#Worth a thousand words but on sale today!
heatherly84 · 1 year
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@ruled-by-cool The second I saw this in the gallery, I wondered if it was your prompt.
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chimachapterbooks · 8 months
The Auction
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“Holy Razoli, I must be seeing things!” Rizzo exclaimed flying closer to the ground. He couldn’t believe his luck.
There, curled up on the dirt, was the most valuable item he had ever laid eyes on. It was worth hundreds of trinkets and treasures. Maybe even thousands.
I’m just going to borrow this, he thought, stuffing the parchment in his bag. I'm sure Longtooth won't mind. And if he does, hey, I'll make him a deal.
Rizzo smiled and quickly flew away. Today was turning out to be a very good day.
Just this morning, he had visited Longtooth the Lion with one of his best deals yet.
"It’s a brand-new Speedor wheel. Powerful as can be!" Rizzo had said, presenting Longtooth with a large round stone. It shimmered with blue CHI energy. "Let's make a deal. For you, half off!"
Longtooth wasn't as enthusiastic. "You sneaky thief," he had growled. "That's my Speedor wheel. It went missing last month!"
After a heated shouting match, Longtooth had stalked away with the Speedor wheel in hand. He had managed to get it back for just three trinkets and treasures- a very fair deal, if Rizzo said so himself.
That was when the Raven had spotted it.
A curled parchment was lying on the ground near longtooth's guard post. It looked normal enough. But scrawled across the top in big letters, it read MONTHLY CHI DELIVERY SCHEDULE.
Rizzo realized it was a map of all the CHI delivery routes the Lions were planning to take that month.
Anyone who had this scroll could plan ambushes and thefts for weeks! Of course, the Lions could change the schedule, if they noticed the parchment was missing.
But if they didn't notice . . . well, a lot of CHI could wind up in the hands of a clever bunch of thieves.
So now, Rizzo was flying back as fast as his wings could carry him to the Ravens' Camp.
A devious smile spread across his face. I could use the map for myself, he thought. But I'd need other Ravens to help me ambush the Lions. And then I'd have to split the profits! No, I’ve got a better idea, It's time for a good old fashioned auction!
Rizzo was not popular, even for a member of his tribe. Where most Ravens had some depths to which they would not sink, Rizzo had none. Other animals said that he was dishonest, a cheat, a thief, someone who would sell his own grandmother if the price was right.
He had to admit they were right about the first three.
As for Grandma, he always made sure she got a cut whenever he sold her . . . a small cut, but still, it was something. And one thing no one could deny was that he knew how to make a deal.
Rizzo quietly put out the word that the parchment was up for sale, starting with the Crocodiles. Then he let the Wolves know, too. An auction was no good with only one bidder. As he landed in the field chosen for the auction site, he saw Crooler the Crocodile and Windra the Wolf stalking up to the clearing.
"What's she doing here?" Windra snarled, looking Crooler up and down.
"I would ask the same thing," Crooler said, her eyes narrowing at Rizzo. "I thought this was a private sale."
"It is," Rizzo insisted. "A private auction. Just you two no one else. Only my best clients."
Rizzo smiled. "Now, who would like to make me the first offer?"
“Where's the parchment?" Windra asked. "Show it to us first."
Rizzo gulped. "Well, I don't have it with me," he said. "How dumb do you think I am?"
Crooler started to answer, but then changed her mind. "Fine. Let's get this over with," she said. "I bid five trinkets and treasures."
"Ten," said Windra.
"Twenty," snapped Crooler.
"I meant ten a month for the rest of vour life,"
Windra hissed.
"I meant twenty a week for the rest of your life,"
Crooler countered.
Windra leaned in close to Rizzo. "Sell it to me, or there won't be a rest of your life."
Rizzo shuddered.
“Stop bidding, Wolf," Crooler threatened.
Windra bared her teeth. "Make me."
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"This is getting us nowhere," Crooler said angrily. " don't like your auction, Rizzo. There are other ways to settle this." She stalked away.
Windra watched her go, and then slowly turned toward the Raven. "You know, the pack can be a good friend," she smiled at Rizzo. "Suppose you needed a little . . . protection. Worriz and the Wolves would be happy to take care of that for you. All you have to do is give me that parchment."
Rizzo fluttered into the air. He didn't like having a Wolf's jaws quite so close. "Ravens don't give things away," he whined. "It's against the law."
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Windra's smile widened. On her face, it was a frightening expression. "And Wolves don't take 'no' for an answer."
Rizzo flew higher, out of reach. "Uh . . . I've gotta go. Things to do. Deals to make. See you later," he said quickly.
Windra watched him fly away. Then she left, too. Neither of them noticed the figure keeping an eye on them silently from the woods. He was covered in mud to mask his scent.
Once Crooler and Windra were out of sight, the figure trotted off after Rizzo.
Rizzo landed on a high rock near the mountains. He had never been in the middle of a deal this big, or this dangerous, before. Two of the nastiest females in Chima both wanted this parchment, and they would go throush him to get it if necessary. Normally, Rizzo stored all his goods-for-sale in a hollow tree near the Ravens' Camp.
But this parchment was too hot to keep in any old tree, He carefully tucked the paper into a crack near the bottom of the rock.
Then he decided to check on his other treasures.
Maybe /'lI make a few simple deals to clear my head, he thought. Nothing like a good bargain to calm my nerves.
Rizzo flew down into the woods toward the hollow tree where he kept his best stuff. He knew the way by heart and didn't even bother watching where he flew. So he was quite surprised when he smacked headfirst into a tree.
“Holy Razoli!" cried Rizzo, rubbing his head. "Where did that tree come from?"
After the world stopped spinning, Rizzo noticed something. It wasn't just any tree he had collided with.
It was his hollow tree. But this wasn't where it always was in the forest. Somebody had moved his tree! Frantic, he peered through a knothole. All his stuff was gone!
"Don't you hate it when trees move?"
Rizzo felt a chill run through him. He turned to see Crooler leaning casually against a rock.
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"Good thing your junk wasn't stolen," she said. "It's just scattered around the woods. Sometimes my boys get a little . .. messy."
"'Oh, come on," Rizzo groaned. "The other Ravens will have found all my good stuff by now."
"Well, accidents do happen," Crooler said, walking closer. "It would be a shame if any more accidents happened, right?"
"Yeah." Rizzo gulped.
"But a parchment can buy protection. So more accidents don't happen. Get it?" she said.
"G-G-Got it," Rizzo stammered.
"Good," said Crooler. "You know what to do."
Rizzo flew home. Now he was really worried. If he gave the parchment to Windra, Crooler would drop a tree on him. But if he gave it to Crooler, he would have the Wolf Pack chasing him forever. And if he gave it to anyone, instead of selling it, Razar and the Ravens would laugh him out of the nest!
By that evening, Rizzo still hadn't figured out what to do. He decided to sleep on it. Maybe he would come up with the best deal ever for the parchment after a full night's sleep.
All night, Rizzo had bad dreams. He kept thinking Windra and Crooler had come to the Raven Camp. They were searching for the parchment. When they couldn't find it, he cream est into an are uscided to take him instead. Then they got into an argument over who got to “persuade" him to talk first.
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When Rizzo woke up the next morning, the camp was in chaos. There were Wolf footprints all over the ground below the nests. Someone had dripped swamp water on Razar's ledgers. And the Ravens were flying about in a panic. Shocked, Rizzo realized it hadn't been a dream:
The Wolves and the Crocodiles had actually shown up.
