#World of Topsu
fanficjjigae · 8 years
Hello ^^ i love your writing of topsu and one of my fave things is the sexual tension/teasing between these two, i would like to ask for a drabble of su giving top a lapdance and it ending in cuddles... if you feel like writing something like this ofcourse!
I’m sorry for taking so long to post your drabble here! Brain Cramp! I’m so glad you found it over on A03 and that you liked it!! 
Junsu grabbed the remote from the table and started scrolling through the options, trying to find the absolutely most best choice, one that would blow Seung Hyun’s score out of the water. His man was on fire tonight! Part of him knew he should be proud, but his little-known competitive nature had been poked at by Seung Hyun’s “come on, just try and beat that” eyebrow wiggle.
Him and that dumb stupid sexy eyebrow—Junsu fell for it every time.
Nope. Nope. Nope. He discarded choice after choice, nothing tickling his fancy. “Has this console even been updated?” he complained. “I know you hate the idea of anyone else learning your deep dark secret love for these things, but in your effort not to get noticed, we end up at the crappiest places.”
He sunk lower in the overstuffed couch which dwarfed the wall of the tiny room — obviously, a reject from someone’s living room. The thing was ugly. So ugly. But, he had to admit, wriggling his rear into the soft cushions, surprisingly comfy.
Of course, that could just be the tired in his bones, the tired brought on by two performances in one day. He loved playing Dorian Gray, but he was so freaking tired. He could feel it all the way down to his baby toe. He wriggled it in his shoe. Yep. Even that was too tired.
But it didn’t matter. He was here. Seung Hyun was here. They were out on a rare date night, one that took place outside of the confines of their home and he was going to enjoy it.
The last notes of the song faded and Junsu clapped his hands. “You were great!”
“You were hardly paying attention.” Seung Hyun said, tossing himself down on the couch. “Fuck, if this thing weren’t so ass ugly I’d say let’s steal it.”
“Steal it? You have like a bajillion dollars. Don’t steal it. Pay what it’s worth. One? Two won?”
“Five at least.” He rested his head on Junsu’s lap and looked up at him. “So. Did you pick your song or are you ready to admit defeat?
“Remember when I first took you to one of these places?” Junsu said, “I’m beginning to regret that.”
“You’re just upset that you’re a loser and I’m a winner.”’ He reached up and poked Junsu on the nose. “Loser.” he pointed at himself. “Winner.”
Junsu’s face lost all expression. “Oh. You want to see a loser?” he said. He then stood up abruptly, letting Seung Hyun’s head, having lost it’s prime spot on Junsu’s lap, bounce against the couch.
“Pretty sure I’m already seeing a loser right now.” He said, unperturbed by what had to be the single brain cell bouncing around in his big empty head—or at least that’s what Junsu assumed.
“Oh. Is there a mirror in here?”Junsu asked. “That way, so you can, you know, see yourself.”
“You’re not very good at the trash talk are you?” Seung Hyun said.
“....no. But that’s okay.” Junsu protested. “I don’t need to be good at insults, I just need to kick your butt.”  He turned back to the tv which had just continued to rotate song snippets while it waited for them to make their next choice. This really was a bad place, Junsu thought. Their title selection is sad, sad, sad.  
“If you ask me nicely, I’ll spot you a few points.” Seung Hyun said.
Junsu threw the irritating love of his life a look —someone was going to be in truh-ble later he thought as he continued his scroll. Woah. He slowed down and then paused. Woah. That’s okay, he didn’t need a new song, he realized as a plot, a scheme, a terribly awesome idea forming in his brain —he didn’t need to win to win -- Seung Hyun was going to give him the prize.
With a triumphant side eye glance at Seung Hyun, Junsu hit the button and made his choice.
“Troublemaker?” Seung Hyun watched him make his decision before letting out a snort. “Why does it make sense that you would choose a song called Troublemaker?”
Junsu ignored him (for now) and shoved himself up off the couch.
