#Women Fashion Logo Design Clothing
browngirl-inthering · 6 months
decade accurate marauders era wardrobes - sirius black
hair: black, wavy, and shoulder length.
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while long hair for both women and men was popular in the 70s, the trend carried over from the later years of the 60s.
the 1960s was a decade characterized by youth rebellion and societal revolution. the decade was rife with countercultural movements such as racial equality, women's liberation, and queer rights. pushed largely by baby boomers, the young people of the 60s rejected the conservative values of their parents and the generations before them and instead valued equality, individuality, and self-expression. these values inspired the fashion of the 60s, which is why later 60s fashion trends consist of brighter colors, shorter hemlines, non-western influences, and long hair on men.
i'm not sure if sirius having long hair while he was younger is canon, but even if not it makes sense for his character. sirius practically embodies the larger societal reckonings of the time as he struggles with separating himself from his long, bigoted family history and subverts the expectations for him by actively fighting against it and carving out his own self image free from his familial legacy.
clothes: consist mainly of blacks, purples, reds, and silvers. leather, velvet, furs, and fishnets. ripped tops, colored pants, slogan tees, and a copious amount of band t-shirts.
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glam rock is a british fashion subculture that emerged in the early 70s and was pioneered by various musicians such as marc bolan and david bowie. glam rock fashion allowed participants to play with gender norms with the men wearing typically "flamboyant" feminine clothing made with velvets, silks, furs, and glitter.
punk rock is also a british fashion subculture that came about in the mid 70. although having its roots in glam rock, punk rock visually seems like the exact opposite with its fashion pieces consisting of leather pants and jackets, combat boots, altered t-shirts, and body modifications such as tattoos and piercings.
for the longest time i haven't been able to choose between whether i think sirius would dress glam or punk. i think he'd like certain elements of both so i tried my best to combine them together.
he'd love t-shirts. they seem common today but before the 60s they were worn as underwear. during this decade t-shirt printing became easier and more accessible, and thus began the trend that was the slogan tee. you could get t-shirts with almost anything printed on them, short phrases, crude jokes, and band logos.
shoes: platform shoes, combat boots, and converse.
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combat boots, specifically doc martens, were a staple in punk fashion
the converse are for casual wear
accessories: motorcycle gloves, star shaped belt buckle, buttons, patches, and sunglasses.
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i couldn't find any good pictures or an actual belt that i liked but i feel sirius would love statement belts with a big buckle that has some sort of design on it
the patches and pins are for his infamous leather jacket™ i'm pretty sure his leather jacket isn't canon but it might as well be anyways 🤷🏿‍♀️
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hi! could you write the bachelor/ettes with a m!farmer that dresses very fem? like— with all the stuff that's stereotypically related to girls?
Heya 👋 Sure, why not.
I honestly didn't know what format to choose. At first it was going to be big stories, but I thought it would be too long to read lol. Thanks for the ask btw! 💕
SDV bachelors/ettes with male!Farmer that dresses very fem:
Abigail was filled with envy because Farmer is a man who could wear whatever he wanted and not be told by his parents that he "had to dress properly". Amethyst lover still has to listen from mom that "a lady should wear a skirt" or from dad "a lady should this and that". Ugh... Oh, and Farmer looks gorgeous! Damn, Abby's jealous >:/
"You're such a weirdo, what's with the girly clothes?" Alex should have learnt not to say the first thing that comes to mind out loud, but we all have our flaws. Athlete has nothing bad to say towards the Farmer himself, but clearly doesn't understand his taste in clothing. Neither does he understand why Sebastian is always walking around in black clothes. Farmer looks... alright, Alex think. But he just doesn't get it.
Oh, how happy Emily is to have another person in town who loves to express himself through clothes! Everything is harmoniously matched, the fabric is of the best quality.... And most importantly, the Farmer feels comfortable! The blue-haired girl doesn't care that it's "not for a man". Emily can make clothes for Farmer according to his style, if he doesn't mind of course!
In the past, Abby had been teased for dressing like a boy, and Sebby had been insulted for having long, "girlish" fringes.... More than once Sam has threatened to hit the offenders with his guitar if they keep it up. So if Farmer gets harassed too, he shouldn't hesitate to ask Sam for help. Farmer looks cool, by the way!
To be honest, Farmer's fem style of dressing for Penny is rather extravagant. The young teacher is modest by nature and with old-fashioned ideas about how men and women should dress. On the other hand, she admires Farmer's courage to express himself and not afraid to be judged.
There were at least three times in Sebastian's life when some tourists picked on his "fem look", namely his tight jeans and black-painted nails. The local emo even then knew that judging people by their appearance is a complete nonsense, so he would not react to Farmer's atypical clothes in the bad way. And Farmer look cool, though Sebby is not a fan of his style, preferring everything black.
Yoba, is this the latest collection from the same famous designer that Haley always orders clothes from?! She recognises these clothes anywhere. Haley thought the new farmer always wore dirty overalls. And these clothes look so stylish on him! What? Who frickin cares if the clothes are feminine, the Farmer looks great! Slay! 💅
Shane was about to open his mouth and comment on Farmer's, as he think, ridiculous outfit. But then he remembered that it wasn't his place to judge people by their clothes, considering that his everyday clothes were a torn blue jumper with Joja's logo on it, pizza-stained shorts, and ragged crocs. After Emily's clothing therapy, Shane will have a little change of heart. But in general, he doesn't give a shit what Farmer wears, even if it's a trash bag.
"Hey, you look great." Believe me, Farmer, Leah's words are genuine. This woman is always used to being honest with people, and she will honestly praise her friend's appearance. Because a lot of people express themselves in different ways. Leah chose to express herself through creativity, while Farmer chose to express himself through clothes, and that's totally cool.
Harvey marvelled at the fact that Farmer walks around in these clothes and is completely unafraid of criticism..... No, no, don't get him wrong, Farmer looks good! It's just... In a way, Harvey is jealous, because he has to sneak around to aerobics in fear that some of the other bachelors will see him and make fun of him. But you know, just seeing Farmer has inspired the doctor to be braver.
Although in Maru's situation it was not about clothes, she too had to deal with this type of conflicts. Her grandparents told her mom, Robin, that her job as a carpenter was "not for women", while her father's relatives condemned Maru's passion for inventions as "not for young lady". How nice that Maru's parents were supportive and that Farmer has also defied criticism and is doing what makes him happy. Don't listen to anyone and do what your heart desire!
Quite extravagant, but Elliott even likes his style. Farmer definitely has the taste to pick colours and accessories harmoniously. What? Judging? Pfft! Dear friend, when Elliott lived in town before moving to Stardew Valley, the people there also tried to ridicule his clothing choices, calling him a dandy and, pardon his language, a "pompous peacock." Ugh, some people just have no taste! But at least Elliott has excellent clothing taste. And Farmer has it as well!
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warishahmed · 2 months
A Thorough Analysis of Ai Yazawa's NANA
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"The dreams we are chasing and the reality that is chasing us are always parallel; they never meet."
Nana is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ai Yazawa. The story set in Tokyo, revolves around two 20 year-old women with the same given name - "Nana".
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Nana Komatsu Nana Osaki
Nana Osaki, an independent, ambitious, and outspoken woman, meets a naive, dependent, and talkative Nana Komatsu (often referred to as Hachi) when she moves to Tokyo after turning twenty. Although they are completely opposite in terms of character and personality, they share a common goal: to discover themselves and the true meaning of love and happiness. 