They had ransacked the Raven Camp looking for the parchment!
That's it, Rizzo thought. This parchment is too hot for even a Raven to hold on to. I've got to get rid of it!
Suddenly, Rizzo realized the answer to all his problems. He just had to do what Ravens did best: swindle! It was so simple, he wondered why he hadn't thought of it before.
"I'll sell them both fake copies of the CHI delivery schedule!" he exclaimed.
Rizzo set to work forging new schedules on pieces of parchment. He made two: one for the Crocodiles, and one for the Wolves. They were completely different from each other, so the two sides wouldn't wind up both at the same site waiting to ambush the Lions. Of course, neither of the forgeries used information from the real schedule. That way, it wasn't like he was giving anything of real value to either side.
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The Crocodiles would be happy.
The Wolves would be happy.
And the Ravens wouldn't kick Rizzo out of the nest for breaking the cardinal rule to never give anything away.
That made Rizzo happy.
When he was done, Rizzo took one copy to the Wolf Pack. He made a quick deal with Windra: the parchment in exchange for the Wolves' "continued protection."
Then he took the other copy to the swamp and gave it to Crooler in exchange for more "protection."
On his way back to camp, Rizzo felt like a winner.
After all, what could go wrong? Even if all the ambushes were failures, both tribes would just assume the Lions had discovered a copy of the schedule had been stolen and so changed their plans. None of it could be traced back to Rizzo.
Phew, Rizzo thought. That's the last auction I'm holding for a while.
Three days later, Wilhurt the Wolf was very angry.
He had just spent four hours hiding in the woods with the rest of the pack, waiting to ambush the Lions CHI delivery. But the Lions never showed up. Frustrated, Wilhurt ordered the pack back to camp when they bumped into Crawley and the Crocodiles.
"Lost?" he asked Crawley with a sneer.
"NO," Crawley snapped. "We were waiting to ambush Laval and take some CHI, but he must have made a new plan. Either that, or the schedule we got from Rizzo is wrong."
"The schedule you got . . .?" Wilhurt exclaimed.
"What are you talking about? We got the CHI schedule from Rizzo. It said to wait by the twin oak trees today, but we never saw any Lions."
"Ours said to wait by the bend in the creek," Crawley said. His eyes narrowed. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I smell a Raven," Wilhurt snarled.
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The next day, Rizzo was just about to head to the Beavers' dam to sell them some wood when he heard rustling in the bushes behind him. Rizzo tried to take off, but before he could get away, a hand grabbed his leg. Then a second hand grabbed his other leg.
It was Windra and Crooler. And they didn't look happy.
"Uh, hello," Rizzo said. "What can I do for you charming ladies today?”
Windra growled. "Those CHI schedules you sold us-“
"Were fakes!" Crooler finished.
"What?" exclaimed Rizzo, putting on his most innocent expression. "I'm shocked. Shocked! I promise you, I won't rest until I find out what happened."
"I promise you won't rest, either," Windra said through gritted teeth.
"Take us to the real parchment now, Raven," said Crooler, "or else."
"Or else?" gulped Rizzo.
"Nou're a fast talker," Crooler said. "Try talking when your beak's upside down."
No matter how much Rizzo hated giving things away, he really didn't want to find out what Windra and Crooler were capable of. He led them to the rock where he had hidden the parchment. Windra flipped it over and grabbed the paper. Crooler snatched it out of her hand.
"Give me that!" snapped Windra.
"Make me," taunted Crooler.
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"Fine," Windra said. "Then let's look at it together. We're your allies, remember? We'll help you attack the Lions. That is, if we're still on the same side."
Begrudgingly, Crooler allowed Windra to look over her shoulder as she read the parchment. "Monthly Schedule," she read aloud. "Task One: Clean out caves. Task Two: Train with Leonidas. Task Three: Trick Wolves, Crocodiles, and Rizzo with a fake parchment.”
Crooler crumpled the paper up in her claws. "This isn't a CHI delivery schedule it's a to-do list!" she cried.
"But I don't understand," Rizzo sputtered, snatching away the parchment. "It was real. I saw it with my own two eyes. And I left it right here!"
As the three animals argued, none of them noticed the small group of Lions hidden off to the side, laughing quietly.
"See?" Longtooth said to his soldiers. "I told you I would handle it."
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"But how did you know where the parchment was hidden?" one of the Lions asked.
"It was easy," Longtooth explained.
"I knew that sneaky Raven was behind it. But as slippery as Ravens are, they're no match for a Lion's hunting skills. I just waited until Rizzo went to sell it, which I knew he would, and followed him to where he had hidden it. I switched out the real parchment yesterday. It was a piece of cake."
"Looks like you taught that Raven a lesson." The Lions grinned as they heard Rizzo trying to sweet-talk Crooler and Windra into believing it was all a big misunderstanding.
"Now, ladies," Rizzo was saying, "don't worry. I'm sure we can work something out."
"You're right, we will," Crooler said as she and Windra walked closer.
With a squawk, Rizzo raced away as fast as his legs would carry him. Windra and Crooler chased close behind.
“You won't get away with this, Raven!" they both shouted after him.
One of the Lions looked at Longtooth. "Think he'll be all right?" he asked.
Longtooth nodded. "Eh, he'll be fine," he said. "After all, if there's one thing we know Rizzo is an expert at, it's making a deal."
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By: Ryan Burge
Published: Jul 24, 2023
A few months ago, my wife and I were driving into St. Louis and were about ten miles away from downtown in a suburb on the Illinois side of the river. We drove by this large commercial building next to the interstate that had a fairly nondescript sign with a single word on it, “Ascend.”
She looked at me and said, “Is that a church?” I honestly had no idea. So, she Googled it. Guess what Ascend is? It’s a marijuana dispensary. Illinois just legalized marijuana for recreational sale a few years ago and there are lots of new stores opening up all over the state. That’s the world we live in right now, not entirely sure if that new big warehouse by the highway is selling recreational drugs or preaching Jesus.
That little anecdote is indicative of a much bigger trend happening in American Christianity. The First United Methodist Church is out, Elevation is in. There are very few new Southern Baptist Church buildings springing up across the United States, but there are at a ton of Journey/Lift/Resolution churches being planted every week across the country.
Obviously, the rise of the Nones is the biggest story in American religion right now, but the second most important shift in the landscape is the unmistakable rise of the Nons. The only religious family that has grown over the last decade is non-denominational Protestant Christianity. There’s little reason to believe that their ascendance will slow at any point in the near future.
If the future of American society is a shift away from institutions, there’s no bigger beneficiary of this trend in the religion space than non-denominational evangelicalism.
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In 1972, less than 3% of all American adults indicated that they were non-denominational. That share has only risen from there. In the 1970s and 1980s, the growth rate was undoubtedly small. It took until 1996 for the share of Americans who were non-denominational to surge past five percent. But from that point forward that line has only gotten steeper.
They got to 7.5% of the population in 2004. They reached ten percent of the sample by 2012. The most recent data says that nearly thirteen percent of all adults in the United States are non-denominational Protestant Christians. There are more non-denominationals in the U.S. today than mainline Protestants.
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Here’s a key part of that story, though. This is not a situation where “a high tide raises all boats.” Instead, it’s non-denominational Protestants are gaining new members hand over fist, while other denominations are losing folks by the tens of thousands.
A lot more data about denominational decline can be found here:
You can see that even in the GSS data. In 1984, about 13% of Protestants were Southern Baptist, and another 12% were United Methodists. Those are easily the two largest Protestant denominations in the United States. Non-denominationals, were just about 5%.