When the familiar whistle of the song, Junsu puckered his lips and blew into the microphone. He closed his eyes, against the cocky look of his annoying boyfriend and let the music take over him. As he sang the words he brought to mind the dance which, if he remembered it properly, was pretty much a lot of posing and butt thrusting.
He forced himself to forget the competition, and he put himself into the song, moving his hips, swish, swish, dip, swish, swish, dip. Eyes still closed, he allowed his hands to float over his body, feeling his own form, luring the one he knew was watching to linger and stare — feeling the want, sensing the other man's desire to run his own hands down Junsu's body. Slowly he opened his eyes and caught Seung Hyun staring at him, transfixed, as though nothing else existed in this room except for him, Junsu, and the hum of their feelings for each other -- because Junsu could feel it -- could feel that want, could feel Seung Hyun’s love as if it were real physical thing reaching out to him.
Like always.
Pleased, he circled his hips and popped up his ass, knowing just how much Seung Hyun loved his ass. Had trouble keeping his hands off it. He broke from the dance and moved his hands from his hips to just linger on his rear and watched Seung Hyun’s eyes go dark.
Peeking back just again to make sure there was no window in the door to their room, Junsu let his fingers slip to the bottom of his t-shirt, inching it up slightly with the sound of the music, giving Seung Hyun flashes of the skin underneath. Neatly, he circled his hips again and dodged Seung Hyun’s questing fingers.
All pretence of singing over, Junsu dropped the mike and, with a cock of his own eyebrow, (because he had been living for Seung Hyun for a year now, some things were bound to wear off on him) and slowly, slowly enough that he knew it would drive Seung Hyun mad, he stripped off the t-shirt and tossed it at him, trying not to laugh as Seung Hyun missed when he tried batting it away and the soft grey cotton hit him directly in the face.
Deciding to push his luck— or he couldn’t stay away (he didn’t want to look too closely as to the real reason)—he drifted over to Seung Hyun, nudging his legs apart with his knee and settled himself, swaying, moving to the music in front of him. With him. Almost on top of him.
Because it was really where he wanted to be.
Rocking himself in a circle, he twisted and dipped low, until his ass almost brushed Seung Hyun. Troublemaker . He let himself sink a little further and softly rubbed, circled himself on Seung Hyun’s cock. He closed his eyes against the feel of it. How quickly their love turned to want. Seung Hyun just felt so good and that, in turn, made Junsu feel good.
He felt Seung Hyun’s hands reach out and grab his hips. Felt those fingers slip over his skin, fingers dig into his muscle —but Junsu wasn’t ready to end his tease, his dance, his victory and he pulled away and rose up once more, twisting and dancing, throwing in the body rolls that he knew, after years of practice, bent and contorted his body in a way that screamed sex.
“Junsu.” Seung Hyun growled low in his throat. “Come back here.”
“ Uhhuh… .” Junsu said, teasing. Hyuna would never give in that easy. She’d tease and tease until her partner was crazy for her. He channeled his inner Hyuna and threw himself into the sexy dance—which was basically, pose, pose, sexy butt move. Watching Seung Hyun who, while he may look casual, his eyes heavy lidded. tucked low into the old couch, Junsu knew from their time together that he was on alert. High alert. Junsu thought with a giggle. He gazed down to the lump forming in Seung Hyun’s jeans. Very high indeed.
“Do you want me to come closer?” Junsu asked. Trying to decide what he wanted to do when he got the inevitable answer. “Cloooser?”
“Junsu.” Seung Hyun said, his voice dark and husky. “You’re fucking unbelievable, you know that?”
“Yep,” Junsu said gleefully and, deciding he’d had enough with his game, stalked his way back to Seung Hyun. He leaned in, bracing his hands on either side of Seung Hyun’s head, climbing up, a knee on either side of Seung Hyun’s until he had him completely trapped beneath him. Knowing the song was hitting the last chorus, he bent to Seung Hyun’s ear.
