffee latte brand is among the top ten least-selling items for these vending machines. Expensive and shit-tasting.”
He raised one of his eyebrows. “That’s a specific information to know.”
“I’ve been hanging around here for months. Fuck off.”
“Quite a charmer today, aren’t you?”
An empty can flew towards the hacker and he tilted his head a bit to dodge the attack of a very flustered SAR member. “One day I’m going to kill you with my bare hands.”
“You mean bear hands?”
Her reaction caused the other to let out a snorting laugh, his prosthetic reached down to pat her head. “Okay, okay, I’ll tone it down for now.” Switch gave a grin. “Because I’m in a good mood.”
Polaris pouted, before prying herself out from her usual corner while holding Switch’s prosthetic as he pulled her up. As much as she liked her little place, she also liked being free from the pressure. 
“Why’re you wandering around here anyway?” She asked, dusting her pants from the dust sticking onto her jeans. “I thought you were on a debriefing session with others.”
“Boring. I sneaked out from the meeting room.” He started to walk, and she followed him from behind. 
“You’ll get your ass whooped by Kali at one point.” Her voice was softer. She’s genuinely worried that his behavior like this would get him in trouble. “Did you get hurt? Have you got yourself checked?”
It’s Switch’s turn to look at her, frowning. “I’m good, Ursa. I didn’t slip up like last time.”
“I’ll trust your words this time.” Her reply was short. “As long as you’re alright, I don’t have much comment.”
It’s hard to put her trust in Switch’s own well-being, considering how hidden he was in the past regarding his injuries. So many times Finka had to report to her that the man himself came to the medbay. And countless times, she had to sprint at full speed to catch up to him and and drag him back to either medbay or to her office.
“I appreciate that.” There was a small hum coming from the taller man, a small smile plastered on his face. “Do you want to grab a proper coffee? That watery stuff ruined my tastebuds and I need a better cuppa.”
The statement made Polaris chuckle. “I know a place near the city. My sister recommended it to me, but I never got my chance to visit it.”
“I guess we have that chance now? My treat, of course.”
Her breath hitched as the Switch leaned down, his face getting closer to her with that usual teasing tone. She’s trying so hard to hide her flushed face, dusted with pink.
“Well…if it’s your treat…How can I reject an offer of free things…” A poorly disguised excuse that she’d chosen to gaslight herself, all with the straightest face that she could muster right now.
He’s your co-worker, Ursa. Get ahold of yourself!!!
A sensation of cold metal holding her hand came to drag her down to stabilize herself from being flustered. But soon it came back in full force when she looked down and trailed towards the source.
Switch with a shit-eating grin. His cold prosthetic arm gently held her hand.
Oh, he’s fucking with her.
He tugged her hand, leading the way to the outside of the base, looking visibly brighter than before. “Don’t die on me, Bear. We still haven’t gotten that coffee that you promised yet.”
At least, her lunchtime didn’t end up as monotone as usual.
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Smoke Fills South American Skies
Intense fires burning in several South American countries draped large swaths of smoke across the continent throughout August and early September 2024. In Brazil and Bolivia, fire activity reached levels not seen since 2010 as a prolonged drought parched landscapes in both countries.
From about 1 million miles (1.6 million kilometers) away from Earth, NASA’s EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) imager on the DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) satellite captured this view of smoke billowing from the blazes on September 3, 2024.
Smoke from fires in Brazil swept over the country’s capital city in mid-August and early September. For several days, São Paolo’s air was clouded with smog, and air quality was unhealthy for sensitive groups, according to AirNow. The smoke grounded flights and forced schools to close in the most populous city in Brazil, according to The Guardian.
The fire season in the southern Amazon, which generally ramps up in August and peaks in September and October, has been intense this year. According to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), a component of the European Union’s space program, emissions from fires have been exceptionally high in Bolivia and the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Mato Grosso do Sul.
CAMS estimates near-real-time wildfire emissions using its Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS), which aggregates observations made by the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensors on NASA’s Aqua and Terra satellites. Compared to the previous 21 years, these areas have registered their highest year-to-date total emissions, at 44, 22, and 13 million metric tons of carbon, respectively.
The Pantanal region—which straddles the Brazil-Bolivia border and is home to one of the world’s largest tropical wetlands—has been especially hard hit in 2024. Early and intense blazes spread over the wetlands in late May and continued into August. According to Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), there were a record number of fire detections in the biome in June 2024, and fires have continued to burn at high levels since.