In 2018, the picture is entirely different. Now, just 7.5% of Protestants are United Methodists and another 10% are Southern Baptists. While, the share who are non-denominationals has now risen to nearly 22%. Using this measure, it would appear that there are more non-denoms that United Methodists and Southern Baptists combined.
Other data sources aren’t so sure about that, though. The 2020 Religion Census took great pains to count the number of non-denominational folks in the United States. That’s no easy task given the diffused nature of this religious expression.
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In total, the Religion Census managed to captured a total non-denominational population of just over 21 million. That makes them the second largest religious tradition in the United States, only trailing the Catholic Church at nearly 62 million. For comparison, the Census counted 8 million United Methodists and 17.6M Southern Baptists, which a lot more than show up on their member rolls.
But, it’s worth thinking about just how many non-denominationals there are in comparison to other groups that are not the Southern Baptists and United Methodists. There are more non-denoms than: LDS + Muslims + ELCA + AoG + Jehovah’s Witnesses + Natl. Miss. Bapt. + LCMS + TEC + Natl. Bapt. Convention. Those are all major traditions in their own right but are just dwarfed in size by non-denominationals. And, again, most of those denominations are declining in membership rapidly now.
Just how dominant non-denominational Christianity has become moves into sharper focus with looking at the data spatially. I calculated the largest religious tradition in all fifty states, based on total number of adherents.
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Given the previous data about the overall size of the Catholic Church, it should come as no surprise that it is the largest tradition in 37 states that really span the country from coast to coast. The Southern Baptists are the largest in nine total states, and those states are in the Bible Belt - a region that runs from Oklahoma to the west and North Carolina to the East. The LDS is the largest in both Idaho and Utah. While, non-denominationals are the largest in three states: Washington, Alaska, and West Virginia.
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But this gets much more interesting when looking at the second largest religious group in each state. Now, the Catholic church leads in six states. That means that they are #1 or #2 in 43 total states. But look at non-denominationals - they are the second most popular choice in 27 different states ranging from California to Maine. That means that they are top 2 in 30 total states. The SBC is first or second in only 12 states. No other denomination hits double digits.
The Catholic Church aside, there’s no other group that can come close to the spatial dispersion as the non-denominationals. Looking at these maps, there’s no regional trend for this group. They do well in the Pacific Northwest and in the Bible Belt. There are lots of them in New England and the Southwest. They are really everywhere.
Let’s get more granular now. The Religion Census also reports county level data on adherents and congregations. I decided to visualize the share of each county’s adherents who are specifically part of a non-denominational congregation. Before we get to the map, let me point out that there is a non-denominational church in 2,707 counties in the United States. The total number of counties is 3,142 - thus 86% of American counties have a non-denominational presence.
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Where are they the most widespread? It’s a weird result, really. And not entirely what I would have guessed. There is a pretty solid pocket of non-denoms in the Pacific Northwest, especially around the Seattle and Portland metro areas. But then there are really high concentrations in the Rust Best, throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Michigan.
Then, there is strip of dark purple that is pervasive in places like Virginia and the Carolinas. However, Florida is on a whole other level when it comes to non-denominationals. Of the 47 counties in Florida, non-denominationals make up at least 20% of all religious adherents in 26 of them. Texas also has 26 counties that make it into this top bin, but Texas also has 202 total counties. So, it’s not even close to a fair comparison.
I wanted to end this whole thing with a scatterplot as a first little attempt at trying to understand what factors drive more non-denominationals in a county. One likely culprit is age. The perception of these new upstart churches are young couples with lots of kids running around. But does the data back that up?
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I grabbed some recently released Census data about the median age of each county in 2022 and merged it with the Religion Census and then shot a straight line through over 3,000 data points. What I found goes against the perception - non-denominationals are actually more prominent in older counties.
The difference is not a huge one. For instance, about 15% of all religious adherents are non-denominational in counties where the median age is 30 years old. In counties where the median age in 60, about 18% of the adherents are non-denominational.
There are mountains of more ink that can be spilled over the rise of non-denominational Christianity. I think it’s probably the most visible manifestation of how American society, and by extension American religion has changed so dramatically in the last two decades. We used to be a nation of institutions. The government, unions, and religious denominations were held in high regard by the average American.
Now, American society is largely bottom up. It’s not institutions that run the show, it’s individuals. Society has demolished the gatekeepers. Social media allows anyone with an internet connection to build a following in the tens of thousands in mere days.
Denominations used to absolutely dominate American religion. The leaders of the United Methodists, the Episcopalians, and the Evangelical Lutherans got to decide who could become a pastor and where they would be shepherding a flock. Now, a handful of non-denominational churches are started every weekend in the United States, completely from the grassroots.
There are tremendous benefits to this new approach to religion. There are also very real downsides. One thing is clear to me: non-denominational churches are only going to increase in the years to come. What I cannot fully predict is the long-term impact they will have on American society and American religion.
One hopes that if whatever amount of Xianity persists as people leave religion entirely, that it will be sufficiently nondescript enough that it will have minimal, if any, influence on public policy, and be generic enough that people will quickly figure out how that being anything anyone wants makes it human-created and human-driven.
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shinrakotls · 7 months
Editor's note: Slur has planted a bomb inside one of his own!! The devil's hand is closing on the JAA!! Slur: The Order will surely be by Asaki's side. In other words, if Mafuyu or Toramaru challenges the Order and get killed instantly... Slur: Then the bombs inside their body will detonate, damaging both the Order and Asaki. Carolina Reaper: Back then, I had wondered why you'd let those two brats join us. So this is the reason why..
Pg.2 (flashback)
Slur: It was a necessary move. I need pawns that haven't got their license yet, whom had never attended the JCC.. They will not be marked by the JAA. Haruma: But you know.. they'll probably die before they can get close to the Order. Gaku: They're so fuckin' weak. Slur: Yes, and that's why I need you to train them, Gaku. Train them enough to make the Order think that they're enemies worth killing. Gaku: What a pain...
Pg.3 (present)
Shin: Mafuyu! Slur is just using you! Mafuyu: ...I know. It's the bomb, right? I don't care if it blows up after I die anyway. Shin: The heck are you saying... Mafuyu: More importantly, I'm here today so that I can defeat an Order member.. And seriously, Shin-kun, can you stop getting in my way already?
Shin: Why are you so obsessed with the Order?! Mafuyu: ...! It's none of your business. Shin: How is it none of my business when you're on Slur's side?! Do you know how many casualties there will be?! Mafuyu: Tch! Mafuyu: Even so, I.. *Shin peeks into Mafuyu's mind and sees Mafuyu recalling a moment of him & Natsuki when they were little* Shin: !
Shin: Seba...? Mafuyu: ! Mafuyu: Like I said, it's none of your business! Shin: !? Guard: Don't move! You brats are the ones fighting earlier, right?! Guard 2: We got ya. We'll make you two leave the building right away.
*Mafuyu kicks Shin in the midsection* Shin: Grk!! Guard, to Shin: Hey! Stand up properly! *Mafuyu does a flying knee kick to the guard that's restraining Shin & then he steps on Shin's head before running off*
Shin: That jerk... I'll kill him!! Guard: Stay still!!! Shin: Oof!! Shin, powering up his power glove: That's it, you guys...
Asaki: Fantastic! It's true what they say: A great assassin is a great artist. Museum guide: I'm so glad you liked it! If the museum was closed, I'd have been able to give you a more smooth tour. Asaki: I don't like having my time restricted. I enjoy the freedom of being able to go wherever I want and whenever I want to.