“ Troublemaker… ” he whisper-sang, his lips grazing Seung Hyun’s skin. The feel of Seung Hyun shuddering beneath him, the feel of Seung Hyun’s hands, reaching, questing up over his hips to rest on the curve of his ass, made him smile in triumph.
“Troublemaker,” he whispered again, as Seung Hyun shifted his head forward to lean against Junsu’s shoulder. “How many points is that worth, Seung Hyun-ah?” he asked, rocking his hips, coming in for the kill.
“Huh?” Seung Hyun asked, dazed, distracted from squeezing and caressing Junsu. It took everything Junsu had not to react, not to give in, not to fudging take him right there.
“How,” he licked around the edge of Seung Hyun’s ear lobe. “Many,” he sucked in the skin and sucked gently. “Points?” He bit down and tugged.
“All of them.” Seung Hyun said, his voice hoarse and low a rough sandpaper that rubbed itself down Junsu’s spine. "All yours."
“Good.” He grinned and pulled away, grabbing his t-shirt from where it landed and shrugged it back on. “I win.”
“What?” Seung Hyun asked, confused, his eyes dazed from a sudden absence of boyfriend in his arms.
“I get all the points. I win the game.” Junsu said making his face as wide-eyed and innocent as he could, throwing in a few blinks for good measure.
He watched as his scheme dawned on Seung Hyun, as he let his head fall back on the couch in disbelief. “You fucking brat,” he breathed out.
Grinning, Junsu plopped himself down on the couch next to him and curled up into his side, squirming and adjusting until he was buried into the cushions, until he’d tugged Seung Hyun’s arm over his head and thrown his legs over Seung Hyun’s lap, making himself the perfect Junsu cuddle spot. “I’m your fucking brat,” he said.
With a chuckle, Seung Hyun bent down and kissed Junsu’s head. “Fuck yeah, you are.”
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kchatjjigae · 8 years
The TOPSU Dirge: Real Life Cross-Overs
The TOPSU Dirge: Real Life Cross-Overs
Do you know that there are BigBang/JYJ cross-overs? It shouldn’t be surprising. It’s not like the K-idol world is that big. I’m guessing these guys all run into each other during various shows, awards, ect. Unfortunately, this might be a little harder for BigBang and JYJ due to the JYJ ban, but there has to be ways that they’ve crossed paths. Let’s take a look… (more…)
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
Share Saturday!
Except. You know, it’s Sunday. However, I did post this on AO3 yesterday, which was Saturday, so I’m going to go with IT STILL COUNTS!
How about a little Holiday TOPSU Drabble?? 
I got this question prompt and while I do love love love answering character questions I thought this one just called out to be a drabble.
Questions: who would give in when picking out a tree? who would do the lights while the other told them what to do who would make the hot chocolate what holiday movie would they watch and who would have picked it out
“What’s with the big hush hush Sung Hyun-ah?” Junsu asked as Seung Hyun slipped out into the hallway, closing the door tightly behind him, rather than letting him inside. “Why exactly was I kicked out of the house on one of the few days off we have together?” Glancing around the hallway to make sure they were the only ones around, he reached up and gave his secretive, obviously scheming boyfriend a quick kiss hello. He may be irritated but Seung Hyun was still hot — especially today wearing the fluffy green sweater Junsu had brought him back from his last trip, the green of the sweater contrasting with the bright white of his hair.
Oooh… he was a sucker for Seung Hyun and his white blond hair.
Seung Hyun ran his hands down Junsu’s arms until he captured his hands in his, looking sheepish. “Sorry about that baby, it was all supposed to arrive yesterday before you flew in, but--”
“Is that why you were so cranky yesterday?” He’d thought Seung Hyun seemed pouty last night for someone who was seeing his boyfriend for the first time in two weeks.
“I had a plan! There was a schedule. This wasn’t a last-minute thing.”
