#Wol mich der Stunde is the song wolf quotes
werspinna · 1 year
The baker stirs awake, eyes slowly opening. He feels someone in his arms, head turning to his guest. His eyes widened seeing the alchemist, a blush forming on his face. He replays the night in his head as a hand covers his red face. NOt helped by the look on Wolf's face as a bashful chuckle escapes his lips. "Am I blushing? I'm blushing aren't I?"
Back in he convent the morning was never quiet- there were the hasty noise of steps on the corridor from the nun running into the chapel for the morningprayer, there were the busy clattering of pots and dishes from the kitchen when the breakfast was prepared, there were the loud noises of the children who- beside the fact that everyone in the convent was orderd to be silent- were herded like a flock of chattering geese to the refectory for a quick breakfast so they could go to their first lessons as soon as the nuns had finsihed their prayers. Here however the morning was almost quiet, there was Chris breathing changing its quiet tact when he stirred awake and the distant echo of vehicles on the streets that were as tiered as their drivers, yet at this hour of the morining were the light was still grey, almost white, it was so strangely quiet that it had woken Wolf who was so used to the loudness of the convent in the morning that she was suddenly alarmed and alerted, up. Chris reaction and words made her laugh in all good humor and the young woman propped herself up on one elbow. The pale light falling into the room drew soft shadows on the amused smile on her face. Still laughing she took the man bigger hand in her scarred ones, pulled it gently from his face and kissed his knuckles, humming so lightly her breath stroked soft like a veil over his skin: "...Wol mich der stunde, daz ich ihn erkande, diu mir den lîp und den muot hât betwungen. Sît deich die sinne sô gar an ihn wande, der er mich hât mit eein güete verdrungen. Daz ich gescheiden von ihn niht enkan, daz hât ihn schœne und ihn güete gemachet, und ihn rôter munt, der sô lieplîchen lachet." The young woman grey eyes flicked up to Chris, squinting in a smile that was only a little wolfish, only a little impish, only a little sly as she chirped as innocently as she was definitive not: "As the bard sung so nicely- no need to be afraid of blushing red when this is when people are the most beautiful. I for one -" She breathed another kiss on the mans knuckles, this time however looking directly at him and with a knowing smile curling around the scarred corner of her mouth. Gently, softly, tenderly she lead his hand to herself, to her neck, to her bare shoulder, down to one of her breasts: "-am so very nicely bewitched by that pretty colour on your face, not gonna lie, not lying at all. You sure are the most beautiful when you are blushing."
This was the exact moment when the dimensional-traveling-watch that Wolf had put on the dresser beside Chris bed started to beep and blink like an angry firefly and for a second, just a second there was a irritated scowl crumbling Wolfs poxscarred face into a annoyed grimace. Then the second ended, the mask found its way back to her face, and a amused little laughed escaped the young womans mouth as she fell back on her back in the bed, stretching her arms up as if she was a sleepy cat in the sunlight. She reached up, stroking a finger over the mans cheek gently: "Ah, the Multiverse wants me back, it seems. No nice pause for me, no, never a nice pause for me, not at all. It is not the nice way, not at all, not nice really, but would it be okay if you eat your breakfast without me, Muuske?" [ @bewitchingbaker ]
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