Storytelling and Compelling Characters
At its core, "Nana" encompasses dynamics of human relationships, exploring themes such as identity, sacrifice, and aspirations or dreams. What sets it apart from other shoujo manga or anime is the complexity of each character in the story. As a 13-year-old, I was surprised by the depth of humanity portrayed in the characters. Yazawa presented the audience with a set of characters navigating difficult situations with utmost honesty, avoiding any romanticized portrayal which makes it relatable for young adults going through their own transformations.
Art Style
Aside from the story itself, Ai Yazawa skillfully renders emotions through subtle facial expressions and body language allowing readers to connect with the characters on an emotional basis, adding narrative depth. Her precise linework, expressive character designs, and intricate attention to details makes her work standout and enough reason to be a source of inspiration for others (including myself).
Yazawa seeks inspiration through a variety of sources, including fashion, music and pop culture. She adorns her characters with outfits and hairstyles, reflecting the trends and subcultures of contemporary Japanese society. She draws inspiration from her own life experiences and observations, reflecting her love for music, through depictions of concerts, recording studios and backstage interactions.
Fashion in Nana: Vivienne Westwood
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The distinct personalities of Nana Osaki and Nana Komatsu shine through their contrasting clothing styles: one punk and edgy, the other casual and feminine. It is evident that fashion plays an important secondary role in the stylistic choices. Despite dropping out of fashion school, Yazawa draws on her industry knowledge to skillfully convey her characters' emotions through clothing in her work.
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Nana Osaki wearing Vivienne Westwood's "Armour Ring"
Nana is heavily influenced by Vivienne Westwood. The logo, also known as The Orb of Vivienne Westwood, is a combination of Saturn's rings and the sovereign orb of the English monarchy, and is one of the brand's most memorable elements. The symbol of Nana Osaki's rebellious nature is evident throughout "Nana," notably in the first episode where she wears the "Armour Ring." This accessory reflects her desire for protection from the challenges of the external world, setting the tone for her character's personality.
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Nana Osaki wearing Vivienne Westwood Fall 1994 
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Nana Osaki wearing Vivienne Westwood's 'Super Elevated Gillie'
Nana Osaki's wardrobe is predominantly filled with pieces from Vivienne Westwood, showcasing her strong connection to the punk community. She often reuses and styles these pieces in various iconic ways, serving as an inspiration for self-expression through fashion choices.
Ren Honjo: An Imitation of Sid from Sex Pistol
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Ren Honjo and Nana Osaki
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Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen
Nana Osaki and Ren Honjo are often compared to the infamous couple Sid Vicious from Sex Pistols and Nancy Spungen. Ren's intense love for Nana mirrors Sid's obsession with Nancy. Additionally, Ren's fashion choices, such as his leather jacket and padlock necklaces, are reminiscent of Sid's style, as Vivienne Westwood designed pieces with Sid in mind. Malcolm McLaren, Westwood's partner and Sex Pistols manager, emphasizes this connection even more.
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Ren Honjo Sid Vicious
Despite the intensity of Nana Osaki and Ren Honjo's relationship, Yazawa carefully avoids romanticizing their obsession through portraying their love as an unhealthy codependency.
Nana Komatsu: Personality and Style always changing
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Nana Komatsu dressed in outfits reflecting the dream/ career she is chasing
Nana Komatsu, known by the nickname Hachi, is a typical Shoujo female character who lives a conventional life and is always looking for validation from her romantic partners. She often wears pastel-tones housewife-inspired dresses, reflecting her femininity and desire for male approval. She lacks ambitions and often changes jobs and wardrobe to become independent. Hachi's fashion sense evolves, reflecting her changing personality. She initially embraces a 70s bohemian art style in art school, then adopts Vivienne Westwood jewelry to fit in with Osaki and her bandmates. Hachi's style draws from Mori and Gyaru subcultures.
Final Thoughts
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Whether exploring themes of love, friendship, or personal growth, Ai Yazawa's art serves as a powerful medium for storytelling, capturing the nuances of human emotions and relationships with honesty and authenticity. Yazawa inspires others to create something new and special from their own experiences. She does this with precision and patience.
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fuckyeslilkim · 10 months
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Rapper Lil' Kim Has Had A Profound Impact On Fashion Over The Years
hen Lil’ Kim made her debut with the 1996 album Hard Core, she utterly and completely changed the rap game. A protege of Notorious B.I.G., and the sole female member of his hip-hop group Junior M.A.F.I.A., Lil’ Kim, aka Kimberly Denise Jones, had a flow that was raw and gritty, with raunchy, sexually liberating lyrics that made critics clutch their pearls. Hard Core went on to become certified double platinum by the RIAA, cementing the then-22-year-old as a bona fide hip-hop god. But it wasn’t just Lil’ Kim’s lyrical prowess that set her apart from her contemporaries that came before her. Her sense of style also made her a trailblazer, solidifying her as a pop culture fashion icon.
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While other women rappers like Queen Latifah, Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, and Da Brat favored more androgynous clothing, like oversize T-shirts and baggy jeans, Lil’ Kim’s outfits were ultra-feminine, bold, risqué, and revealing — as provocative and outrageous as her songs. She wore teeny-tiny bikinis, see-through silhouettes, candy-colored wigs, and equally vibrant fur coats. She also helped popularize ’90s and noughties logomania, a trend in which designer branding is made overtly obvious on one’s clothing and accessories (the antithesis to “quiet luxury”). In Kim’s case, logomania also applied to hairstyles, as she famously wore wigs with Chanel’s double “C” logo and Versace’s Greek key motif. (The move made sense for someone who frequently name-dropped designers in her lyrics). Aside from head-to-toe designer monograms, Kim has worn a sparkly catsuit made with 965,000 crystals, embellished headpieces with matching thongs, and a gray, floor-length chinchilla coat (which she modeled next to mob daughter Victoria Gotti in the video for 2003’s “Came Back for You”). The list goes on.
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“She was bringing something new that we hadn’t really seen before,” says Elizabeth Way, fashion historian and associate curator at the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). “For so long, female rappers had been kind of marginalized and really tried to fit in with their male counterparts, especially with their style. Lil’ Kim rejected that and embraced her femininity in both her style and her lyrics.” Marissa Pelly, stylist for the rapper Ice Spice, shares a similar sentiment, pointing out how the industry made female musicians feel like they couldn’t boldly embrace their sexuality while simultaneously being perceived as “chic” or “luxury” — as if the two concepts could not co-exist. “Now when I see female artists owning their sexuality, while also being muses for some of fashion’s most elite houses, I think of — and I thank — Lil’ Kim.”
Behind every celebrity style icon is a brilliant stylist; a wizard behind the velvet curtain, so to speak. For Lil’ Kim, it was Misa Hylton. One cannot discuss Kim’s vestiary tours de force without mentioning the industry legend by her side, who had already been masterminding looks for Mary J. Blige, Faith Evans, Jodeci, and her then-boyfriend Sean “Diddy” Combs. But theirs was a match made in fashion heaven; the two women felt an immediate kinship. “I think that Kim and I were magical together and when you have that type of synergy only greatness can come forth. We were thinking outside of the box and unapologetically taking risks. People gravitate to that type of authentic and creative energy,” Hylton told Dazed in 2018.