Junsu thrust his bottom lip out in a pout. “And look, it was ruined. All of your plans gone to waste. We had a terrible time just you, me and the bathtub.” He said, giving his voice a slight whine in fake understanding.
“Yes!” The dufus actually seemed grateful that Junsu seemed to get whatever it was he was talking about.
Yanking his hands away from Seung Hyun, this time Junsu pouted for real. “You had a terrible time? Remind me why I missed you so much when I was gone?”
His boyfriend had the good grace to wince at his stupidity. “No. I didn’t mean you! You were awesome. Fucking awesome. Astounding.  You blew my mind. That thing you did with your toung---”
Junsu laughed as he slapped his hand over Seung Hyun’s flapping mouth before the entire floor found out about just how good he was at...certain bathtime activities. “Fine. Fine. Fine. You’re forgiven. But watch yourself mister.” Behind his hand Seung Hyun caught Junsu’s finger between his teeth and nibbled gently. Junsu felt the heat pick up in his skin, through his blood, until he was even more eager to get in the fudging house already. They still had two weeks of separation to make up for.
He looked up into Seung Hyun’s eyes, warm and brown, a look of apology still lurking there.
“Now can we go inside? I know we talked about going out with Daesung and his new girlfriend, but I’m thinking chicken. Chicken and pajamas.” He pulled his hand away from Seung Hyun’s mouth, from the lips that were now kissing apologies across his skin and instead grabbed Seung Hyun’s hand, slotting their fingers together. “I want to be home with you.”
Seung Hyun nodded and opened the door for Junsu to slip through. “Actually home is exactly what I had planned for you.”
In the entryway Junsu slipped his shoes off carefully stacked them back into the shoe cabinet and sniffed the earthy, piney scent in the air. “Is that a new candle? It smells amazing.” Seung Hyun kicked off his shoes, leaving them in a pile in the corner. Junsu rolled his eyes. They’d lived together for two months now and he still hadn’t managed to kick Seung Hyun’s habit of just leaving piles of clothing wherever he dropped them. Some days he swore he didn’t need to call out, he just needed to follow the paths of clothes to find Seung Hyun in the house.
“A new candle? Nope.” Seung Hyun grinned and, grabbing Junsu’s hand, tugged him through the hallway into the living room.
“Oh my!” Junsu gasped out loud, taking in the pine tree standing proudly in front of the window.
“You like?” Seung Hyun asked his cocky firmly back in place.
“You bought us a tree? A Christmas tree?” He reached out and ran his fingers along the prickly needles of the tree, breathing in the wonderful scent of the holiday.  
“It’s our first Christmas together. We should do it right.”
Gaping at him, Junsu couldn’t believe just how much Seung Hyun continued to surprise him every day they were together. The small things where he just asked him about his day. The days where he went out of his way to surprise Junsu. The days where he looked at him with all the love in his heart that Junsu now believed Seung Hyun really and truly felt for him.
“I love you,” Junsu whispered, unable to say anything else.  
The eyebrow of sexiness and irritation cocked at him. “You think you love me now, just you wait till you see what else I prepared.”
“What?” Junsu asked in eager anticipation, as he now knew, when Seung Hyun did something, he went full out.
“We have lights, lots and lots of lights. Both colored and white so you can decide.” He pulled out his phone and pressing a few buttons, cheerful holiday music began to play over the speakers hidden throughout the room. One more set of buttons and the tv went on, displaying a video of a fireplace with a roaring fire burning cheerfully. “You know if we’d chosen that other apartment we looked at, we’d have a real fire.”
“Yeah, but we wouldn’t have a bathtub.”
Seung Hyun thought about it and nodded. “Good point.” He bent down to the coffee table where there was an assortment of cookies cut out in the shapes of stars and gingerbread men, festively decorated and, grabbing the heavy metal carafe and a bright red mug, poured him a steaming mug of what smelled deliciously like hot chocolate. “Thirsty?”
