maybe-mienshao · 5 months
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The dark purple mienshao sighs a bit with a smile ???Mienshao: Okay.. As long as you don't think you'll get overwhelmed. The absol quickly tippy taps her feet in place, causing various flower petals from her hair to float around ???Absol: I wont!... I promise!! The absol suddenly sheepishly dips down her head, looking at the mienshao with a pitiful look ??Absol:.... B-but....if I do.... W-will you be mad? The mienshao gives a smile and gently nuzzles the absol's side slightly as he walks past her towards the festival ???Mienshao: You know I never would be ??Absol: H-hey! Wait for me! The absol quickly scurries after her companion into the festival.
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[ KOI HAS ARRIVED AT THE LUMINA FLOWER FEST ] Koi is now available for Event related questions On the other end of the event... [ A NEW MIENSHAO WITH A ABSOL COMPANION HAVE ARRIVED AT THE LUMINA FLOWER FEST ] They are on the opposite end of the event than Koi is, but are also available for Event related asks!
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jazzy-art-time · 2 years
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Wisteria. 6/9/2022
She/They/Fae - -  Upset with my design skills being lackluster. So I’m doing Design Exercises based on a prompt list I made. Trying to get better Here was todays result.
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maybe-mienshao · 4 months
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The absol remains hiding behind Clematis as he observes the fabric closely, appreciating the pattern. Wisteria: N-no... I'm... not made of... m-moss... The absol nervously shuffles her feet, Clematis notices this and playfully plops the wisteria scarf on her forehead. Clematis: You might as well be made of moss or algae.. considering how much time you spend in that pond back home... and how much stuff gets stuck in that hair. Wisteria lets out a frustrated whining noise The mienshao looks back over at the umbreon with a thankful smile Clematis: Thank you for the scarves.. you certainly came prepared for this event it looks like. Sorry we don't have anything to give you in return... not yet anyways. Clematis: My name's Clematis and this is Wisteria. She's a bit shy. Wisteria gently dips her head, almost trying to hide her face in her hair Wisteria: T... t-thank you for the scarves.. they are... r-really nice...
Clematis: Maybe Wisteria can make you a flower crown in return, if you like. She's really good at it, me not so much. Or maybe get you a snack or somethin' from a booth? Feels bad gettin nice gifts and having nothing to give back in return.
-- -- -- -- [ Clematis and Wisteria have Obtained: Scarves ] -- -- -- -- [ @ask-the-lywelles ]
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maybe-mienshao · 4 months
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Clematis bows his head in respect to Bella, Wisteria nervously follows while still cowering behind him slightly. Despite how much Wisteria is trying to hide behind him, she is still peeking around him to observe Bella further. Clematis: As for how we met... We've been friends for about.. what? 8 years now? Wisteria: ....mmmhm... Clematis: We met by chance, I stopped by a pond where she lives to take a drink of water... She was trying to hide in the bushes and watch me in secret... but she wasn't very good at it Wisteria: I W-WAS GOOD... I'M A VERY GOOD HIDER... Clematis: Bright purple does not hide well against dark green... So I'm not quite sure how you thought you were so sneaky Wisteria gets a pouting expression as Clematis chuckles at her. The mienshao turns back and looks up at Bella with a smile Clematis: We just happened to be passing through here for the day, saw the festivities and decided to join in... See what was up with it. Clematis: What brought you here? Seems like you got dressed up nice for the occasion
-- -- -- -- -- [ @ask-pokecats ]
[ Background by @/ask-404dungeonnotfound ]
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maybe-mienshao · 4 months
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Wisteria the Absol
Reference artwork as of 3/16/2024
Wisteria She/They/Fae pronouns
Shy and clumsy
Close with Clematis Constantly shedding flower petals
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