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The two women set the bar high high from the beginning with a legendary look the promotional poster for Hard Core, Kim’s debut album: a leopard print bikini and a sheer, marabou-trimmed duster. The one-piece was designed by Sex and the City costume designer Patricia Field, who owned a store in New York City from 1996 until 2016. It was known to be a hot shopping spot for fellow performers like Debbie Harry, Lady Gaga, and Kim’s friend and frequent collaborator Missy Elliott. Hylton and Kim frequented Field’s boutique almost daily. In the years — and decades — that followed, both the look, and Kim’s signature squatting pose, would be replicated by the likes of Teyana Taylor, Nicki Minaj, GloRilla, and countless others.
Hylton and Kim also went all out for the “Crush on You” music video, directed by Lance Rivera. Inspired by the The Wiz’s color-changing Emerald City disco dance sequence, the video featured the star in monochromatic technicolor outfits and matching wigs — and instantly catapulted her to mainstream MTV fame. “When you think of the blueprint for most female musicians’ styles today, you think the designer logos; the iced-out, statement jewelry; and different styles of wigs — that was all her,” explains stylist Estelle Aporongao. “Kim’s DNA runs through the contemporary fashion industry’s veins.”
In 1998, Kim donned a bejeweled caged headpiece and matching arm sleeves to the 1998 Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards, which felt like the ultimate statement. But the rapper topped herself yet again a year later when she attended the MTV Video Music Awards in a purple wig and lilac-colored, sequined jumpsuit, complete with a single purple pasty that garnered an unforgettable reaction from Diana Ross. The moment would become the stuff of award show legend.
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That same year, Kim covered Interview magazine’s November issue wearing only a Louis Vuitton headgear and LV logos painted all over her body, a moment described as a “cultural reset” by celebrity stylist Audrey Brianne, who works with Chris Tucker and Tyler Posey. “At the time, it was a fresh idea no other star had rocked quite so boldly. If people weren’t already paying attention to Lil’ Kim by then, they were now,” she says.
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To be clear, Lil’ Kim was interested in fashion long before she dressed in colorful furs. “Her high school friends recounted how she would spend her allowance on clothes and had Gucci before they even knew what it was,” explains Nygel Simons, a stylist and archivist, noting that the artist also worked at Bloomingdale’s prior to rapping full time. “It really shines through when an artist genuinely loves fashion.” Nowadays, it’s not out of the ordinary for a designer to dress hip-hop artists for red carpets or sit them front row at Fashion Week, but in the 1990s, that relationship didn’t really exist. Lil’ Kim had a je ne sais quoi that both attracted and inspired designers like Karl Lagerfeld, Giorgio Armani, Betsey Johnson, John Galliano, and Donatella Versace, who would dress her for her 1999 Met Gala debut.
Way long before Barbiecore would become a part of the cultural zeitgeist, Lil’ Kim sported a pink, full-length mink coat with a studded pink bra, matching hot pants, and pink snakeskin boots for the “Rock Style”-themed Met Gala. “Donatella is my girl. We’ve loved each other from the moment we first saw each other,” Kim told Vogue in 2020. “At the Met, you’re a designer’s muse, [and] she loved the fact that I have fun in her clothes.”
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Lil’ Kim has also walked the runway for designers including Baby Phat, The Blonds, and VFiles. But her closest friendship is with fashion designer Marc Jacobs, whom she calls her “bestie” and who has played a significant role in her life and career. Jacobs dressed Kim for her court appearances and subsequently became her prison pen pal when she served a one-year sentence for lying to protect friends involved in a 2001 shootout. Kim sent Jacobs the Bratz doll coloring pages she painted, which he then had framed and hung in his house. Jacobs is also writing the foreword for her forthcoming memoir, The Queen Bee.
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“These were interesting and important alliances for her during the early 2000s because it further legitimized the message to her fans and the public that her empire and reach extended well beyond music,” says stylist Alison Brooks, who works with television personality and hairstylist Jonathan Van Ness. “I believe it was a turning point, not so subtly signaling to other artists to bling themselves out in designer looks with confidence and embrace their curves with body positivity before body positivity became a thing.”
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When it comes to her own work, Pelly says she’s strongly influenced by Lil’ Kim. “I love how effortlessly she would combine her own fun custom pieces with luxury ones, while also demonstrating a great deal of high-end fashion knowledge.” Pelly says she had this approach in mind while styling Ice Spice for the “Barbie World” music video, pairing a custom Chanel-inspired, Christian Cowan tweed set with a Barbiecore bra by Laser Kitten, custom Emilio Pucci, and pieces from the Gaultier archives. “It’s that duality that’s so inspiring to me and creates the most interesting, well-rounded looks every time.” She also drew ideas from Kim’s 2003 “Summer Jam” performance, in which she wears SS03 Jean Paul Gaultier script belts around her waist and chest. “I love when artists love the same brands I do... I tracked down the same belts for Ice’s Paper Magazine cover back in April as a nod to the OG style icon.”
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It’s difficult to imagine what would have happened if Lil’ Kim hadn’t paved the way for women in hip-hop to take fashion risks. Cardi B might not have worn archival Mugler to the 2019 Grammy Awards, and who knows if Megan Thee Stallion would have modeled for Calvin Klein. Then there’s the countless Kim homages artists have paid over the years: Beyoncé replicated several of Kim’s famous looks for Halloween 2017; Rihanna has cited the rapper’s penchant for experimenting with different looks as a major influence on her own fashion sense; and Miley Cyrus dressed in Kim’s MTV VMAs look for Halloween back in 2013, purple pasty and all. It’s for reasons like these that stylists like Simons believe Lil’ Kim deserves official acknowledgement for her legacy, particularly from the Council of Fashion Designers of America. (For years, fans have been calling on the CFDA to honor Kim with its annual Fashion Icon award.)
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One thing’s for sure: You’d be hard-pressed to find another hip-hop fashion icon with the same enduring legacy. “Lil’ Kim is the blueprint,” says Simons. “Whenever you think you’re being presented with something new, if you search hard enough, you’ll find that Kim has already done it at some point.”
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arctic-hands · 1 year
So like from fourth grade on up, I stopped caring about fashion. Or at least that's what I told everyone, I really did care about my appearance but I wanted to be as anti-fashion and unfeminine as possible and put on an air of uncaring to do it. This included a pair of bright red Crocs in high school when they first came out that I then put as many obnoxious and clashing jibitz into, my own little rebellion against the absolutely ludicrous and drug hysteria-induced dress code that didn't think to cover Crocs and decorations thereof. This lasted until junior year of high school, at which point my fashion just became Depression (genuine).
Then come about nineteen years old and I figure out time to grow up and dress like an adult, which to me and my budget meant dressing in black skirts and various demure dresses and unintentionally looking more like a devout Christian school girl than anything. Then I decided to embrace my lesbianism and wear a lot of plaid. Then I decided to embrace my genderqueerness more but a lot of my clothes were given to me by women in my life because I hit harder times, so a lot of my clothes were very feminine and that's all I had to wear. Then I got fat and most of those don't fit anymore but even when they did I didn't feel right in these clothes even tho I still tried to dress like an acceptable adult. But now I'm thirty, and while I never want to be a kid again I really want to go back to my ridiculous, vibrant, outlandish clothes I had growing and I really fucking want these Crocs
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[Image Description: an etsy listing for a pair of basic black Crocs foam clogs... Basic, but for the fact that the backing (that is raised up to convert into into a flip-flop) is rowed with bronze studs and the Crocs logo on it are purple rhinestone-studded, there's a band of flat silver studs around the top of the Crocs, followed by a band of gold chain, at which point there is a mishmash of purple round gem, big rectangular white gem surrounded by gold and smaller white gems, a bunch of gold studs to the side, and then the body of the Crocs before that is covered in distressed and frayed blue denim, at the top of which is a band of chain made of gold thread where a gold shaped heart charm hangs, and towards the toes are multicolored gems surrounding a rhinestone-studded cursive "love" charm in the middle. The sole of the Crocs are studded in small round bronze. I hope I conveyed the gaudiness of these shoes adequately. End I.D.]