“You made hot chocolate?” Junsu asked in wonder as Seung Hyun carefully handing him the mug.
“Made? No. But I ordered it from that shop you like and….” he reached over and dropped a handful of mini marshmallows on top.
“Mini marshmallows? You got me mini marshmallows?”
“I told you I had plans. After we’re done decorating, tonight we’ll watch a Christmas movie. And then after that…” his voice dipped low.
“After that?” Junsu gazed up at him, breathless and happy. Seung Hyun leaned in and kissed him, light and teasing and it took almost everything Junsu had to not melt into a pile of goo like the marshmallows which were slowly dissolving into the top of his cocoa.
Breaking the kiss, Seung Hyun smiled against Junsu’s lips. “After that, we’ll make the yuletide super gay.”
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
T.O.P’s Boyfriend Chapter 24
Turns out, I forgot to post chapter 24 here. Bad me, bad!~
In this episode, we see the aftermath of Seung Hyun finally coming clean to Junsu as to why he keeps running away. Now that the truth is out, can they finally make a real attempt at a relationship?
Here you go! Chapter 24 which you can read here.
#T.O.P's Boyfriend
#World of Topsu
#topsu chapter
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
who the fuck put the peeps in the microwave? ~|~ who forgot to put the cat outside before sex? ~|~ who posts vines of the other doing embarrassing shit? ~|~ who breaks the most phones? ~|~ which one is lactose intolerant? ~|~ who thinks they can do something really well even though they can’t? ~|~ who is more likely to get kicked out of the bed? ~|~ who uses the computer most?
Thanks for the prompts! I do love answering these questions! 
who the fuck put the peeps in the microwave? 
Sometimes Junsu has to just stand back and resist the eyeroll when Seung Hyun is in one of his…whimsical moods. It’s all fun and games until Junsu has to attack the microwave with a putty knife in order to get that stuff off. 
who forgot to put the cat outside before sex?
Not so much forget as Junsu just has a lot of cats. Things happen. It’s okay, Junsu’s sat them down to have ‘the talk’ with them. 
 who posts vines of the other doing embarrassing shit?
Since the Instagram addiction took over Seung Hyun’s life, he’s tried other forms of social media — Junsu was very excited when Seung Hyun quickly got bored with Vine — just one more embarrassing vine and Junsu would have had to have done something drastic. 
who breaks the most phones? 
There is a reason why Junsu wraps his phone in the biggest and most aggressive phone case on the market. Seung Hyun swears he breaks just one more and he’s going to be relegated to a disposable flip phone. 
which one is lactose intolerant?
Ew. Pass. They don’t share such information with me. 
who thinks they can do something really well even though they can’t? 
Junsu swears he can speak English really well. To which Seung Hyun just gets the cuddles prepared for when Yoochun quickly puts him in his place. 
who is more likely to get kicked out of the bed? 
Junsu may kick Seung Hyun out of bed, but Seung Hyun knows it’s only a matter of time before he feels Junsu try to wriggle, unnoticed, onto the couch wiht him. He can’t help it, Seung Hyun may be the one in trouble but there’s no reason why Junsu has to be punished to sleep alone. 
who uses the computer most? 
Who needs a computer? Phones have everything these two need. Instagram for Seung Hyun, Google for looking up cat pictures for Junsu, plus each other with the touch of a button! 
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
There is info going around that both TOP and Junsu took the exam to join the conscripted police force! I would love a drabble of these two sneaking off for some time together while in the police force, if you feel like writing something for this prompt ^^
Gah! The fangirl squeez that went on with that one. It’s almost like they WANT Topsu to be real. ;) Thanks for the ask!!! 
“Attention!” the captain called out to the crowded squad room. “New recruits have been announced and it looks like we’re going to get another...special member to our team.” The room paused and looked over at the quiet dark haired man sitting by himself in the corner. “I’m sure we are all aware that having two of them here will mean even more fans causing trouble trying to get in here, so be vigilant.” 