Guide: I've heard that your personal collection runs into tens of thousands, Chairman. Which genre do you particularly like? Asaki: Well.. I don't really know. I don't remember much about my collection. Guide: Huh? Asaki: I like the added value of brands. Adding value to trashy things like this allows me to appreciate the history, life and culture of mankind. Even animals could never replicate. Guide: I... see.. Haha... Asaki: By the way...
Asaki: Don't you think this would look good in our office toilet? Nagumo & Shishiba (thinking): There he goes... Guide: That's a tangible cultural property that isn't for sale. Moreover, that item is currently on loan from the Tate Britain so please don't touch it with your bare hands... Jiji subordinate: ... Noted. Jiji, to Asaki: We just acquired the Tate Britain. Asaki: Thank you, Watarai. Have it delivered to my office. Watarai (jiji): Got it, Sir. Guide: ...!
Asaki: Oh, right! This is already old and dirty, so have someone repaint and fix the art and the picture frame. Watarai: Yes, Sir. Guide: Wha... Guide, to Asaki: This work is historically valuable! Asaki: But it's dirty.. Listen, I can't display something as dirty as this in my room, can I? Guide: Tch!! Nagumo (thinking): He's extremely selfish and does whatever he wants.. And whatever he decides on, he'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. That's Chairman Asaki of the JAA... Asaki: *happily humming a tune*
PA System: Announcement - "Super Lost Child Notice. Black hair, wearing a gas mask and cargo pants. Any nearby personnels are to protect them as soon as you see them." Guard 1: "Super Lost"... that's the code word for a dangerous person. Guard 2: "If found, dispose them immediately." Shishiba: They're here. Nagumo: Well then...
Nagumo, Shishiba & Osaragi (rock-scissors-paper): Winner goes. Shin: Hey wait up, you jerk!! I'll never forgive you!! Mafuyu: Sheesh... You're persistent.. Mafuyu, shouting: Uwaaaa! I'm so scared!! Someone's attacking me!! Shin: Huh?!! Guard: Hm?
*Several guards come by and restrain Shin* Shin: Hey, come on! Let go of me! That guy's- Guard: Quit struggling! *Mafuyu gets inside the elevator but as the door closes, Shin manages to pry the doors open & jumps inside* Shin: horaaaaaa!!! Shin: Yo... Finally got you cornered. Mafuyu: ...
*As the elevator door shuts, Mafuyu caught sight of Osaragi who was walking towards the elevator & she's staring right at him* Elevator: Going down. Shin: Hey! Don't you have something to say to me?! Mafuyu: Here she comes... Shin: Huh?
Pg.16 & 17 (double spread)
*Osaragi jumps into the elevator shaft and crashes through the top of the elevator* Shin: !!? Shin: What the- This woman is... Mafuyu: ORDER!!
*Mafuyu attacks Osaragi with the blade of his shoe but Osaragi dodges the attack easily*
Shin: What's happening?! Mafuyu: If you're scared, then scram!! Shin: Hunh?! Osaragi: Shishiba-san will scold me again for breaking so much... Editor's note: An unruly exhibition! ORDER: Osaragi enters the battle!
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paraclepublishing · 1 year
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etherartsusa · 1 month
Unleash Your Products' Potential with an Expert Amazon Photographer
Are you ready to take your Amazon product listings to the next level? In the competitive world of e-commerce, captivating imagery can make all the difference. As an Amazon seller, investing in professional photography can significantly enhance your brand's visibility, credibility, and ultimately, your sales. Let's delve into the importance of hiring an Amazon photographer and how it can propel your business forward.
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The Power of Visuals in E-commerce
In today's digital landscape, consumers rely heavily on visuals when making purchasing decisions. High-quality images not only grab attention but also convey trust and professionalism. When browsing through Amazon listings, shoppers are more likely to engage with products that feature visually appealing photos. A professional Amazon photographer understands the importance of showcasing your products in the best light, quite literally.
Stand Out from the Crowd
With millions of products available on Amazon, standing out can be challenging. However, striking visuals can set your listings apart from the competition. A skilled Amazon photographer possesses the expertise to capture your products in a way that highlights their unique features and benefits. Whether it's through creative angles, detailed close-ups, or lifestyle shots, professional photography can make your products shine amidst the sea of options.
Increase Conversion Rates
A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in the world of e-commerce. Studies have shown that listings with high-quality images tend to have higher conversion rates. By investing in professional photography, you're not just showcasing your products; you're creating an immersive shopping experience for your customers. From enticing product shots to informative infographics, visually compelling content can drive conversions and boost sales.
Build Trust and Credibility
In the digital realm, trust is paramount. When customers land on your Amazon listing, they're not just evaluating your products; they're assessing your brand as a whole. Professional photography conveys professionalism and attention to detail, instilling confidence in potential buyers. By presenting your products in the best possible light, you're signaling to customers that you take your business seriously and prioritize quality.
Optimize for Amazon's Algorithm
In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Amazon's search algorithm prioritizes listings with high-quality images, making professional photography a valuable asset in your SEO strategy. By optimizing your product images with relevant keywords and metadata, you can improve your visibility and rankings within Amazon's search results. A skilled Amazon photographer understands the intricacies of Amazon's algorithm and can tailor their approach to maximize your listing's performance.
Maximize Your ROI
While hiring a professional Amazon photographer may require an initial investment, the returns can far outweigh the costs. High-quality product images have a long-lasting impact on your brand's reputation and sales potential. By captivating your audience with visually stunning content, you're setting the stage for increased conversions and customer loyalty. In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, investing in professional photography is not just a luxury; it's a strategic imperative for success.
In conclusion, leveraging the expertise of a professional Amazon photographer can elevate your brand's presence and profitability on the platform. From enhancing your product listings to optimizing for search visibility, high-quality photography plays a pivotal role in driving sales and fostering customer trust.
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panoramcgi · 2 months
How Swimming Pool Renderings Can Sell Homes Faster
In today's competitive real estate market, every edge counts. For properties with the potential for a swimming pool, swimming pool renderings can be a game-changer. These photorealistic images allow buyers to envision the complete backyard oasis, igniting their desire for a dip in a refreshing pool and propelling them towards a quicker decision.
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Beyond Blueprints: The Power of Visualization
Gone are the days of relying on flat blueprints or artist sketches to showcase a potential pool addition. Swimming pool renderings offer a revolutionary way to market properties:
Spark Imagination: A picture is worth a thousand words, and a swimming pool rendering is worth a thousand daydreams. It allows buyers to visualize themselves enjoying the cool water, hosting pool parties, or simply relaxing by the shimmering poolside. This emotional connection can significantly influence their decision-making process.
Showcase Design Options: Modern, infinity edge, classic rectangle – the possibilities are endless! Swimming pool renderings can showcase various design options, catering to a wider range of buyer preferences. This allows you to highlight the potential for customization and cater to diverse tastes.
Increase Perceived Value: A beautifully rendered pool instantly elevates the perceived value of a property. It transforms a backyard into a luxurious outdoor living space, increasing the overall appeal and justifying a higher asking price.
Selling Before it's Built: A Competitive Advantage
The fast-paced nature of the real estate market demands quick action. Swimming pool renderings can give you a significant edge:
Market Sooner: Don't wait for construction to be complete. Start marketing the property with stunning pool renderings as soon as the plans are finalized. This allows you to generate leads and capture buyer interest early on in the process.