I want these so fucking bad 😭
Unfortunately these custom Crocs are two hundred dollars. Which, fair, plain Crocs are like sixty bucks and I don't know the quality of the materials gone into this and their prices, not to mention the time and labor that went into designing this. But damn it all if it doesn't want to make me buy some Crocs on sale and bedazzle them up because holy fuck these are great.
Anyway if you like them too and want to snag a pair for yourself here's the Etsy listing
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siren-ej-exe · 2 years
The Messy French Girl Aesthetic: It’s Origins and Impact
When you think of Parisian style, what comes to mind? 
Is it Parisian style staples such as trench coats, ballet flats or a little black dress? Or French fashion style icons such as Françoise Hardy, Bridget Bardot and Jane Birkin? 
Many people on Tik Tok have been infatuated with the fantasy of the “Messy French girl” with the idea behind it being to dress effortlessly chic, timeless and stylish, whilst being careless. Achieving the look involves investing in items such as tailored jeans, mini skirts (usually black or plaid), basic plain tops with small patterns, a little black dress, loafers, ballet flats, oversized blazers, dress shirts, preppy jumpers, black healed boots, black stilettos, loafers, Mary Jane’s, fur coats, black or white tights with either designer logos or delicate patterns and a leather blazer.  They also take inspiration from people like Lily Rose Depp being the main one, Carla Bruni and Camille Rowe. The colours associated with this style are mainly: Red, Black,White, Creme and Camel. The brands that are usually mentioned are: Dior, Chanel, Burberry, Ralph Lauren, Brandy Melville, Reformation and Realisation as they are seen as creating classic clothing items or footwear as well as Dior and Chanel being actually French which can be seen as more ‘authentic’. 
The “Messy French Girl” loves red lipstick, smudged eye makeup, almond acrylic nails, listening to Lana Del Ray, wearing pearl jewellery, smoking, drinking red wine and is mysterious, has a small group of friends, journals, loves to read, is always on the go, goes out to fancy dinners and can be a party girl but will arrive home early to avoid the hangover. Whilst also being academic/intelligent and down to earth. With the idea of living in a lavish apartment in Paris and living her best life. This new re-birth of “The French Girl” is another example of trends repeating themselves and again connecting with younger audiences, making the whole aesthetic very profitable for brands. This aesthetic has quite a few crossovers between the Rockstar Girlfriend aesthetic and the Coquette aesthetic as it’s a more grunge version of the normal and lighter French Girl aesthetic. However, with most aesthetics birthed by Tik Tok there is also an issue with being inclusive as the aesthetics are usually curated to rich, thin, white women. As it has idealises the “heroin chic” body type created by Kate Moss in the 90′s and 2000′s. 
But how realistic is the idea of how actual Parisians dress day to day? Luckily I was able to go to Paris myself earlier this year in April of this year and observe peoples actual everyday style and here are some of my observations: 
Parisians do seem to dress in mainly plain colours and quiet a few people do wear trench coats as well as tailored Jeans and basic tops. However, almost no one was wearing ballet flats and the majority were wearing tennis shoes ( I also saw a lot of Adidas Sambas on the men particularly.) Although eventually you will see pops of bright colour. So basically, they dress like everyone else who lives in a European city. 
I think that Parisians in general don’t dress necessarily for style purposes but mainly for practicality and comfort trying to walk around the city as European cities are usually made for walking due to the amount of public transport.However, it is important to remember the aesthetics are mainly fantasies and in a way is not meant to be realistic The romanticisation of Parisian style or Paris in general, mainly seems to come from Americans.
The origins of this romanticisation stem from the making of old Hollywood films such as An American in Paris and Midnight in Paris. This is because in 1923 when the International Research Kinema asked the Séeberger brothers to take photos of Paris that are representative to help Hollywood help reconstruct it on sets. They took fashion photos of the highest class on what we now call street style. Some people see them as the “Fathers of street style photography.” In an article by Cody Delistraty titled “Why Americans Romanticise Paris” he explains why Americans are infatuated with Paris because “Everything in Paris is close enough to the American equivalent where it’s still accessible, not too foreign – it can still act as a screen to our desires. But there are slight differences. There are of course the obvious differences: the Eiffel Tower is not the Empire State Building, the Seine is not the Hudson, but it’s the smaller things in quotidian life that throw the visiting American for a loop.” Showing that Americans find a clear familiarity in Paris, but it could also be an affect of their long history together.
France is known as the US’s oldest ally, helping them win the American Revolutionary War in 1775-1783 and American diplomats travelled to Paris and write of there experiences. In Mina Le’s video titled “American Girl unpacks the “French Girl” Style” she talks about the history between America and France and how that helped France’s tourism from 8:46-14:03, which I recommend as well as Dion the Taurus’s video titled “Style Analysis: The Messy French Girl - opulence,cigarettes + continued Francophila” which I found interesting and if you are interested in aesthetics and fashion history I recommend their channels. 
I think that “The French Girl” aesthetics will always be re birthed so long as it is profitable and are mainly catered to American audiences a good example of seeing how Paris and Parisian style is marketed towards American audiences is the show “Emily in Paris.” seems a lot of people don’t actually enjoy watching it because it’s good but because it is a good hate watch. Although it doesn’t necessarily link to the “Messy French Girl” aesthetic it does show a good example of trying  to sell the idea of Paris to Americans. Obviously, the aesthetic is only a fantasy and not realistic as many actual Parisians dress for comfort and practicality whilst being stylish if that is their goal. 
Let me know what you guys think about “The Messy French Girl” aesthetic!, if you are French what do you think of it?
Lots of love,
~Siren~ <3
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Hey I'm sorry if this is a strange question but say someone was looking for good Italian outfits for characters. Do you have any suggestions of where someone should look?
It's Haute Couture Time!
Since our Hiroiko Araki took inspo from High Fashion, I think we can also do the same with our characters! (Almost every brand I'm gonna quote in this post is already being used in Stone Ocean.)
This is a top 10 of Italian Brands that I love and cherish:
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"The way you dress is really the way you feel, the way you live, what you read, your choices. That's what I want to put into Gucci."
Alessandro Michele
Back in 1921, Guccio Gucci founds a small suitcase company in Florence, Italy. Gucci came up with many iconic products: from the bamboo-handled handbag, the buckled belt, to the ever -present mocassino. Today, the iconic interlocking GG logo is not just the emblem of a haute couture brand, but is also the archetype of Italy's fashion culture and history. No other brand holds the same fame as Gucci, but more importantly, no other brand holds a special place in the heart of Italian culture like Gucci does.
2. Versace
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"There is a Versace who is very conservative, there is a Versace who is very crazy, there is a Versace who is very theatre … I haven’t decided yet which I choose to be."