The man in the corner shrunk back into himself. Trying to make himself seem less noticeable, trying to put out just ‘one of the guys’ vibe. But he’d been here for 6 months now, and neither the rest of the team...nor his fans who tried to sneak in, causing a headache for everyone would let him forget he wasn’t one of them. 
But that was okay. He liked his job, he loved going out and helping the old grandmothers and grandfathers. Plus he had little more than a year left until he would be done with his duty, and tonight? Tonight he had a phone date with a certain someone he missed more than anything. 
And with an addition to the team, he’d have a fun story to share. He wondered who it would be. 
“Come on in.” The captain called out and he craned his head with the rest of the room trying to get a look at their new star recruit. Would it be someone he knew? 
There was a long pause and a tall, slender,  handsome man in a well-cut police uniform, hat tucked beneath his arm strode proudly into the room. The man in the corner gasped and shot to his feet. “Seung Hyun?” 
The room turned and stared at him and he felt the blood rush to his cheeks, but he didn’t care. Seung Hyun? His Seung Hyun? What was he doing here? 
Captain Ha cleared his throat. “As Sergeant Kim announced to the room, this is Choi Seung Hyun, he’s been transferred to our station as of today.” 
Seung Hyun bowed neatly to the room. 
“Sergeant Kim, since you seem so excited to see him, you give Choi the tour of the station after the meeting.” 
Numbly, Junsu sat back down on the bench and watched as Seung Hyun weaved his way through the crowd, nodding politely to those who greeted him as he passed, never taking his focus off Junsu, until he was there, next to him. Sitting next to him. It was real. His Seung Hyun-ah was here, and they’d now be able to see each other every day. 
Beneath the table, Seung Hyun hooked their pinky fingers together, giving Junsu a light squeeze. Junsu’s eyes flashed up at him, only to see Seung Hyun looking straight again, focusing on the captain and what he was saying. 
Oh, this man was in so much trouble. 
After the captain broke up the meeting, Junsu escorted Seung Hyun on a tour of the station, not able to say anything as it turned out Detective Lee was a giant BigBang fan and insisted on joining them. All he got were the graze of hands, sneaked looks and one arm around the shoulder squeeze when Detective Lee asked them for a photo. 
“Detective Lee! Phone call, line one!” Sang out the voice over the intercom.
With regrets, Detective Lee finally left them, but not until Seung Hyun promised to get autographs of the rest of the band sent to him. 
Finally alone, Junsu looked up at the man he loved. The sneaky bastard who, last he knew, had been stationed at a different police station for his service. The sneaky bastard cocked his sneaky sexy eyebrow at him. “Isn’t there some supply closest or something you haven’t shown me yet?” 
Why exactly did he love someone like him? Junsu thought, shaking his head at his lot in life. 
“Right. Supplies. You’ll need lots of supplies.” Junsu’s heart kicked up several notches as he led Seung Hyun to the quiet hallway which housed the even quieter supply closet. As soon as the door was closed firmly behind them, Junsu spun around and threw his arms around Seung Hyun, just breathing in the scent of him, the feel that was all Seung Hyun. God how he had missed this. 
“Baby, shhh...” Seung Hyun said, rubbing his back soothingly, that magical voice rumbling through him. “Shh...don’t cry, I’m sorry.” 
Junsu hadn’t even realized he had been crying. “I’m just so happy to see you,” he wailed. “I’ve missed you so much.” 
“I’ve missed you too. So much. The phone calls just aren’t enough, are they?” Junsu could feel Seung Hyun’s lips brushing the side of his neck and he shivered. 
He pulled back and looked up at Seung Hyun who’s eyes shone down at Junsu with what looked like his own unshed tears. What a sap his cool ultra cool boyfriend was. For him. Just for him. He sniffled back his own happy tears and smiled up at him. “What? How did this happen? Why didn’t you—” 
 “We have time for all that later, but for now...”  Seung Hyun pulled Junsu back into his arms. Which was perfect, because that’s exactly where Junsu wanted to be. 