Attract Serious Buyers: By showcasing the potential for a pool, you'll attract buyers specifically interested in a property with this amenity. This translates to fewer tire-kickers and more serious inquiries, leading to faster sales.
Stand Out From the Crowd: In a sea of similar listings, swimming pool renderings make your property stand out. They grab attention, highlight a unique selling point, and create a lasting impression on potential buyers.
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Beyond the Sale: Additional Benefits
The advantages of swimming pool renderings extend far beyond boosting sales figures:
Improved Communication: Clear communication with the homeowner, architect, and construction team is crucial. Swimming pool renderings facilitate a shared understanding of the final design, minimizing potential misunderstandings and streamlining the building process.
Refine Design Choices: Visualizing the pool in context allows for early course correction. Swimming pool renderings can reveal potential design flaws or layout issues before construction begins, saving time and money in the long run.
Set Realistic Expectations: With swimming pool renderings , homebuyers get a clear idea of what the finished product will look like. This reduces the risk of post-construction disappointment and leads to a higher level of customer satisfaction.
Choosing the Right Partner for Your Swimming Pool Renderings
The quality and detail of your swimming pool renderings matter. Here's what to look for when selecting a company:
Experience in Pool Design: A company with a strong understanding of pool construction and design aesthetics is essential. They should be able to translate blueprints into realistic and visually appealing renderings.
Customization Options: Every pool is unique. Choose a company that offers customization options like pool shapes, materials, landscaping elements, and water features. This allows you to tailor the renderings to perfectly represent the potential pool design.
High-Quality Rendering Technology: Advanced software and skilled artists are key to creating photorealistic swimming pool renderings. Look for a company with a proven track record of delivering high-quality visuals.
Investing in Your Bottom Line
By incorporating swimming pool renderings into your real estate marketing strategy, you're investing in a faster turn-around and increased profitability. These innovative visuals allow you to showcase the true potential of a property, attract motivated buyers, and ultimately, sell homes faster.
So, don't let a potential pool remain an abstract idea – transform it into a captivating visual with swimming pool renderings. Watch as your listings generate more interest, close deals quicker, and ultimately, elevate your position in the competitive real estate market.
 Blog source: https://panoramcgi.wordpress.com/2024/04/20/how-swimming-pool-renderings-can-sell-homes-faster/
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Elevating Your Property with Professional Real Estate Photography
In the dynamic world of real estate, where first impressions can make or break a deal, the significance of professional real estate photography cannot be overstated. In an age where the majority of homebuyers start their search online, stunning visuals are the key to capturing attention and generating interest. From cozy cottages to luxurious estates, every property has a story to tell, and professional photography is the medium through which these narratives are conveyed. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the importance of professional real estate photography, its benefits, and how it can significantly impact the success of your property listings.
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Capturing the Essence of a Property
Professional real estate photography goes beyond merely capturing images; it encapsulates the essence and unique features of a property. Through skillful composition, lighting techniques, and attention to detail, photographers can highlight the property's best attributes while minimizing its flaws. Whether it's the sweeping panoramic views from a penthouse balcony or the intricate architectural details of a historic home, professional photographers have the expertise to showcase these elements effectively.
Making a Lasting Impression
In today's competitive real estate market, making a lasting impression is paramount. With thousands of listings vying for attention, properties need to stand out from the crowd. Professional real estate photography ensures that your listing grabs the viewer's attention from the moment they lay eyes on it. High-resolution images that are professionally edited not only convey quality but also evoke an emotional response, enticing potential buyers to explore further.
Building Trust and Credibility
Professionalism breeds trust, and nowhere is this more evident than in real estate transactions. When sellers invest in professional photography, they signal to potential buyers that they are serious about selling their property and are willing to go the extra mile to present it in the best possible light. High-quality images instill confidence in buyers, reassuring them that what they see online is an accurate representation of the property they may potentially call home.
Maximizing Online Exposure
As such, the quality of your online listings can significantly impact your property's visibility and, by extension, its selling potential. Professional real estate photography ensures that your listings stand out on listing websites, social media platforms, and real estate portals, attracting more views and inquiries. Moreover, visually compelling listings are more likely to be shared and recommended by real estate agents and potential buyers, further amplifying their reach.
Driving Faster Sales and Higher Prices
The old adage, "a picture is worth a thousand words," holds true in the world of real estate. Studies have shown that properties marketed with professional photography not only receive more views but also sell faster and at higher prices than those with amateur photos. Stunning visuals pique buyers' interest, prompting them to schedule viewings and make competitive offers. In essence, professional real estate photography is not just an expense; it's an investment that yields tangible returns in the form of quicker sales and better prices.
Showcasing Every Property Type
From modest starter homes to sprawling estates, professional real estate photography has the versatility to showcase properties of all shapes, sizes, and price points. Whether it's a cozy condominium in the heart of the city or a rustic retreat nestled in the countryside, professional photographers have the skills and equipment to capture each property's unique charm and character. By highlighting the features that appeal to target buyers, professional photography ensures that every property gets the attention it deserves.
The Role of Technology
Advancements in technology have revolutionized the field of real estate photography, allowing photographers to capture stunning images with greater ease and efficiency. High-quality digital cameras, drones, and 360-degree virtual tours have become indispensable tools in the arsenal of professional photographers, enabling them to provide immersive experiences that transcend traditional photography. Moreover, advancements in image editing software have made it possible to enhance images, correct imperfections, and create visually striking compositions that leave a lasting impression.
Finding the Right Photographer
Choosing the right photographer is crucial to achieving optimal results with professional real estate photography. When selecting a photographer, consider factors such as experience, portfolio quality, pricing, and professionalism. Look for photographers who specialize in real estate photography and have a proven track record of producing high-quality images. Additionally, request to see examples of their work and inquire about their process, including how they approach composition, lighting, and editing.
In an increasingly competitive real estate market, professional real estate photography has emerged as a powerful tool for sellers looking to attract buyers and maximize their property's potential. By capturing the essence of a property, making a lasting impression, and building trust and credibility, professional photography can significantly impact the success of property listings. With the rise of online property search platforms and social media marketing, the demand for high-quality visual content has never been greater. By investing in professional real estate photography, sellers can elevate their listings, drive faster sales, and ultimately achieve better results in today's dynamic real estate landscape.
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middletonwelsh85 · 2 months
5 Overlooked Ways To Market Your Work At Home Business
The sense of touch will alert you to stubble and missed patches it could be difficult discover in the mirror. Or, if you don't find url you can follow lets start on a polite email.
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Tweezers are suitable for isolated hairs and some facial parts of. It is an inexpensive means for hair removal although good quality tweezers are necessary. Results: From 3 to eight weeks. View More: tophoabinhaz.com - Top Hoa Binh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hoa Binh AZ: Bùi Đức Thành - Bui Duc Thanh It didn't take yearn for me to realize that he did this no solution to make take advantage real residence. Consequently, I got rid of these houses as fast as I possibly could. Had been plenty of buyers, prepared to take over my headaches, because they'd the chance to make it work, they deemed. The goal of most advertising is actually attract clients. Top Hòa Bình AZ 24h Once someone becomes a customer, they won't respond to the advertising however. But you can use different (and cheaper) advertising to create additional sales from these kind of people.