Gianni Versace
Created in 1978 by Gianni Versace, Versace is the epitome of luxury among Italian clothing brands. This brand most distinctive features are bright colors, exuberant graphics and audacious designs. The choice to use 'Medusa' in the logo is certainly not accidental: the Greek mythological character is in fact the symbol of intriguing beauty, seduction, and strength.
3. Prada
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"What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts go so fast. Fashion is instant language."
Miuccia Prada
Prada started as a luxury leather luggage brand. Founded in 1913 by Mario Prada, the company became the official supplier to the King of Italy in 1919 ( the iconic knotted rope framing the Prada logo is actually a symbol of the House of Savoy). Prada is an expression of timeless elegance. Nowadays, Prada's fashion collections are characterized by flashy colors, patterns and designs, an eccentricity that is always balanced by the brand's unmistakable class.
4.Miu Miu
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Miu Miu was founded in 1993 by Miuccia Prada as a branch of the famous Prada fashion house. The brand is often defined as the young and exuberant yin to Prada's timeless and legendary yang.
Known for its ready-to-wear and handbag collections, the brand is never short on color and energy. Miu Miu eccentric style is characterized by unconventional clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, eyewear fragrances all enveloped in a whirlwind of colors.
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"My mother, a hard worker and a woman of great taste, was the soul of the company and immediately entrusted us with the entire business, but she kept control of everything (...) She always told us we could only be mistaken once, not twice."
Anna Fendi
Founded in 1925 by husband and wife Edoardo and Adele, Fendi is universally acclaimed as the foremost authority in fur production. In nearly a century of history, the brand has become a symbol of artisan creativity, which is lived out today in a modern key in its lines of clothing, leather goods, footwear and accessories.
6.Emporio Armani
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"When I started Giorgio Armani in the mid-'70s, I realized that women needed a way to dress that was equivalent to that of men - something that would give them dignity, an attitude that would help them handle their work life."
Giorgio Armani
Giorgio Armani's name immediately evokes images of elegant black suits, shiny leather pants and the tasteful extravagance that only Italian clothing brands can create. In 1975, Armani founds of his fashion empire, rooting his design vision in ordinary people and street style. Today the brand has created multiple lines, including Emporio Armani, Armani Exchange, EA7 and Armani Jeans.
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"I know what women want. They want to be beautiful."
Valentino Garavani
After studying fashion in Paris, Valentino Garavani travels back to Rome in 1960 to open his own fashion house. Valentino is a synthesis of the grandiose and opulent nature of Parisian fashion houses with an Italian twist.
Valentino's name is associated with the shade of red used in most of his clothes, so much so that he was referred to as 'Valentino Red.'
8.Dolce e Gabbana
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"Italians know that what matters is style, not fashion. Italian style does not have social or age boundaries."
Stefano Gabbana
Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are regarded as the inventors of the so-called Mediterranean style. Since its foundation in 1985, the Dolce & Gabbana company has experienced continuous expansion, becoming a recognized and influential presence in the universe of luxury brands. Contrast is an inexhaustible source of stimulation and inspiration for the brand and manifests itself in a style that reconciles luxury and urban fashion, tradition and research, excess and rigor, dream and reality.
9.Bottega Veneta
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A specialist in luxury leather goods and accessories, the Bottega Veneta brand was created in 1966 by Michele Taddei and Renzo Zengiaro.
The brand is arguably best known for its "woven" leather, a handcrafted technique that crosses leather or suede to create a textured checkerboard pattern.
10. Moschino
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"Good taste doesn't exist. It is our taste. We should be proud of it."
Franco Moschino
Founded in 1983 by Franco Moschino, the Italian brand has profoundly influenced the evolution of contemporary fashion. Deviating from the classic vision of fashion elegance, the brand embraced popular culture and everyday iconography: pop art, comic books, and plush were among its sources of inspiration. Its all-over print jeans, flashy graphics, and large logos made the connection between high fashion and urban culture.
Author's note and personal opinion under the cut:
I personally recommend to look up Gucci current collections and Versace 90's couture for some extravagant and jojoesque choices. Moschino is also good, and it's even an affordable brand!
-La Principessa della Squadra
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nauticonfashionstore9 · 7 months
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A women's hoodie is a comfortable and stylish clothing item that is typically made of a soft and warm fabric such as cotton or fleece. It typically has a hood with a drawstring for added warmth, and can be worn for casual occasions or as activewear. Women's hoodies come in various styles, colors, and designs, with options such as zip-up or pullover styles, cropped or oversized fits, and adorned with logos, prints, or embellishments. They are a popular choice for staying cozy and fashionable during the colder months or for a casual and relaxed look throughout the year. You can visit our store Nauticon wearables. Best hoodie store for women in uttar pradesh.
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giftsforus · 4 months
Pantera New 3D Hoodie For Men For Women
The Pantera New 3D Hoodie for Men and Women is a trendy and stylish clothing item that serves as a perfect gift for everyone. With its unique design and high-quality materials, this hoodie guarantees comfort, durability, and a fashion-forward appearance. The hoodie features a three-dimensional print of the iconic Pantera logo, making it an eye-catching piece of apparel. This design is suitable for both men and women, making it a versatile gift option. Whether you are a fan of the band or simply appreciate their music, this hoodie allows you to showcase your love for Pantera in a fashionable manner. One of the key features of this hoodie is its high-quality construction. It is made from a soft and comfortable blend of cotton and polyester, ensuring a cozy and warm experience. This fabric combination not only provides insulation during cold weather but also allows breathability, preventing discomfort and excessive sweating. Additionally, the hoodie is machine washable, allowing for easy maintenance and longevity. Another advantage of the Pantera New 3D Hoodie is its versatility. It can be worn during various occasions, including casual outings, concerts, or even as everyday loungewear. Its unisex design and range of available sizes cater to people of all body types, making it an ideal gift for everyone. Whether you are purchasing it for a friend, family member, or yourself, this hoodie adapts to diverse style preferences. The hoodie also pays attention to detail in its design. It features a front kangaroo pocket, which not only adds to the overall aesthetic appeal but also provides practicality. This pocket allows for convenient storage of small personal items, such as phones, keys, or wallets. Additionally, the hood includes an adjustable drawstring, allowing for a personalized fit and enhanced comfort. When considering the Pantera New 3D Hoodie for Men and Women as a gift, its appeal goes beyond its design and functionality. Pantera is a legendary heavy metal band with a devoted following. Giving this hoodie as a gift shows that you understand the recipient's interests and appreciate their musical taste. It serves as a thoughtful present that connects with their passion for music and allows them to express their individuality. To conclude, the Pantera New 3D Hoodie for Men and Women is a versatile and fashionable clothing item that makes an excellent gift choice for both men and women. With its eye-catching design, comfortable materials, and attention to detail, this hoodie offers a unique and practical addition to any wardrobe. Whether you are a fan of Pantera or know someone who is, this hoodie allows you to showcase your love for the band and indulge in comfortable, stylish apparel.
Get it here : Pantera New 3D Hoodie For Men For Women
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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thecalendarwomen · 2 years
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As both maker and muse, avant-garde fashion designer Emilie Flöge’s influence weaves through the history of Vienna and contributes to its allure as a cultural destination today. Born in 1874, Flöge advanced from seamstress to boutique owner at a time of rapid societal change. As she inspired—and was featured within—masterworks by the acclaimed Austrian painter Gustav Klimt, she also pioneered liberation for women through corset-free clothing with flowing silhouettes and ornate decorative motifs.