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The false-color image above, acquired by the OLI (Operational Land Imager) on Landsat 8, shows fires near Ascensión de Guarayos, in the Bolivian state of Santa Cruz. The false-color image emphasizes the burn areas (brown) from several fires on September 3, 2024. Unburned vegetation is green. Near- and short-wave infrared bands help penetrate some of the smoke to reveal hot areas associated with active fires, which appear orange.
Through September 6, blazes tore through more than 10 million hectares of Bolivia, or roughly 9 percent of the country’s total area. Out of the 42 million metric tons of carbon emitted in Bolivia between May and August, 33 million metric tons came from fires in the state of Santa Cruz, according to Mark Parrington, CAMS senior scientist with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
Large parts of South America have seen significant rainfall deficits over the past three months. According to ECMWF, this has led to “exceptional drought” (the highest drought ranking) over much of the central and northern parts of the continent. Brazil’s Natural Disaster Monitoring and Alerts Center noted on September 5 that shifted rainfall patterns from El Niño, increased temperatures from climate change, and reduced humidity from deforestation have all contributed to the drought.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Michala Garrison, using data from DSCOVR EPIC and Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Emily Cassidy.
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bearcreekcabins · 2 months
Relax and Rejuvenate: Weekend Vacation Homes in Northern Idaho 
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When you're planning a weekend getaway, Northern Idaho stands out as a prime destination for relaxation and adventure. With its stunning landscapes, serene environment, and a wide array of activities, it's no surprise that cabin vacation rentals in Northern Idaho are highly sought after. In this article, we'll explore why booking a weekend vacation home in this beautiful region is an excellent choice and highlight some of the best options available. 
Northern Idaho is renowned for its natural beauty. The region is home to majestic mountains, lush forests, and pristine lakes, offering a picturesque backdrop for your vacation. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast or simply looking to unwind in a tranquil setting, Northern Idaho has something for everyone. The scenic beauty alone makes it a top choice for a weekend escape. 
One of the significant advantages of choosing cabin vacation rentals in Northern Idaho is the variety of accommodations available. From rustic log cabins to luxurious mountain homes, there is something to suit every taste and preference. These cabins provide a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, allowing you to feel right at home while surrounded by nature. 
Luxury mountain cabins offer the perfect blend of comfort and elegance. Equipped with modern amenities such as fully equipped kitchens, spacious living areas, and private hot tubs, these cabins provide a high-end experience. Imagine soaking in a hot tub under the stars or enjoying a cozy evening by the fireplace – these are just a few of the experiences you can expect in a luxury cabin. 
For families, cabin vacation rentals in Northern Idaho are an ideal choice. These cabins are designed to accommodate groups, with multiple bedrooms and ample living space. They provide the perfect setting for quality family time, whether you're playing games, cooking together, or exploring the great outdoors. The convenience of having a fully equipped kitchen also allows you to prepare your meals, making it a budget-friendly option. 
One of the best aspects of weekend vacation rentals in Northern Idaho is the easy access to outdoor activities. The region is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering a wide range of activities such as hiking, fishing, boating, and biking. In the winter, you can enjoy skiing and snowboarding at nearby resorts. The abundance of outdoor adventures ensures that there's never a dull moment during your stay. 
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Northern Idaho is home to several charming towns and communities, each with its unique character and attractions. Coeur d'Alene, for instance, is a popular destination known for its stunning lake, vibrant downtown, and numerous recreational activities. Staying in a cabin near Coeur d'Alene allows you to explore this beautiful town while enjoying the peace and tranquility of your private retreat. 
The convenience and flexibility of cabin vacation rentals are another reason why they are a popular choice for weekend getaways. Unlike hotels, cabins offer more privacy and space, allowing you to unwind and relax without interruptions. You can choose a cabin that suits your preferences, whether you prefer a secluded spot in the woods or a cabin with easy access to local attractions. 
Booking a weekend vacation rental in Northern Idaho also supports the local community. Many of these cabins are owned and operated by local residents, providing you with a more authentic and personalized experience. The owners often offer valuable insights and tips about the area, helping you make the most of your stay. 
When it comes to choosing the perfect cabin vacation rental, Bear Creek Cabins is an excellent option. Nestled in the heart of Northern Idaho, Bear Creek Cabins offer a unique blend of rustic charm and modern amenities. The cabins are designed to provide a comfortable and memorable stay, with features such as cozy fireplaces, fully equipped kitchens, and breathtaking views. Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a solo retreat, Bear Creek Cabins cater to all your needs. 
In conclusion, booking a weekend vacation rental in Northern Idaho is a fantastic way to relax and rejuvenate. The region's natural beauty, variety of accommodations, and abundance of outdoor activities make it an ideal destination for a weekend escape. Whether you choose a luxurious mountain cabin or a family-friendly retreat, you're sure to have an unforgettable experience. Consider Bear Creek Cabins for your next getaway and discover the tranquility and adventure that await you in Northern Idaho. 