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View More: tophoabinhaz.com - Top Hoa Binh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hoa Binh AZ: Bùi Đức Thành - Bui Duc Thanh A wax combination is spread thinly over your. A cloth strip is pressed and also and then ripped off with a quick movement taking out the wax and then the hair and dead skin cells leaving the skin smooth. Don't be worried to a few fun along your route to relationship laughter! Enjoy getting to learn people and understand lots of happy relationships and even marriages begin with a good ol' acquaintanceship. And, don't rush it! Shaving removes the tapered end on the hair so that it feels sharp and stubbly when this appears again above the skin. Across the street give the impression it keeps growing out brief. Tin tổng hợp Top Hòa Bình AZ Items that lack certain qualities could be ruined by attempts to engrave children. Many items today are not solid metal but are cast Hoa Binh Province within inexpensive alloy and plated finish. Tin tuc Top Hoa Binh AZ In most cases quality plating can survive some engraving processes but generally than not the plating will peal or allow corrosion under the engraving causing severe problems down the cloths line. Look extremely and submit a great photo of yourself rrn your profile picture / video. A good picture is really worth a lot of words, and research demonstrates you are nearly ten times more most likely going to be noticed if you post a photograph to your profile. Choose women razor, obtainable from Wilkinson Sword or other well known razor manufacturers, rather than an ordinary safety shaver. The design makes it much more difficult to cut yourself. In 10 years of as being a landlord, I lost thousands of dollars and likely took some years away from my life with all of the stress We endured. So, whatever you do, cautiously No Money Down Retain. There are much better, still inexpensive ways even worse money instantly estate.
Even for a remarkable site owner like you, from time to time, you may still loose motivation in continuing the growth of a service or product line. At time, you may seem to have a tough time figuring out why this once fantastic business that got you so excited every morning is making you feel like a significant weight now. The letter "A" is short for Action. I know you've heard this before, but look at this today, print it out and choose that you will surely take Action to create Miracles. Once again, not a soul will offer it for Hoa Binh Province buyers! Take the Action that to get you have to take to make your Miracle. Strangely, identical logic doesn't apply when an American buys a common book (or a car) which can bring into Canada with him and employ here. The fact remains that salvaging easier for Canada to evaluate such items at the border than in cyberspace, nevertheless know of no cases of Americans being taxed on the books or cars they bring all of them when they may be to have a home Canada for roughly half the majority. Writing can be an untapped natural healer, which according towards the Med Serv. Medical News, reporting on a study by Smyth & colleagues, figured that "The simple act of writing about bad times can be potent, which includes a low cost, method of relieving pain and regarding chronic illnesses. But there's still substantial population of non-customers who didn't respond to your regular advertising. They have not seen it yet .and those who have usually be interested in it numerous times before they will respond. Now with CoolGlide technology, all pigment concentrations can be treated. Frightened cases this hair removal method is permanent. May be mild discomfort. Might be expensive depending with a size for this area end up being treated. Top Hòa Bình AZ 247 Is actually also important to obtain professional treatment to avoid skin negatively affect. Results: Permanent. Waxing traditional hair removal is quick and inexpensive. Some waxes might be affected by the shade. It may be painful conditioned on a person's toleration rank. Results: From 3 to five to six weeks. There's a remarkable social phenomenon researchers found in online interactions. They've found people often change their standards of politeness and diplomacy the conversation is happening online, versus face-to-face. There's a remarkable social phenomenon researchers located in online interactions. They've found frequently change their standards of politeness and diplomacy a new conversation is occurring online, versus face-to-face. View More: tophoabinhaz.com - Top Hoa Binh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hoa Binh AZ: Bùi Đức Thành - Bui Duc Thanh Written By Author in tophoabinhaz.com: Bùi Mạnh Dũng - Bui Manh Dung
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heatherly84 · 2 years
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Okay, misreading this as RP-related is hardly my fault.
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semanticity · 2 months
Unbundling Twitter
People in the tech industry like to point to Craigslist as one of the first examples of bundling and unbundling, and how it predicted the creation of basically every tech company that came to be in the decades after year 2000. (The post is called Unbundling Craigslist.)
Like Craiglist, these days, something similar is happening to Twitter, where every account is starting to look like it came from a different type of guy from a different kind of website.
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LinkedIn: Ever since the algorithm was updated to prioritize the For You feed, posts from people like "The AI Guy", "The Sales Guy", "The Self-Storage Guy" have been everywhere. These are LinkedIn-esque influencers who mainly talk about their entrepreneurial hustles.
4chan: The rise of "schizoposting" means there are several corners of X that have adopted schizo culture wholesale. They throw raves, grift NFT collections, and generally banter around with a bunch of racist-lite bad words.
Substack: Several parts of X are just people active in internetworked cultural scenes on Substack. (This happens less on X now that Substack created features to capture these conversations and stop them from ever happening on X).
DeviantArt / Instagram: One of the largest subcultures on X is and has always been digital artists who use it to share their work. Many of them seem to just ignore all the other subcultures around them - fortunately they usually have a lot of followers.
Tumblr: Swifties, kpop fans, and other individuals who use Twitter as a microblog to anonymously journal about their life.
Reddit / 9GAG. It's a constant meme how X is becoming "more like Reddit" all the time; this manifests in all sorts of ways but particularly as accounts like "White People Taking Ls" and "Cartoons Hate Her" using Twitter like a content farm.
HN / Tech YouTube. Dev Twitter has always existed, but it used to be much more dynamic, with accounts from influential builders or young technologists mixing dev work with personal life. Now it's mostly made of tech influencers with YouTube channels, but there are just so many of them.
An obvious question to ask might be: hasn't Twitter always been like this, made up of different subcultures? And maybe, except that the most important subcultures were never siloed off cultures, but individuals in a larger conversation who would redirect their attention towards global events instead of just ignoring the outside world and "posting through it".
It was hard to make your identity being a Substack Guy or AI Guy back then, when anyone worth following would refuse to take you seriously for that. But under today's algorithm, posts that fit a "type of guy" actually do better, and it's authentic posts that don't get seen by as many people - most content creators I know have made some kind of remark about how much they get punished for breaking character.
Today, maybe once you've made it to a few thousand followers, you can start posting with something that resembles a personal voice. But usually even that personal voice gets entangled with the complications of being a big celebrity online. You said something and other people are mad at you; wouldn't you use tens of thousands of followers to ratio them into oblivion? And this is actually what "clouted" accounts do, to the point that most friends I know with any sort of real-world influence are highly skeptical of Twitter once again, and regard it as a place to sell things to other people.
Even the path to getting to a few thousand followers today is hard, and usually involves being some kind of sensationalist content farming, like Ate-a-Pi did with fictionalized superconductor research, and others have done by pretending to be OpenAI insiders (there's a whole genre of accounts that have gotten to thousands of followers by teasing inside knowledge of GPT-5). Maybe you can get by with friends who are already deep in a subculture retweeting and reposting you, but even then, it's not good content that goes far, it's content that becomes the center of discourse.
Concurrent with this has been some kind of loss of legitimacy of Twitter that everyone is both resigned to, and yet does their best to avoid talking about all the time. I check the timeline, and people are throwing around debunkings of the grandfathers of AI, proclaiming they know how to fix the blockchain, shouting that they're the next Kanye or Virgil Abloh.
The people I know joining the public web today are not as talented, not as multidisciplinary, and nowhere near as good writers as the people ten years ago. Even if they were good, they wouldn't be rewarded for it. Every subculture today is looking at all the other ones and saying internally, how ridiculous. I'm thinking about the rise and fall of websites in the early internet: when Digg or Metafilter started to decline, their total collapse was inevitable. Maybe it just happens slower today.
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kreative-kut12 · 3 months
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The benefit of hiring kreative kut video production servise.