The fact that Flöge is better known for her collaborative relationship with Klimt neglects her exquisite craft and independent entrepreneurial success in Vienna during the fin-de-siècle. Flöge’s style was part of an international discourse that included French couturiers Paul Poiret, who removed bodices from his creations in 1906, and Coco Chanel, who introduced comfortable but elegant two-piece women’s suits. Though Poiret’s developments were primarily aesthetic, Flöge’s and Chanel’s were ideological and fanned attention to a sense of rebellion.
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Flöge, with sisters Pauline and Helene, opened the salon Schwestern Flöge (which translates to “Flöge Sisters”) in 1906, four years before the first Chanel boutique opened in Paris. Being owned and operated by three women was an uncommon undertaking at the time, but its lively location on Mariahilfer Straße welcomed bourgeois women who became regular patrons. It was here that Flöge contributed to the expanding “rational dress movement” of reformed shapes, also known as the “Reformkleid,” where generous cuts with wide sleeves draped playfully over the wearer. Flöge embellished these dresses with patterns that drew inspiration from Eastern European embroidery, which imparted the smoke-like garments with a glamorous Viennese-bohemian spirit. This was radical, unrestricted fashion.
Schwestern Flöge was a predecessor to what we today refer to as a concept shop. Designed by architect Josef Hoffmann (who also imagined Klimt’s studio), it was uniquely furnished with geometric wooden chairs, checkered tables, carpets, and adjustable mirrors. It was also peppered with objets d’art and luxury items, crafted from tortoiseshell and lapis lazuli, that couldn’t be purchased. With the store’s detailed logo, which paired art nouveau text with a checkered border, a fully-formed brand captured the attention of Vienna’s high society.
Flöge’s role as creative head required everything from broad, trend-setting decisions to hands-on production work with clients. The studio expanded to 80 seamstresses at its height, and operated for 30 years. Both feats were a testament to Flöge’s acumen, as was her success beyond Vienna with a curious international market. At home, Schwestern Flöge became the leading fashion destination of its Viennese society—and this innovative venture paved the way for shopping in contemporary Vienna.
Today, concept shops and boutiques abound, from the hybrid fashion, art, and design store SONG, to Park, which highlights established and emerging Austrian designers. While Mariahilfer Straße is still a celebrated destination (especially with locals), Margaretenstraße plays host to the exhilarating boutiques Samstag, Unikatessen, Wolfensson, and more. Walking through the historic city center, as well as the Goldenes Quartier, provides ample access to items beyond clothing and accessories, too.
As fashion is ingrained in Vienna, so too is art. This is due in part to Klimt’s legacy, and his work appears in museums throughout Vienna—especially at the Schloss Belvedere, an acclaimed institution with a detailed Austrian art collection that also includes pieces by Egon Schiele and Koloman Moser.
In his time, Klimt purchased fashionable items from Flöge, but that isn’t how they knew one another. Their lives were intertwined long beforehand, with their first known correspondence taking place in 1895. Though it has been presumed they were in love, both were discreet about anything beyond friendship, which has been observed through nearly 400 written documents that they exchanged.
“Her intricate fashion was very much sought after and, much like Klimt’s paintings, a must-have among the fashionable and artistically minded.”
Sandra Tetter, director Gustav-Klimt-Centre on Lake Attersee
It’s her role in his art that has led to further assumption—from the “Portrait of Emilie Flöge,” where Klimt depicts her with shimmering splendor, to “The Kiss,” which is arguably his most famous work (and on display at Schloss Belvedere). In the former, Klimt displays the revolutionary golden style that will define him. With the latter, a couple—arguably Flöge and Klimt—passionately embrace, adorned with mesmeric attire that resembles her fashion.
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In addition to painting Flöge, Klimt worked in collaboration with her. Together, they explored color and form, and she even produced designs that he made. In these, they were photographed together around Lake Attersee, a pristine destination (then and today) with exquisite panoramas. They regularly summered together in various villas along the lake, which today can be toured through the Klimt Artist Trail, organized by Sandra Tetter, director Gustav Klimt Center on Lake Attersee art center, which transports visitors to the artist’s time at the site where he created over 40 landscape paintings.
When Klimt died in 1918, part of his estate went to Flöge, and his purported last words were, “Get Emilie.” Klimt imbued Vienna with a golden luster that mirrors his own artistic achievements. For this, he has become a ubiquitous figure in the arts world, whereas Flöge has fallen into relative obscurity. Her legacy does live on, however, from an honorary grave in the Wien-Simmering cemetery to the global revival of attribution occurring today. Even Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli referenced Flöge’s “Reformkleid,” through liberated shapes and opulent patterns, with their Fall/Winter 2015 collection for Valentino.
A dazzling contemporary cultural attraction for its art history, grand café culture, extravagant ball season, and sheer natural beauty, Austria’s charm parallels that of Flöge’s—and to think of visiting Vienna or Lake Attersee means looking to her future-forward values and what they mean today.
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604kevin · 11 months
① 10 Creatives
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1 | Jonathan Hallam
Jonathan Hallam was a photographer for Margiela between 1996-2006. I am most intrigued by his photographs of Margiela staff, taken directly on photographic paper using expired film. The outcomes remind me of polaroid photography, where the outcome is often out of focus and the process is very spontaneous.
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2 | Petra Collins
Petra Collins is a photographer exclusively shooting on 35mm film. Her images explores themes of femininity, sexuality and identity. Her colour grading is very 'american dream', however her subject matter contrasts the bright colour choice.
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3 | Pentagram
Pentagram is the world's largest design firm. I like how they are able to adapt to different clients, no matter the client vision. They are able to design from minimalism to maximalism.
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4 | Maison Margiela
Founded by Martin Margiela in 1988, the fashion house is known for deconstructed and avant-garde garments. Up until 1997, their labels were kept completely bare on garments as Martin Margiela wanted to create a brand with no branding. In 1977, a modular logo using a numbering system was introduced as the house began to introduce a larger variety of products that expanded out of clothing. Each number on the logo represents a different collection, and the corresponding number would be circled on the specific products. Margiela is also responsible for popularising the tradition Japanese tabi shoe.
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5 | Na Kim
Na Kim is a NYC based illustrator, specialising in book covers. She is also the current Art Director of the magazine 'The Paris Review'. I love how she is able to condense the core concept and the title of the book into something graphic that is immediately recognisable to the reader.
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6 | Droga5
One of the top creative agencies in the world. They create a variety of campaigns for brands, except they aren't created in the typical way. Almost all their campaigns follow a narrative, a story that the viewer unravels as they dive deeper into a campaign.
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7 | Ladislav Sutnar
Czech Republic based designer Ladislab Sutnar was one of the pioneers of information design and information architecture. His style is usually classified as Contrustivism, with Bauhaus fundamentals. His designs aimed to provide mass amounts of information to the reader in a concise and organsied way. He often used punctuation symbols such as parenthesis to help organise information.
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8 | Phoebe Philo
Phoebe Philo is a fashion designer most well for her years as the creative director of Céline. Her designs are defined by clean lines, minimalism, and a tonal colour palette. Based on the female gaze, Phoebe Philo redefined what the modern women wants to wear, considering the functionality and comfort of the garments she designs. Since stepping down from Céline as the creative director, her designs are highly sought after on the resale market.