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owl127 · 2 years
Could you write another alpha Clarke and omega Lexa chapter in your fic? I think it would be cool to see their first time together
Read on Ao3
Lexa hated Azgeda. 
A necessary headache, Titus would say, to preserve the Coalition. Lexa understood the logic: Azgeda was the largest northern clan, with thousands of seasoned warriors and an established mining operation and wool production. A useful and important ally.
It didn't change the fact that Lexa despised them.
"Heda," mumbled a short boy serving her wine, her personal server for the night's celebration. Her drink was bitter, and she hid her grimace with another gulp. 
With Azgeda, the Coalition—Lexa's dream—was complete. There would be sleepless nights to argue about treaties and new alliances to form, but tonight, under the heavy and humid skies of Polis summer, Lexa's Coalition celebrated the integration of their last, most stubborn, and one of their most powerful members. 
Fucking Azgeda. 
Lexa stared at Nia and her pitiful entourage. Nia gorged herself on wine and salted meats, berry juices running down her pale chin as she called for her son to bring her more wine. Nia was everything Lexa despised in an alpha: public debauchery, loud threats that other people would have to fill for her; a sickening air of forced superiority, as if the world needed to know about her cock.
Lexa hated her.
"Behave," Anya warned from her side, and Lexa could swear her old mentor was teasing her. 
"I'm not doing anything," Lexa complained into her cup, adjusting her seat on her throne. 
"So you were not about to challenge Nia to some stupid party game simply to publicly humiliate her?" Anya eyed the knife on Lexa's hand, knowing her commander had a penchant for throwing it at parties. Mostly for fun.
"In any case, she'd name a champion. The woman never does anything herself." 
"She's their chosen leader, Heda."
Chosen. An old-fashioned way to select a leader. A true leader had intelligence and strength, like Lexa. A true leader proved their way with a blade. 
Lexa would never name a champion if challenged by that pitiful woman. 
Spirits, how she hated them.
When wine was low in cups and laughter was high on cheeks, Lexa knew it was the moment she could escape the celebration. She waited for that moment and not a second longer, with Anya like a shadow behind her as they headed to her tower. The festivities spilled from the central market to the tower, with most ambassadors hosted on the first floor. Lexa refused the requests for liquor and dancing, thanking Floukru's representative and trying not to laugh at Sankru’s joke about Nia's dick, or lack thereof. 
She made her way around the main lobby, aiming to reach her private elevator, but stopped at the sharp sound of a slap. It came from a dark corridor that led to the ambassador's quarters. Anya touched her knife, but Lexa raised a hand. There would be no bloodshed tonight to honor their new Coalition member. Instead, Lexa headed to the corridor, the unmistakable sound of whimpering filling the air.
Nia's hand was red from the slap, and she shook it ungracefully. On her knees, the woman Lexa knew to be the Azgeda general shook her head, a trickle of blood brimming on her cheek. Nia's ring had left it there.
"Don't you ever question me," Nia hissed, inebriated and angry. Her crow was crooked on her pale curls, and she looked like everything Lexa thought of her: a small, scared woman.
"My queen, she's to be your ambassador. You asked me to appoint her, and she deserves respect," the wounded general said, eyes cast down.
Between them, still whimpering, another woman kneeled, tears overflowing from her lowered chin. Her dress was torn, carelessly so, and the omega in Lexa snarled with recognition.
"Is there anything you need, Queen Nia?" Lexa's voice boomed in the corridor, not matching her serene, small smile. Nia startled, her fury melting in surprise. She stood taller, shaking her head. 
"I appreciate your hospitality, Heda, but my general and ambassador were simply lost. If you may direct them," she said with the easy pride of someone used to giving orders, but her speech was slurred and she was not in a position to give orders to Heda Lexa.
Anya growled from the shadows, but Lexa stopped it with a flick of her wrist. "A guard will assign them a room. Have a good night, Queen Nia."
That was as much as a dismissal would be, and Nia slammed her doors once inside, like the pup she was.
The general stood up and helped the distressed omega, exchanging short and sharp words. The omega bowed her head to Lexa and disappeared at the end of the hallway. 
"I appreciate your kindness, Heda Lexa," the general said, as if her cheek wasn't still bleeding, "but please refrain from interviewing in Azgeda's internal politics."
Anya took a full step out of the shadows to threaten the other woman, who lowered her head and continued, "I mean no disrespect. But Nia is a proud leader and will not take kindly to looking weak."