In today's dynamic digital landscape, the competition for consumer attention is fiercer than ever. In such a crowded space, businesses need to find innovative ways to connect with their audience and leave a lasting impression. This is where corporate video making companies step in, offering a powerful tool to elevate brand storytelling and engage with customers on a deeper level.
Let's delve into the transformative potential of corporate video making and why partnering with a professional video production company is essential for crafting compelling brand narratives:
Visual Impact: They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in the realm of corporate video making, a video can speak volumes. Through the artful combination of visuals, sound, and narrative, corporate videos have the ability to convey complex messages in a concise and engaging manner. Whether it's showcasing your products, telling your brand story, or highlighting your company culture, video has the power to captivate and resonate with your audience like no other medium.
Professionalism and Expertise: While anyone can point a camera and hit record, creating a truly impactful corporate video requires a blend of creativity, technical skill, and strategic thinking. This is where the expertise of a professional video production company shines. From concept development and scriptwriting to filming, editing, and post-production, experienced video makers bring a wealth of knowledge and creativity to the table, ensuring that your video not only looks great but also effectively communicates your message and aligns with your brand identity.
Tailored Solutions: Every business is unique, with its own goals, values, and target audience. A reputable corporate video making company understands this and works closely with clients to tailor their approach to suit the specific needs and objectives of each project. Whether you're looking to create a promotional video, a training video, an explainer video, or something entirely different, a professional video production company can provide customized solutions that meet your requirements and exceed your expectations.
Versatility and Innovation: In today's fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Corporate video making companies are constantly innovating, leveraging the latest technologies and trends to create videos that stand out and make an impact. From animated explainer videos and virtual reality experiences to live-action productions and interactive content, the possibilities are endless. By embracing innovation and pushing the boundaries of creativity, video makers can help businesses differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace and stay top of mind with their audience.
Measurable Results: In the world of marketing, results matter. A professional video production company understands this and strives to deliver measurable results for their clients. By tracking key performance indicators such as views, engagement, conversion rates, and ROI, video makers can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your video and help you make data-driven decisions for future projects. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting sales, corporate videos have the power to deliver tangible results for your business
visit:- https://kreativekutproduction.com/
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eggsinvest · 4 months
Property Listing Secrets: Tips for Standing Out in Market
Real estate investment, often dubbed as one of the Property Listing Secrets, has long been hailed as a powerful vehicle for growing wealth. With the potential for lucrative returns and a tangible asset to your name, property listing/investing offers a path to financial prosperity.
Discover the secrets to standing out in a competitive real estate market. Learn how to maximize your Property Listing Secrets for success.
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Crafting Compelling Property Listings
In today’s digital age, the key to success lies in the art of presentation. Your property listing serves as the first impression for potential buyers or investors, making it crucial to stand out from the sea of options.
Captivating Headlines
Your headline is the gateway to your listing. Make it count. Highlight unique selling points such as location, amenities, or investment potential. For instance, “Prime London Sale Apartments: Your Gateway to Luxury Living.”
Vivid Descriptions
Paint a picture with words. Describe the property in vivid detail, emphasizing its features, benefits, and lifestyle appeal. For example, “Step into elegance with this spacious, light-filled apartment boasting panoramic views of London’s skyline.”
High-Quality Imagery
A picture is worth a thousand words. Invest in professional photography to showcase your property in the best light. High-resolution images capture attention and invite viewers to envision themselves living or investing in the space.
Virtual Tours
Bring your property to life with virtual tours. In an era of remote viewing, immersive experiences allow potential buyers to explore every corner of the property from the comfort of their homes.
Strategic Listing Placement
In the vast landscape of online real estate, strategic placement is key. Ensure your listings reach the right audience through targeted platforms and channels.
Utilize EggsInvest’s Portal
As a leading investment portal, EggsInvest offers unparalleled exposure for your property listings. By leveraging their platform, you tap into a network of savvy investors and buyers seeking prime opportunities in the UK real estate market.
Exclusive Exposure
Unlike house selling websites that saturate the market, EggsInvest focuses on showcasing properties exclusively through their portal. This exclusivity ensures your listing receives maximum visibility without getting lost in the noise of competing listings.
Personalized Support from EggsInvest
At EggsInvest, we understand the challenges of navigating the competitive real estate landscape. That’s why we offer personalized support every step of the way.
Dedicated Assistance
Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you maximize your property’s potential. From crafting compelling listings to optimizing exposure, we’re here to support your real estate journey.
Tailored Marketing Strategies
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Conclusion: Unlock Your Property’s Potential with EggsInvest
In a competitive market, strategic positioning is paramount. With EggsInvest as your partner, you gain access to a powerful platform for showcasing your property to a larger audience of investors and buyers. Don’t let your property blend into the background—stand out and seize the opportunities awaiting in the UK real estate market.
Ready to elevate your property listings? Partner with EggsInvest today and unlock the full potential of your real estate investments.
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arranbert · 4 months
Creative Ways to Enhance Your Business Directory Melbourne Profile
cSimply claiming a basic listing in a Mouelbrne business directory leaves potential untapped. You can enhance directory profiles with minimal effort, driving more value for your branding, website traffic, lead generation, and revenue growth. Optimizing beyond logistics, your company as a category leader.
This article shares creative profile optimization tactics that differentiate your brand within Australian business directories and local Melbourne indexes. Unleash more exposure, trust signals, conversions, and customer insights, surpassing competitors satisfied with lackluster vanilla listings. Spotlight your enterprise as one that business and consumer audiences can’t miss.
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Tell Your Unique Story
Melbourne business directory listings tell every business story and hook potential clients. Go beyond the basics like what you do; think more deeply about why you started your business, what challenges you’ve had to overcome, and what sets your business apart from the competition. This individual touch can make your listing more approachable and memorable.
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Use High-Quality Visuals
A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in visual media, like a business directory in Melbourne, Victoria. Provide high-quality, professional pictures of your products, services or storefront. If possible, present your portfolio with a gallery. These visuals enhance the appeal of your listing and allow potential customers to have a clearer idea of what they can expect.
Leverage Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Add customer reviews and testimonials to your business free listing Melbourne. Well, positive feedback from satisfied customers would also improve your credibility. Mention any awards or recognitions you might have obtained as well. This not only portrays your accomplishments but also creates confidence in potential customers.
Offer Exclusive Deals or Promotions
To draw attention, use your profile in the Melbourne business directory to promote your special offers or deals. This can be a special discount, a free consultation, a special offer bundle, or other. Such incentives encourage potential customers to select your business over the competition and can be a great reason to visit your profile.
Update your information.
Ensure all information on your local business directory listing is current and correct. This includes their contact details, the time they operate and the services they offer. Update your profile regularly to make you more visible so potential customers always have the right information.
Engage with the Community
Engage in community discussions or events and include these engagements in your profile. Acting as a part of your local community can boost your reputation and help show potential customers that your business is more than just a business – you are, in fact, a Melbourne resident.
Use Keywords Strategically
Add relevant keywords naturally into your profile to increase its search efficiency. Your profile can appear in searches using keywords such as best café Melbourne or affordable accounting services Melbourne useful to your industry, services, and location.
Stepping beyond tired listings to creatively enrich Melbourne business directory profiles multiplied exposure and conversions. Actively managed enhanced profiles of telegraph brands as category leaders worthy of visitor attention and patronage. Let rival brands clinging to minimal profiles fade into obscurity as your refreshing presence captivates audiences. Seize greater local authority and sales surges with inventive, value-packed directory content today.