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9 | Ann Demeulemeester
Ann Demeulemeester is a fashion designer, part of the infmaous Antwerp Six. Though she dosen't want to put a label on her style, her designs create a dark and glamorous aesthetic, paired with elegant tailoring. Her style is very similar to those who fall under the anti-fashion category, such as Yohji Yamamoto.
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10 | George Platt Lynes
George Platt Lynes was an American commercial and fashion photographer, working between 1930-1940s, mostly photographing gay artists and writers at the time. At the time, his photographs were considered taboo and mailing them around would've resulted in jail time or a fine. His photographs are highly stylised, expressionistic, yet minimalist and suggestive in nature.
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nadaalbalooshi · 1 year
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▫️ is the text informative? What is the slogan/keywords?
-Yes, the text is helpful, it talks about discounts of up to 70% for the Forever 21 store, as evidenced by the big black text in the middle of the ad. The ad is attractive to fans of attractive and eye-catching clothes. There are other texts showing the exact location of the store and other information related to the offer.
▫️ What is happening in the illustration? How does the design affect the message?
-This advertisement shows the huge discounts of the Forever 21 store in an attractive way, urging a girl holding the store's bag to attract girls who are interested in fashion trends.
▫️ is there a picture of the product for sale? How important is it to the ad as a whole? Consider the brand name and packaging if any.
-They explained this by placing a girl wearing the clothes available in the store. The texts and fonts played a role in highlighting the advertising goal and showed the huge discounts of the store in a striking way, so they placed it in a large size to attract the recipient.
▫️is the product logo shown on the ad and what does it tell us about the product?
-Yes, it was displayed beautifully and clearly, highlighting the branding, having it on the bag in the girl's hand, and having the logo on the bag, as if they were trying to deliver a message (please shop with us).
▫️ are there any characters in the ad? What is their relationship to each other and to the reader?
-Yes, there is a person, and the purpose of this person's presence is to show the clothes and logo of the store.
▫️ who do you think the ad is aimed at?
-To the general public, Forever 21 sells different types of apparel and accessories for men and women.
▫️how is the ad trying to persuade the target audience?
-Through huge discounts and advertisements that attract viewers in a beautiful way.
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fashionsmoke · 1 year
Sweatshirts: How they became the ultimate comfort clothing
Sweatshirts: How They Became the Ultimate Comfort Clothing
Sweatshirts, also known as hoodies or pullovers, have become a staple in every wardrobe. These comfortable and versatile garments have a rich history that dates back to the early 1900s. In this blog post, we will explore how sweatshirts evolved from being simple athletic wear to becoming the ultimate comfort clothing. If you want to buy Click Here .
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The Origin of Sweatshirts
The origins of the sweatshirt can be traced back to the early 1900s, when athletic teams would wear long-sleeved shirts made of heavy cotton fabric to keep them warm during practices and games. These shirts were referred to as "sweatshirts" because they would absorb the sweat of the athletes during intense physical activity.
The first sweatshirts were simple and functional, with no added embellishments or designs. They were made from heavy cotton fabric and featured a basic crew neck and long sleeves. These early sweatshirts were worn exclusively by athletes and were not seen as fashionable clothing.
The Evolution of Sweatshirts
As the decades passed, sweatshirts began to evolve in both design and function. In the 1930s and 1940s, sweatshirts were adopted by college students and became a popular casual wear. The sweatshirts of this era were made from lighter cotton and featured a variety of designs, such as school logos and mascots.
During the 1950s, sweatshirts became even more popular and began to be worn by people of all ages. They were still primarily made from cotton and were available in a variety of colors and designs. However, it was not until the 1960s and 1970s that sweatshirts truly became a fashion statement.
In the 1960s and 1970s, sweatshirts were embraced by the counterculture and became a symbol of rebellion and nonconformity. These sweatshirts were often adorned with bold designs and slogans, and were worn as a way to express individuality and make a statement.
The Rise of the Hoodie
In the 1980s, the hooded sweatshirt, commonly known as the "hoodie," became popular. The hoodie was a variation of the traditional sweatshirt, but featured a hood attached to the neckline. This added feature provided additional warmth and comfort, and the hoodie quickly became a popular choice for casual wear.
The hoodie gained even more popularity in the 1990s, when it was worn by music and movie stars, making it a fashion statement. The hoodie was often paired with baggy pants and sneakers, becoming the iconic style of the Hip Hop and streetwear cultures.
The hoodie's popularity continued to rise in the 2000s and 2010s, as it became a popular choice for both men and women. Today, hoodies are available in a wide range of styles, from basic and simple to trendy and fashionable.
Sweatshirts as the Ultimate Comfort Clothing
Sweatshirts, and in particular hoodies, have become the ultimate comfort clothing. They are comfortable, versatile, and can be worn in a variety of settings, from casual outings to lounging at home. The hoodie's popularity has not waned in the 2020s, and it continues to be a staple in every wardrobe.
In conclusion, sweatshirts have come a long way from being simple athletic wear to becoming the ultimate comfort clothing. They have evolved in design and function, and have been embraced by different cultures and subcultures throughout the years. Today, sweatshirts are a fashion statement and a symbol of comfort, making them a wardrobe staple for all.
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alishirtsofficial · 2 years
Pepsi Aloha Hawaiian Shirt and Shorts
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Pepsi Aloha Hawaiian Shirt and Shorts Summer is in full swing and what better way to cool down than with a cold Pepsi beverage in one of our new Hawaiian shirts and shorts. Both are made of 100% cotton and are machine washable. The shirts come in both blue and green plaid with the Pepsi logo on the front left chest. The shorts come in khaki with an elastic waistband, four pockets, and a zip fly. They are also machine washable. With their comfortable fit, you'll want to wear them all day long! So grab a Pepsi Aloha shirt and shorts today! Summer is just around the corner, and that means it's time to start thinking about what you're going to wear. If you're looking for a relaxed and tropical look, check out Pepsi's new Aloha Hawaiian shirt and shorts. Made from 100% rayon, these comfortable pieces are perfect for a day at the beach or a casual night out. They come in both men's and women's styles, so everyone can enjoy the cool island vibe. So don't wait any longer; order your Pepsi Aloha Hawaiian shirt and shorts today! Why we should wear and buy Pepsi Aloha Hawaiian Shirt and Shorts? If you're in the market for a new summer outfit, look no further than the Pepsi Aloha Hawaiian Shirt and Shorts. This stylish set is perfect for hot summer days, and it's sure to turn heads wherever you go. Plus, it's made from high-quality materials that will last long into the summer season. So don't wait any longer, order your Pepsi Aloha Hawaiian Shirt and Shorts today! When it comes to fashion, everyone wants to be unique and express themselves in their own way. You can do just that with Pepsi's new Aloha Hawaiian shirt and shorts. The set is perfect for showing your island style and spending a day at the beach. Plus, you'll stay cool and comfortable in the hot sun. So get ready to relax in some tropical style with Pepsi's new Aloha outfit! Summer is in full swing and what better way to beat the heat than with a new Pepsi Aloha Hawaiian shirt and shorts! Both the shirt and shorts are made of 100% rayon so they're lightweight and comfortable. The shirt has a stylish island print while the shorts have an all-over hawaiian print. Be sure to check out our website or local store today and pick up a set for yourself! Mahalo! Looking for a way to cool down this summer? Check out Pepsi's newest line of Hawaiian-inspired clothing! The shirt and shorts are perfect for beating the heat, and they come in several fun colors. So grab a cold drink and head outside to enjoy the sun in style. Thanks for reading! If you're in the market for a fun and tropical summer outfit, check out the new Pepsi Aloha line from Hawaiian Shirt and Shorts. The collection includes short-sleeve button-ups and shorts in vibrant colors and playful designs. Whether you're hitting the beach or just soaking up the sun poolside, these pieces will help you look your best while keeping cool. So go ahead and give Pepsi Aloha a try – it's sure to put a smile on your face!   FROM: ALISHIRTS TEAM Read the full article
