#Would these idiots be stanning Tigerstar if he cried about his dad and dead sisters for the whole arc? (yes)
bonebabbles · 5 months
Clear Sky is fine compared to this one-dimensional bullshit we made up
"Whataboutism? In MY Warrior Cats?"
It's more likely than you think.
Clear Sky continues to guilt trip his son, whine and cry when a vote doesn't go his way because his victims don't trust his newest lie, and Gray Wing walks off so we can introduced to Slash.
Slash is Evil Foreigner Villain 2. Like One Eye, the narrative function of this character is to serve as our antagonist and make Clear Sky look better in comparison.
Don't think about how Clear Sky is the most vicious character in the series with a CURRENT body count of 3 direct murders (Misty, Bumble, Rainswept Flower), nearly a dozen more under his orders, a few counts of physical assault including smacking a kitten to the ground in anger, and ongoing emotional abuse of his own child. That was all "good intentions," the writers are gonna show you what they think "REAL" evil is!
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...being more openly mean about the same exact thing Clear Sky did in Book 3. Hitting a kid for questioning why they're making enemies.
But nonononono guys this is UNIQUELY BAD we swear!!!!!
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You can tell because Slash doesn't insist this is for Fern's own good somehow. He's just openly twirling his mustache instead of preparing a speech about self-defense or whatever. Their weakness is that they're "ruled by fear," unlike us Clan cats who are kept together by..... something else i guess.
What ELSE do you even call it, if you're held together by the idea that there's a constant barrage of bloodthirsty foreigners you need to defend yourselves against? Or an abusive tyrant who threatens, beats, or kills you for standing up to him? Or the unfounded belief that you're constantly a hair away from starving to the point where you have to send a domestic abuse victim back to her violent husband?
What do we call that, if not fear?
Isn't "fear" the other half of that dumbfuck "All Living Creatures Are Driven By Fear Or Greed" dichotomy they wrote in the earlier books, to try and barf up some kind of excuse for why Clear Sky skinning random women alive was actually very sympathetic?
You might want to twist this story to say, "Ok well it's saying that Clear Sky USED to be this bad, but hes not now" and id tell you that you're writing fanfiction. That's just not what's on the page. It does not draw that parallel and Clear continues to be a bastard without consequence. Read the shitty arc you keep telling me is actually sooo deep.
Slash and One Eye were inherently bad people. Unlike Clear Sky who's good at coming up with excuses that sound nice.
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