#With just Terry and Bruce in ep 1 then intro July in ep 2
lazlolullaby · 1 year
Batman Beyond arc concept: the semi-retired Matthew "Matches" Malone + his new apprentices, Cameryn "Cam" Min-Jun and Julio "July" Jimenez
Idk it's just a set up and some vibes. But uh. I don't think Alvin Draper (Tim Drake's underworld cover in the comics) ever made an appearance in the DCAU helping out Matthew "Matches" Malone (Bruce's underworld/henchman cover identity across several universes). so.
Welcome (back) to the underworld, Terry.
After years of surviving in the Gotham underbelly, feeding Batman information and dodging both the cops and angry mafia dons, Matches Malone had decided to retire.
But money didn't go as far as it used to. After a few decades of disappearing, his nest egg ran out. Batman had also vanished in the meantime. He thought he had a few connections, some street kids he fed and put through school, but it didn't work out. They'd made it clear that they'd steal whatever pittance he had left.
So. he thought he'd go out with a bang, burning down one more warehouse in the name of his arson hobby and disappearing into the flames.
That's when Cameryn comes in. Hotheaded and lacking some street knowledge, but with some spit and polish he could be great. A notable lackey for one of the big Rogues. Cam is from Bludhaven, scrounged up his savings to make it big in the mega city of Gotham. It didn't go well. He was homeless and squatting in the aforementioned warehouse where Matches wanted his funeral pyre. Cam tackles Matches away from the flames, angrily demanding why he was trying to kill himself.
Realizing that he couldn't find an answer, Matches decides to take Cam on as an apprentice. Teaching him sneaking techniques, the main families, the history of Gotham and Old Town. They become this duo of gossipers, of grifters and information brokers. Cam is - per his name, good with cameras. Using them, hacking them, hiding from them. Eventually Matches finds out that Cam was sent here by one of his old contacts - it's unclear if it's one of his kids that can't partner him full time like Cam can, or if it was Batman, trying to both help him and train a new underworld contact.
It goes well. Then they get noticed.
A young man named Julio "July" Jimenez thought he recognized Cameryn. But he thought his name was Terry McGinnis. And Cam knew their secret handshake, but disappeared before July could check.
A few days later, Terry shows up at Julio's door, apologetic. Cameryn was a cover story.
Matches is actually his boss, Bruce Wayne. Bruce, after a lifetime of living in Gotham, finally cracked. Back in the day, Bruce was interested in helping people from the ground, not just through donations and social movements. So he created an identity he used to get information that the police and Batman could not.
Now that Bruce is elderly, sometimes the memories between "philanthropic CEO" and "mob mole" end up blurred. Sometimes Bruce doesn't recognize Wayne Manor or Terry. Matches picked up where he left off, defending fellow henchmen, but also being really tempted to just burn everything down.
It took some improv work, but Terry was able to convince Matches that he was an ally. And when Neo Batman realized their predecessors friend was back in the game, they offered help as well. They point Matches to missions and work with him while he's going through his "episodes".
But Barbara had to mess it up by giving Terry a civil service award. (Not exactly for this, no one can really know how bad Bruce got, but.) Now he's burned, he can't be on the streets with Matches. He's stuck as mission control at Wayne Manor.
Terry explains all of this to July. And sits and breathes for a moment. "I haven't actually told anyone else."
"Why not?"
"I can't tell my folks because they'd get worried and make me stop working for Mr. Wayne. Last two times I went to a shrink for myself they turned out to be connected to Rogues, I don't want to risk Mr. Wayne's rep. Powers wants any excuse to get rid of him, and if he's fired, then I'm out of the job too. I told the commissioner because she was a family friend but that got me the award and now my cover is blown." Terry puts his head in his and. "Matches and Bruce ain't bad, they're just. Needing some help."
"I see. Why tell me?"
"I didn't want you to think I was screwing up my life again."
"Wayne was as straightforward as they come. I can't believe you found that skeleton, Terry. Just your luck, huh?"
Another pause. July reaches, starts to hope. "you really believe in him? You think you can take them down?"
Terry immediately knows where this is going. "July. It's dangerous. I can't ask you to do this. You're trying to get out, not go in."
"I'm trying to support myself and my family. You're my family too."
He gets an ear piece and instructions, memorizes faces and places the gangs go to. July gets a stipend, weekly payments that help him and his family out. Terry says he's not paying him his PA salary but July knows better. Terry was right about Mr. Wayne and Matches: they aren't bad, just a bit rough.
Later, when it goes to heck in a hand basket and Neo Batman has to intervene and bail July out:
"You used that same voice when trying to intimidate Charlie. Try again."
Neo Batman pauses, flicks his hand under his chin and then signs "I love you" with narrowed eyes.
Commissioner Barbara Gordon gives July a witness protection deal and a new job in a better part of town.
Terry visits, eventually confirming he's Neo Batman. July is in the loop, helping out where he can. Even if it's just an ear and a break.
Idk it's an outline I don't know how to end it but it ends well. I ❤️ you.
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