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
T.O.P’s Boyfriend: Chapter 3
Seung Hyun realizes what an ass he was, but the bigger surprise is the break in his writers block. 
Or  I promise, Seung Hyun isn't an asshole, he's just really stressed. (But when he's stressed he is, actually, a big asshole.)
Read chapter 3 here. 
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
T.O.P’s Boyfriend: Chapter 2
Nothing washes away the bitterness of a meet not-so-cute like a crowd of adoring fans and a surprise visit by your best friends. 
Or now that we've had to deal with cranky Seung Hyun, let's check in with almost always sunshine and light, Junsu. Or a reward for making it through the first chapter! 
Read chapter two here.
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
T.O.P’s Boyfriend: Chapter 1
Welcome to the wonderful world of TOPSU! Otherwise the odd love story between super-idols Junsu and T.O.P. 
Sometimes it's best not to meet your celebrity crushes. Unfortunately, Junsu learned that the hard way after his first meeting with T.O.P goes horribly, horribly wrong. So wrong he may just tear up that T.O.P fanclub card. (But probably not.) What Junsu doesn't know is that T.O.P is now looking for him to ask a favor Junsu is unable to refuse. 
You can read chapter one here.
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
Share Saturday...ummm Sunday.
Thanks to readers Alix and Sara for giving me this week’s list!
Who would want to go pumpkin hunting?
This has Junsu written all over it. “You want to what? What the fuck is pumpkin hunting? Are there even pumpkins in Korea?” 
Junsu thought for a moment. “Ummm....let’s go on a trip then to where pumpkins live then!” 
“You just want to go on a trip, don’t you?” Seung Hyun asked with a roll of his eyes. 
Junsu flushed and looked away. “.......maybe.”
Which one would travel halfway around the globe just to hear the other sing? And then make out backstage. 
Silly question, both. They are rich and in love. 
Who would want to go camping and share a tent. 
Seung Hyun doesn’t really strike one as an outdoorsy type, so he balks at the idea. What he doesn’t understand is that Junsu’s idea of camping is actually Glamping, and couldn’t be farther away from roughing it then if they were actually in a hotel room. 
Who would make the other breakfast in bed
Junsu again! He’s made it his responsibility to take care of Seung Hyun, a responsibility he takes very seriously. Plus there’s that added bonus of keeping Seung Hyun right where Junsu likes him, snuggly in bed. 
Which one plans the perfect picnic while the other plans the perfect secret date ....at the same time 
Well, Seung Hyun wouldn’t be choosing the outdoor sport, so he plans the perfect secret date, luckily his perfect secret date is another trip to the planetarium, which he knows Junsu will love, so they easily combine the two. 
Which one buys the socks of the other one at a night market before he goes on tour? 
Junsu buys a pair of each of them and secretly packs one of each in Seung Hyun’s suitcase. This way part of them can still be together when they’re apart. 
When cuddling who would be the big spoon
Seung Hyun is always the big spoon. Cuddle Bunny Kim Junsu prefers it that way. 
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fanficjjigae · 8 years
As you guys are busily catching up to me, I spent the day write, write, writing some Topsu. No spoilers but I’m at that important part. You know the one, where someone finally opens up and lets the other one in? 1 large ice tea, 1 terrible coffee, 1 impromptu Chipolte trip (I feel like the boys would approve this procrastination. Junsu strikes me as pro-guacamole. Yes he knows it’s extra!), 1 broken pen, countless listenings to Slip Away by Nell, 18 pages are complete and ready to be transcribed, edited, re-edited, sent to beta, then edited again before being fit for human consumption.
So, for Share Saturday (yeah, I figured that can be a thing, so if you have questions, or little prompt like last week, let me know!) I thought I’d share with you the song I listened to for like 2 hours last night while editing. 
Will they know how to fix each other? I sure hope so, because “Without you, things go hazy.” 
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