"You talking to your queen doesn't make her look weak." Lexa pulled a handkerchief from her coat pocket, extending it between them as a peace offering. "Your queen trying to rape her newly appointed ambassador, on the contrary, does make her look weak."
The general, all hard lines on pale skin marked by scars and weather, looked Lexa up and down before accepting the cloth. She placed it on her cheek, and it slowly turned scarlet. It made her eyes darker in that dim hallway. 
"I appreciate your concern," the general said, tilting her head in half a bow, her voice clipped. 
"I haven't seen you at the festivities," Lexa found herself saying, her mind intent on deciphering the puzzle that seemed to be the Azgeda woman. 
"There are other priorities besides celebration."
A hard worker. Maybe Nia had half a brain to have someone like that at her side. 
"Will the ambassador need any more assistance? Or will you be with her through the night?"
Lexa felt the confused look Anya shot at her back.
The general's eyebrows rose to her hairline, and she shook her head. "The ambassador will be taken care of," she said, her hand covering half her face with a bloody cloth, but Lexa saw the beginning of a smile. "Even if not by me."
Lexa nodded and continued on her way to the elevator. 
Anya's smirk showed her teeth as the doors closed in front of them.
"Oh, shut up," Lexa said in their native tongue.
"I didn't say anything."
"You were thinking it."
"Maybe you are the one with a vivid imagination."
There might be something good in Azgeda after all.
Her name was Clarke. 
Unlike Nia, she acquired her position by personal merit while leading Azgeda's army against invasions from the frozen north.
She was also an unmated alpha, but not like Lexa was paying any attention.
On their month-long visit to Polis, Clarke was the only Azgeda warrior who visited the training grounds every single sunrise. It simply happened that Lexa did the same. And it was because of this coincidence that Lexa found herself able to act on her hatred for Azgeda in her daily combat training with their most revered general. It was almost an even battle.
Clarke's back lifted dust in the training grounds as she fell. She grunted with the effort to roll out of Lexa's wooden spear, jumping to her feet to avoid another blow from the commander's weapon. Her blood mixed with the orange and copper dust as she spit on the ground.
"Again," she asked, and Lexa nodded, her spear fast and accurate.
When they stopped, the sun had risen completely—a new summer morning in the capital of the Coalition. They drank water in silence, with Clarke perched on the training fence while Lexa rested her hips against it. 
"Why do you insist on fighting unarmed?" Lexa voiced the question that had been nagging her since the general had inquired if they could train together.
"It's what I need to develop." Clarke's voice was always low and gravely in the mornings. Not that Lexa talked to her at any other time of the day, but she liked to imagine that voice was for her ears only.
"But you carry a weapon. The Azgeda sling."
Clarke chucked. "Azcaretha. Please don't call it a sling."
"What is it, then?"
"A traditional weapon crafted by Azgeda specialists."
"In the format of a sling," Lexa completed, and Clarke snorted into her cup.
Watching them, Anya squinted her eyes. Lexa was getting very good at ignoring her pointed looks.
Clarke picked up her azcaretha from the side of the training grounds, crossed the dusty arena, leaving her empty cup on a post, and walked back to Lexa. Lexa raised an eyebrow in challenge, and the other woman smirked. Clarke looked at her target, took a deep breath, and raised her left arm in an arch, twisting the soft leather of her weapon in a continuous flow until it spun once, twice, and three times, and a rock Lexa had not even noticed was there flew with surgical precision and hit the metallic cup across the arena. It fell with a loud ring.
For the first time, Lexa saw a side of smug alpha in the general. She was able to control her face with nonchalant approval, but when Clarke smiled triumphantly at Lexa’s silent praise, there was no stopping the heat surging low in her belly. Just a little.
The Azgueda entourage had a lightness to them without their queen. Laughter bubbled easier and mead went down faster, scarred faces broken into grins around their blonde circle.
Polis welcomed the start of the fall harvest with a festival, which coincided with the Azgeda general's last days in Polis. Lexa would miss their morning training, though she would never admit that. She saw the general put her hand around the Azgeda ambassador's shoulders, the two of them a perfect pair of scars and wheat hair, and whatever she felt about it, it wasn't good. Lexa would not admit to that either. 
Lexa straightened her shoulders and took another sip of her mulled wine. It tasted sharp and sweet, with a touch of spice that overwhelmed her tongue. It came from Azgeda, and she wondered if everything from there tasted sweet. And that was another thought for the secret box. "What, Anya?" Her own general stared at the Azgeda group with a tilt to her chin that Lexa immediately disliked. 