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college-girl199328 · 4 months
In the early 2010s, conversations among Microsoft’s top executives had become bleak. The smartphone revolution was in full swing, and Google and Apple were charging ahead, while Microsoft’s efforts to build a mobile business were floundering. Employees were leaving the company in droves to go work at competitors, and Microsoft had trouble recruiting from colleges.
How has time changed? On Tuesday, Microsoft reported its fifth consecutive quarter of record revenue, booking $62 billion in sales, and just last week, its market capitalization—the total value of all of its shares put together—surpassed $3 trillion, making it the most valuable company in the world.
It has even leapfrogged Apple, which has long held onto the crown of the biggest tech giant in the world, churning out sleek iPhones and finding new ways to charge its customers monthly subscriptions for services. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is considered one of the most powerful leaders of the artificial intelligence boom. Start-ups and big companies alike are flocking to Microsoft, paying for access to its AI tools, even if they don’t always work like they’re supposed to. On Tuesday, the company forecast that profits would continue increasing as customers kept installing its AI products in the coming year.
Shares fell around 1 percent on Wednesday morning as investors digested warnings from the company that its costs would also rise as it kept investing heavily in AI. Over the last year, the company’s shares have risen 63 percent. With a huge budget to spend on AI, a close relationship with ChatGPT maker OpenAI, and hundreds of millions of people who use its software every day, Microsoft is already wielding huge power over how AI gets built and how people will interact with it in the future.
No one is asking if the company is irrelevant today, Somasegar said. “That is absolutely not an issue for Microsoft.” Microsoft might have failed to anticipate the shift to mobile phones 15 years ago. It didn’t make the same mistake with the current wave of excitement and investment in AI.
In 2019, it invested $1 billion in a nonprofit AI start-up dedicated to the quixotic cause of inventing human-level AI called OpenAI. When the start-up launched the ChatGPT AI chatbot in late 2022, Microsoft was best positioned among the big tech companies to ride the ensuing wave of hype.
The company quickly doubled down, investing billions more in OpenAI in return for the right to put its AI into Microsoft’s own tools. Since then, Nadella has been working to stuff AI into as many of Microsoft’s products as he can, from cybersecurity software to its Bing search engine and even Microsoft Word.
Even though Google’s researchers came up with many of the underlying breakthroughs that enable tech like ChatGPT, OpenAI moved faster to turn it into working products and push those out to consumers. Microsoft’s close partnership with OpenAI and its existing connections to tens of thousands of small, medium, and large businesses put it in a good position to capture the interest of the corporate world in AI, Somasegar said.
Microsoft still has significant challenges ahead of it. It relies on OpenAI for access to the best AI tech, and the start-up’s recent leadership crisis and lingering questions over who will be on its board provide some uncertainty about the future of the two companies’ partnership. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is also fiercely ambitious, and there’s no guarantee the marriage will last forever.
The “generative” AI technology at the center of Microsoft’s rise also has significant problems, like making up false information and passing it off as true. Lawsuits are being launched against AI companies for training their algorithms on copyrighted information without paying for it or asking permission to use it. And though lots of companies are signing up to use the technology right now, there’s no guarantee that after the hype dies down, they will still find it worth paying for.
To industry observers and Microsoft insiders alike, the company of today is almost unrecognizable from what it was 10 years ago. The behemoth founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 won dominance of the computer world in the 1980s and 1990s with its Windows operating system. When the internet exploded, it tried to use its advantage to secure similar control over the web but was stymied by a massive Justice Department lawsuit alleging the company was breaking competition law.
Microsoft survived the lawsuit only to see a scrappy tech start-up from Silicon Valley known as Google skyrocket into becoming the dominant portal to the internet. Other, younger companies like Amazon and Facebook were moving faster, hiring the smartest college graduates and building the future, while Microsoft lagged along.
It was still a giant thanks to the hundreds of millions of PCs still running Windows and Microsoft Office’s grip on white-collar life, but as Apple’s MacBooks became popular with a new generation of young people and cloud-delivered software like Google Docs took off, Microsoft’s very survival came under question.
Nadella, who had risen the ranks since joining in 1992, took over the company in 2014, right as those big questions about Microsoft’s future were circulating. He laid off thousands of workers and shuttered work on the company’s “Windows Phone” operating system, meant to compete with Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. He told employees the company would need to be more open and struck a deal to get Microsoft Office tools onto Apple’s iPads.
The company invested heavily in the next big trend: cloud computing. Leaning on its existing business relationships, it expanded its “Azure” cloud business. Today, it’s the second-largest in the world after Amazon’s cloud business and is the company’s biggest revenue source. The company also made several major acquisitions such as coding platform GitHub and social media platform LinkedIn to expand its customer base.
And in an ironic twist, the company has avoided much of the regulatory scrutiny that its fellow Big Tech companies have faced over the past several years. Repeated government investigations, congressional hearings, and multibillion-dollar fines from the European Union have struck Google, Amazon, Meta, and Apple. But Microsoft has, at least until very recently, largely avoided the same attention.
That’s beginning to change as regulators wake up to the fact that Microsoft is truly one of the most powerful companies in the world. The company was able to buy video game giant Activision Blizzard, but only after fighting over the terms with regulators in multiple countries for two years. The Federal Trade Commission is now investigating Microsoft’s deal with OpenAI.
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photoluxcommercialst · 4 months
Mouth-Watering Images: The Power Of Food Photography For Restaurants
Photolux Commercial Studio is your one-stop destination for all your food photography needs in Ottawa! Our team of talented photographers specializes in capturing mouth-watering food images that will leave your audience craving for more. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”, and in the world of commercial food photography, this statement holds. In today’s digital age, where social media and online presence are crucial for businesses, having high-quality images can make all the difference. This is where our expertise at Photolux Commercial Studio comes in.
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We understand the importance of visual appeal in the food industry. Whether you are a restaurant owner, a food blogger, or a food product company, having beautiful and enticing images of your food can help attract more customers and increase sales. Our team of experienced food photographers in Ottawa has the skills, knowledge, and equipment to bring out the best in your food products.
One of our main services is food photography. Our photographers have an eye for detail and are experts in capturing the textures, colors, and flavors of different food items. We use creative lighting techniques and composition to make your food look irresistible. We also offer food styling services to ensure that your dishes look as delectable as they taste.
In addition to food photography, we also offer composite photography services. This involves creating stunning images by combining multiple photographs into one seamless image. This technique is especially useful for showcasing different dishes in one image, creating visual stories, or highlighting specific ingredients of a dish. Our composite photographs are guaranteed to stand out and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
At Photolux Commercial Studio, we take pride in being the go-to commercial food photographers in Ottawa. We have worked with various local restaurants, food brands, and food bloggers, helping them elevate their visual branding and attract more customers. We understand that every business has unique needs and we tailor our services accordingly. Whether you are looking for images for your menu, social media posts, website, or marketing materials, we have got you covered.
Our team is not only skilled in photography but also in understanding market trends and consumer behavior. This helps us in creating images that appeal to your target audience and align with your brand’s image. We are passionate about food and photography, and this is reflected in our work. We are always up-to-date with the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that our clients receive the best quality images.
If you are in the food industry and looking for a commercial food photographer in Ottawa and nearby areas, look no further than Photolux Commercial Studio. Our team of talented photographers is dedicated to helping you showcase your food in the most appetizing way possible. Call us today at 613-227-5209 and visit https://photoluxcommercialstudio.com/ to learn more about our services and how we can help your business stand out in the competitive food market. Let us capture the essence of your food and take your brand to new heights!
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