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lopezjensby58 · 2 years
Hermès Belt
Many women are generally produced by sure types of stars... A little details about this language, Franz Sisch Ease He noticed many unique design of the nail mattress expertise, although the Finnish Zehenn sought Gel as one of the privileged. In case you occur not usually put lots of dog house owners, you must never pin down, particularly people which are in France normally. First, create projectile has been in existence for a very long time. An authentic Hermès field should be slightly textured with a refined eggshell sheen, and will have even black trim lining the field top’s edge. Today Hermès is constantly promoting their iconic baggage such as the timeless Hermès Birkin, The Kelly, The Constance, The Evelyne, and lots of more. Nearly equivalent to Saint Laurent Paris, the model new Celine includes the same kind of waifishly thin tailoring and glam-rock impressed outerwear that outlined Slimane-era Saint Laurent Paris. Yet, as of late, there has been a tilt in direction of undeniably French, virtually ’80s-inspired clothes closer to what you would find at classic markets in Paris than Los Angeles thrift outlets. The Kara Belt has a 13mm leather strap with a chain link buckle. It is on the market in Porosus Crocodile, Swift, Epsom and Evercolor. Hermès H buckles also come in different sizes, starting from 13mm to 42mm. Many pretend buckles will be oversized and flashy, so make certain your buckle is considered one of Hermès’ respectable sizes. 32mm — the H featured here — is the usual size, whereas the Constance is 24mm. Obviously a really personal selection, and you’d know greatest from what different belts she wears. Send me exclusive presents, unique present ideas, and personalised ideas for buying and promoting on Etsy. Sellers looking to develop their business and attain extra involved consumers can use Etsy’s advertising platform to advertise their items. You’ll see ad outcomes based mostly on components like relevance, and the quantity sellers pay per click. Most Hermes gadgets retain their value nicely within the used designer accent market. Premium quality leather-based is used along with valuable metals and meticulous styling. Some Hermes belts are customizable and offer the shopper the power to choose on between a broad range of color and end options. This makes shopping at the Hermes Paris official website much more thrilling. skel.io fake hermes belt If you’re a fan of the brand, or simply interested in figuring out more, here are the 5 most expensive Hermes belts that cash can buy. The outcomes will also come with a report on why we believe your Herme H logo belt is fake or authentic. Looking back at the authentic Hermes H logo belt, you presumably can discover in the real vs pretend Hermes belt image above how the legitimate piece has its “HERMES” text trying too skinny. Moving on to the second step of the guide on how to spot fake Hermes H emblem belts, we're going to have a look on the faux vs actual Hermes H belts for the stitching on the belts. Since that is the most dependable sign of authenticity for the Hermes belt, for this reason we're starting the actual vs pretend Hermes belt legit verify information with the inside textual content. Here are three of their extra "commonplace" belts which might suit lots of guys. Hermes provides a wide selection of belts for males of each style. They have some that look like a very "commonplace" belt from any model . wikipedia belt There are so many kinds, from conservative to fashionable, that you're sure to find a style that suits him. One scarf features a zipped pocket for you to slot your essentials into, whilst you wear it elegantly draped around your neck. Another one, crafted from wool and cashmere, comes ingeniously fitted with its personal hood, which can be adjusted by drawstrings and makes winter dressing that much less complicated. For Fall 2021, Hermes has reinterpreted its iconic accent into loads of irresistible types, together with woolly scarves, cashmere shawls and silk carrés for each women and men. What you’ll notice first is the exuberant use of colour, ranging from rainbow stripes to that signature Hermes orange, made well-known by its boxes.
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printexplore · 2 days
The Versatility of Women's T-Shirts
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When it comes to fashion staples, the women's t-shirt stands out as a versatile and timeless piece. Whether you're dressing up for a casual day out, layering for a chic look, or seeking comfort for a lazy day at home, a women's t-shirt is your go-to garment. Let's explore why the humble women's t-shirt deserves a prime spot in your wardrobe and how you can style it for various occasions.
A Brief History of the Women's T-Shirt
Originally a men's undergarment, the t-shirt evolved over the 20th century into a fashion icon for both genders. The women's t-shirt gained popularity in the mid-20th century when women began seeking more comfortable and practical clothing options. By the 1970s, t-shirts had become a symbol of personal expression, with graphic designs, logos, and slogans making their way onto these simple yet powerful pieces of fabric.
Types of Women's T-Shirts
Basic Tees: The classic crew neck or V-neck t-shirt is a must-have. It comes in various colors and can be effortlessly paired with jeans, skirts, or shorts.
Graphic Tees: These t-shirts feature bold designs, artistic prints, or catchy phrases. They're perfect for making a statement or showcasing your personality.
Oversized Tees: Comfortable and trendy, oversized t-shirts can be worn as dresses or paired with leggings for a relaxed look.
Fitted Tees: These t-shirts hug the body, making them ideal for layering or creating a sleek silhouette.
Crop Tops: A shorter version of the traditional t-shirt, crop tops are great for summer and can be styled with high-waisted pants or skirts.
Styling Your Women's T-Shirt
The beauty of a women's t-shirt lies in its versatility. Here are some ways to style your t-shirt for different occasions:
Casual Day Out: Pair a basic white women's t-shirt with your favorite jeans and sneakers. Add a denim jacket for an effortlessly cool vibe.
Office Chic: Tuck a fitted women's t-shirt into a pencil skirt or tailored trousers. Layer with a blazer and finish with heels or loafers for a polished look.
Weekend Relaxation: Opt for an oversized women's t-shirt with leggings or joggers. Throw on some comfy slippers or casual sneakers to complete the ensemble.
Date Night: Choose a graphic women's t-shirt and tuck it into a midi skirt. Accessorize with statement jewelry and a pair of stylish boots or heels.
Summer Fun: A crop top women's t-shirt with high-waisted shorts or a skirt is perfect for warm weather. Add sunglasses and sandals for a fresh, summery look.
Why Every Woman Needs a T-Shirt Collection
Comfort: Made from soft, breathable fabrics like cotton, women's t-shirts are designed for maximum comfort.
Versatility: As highlighted, a women's t-shirt can be styled in countless ways to suit any occasion.
Affordability: T-shirts are generally affordable, allowing you to build a diverse collection without breaking the bank.
Expression: From colors and prints to slogans and designs, t-shirts offer a canvas for personal expression.
Layering: Women's t-shirts are perfect for layering under jackets, cardigans, and sweaters, making them suitable for all seasons.
The women's t-shirt is more than just a basic piece of clothing; it's a fashion essential that combines comfort, style, and versatility. Whether you're dressing up or down, a women's t-shirt can be the foundation of a great outfit. So next time you're looking to refresh your wardrobe, consider adding a few more t-shirts to your collection—you'll be surprised at how often you'll reach for them.
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