"It’s the Azgeda general’s last night in Polis," Anya said casually, in a way she didn’t say anything. Anya was not casual; she was purposeful and direct.
"Speak your mind." Lexa took another sip from her cup. Sweet, sweet Azgeda wine.
"You won’t see her again. It won’t be a problem for the coalition."
"Spirits, Anya, what are you—"
"Spend the night with her." Anya shrugged at Lexa’s frown. "It will do you good."
Clarke chose that moment to turn and find Lexa’s eyes, waving from the other side of the Polis Tower room. The candles made her eyes flash darker, giving Lexa a steely focus. Lexa’s cheeks warmed, and she hoped it was the Azgeda wine and not the Azgeda alpha. 
"Do you approve of her?" Lexa challenged, aware of Anya’s overprotectiveness. 
"I said spend the night with her, not join her under the Spirits," Anya mumbled, crossing her arms. That was as close to an approval as Lexa was ever going to get. What had the general done to convince Anya? 
Lexa rose from her honorable table, nodding to the Floukru Ambassador, who had too much of the mulled wine. She glanced back at Clarke and held her gaze. Clarke raised a pale eyebrow, and Lexa nodded. The way the alpha licked her lips was satisfying. Lexa’s commander emblem itched on her forehead as she excused herself to the kitchens, apparently in search of wine. Anya stopped by the door and didn't follow.
Thin layers of dust covered the caskets in the tower's wine cellar, an underground room accessible by a simple hatch with a single window to the lower gardens. The hatch was left unlocked, and no servant would follow the commander. New, clean casks with Azgeda-burned symbols rested next to the entrance, and Lexa lifted a lid to smell the richness of what was becoming her favorite beverage.
A minute passed, then two. Five. Ten. 
Maybe the general wasn't as sagacious as she had expected, or maybe that wasn’t a good idea at all, because flirting on the training grounds was one thing, but acting on her impulses was another. She should, as Heda—
"Bloody chicken hell!" The exclamation was accompanied by a loud thud in the quiet room, the small garden window shaking in its rusty frame. Lexa, a glass of wine in hand, walked to the lump of a warrior on the ground: a mess of blonde tresses and swears.
"There is a door," Lexa pointed to the hatch above them, her lips curling in unsuppressed amusement.
Clarke dusted herself off and stood up with what was left of her dignity. Her cheeks flushed a beautiful pink, a stark contrast to the scars that painted her face. "I was under the impression you wanted me to be discreet."
"Did you accomplish that?" Lexa raised an eyebrow at the ajar window, music and laughter from the celebration invading the cellar. 
Clarke made a small noise at the back of her throat, the pink in her cheeks turning a shade of burgundy. "Well enough."
"And what do you plan to do now that you're here?" Lexa abandoned her glass on top of a forgotten cask. She took a couple steps further into the room, away from the few candles and the only door. 
Clarke seemed to know an invitation when offered one. 
The cold from the stone room vanished when the Azgeda warrior—fully recovered from her window stunt—stepped into Lexa's personal space, close enough for them to share heat. 
"I have an idea or two," Clarke whispered as she took in Lexa's scent, her nose dangerously close to a pulsing neck. Lexa placed her forearms on the general's shoulders, liking how comfortable they felt there. Clarke leaned in, their hips meeting, sharp Azgeda leather and the commander's sash entwining. Lexa's forefinger followed the line of a long scar, a silver drawing that curled on Clarke's temple and climbed down a pink cheek to meet her chin. Lexa shared a breath with Clarke, who closed her eyes and sighed under Lexa’s touch.
"So at least two?" Lexa challenged, and her stomach filled with butterflies at being lifted, a playful growl leaving Clarke’s lips. 
"That’s a promise." 
Lexa nodded, their noses meeting in a feathery touch. "Show me, then. General." It was whispered with reverence. 
The kiss was not what Lexa expected. Azgeda was hard ice, cold, fierce, and unforgiving. But all she found on Clarke's lips was warmth and softness. Lexa welcomed Clarke closer, her legs spreading to allow more heat, more access, and more Clarke.
And who would know that wine wasn’t the only sweet Azgedian export. 
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wendihinojoa · 5 months
Discovering The Greatest Heli Skiing Tours In Canada
Once looking for the very best heli-skiing tours in Canada, think about aspects like terrain range, snowfall conditions, safety documents, as well as quick guide expertise. Operators like Canadian Mountain Holidays (CMH), Mike Wiegele Chopper Snowboarding, and RK Heliski are recognized for delivering excellent adventures in impressive sites like British Columbia and Alberta. Analysis completely as well as review reviews to produce a knowledgeable option
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